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jiangxun 2019-1-24 09:47
作者:蒋迅 原文: Bridges 2017 对於爱好数学文化和艺术的读者,我建议认真把Bridge数学历年的文章过一遍。今天我来介绍2017年的文章。由於本人没有悉数阅读所有的文章,而且在许多方面都不熟悉,所以下面的翻译一定有很多错误。如有疑问,以英文标题为准。本人是数学的外行,不想对精英数学家指手划脚。对号入座者请止步。谢谢! Bridges 2017 瑞典斯德哥尔摩 2017年7月27日至29日 更多信息 前言 作者:The Editors 普通论文 有个性的数字 (Numbers with Personality) 作者:Alice Major 页数:1-8 HyperRogue:玩玩双曲几何 (HyperRogue: Playing with Hyperbolic Geometry) 作者:Eryk Kopczynski, Dorota Celinska and Marek Ctrnat 页数:9-16 弯曲的房子:用双曲拼出可视化多胞体 (Crooked Houses: Visualizing the Polychora with Hyperbolic Patchwork) 作者:Taneli Luotoniemi 页数:17-24 基於径向发展分形曲线的雕塑形式 (Sculptural Forms Based on Radially-developing Fractal Curves) 作者:Robert Fathauer 页数:25-32 非欧虚拟现实之一:H 3 的探索 (Non-euclidean Virtual Reality I: Explorations of H 3 ) 作者:Vi Hart, Andrea Hawksley, Elisabetta Matsumoto and Henry Segerman 页数:33-40 非欧虚拟现实之二:H 2 ×E的探索 (Non-euclidean Virtual Reality II: Explorations of H 2 ×E ) 作者:Vi Hart, Andrea Hawksley, Elisabetta Matsumoto and Henry Segerman 页数:41-48 可逆无穷:一个环形时尚设计 (Invertible Infinity: A Toroidal Fashion Statement) 作者:Ellie Baker and Charles Wampler 页数:49-56 受DNA启发的篮子制作:线框雕塑的脚手架 - 钢绞线结构 (DNA-inspired Basketmaking: Scaffold-Strand Construction of Wireframe Sculptures) 作者:James Mallos 页数:57-62 让数学可见 (Making Math Visible) 作者:George Hart and Elisabeth Heathfield 页数:63-70 交织的伊斯兰几何图案 (Interwoven Islamic Geometric Patterns) 作者:Craig S. Kaplan 页数:71-78 磁球构成的结构 (Magnetic Sphere Constructions) 作者:Henry Segerman and Rosa Zwier 页数:79-86 一种获取广义2D曲折模式的算法方法 (An Algorithmic Approach to Obtain Generalized 2D Meander-Patterns) 作者:Saied Zarrinmehr, Ergun Akleman, Mahmood Ettehad, Negar Kalantar, Alireza Borhani Haghighi and Shinjiro Sueda 页数:87-94 有趣的整数序列 (Fun with Integer Sequences) 作者:Kerry Mitchell 页数:95-102 对称采样器综述 (A Survey of Symmetry Samplers) 作者:Susan Goldstine 页数:103-110 新的分形模式 (New Kinds of Fractal Patterns) 作者:Douglas Dunham and John Shier 页数:111-116 向伊娃·西尔德致敬 (Homage to Eva Hild) 作者:Carlo H. Sequin 页数:117-124 灵感来自双十二面体和二十面体的艺术作品 (Artwork Inspired by Dual Dodecahedra and Icosahedra) 作者:Stephen Wassell and Mark Reynolds 页数:125-130 自然颜色对称性 (Natural Color Symmetry) 作者:Frank A. Farris 页数:131-138 让数字行走:用整数序列实现平面上的乌龟舞 (Let the Numbers Do the Walking: Generating Turtle Dances on the Plane from Integer Sequences) 作者:Adam Colestock 页数:139-146 从16细胞蜂窝的横截面获得H和T蜂窝 (Obtaining the H and T Honeycomb from a Cross-Section of the 16-cell Honeycomb) 作者:Hideki Tsuiki 页数:147-152 无穷的艺术 (Art of Infinity) 作者:Kenneth Brecher 页数:153-158 莫比乌斯变换群的几何表示与可视化 (A Geometrical Representation and Visualization of Mobius Transformation Groups) 作者:Kento Nakamura and Kazushi Ahara 页数:159-166 几何因子与惊喜修饰的阿基米德固体 (Geometric Factors and the Well Dressed Solids of Archimedes) 作者:Stan Spencer 页数:167-174 构建多面体拓扑模型的一般方法 (A General Method for Building Topological Models of Polyhedra) 作者:Mircea Draghicescu 页数:175-182 孔明棋字体 (A Peg Solitaire Font) 作者:Taishi