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identifying positional candidate genes without fine mapping
bioysy 2013-9-25 13:47
A bioinformatic and transcriptomic approach to identifying positional candidate genes without fine mapping: an example using rice root-growth QTLs. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18755262 这个有点扯,但这是一种新的尝试.如果是高密度基因型数据,再结合这个,也许会靠谱点
个人分类: QTL精细定位|2522 次阅读|0 个评论
30th Birthday Without Tears (毛刺啦的30岁)
热度 5 daringpig06 2013-8-19 19:17
今天是你的生日,过了今天你将迈入三十岁的门槛。三十而立,从明天开始,你将进入新的人生阶段。 你做好准备了嘛?不要告诉我,你没有。 近三十年来你在做什么?即便是刨去前15年不谈,这后十四年你又在干什么?你的中学同学都已经是两个孩子的爸(妈)了,你的本科同学的孩子也已经会打酱油了,你研究生同学的孩子也早就会叫妈妈了,你呢,你不要告诉我你结不起婚、没钱生孩子,更不要提房子和车子了。 好的,不谈婚姻和孩子,咱来说点实际的。 你的中学同学即便在农村也已经过上了小康生活,你的本科同学到现在也已经工作了6、7年的时间,手里有了一笔不小的存款了,你的研究生同学都拿着优厚的待遇,小日子过得蒸蒸日上,一些有魄力的大学以后的同学甚至都买了房和车,你呢,不要告诉我这些年你不仅没有赚钱,甚至还他妈的要你女朋友给你交学费,给你买手机、电脑和ipad,对了,最可气的是你他妈的还要交学费,就你有钱呀,国家缺你那点钱? 什么,不想谈钱,嫌俗?好的,我们就不谈钱,谈点高尚的。 别人的父母养个孩子都知道孝顺父母,大学毕业以后就早早的去工作了,而且还时常回家看望父母,给父母过生日,给父母钱。你呢,你这些年不仅没有给家里尽一点力,反而在外面瞎折腾,让父母操碎了心,担够了怕,你于心何忍?自己的父母也就罢了,你女朋友的父母你可要小心伺候着,人家辛辛苦苦把女儿养大,难道就白白送给你?什么?你还好意思说不是。那这些年你又给过人家什么,除了和人家女儿吵架,让人家担心,给过人家任何实际的帮助没有?最让人痛心疾首的是你对待你女朋友的态度,你的女朋友虽然也是出身农村,但是人家在大学毕业以前也从来没有吃过苦,受过累,跟了你以后,不仅没钱给人家买好吃的零食和漂亮的衣服,反而需要人家同时干几份工作倒贴钱给你交学费、租房子、买电脑。你看看人家都累成什么样了,你拍拍自己的良心,你对的起人家嘛? 你说,这些你都懂,你这样做是为了自己的理想?那咱就再谈谈你的理想。 这些年,你一直都在上学,先不说你是不是那块料,姑且就认为你的理想是读个博士,以后好做研究吧。你既然有这样的理想,你就应该在大学时代好好学习,掌握尽可能多的知识呀,就算是单纯为了考试,你也要考个好一点的成绩出来吧,你呢,你的成绩单虽说没有见红的,但是你自己看看那些可怜的分数,你也好意思拿出来,也不嫌丢人。本科男孩子都爱玩?那你们班的那些保研的同学,人家没玩?人家照样每次都考个好成绩,你那叫不认真、不上进,典型的自暴自弃型的扶不起的阿斗。就算我能接受你的谬论:大家在本科是都玩。那研究生阶段呢,你上研究生的时候可是已经不小了,不该像个孩子一样整天乐不思蜀了。可是一个研究生读下来,你都干了什么,在一个所谓的名教授的门下,竟然一点成果也没有,最后还差点走投无路。你责怪人家变态,是个阴险的小人,可是自己想想,你难道真的一点责任都没有的嘛?再看看你口中那些“不如你”的同学,人家在日本的在日本,在美国的在美国,每一个都是安心做科研的好手,你比人家差的远了。我真瞧不起你,你就是摊烂泥。我知道你不在乎,你什么都不在乎,你只在乎你自己,只要你玩好、吃好,其他的你都不关心,像你这种人,没得救了。 可是,作为一个多年的朋友,我还是要忍不住劝劝你,你醒醒吧。就算不是为了你自己,也要为亲人爱人想想,你有作为男人的责任,将来你要撑起整个家庭,不管在经济上还是精神上,你要为了他们的幸福努力工作、奋力拼搏,这你的宿命。 希望你好自为之,不要辜负亲人朋友对你的期盼~~
5546 次阅读|9 个评论
[转载]No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess
charlesqwu 2013-6-7 02:35
No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess - Newton 這篇文章主要是告訴讀者L. Euler (1707–1783) 當初是如何求得所有自然數平方之倒數 的和這個級數的精確值。基本上他的想法就是類比加上猜想, 這是現代學生所缺少的素養。類 比(analogy) 源自於希臘文analogia, 原文的意義就是比例(proportion)。或者說得更白話就 是某種類型的相似性, 古人所言舉一反三大概就是這個意思。所有偉大的數學家(科學家) 都 是類比法的高手, Euler則是其中之翹楚。有了類比就可以做出合適的猜想, 要成為一個好的數 學家, 你必須首先是一個好的猜想家。 關於Euler 級數的幾個觀點.pdf
3295 次阅读|0 个评论
Matlab中的Export和save as不一样
orient 2013-3-13 05:48
File-Export Setup中设置好大小后,输出来的.eps大小不变 export figure to eps without changing the size and disturbing the layout, we should use "Export" not "Save As".
