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Palaeobotany in Shanwang China中国新生代古生物学研究的圣地
热度 7 livingfossil 2014-1-24 08:08
Palaeobotany in Shanwang China 山东山旺 -- 中国新生代古生物学研究的圣地 ----- 兼论中国古植物学要顶天立地 本文主旨:山东山旺是中国新生代古生物学研究的圣地。中国古植物学要顶天立地,一方面,中国古植物学要面向国际学术前沿,不断追求卓越,努力攀登学术巅峰;另一方面要面向中国大地,与自然历史博物馆的发展密切结合,服务于社会公众,真正接地气。中国古植物学家首先要把文章写在中国的大地上,然后把论文发表在国际主流的专业刊物上;不仅要把文章写在自然历史博物馆里,而且要把文章写在普通百姓的心坎上。科学信念和专业精神指引着我们不辱使命。 世界著名的“山旺化石宝库”位于中国山东省临朐县境内。山旺古生物化石主要产自中新世山旺组硅藻土层(距今约为 1500 万年)。 根据最新的史料考证,山旺古生物化石的最早文字记载可见于清朝康熙年间( 1661 - 1722 )的临朐贡生 --- 张新修所著《筒丸录》。但用现代科学思想和方法研究山旺古生物化石仅始于 20 世纪 30 年代。 在过去的 80 多年里,山旺的古生物学研究取得了巨大进步。与此同时,山旺古生物化石的保护事业也取得了巨大进步。 1980 年 1 月 17 日,中国国务院以 (80) 国办函字 2 号文件确定化石产地山旺为国家重点自然保护区。 1981 年设置了山东省山旺古生物化石保护管理所。 1985 年 4 月在临朐县城建立了山旺古生物化石陈列馆。 1999 年批准设立 “ 山旺国家地质遗址保护区 ” 。 2001 年底中国国土资源部批准设立山旺国家地质公园, 有些人认为山旺的地层古生物学研究已经结束,这是一种肤浅而错误的思想认识。实际上,山旺地层古生物学的总体研究水平还很落后,有待于深入研究。 1. 富含古生物化石的山东山旺硅藻土沉积厚度约为 25 米,由于层薄如纸,稍加风化即层层翘起,宛若书页,古人形象比喻为 “ 万卷书 ” 或 “ 万卷石书 ” 。 2. 1980 年中国国务院将山旺古生物化石保护区设立为国家重点自然保护区。 3.山东临朐县上林镇解家河村之标志 4. 这是“山东省山旺古生物化石保护管理所”的大门,位于临朐县上林镇解家河村。 1998年启高在这里连续住了3个月。 5. 2001 年底中国国土资源部批准设立山旺国家地质公园 6. 山东山旺国家地质公 园 博物馆(2005年) (本照片由山东山旺国家地质公 园 博物馆馈赠。) 7. 山东山旺国家地质公园博物馆同仁与来访的台湾同行李庆尧博士(2006年,右 4 ) 8. 杨钟健先生( 1897--1979 ) 中央研究院 1948 年首届院士、中国科学院 1955 年首批学部委员 -- 杨钟健先生( 1897--1979 ) (杨钟健先生资料照片,由中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所提供) 引自 --http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2009/1/215546.html 9. 美国科学院院士、古植物学家 --Ralph Works Chaney ( 1890--1971 ) Ralph Works Chaney1937 年初夏考察山东临朐山旺化石(照片来自网络) 10. 中央研究院 1948 年首届院士、中国植物分类学家 胡先骕先 生 ( 1894--1968)和 美国科学院院士、古植物学家 --Ralph Works Chaney ( 1890--1971 )合作发表的山旺植物化石研究的英文专著。 11. 山旺化石产地核心区剖面( 1990 年前后) 本照片来源:由北京大学原地质地理系退休教授 -- 王宪曾先生提供的幻灯片经扫描获得。 1990 年前后,山旺剖面基本停止开采与发掘,常年浸泡在大水坑里。也许这是最好的保护方法,也是最经济的保护方法。 12. 山旺化石产地核心区剖面 -- 开采与发掘( 1998 年) 剖面从底部到顶部的厚度约为23米。逐层采集的工作量巨大。启高和他的队友们在此连续战斗了3个月,辛勤的汗水洒在矿坑里,采集的身影永久地留在剖面上。 相机镜头方向:从东南方向朝西北方向。照片上方有两人,均为中国地质大学(北京)的地层古生物学同行,坐在地面的是退休教授李凤麟先生,站立者为张建平教授。 13. 山旺化石产地核心区剖面底部 -- 开采与发掘( 1998 年) 14. 山旺化石产地核心区剖面中部 -- 开采与发掘( 1998 年) 15. 山东临朐硅藻土矿工人郎丰启等先生协助科学发掘工作( 1998 年) 16. 植物化石 — “山旺甘姜”叶化石,其“模式”地位应该受到质疑和深入的分类学考证。 17. 这是非常完整的杜仲叶化石,其确切的产出层序为第 15 层。此化石在世界上是极为罕见的,但没有恐龙吸引眼球。 18. 山旺化石产地核心区剖面 - ( 2004 年) 19. 山旺化石产地核心区剖面 - ( 2005 年前后) (本照片由山东山旺国家地质公 园 博物馆馈赠。) 20. 山东山旺国家地质公 园 博物馆的镇馆之宝 ---- 怀孕犀牛之化石 (本照片由山东山旺国家地质公 园 博物馆馈赠。) 21. 用硅藻土生产保温砖 22. 优质的山旺硅藻土产品 .....(部分文字另发) 特别致谢: 感谢山东省临朐县人民政府及其文物局和国土资源局、山东省山旺古生物化石保护管理所(即:山东省山旺国家级自然保护区,现称山东山旺国家地质公园)和临朐县硅藻土矿的大力支持。感谢中国地质大学 ( 北京 ) 、北京大学以及中国科学院植物研究所和古人类与古脊椎研究所诸位同仁的大力协作。 孙启高 2014 年 1 月 23 日初步整理 本期编目 古植物学的故事 205 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.205) 山东山旺 -- 中国新生代古生物学研究的圣地 ----- 兼论中国古植物学要顶天立地 Shanwang of Shandong Province, China is a mecca for Chinese Cenozoic palaeontology. http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-761777.html 2014-1-24 08:08 ----------------------- 主要参考文献: 孙启高 , 李凤麟 , 梁明媚 , 陈平富 , 李俊德 , 2000. 中国山东山旺中新世地层及古生物研究文献目录 (1936-2000). 植物学通报 , 第 17 卷( IOPC-VI 古植物学专辑) :272-288 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-439700.html 王祺:最早采集和研究山旺植物化石的人和事 http://bbs.uua.cn/thread-80210-1-1.html 2009-11-7 11:21:11 钟 蓓,冯广平, 张生, 包 琰, 任昭杰, 刘海明, 2012 年《齐鲁文物》发表《山旺国家重点保护区建置史考略》 http://www.sdmuseum.com/show.aspx?id=6367cid=48 化石网 专题栏目首页 山旺生物群专题 http://www.uua.cn/Special/list-838-1.html 山东省临朐县国土资源局官方网站 -- 首页 山旺化 石 列 表 http://www.lqgtzy.gov.cn/E_Type.asp?E_typeid=9
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|10288 次阅读|19 个评论
livingfossil 2011-5-2 22:33
《古植物学的故事》文献资料 中国山东山旺中新世地层及古生物研究文献目录( 1936-2000 ) 我国山东临朐县境内的山旺中新世硅藻土地层富含动植物化石,素有“化石宝库”之称。山旺地层古生物学研究已有 70 多年的历史,在国内与国际学术界具有重要影响。从某种意义上讲,山旺不仅是反映我国新生代地层古生物学研究水准的标杆,也是培养新生代地层古生物学家的摇篮。 2000 年,我和几位同事合作对山旺中新世地层及古生物研究文献进行了系统整理,正式出版了一个中英文目录。该目录对于山旺地层古生物学的深入研究和山旺国家地质公园的管理工作都有应用价值。 近 10 年来,山旺地层古生物学研究取得了一系列新进展。因此,有必要整理新文献,对本目录进行补充。 孙启高 2011 年 5 月 2 日 写于北京 ====================== 资料引用出处: 孙启高 , 李凤麟 , 梁明媚 , 陈平富 , 李俊德 , 2000. 中国山东山旺中新世地层及古生物研究文献目录 (1936-2000). 植物学通报 , 第 17 卷( IOPC-VI 古植物学专辑) :272-288 ========================= 引言 + 致谢 I 山旺地质研究 (Geological studies on the Shanwang Formation) II 山旺化石植物研究 (Studies on Shanwang fossil plants) III 山旺动物化石研究 (Studies on Shanwang fossil animals) IV 山旺昆虫与蜘蛛研究 (Studies on Shanwang insects and spiders) V 山旺综合研究 (Comprehensive studies of the Shanwang Formation) VI 学位论文和博士后工作报告 (M. Sc. Ph. D. theses as well as post-doctoral research) VII 其他非正式出版物 (Other unofficial publication) =============== 中国山东山旺中新世地层及古生物研究文献目录( 1936-2000 ) 孙启高 李凤麟 梁明媚 陈平富 李俊德 摘要: 中国山东省临朐县 山旺中新世地层富含十分精美的古生物化石,已发现有 10 多个门类 600 余种。其中,植物化石包括真菌、硅藻、苔藓、蕨类、裸子植物和被子植物以及孢粉化石;动物化石有昆虫、鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、鸟类和哺乳类等。山旺古生物的研究令人注目,在国内外具有重要影响。 为了便于山旺古生物的深入研究,现将有关山旺研究的文献目录进行系统整理。 