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Some history of LAOS
andrewx100 2012-9-14 23:57
Detailed historical account of LAOS rheometry can be found else where . I add here only my own interest in obsolete instrument designs. DAQ from a Weissenberg rheogoniometer R16 (Bogie 1966) The history of LAOS as a test condition is as old as that of oscillatory shearing rheometry . The use of Lissajous figure was first proposed as early as 1944. K. Weissenberg first proposed a harmonic analysis of LAOS data in 1964. In fact it was not easy for early experimentalists to maintain or measure small deformation esp. for complex fluids before necessary technology break through inactuatorsand transducers (e.g. linear voltage differential transformer, LVDT). LAOS was therefore more frequently reached in the past than in today whenever an oscillatory shearing was performed. Harmonic decomposition of the LAOS data was done in various way before the age of computer. One way was fitting the data with a Volterra intergral equation of a limited number of orders to find the corresponding high orderkernels (which was not a real decomposition). Solartron transfer function analyser (TFA) advertised on Sci. Am. (1959) The commercial success of Weissenberg rheogoniometer series evoke the desire to extract higher harmonics from the electric signals. One noticeable idea by Harris and Bogie was using the once-called ‘dynamic analysis’ system, product of Solartron Electronic Groups Ltd. It was inessencea cross-correlation method to obtain higher harmonic information on an analog circuit design. The system consisted of a resolved component indicator (or transfer function analyser , as it was more frequently called) excited by a pair of in-phase / quadratic signals from a mechanical reference generator † . The transfer function analyser technique lasted for as long as one decade on Weissenberg rheogoniometer as its model upgraded from R16 to R18, but bolder try on a computer using FFT was performed in as early as 1971. The analog signal was sampled and input in a signal averager to raise the S/N ratio. From then on, the later development was not hard to imagine: smaller and faster computers coupled with more sensitive and accurate measurement systems. A major transition occurred, though, from Weissenberg rheogoniometer to the Rheometrics mechanic spectrometer (RMS) series during the 1970s, which also shift the LAOS and harmonic analysis to the new device. The device had a few of new feature compared to the Weissenberg counterpart. First, it directly gave the result of G’ and G” , otherwise the earlier rheologists had to manually calculated from the Lissajous curves. Second, it provided an oven chamber to perform high temperature experiment, a feature not easily achievable with old rheogoniometers . And third, it upgrade the driving system from gears-based to electronic motor †† . These features gained a wide acceptance very fast, and ARES soon became a standard of rheometer as well as the platform for LAOS, as the Weissenberg rheogoniometer once had been. † Interested readers may refer to a technical report of the former Royal Aircraft Establishment in 1964 about a measurement system for amplitude and phase available here , which may give a brief description of the technical status at that time. †† Interested readers are referred to Rev. Sci . Instrum . 1984 , 55, 1675 .