Oikawa, Kazuaki Yamazaki, Tomoko Taniguchi and Ryuhei Uehara 页数:183-188 建立贝壳形状模型和色素沉淀模式:用3D打印来实验 (Modelling Seashells Shapes and Pigmentation Patterns: Experiments with 3D Printing) 作者:Francesco de Comite 页数:189-196 无望的爱和其他格子漫步 (Hopeless Love and Other Lattice Walks) 作者:Tom Verhoeff and Koos Verhoeff 页数:197-204 梭壳花边的对称性面面观 (Aspects of Symmetry in Bobbin Lace) 作者:Veronika Irvine and Frank Ruskey 页数:205-212 彭罗斯平铺中的隐藏之美:编织和蕾丝 (Hidden Beauty in Penrose Tiling: Weavings Lace) 作者:Douglas Burkholder 页数:213-220 多才多艺的天才:数学,科学,艺术和加州国家公园相交的案例研究 (Versatile Genius: A Case Study Intersecting Math, Science, Art, and California's National Parks) 作者:Leslie Love Stone and Christopher S. Brownell 页数:221-228 图提交织 (Tuti Inter-Weaving) 作者:Abdalla Ahmed and Oliver Deussen 页数:229-236 高斯帕曲线地球 (Flowsnake Earth) 作者:Jacob Rus 页数:237-244 可互变性II (Inter-transformability II) 作者:John Hiigli and Stephen Weil 页数:245-252 亲吻戒指,手镯,玫瑰和加拿大磁性硬币:圆形包装,铁氧体块磁铁和磁性片 (Kissing Rings, Bracelets, Roses and Canadian Magnetic Coins: Circle Packing with Ferrite Block Magnets and Magnetic Sheet) 作者:Maria Victoria Canullo, Veronika Irvine and Robin Linhope Willson 页数:253-260 一个数学与数字艺术课程 (A Mathematics and Digital Art Course) 作者:Vincent Matsko 页数:261-268 来自多边形的圆锥曲线:弦比构造 (Conics from Polygons: The Chord Ratio Construction) 作者:Scott Vorthmann, David Hall and David Richter 页数:269-276 在2016年芬兰Bridges会议上向法比安·维恩致以Zometool之 礼 (Zometool Tribute to Fabien Vienne at Bridges Finland 2016) 作者:Samuel Verbiese 页数:277-282 圆形和球形钟声的巧妙万花筒 (The Artful Kaleidoscopes of the Circular and Spherical Bells) 作者:Carlos Puente 页数:283-290 双色舞蹈 (Dichromatic Dances) 作者:Karl Schaffer 页数:291-298 黄金比例:多近才是足够近? (The Golden Ratio: How Close Is Close Enough?) 作者:Lisa Lajeunesse 页数:299-304 看到和听到流体的特徵向量 (Seeing and Hearing the Eigenvectors of a Fluid) 作者:Aaron Jones, Joann Kuchera-Morin and Theodore Kim 页数:305-312 关于无限开普勒 - 彭索特多面体 (On Infinite Kepler-Poinsot Polyhedra) 作者:Dirk Huylebrouck 页数:313-320 二十世纪艺术中的组合论 (Combinatorics in the Art of the Twentieth Century) 作者:Lali Barri锇e 页数:321-328 变形TSP艺术 (Morphing TSP Art) 作者:David Swart 页数:329-334 短文 3D打印之旅 (3D Printed Tours) 作者:Robert Bosch 页数:335-338 优秀的书籍,诗歌和数学 (Great Books, Poetry and Mathematics) 作者:Emily Grosholz 页数:339-342 再谈Hyparhedra (Hyparhedra Revisited) 作者:Eve Torrence 页数:343-346 模块化打印瓷砖的拓扑图像 (Topological Images with Modular Block Print Tiles) 作者:Felicia Tabing 页数:347-350 中学数学课堂中的3D打印 (3D Printing in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom) 作者:Patrick Honner 页数:351-354 数学创作 - 数学艺术竞赛 (Math Creations - A Math-Art Competition) 作者:Bianca Violet, Chiquira Wagner and Ekaterina Eremenko 页数:355-358 循环有向图的诗学 (The Poetics of a Cyclic Directed Graph) 作者:Courtney Huse Wika and Daniel May 页数:359-362 一个手鞠置换采样器 (A Temari Permutation Sampler) 作者:Debra K. Borkovitz 页数:363-366 1652年版J-F Niceron写的“好奇视角”的英译 (The English Translation of the 1652 Edition of J-F Niceron's Perspective Curieuse) 作者:James