关键词: 中国,山旺中新世地层,地质与古生物研究,文献目录,中英对照 山旺盆地位于中国山东省中部的临朐县境内( 36054 ’ N, 118o 21 ’ E )。 1936 年 , 杨钟健 教授首开研究山旺盆地的先河 , 建立了“山旺系”。该 盆地面积不足 1 平方公里, 以含硅藻的片状页岩为主,属于典型的湖相沉积(李凤麟, 1991 ;张明书 , 单莲芳, 1994 )。该地层为中国晚第三纪中新世的典型剖面 (15~17 Ma BP) ,以富含十分精美的古生物化石而闻名于世。迄今为止,已发现有 10 多个门类 600 余种。其中,植物化石包括真菌、硅藻、苔藓、蕨类、裸子植物和被子植物以及孢粉化石;动物化石有昆虫、鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、鸟类和哺乳类等 (Yang and Yang, 1994) 。 60 多年来,经过几代科学家的不懈努力,山旺古生物的研究取得了令人注目的成果,在国际学术界占有一席之地。研究内容涉及动植物各个门类的化石以及古地磁、火山岩、沉积环境等相关学科的研究,已发表论文约 130 多篇,专著 7 部,学位论文 5 篇,博士后工作报告 1 篇。 从已发表的论文及专著来看,山旺古生物研究大致可以分为三个阶段: 20 世纪 30 年代至 40 年代为早期研究阶段,主要是地质调查和系统描述重要门类化石; 50 年代至 80 年代主要是建立山旺盆地的地层层序,进行地质年代的测定、化石种类的增加和修订,并对山旺中新世的古环境进行定性分析; 90 年代以来山旺研究的主流是 从整体生物学的角度开展多学科的综合性研究,一方面对山旺古生物进行分类鉴定或修订,另一方面对山旺的古环境进行定量重建。为了便于山旺古生物的深入研究,现将 1936--2000 年有关山旺研究的文献目录进行整理。 本目录主要分地质、植物、脊椎动物、昆虫等 6 个部分。各部分文献均按年代顺序排列,原始文献在先,然后是相应的英文或中文。对于那些暂未收录但已正式发表的研究论文或其他重要出版物,以后再添加。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bilingual bibliography of geological and paleontological studies of Shanwang Formation, Shandong Province, China (1936-2000) Sun Qi-gao Li Feng-lin Liang Ming-mei Chen Ping-fu Li Jun-de Summary: The Shanwang Basin is located in Linqu County, Shandong (formerly Shantung) Province, east China (36 o 54'N, 118 o 20'E). It is a small basin of Neogene lacustrine deposits which covers less than 1 km 2 in area (Zhang and Shan, 1994). The Shanwang Formation is a standard section of Neogene stratigraphy in China and the geological age of the Shanwang Formation is the Middle Miocene (15-17 Ma) (Young, 1936a; Wu and Chen, 1979; Yan et al., 1983; Yang and Yang, 1994). So far, more than ten major groups of organisms have been discovered from the 20 m thick diatomaceous earth in the middle part of the Shanwang Formation. They include plant megafossils, pollen and pores, fungi, diatoms, insects, amphibians, reptiles, fish and mammals, etc (Yang and Yang, 1994; Li et al., 2000). Since 1936 Professor C. C. Young began Shanwang research, it has gone through 3 stages: 1) Geological survey of the Shanwang Formation and systematic description of fossils (1930s~1940s); 2) Studies on stratigraphical sequence and geological age, additions to fossil record and superficial revision of fossils as well as qualitative reconstruction of palaeoenvironment of Shanwang area during the Miocene (1950s~1980s) and 3) Interdisciplinary comprehensive studies on fossils using integrated biology and quantitative reconstruction of the palaeoclimate using modern approaches (1990s--present). So far, there has been an extensive literature for this site pertaining to the sedimentary geology of the Shanwang Formation and palaeoclimatic interpretations indicated by fossil biota (Hu and Chaney, 1940; Sung, 1959; WGCPC, 1978; Shi, 1990; Wang Xian-zeng, 1991; Zhang Junfeng, 1986, 1988; Zhou, 1992). However, much of the literature is in Chinese and the significance of the site is under appreciated amongst scientific community. The objective of compiling this bilingual bibliography is to collect the literature about Shanwang research (1936-2000) as much as possible and make the data readily available to present and future researchers. The bibliography is divided into 6 parts and listed in chronological order. Each entry has its original language, followed by the corresponding translation, either English or Chinese. The Chinese references are cited as their English titles were given in Chinese journals. Note that the spellings of some Chinese names (place and person) were changed after 1974. For example, 'Shantung' and 'Shandong' , ‘Linchu’ and ‘Linqu’ refer to the same places respectively; ‘Sung’ and ‘Song’ refer to the same family name. Key words: China, Miocene Shanwang deposit, Geological and palaeontological studies , Bilingual bibliography 参考文献(见本目录) References (see the text below) Acknowledgements We thank Li Cheng-Sen and Wang Yufei (Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences) for suggestions and discussions throughout this work. Wang Xian-zeng (Peking University), Zhu Wei-qing and Tao Jun-rong (Institute of Botany, CAS), Zhang Jian-ping (China University of Geosciences ), Yang Mei-fang (Institute of Geology, CAS), Zhang Jun-feng (Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS), Margaret E. Collinson (Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, UK) and Yang Hong (Bryant College, RI, USA) are acknowledged for kind and appreciative assistance with various aspects of this work. I 山旺地质研究 (Geological studies on the Shanwang Formation) 1. Young, C. C., 1936a. On the Cenozoic geology of Itu, Changlo and Linchu districts (Shantung). Bulletin of Geological Society of China. 