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GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-16 13:39
上午为一肩关节疼痛(原因:肩锁关节骨性关节炎)患者诊疗 建议肩关节镜微创手术治疗 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|3366 次阅读|0 个评论
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-15 17:44
江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|3088 次阅读|0 个评论
2013年1月21日江苏徐州骨科运动创伤、关节镜Journal club预告
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-14 23:26
2013年1月21日周一江苏徐州骨科运动创伤、关节镜Journal club内容预告 主要内容: Main contents: 1、 J Pediatr Orthop B. 2012 Jul;21(4):310-2. doi: 10.1097/BPB.0b013e328349139a. Periscapular abscess : unusual cause of shoulder pain in children . 肩胛骨周围脓肿:儿童少见的肩关节疼痛原因 Yilmaz G , Standard SC . Source Department of Orthopedics, Thomas Jefferson University, Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children , Wilmington, Delaware, USA. Abstract Periscapular abcess is an extremely rare clinical condition. Diagnosis and treatment can be delayed because the clinical picture often resembles septic arthritis of the shoulder . Early diagnosis and prompt surgical treatment are mandatory, as delayed treatment can be fatal due to sepsis. Previously, four cases of periscapular abcess were described in English literature. We describe two pediatric patients with periscapular abcess, who were treated surgically and healed without any complication. 2、 J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2012 Apr;21(4):441-50. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2011.09.021. Epub 2011 Dec 21. Postoperative pain associated with orthopedic shoulder and elbow surgery : a prospective study . 骨科见肘关节手术后疼痛:一个前瞻性研究 Desai VN , Cheung EV . Source Department of Orthopedic Surgery , Stanford University Medical Center, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA. AbstractBACKGROUND: In the last 2 decades, extensive research in postoperative pain management has been undertaken to decrease morbidity. Orthopedic procedures tend to have increased pain compared with other procedures, but further research must be done to manage pain more efficiently. Postoperative pain morbidities and analgesic dependence continue to adversely affect health care. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study assessed the pain of 78 elbow and shoulder surgery patients preoperatively and postoperatively using the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ). Preoperatively, each patient scored their preoperative pain (PP) and anticipated postoperative pain (APP). Postoperatively, they scored their 3-day (3dpp) and 6-week postoperative pain (6wpp). The pain intensities at these 4 intervals were then compared and analyzed using Pearson coefficients. RESULTS: APP and PP were strong predictors of postoperative pain . The average APP was higher than the average postoperative pain . The 6wpp was significantly lower than the 3dpp. Sex, chronicity, and type of surgery were not significant factors; however, the group aged 18 to 39 years had a significant correlation with postoperative pain . CONCLUSION: PP and APP were both independent predictors of increased postoperative pain . PP was also predictive of APP. Although, overall postoperative pain was lower than APP or PP due to pain management techniques, postoperative pain was still significantly higher in patients with increased APP or PP than their counterparts. Therefore, surgeons should factor patient's APP and PP to better manage their patient's postoperative pain to decrease comorbidities. 3. Reumatol Clin. 2012 Dec;8 Suppl 2:13-24. doi: 10.1016/j.reuma.2012.10.009. Epub 2012 Dec 7. Clinical anatomy of the elbow and shoulder . 