Hunt and Sylvia Hunt 页数:367-370 三曲腿族 (Triskelion Block Families) 作者:Akihiro Matsuura and Hiroshi Shirane 页数:371-374 复函数实部和虚部三维轮廓图的彩色纸雕 (Cut Colored Paper Sculptures of 3D Contour Plots of the Real and Imaginary Parts of Complex Functions) 作者:Caroline Bowen 页数:375-378 弹道沉积与审美模式 (Ballistic Deposition and Aesthetic Patterns) 作者:Gary Greenfield 页数:379-382 在折叠光艺术中应用螺旋三角形曲面 (Applying Helical Triangle Tessellations in Folded Light Art) 作者:Jiangmei Wu 页数:383-386 沙特莱侯爵夫人,一部关于爱情,死亡和数学的歌剧 (Emilie, an Opera about Love, Death, and Mathematics) 作者:Liisamaija Hautsalo and Osmo Pekonen 页数:387-390 笛卡尔花边图纸 (Cartesian Lace Drawings) 作者:Susan Happersett 页数:391-394 构建用于密铺的迷你工具 (Constructing Mini-tools for Tessellations) 作者:Loe Feijs, Jun Hu, Matthias Funk, Mayra Goevaerts, Teun Keusters and Caro Van Kessel 页数:395-398 空间填充曲线的声音 (The Sound of Space-Filling Curves) 作者:Herman Haverkort 页数:399-402 用于千鸟格纹的元胞自动机 (A Cellular Automaton for Pied-de-poule (Houndstooth)) 作者:Loe Feijs and Marina Toeters 页数:403-406 如何画线 (How to Draw a Line) 作者:Simon Ever-Hale 页数:407-410 克莱因商的布贴 (Quilting the Klein Quartic) 作者:Elisabetta Matsumoto 页数:411-414 重新审视类似图灵的模式:窥探第三维度 (Turing-Like Patterns Revisited: A Peek Into The Third Dimension) 作者:Martin Skrodzki and Konrad Polthier 页数:415-418 算法美学:重新定义传统伊斯兰艺术 (Algorithmic Aesthetics: Redefining Traditional Islamic Art) 作者:Carol Bier 页数:419-422 关于多边形中方格饰的计数 (On the Enumeration of Chequered Tilings in Polygons) 作者:Hiroaki Hamanaka, Takashi Horiyama and Ryuhei Uehara 页数:423-426 设计模块化雕塑系统 (Designing Modular Sculpture Systems) 作者:Christopher Carlson 页数:427-430 通过对象显著性进行实时动态投影映射 (Nebula: Live Dynamic Projection Mapping via Object Saliency) 作者:Sara Greenberg, Audrey G. Chung and Alexander Wong 页数:431-434 在扩展多面体形式中将正方形转换为条带 (Transforming Squares to Strips in Expanded Polyhedral Forms) 作者:David Reimann 页数:435-438 多面体:滋养心灵的视觉糖果 (Polyhedra: Eye Candy to Feed the Mind) 作者:Stacy Speyer 页数:439-442 聆听单峰映象 (Listening to the Logistic Map) 作者:Andrea Capozucca, Marco Fermani and Simone Giorgini 页数:443-446 通过格子路径的曲线艺术渲染 (Artistic Rendering of Curves via Lattice Paths) 作者:Anton Bakker and Tom Verhoeff 页数:447-450 3D可打印黄金海绵 (3D Printable Golden Sponges) 作者:Donald Plante 页数:451-454 在虚拟操纵中使用非洲设计进行几何概念开发 (Using African Designs in Virtual Manipulatives for Geometrical Concept Development) 作者:Philip Collett and Catherina Steyn 页数:455-458 用再生塑料瓶建造三角面多面体 (Constructing Deltahedra from Recycled Plastic Bottles) 作者:Weiling He, Chengde Wu and Ergun Akleman 页数:459-462 用搁浅的元胞自动机建模的辫子,电缆和编织的复杂性 (The Complexity of Braids, Cables, and Weaves Modeled with Stranded Cellular Automata) 作者:Joshua Holden 页数:463-466 反向转移和不同的反转 (Inversive Diversions and Diversive Inversions) 作者:Gregg Helt 页数:467-470 塑造诗歌 - 用视觉形式和计数 (Shaping Poems -- with Visual Forms and Counting) 作者:JoAnne Growney 页数:471-474 区间不协调率:对肖邦作品色彩的分析研究。 