15(2):171-188 杨钟健 , 1936a, 山东益都、昌乐、临朐新生代地质 , 中国地质学会志 , 15(2): 171-188 2. Juan V. C., 1937. Diatomaceous earth in Shanwang, Linchu, Shantung. Bulletin of Geological Society of China. 17(2):183-192 阮维周 , 1937, 山东临朐山旺村之硅藻土 , 中国地质学会志 , 17(2): 183-192 3. 中国地质学会编辑委员会 , 1956, 中国区域地层表 ( 草案 ) 表 (49) 山东济南一临沂区 , 科学出版社 , 北京, 231-233 Compiling Committee of the Geological Society of China, 1956. A proposal for Stratigraphy Tables of China’s Regions No.49 (Ji’nan--Linyi). Science Press, Beijing, 231-233 (In Chinese) 4. 叶素娟 , 袁宝印 , 1980, 山东临朐中新统山旺组硅藻土古地磁的初步研究 , 地球物理学报 , 23(4) : 460-463 Ye Shu-juan, Yuan Bao-yin, 1980. A palaeomagnetic study on ceyssatite of Shanwang Formation (Miocene) in Linqu County, Shandong. Acta Geophysica Sinica. 23(4): 460-463 (In Chinese with English abstract) 5. 方大钧,朱湘元,何礼章,卢永顺, 1980 ,山东山旺地区新生代玄武岩的古地磁研究及其地层意义。浙江大学学报,第 1 期, 49-57 Fang Da-jun, Zhu Xiang-yuan, He Li-zhang and Lu Yong-shun, 1980. The study of Palaeomagnetism in Cenozoic basalts, and its strata meaning at Shanwang district, Shandong . Journal of Chekiang University. No.1 (Suppl. Issue): 49-57 6. 李浩敏 , 1981, 山东山旺植物群的时代 , 见:中国古生物学会编,中国古生物学会第十二届年会论文选集 , 科学出版社 , 北京, 158-162 Li Hao-min, 1981. The Geological age of Shanwang flora. In: Palaeontological Society of China ( ed ) Selected Papers from the 12th Annual Convention of Palaeontological Society of China. Science Press, Beijing, 158-162 (In Chinese) 7. 王惠芬 , 朱炳泉 , 张前锋 , 范彩云 , 董丽敏 , 1981, 山东临朐地区新生代玄武岩同位素钾一氩年龄研究 . 地球化学 , (4): 321-328 Wang Hui-fen, Zhu Bing-quan, Zhang Qian-feng, Fan Cai-yun and Dong Li-ming, 1981. A study on K-Ar isotopic ages of Cenozoic basalt from Linqu area, Shandong Province. Geochemica. Issue 4: 321-328 (In Chinese with English abstract) 8. 张凤舫 , 1982, 山东临朐硅藻土矿床产出的地质特征 , 建材地质 , (4): 24-30 Zhang Feng-fang, 1982. Geological features of the ores from the diatomaceous earth quarry, Linqu County, Shandong. Geology of Construction Materials, Issue 4: 24-30 (In Chinese) 9. 赵大升,肖增岳,王艺芬 , 1983, 郯庐断裂带及其邻近地区新生代火山岩石特征及成因探讨 , 地质学报 , 57 (2): 129-141 Zhao Da-sheng, Xiao Zeng-yue and Wang Yi-fen, 1983. Petrological characteristics and genesis of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks in Tancheng-Lujiang fault belt and the adjacent areas. Acta Geologica Sinica. 57(2):129-141 (In Chinese with English abstract) 10. 金隆裕 , 1985, 郯庐断裂带中段新生代火山岩的 K-Ar 年龄值和分期。地质论秤, 31(4):309-315 Jin Long-yu, 1985. K-Ar ages of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the middle segment of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault belt and stages of related volcanic activity. Geological Review. 31(4):309-315. (In Chinese with English abstract) 11. 陈道公 , 彭子成 , 1985, 山东新生代火山岩 K-Ar 年龄和 Pb-Sr 同位素特征 , 地球化学, (4):293-303 Chen Dao-gong, Peng Zi-cheng, 1985. K-Ar ages and Pb-Sr isotopic characteristics of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in Shandong, China. Geochemica. 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Chinese Bulletin of Botany, Volume 17(special volume for palaeobotany):262-263(In Chinese) 38. 王宇飞、李承森、宋书银 , 李俊德,王琴, 2000 ,山东山旺中新世植物类群的部分修订与新发现。 植物学通报 , 第 17 卷( IOPC-VI 古植物学专辑) :252-255 Wang Yu-fei, Li Cheng-sen, Song Shu-yin, Li Jun-de, Wang Qin, New discovery and revisions on some taxa of Miocene Shanwang flora, Chinese Bulletin of Botany, Volume 17(special volume for palaeobotany):252-255 (In Chinese with English abstract) 39. Wang, Y. F., and Manchester, S. R., 2000, Chaneya, A new genus of winged fruit from the Tertiary of North America and eastern Asia. International Journal of Plant Science 161(1): 167-178. III 山旺动物化石研究 (Studies on Shanwang fossil animals) 1. Young C. C., 1936b. A Miocene fossil frog from Shantung. Bulletin of the Geological Society of China, 15(2):189-196. 杨钟健 , 1936b, 山东山旺产中新统蛙化石,中国地质学会志 , 15(2): 189-196 2. Young C. C., Tchang T. L., 1936. Fossil fishes from the Shanwang series of Shantung. Bull. Geol Soc China , 15 ( 2 ): 197-206. 杨钟健 , 张春霖 , 1936, 山东山旺系中之鱼化石,中国地质学会志 , 15(2): 197-206 3. Young C. C., 1937. On a Miocene mammalian fauna from Shantung. Bull Geol Soc China, 17: 209-244. 杨钟健 , 1937, 山东中新统哺乳动物群 , 中国地质学会志 , 17(2): 209-244 4. Teilhard de Chardin, 1939. The Miocene cervids from Shantung. Bull. Geol. Soc. China, 19 (2): 269-278. 德日进 , 1939, 山东中新统之鹿类化石 , 中国地质学会志 , 19(3): 269-278 5. 胡长康 , 1957, 山东临朐皇冠鹿和无角犀零星材料 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 , 1(2): 163-166 Hu C. K.,1957. An antler fragment of Stephanocemas and some teeth of Aceratherium from Linchu, Shantung. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 1(2): 163-166 (In Chinese with English abstract) 6. 孙艾玲 , 1961, 山东山旺中新世蛇化石 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 , 5(4) : 306-312 Sun A. L., 1961, Notes on fossil snakes from Shanwang, Shantung. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 5(4): 306-312. (In Chinese with English abstract) 7. 王伴月 , 1965, 山东临朐山旺中新世犀类一新种 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 , 9(1): 109-112 Wang B. Y., 1965, New vertebrate fossils from Shanwang, Linqu, Shandong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 9(1): 109-112. (In Chinese with English abstract) 8. 杨钟健 , 1965, 中国中新统蝾螈化石的首次发现 , 古生物学报 , 13(3): 455-459 Young C. C., 1965, On the first occurrence of the fossil salamanders from the upper Miocene of Shantung, China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 13 (3): 455-459. (In Chinese with English abstract) 9. 李传夔 , 1974, 山东临朐中新世啮齿类化石 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 , 12(1): 43-53 Li C. K., 1974. A probable geomyoid rodent from Middle Miocene of Linchu, Shantung. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 12 (1): 43-53. (In Chinese with English abstract) 10. 张玉萍 , 1974, 云南开远和山东临朐中新世猪类化石 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 , 12(2): 117-123 Zhang Yuping, 1974, Miocene suids from Kaiyuan, Yunnan and Linchu, Shantung. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 12 (2): 117-123 (In Chinese with English abstract) 11. 杨钟健 , 1977, 关于山东临朐山旺的蛙类和翼手类 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 , 15(1): 76-80 Yang C. J., 1977, On some Salientia and Chiroptera from Shanwang, Linqu, Shandong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 15 (1): 76-80. (In Chinese with English abstract) 12. 叶祥奎 , 1977, 中新世鸟类在我国的首次发现 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 , 15(4): 244-248 Yeh H. K., 1977. First discovery of Miocene bird in China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 15 (4): 244-248 (In Chinese with English abstract) 13. 周本雄 , 时墨庄 , 1978. 山东临朐中中新世柄杯鹿头骨的发现 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 , 16(2): 111-122 Zhou B. X., Shi M. Z., 1978, A skull of Lagomeryx from Middle Miocene of Linchu, Shantung. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 16 (2): 111-122. (In Chinese with English abstract) 14. 谢万明 , 1979, 古貘在我国的首次发现 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 ,17 ( 2 ): 146-148 Xie Wan-ming, 1979. First discovery of the Paleotapirus in China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica,17(2):146-148 (In Chinese with English abstract) 15. 叶祥奎 , 1980, 山东临朐的鸟化石 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 , 18(2): 116-125 Yeh H. K., 1980, Fossil birds from Linqu, Shandong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 18 (2): 116-125 (In Chinese with English abstract) 16. 叶祥奎 , 1981, 三记山东临朐中新世鸟化石 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 , 19(2): 149-155 Yeh H. K., 1981. Third notes on fossil bird from Miocene of Linqu, Shandong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 19 (2): 149-155 (In Chinese with English abstract) 17. 邱铸鼎 , 1981, 山东临朐中新世松鼠类一新种 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 , 19(3): 228-238 Qiu Z. D., 1981, A new sciuroptere from Middle Miocene of Linqu, Shandong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 19 (3): 228-238 (In Chinese with English abstract) 18. 谢万明 , 1982, 山东山旺中新世犀类的新发现 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 , 20(2): 133-137 Xie W. M., 1982, New discovery on aceratherine rhinoceros from Shanwang in Linchu, Shandong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 20 (2): 133-137 (In Chinese with English abstract) 19. 闫德发 , 1983, 关于近无角犀 ( Plesiaceratherium ) 的形态和分类 , 古脊椎动物与古人类 , 21(2):134-143 Yan D. F., 1983, The morphology and classification of Plesiaceratherium . Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 21 (2): 134-143 (In Chinese with English abstract) 20. 闫德发 , 邱铸鼎,孟振亚, 1983, 山东山旺中中新世地层及哺乳动物化石 , 古脊椎动物与古人类, 21(3): 211-222 Yan D. F., Qiu Z. D. and Meng Z. Y., 1983, Miocene stratigraphy and mammals from Shanwang, Shandong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 21 (3): 211-222 (In Chinese with English abstract) 21. 叶祥奎 , 孙 博 , 1984, 山东临朐鸟类化石的新材料 , 古脊椎动物学报 , 22(3): 208-212 Yeh H. K. and Sun B., 1984. New materials of fossil phasianid bird from Linqu, Shandong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 22 (3): 208-212 (In Chinese with English abstract) 22. 李传夔,吴文裕,邱铸鼎, 1984 ,中国陆相新第三纪的初步划分与对比,古脊椎动物学报, 22 ( 3 ): 163 - 178 Li C. K., Wu W. Y. and Qiu Z. D., 1984, Chinese Neogene subdivision and correlation. Vertebrata Palasiatica, 22 (3): 163-178 (In Chinese with English abstract) 23. 