肘关节和肩关节的临床解剖学 Villaseñor-Ovies P , Vargas A , Chiapas-Gasca K , Canoso JJ , Hernández-Díaz C , Saavedra Má , Navarro-Zarza JE , Kalish RA . Source Hospital Angeles, Tijuana, Mexico; Mexican Group for the Study of Clinical Anatomy (GMAC), Mexico. Electronic address: Abstract The elbow patients herein discussed feature common soft tissue conditions such as tennis elbow , golfers' elbow and olecranon bursitis. Relevant anatomical structures for these conditions can easily be identified and demonstrated by cross examination by instructors and participants. Patients usually present rotator cuff tendinopathy, frozen shoulder , axillary neuropathy and suprascapular neuropathy. The structures involved in tendinopathy and frozen shoulder can be easily identified and demonstrated under normal conditions. The axillary and the suprascapular nerves have surface landmarks but cannot be palpated. In neuropathy however, physical findings in both neuropathies are pathognomonic and will be discussed. 4. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2012 Jul 20. Suprascapular nerve anatomy during shoulder motion : a cadaveric proof of concept study with implications for neurogenic shoulder pain . 肩关节运动过程中的肩胛上神经解剖 Massimini DF , Singh A , Wells JH , Li G , Warner JJ . Source Bioengineering Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. AbstractBACKGROUND: The suprascapular nerve (SSN) carries sensory fibers which may contribute to shoulder pain . Prior anatomic study demonstrated that alteration in SSN course with simulated rotator cuff tendon (RCT) tears cause tethering and potential traction injury to the nerve at the suprascapular notch. Because the SSN has been implicated as a major source of pain with RCT tearing, it is critical to understand nerve anatomy during shoulder motion . We hypothesized that we could evaluate the SSN course with a novel technique to evaluate effects of simulated RCT tears, repair, and/or release of the nerve . METHODS: The course of the SSN was tracked with a dual fluoroscopic imaging system in a cadaveric model with simulated rotator cuff muscle forces during dynamic shoulder motion . RESULTS: After a simulated full-thickness supraspinatus/infraspinatus tendon tear, the SSN translated medially 3.5 mm at the spinoglenoid notch compared to the anatomic SSN course. Anatomic footprint repair of these tendons restored the SSN course to normal. Open release of the transverse scapular ligament caused the SSN to move 2.5 mm superior-posterior out of the suprascapular notch. CONCLUSION: This pilot study demonstrated that the dynamic SSN course can be evaluated and may be altered by a RCT tear. Preliminary results suggest release of the transverse scapular ligament allowed the SSN to move upward out of the notch. This provides a biomechanical proof of concept that SSN traction neuropathy may occur with RCT tears and that release of the transverse scapular ligament may alleviate this by altering the course of the nerve . 5、 Man Ther. 2012 Jun;17(3):255-8. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2011.09.001. Epub 2011 Oct 8. Neck-shoulder pain and weakness : an uncommon presentation . 颈肩痛和无力:一个少见的病例 Sarig Bahat H , Eshkol Izrael H . Source Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Social Welfare Health Sciences, University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Haifa, Israel. Abstract Neck and shoulder pain is a very common complaint in Western society that most often does not include motor compromise. Although peripheral nerve injuries are not as common, they should not be misdiagnosed. This case report describes the subjective assessment and physical examination of a patient with neck-shoulder pain and disabilities following a cervicofacial lift surgery. The patient was referred to physiotherapy treatment for what was diagnosed as a multi-level cervical disorder. Physical examination by the physiotherapist revealed diagnostic signs of accessory and suprascapular nerve injury as the cause of the shoulder impairment. Physiotherapy treatment included electrical motor stimulation and a comprehensive strengthening program, which resulted in full recovery. The purpose of this case study is to differentiate this presentation from commonly seen neck and shoulder pain by exploring the diagnostic factors for accessory and suprascapular nerve injury, based on the available evidence. The presented case report aims to raise the awareness of clinicians about the potential risk of peripheral nerve injury following cervicofacial lift, a common and elective surgical procedure. 