作品10和斯克里亚宾的作品11第2号 (The Interval Dissonance Rate: An Analytical Look into Chromaticism of Chopin抯 Op. 10 No. 2 and Scriabin's Op. 11 No. 2) 作者:Nikita Mamedov and Robert Peck 页数:475-478 使用极其有限的一组姿势获得四个主要动画循环 (Obtaining Four Main Animation Cycles Using an Extremely Limited Set of Poses) 作者:Ergun Akleman, Derya Akleman, Ioannis Pavlidis and Pradeep Buddharaju 页数:479-482 用号角珠设计受八角形桁架系统和结构无机化学启发的骨架多面体雕塑 (Designing Skeletal Polyhedral Sculptures Inspired by Octet-Truss Systems and Structural Inorganic Chemistry with Bugle Beads) 作者:Chia-Chin Tsoo and Bih-Yaw Jin 页数:483-486 由平面测地线折叠的表面:弯曲木材设计的模型 (Surfaces Foliated by Planar Geodesics: A Model for Curved Wood Design) 作者:David Brander and Jens Gravesen 页数:487-490 平铺符号作为纺织品打结的设计工具 (Tiling Notation as Design Tool for Textile Knotting) 作者:Nithikul Nimkulrat, Janette Matthews and Tuomas Nurmi 页数:491-494 在GameLab的可视化数学艺术活动 (Visualizing Math Art Activities at the GameLab) 作者:Sujan Shrestha 页数:495-498 边缘匹配瓷砖令人惊讶的多功能性 (The Surprising Versatility of Edge-Matching Tiles) 作者:Kate Jones 页数:499-502 用于复杂重复模式和曲面细分的三轴编织 (Triaxial Weaving for Complex Repeat Patterns and Tessellations) 作者:Mary Klotz 页数:503-506 具有分支比率大於一的对称二叉树 (Symmetric Binary Trees with Branching Ratios Larger than 1) 作者:Nick Mendler and Vincent J. Matsko 页数:507-510 介绍卡斯帕里安结构 (Introducing the Kasparian Constructions) 作者:Raffi J. Kasparian and Alice E. Petillo 页数:511-514 Ervin M. 威尔逊的非八度吉他和键盘设计 (Non-Octave Guitar and Keyboard Designs for Ervin M. Wilson) 作者:Reilly Smethurst 页数:515-518 Protogon螺旋线的发现与应用 (The Discovery and Application of the Protogon's Spiral) 作者:Andrew Smith 页数:519-522 研讨会论文 用跳绳编织:在创造数学/建筑结构中全身的学习 (Dancing Rope and Braid Into Being: Whole-body Learning in Creating Mathematical/ Architectural Structures) 作者:Susan Gerofsky, Eva Knoll and James Forren 页数:523-530 创作数学诗的合作 (Collaboration in Creating The Mathematical Poem) 作者:Carol Dorf 页数:531-532 从兔耳到折纸花:三角中心与功能概念 (From Rabbit Ears to Origami Flowers: Triangle Centers and the Concept of Function) 作者:Alan Russell 页数:533-538 数学课堂的全方位机器人的建造 (Omnidirectional Robot Construction at the Math Class) 作者:Krist镪 Fenyvesi, 翳os Vecsei, Diego Lieban, Zsolt Lavicza, Hogul Park and G□or Vecsei 页数:539-546 用Snapology创建多面体 (Creating Polyhedra with Snapology) 作者:Faye Goldman 页数:547-552 中小学中变形图像的魔力 (The Magic of Anamorphosis in Elementary and Middle School) 作者:Marina Barreto and Diego Lieban 页数:553-556 星状折纸 (Star Origami) 作者:Joy Hsiao 页数:557-562 数学图解中的色彩美学 (The Aesthetics of Colour in Mathematical Diagramming) 作者:Eva Knoll, Tara Taylor, Wendy Landry, Paul Carreiro, Katie Puxley and Karyn Harrison 页数:563-570 如何用矢量理论写故事 (How to Use Vector Theory to Write a Story) 作者:Cynthia Clay 页数:571-572 折叠龙曲线分形 (Folding the Dragon Curve Fractal) 作者:Natalija Budinski and Miroslav Novta 页数:573-578 视觉地思考:三角形作为区域单位 (Thinking Visually: Triangles as Units of Area) 作者:Paul Gailiunas 页数:579-582 在勒克斯维度中游玩 (Playing in the Lux Dimension) 作者:Michael Acerra 页数:583-588
个人分类: 传数学|3882 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 jiangxun 2018-12-12 07:31