邱占祥 , 闫德发 , 贾 航 , 孙 博 , 1985, 山东山旺 Palaeomeryx 化石的初步研究 , 古脊椎动物学报 , 23(3): 173-195 Qiu Z. X., Yan D. F., Jia H., and Sun B., 1985, Preliminary observations on the newly found skeletons of Palaeomeryx from Shanwang, Shandong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 23 (3): 173-195 (In Chinese with English abstract) 24. 邱占祥 , 闫德发 , 贾 航 , 王保中 , 1985, 山东山旺首次发现祖熊牙齿化石 , 古脊椎动物学报 , 23(4): 264-275 Qiu Z. X., Yan D. F., Jia H. and Wang B. Z., 1985, Dentition of the Ursavus skeleton from Shanwang, Shandong Province. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 23 (4): 264-275 (In Chinese with English abstract) 25. 高克勤 , 1986, 山东临朐中中新世锄足蟾类化石及临朐蟾蜍的再研究 , 古脊椎动物学报, 24(1): 63-74 Gao K. Q., 1986, Middle Miocene Pelobatidae fossils from Linqu, Shandong with a revision of toad fossils. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 24 (1): 63-74 (In Chinese with English abstract) 26. 邱占祥 , 闫德发 , 贾 航 , 孙 博 , 1986, 山东山旺新发现的大型熊类化石 , 古脊椎动物学报, 24(3): 182-194 Qiu Z. X., Yan D. F., Jia H. and Sun B., 1986,The large-sized ursid fossils from Shanwang, Shandong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 24 (3): 182-194 (In Chinese with English abstract) 27. 郑淑英, 1986, 山东山旺中新世的介形类。见:山东古生物地层论文集编委会,山东古生物地层论文集,海洋出版社,北京, 47-53 页, Zhen S. Y., 1986. Miocene ostracodes from Shanwang, Shandong. In: In: Editorial Committee of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy of Shandong (ed.) Palaeontology and Stratigraphy of Shandong. China Ocean Press, Beijing, 47-53 28. Yan Defa, Kurt Heissig,1986,. Revision and Autopodidal Morpholgy of the Chinese-European Rhinocerotid Genus Plesiaceratherium Young, 1937. Zitteliana Abhandlungen der Bayreischen Staatssammlung fiif Palaontologic und Historische Geologic, 14:81-110 29. 李锦玲 , 王保忠 , 1987, 记山东山旺纯吻锷 (Alligator) 一新种。古脊椎动物学报, 25(3): 199-207 Li J. L., and Wang B. Z., 1987, A new species of Alligator from Shanwang, Shandong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 25 (3): 199-207 (In Chinese with English abstract) 30. 邱铸鼎 , 孙 博 , 1988, 山东山旺新发现的哺乳动物化石 , 古脊椎动物学报 , 24(1):50-58 Qiu Z. D., and Sun B., 1988, New fossil micromammals from Shanwang, Shandong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 24 (1): 50-58 (In Chinese with English abstract) 31. 周家建 , 1990, 山东山旺中中新世鲤科化石 , 古脊椎动物学报 , 28(2): 95-127 Zhou, J.-j., 1990: The Cyprinidae fossils from Middle Miocene of Shanwang basin. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 28(2):95-127 (In Chinese with English abstract). 32. 邱占祥,闫得发,孙博, 1991, 记山东山旺貘类-新属 , 古脊椎动物学报 ,29(2):119-135 Qiu Z. X., Yan D. F. and Sun B., 1991, A new genus of Tapiridae from Shanwang, Shandong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 29 (2): 119-135 (In Chinese with English abstract) 33. 周家健 , 1992, 山东山旺中新世鳅科化石 , 古脊椎学动物学报 , 30(1):71-76 Zhou J. J., 1992, A new cobitid from the Middle Miocene of Shanwang, Shandong. Vert PalAsiat 30 (1): 71-76 (In Chinese with English abstract) 34. 杨式溥, 1996 ,山东山旺中新世硅藻页岩中的遗迹化石。地质论评。 42 ( 2 ): 187-190 Yang Shi-pu, 1996. Trace fossils from the Miocene diatomites of Shanwang, Shandong, China. Geological Review , 42 ( 2 ): 187-190 (In Chinese with English abstract) 35. 陈平富,刘焕章,阎际兴, 1999 ,鲈形目少鳞厥属化石在中国的首次发现。古脊椎动物学报, 37 ( 3 ): 212-227 Chen P. F., Liu H. Z. and Yan J. X., 1999, Discovery of fossil Coreoperca (Perciformes) in China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 37 (3): 212-227 (In Chinese with English abstract) 36. Chen, P.-F., 2000, Using fish taphonomy to reconstruct the environment of ancient Lake Shanwang. Advances in Ecological Research, Volume 30: a special thematic volume on ancient lakes: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution. Edited by Andrew Rossiter and Hiroya Kawanabe. Academic Press Ltd, London, p483-495 37. 陈平富 , 2000, 山东山旺中新世鱼化石埋藏学及古湖泊环境 , 植物学通报 , 第 17 卷( IOPC-VI 古植物学专辑) :264-271 Chen, P.-F., 2000, Taphonomy of the Miocene fish from Shanwang, Shandong Province and environment of ancient lake. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, Volume 17(special volume for palaeobotany):264-271(In Chinese with English abstract) IV 山旺昆虫与蜘蛛研究 (Studies on Shanwang insects and spiders) 1. 洪友崇 , 1979, 山东临朐中新世同翅目一个新属 , 古生物学报 , 18(3): 301-307 Hong, You-chong, 1979, Oxycephala gen. nov. a Miocence Homoptera (Insecta) from Linqu of Shandong. Acta Palaeont. Sin., 18(3):301-307(In Chinese with English abstract) 2. 林启彬 , 1982, 昆虫纲,见:地质矿产部南京地质矿产研究所主编,华东地区古生物图册(三)中、新生代分册。地质出版社,北京, 148—155 页 Lin, Qi-bin, 1982, Insecta, In: Nanjing Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of P. R. China (ed.) Palaeontolgical Atlas of East China, Part 3, Volume of Mesozoic and Cenozoic, Geological Publishing House, Beijing. 148-155 (In Chinese) 3. 