6、 Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2011 Sep;6(3):224-33. Shoulder pain and dysfunction secondary to neural injury. 继发于神经损伤的肩关节疼痛和肩关节功能障碍 Brown KE , Stickler L . AbstractSTUDY DESIGN: Resident's Case Study BACKGROUND/INTRODUCTION: The reports of spinal accessory nerve injury in the literature primarily focus on injury following surgical dissection or traumatic stretch injury. There is limited literature describing the presentation and diagnosis of this injury with an unknown cause. The purpose of this case report is to describe the clinical decision-making process that guided the diagnosis and treatment of a complex patient with spinal accessory nerve palsy (SANP) whose clinical presentation and response to therapy were inconsistent with the results of multiple diagnostic tests. CASE DESCRIPTION: The patient was a 27-year-old female triathlete with a five month history of right-sided neck, anterior shoulder , and chest pain . OUTCOME: Based on the physical exam, magnetic resonance imaging, radiographs, electrodiagnostic and nerve conduction testing, the patient was diagnosed by her physician with right sterno-clavicular joint strain and scapular dyskinesis and was referred to physical therapy. Care was initiated based on this initial diagnosis. Upon further examination and perusal of the literature, the physical therapist proposed a diagnosis of spinal accessory nerve injury. Intervention included manual release of soft tissue tightness, neuromuscular facilitation and sport-specific strengthening, resulting in full return to functional and sport activities. These interventions focused on neurological re-education and muscular facilitation to address SANP as opposed to a joint sprain and dysfunction, as initially diagnosed. DISCUSSION: Proper diagnosis is imperative to effective treatment in all patients. This case illustrates the importance of a thorough examination and consideration of multiple diagnostic findings, particularly when EMG/NCV tests were negative, the cause was not apparent, and symptoms were less severe than other cases documented in the literature. 主讲人:高绪仁 Speaker :Xuren Gao 时间:2013年1月21日周一 晚上19:00-20:00 Time: 19:00-20:00 Monday January 21st 2013 地点:江苏省徐州市淮海西路99号徐州医学院附属医院新病房大楼9楼北区骨科医生办公室 Place:The orthopaedic surgeons'office ,North district ,9th floor,the newest inpatient building, the affiliated hospital of Xuzhou medical college, 99 West Huaihai road,Xuzhou,Jiangsu province 欢迎徐州及周边地区骨科医师、研究生、进修生、实习生等参加! 备注: 近期已成功举办过的江苏徐州骨科运动创伤、关节镜Journal club网址链接: 1、成功举办江苏徐州骨科运动创伤、关节镜20121203Journal Club http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=394169do=blogid=638927 2012年12月03日徐州骨科运动创伤、关节镜Journal club内容预告 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-394169-637237.html 2、 今晚成功举办江苏徐州骨科运动创伤关节镜20121210Journal Club http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=394169do=blogid=641319 2012年12月10日江苏徐州骨科运动创伤、关节镜Journal club预告 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=394169do=blogid=638940 3、 今晚成功举办江苏徐州骨科运动创伤关节镜20121217Journal Club http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-394169-643740.html 2012年12月17日江苏徐州骨科运动创伤、关节镜Journal club预告 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=394169do=blogid=641352 4、今晚成功举办江苏徐州骨科运动创伤关节镜20121224Journal Club http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=394169do=blogid=646060 2012年12月24日江苏徐州骨科运动创伤、关节镜Journal club预告 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-394169-643755.html 5、今晚成功举办江苏徐州骨科运动创伤关节镜20121231Journal Club http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=394169do=blogid=648284 2012年12月31日江苏徐州骨科运动创伤、关节镜Journal club预告 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=394169do=blogid=646063 6、今晚成功举办江苏徐州骨科运动创伤关节镜20130107Journal Club http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=394169do=blogid=650745 2013年1月7日周一江苏徐州骨科运动创伤、关节镜Journal club预告 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=394169do=blogid=648293 7、 今晚成功举办江苏徐州骨科运动创伤关节镜20130114Journal Club http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=394169do=blogid=653137 2013年1月14日江苏徐州骨科运动创伤、关节镜Journal club预告 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=394169do=blogquickforward=1id=650754 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 读书读杂志|3644 次阅读|0 个评论
