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关注NIH Roadmap 2015年新增研究计划
jiaxf 2015-11-12 09:11
Gabriella Miller Kids First 研究计划(儿童肿瘤、出生缺陷的基因研究) 定位于前沿探索计划的美国 NIH Roadmap 计划, 2015 年新增一项研究计划 ——Gabriella MillerKids First 研究计划。 2015 财年,美国国会向 NIH Roadmap 计划拨款 1260 万美元用于支撑儿科研究。命名为 Gabriella Miller KidsFirst Pediatric Research program (Kids First) 的 研究计划旨在为儿科研究开发一项儿科疾病临床和基因数据库,用于研究不同儿童疾病的基因机制。 10 月 29 日,该计划召开了第一次研讨会。 该计划将从以下类型儿科疾病获得基因数据: ① 儿童肿瘤(包括不能治疗的儿童肉瘤), NIH 期望 2016 财年起开始从事儿童肿瘤遗传因素研究,并开启精准诊疗相关研究。 ② 出生缺陷(身体部分或者结构的畸形),如唇裂、心脏瓣膜畸形、肢体畸形、大脑或者脊髓畸形等。 第一批用于儿童肿瘤和出生缺陷疾病全基因组测序的人群队列相关工作已经开展。纳入研究的人群队列包含如下人群: ① 骨科或者软组织罕见肿瘤患者(尤文肉瘤); ② 药物抵抗的骨肿瘤(儿童骨肉瘤); ③ 唇裂与腭裂(口面裂); ④ 面神经发育障碍,如动眼神经(综合性颅脑神经障碍); ⑤ 先天心脏缺陷; ⑥ 胸部呼吸肌发育异常(先天膈疝); ⑦ 性发育异常。 2016 财年, Kids First 将呼吁将更多的儿童肿瘤和出生缺陷疾病纳入全基因测序研究。 附: Gabriella Miller 是一名 10 岁的英国伦敦女孩,患有脑部肿瘤,她通过自己的努力,在全世界发起倡议,提高了对儿童肿瘤的重视程度。 2013 年 10 月 Gabriella Miller 去世。 参考文献: https://commonfund.nih.gov/KidsFirst https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/gabriella-miller-childhood-cancer-awareness-advocate-dies-at-10/2013/10/27/4dbb33b8-3f41-11e3-9c8b-e8deeb3c755b_story.html
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2014 NIH Roadmap医学科技新兴前沿领域
jiaxf 2014-9-14 09:20
NIH Roadmap 计划定位引用 Science 的评述 “The NIH Roadmap is a set of bold initiatives aimed ataccelerating medical research. These initiatives will address challenges that no single NIH institute could tackle alone, but the agency as a whole must undertake. The Roadmap identifies the most compelling opportunities in three arenas: new pathways to discovery, research teams of the future, and reengineering the clinical research enterprise. ”(Zerhouni E. Medicine. The NIH Roadmap. Science. 2003 Oct3;302(5642):63-72.). 2014 年 NIH Roadmap 引入新的领域值得我们关注,将代表医学前沿研究的发展方向: 1. Glycoscience (糖科学) is the study of howthe addition of sugar modifications to proteins change the way the proteins function in important ways. The complexity of carbohydrate chemistry makes theanalysis of these sugar modifications inaccessible to most biomedicalresearchers. The Glycoscience program will develop methodologies and resourcesto make the study of sugar modifications more accessible to the broadbiomedical research community. 2. The 4D Nucleome program ( 4D 核小体) will develop technologies to enable the study of how DNA is arranged within cells in spaceand time (the fourth dimension) and how this affects cellular function inhealth and disease. Recent scientific advances, coupled with technological breakthroughs in tools and methods, provide the opportunity to catalyze thisemerging field of research. 4D nucleome science aims to understand theprinciples behind the organization of the nucleus in space and time, the rolethat the arrangement of DNA plays in gene expression and cellular function, andhow changes in nuclear organization affect health and disease. 3. The Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC) program (外周神经刺激治疗) will develop high resolution neural circuit maps and next generation neural modulation devices –implants that can stimulate nerves – and will demonstrate the use of these tools in the development of new therapeutic strategies. All organs arestimulated by nerves, which send signals that affect the organ’s function.Modulation of nerve signals to control organ function has therefore beenrecognized as a potentially powerful way to treat many diseases and conditions,such as hypertension, heart failure, gastrointestinal disorders, type II diabetes, and inflammatory disorders. 信息来源: http://commonfund.nih.gov/ 附: NIH Roadmap CommonFund Programs Common Fund Programs CURRENT PROGRAMS 中文对照 4D Nucleome 四维核小体 Big Data to Knowledge 从大数据到知识 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 生物信息学与计算机生物学 Bridging Interventional Development Gaps (BrIDGs) 缩小干预发展差距计划 Building Blocks, Biological Pathways and Networks 创建技术模块、生物学通路及网络 Enhancing the Diversity of the NIH-Funded Workforce 加强 NIH 资金提供、人员配置的多样性 Epigenomics 表观基因组学 Extracellular RNA Communication 细胞外 RNA 通信机制 Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) 基因型组织的表达 Global Health 全球卫生 Glycoscience 糖科学 Gulf Oil Spill 海湾石油泄漏 HCS Research Collaboratory 医疗系统研究合作实验室 Health Economics 卫生经济学 HIGH-RISK RESEARCH: 高风险性研究: NIH Director's Early Independence Award (EIA) NIH 早期独立奖 NIH Director's New Innovator Award NIH 新创新者奖 NIH Director's