5124 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]分享——无字证明(Proof without words )
xuhy07 2013-3-1 15:06
分享——无字证明( Proof without words ) ( 说明:所用图片均来自网络,大部分来自网站 http://mathoverflow.net/ ) 1. 勾股定理(the pythagorean theorem) $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$ 2. 斐波那契数列的恒等式(Fibonacci identities) 斐波那契数列:1、1、2、3、5、8、13、21 .... 其递推公式:$F_{n+1}=F_n+F_{n-1}$,通项公式: $F_n=\frac{1}{\sqrt 5}\left $, 关于斐波那契数列,有一个漂亮的恒等式 $F_0^2 + F_1^2 + \cdots + F_n^2 = F_nF_{n+1}, F_0 = 1$。 3. 三个求和公式 (A)$1+2+\cdots+(n-1)=C_n^2\equiv\left(\begin{array}{c}2\\n\end{array}\right)$ (B)$1^2+2^2+\cdots+n^2=\frac{1}{3}n(n+1)(n+\frac{1}{2})$ (C)$1^3+2^3+\cdots+n^3=(1+2+\cdots+n)^2$ 4. 分部积分公式(Integration by Parts) 5. 最受数学家喜爱的无字证明 一些定理的直观理解虽然毫无逻辑可言,完全算不上是数学证明,但这些精巧而欢乐的视角,依然让数学家们如痴如醉。下图是由一个个小三角形组成的正六边形棋盘,现在请你用右边的三种朝向不同的菱形把整个棋盘全部摆满(图中只摆了其中一部分),证明当你摆满整个棋盘后,你所使用的每种菱形数量一定相同。 文章末尾提供了一个非常帅的“证明”。把每种菱形涂上一种颜色,整个图形瞬间有了立体感,看上去就成了一个个立方体在墙角堆叠起来的样子。三种菱形分别从左侧、右侧、上方观察整个立方体图形能够看到的面,它们的数目显然应该相等。 严格地说,这个本来不算数学证明。但它把一个纯组合数学问题和立体空间图形结合在了一起,实在让人拍案叫绝。这个问题及其鬼斧神工般的“证明”流传甚广,深受数学家们的喜爱。 《最迷人的数学趣题:一位数学名家精彩的趣题珍集》(Mathematical Puzzles: A Connoisseur'sCollection)的封面 ===================================================== 附电子书 Proofs Without Words——Exercises in Visual Thinking.djvu prfwithout.djvu
个人分类: 备忘分享|6948 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Science Blog 2012年09月09日 20:19 (星期日)
xupeiyang 2012-9-10 08:10
http://scienceblog.com/ New type of light beam propagates without spreading outward Mathematicians offer unified theory of dark matter, dark energy, altering Einstein field equations Decoding ENCODE Researchers Solve Mystery Surrounding Death of Two Sisters Nearly 50 Years Ago Novel Surgery Removes Rare Tumor, Rebuilds Jaw How BPA Affects Gene Expression, Anxiety; Soy Mitigates Effects Racial and ethnic diversity spreads across the country Not simply a party: Tailgaters contribute to team victory, university brand Urchin-loving otters can help fight global warming Subsidies change incentives for adoption of foster children Treatment with fungi makes a modern violin sound like a Stradivarius
个人分类: 科学博客|1467 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 xupeiyang 2012-7-6 08:59
希格斯教授的“上帝粒子”研究论文 Spontaneous Symmetry Breakdown without Massless Bosons ( 被引频次 Citations: 132 ) Peter Higgs Journal: Physical Review , vol. 145, no. 4, pp. 1156-1163, 1966 Broken Symmetries and the Masses of Gauge Bosons ( 被引频次 Citations: 121 ) Peter Higgs Journal: Physical Review Letters - PHYS REV LETT , vol. 13, no. 16, pp. 508-509, 1964 研究论文引证分析结果: God particle (上帝粒子) 学名 Higgs boson(希格斯玻色子) 发文总量 Publications: 6,764 被引总量 Citation Count: 15,289 同义词汇 Stemming Variations: Higgs bosons, Higg boson, Higg bosons, Higgs bosonic http://academic.research.microsoft.com/Keyword/18043/higgs-boson 引文报告 主题=(Higgs boson) 时间跨度=所有年份. 数据库=SCI-EXPANDED. 