今晚成功举办江苏徐州骨科运动创伤关节镜20130114Journal Club
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-14 22:54
今晚成功举办江苏徐州骨科运动创伤关节镜20130114Journal Club
今晚在江苏徐州医学院附属医院新病房大楼9楼北区骨科医生办公室成功举办江苏徐州关节镜20130114Journal Club。 感谢积极参与研讨的朋友们!让我们共同进步,为我们的广大骨关节损伤与疾病患者提供更加优质的技术服务! 主要内容: Main contents: 1、 Am J Sports Med. 2012 Sep;40(9):2121-7. doi: 10.1177/0363546512453296. Epub 2012 Jul 26. Arthroscopic treatment of rotator cuff tears with shoulder stiffness: a comparison of functional outcomes with and without capsular release.关节镜治疗肩袖撕裂合并肩关节僵硬:进行关节囊松解与否对肩关节功能的影响 Chuang TY , Ho WP , Chen CH , Lee CH , Liau JJ , Huang CH . Source Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Taipei Medical University-Wan Fang Hospital, 9f, 10-5, Smart Family, Liyuan 2nd St, Linkou Township, Taipei County, Taiwan 244. 2、 Br Med Bull. 2012;104:163-74. doi: 10.1093/bmb/lds006. Epub 2012 Feb 14. Shoulder stiffness and rotator cuff repair. 肩关节僵硬和肩袖损伤 Papalia R , Franceschi F , Vasta S , Gallo A , Maffulli N , Denaro V . Source * Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Mile End Hospital, 275 Bancroft Road, London E1 4DG, UK. 3、 J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2011 Sep;19(9):536-42. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder .肩关节粘连性关节囊炎 Neviaser AS , Neviaser RJ . Source Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA. 4、 Chang Gung Med J. 2011 Jul-Aug;34(4):331-40. Rotator cuff lesions with shoulder stiffness: updated pathomechanisms and management. 肩关节肩袖损伤伴肩关节僵硬:当前病理机制和治疗 Ko JY , Wang FS . Source Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 5、 Int Orthop. 2010 Mar;34(3):385-8. doi: 10.1007/s00264-009-0791-4. Epub 2009 May 6. Coracoid pain test: a new clinical sign of shoulder adhesive capsulitis. 肩关节喙突疼痛实验:肩关节粘连性关节囊炎的一个新的临床信号 Carbone S , Gumina S , Vestri AR , Postacchini R . Source Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, University of Rome Sapienza, Rome, Italy. 6 Int J Shoulder Surg. 2008 Apr;2(2):36-40. doi: 10.4103/0973-6042.40455. Early arthroscopic release in stiff shoulder . 肩关节僵硬的早期肩关节镜松解手术 Sabat D , Kumar V . Source Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Maulana Azad Medical College and Associated LN Hospital, New Delhi, India. 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 读书读杂志|1603 次阅读|0 个评论
下午研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第16章 盂肱关节不稳
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-14 22:23
下午研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第16章 盂肱关节不稳
下午认真研学了世界肩关节外科学第一名著英文版Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e (Shoulder (Rockwood/Matsen)(2 Vol.))(《肩关节外科学(第4版))之第16章 盂肱关节不稳,受益匪浅! 感谢Frederick A. Matsen, III, MD, Steven B. Lippitt, MD, Alexander Bertlesen, PAC,Charles A. Rockwood, Jr, MD, and Michael A. Wirth, MD的精彩总结! Chapter 16 Glenohumeral Instability 第16章 盂肱关节不稳 HISTORICAL REVIEW 历史回顾 RELEVANT ANATOMY 相关解剖学 MECHANICS OF GLENOHUMERAL STABILITY 盂肱关节稳定机制 TYPES OF GLENOHUMERAL INSTABILITY 盂肱关节不稳定的类型 DISLOCATION 脱位 CLINICAL FINDINGS 临床表现 INJURIES ASSOCIATED WITH ANTERIOR DISLOCATIONS 前脱位的相关损伤 INJURIES ASSOCIATED WITH POSTERIOR DISLOCATIONS 与后脱位有关的损伤 TREATMENT 治疗 RECURRENT DISLOCATION 复发性脱位 EVALUATION 评估 TREATMENT 治疗 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|2179 次阅读|0 个评论
晚研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第14章肩关节化脓性关节炎
热度 1 GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-12 23:18
晚研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第14章肩关节化脓性关节炎