Pioneer Award NIH 先锋奖 NIH Director's Transformative Research Awards NIH 研究转化奖 Human Microbiome Project (HMP) 人类微生物组计划 Illuminating the Druggable Genome 药用基因组计划 Knock out Mouse Phenotyping (KOMP2) 小鼠表现型分析 Library of Integrated Network-Based Cellular Signatures (LINCS) 基于综合网络的细胞特征库 Metabolomics 代谢组学 Molecular Libraries and Imaging 分子库和成像 Nanomedicine 纳米医学 NIH Center for Regenerative Medicine (NIH CRM) NIH 再生医学中心 NIH Medical Research Scholars Program 医学研究学者计划 PROMIS: Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System 患者结局报告计量信息系统 Protein Capture Reagents 蛋白质分离跟踪研究 Regulatory Science 法规科学 Science of Behavior Change 行为变化科学 Single Cell Analysis 单细胞分析 Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC) 外周神经刺激疗法 Strengthening the Biomedical Research Workforce 加强生物医学研究队伍 Structural Biology 结构生物学 Undiagnosed Diseases 未明机理疾病的研究 EXPORTED PROGRAMS Clinical Research Policy Analysis and Coordination (CRPac) 临床研究政策分析与协调 Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSAs) 临床和转化科学奖 Interdisciplinary Research (IR) 跨学科研究 National Electronics Clinical Trials and Research (NECTAR) 国家电子临床试验研究 (文 / 严舒 贾晓峰)
4224 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]ENCODE project, integrative analysis
asaki 2013-6-5 23:42
The ENCODE Dataset Here’s a brief summary of the dataset described in the main paper: Element Approach Description Genes and RNAs Annotation Automated and manual annotation to produce the GENCODE reference gene set (v7) of protein-coding genes, pseudogenes, and non-coding RNAs. Transcribed regions RNA-seq An extensive RNA expression catalogue from different cell lines and multiple subcellular fractions. Transcription start sites CAGE-seq 5′ cap-targeted RNA isolation and sequencing identified 62,403 high confidence TSSs. Full-length RNAs RNA-PET Simultaneous capture of RNAs with both a 5′ methyl cap and a poly-A tail Protein-coding regions Mass spec Peptide sequences identified by mass spectrometry in two cell lines (K562 and GM12878) TF binding sites CHiP-Seq Mapping binding locations of 119 transcription factors and several RNA polymerase components in 72 cell types. Open chromatin DNase-Seq footprinting, FAIRE Sequencing of DNase I hypersensitive sites in (125 cell types), FAIRE analysis of reduced nucleosome crosslinking (25 cell types), and genomic DNase I footprinting (41 cell types). Histone modification CHiP-Seq Assays for up to 12 histone modifications and variants in 46 cell types DNA methylation RRBS Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing to profile 1.2m CpGs in 82 cell lines and tissues Chromosome interactions 5C and ChiA_PET Chromosome conformation capture carbon-copy (5C) in a targeted 1% (4 cell types). Genome-wide chromatin interaction analysis with paired tag sequencing (ChIA-PET) of PolII CHiP in 5 cell types. together with roadMap project, we could do integrative analysis to obtain a landscape of regulatory mechanism across the cell Lines, which are generally considered as open Chromatin region.
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通向未来世界的化学之路(chemistry for tomorrow's world)
热度 1 yolandahongmei 2011-7-14 16:56
通向未来世界的化学之路(chemistry for tomorrow's world)
我们的世界正面临着越来越多的挑战:人口的膨胀;环境的恶化;资源的匮乏。但到底什么才是迫在眉睫的挑战,才是我们的的研究重点?作为传统的化学学科,又能起到什么样的作用?为了回答这些问题,英国皇家化学会在 2008 年的时候,召开了一系列的研讨会并做了大量的在线问卷调查,然后收集了大量专家和学者的意见和观点,于 2009 年的时候出版了一本我们称之为 “通向未来世界的化学之路”的研究报告。在这份研究报告中,未来的发展挑战被逐一列举。重点强调在未来科学发展所面临的挑战,以及如何制定策略来应对诸如在可持续能源发展,人类健康水平以及增加食品供应等方面面临的难题。我们希望这份报告至少在未来五到 10 年内能成为人类社会和 化学学科发展的指南针。 www.rsc.org/roadmap
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会|3458 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 9 outcrop 2011-4-6 13:38
由于整个筹办过程建立在大家少量的业余时间基础上,因此这个roadmap只能做临时参考: 第一阶段,造势。用来感觉大家的情绪和大环境的风向,本打算一个月左右,但这一周的反响比较热烈,感觉差不多;感谢互联网的快速响应。 第二阶段,大约1个月时间。建立初期筹备相关团队。其主要职能是确定名称、宗旨、模式等基础问题。这个阶段可能需要大胆心细的去尝试,成败可能在于此。 第三阶段,大约2个月时间。筹备团队公开讨论确定上面提到的名称、宗旨、模式等基础问题。 第四阶段,大约3个月时间。建立实施筹备团队,主要讨论实现的细节问题;比如网站的表现形式,独立开发工具的需求等。 第五阶段,大约6个月时间。具体实施阶段,包括编码,制定运作细则等。以备公开测试。 从造势到公开测试,大约1年的时间。可能难点在于组建核心团队和系统开发上;做好的重点可能在于第四阶段的讨论。 (应 吕佳龄老师 建议,补充Gantt图) 欢迎有兴趣的朋友关注、支持和参与这个尝试性的理想试验! ---------------------------------------------------------- 欢迎加入科学网大学筹办,网址: http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/forum.php?mod=groupfid=238 同时也欢迎加入QQ讨论群:115359850,验证消息请注明:科学网
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