找到的结果数: 6886 被引频次总计: 171899 去除自引的被引频次总计: 95910 施引文献: 40810 去除自引的施引文献: 34541 每项平均引用次数: 24.96 h-index: 155 http://apps.webofknowledge.com/CitationReport.do?product=WOSsearch_mode=CitationReportSID=T2Hipc3JIIMc5m3@mnApage=1cr_pqid=1viewType=summary 研究论文计量分析结果: Higgs boson研究论文计量分析结果.docx Higgs at birthday celebration for Michael Atiyah , April 2009 Born Peter Ware Higgs ( 1929-05-29 ) 29 May 1929 (age83) Newcastle upon Tyne , England Nationality British Fields Physics ( theoretical ) Institutions University of Edinburgh Imperial College London University College London Alma mater King's College London Doctoral advisor Charles Coulson Doctoral students Christopher Bishop Lewis Ryder David Wallace Knownfor Broken symmetry in electroweak theory Higgs boson Higgs field Higgs mechanism Notable awards Wolf Prize in Physics (2004) Sakurai Prize (2010) Dirac Medal (1997) 希格斯教授听到“上帝粒子”证实存在的声明后,激动流泪。   【环球网报道实习记者赵朔苇】据英国《每日邮报》7月4日报道,经过接近半个世纪的探索,在全世界的瞩目下,欧洲核子中心(CERN)科学家4日宣布发现了一个新粒子,很可能就是“上帝粒子”希格斯玻色子。得闻该声明后,“希格斯玻色子之父”希格斯教授在发布会现场老泪纵横。   被称为“上帝粒子”的希格斯玻色子是物理学基本粒子“标准模型”理论中最后一种未被发现的基本粒子,被称作粒子物理学经典理论大厦的“最后一块基石”。半个世纪前由希格斯教授提出假设存在。科学家认为该粒子存在的发现的重要性可以和人类登月及哥伦布发现新大陆所相提并论。   皮特•希格斯教授生于纽卡斯尔,现年83岁,于1964年在苏格兰高地散步时灵感涌现想出希格斯玻色粒子(该粒子以希格斯教授名字命名)存在的概念。希格斯教授随后写了两篇相关的科学论文,第二篇论文开始被拒绝但最终被物理学界最权威的期刊《物理评论通讯》所发表。4日,当希格斯教授听到宣布该粒子存在的声明时,当场老泪纵横,他说:“对我来说,这真是难以置信。这一切竟然会在我的有生之年发生。”   斯蒂芬•霍金曾下赌注100美金说希格斯粒子不可能被发现,得知该粒子被发现后他说:“这是极其重要的一个结果,皮特•希格斯应该因此获得诺贝尔奖。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_W._Higgs “上帝粒子”的预言   1964年6位物理学家共同提出希格斯玻色子的理论,其中就包括英国爱丁堡的皮特・希格斯(Peter Higgs)教授。希格斯提出“希格斯场”的存在,预言了希格斯玻色子的存在。希格斯假设,希格斯玻色子是物质的质量之源,是电子和夸克等形成质量的基础,其他粒子在希格斯场中游弋并产生惯性,进而形成质量,构筑成大千世界。根据这一理论,在宇宙大爆炸之后,一种看不见的力,即希格斯场和与之相对应的粒子希格斯玻色子一同形成,正是这个场赋予其它基本粒子以质量的属性。   “标准模型”预言了62种基本粒子的存在,其中61种粒子已获实验证实,而希格斯玻色子是最后一种未被发现的基本粒子,也是解释物质质量之谜的最重要粒子。希格斯玻色子又被称为“上帝粒子”,之前一直未在实验中被观察到,它也是标准模型中最后一种未被发现的粒子。 上帝粒子现身:上帝粒子现身,相似度为99.9999%。 2011年霍金教授在比利时鲁汶大学进行演讲 霍金教授周三表示,皮特·希格斯教授应当被授予诺贝尔奖,因为是他最先预言了希格斯粒子的存在。 霍金同时也打趣说,此次欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)有关希格斯粒子的发现让他输掉了100美元。   新浪科技讯 北京时间7月6日消息,据物理学家组织网站报道,著名英国物理学家史蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)本周三表示,皮特·希格斯(Peter Higgs)应当被授予诺贝尔奖,这位英国物理学家最早在1964年预言了希格斯粒子的存在,甚至这一有“上帝粒子”之称的神秘亚原子粒子就是以他的名字命名的。前剑桥大学教授霍金同时也打趣说,此次欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)有关希格斯粒子的发现让他输掉了100美元。   本周三,BBC度霍金进行了专访。期间霍金表示:“这是一项重要的结果,希格斯教授应当为此被授予诺贝尔奖。但是与此同时这样的结果也是让人感到遗憾的,因为物理学的进展总是通过在实验中发现出乎意料的结果而实现进步的。”他说:“因为这个原因,我和密歇根大学的戈登·卡尼(Gordon Kane)打了赌,我说希格斯粒子是不会被找到的。但现在看起来我似乎刚刚输掉了100美元。”   在历经半个世纪的搜寻之后,欧洲核子研究中心的物理学家们本周三宣布他们发现了一种新的亚原子粒子,其行为方式与希格斯粒子非常相近。希格斯粒子被认为是物质具有质量的原因。霍金认为这项发现是非常重要的。他说:“如果这一粒子的衰变和其它反应特征都和预测相符,这件是所谓粒子物理学标准模型的强有力的证据,这一模型可以解释迄今所有试验的结果。” 这是欧洲核子研究中心发布的质子对撞后形成的运动轨迹效果图。新华社 发 合肥日报讯 记者昨日从中国科技大学获悉,7月4日,欧洲核子中心正式宣布,大型强子对撞机(LHC)观测到质量为126GeV(十亿电子伏特)的新粒子。该粒子很可能就是几代物理学家寻找了数十年、被称为“上帝粒子”的希格斯 (Higgs) 粒子。 这一重大发现是大型强子对撞机上ATLAS和CMS两大国际合作实验组数千名物理学家合作的成果。中科院高能物理研究所、中国科学技术大学等国内五家单位参与了探测器制造、科学研究及数据分析等,作出了中国科学家的贡献。 中科大ATLAS组负责人赵政国教授介绍,中科大直接参加了ATLAS实验Higgs粒子的寻找与探测。在对Higgs粒子到双光子衰变物理分析中,中科大承担了基于电磁量能器的光子鉴别与触发效率的研究。科大组的工作对确定光子探测效率起到了重要作用。另外,在双玻色子4轻子衰变信号研究中,科大组负责在数据中筛选可能的信号事例以及对相关过程的噪声伪信号进行分析研究。“科大组的优秀表现,在ATLAS合作组内赢得了良好的声誉,为中国参与ATLAS国际合作作出了重要贡献。” 希格斯玻色子是什么?   经过长期研究和探索,科学家们建立起被称为标准模型的粒子物理学理论,它把基本粒子分成3大类:夸克、轻子与玻色子。   