晚上认真研学了世界肩关节外科学第一名著英文版Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e (Shoulder (Rockwood/Matsen)(2 Vol.))(《肩关节外科学(第4版))之 第14章 肩关节化脓性关节炎的分子机制和发病学原理,受益匪浅! 感谢Robin R. Richards, MD, FRCSC的精彩总结! Chapter 14 Sepsis of the Shoulder: Molecular Mechanisms and Pathogenesis 第14章 肩关节化脓性关节炎的分子机制和发病学原理 HISTORY 历史 SEPTIC ANATOMY OF THE SHOULDER 肩关节的感染解剖学 MICROANATOMY AND CELL BIOLOGY  显微解剖学与细胞生物学 CLASSIFICATION  分类 PATHOGENIC MECHANISMS OF SEPTIC ARTHRITIS AND OSTEOMYELITIS 骨髓炎和化脓性关节炎的发病机制 MICROBIAL ADHESION AND INTRA-ARTICULAR SEPSIS  微生物黏附及关节内感染 BACTERIAL PATHOGENS 细菌病原体 CLINICAL PRESENTATION  临床表现 LABORATORY EVALUATION  实验室检查 COMPLICATIONS 并发症 TREATMENT 治疗 OUTCOME  预后 PREVENTION  预防 AUTHOR’S PREFERRED METHOD OF TREATMENT 作者倾向的治疗方式 SUMMARY 小结 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|2157 次阅读|1 个评论
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第13章 胸锁关节异常
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-11 23:04
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第13章 胸锁关节异常
晚上认真研学了世界肩关节外科学第一名著英文版Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e (Shoulder (Rockwood/Matsen)(2 Vol.))(《肩关节外科学(第4版))之 第13章 胸锁关节异常,受益匪浅! 感谢Michael A. Wirth, MD, and Charles A. Rockwood, Jr, MD的精彩总结! Chapter 13 Disorders of the Sternoclavicular Joint 第13章 胸锁关节异常 SURGICAL ANATOMY 外科解剖 MECHANISM OF INJURY  损伤机制 CLASSIFICATION OF PROBLEMS OF THE STERNOCLAVICULAR JOIN  胸锁关节异常的分类 INCIDENCE OF INJURY TO THE STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINT 胸锁关节损伤的发生率 SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF INJURIES TO THE STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINT  胸锁关节损伤的症状和体征 RADIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS OF INJURY TO THE STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINT  胸锁关节损伤的影像学表现 TREATMENT 治疗 AUTHORS’ PREFERRED METHOD OF TREATMENT 作者倾向的治疗方法 COMPLICATIONS OF INJURIES TO THE STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINT 胸锁关节损伤并发症 COMPLICATIONS OF OPERATIVE PROCEDURES  手术并发症 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|2277 次阅读|0 个评论
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第11章 锁骨骨折
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-9 23:47
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第11章 锁骨骨折
晚上认真研学了世界肩关节外科学第一名著英文版Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e (Shoulder (Rockwood/Matsen)(2 Vol.))(《肩关节外科学(第4版))之 第11章 锁骨折,受益匪浅! 感谢Carl J. Basamania, MD, and Charles A. Rockwood, Jr, MD的精彩总结! Chapter 11 Fractures of the Clavicle 第11章 锁骨骨折 HISTORICAL REVIEW 历史回顾 ANATOMY 解剖学 MORPHOLOGY AND FUNCTION 形态和功能 FUNCTION 功能 CLASSIFICATION OF CLAVICLE FRACTURES 锁骨骨折的分类 MECHANISM OF INJURY 损伤机制 CLINICAL FINDINGS 临床表现 RADIOGRAPHIC EVALUATION 影像学评估 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS 鉴别诊断 COMPLICATIONS 并发症 TREATMENT 治疗 POSTOPERATIVE CARE 术后处理 AUTHORS’ PREFERRED METHOD OF TREATMENT 作者首选的治疗方法 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|1929 次阅读|0 个评论
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第10章 肩胛骨骨折
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-8 21:56
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第10章 肩胛骨骨折
晚上认真研学了世界肩关节外科学第一名著英文版Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e (Shoulder (Rockwood/Matsen)(2 Vol.))(《肩关节外科学(第4版))之 第10章 肩胛骨骨折,受益匪浅! 感谢Thomas P. Goss, MD, and Brett D. Owens, MD的精彩总结! Chapter 10 Fractures of the Scapula 第10章 肩胛骨骨折 ANATOMY 解剖 CLASSIFICATION OF FRACTURES OF THE SCAPULA 肩胛骨骨折分型 CLINICAL FEATURES 临床特征 ASSOCIATED INJURIES AND COMPLICATIONS 合并损伤和并发症 RADIOGRAPHIC EVALUATION 影像学评估 TYPES OF FRACTURES AND METHODS OF TREATMENT 骨折的类型和治疗方法 OTHER DISORDERS 其他异常 AUTHORS’ PREFERRED METHOD OF TREATMENT 作者采用的治疗方法 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|2173 次阅读|0 个评论
今晚成功举办江苏徐州骨科运动创伤关节镜20130107Journal Club
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-7 22:16