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热度 1 crossludo 2012-8-29 11:24
”好奇号“浑身有十八班武艺,还有俄式中子枪如下图所示: 俄罗斯制造的中子枪,位于”好奇号“核电池的前下方,用红色方框标出。中子枪里面的中子源多半使用Alpha 放射与同位素 Berylium 相结合的方式提供,但是,价格很贵。中子穿透性极强,不会被目标物的原子反射(弹回),可以直闯而过。 在工业探伤方面,中子枪使用广泛。在”好奇号“身上,核电池,X 射线,激光枪,中子枪,可谓”样样俱全“,很是厉害,恐怕火星微生物这下要倒霉了(其踪迹要被抓住)。
个人分类: 心灵游记|1892 次阅读|1 个评论
Numeric Reading System for Digital Meter without I/O Interfa
bolandi 2011-10-26 09:09
自动I/O数字读入系统 中島翔太, 北園優希,陸慧敏,張力峰,芹川聖一 Recently, measuring instruments that automatically record measurement values by using the communication function of PC and RS232C have been widely used. However, there are a lot of measuring instruments that cannot communicate with an external instrument at present. Also, the ones that have the communication function are very expensive. The system that reads the instruction value from the image is by taking a picture of the measuring instrument with a camera. However, because the specification of the target measuring instrument has been limited, versatility of this system is low. Therefore,this paper proposes a strong numerical recognition system that doesn't depend on the model of a digital measuring instrument. The experiments showed that the proposed method has the characteristics of fast speed, efficiency and strong anti-interference. 2-a numeric reading system for digital meter without IO interface.pdf
3536 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 6 fpe 2011-5-8 10:25
仪表落后因制度 多年以来,科学网一直在探讨国内仪表工业落后的原因,大多从研发角度来认识,好像只要有人推出,就会有市场跟进,这是不够深入的认识。据笔者观察,国内仪表工业落后的原因是缺乏专业协会的推动,因此有很大的制度原因。 仪表因何而研发?当然是市场。如果市场发育不成熟,那么买一台国外仪表来凑凑数,就是科研工作者理所当然的选择。而需要大量的市场需求,唯一可以依赖的力量是科技协会,通过科技协会来推动标准建设,通过标准建设来强制仪表的使用,这是消防领域的仪表研发之动力,也是科研领域推陈出新的源头。缺乏专业协会的推手作用,可能是国内仪表落后的关键了。 笔者有两次被人请教消防领域的仪表问题,我都没有答好,因为自己所知有限,在工业界立足不久。一次是航空领域的阻燃测试手段问题,一次是航空发动机的灭火剂浓度测试仪表问题。这两个问题,我都没有直接的经验,因此爱莫能助。而这两个问题,都是和航空安全有关,是FAA领导下的各个专业协会的工作内容。关于消防安全研究,美国有ASTM系列,ASME系列,NFPA系列,UL系列的各种标准,背后都有仪表或设备的基础。没有这些标准,就没有应用这些仪表的需求。从某种程度上说,仪表是依赖标准的执行而存在的。没有相关标准,测试手段也就没有存在基础了。而相关标准的推出,必须依赖专业协会的组织和协调。 国内研发的最大困境,就是国营企业领导一切。对于需要大规模投入的无线标准,或许政府机构参与能够有效协调和领导,但政府部门对于所谓的Niche(利基)市场(就是仪表工业所代表的市场,应用广而利益不确定),是无能为力的,因为难以预期结果,不能保证回报。而政府领导下的专业协会,旱涝保收,永远没有竞争和生存的压力,因此也没有推动标准建设的动力,或者说没有推动仪表建设的动力。为什么我们能给馒头建立国家标准(虽然是推荐标准),而不能为某项仪表建立标准呢?因为国营机构缺乏专家,国营专家没有动力,国营机构不怕丢脸,国营机构不需要在意下面的反馈。换句话说,由于专业协会平时就不注意通过标准建设来储备技术,因此当需要到来时,不得不依赖外国标准,当然需要外国的仪表,结果是没有钱投入国产仪表,如此恶性循环,就是大家都吵吵闹闹却无力改变的局面了。 仪表是所谓的高科技领域,消防工程专业的独立与成熟,与锥形量热器在1980年代的发明和推广有关。当一个领域,可以量化和定量分析之时,就可以宣告独立了。全世界范围内,锥形量热器的生产厂家美英日各一家,这是因为社会需要的结果。我国的少数研究单位可以进口几台,而大多数单位仍然停留在定性分析的阶段,这就是缺乏标准建设导致市场不够成熟,所以再先进的仪表也没有应用市场。而开发市场,需要仰赖独立运作的专业协会的推动和活力,这是当前以集体为本的社会难以接受的局面。因此,仪表研发很难有起色,关键没有专业协会的推动。在推动标准建设方面,还需要开发全社会专业人士的积极性和创造力,国营机构和国营协会对此力尤未逮。当然,相关的法制建设,也是推动专业协会推出标准的动力来源之一。没有赔偿,只有刑罚,也是仪表工业难以发展的原因之一。我们社会的发展,最缺乏的就是一种“看不见的手”(市场经济的动力),光靠一两个天才人物的灵机一动,是不能解决大国发展的问题的。 我曾经在大公司做过仪表测试与研发工作,日本某陶瓷厂家的几个美元的元器件,到日本大批量生产的氧量探头(50美元左右,用于改进汽车内燃机燃烧工况,高档车十分普及),被美国厂家改造,运用到节能减排领域,就是1000美元的控制系统,而到中国厂家手中,没有2000美元下不来,扣除其中的附件和买办环节,我们购买的就是日本的陶瓷技术而矣。日本卖技术,美国卖有关市场和对象的专业知识,中国两样都缺,只好被骗。无他,不懂外语,闭门造车,缺乏眼界,葫芦画瓢,关键还有专业协会的不足。 顺便说一句,为什么要进口国外设备?因为领导不相信自己的专家,专家不得不靠解释国外标准来生活下去,这还是相关制度缺乏的结果。没有私立协会的自立自传自养三大成功原则,当前的专业协会很难有推动社会技术进步的动力,这是我的个人观察结果,纯属一家之言。 有道是,仪表研发赖标准,标准推动靠协会,协会成功需独立,社会进步靠制度。
个人分类: 特种消防|4023 次阅读|11 个评论

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