作者:蒋迅 原文: Bridges 2018 【译者按】听说国内今年召开了一个数学文化会议,说明国内对这个课题越来越重视,值得庆贺。我感觉这个“Bridge数学”应该是与会者们共同感兴趣的会议,因为这个数学文化的学术会议已经存在二十多年了。今年的这个会议内容仍然广泛,而且还增加了特约报告,其形式和内容都很精彩。随便摘录几个就可以看到有:人物,历史,平铺,分形,黄金分割,编织,音乐,绘画,舞蹈,折纸,非欧几何,数学魔术,莫比乌斯,画板,制图,诗词,密码等。遗憾的是,这个数学文化爱好者的盛会中似乎没有来自中国的人,所以从其内容上看也就少了一些中国元素。对於爱好数学文化和艺术的趣味数学爱好者们,不妨认真把“Bridge数学”历年的文章过一遍。这里,我把2018年的文章介绍一下。由於本人没有悉数阅读所有的文章,而且在许多方面都不熟悉,所以下面的翻译一定有很多错误。如有疑问,以英文标题为准。本人是数学的外行,不想对精英数学家指手划脚。对号入座者请止步。谢谢! Bridges 2018 瑞典斯德哥尔摩 2018年7月25日至29日 更多信息 前言 作者:The Editors 特邀论文 玛乔丽·赖斯和她的五边形平铺 (Marjorie Rice and Her Pentagonal Tilings) 作者:Doris Schattschneider 页数:1-2 费尔赫夫的一些回忆 (1927 - 2018) (Some Memories of Koos Verhoeff (1927 - 2018)) 作者:Tom Verhoeff 页数:3-6 用一盒扑克牌来了解数学魔术的艺术 (A Personal Approach to the Art of Mathemagic with a Deck of Cards) 作者:Colm Mulcahy 页数:7-14 普通论文 基於风筝形平铺的艺术与趣味数学 (Art and Recreational Math Based on Kite-Tiling Rosettes) 作者:Robert Fathauer 页数:15–22 重新生成连续朗姆花纹的构成 (Re-Generating Continuous Rumi Compositions) 作者:Nadide Ebru Yazar and Tugrul Yazar 页数:23–30 4-3 解剖平铺系统 (4-3 Dissection Tiling System) 作者:Andrew Sniderman 页数:31–38 多尺度特吕谢模式 (Multi-Scale Truchet Patterns) 作者:Christopher Carlson 页数:39–44 用特吕谢类瓷砖编织的单色地图 (Monochrome Map Weaving with Truchet-Like Tiles) 作者:Abdalla G.M. Ahmed and Oliver Deussen 页数:45–52 凤凰 - 数学的象征 (Phoenix - Symbol of Mathematics) 作者:Tuomas Nurmi 页数:53–58 一个穷人的双曲正方形映射 (A Poor Man's Hyperbolic Square Mapping) 作者:Chamberlain Fong and Douglas Dunham 页数:59–66 非欧几里德空间的万花筒 (Kaleidoscopes for Non-Euclidean Space) 作者:Peter Stampfli 页数:67–74 新变形模式 (New Metamorphosis Patterns) 作者:Douglas Dunham and John Shier 页数:75–82 具有四个著名神话般面孔的极简艺术品 (A Minimal Art Object with Four Famous Fabulous Faces) 作者:Walt van Ballegooijen and Hans Kuiper 页数:83–90 用表面投影构造三维透视变形 (Constructing 3D Perspective Anamorphosis via Surface Projection) 作者:Tiffany Inglis 页数:91–98 蒙德里安再访:窥探第三维度 (Mondrian Revisited: A Peek Into The Third Dimension) 作者:Martin Skrodzki and Konrad Polthier 页数:99–106 自锁SL块的艺术与数学 (The Art and Mathematics of Self-Interlocking SL Blocks) 作者:Shen-Guan Shih 页数:107–114 单一千鸟格纹的圆环和克莱因瓶(Torus and Klein Bottle Tessellations with a Single Tile of Pied de Poule (Houndstooth)) 作者:Loe M.G. Feijs 页数:115–122 向查理·佩里致敬 (Homage to Charles O. Perry) 作者:Carlo H. Sequin 页数:123–130 由九面体构造的模块化环形线圈 (Modular Toroids Constructed from Nonahedra) 作者:Yifat Amir and Carlo H. S□uin 页数:131–138 编织双层多面体 (Weaving Double-Layered Polyhedra) 作者:Rinus Roelofs 页数:139–146 具有平面表面的双层编织曲面 (Two-Layer Woven Surfaces with Planar Faces) 作者:Ulrich Reitebuch, Eric Zimmermann and Konrad Polthier 页数:147–154 层状互补结构 (Laminar Reciprocal Structures) 作者:Javier Barrallo, Francisco Gonzalez-Quintial and Antonio Sanchez-Parandiet 页数:155–162 对称谢尔宾斯基族之美 (The Beauty of the Symmetric Sierpinski Relatives) 作者:Tara Taylor 页数:163–170 球面体和三维分形 (Sphairahedra and Three-Dimensional Fractals) 作者:Kento Nakamura and Kazushi Ahara 页数:171–178 方形网格上的平面填充折叠曲线 (Plane-Filling Folding Curves on the Square Grid) 作者:Jorg Arndt and Julia Handl 页数:179–186 关于一个更好的黄金矩形 (On a Better Golden Rectangle (That is Not 61.8033...