今晚在江苏徐州医学院附属医院新病房大楼9楼北区骨科医生办公室成功举办江苏徐州关节镜20130107Journal Club。 感谢积极参与研讨的朋友们!让我们共同进步,为我们的广大骨关节损伤与疾病患者提供更加优质的技术服务! 主要内容: Main contents: 1、 J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2012 Jan;94(1):1-9. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.94B1.27093. Frozen shoulder . 冻结肩 Robinson CM , Seah KT , Chee YH , Hindle P , Murray IR . Source Edinburgh Shoulder Clinic, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Old Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh EH16 4SA, UK. Frozen shoulder is commonly encountered in general orthopaedic practice. It may arise spontaneously without an obvious predisposing cause, or be associated with a variety of local or systemic disorders. Diagnosis is based upon the recognition of the characteristic features of the pain, and selective limitation of passive external rotation. The macroscopic and histological features of the capsular contracture are well-defined, but the underlying pathological processes remain poorly understood. It may cause protracted disability, and imposes a considerable burden on health service resources. Most patients are still managed by physiotherapy in primary care, and only the more refractory cases are referred for specialist intervention. Targeted therapy is not possible and treatment remains predominantly symptomatic. However, over the last ten years, more active interventions that may shorten the clinical course, such as capsular distension arthrography and arthroscopic capsular release, have become more popular. This review describes the clinical and pathological features of frozen shoulder . We also outline the current treatment options, review the published results and present our own treatment algorithm. 2、 Phys Sportsmed. 2012 Feb;40(1):84-90. doi: 10.3810/psm.2012.02.1954. Shoulder injuries in the throwing athlete 投掷运动员肩关节损伤 Jancosko JJ , Kazanjian JE . Source Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19131, USA. Abstract Shoulder injuries in the throwing athlete are becoming more frequent. Sports specialization at a younger age, playing multiple seasons, increased awareness of injury and injury prevention, advances in diagnosis, and surgical treatment all play a part in the increase in diagnosis of these injuries . Understanding the biomechanics of throwing and pathologies that are encountered in the throwing athlete can aid the clinician in successful diagnosis and nonoperative/operative treatment of the throwing athlete . This article discusses the relevant anatomy, biomechanics, and pathoanatomy of the throwing shoulder . Additionally, understanding the kinetic chain can assist in the nonoperative rehabilitation of the injured shoulder . Surgical reconstruction is indicated when nonoperative efforts have been exhausted and is directed based on the extent of the pathology to the capsuloligamentous structures, labrum, and rotator cuff. 3、 J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2012 Oct;20(10):615-22. doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-20-10-615. Shoulder dislocation in the older patient . 老年患者肩关节脱位 Murthi AM , Ramirez MA . Source Department of Orthopedics, Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA. Abstract Approximately 20% of all shoulder dislocations occur in patients aged 60 years. Older patients who sustain a primary shoulder dislocation are much less likely than younger patients to suffer from recurrence. However, older patients are more likely than younger patients to sustain injuries to the rotator cuff, axillary nerve, or brachial plexus. Rotator cuff tears are significantly more common than nerve palsies, and rotator cuff tears can be mistaken for nerve palsies. Older patients with persistent shoulder pain and dysfunction after dislocation should be carefully evaluated for rotator cuff pathology. Although dislocation is a common injury in the older population, these concomitant injuries-especially of the rotator cuff-are often missed 4、 Musculoskelet Surg. 2012 May;96 Suppl 1:S63-8. doi: 10.1007/s12306-012-0192-5. Epub 2012 Apr 18. Non - orthopaedic causes of shoulder pain : what the shoulder expert must remember . 