标准模型预言了62种基本粒子的存在,希格斯玻色子是最后一种未被证明存在的基本粒子,由于它难以寻觅又极为重要,因此也被称为“上帝粒子”。   英国科学家彼得·希格斯提出了希格斯场的存在,并进而预言了希格斯玻色子的存在。假设出的希格斯玻色子是物质的质量之源,是电子和夸克等形成质量的基础。其他粒子在希格斯玻色子构成的“海洋”中游弋,受其作用而产生惯性,最终才有了质量。尔后所有的粒子在除引力外的另3种力的框架中相互作用,统一于标准模型之下,构筑成大千世界。   由于希格斯玻色子是最后一种未被发现的基本粒子,对完善粒子物理学理论“大厦”有重要意义。科学界相信它的存在并认为发现它只是时间问题。 北京时间4号下午,欧洲核研究组织(CERN)在新闻发布会上宣布了大型强子对撞机发现“上帝粒子”的实验结果。“新发现的粒子与长期寻找的希格斯玻色子一致。”这次发现是一个里程碑式的成就。 请看中国日报网报道: To cheers and standing ovations, scientists at the world's biggest atom smasher claimed the discovery of a new subatomic particle on Wednesday, calling it "consistent" with the long-sought Higgs boson - popularly known as the " God particle " - that helps explain what gives all matter in the universe size and shape. 世界最大的原子破解机构(欧洲和研究组织)的科学家们周三宣布他们发现了一种新的亚原子粒子,该粒子与长期寻找的希格斯波色子(别称“上帝粒子)一致。这次发现将有助于解释为什么宇宙中的各类物质有形状和大小,是一个值得人们欢呼庆贺的发现。 上面报道中的 God particle 就是上帝粒子,学名叫 Higgs boson (希格斯玻色子),它是一种 subatomic particlea (亚原子粒子),可以帮助解析为何其它粒子会有质量。科学家们通过用 Large Hadron Collider (大型强子对撞机)模拟 big bang (宇宙大爆炸)来寻找“上帝粒子”,这种实验方式还可以探究 dark matter (暗物质)、 antimatter (反物质)、以及宇宙形成等。 Particle是粒子的意思,是指能够以自由状态存在的最小物质组分,最早发现的粒子是 electron (电子)和 proton (质子)。 Particle 还可表示“极小量,极小的程度”等,例如: It doesn't make a particle of difference .(它不会产生任何影响)。
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[转载]转载 What makes a good PhD student
lijuan9610001 2012-7-5 13:05
What makes a good PhD student? --- Nature, Vol 441, May 11, 2006 —— 《自然》,第441期,2006年5月11日 Doing a PhD should be fun and rewarding, because you can spend all your working time discovering things and pursuing ideas -- and getting paid for it, without any administrative responsibilities. Those who stick with a career in science do so because, despite the relatively poor pay, long hours and lack of security, it is all we want to do. 做一名博士研究生充满了乐趣,也是非常值得的,因为你可以把所有的时间都用在探索事物、追求理念上——并且可以获得报酬,没有任何行政上的责任。那些有志于从事科学研究的人之所以能这样做,是因为这些都是他们真正想做的——虽然报酬相对较少,工作时间很长,也缺乏保障。 Unfortunately most new PhD students are ill-prepared, and as a consequence very few will fulfil their aspirations to be independent scientists. The main reasons for this are the 'grade creep' inherent at most universities, making it difficult to identify the really talented first-class graduates from the rest, and the pressure on universities to graduate as many PhD students as possible. The consequence is that we enrol far too many of them without telling them clearly what doing a doctorate should entail. We therefore set ourselves, and the students, on a path of frustration and disappointment. 不幸的是大多数博士新生并没有做好充分的准备,其结果就是几乎没有人能从事独立研究。造成这种现象的原因主要是多数大学评价学生的“等级差”太小,很难将真正优秀的研究生区别出来,同时各大学也面临着让尽可能多的博士生毕业的巨大压力。结果导致我们招了太多的博士生,但没有让他们明白博士因该具备哪些素质。这不但使我们自己,同时也使博士生们感到万分痛苦和失望。 So what should we be telling prospective PhD students? 那么,我们应该对未来的博士生们说些什么呢? (1) Choose a supervisor whose work you admire and who is well supported by grants and departmental infrastructure. 选择研究经费充足、设备齐全,同时其工作受到你认同的导师。 (2) Take responsibility for your project. 对你的研究项目负责。 (3) Work hard -- long days all week and part of most weekends. If research is your passion this should be easy, and if it isn't, you are probably in the wrong field. Note who goes home with a full briefcase to work on at the end of the day. This is a cause of success, not a consequence. 努力工作——所有工作日的大部分时间,以及部分周末。如果你所从事的研究是你感兴趣的,做到这点很容易,但如果不是,那你就要好好想想是不是进错研究领域了。有些人在每天回家时总会带上塞得慢慢的公文包,以便在家里继续工作——这是成功的一个重要因素,而非结果。 (4) Take some weekends off, and decent holidays, so you don't burn out. 周末、假期偶尔也出去放松放送,以免自己精疲力竭。 (5) Read the literature in your immediate area, both current and past, and around it. You can't possibly make an original contribution to the literature unless you know what is already there. 阅读与你的研究领域直接相关的 文献 ,当前的和过去的,同时也应阅读一些与研究领域相近的文献。除非你已了解文献的内容,否则不可能做出原创性的贡献。 (6) Plan your days and weeks carefully to dovetail experiments so that you have a minimum amount of downtime. 根据 实验 进度仔细地安排好每一天、每一周,这样能最大限度地减少时间的浪费。 (7) Keep a good lab book and write it up every day. 每天做好实验记录,并保存好。 (8) Be creative. Think about what you are doing and why, and look for better ways to go. Don't see your PhD as just a road map laid out by your supervisor. 创造性思考。思考正在做什么以及为什么这样做,寻找更好的实现方式。不要将博士生活看作是导师帮你画好的路线图。 (9) Develop good writing skills: they will make your scientific career immeasurably easier. 练就出色的写作技能:它能使你的科研道路平坦许多。 (10) To be successful you must be at least four of the following: smart, motivated, creative, hard-working, skilful and lucky. You can't depend on luck, so you had better focus on the others! 想要获得成功,你至少得具备以下要素中的四种:聪明,主动,有创造力,工作努力, 技术 熟练,以及运气好。运气太不可靠,所以你应当将精力放在其它几个要素上。
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迟来的惊喜,文章被without revision接受
热度 9 lbl604 2012-6-25 22:26
迟来的惊喜,文章被without revision接受
帮导师带了一个硕士研究生,做了一点 Ni 的化合物的工作,无意间合成了一种 Ni(OH) 1.4 (SO 4 ) 0.3 的纳米带,我们理解是 α -Ni( OH) 2 的层状结构中间插入部分硫酸根引起的膜状结构分裂形成的,并且发现这种结构在紫外光的作用下,有一定的光催化活性,就把工作系统化了一些,组织成了一篇文章。这是师妹写的第一篇文章,让我改的颇为头大,竟然来来回回改了 10 余遍,最后终于看起来可以了,投到了 J.Solid State Chem. ,审稿四个月,审稿人从语法、图片、论据、结论各个方面指出了一堆的问题,然后果断拒掉。这是我第一次作为通讯联系人负责投稿,看到这个意见,感觉是颇为沮丧。 痛定思痛,和师妹仔细分析审稿人的意见,觉得还是得局外人更能发现问题,于是按照审稿人的意见改文章,补数据,润语言。折腾的感觉差不多了,就考虑投哪儿,考虑了专业领域、审稿速度、影响因子、推荐审稿人什么的一大堆东西,最后决定投 Chem. Phys. Lett., 这个杂志的确是快,当天就给了消息,很干脆 Reject ,说是领域不合适,但我们明明看到之前有类似的文章发表,哪儿说理去?估计是编辑看不上眼,又心存“善意”,不想直说,就婉约了一下,呵呵。 文章终究还得投啊,又选了半天,发现了一个杂志 J.Alloy Compd. ,结果投过去就郁闷啦。 11 年 11 月份投过去,过了年还没消息,觉得应该快了,谁知等了两个月还是没消息,师妹有点着急了,几次说要不要催稿,我几年前有催稿的教训,就让她再耐心等等。结果一等就又是两个月,我也觉得太慢了,七个月了,终于忍无可忍给编辑发了一封信,询问稿件的状态。等了两天,编辑也不给回复,很是让人郁闷,心想估计是悲剧啦。结果那天下午正在处理东西,看到提示有邮件,看了下标题是 Finial decision ,心想连个大修也不给,直接就 finial 了,肯定悲剧了,但看完信,我笑了,竟然是 Accept without revision 。之前自己也投过不少稿子,这种情况还是第一次出现,历时接近两年的一篇文章,终于等到了迟来的惊喜! 惊喜过后,我分析了一下原因:一可能是固态化学的审稿人提的问题很到位,把该问的问题都问了,把明显的失误都给弥补了;二可能是审稿人拖得时间太久了,直到主编催稿才想起来有这么一篇稿子,感觉很内疚,就直接给了作者一个好的结果;三有可能我们的工作真的是不错 。 文章地址:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925838812010419?v=s5 附编辑邮件: Dear Dr. Lv, A final disposition of "Accept" has been registered for the above-mentioned manuscript. Kind regards, *** *** Journal of Alloys and Compounds Comments from the Editors and Reviewers: This is a good paper and I have no serious criticisms regarding methodology, results and interpretation of results.