洪友崇 , 1983, 山东山旺硅藻土中的昆虫化石 , 中国地质科学院天津地质矿产研究所所刊 , 8: 1-15 Hong, You-chong, 1983, Fossil insects in the diatomite of Shanwang. Bulletin of Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences. 8:1-15 (In Chinese) 4. 洪友崇 , 1985 ,山东硅藻矿中的昆虫 , 蝎 , 蜘蛛化石 , 地质出版社 , 北京, 1-67 页 Hong. You-chong, 1985, Fossil Insects, Scorpionids and Araneids in the Diatomite of Shanwang. Geological Publishing House, Beijing, 1-67 (In Chinese) 5. 洪友崇 , 王文利, 1985, 山东山旺中新世双翅、膜翅目化石 ( 昆虫纲 ), 北京自然博物馆研究报告 , 31 期 :1-22 Hong, Youchong and Wang, Wenli, 1986, Miocene Diptera and Hymenoptera (Insecta) of Shanwang, Shandong Province, China. Memoir of Beijing Natural History Museum. Issue 31:1-22 (In Chinese) 6. 洪友崇 , 王文利, 1986, 山东山旺中新世鞘翅目化石 ( 昆虫纲 ), 北京自然博物馆研究报告 , 38 期 :1-13 Hong, Youchong and Wang, Wenli, 1986, Miocene Coleoptera (Insecta) of Shanwang, Shandong Province, China. Memoir of Beijing Natural History Museum. Issue 38:1-13 (In Chinese) 7. 张俊峰 , 1986 ,山旺昆虫化石群及其古生态 , 见:中国古生物学会编,中国古生物学会 13-14 届学术年会论文选集,安徽科技出版社,合肥 , 237-248 页 Zhang, Junfeng, 1986, Ecological and biogeographical analysis on Miocene Shanwang insect fauna. In: Palaeontological Society of China (ed) Selected Papers from the 13th and 14th Annual Convention of Palaeontological Society of China. Anhui Science and Technology Publishing House, Hefei, 237-246pp (In Chinese with English abstract) 8. 洪友崇 , 王文利, 1987 ,山东山旺中新世纺足目、鞘翅目化石 ( 昆虫纲 ) 。见:中国地质科学院地层古生物论文集编委会,地层古生物论文集, 16 辑,地质出版社,北京, 257-261 Hong Youchong and Wang Wenli, 1987, Miocene Embioptera and Coleoptera (Insecta) of Shanwang, Shandong Province, China. In: Editorial Committee of Professional Papers of Stratigraphy and Paleontology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Professional Papers of Stratigraphy and Paleontology. Volume 16, Geological Publishing House, Beijing, 257-261 (In Chinese with English abstract) 9. 洪友崇 , 王文利, 1987 ,山东山旺中新世异翅目、鞘翅目化石 ( 昆虫纲 ) 。兰州大学学报(自然科学版) 24 ( 3 ): 116-124 Hong Youchong and Wang Wenli, 1987, Miocene Heteroptera and Coleoptera (Insecta) from Shanwang of Shandong Province, China. Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Science), 24(3):116-124(In Chinese with English abstract) 10. 张俊峰 , 1989, 山旺昆虫化石 , 山东科学技术出版社 , 济南, p1-459, plate 1-92 Zhang Junfeng, 1989, Fossil Insects from Shanwang, Shandong, China. Shandong Science and Technology Publishing House, Ji’nan, 1-459pp , pls.92 (In Chinese with English summary) 11. Lin Q.-B, Zhang J.-F., Wang B.-Z.. 1989, New evidences for Miocene climatic optimum event----Review on the Miocene spider fossils from Shanwang collection. In: Liu Geng-wu, Tsuchi R., and Lin Qi-bin (eds), Proc. Inter, Sym. Pacif. Neogene Contin. and Marine Events. Nanjing University Press, Nanjing, 137-147 12. Zhang J.-F., 1989, Miocene insects from Shanwang of Shandong, China and their bearing on palaeoenvironment. In: Liu Geng-wu, Tsuchi R., and Lin Qi-bin (eds), Proc. Inter, Sym. Pacif. Neogene Contin. and Marine Events. Nanjing University Press, Nanjing, 149-156 13. 张俊峰 , 1990, 蜜蜂总科化石新种 ( 昆虫纲:膜翅目 ), 动物分类学报 , 1990, 15(1): 83-91 Zhang Junfeng, 1990, New fossil species of Apoidea (Insecta: Hymenoptera). Acta Zoolotaxonomica Sinica. 15(1):83-91(In Chinese with English abstract) 14. 张俊峰 , 张希雨, 1990, 山东山旺蝉类和蝽类昆虫化石 , 古生物学报 , 29(3): 337-348 Zhang Junfeng and Zhang Xiyu, 1990, Fossil insects of cicada (Homoptera) and ture bugs (Heteroptera) from Shanwang, Shandong, Acta Palaeontologia Sinica. 29(3):337-348(In Chinese with English abstract) 15. 张俊峰 , 张希雨, 1990 ,山东山旺叶蜂科新属和新种。昆虫分类学报 , 12(1):29-36 Zhang Junfeng and Zhang Xiyu, 1990, New genus and new species of sawflies (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) in Miocene from Shanwang, China. Entomotaxonomica, 12(1):29-36(In Chinese with English abstract) 16. 郭双兴, 1991 ,山东临朐中新世山旺组昆虫蛀蚀遗迹。古生物学报。 30(6): 739-742. Guo S. X., 1991, A Miocene trace fossil of insect from Shanwang Formation in Linqu, Shandong. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 30 (6): 739-742 (In Chinese with English abstract) 17. 张俊峰 , 1993 , 中新世毛蚊科新种 — 兼论 Clothonopsis niocenica 的分类位置。古生物学报 , 32(2):141-150 Zhang Junfeng, 1993, New Miocene species of Bibionidae (Insecta: Diptera) with discussion on taxonomic position of Clothonopsis miocenica . Acta Palaeontologia Sinica. 32(2):141-150 (In Chinese with English abstract) 18. 张俊峰,孙 博,张希雨, 1994 ,山东山旺中新世昆虫与蜘蛛,科学出版社,北京, 1-298, Plate 1-44. Zhang Junfeng, Sun Bo and Zhang Xiyu, 1994, Miocene Insects and Spiders from Shanwang, Shandong. Science Press, Beijing, 1-298pp, 1-44pls. (In Chinese with English summary) V 山旺综合研究 (Comprehensive studies of the Shanwang Formation) 1. 张席 禔 , 1963, 山东山旺中新世硅藻土的形成环境和古生物群分析 . 见:杨式溥 , 李凤麟 , 张席 禔 , 殷鸿福 著 , 古生态学 . 