肩关节疼痛的非骨科原因:肩关节医师必须牢记的知识 Lollino N , Brunocilla PR , Poglio F , Vannini E , Lollino S , Lancia M . Source E Agnelli Hospital, Via Brigata Cagliari 39, 10064 Pinerolo, Turin, Italy. n.lollino@libero.it Abstract Aim of this review is to underline some specific patterns of shoulder pain that are not related to musculoskeletal diseases but are manifestations of gastrointestinal, neurological, cardiological or rheumatological diseases. The most important pathologies (like gallstones, myocardial ischaemia and Parsonage-Turner syndrome...) that can manifest with shoulder pain will be presented by specialty doctors and elements for differential diagnosis will be discussed. Orthopaedic shoulder surgeons should always suspect other causes of pain , different from those related to bone, tendons and joint. If there is something unfair, patients should be referred to family doctor for further investigations in order to exclude major systemic diseases. 5、 Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e Chapter 9 Fractures of the Proximal Humerus 肱骨近端骨折 Kamal I. Bohsali, MD, and Michael A. Wirth, MD 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 读书读杂志|2497 次阅读|0 个评论
下午研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第9章 肱骨近端骨折
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-7 21:55
下午研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第9章 肱骨近端骨折
下午认真研学了世界肩关节外科学第一名著英文版Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e (Shoulder (Rockwood/Matsen)(2 Vol.))(《肩关节外科学(第4版))之 第9章 肱骨近端骨折,受益匪浅! 感谢Kamal I. Bohsali, MD, and Michael A. Wirth, MD的精彩总结! Chapter 9Fractures of the Proximal Humerus 第9章 肱骨近端骨折 ANATOMY 解剖 MECHANISM OF INJURY 损伤的机制 CLINICAL EVALUATION 临床评估 IMAGING 影像学 CLASSIFICATION 分型 METHODS OF TREATMENT 治疗的方法 AUTHORS’ PREFERRED METHOD OF TREATMENT 作者的治疗方法 COMPLICATIONS AFTER ARTHROPLASTY 关节置换后并发症 RESULTS AFTER ARTHROPLASTY 置换后的结果 REVERSE SHOULDER ARTHROPLASTY FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY MANAGEMENT OF PROXIMAL HUMERUS FRACTURES 反肩置换对于肱骨近端骨折初次和二次手术管理 LATE COMPLICATIONS OF PROXIMAL HUMERUS FRACTURES 肱骨近端骨折的后期并发症 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|2491 次阅读|0 个评论
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-6 23:26
晚上研学了美国斯坦福大学骨科Tim McAdams医生的公开课《Shoulder instability and the stiff shoulder 肩关节不稳和肩关节僵硬》。 受益匪浅。 进一步增强了本人对肩关节不稳和肩关节僵硬病因、机制、诊断和治疗的认识。 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|2776 次阅读|0 个评论
傍晚研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第7章 肩关节的疗效评估
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-6 22:58
傍晚研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第7章  肩关节的疗效评估
傍晚认真研学了世界肩关节外科学第一名著英文版Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e (Shoulder (Rockwood/Matsen)(2 Vol.))(《肩关节外科学(第4版))之 第7章 肩关节的疗效评估 ,受益匪浅! 感谢Robin R. Richards, MD, FRCSC的精彩总结! Chapter 7 Effectiveness Evaluation of the Shoulder 第7章 肩关节的疗效评估 HISTORY 历史 DEVELOPMENT OF OUTCOME MEASURES 疗效评估的发展 TYPES OF OUTCOME MEASURES 疗效评估的类型 APPLICATION OF OUTCOME MEASURES 疗效评估的应用 ASSESSING OUTCOME MEASURES 对疗效评估方法的评估 SPECIFIC OUTCOME INSTRUMENTS 特殊的疗效评估量表 AUTHOR’S CURRENT PRACTICE 作者现在的工作 FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS 未来的发展 SUMMARY 总结 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|2182 次阅读|0 个评论
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第5章肩关节疾患影像评估
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-4 23:08
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第5章肩关节疾患影像评估
晚上认真研学了世界肩关节外科学第一名著英文版Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e (Shoulder (Rockwood/Matsen)(2 Vol.))(《肩关节外科学(第4版))之 第5章 肩关节疾患的放射学评估,受益匪浅! 感谢Kirk L. Jensen, MD, and Charles A. Rockwood, Jr, MD的精彩总结! Chapter 5 Radiographic Evaluation of Shoulder Problems 第5章 肩关节疾患的放射学评估 FRACTURES OF THE GLENOHUMERAL JOINT 盂肱关节骨折 ANTERIOR INSTABILITY 前方不稳 POSTERIOR HUMERAL HEAD COMPRESSION FRACTURES ASSOCIATED WITH ANTERIOR DISLOCATION: THE HILL–SACHS DEFECT 肩关节前脱位伴发的肱骨头后部压缩骨折:Hill-Sachs缺损 POSTERIOR INSTABILITY 后方不稳 GLENOHUMERAL ARTHRITIS 盂肱关节炎 GLENOHUMERAL ARTHROPLASTY 盂肱关节置换术 CLAVICLE 锁骨 ACROMIOCLAVICULAR JOINT AND DISTAL CLAVICLE 肩锁关节与锁骨远端 STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINT AND MEDIAL CLAVICLE 胸锁关节与锁骨内侧 ROTATOR CUFF 肩袖 SCAPULA 肩胛骨 CALCIFYING TENDINITIS 钙化性肌腱炎 BICEPS TENDON 肱二头肌肌腱 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|2172 次阅读|0 个评论