个人分类: 论文趣事|10348 次阅读|20 个评论
[转载]Science Blog 2012年05月25日 20:23 (星期五)
xupeiyang 2012-5-25 20:32
http://scienceblog.com/ Device may inject a variety of drugs without using needles Positive words: The glue to social interaction Tiny Planet-Finding Mirrors Borrow from Webb Telescope Playbook Asteroid Nudged by Sunlight: Most Precise Measurement of Yarkovsky Effect Curry compound tied to immune system Brief treatment works on fear of spiders How ion bombardment reshapes metal surfaces IUDs, implants are most effective birth control Prevalence of kidney stones doubles in wake of obesity epidemic Cycling may negatively affect male reproductive health Hacking code of leaf vein architecture solves mysteries, allows predictions of past climate Fever during pregnancy more than doubles the risk of autism or developmental delay
个人分类: 科学博客|1612 次阅读|0 个评论
carbon and ZnO
hubin 2012-4-6 10:46
Accurate Control of Multishelled ZnO Hollow Microspheres for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with High Efficiency All reagents were analytical grade and purchased from Beijing Chemical Co. Ltd., and used without further purification. Hydrated zinc nitrates Zn(NO3)2·6H2O were used as metal precursors. Taking triple-shelled ZnO hollow microspheres with close double shells in the interior as an example, the typical synthesis process is described as follows. Carbonaceous microspheres were synthesized through the emulsion polymerization reaction of sugar under hydrothermal conditions as described elsewhere. Briefly, newly prepared carbonaceous microspheres (0.6 g) were dispersed in zinc nitrate solution (30 mL, 5 M) with the aid of ultrasonication. After ultrasonic dispersion for 15 min, the resulting suspension was aged for 6 h at room temperature, filtered, washed, and dried at 80 ℃ for 12 h. The resultant composite microspheres were heated to 500 ℃ in air at the rate of 1 ℃ min−1, with holding of the temperature at 400 ℃ for 30 min. Triple-shelled ZnO hollow microspheres were subsequently formed as a white-powder product. Aerographite: Ultra Lightweight, Flexible Nanowall, Carbon Microtube Material with Outstanding Mechanical Performance CVD-Synthesis : Basic Aerographite confi guration (hollow, with closed graphitic shells) can be gained by placing ZnO templates in the maximum temperature zone of a two zone split tube furnace (quartz tube; l = 1300 mm; d = 110 mm): At a constant temperature profile of 200 ℃ in injection zone and 760 ℃ in main zone under Ar gas flow (0.02 L min −1 , atmosphere pressure), injection of toluene (99% Alfa Aesar) at 5.5 mL h −1 is started. At start of the injection by a syringe pump, gas fl ow rates are changed to 0.2 L min −1 Ar/0.02 L min −1 H 2 for 120 min. A subsequent 45 min pure H 2 (0.6 L min −1 ) gas flow without injection is followed by a 120 min mixed atmosphere Ar/ H 2 (0.2 L min −1 / 0.02 L min −1 ) with injection of toluene. A final pure hydrogen treatment with 0.6 L min −1 was conducted for 20 min until cooling down under pure Ar purge flow of 0.6 L min −1 . Synthesis depends on template surface area and time depended variations of gas flow rates or temperatures. For example, the parameters for the ultra lightweight, hollow-framework variant are given by a decreased 2 mL h −1 toluene injection for 4 h with a 0.06 L min −1 H 2 and 0.2 mL min −1 Ar gas flow at 760 ℃ and a 1 h post-treatment with no injection and pure H 2 flow of 0.09 L min −1 at 800 ℃ . The formation of the Aerographite can be revealed by stopping the synthesis in an intermediate state. The growth of carbon nano layers on the outside and the simultaneous removal of the inner ZnO template are shown in figure 2 e-h (Figures S7-S10). Simultaneously with the carbon deposition a controlled hydrogen gas flow enables a continuous reduction of ZnO to Zn and thus the template removal. The metallic Zn is transported downstream through the CVD exhaust system where it precipitates as metallic thin film on cold areas. This hydrogen etching exhibits a clear preference on crystallographic orientations of the ZnO crystals. Interestingly, decomposition leads to an axial and radial vanishing of template sections. Massive blocks of remaining ZnO are held in place only by the partly grown carbon nano layers, Figure 2f-h (Figures S7-S9). Furthermore, the atomic structure of these layers can be controlled by the CVD growth parameters reaching from a substantially graphitic to a predominantly amorphous to glassy state . This is in contrast to other growth processes for carbon materials which form either highly ordered graphene and graphite like materials or pyrolytic low ordered structures , therefore Aerographite might be also described as ‘pyrolytic graphite’. Besides EELS spectra, also energy filtered TEM (EFTEM) elemental mapping ensures us of the absence of oxygen and confirms the sp²-hybridization state for both arrangements. An amorphous carbon state occurs at higher template decomposition rates, e.g., as induced by higher temperatures and higher hydrogen concentration. As our model proposes, initial deposition of small carbon nucleation belts on template surfaces and in-plane biaxial growth of carbon leads to the variety of possible sp 2 -hybridized layers: For fully enclosing, smooth graphitic layers template etching and growth has to be in equilibrium. A slightly faster template removal by changing CVD-parameters leads to a higher ratio of amorphous to graphitic carbon. Further: A quicker removal of surfaces before enclosing shells can develop (high hydrogen concentration and increased temperatures of 900 ℃ creates amorphous carbon ribbons, which assemble in a hierarchical hollow framework of high mechanical strength (Figure 1e-h, S16).
个人分类: 科研笔记|2741 次阅读|0 个评论
bioysy 2012-2-17 23:08
这是一个例子: Targeted association analysis identified japonica rice varieties achieving Na+/K+ homeostasis without the allelic make-up of the salt tolerant indica variety Nona Bokra Targeted association analysis identified japonica rice varieties achieving Na+K+.pdf 标题里的特定区间,可以理解为已经检测到的QTL位点.所谓的QTL一般是指由两个标记卡的一个区间,这个区间包含的基因数量有成百上千.也即是粗定位QTL.现在植物中检测到的QTL比较多,这篇文章的意义在于:表明可以在已经检测到的QTL位点(连锁方法检测结果),进一步利用关联分析的方法分析.这应该也算是连锁作图和关联分析方法的结合. 要知到详细的方法细节和相关的优缺点,请读原文及相关文献,我只能点到为止.