中国工业出版社,北京,第十一章 , 148 - 155 页 Zhang Xi-ti, 1963, The forming environment for the Miocene aged diatomaceouse earth in Shanwang area, Shandong and the analysis of the Shanwang fossil biota. In: Yang Shi-fu, Li Feng-lin, Zhang Xi-ti, Yin Hong-fu (eds) Palaeoecology (Chapter 11). Industry Press of China, Beijing, 148-155 (In Chinese) 2. 王宪曾 , 1981, 山东临朐中新世山旺湖古环境初探 , 北京大学学报 ( 自然科学 ), 4: 100-111 Wang Xian-zeng, 1981, An introductory survey of the palaeo-surroundings of Miocene Shanwang Lake in Linchu, Shantung Province. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis Issue 4: 100-111 (In Chinese with English abstract) 3. 导演: 陈国民 顾问: 徐仁 技术指导: 陶 君容 阎得发 , 1984. 电影《山旺古生物宝库》 北京科教电影制片厂摄,北京,(注:获贝尔格尔德世界优秀科教片奖) Director: Chen Guo-ming Scientific advisor: Hsu Jen Scientific supervisors: Tao Jun-rong and Yan De-fa, 1984. Treasure for Palaeontology in Shanwang, China (A movie). Produced by Beijing Scientific Education Movie Corporation, Beijing, (NB: Won Belgrade Award for World Distinguished Scientific Education Movie ) 4. Yang, H and Smiley, C. J., 1991. Miocence paleoclimatic comparisons: Shanwang (Shandong, P. R. China) and Clarkia (Idaho, USA), Program with Abstracts. 72nd annual meeting of the Pacific Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 49 5. Yang, H Yang S.-P., 1994, The Shanwang fossil biota in eastern China: a Miocene Konservat-Lagerstatte in Lacustrine deposits. Lethaia, 27: 345-354 6. 孙 博 (Sun Bo) , 1995 ,山旺古生物图鉴 (SHANWANG FOSSILS) ( 中英对照 —In Chinese and English) ,科学出版社,北京 (Science Press, Beijing), p1-77 7. 徐仁, 1982, 地质历史时期景观图。科学出版社,北京 , 38-39 Hsu Jen, 1982, Landscapes during the Geological Past. Science Press, Beijing, pp38-39 (In Chinese) VI 学位论文和博士后工作报告 (M. Sc. Ph. D. theses as well as post-doctoral research) 1. 戈红宾 , 1988, 山东临朐中中新世山旺组沉积环境及犀类化石的初步研究, 中国地质大学(北京)硕士论文 , 1-32 页 Ge Hong-bin, 1988, The preliminary study of sedimentary environment of Middle Miocene Shanwang Formation and Rhinoceros from Linqu, Shandong. 1-32pp., M. Sc. Thesis, China University of Geosciences, Beijing. (In Chinese with English abstract) 2. 石 玲 , 1988, 山东山旺中新世硅藻及其环境分析,中国地质大学(北京)硕士论文 , 1-76 页 Shi Ling, 1988, The Miocene Diatom Assemblages from the Shanwang Formation, Shandong, China, and Analysis of Palaeoenvironment. 1-76pp. M. Sc. Thesis, China University of Geosciences, Beijing. (In Chinese with English abstract) 3. 杨 洪 , 1988, 山东山旺中新世植物群和气候研究,中国地质大学(北京)硕士论文 , 1-79 页 Yang Hong, 1988, The Miocene Shanwang Flora and Its Palaeoclimatology from Shandong, China, 1-79pp. M. Sc. Thesis, China University of Geosciences, Beijing. (In Chinese with English abstract) 4. 杨美芳, 1991 ,山东临朐山旺盆地的中新世硅藻植物群以及沉积环境分析,中国地质大学(北京)硕士论文 , 1-86 页 Yang Mei-fang, 1991, On diatom flora of the Shanwang basin in the Middle Miocene in Linqu county of Shandong Province and the analysis of the sedimentary environment of the basin 1-86pp. M. Sc. Thesis, China University of Geosciences, Beijing. (In Chinese with English abstract) 5. Yang Hong, 1993, Miocene Lake Basin Analysis and Comparative Taphonomy: Clarkia (Idaho, U. S. A.) and Shanwang (Shandong, P. R. China). 1-272pp. Ph D dissertation, University of Idaho 6. 陈平富, 1997 ,山东山旺中新世鱼化石埋藏学及其古湖泊学意义兼述鲈形目厥属一新种,中国科学院古脊椎与古人类研究所博士后研究工作报告。北京 , 1-46 。 Chen, P. F., 1997, Fish taponomy and its paleoclimatological significance, with the description of a new species of Siniperca from the Miocene Shanwang Formation, Shandong, eastern China. Postdoctoral Research Report of Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 1-46 (In Chinese with English abstract) VII 其他非正式出版物 (Other unofficial publication) (1) 山旺地质研究 (Geological studies on the Shanwnag Formation) 1. 沙业学 , 1978, 山东临朐地区山旺组地质简介 , 中国古生物学会讯 , (14): 17-24 Sha Ye-xue, 1978. A brief introduction to Shanwang Formation, Linqu, Shandong. Newsletter of the Paleontological Society of China. Issue 14:17-24 (In Chinese) 2. 方大钧 , 1981, 山东蓬莱地区新生代玄武岩的古地磁研究及地层意义 , 华东地区火山岩会议论文 . Fang Da-jun, 1981. A palaeomagnetic study on Cenozoic basalt from Peng-lai region of Shandong and its stratigraphical implications. Paper for meeting of volcanic rocks from east China (In Chinese) 3. 陈文寄 , 1982, 华北某些新生代火山岩的 K-Ar 年龄 , 中国东北部新生代玄武岩及深源包体学术讨论会论文 Chen Wen-ji, 1982. The K-Ar isotopic ages of some Cenozoic volcanic rocks from North China. Paper for Symposium of Cenozoic Basalts and Deep-focus Inclusion from Northeast China. (In Chinese) 4. 朱 铭 , 1982, 山东省山旺地区新代火山岩年代学的初步研究 , 第二届全国同位素地质议论文摘要 Zhu Ming , 1982. A preliminary study on geological dating of Cenozoic volcanic rocks from Shanwang area, Shandong Province. Abstacts of the Second Symposium of Isotope Geology of China. (In Chinese) 5. 