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-4 13:39
肩关节疼痛、上举受限的患者,要仔细鉴别是否存在臂丛神经损伤。 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|5638 次阅读|0 个评论
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第4章肩关节疾患临床评估
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-3 23:35
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第4章肩关节疾患临床评估
晚上认真研学了世界肩关节外科学第一名著英文版Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e (Shoulder (Rockwood/Matsen)(2 Vol.))(《肩关节外科学(第4版))之 第4章 肩关节疾患的临床评估,受益匪浅! 感谢Michael Codsi, MD, Jesse McCarron, MD, and John J. Brems, MD的精彩总结! Chapter 4 Clinical Evaluation of Shoulder Problems 第4章肩关节疾患的临床评估 PATIENT HISTORY 病人的病史 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 体格检查 SPECIAL TESTS 特殊试验 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|3076 次阅读|0 个评论
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第3章 肩先天异常及变异
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-2 19:33
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》第3章 肩先天异常及变异
晚上认真研学了世界肩关节外科学第一名著英文版Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e (Shoulder (Rockwood/Matsen)(2 Vol.))(《肩关节外科学(第4版))之第3章 肩部先天性异常和解剖变异,受益匪浅! 感谢Jennifer L. Vanderbeck, MD, John M. Fenlin, Jr, MD, Charles L. Getz, MD, and Anthony F. DePalma, MD 的精彩总结! Chapter 3 Congenital Anomalies and VariationalAnatomy of the Shoulder 第3章 肩部先天性异常和解剖变异 VARIATIONAL ANATOMY OF THE SHOULDER 肩部的先天性解剖异常及变异 COMMON MALFORMATIONS OF THE SHOULDER 常见的肩部畸形 RARE ANOMALIES 少见的畸形 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|2234 次阅读|0 个评论
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》之第2章 肩关节大体解剖
GaoXurenKnee 2013-1-1 23:25
晚上研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》之第2章 肩关节大体解剖
晚上认真研学了世界肩关节外科学第一名著英文版Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e (Shoulder (Rockwood/Matsen)(2 Vol.))(《肩关节外科学(第4版))之 第2章 肩关节大体解剖学,受益匪浅! 感谢Christopher M. Jobe, MD, Wesley P. Phipatanakul, MD, and Michael J. Coen, MD的精彩总结! Chapter 2 Gross Anatomy of the Shoulder 第2章 肩关节大体解剖学 HISTORY 解剖学发展史 BONES AND JOINTS 骨骼及关节 MUSCLES 肌肉 NERVES 神经 BLOOD VESSELS 血管 BURSAE, COMPARTMENTS, AND POTENTIAL SPACES 滑囊、(筋膜)室、潜在腔隙 SKIN 皮肤 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|2486 次阅读|0 个评论
下午研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》之第1章 肩的发育解剖学
GaoXurenKnee 2012-12-31 20:25
下午研学《The shoulder 肩关节外科学》之第1章 肩的发育解剖学
2012年12月31日周一下午,我的英文版 Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e (Shoulder (Rockwood/Matsen)(2 Vol.))(《肩关节外科学(第4版))到货。 下午认真研学了这一世界肩关节外科学第一名著之 第1章 肩的发育解剖学及盂肱关节的解剖,受益匪浅! 感谢Stephen J. O’Brien, MD, MBA, James E. Voos, MD, Andrew S. Neviaser, MD, and Mark C. Drakos, MD的精彩总结! Chapter 1 Developmental Anatomy of the Shoulder and Anatomy of the Glenohumeral Joint Stephen J. O’Brien, MD, MBA, James E. Voos, MD, Andrew S. Neviaser, MD, and Mark C. Drakos, MD 第1章 肩的发育解剖学及盂肱关节的解剖 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY 比较解剖学 EMBRYOLOGY 胚胎学 POSTNATAL DEVELOPMENT 出生后发育 ADULT GLENOHUMERAL JOINT 成人盂肱关节 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝腕髋关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘、踝、腕、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生! 高绪仁的2013年:肩关节Style!
个人分类: 肩关节|2287 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 GaoXurenKnee 2012-12-2 20:52
2016年8月18日起高绪仁骨科膝肩髋关节外科新门诊时间: 周二上午、下午 (挂号费12元) 周五上午、下午(挂号费22元 专家号) 门诊地点:江苏省徐州市淮海西路99号徐州医学院附属医院 门诊楼二楼骨科门诊第1诊室 骨科病房办公室: 江苏省徐州市淮海西路99号徐州医学院附属医院 医院西大门旁新病房综合大楼(12号楼)8楼南区骨关节外科医生办公室 一流的环境 一流的技术 一流的服务 竭诚为世界各地骨科膝肩髋关节损伤与疾病患者 提供关节置换与关节镜微创手术服务 高绪仁医师可提供工作语言:汉语、英语、日语 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘踝关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、髋关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、髋关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生!
个人分类: 骨科膝关节门诊|3417 次阅读|5 个评论

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