个人分类: 关联作图|4031 次阅读|0 个评论
Learn to cherish…
热度 1 Julia87 2012-2-7 19:34
Edited byZuojun lao shi. Things that are easy to get are easier to be neglected, such as water. Who dare to say we can stay alive without water? However, not everybody attaches enough importance to water conservation. I do try to save water in my daily life, but I think I should do more. Only when you truly understand how important and essentail water is to our lives, can you cherish it consciously. So, you can do such an experiment: Don’t drink water for one day or two days until you feel very thirsty! Of course, please don’t eat food containing much water, such as fruits and vegetables,let alonesoup . Then, you can start to drink some water slowly… What’s your feeling? You may think it as the best thing in the world… If there were no drinkable water in our lives one day, what would we do? If there won’t be any drinkable water in the future, what kind of lives will our descendants have? I told my mom if there were no drinkable water in the world and we humans would have to be too thirsty to live, I would choose to commit suicide (and this is the ONLY reason that I would choose to commit suicide : ) Now, spring is coming! Weather in Beijing is so dry, which makes me feel uneasy. I have to drink more water, and try to make the air around me more humid; for example, to spray some water in the room or to put wet clothes indoors. I hope saving water is just one of the examples. There are many things that we should learn to cherish, including our lives and our offsprings… Ps: It's soooooooooo hard to write like a native speaker!
个人分类: English writing|2674 次阅读|1 个评论
选区计量谱5:Re 表面台阶棱原子XPS
ecqsun 2012-1-31 23:17
选区计量谱5:Re 表面台阶棱原子XPS
JPCC-Re.pdf Atomic Scale Purification of Re Surface Kink States with and without Oxygen Chemisorption, J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 7450–7455 图解: PRS = ZPS(zone-selectiveXPS) Theta is the angle between the surface normal and the emission electron beam 孤立原子 Re 4f 5/2 能级:40.015+-0.004 eV; 谱谷(B):块体和表面信息- 块体能移: 2.629 eV; 谱峰:台阶棱原子信息( 2.629 eV ) 起因:BOLS-induced quantum entrapment
个人分类: 计量能谱|4311 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Startup America Policy Challenge: Clean Energy
whyhoo 2012-1-6 14:48
I’ve met with researchers, entrepreneurs and students across the country and I can say without hesitation that the United States is the world’s most innovative country.At those same meetings, I’ve also learned firsthand about obstacles that clean energy entrepreneurs face. To compete in the global economy, we need to unleash the creativity and ingenuity of our citizens in high-growth markets like clean energy. We also need to remove unnecessary barriers to startups – to increase the chances for a clean energy entrepreneur to be successful in starting and scaling a high-growth business. Trillions of dollars will be invested in clean energy over the coming decades. Countries around the world recognize this enormous economic opportunity and are racing to get ahead. Our country faces a simple choice: we can develop and produce clean energy technologies today or we can import them tomorrow. President Obama believes that the United States can, must and should lead the world in clean energy and he wants to make sure that our businesses are in the best position to be successful. Earlier this year, he launched the Startup America initiative to promote entrepreneurship in key areas like energy and to make it easier for America’s innovators to turn a great idea into a great business. Now the Startup America Policy Challenge is looking to tap into our greatest resource – the American people – for ideas on how we can accelerate innovation in energy and position the United States to lead in this critical sector. America’s entrepreneurs are on the front lines of the global clean energy race, and the Department of Energy andthe Administration want to hear from you about the barriers that are standing in your way and whatwe can do to help remove them. Through Quora, an idea-sharing platform, you can share your thoughts and ideas directly with senior Administration officials . Specifically, we are interested in your answers to these questions: What do you see as the primary barriers to moving clean energy technologies and innovations into the market place? What policy tools do you recommend to dismantle these barriers in order to grow the U.S. clean energy sector? The stakes are too high for the United States to miss out on the clean energy opportunity. We look forward to hearing from you about how we can move ahead in clean energy and lead in the 21stcentury. Steven Chu is the U.S. Secretary of Energy 原文见 http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2011/12/13/startup-america-policy-challenge-clean-energy-0
个人分类: 能源|1235 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 Lupus 2012-1-3 04:56
每年年初的时候,都要读一下这些名言录,以鼓舞斗志,以期有一个良好的开端。贴出来与大家分享并共勉!祝各位成功! There are no gains without pains./Benjamin Franklin Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises. /Demosthenes The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more. /Jonas Salk If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it. /Margaret Fuller The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. /Marcel Proust Look and you will find it - what is unsought will go undetected. /Sophocles Keep sowing your seed, for you never know which will grow – perhaps it all will. /Eclesiaties If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking. /Rashaski Attitude determines altitude. /Anonymous The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited. /Plutarch Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking. /Unknown The road to success is not straight. There is a curb called Failure, a loop called Confusion; speed bumps called Friends; red lights called Enemies; caution lights called Family. You will have flats called jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination; an engine called Perseverance; insurance called Faith, and a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a place called success! /Unknown God gives you answers in three ways: he says yes and gives you want you want, he says no and gives you something better, or he says wait and gives you the best./Unknown "To know that you know, and to know that you don't know - that is real wisdom." /Confucious Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment. /Lao Tzu You try, You fail, You try You fail, But the real failure is when you stop trying!