李凤麟 , 王保忠 , 戈红宾 , 孙 博 , 1988, 山东临朐山旺组沉积环境、古生态及包家河盆地脊椎动物化石的发现 , 中国古生物学会古生态专业委员会第一届学术讨论会论文 , 山东临朐 Li Feng-lin, Wang Bao-zhong, Ge Hong-bing, Sun Bo, 1988. Sedimentology and paleo-ecology of Shanwang Formation of Linqu, Shandong and discovery of vertibrate fossils in Bao-jia-he Basin. In: Abstracts of the First Symposium of Paleoecology Committee of the Palaeontological Society of China. Linqu, Shandong (In Chinese) 6. 刘皇风 , 石 宁 , 1988, 山东临朐山旺组古地磁的初步研究 ( 摘要 ) ,第一届古生态学术会议论文摘要。山东临朐 Liu Huang-feng, Shi Ning, 1988. Preliminary study on palaeomagnet of Shanwang Formation, Shandong. In: Abstracts of the First Symposium of Paleoecology Committee of the Palaeontological Society of China. Linqu, Shandong (In Chinese) 李凤麟 , 罗照华, 1992 ,山旺地质及古生态环境,见: 中国地质大学建校 40 周年科学报告会论文摘要汇编,中国地质大学,北京, 84-87 Lin Feng-lin, Luo Zhao-hua, 1992. Geology, palaeoecology and palaeoenvironment of the Shanwang Formation. In: Compiled by China University of Geosciences, Abstracts of Symposium for Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of China University of Geosciences, Beijing, 84-87 (2) 山旺植物研究 (Studies on Shanwang fossil plants) 1. 李浩敏 , 1978, 山东山旺植物群的时代及我国东部地区晚第三纪植物群研究概况 , 中国古生物学会讯 , (14): 43-47 Li Hao-ming, 1978, The geological age of Shanwang flora, Shandong and brief introduction to the studies on Neogene floras from east China. Newsletter of the Paleontological Society of China. Issue 14: 43-47 (In Chinese) 2. 陶 君容 , 1978, 山旺植物群的特征性 , 中国古生物学会讯 , (14): 48-50 Tao Jun-rong, 1978, The characteristics of Shanwang flora. Newsletter of the Palaontologial Society of China. Issue 14:48-50 (In Chinese) 3. 李家英 , 1978, 山东山旺中新世硅藻组合的研究 , 中国古生物学会讯 , (14): 56-58 Li Jia-ying, 1978, Study of Miocene diatom assemblages of Shanwang, Shandong. Newsletter of the Palaontologial Society of China. Issue 14:56-58 (In Chinese) 4. 黄成彦 , 1978, 山东山旺中新世硅藻植物群 , 中国古生物学会讯 , (14): 59-62 Huang Cheng-yan, 1978, Miocene diatom flora of Shanwang, Shandong. Newsletter of the Palaontologial Society of China. Issue 14:59-62 (In Chinese) (3) 山旺动物化石研究 (Studies on Shanwang fossil animals) 1. 李传夔 , 1962, 山东新生代脊椎动物化石的观察 ( 摘要 ), 中国地质学会 1962 年年会论文摘要汇编 Li C. K., 1962. Observation on vertabrate fossils from Shandong Cenozoic deposits (Summary). Selected Summaries from the Annual Convention of Geological Society of China in 1962. 2. 吴文裕 , 陈冠芳 , 1978. 山东山旺的脊椎动物化石和中国中新世哺乳动物的研究 , 中国古生物学会讯 , 14:25-41 Wu W. Y., Chen G. F., 1978. Studies on vertebrate fossils from Shanwang and Miocene mammalian fauna in China. Newsletter of Paleontological Society of China, 14:25-41 3. 谢万明 , 1978, 山旺的古貘 (Palaeotapirus) 化石 , 中国古生物学会讯 , 14: 42 Xie W. M., 1978, Paleo-tapirus fossil from Shanwang. Newsletter of Paleontological Society of China, 14:42 (4) 山旺昆虫与蜘蛛研究 (Studies on Shanwang insects and spiders) 1. 林启彬 , 1978, 我国新生代昆虫化石的研究概况 , 中国古生物学会讯 , 14: 53 Lin Qi-bin, 1978, Brief introduction to studies of Cenozoic insects of China. Newsletter of Palaeontological Society of China, Issue 14:53 (In Chinese) 2. 洪友崇 , 1978, 山东临朐中新世同翅目一个新属种 , 中国古生物学会讯 , 14: 54-55 Hong, You-chong, 1978, Oxycephala gen. nov. a Miocence Homoptera (Insecta) from Linqu of Shandong. Newsletter of Palaeontological Society of China, Issue 14:54-55(In Chinese) (5) 山旺古生物化石科学保护、发掘研究座谈会资料, 1990 年 12 月,北京 ( A Series of Materials for a Workshop of Scientific Conservation, Operation and Research of Shanwang Fossils, Beijing, December 1990 ) 1. 李凤麟,孙凤培,山旺化石研究历史及山旺化石保护区建立沿革 Li Feng-lin and Sun Feng-pei, Research history of Shanwang fossils and the establishment of Shanwang Fossil Conservation Area (In Chinese) 2. 李凤麟,阎际兴,山旺化石研究文献目录 Li Feng-lin and Yan Ji-xing, A bibliography of studies of Shanwang fossils (In Chinese) 3. 李凤麟,阎际兴,中国硅藻土资源及开发利用概况 Li Feng-lin and Yan Jin-xin, Brief introduction to Chinese diatomite resources and exploration, (In Chinese) 4. 李凤麟 , 王保忠 , 戈红宾 , 孙 博 , 山东临朐山旺组沉积环境、古生态及包家河盆地脊椎动物化石的发现 Li Feng-lin, Wang Bao-zhong, Ge Hong-bing, Sun Bo, Sedimentology and paleo-ecology of Shanwang Formation of Linqu, Shandong and discovery of vertibrate fossils in Bao-jia-he Basin. (In Chinese) 5. 李凤麟 , 山东临朐山旺组的再认识 Li Feng-lin, Re-study of the Shanwang Formation, Linqu, Shandong (In Chinese) 6. 杨慕华 , 李凤麟 , 罗照华 , 山东临朐山旺组火山集块岩和辫状河道沉积物发现的意义 Yang Mu-hua, Li Feng-lin, Luo Zhao-hua, The discovery of volcanic agglomerate and braided channel deposits of Shanwang Formation Shandong and its implication (In Chinese) 7. 李凤麟,化石 ---- 生命历史的唯一证据 Li Feng-lin, Fossil---Unique evidence for life history (In Chinese) 8. 王宪曾,山东临朐山旺组地层研究进展(摘要) Wang Xian-zeng, Progress of study on strata of the Shanwang Formation, Linqu, Shandong (Abstract) (In Chinese) 9. 王宪曾 , 山东临朐山旺组硅藻页岩中孢粉植物群及其微古环境意义 Wang Xian-zeng, Palynoflora in the diatomaceous shale of the Shanwang Formation, Shandong, and its palaeoenvironmental significance (In Chinese).
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