% Useless!)) 作者:Douglas McKenna 页数:187–194 循环形式:从构造到构图 (Loop-Forms: From Construction to Composition) 作者:James Mai 页数:195–202 阿尔马达·内格雷鲁斯的壁画“Comecar”中德五角星和黄金角度 (The Pentagram and the Golden Angle in Almada Negreiros' Mural Comecar) 作者:Pedro J. Freitas and Sim□ Palmeirim 页数:203–210 数论的说明 (Illustrating the Theory of Numbers) 作者:Martin Weissman 页数:211–218 围绕树木的散步:一个带把手的篮子的6个字母的‘NDA’ (Walking Around Trees: A 6-Letter 'DNA' for Baskets with Handles) 作者:James Mallos 页数:219–224 新的满足交点图猜想的一个新族 (A New Family Satisfying the Intersection Graph Conjecture) 作者:Ally Stacey 页数:225–230 生物细胞生长模拟中的纹理 (Textures in Simulations of Biological Cell Growth) 作者:David Chappell 页数:231–236 一种球形彭罗斯式平铺及其与病毒蛋白模式和模块化雕塑的联系 (A Class of Spherical Penrose-Like Tilings with Connections to Virus Protein Patterns and Modular Sculpture) 作者:Hamish Todd 页数:237–244 六角混沌组合和包装问题的等价类 (Hex-Chaos Compositions and Equivalence Classes of Packing Problems) 作者:Gary Greenfield 页数:245–252 乔治·佩雷克的组合问候 (Combinatorial Greetings from Georges Perec) 作者:Tatiana Bonch-Osmolovskaya 页数:253–258 超空间,诗体科幻小说和代数拓扑 (Hyperspace, Poetic Science Fiction and Algebraic Topology) 作者:Emily Grosholz 页数:259–264 阿尔姆奎斯特的女王的头饰中四边形的几何形状 (Geometry of Quadrangles in Almqvist's The Queen's Tiara ) 作者:Tiina Katriina Kukkonen 页数:265–272 舞蹈编排中的注意数学中心及其属性和运动分析 (The Mathematical Center of Attention, its Attributes and Motion Analyses in Dance Choreography) 作者:Karl Schaffer, Joseph Thie and Kasia Williams 页数:273–280 数学马戏团项目 (The Mathematical Circus Project) 作者:Andreia Hall and Sonia Pais 页数:281–286 来自振动壁纸的音乐 (Music from Vibrating Wallpaper) 作者:Frank Farris 页数:287–294 曲调棋盘 (The Checkerboard of Tunes) 作者:Andrew Crompton 页数:295–300 第七和弦调性网络的广义对偶:数学,计算和成分方面 (A Generalized Dual of the Tonnetz for Seventh Chords: Mathematical, Computational and Compositional Aspects) 作者:Sonia Cannas and Moreno Andreatta 页数:301–308 从利德贺大楼r到帕台农神庙:音乐奥德赛 (From the Cheesegrater to the Parthenon: A Musical Odyssey) 作者:Terry Trickett 页数:309–316 工作室中的数学 (Math in the Studio) 作者:Judy Holdener and Karen Snouffer 页数:317–324 悬链线拱构造 (Catenary Arch Constructions) 作者:George Hart and Elisabeth Heathfield 页数:325–332 动画加工中的数学和物理教学 (Teaching Mathematics and Physics for Animation in Processing) 作者:Lali Barriere 页数:333–340 当数学遇见艺术:艺术可能如何有助于理解数学概念? (When Mathematics Meets Art: How Might Art Contribute to the Understanding of Mathematical Concepts?) 