/Walt Disney Without goals and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination. /Dodson Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare./Japanese Proverb Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but makes no progress. /Alfred Montapert Lack of money is no obstacle. Lack of an idea is an obstacle. /Ken Hakuta Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there! /Will Rogers The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. /Anonymous To serve is beautiful, but only if it is done with joy and a whole heart and a free mind. /Pearl S. Buck Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life./Confucius 3 RULES OF WORK: 1. Out of clutter, find simplicity; 2. From discord, find harmony; 3. In the middle of difficulty liesopportunities./Albert Einstein When you help someone up a hill, you find yourself closer to the top. /Brownie Wise Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean./Ryunosuke Satoro None of us is as smart as all of us./Ken Blanchard It is extraordinary how extraordinary the ordinary person is. /Will George Gettin' good players is easy. Gettin' 'em to play together is the hard part. /Casey Stengel Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. The miracle is this: the more we share the more we have. /Leonard Nimoy “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” /Benjamin Franklin He who will not economize will have to agonize. /Confucius MAKING MISTAKES SIMPLY MEANS YOU ARE LEARNING FASTER. /Agor Weston I did not fail 10,000 times. I successfully found 10,000 ways that do not work. /Thomas Edison Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. /Winston Churchill In the midst of difficulty, there is always opportunity. /Albert Einstein
9398 次阅读|2 个评论
IEEE Spectrum Seminar – S3 – 3-D without Four Eyes
feiyou 2011-12-21 17:08
Abstract:从眼睛的功能出发,介绍立体视觉的原理。趣味性的介绍了三维立体图、街头3D喷绘、3D广告投影的基本原理。介绍了裸眼3D的主流技术方案,并探讨了未来3D显示的发展方向。 slides download here (资料中涉及图表文字均归原作者所有,仅作个人学习参考,部分文献来自网络,未一一列举参考文献)
2042 次阅读|0 个评论
A poem in the film 偷穿高跟鞋
热度 1 csblizhaolin 2011-11-19 11:00
美国诗人e.e. Cummings的诗"I carry your heart with me"~~ 英文篇: I carry your heart with me I carry it in my heart I am never without it Anywhere I go,you go,my dear And whatever is done by only me... is your doing,my darling I fear no fate... for you are my fate,my sweet I want no world,for,beautiful... you are my world,my true. Here is the deepest secret no one knows. Here is the root of the root... and the bud of the bud... and the sky of the sky of a tree called life... which grows higher than the soul can hope... or mind can hide. It is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart I carry your heart... I carry it in my heart... 中文篇: 我带着你的心 放在我的心里 从未离开 无论我在哪里 你在哪里 我亲爱的 我所做的一切 都是你 我亲爱的 我不害怕灾难 因为你是我的命运 我亲爱的 我不想要全世界 你就是我的全部 我的真爱 没有人知道这个内心深处的秘密 根本中的根本 是稚嫩中的稚嫩 是天上天 生命之树 越长越高 超越了灵魂的期望 或思念的掩饰 让星光闪耀 我带着你的心 放在我的心中
171 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]问君能有几多愁,as a boy without a girl
pkucarer4300 2011-11-10 09:59
有人在围脖发了一条“十年生死两茫茫,不思量,forever young”...于是就有了.. 众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,Hey,how do you do。 云中谁寄锦书来?super high ,suck guy! 人生得意须尽欢,be a man,use your hand 身无彩凤双飞翼,Get away from me! 天生我材必有用,I can play football.. 春城無處不飛花,let's go to the cinema 问君能有几多愁,as a boy without a girl(这句好美啊...) 问君能有几多愁,easy come easy go 春眠不觉晓,yo yo check it out 问世间情为何物,what the fuck can I do 曾经沧海难为水,what the fuck did you say 无可奈何花落去,I miss you missing me 此情可待成追忆,let it be 争渡,争渡,惊起一滩鸥鹭,who and who? 林花谢了春红,太匆匆,where is my iphone? 感时花溅泪,Changes is never too late~ 满园春色关不住, Friday is coming soon~ 床前明月光,there's something wrong~ 两只黄鹂鸣翠柳,what place shall we go 空山新雨后 fire in the hole 两情若是长久时,you jump ,I jump 江山如此多娇,you are so small,惜秦皇汉武,too simple;唐宗宋祖,sometime naieve。 一代天骄,成吉思汗,can't play football。俱往矣,数风流人物, die all 但使龙城飞将在 come on baby don't be shy 衣带渐宽终不悔 Would you wanna be a GAY! 昨夜西风凋碧树,独上高楼,watching Chairman Hu 两岸猿声啼不住 monkey go to sexing zoo 停车坐爱枫林晚 drive you home for one night
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Numeric Reading System for Digital Meter without I/O Interfa
bolandi 2011-10-26 09:09
自动I/O数字读入系统 中島翔太, 北園優希,陸慧敏,張力峰,芹川聖一 Recently, measuring instruments that automatically record measurement values by using the communication function of PC and RS232C have been widely used. However, there are a lot of measuring instruments that cannot communicate with an external instrument at present. Also, the ones that have the communication function are very expensive. The system that reads the instruction value from the image is by taking a picture of the measuring instrument with a camera. However, because the specification of the target measuring instrument has been limited, versatility of this system is low. Therefore,this paper proposes a strong numerical recognition system that doesn't depend on the model of a digital measuring instrument. The experiments showed that the proposed method has the characteristics of fast speed, efficiency and strong anti-interference. 2-a numeric reading system for digital meter without IO interface.pdf
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