作者:Liora Nutov 页数:341–346 短文 舞蹈艺术,数学,教育 - 永恒的三角形 (Dance Art, Math, Education - an Eternal Triangle) 作者:Paul Moerman 页数:347–350 把数学变成舞蹈:跳着舞拿到博士的经验教训 (Turning Math into Dance: Lessons from Dancing My PhD) 作者:Nancy Scherich 页数:351–354 维诺图:教学和艺术应用 (Voronoi Diagrams: Didactical and Artistic Applications) 作者:Sandra Bento, Helena Ferreira and Andreia Hall 页数:355–358 玩特吕谢:使用特吕谢平铺让公众参与数学 ( Play Truchet : Using the Truchet Tiling to Engage the Public with Mathematics) 作者:Cindy Lawrence 页数:359–362 使用简单图案可视化对称子组结构 (Visualizing Symmetry Subgroup Structures Using Simple Motifs) 作者:David Reimann 页数:363–366 数学与艺术教育的奇妙衔接及其与认知和情感发展的关系 (The Marvellous Bridging of Maths and Art Education and its Relation to Cognitive and Emotional Development) 作者:Gunnel Berlin 页数:367–370 不要传播事实,而是激起行动 (Don't Preach Facts - Stimulate Acts) 作者:Peter Baptist and Carsten Miller 页数:371–374 通过几何与折纸来分享文化遗产:维纳里亚皇家住所的“国王与折纸”实验结果 (Geometry and Origami to Share Cultural Heritage: Results of the Experimentation The King and the Origami at the Royal Residence of Venaria) 作者:Paolo Armand, Caterina Cumino, Martino Pavignano, Maria Luisa Spreafico and Ursula Zich 页数:375–378 通过改造游戏和平铺培养学生的数学和技术能力 (Developing Mathematical and Technological Competencies of Students Through Remodeling Games and Puzzles) 作者:Diego Lieban, Marina Menna Barreto, Sandra Reichenberger, Zsolt Lavicza and Ruana M. Schneider 页数:379–382 科学空间:创建科学展览的开放式研讨会概念 (Science Spaces: An Open Workshop Concept to Create Science Exhibits) 作者:Bianca Violet and Milena Damrau 页数:383–386 音乐中的音阶和乘法群 (Musical Scales and Multiplicative Groups) 作者:Donald Spector 页数:387–390 斐波那契的摇滚:使用递归关系和状态转移矩阵来计算岩鼓填充模式 (Rock Me Fibonacci: Using Recurrence Relations and State-Transition Matrices to Count Rock Drum Fill Patterns) 作者:Joshua Holden 页数:391–394 音乐作曲中的组合,概率与选择:走向非音乐家构成系统的美学 (Combinatorics, Probability and Choice in Music Composition: Towards an Aesthetics of Composing Systems for Non-Musicians) 作者:Giovanni Albini 页数:395–398 '梦想链接':理论与音乐创作的链接。 与关键链接相关的组合方法简介 ('Dreamlinks': Link Theory Meets Music Composition. An Introduction to Compositional Methods Related to Primary Links) 作者:Saverio Tesolato 页数:399–402 唯语调键盘:重新构想的同构键盘 (Just Intonation Keyboard: Isomorphic Keyboard Reimagined) 作者:Marek Zabka 页数:403–406 无调性音乐中的区域集价值关系 (The Area Set Value Relationships in Atonal Music) 作者:Nikita Mamedov 页数:407–410 代数被子的地标 (Landmarks in Algebra Quilt) 作者:Elaine Ellison 页数:411–414 Algoritmisch Ritme:算法艺术作为交互式舞蹈投影中的素材 (Algoritmisch Ritme: Algorithmic Art as Material in an Interactive Dance-Projection) 作者:Daphne Muller and Loe M.G. Feijs 页数:415–418 跳跃迭代绘图的一种方法论 (A Methodology of Leaping Iteration for Drawing) 作者:Ming Jang Chen 页数:419–422 冲浪莫比乌斯乐队:艺术与数学联盟的典范 (Surfing the Mobius Band: An Example of the Union of Art and Mathematics) 作者:Francisco Saez de Adana 页数:423–426 捕捉数学家的视觉特徵 - 论安德斯·约翰·莱克塞尔在面相学中的徒劳研究 (Capturing the Visual Traits of a Mathematician - On Anders Johan Lexell's Futile Studies in Physiognomy) 作者:Johan Sten and Martina Reuter 页数:427–430 表现不可判定性 (Representing the Undecidable) 作者:Michel Tombroff 页数:431–434 对凹面透视的观察 (Observations on Concave Perspective) 作者:Stephen Campbell 页数:435–438 哪个整数是最神秘的? (Which Integer Is the Most Mysterious?) 作者:Osmo Pekonen 页数:439–442 从e到隐喻的映射 (Mapping frometo Metaphor) 作者:Alice Major 页数:443–446 德布鲁因序列的艺术 (Art of de Bruijn Sequences) 作者:Karl Kattchee 页数:447–450 扑克牌洗牌可视化 (Card Shuffling Visualizations) 作者:Roger Antonsen 页数:451–454 自行车的艺术与数学:用旧自行车绘制螺旋形图案 (The Art and Mathematics of Cycling: Using Old Bicycles to Draw Spirograph Patterns) 作者:Nick Sayers 页数:455–458 胡安·桑切斯·科坦:看数学 (Juan Sanchez Cotan: Seeing Mathematically) 作者:Paul Zorn 页数:459–462 起草日本佳洁士设计的数学 (Mathematics in Drafting Japanese Crest Designs) 作者:Felicia Tabing 页数:463–466 使用直角三角细分的玻璃马赛克 (Glass Mosaics Using Right-Triangle Subdivision) 作者:Thomas Denker 页数:467–470 离散螺旋序列的多种模式 (A Plethora of Patterns from Discrete Spiraled Sequences) 作者:Tom Bates 页数:471–474 具有比喻子图的计算密集型双关语 (Computationally Intensive Puns with Figurative Subgraphs) 作者:Robert Bosch 页数:475–478 到世界的尽头/一个圆圈上的圈族 (To the World's End/ A Circle Bundle Over a Circle) 作者:Zachary Treisman and Lun-Yi Tsai 页数:479–482 用于大型艺术装置的折叠空间填充双对称十字面体 (Folding Space-Filling Bisymmetric Hendecahedron for a Large-Scale Art Installation) 作者:Jiangmei Wu and Guy Inchbald 页数:483–486 具有恒定扭曲和最小弯曲的三重莫比乌斯带作为四面体环的极限 (A Threefold Mobius Band with Constant Twist and Minimal Bending as the Limit of Tetrahedral Rings) 作者:Johannes Schonke, Michael Grunwald and Eliot Fried 页数:487–490 3D打印混乱 (3D Printing Chaos) 作者:Michael Gagliardo 页数:491–494 具有生物形态的复合平行多面体构件块 (Compound Parallelohedra Building Blocks with Creature-Like Morphologies) 作者:Akihiro Matsuura 页数:495–498 设计铰接立方体平铺的谜题 (Method for Designing a Hinged Cube Puzzle) 作者:Chirag Mehta 页数:499–502 一种基於闭包装圈和多尺寸球的设计师和建筑师设计方法 (A Design Method Based on Close-Packing Circles and Spheres of Multiple Sizes for Designers and Architects) 作者:Roger Burrows 页数:503–506 基於菱形平铺符号的结设计 (Knot Designs Based on Rhombille Tiling Notations) 作者:Nithikul Nimkulrat and Tuomas Nurmi 页数:507–510 3D的吉利赫镶嵌 (Girih Tiles in 3D) 作者:Ulrich Reitebuch, Henriette-Sophie Lipschutz and Konrad Polthier 页数:511–514 通过罗恩·雷施的线性花的镜头对凸形均匀天花的折纸探索 (Origami Explorations of Convex Uniform Tilings Through the Lens of Ron Resch's Linear Flower ) 作者:Uyen Nguyen and Ben Fritzson 页数:515–518 自绘花边 (Self-Diagramming Lace) 作者:Susan Goldstine 页数:519–522 莫比乌斯 细胞自动机围巾 (Mobius Cellular Automata Scarves) 作者:Elisabetta Matsumoto, Henry Segerman and Fabienne Serriere 页数:523–526 蜥蜴回路:圆形扇区蜿蜒序列的精致选择 (Lizardy Loops: The Savvy Selection of Sinuous Sequences of Circular Sectors) 作者:Phil Webster 页数:527–530 极限球面,圆纹面和3D双曲线镶嵌 (Horosphere, Cyclide and 3d Hyperbolic Tilings) 作者:Vladimir Bulatov 页数:531–534 折叠鱼形椭圆 (Folding the Vesica Piscis) 作者:Klara Mundilova and Tony Wills 页数:535–538 最小刚性图的实现与构造 (Realizations and Constructions of Minimally Rigid Graphs) 作者:Georg Grasegger 页数:539–542 射影平面的多面体模型 (Polyhedral Models of the Projective Plane) 作者:Paul Gailiunas 页数:543–546 使用形状反转扩展曼德尔盒分形 (Extending Mandelbox Fractals with Shape Inversions) 作者:Gregg Helt 页数:547–550 3-球面中欧几里德平面的虚拟钩针 (Virtual Crocheting of Euclidean Planes in a 3-Sphere) 作者:Eryk Kopczynski and Dorota Celinska 页数:551–554 设计由包合水合物启发的串珠雕塑 (Designing Beaded Sculptures Inspired by Clathrate Hydrates) 作者:Yuan-Jia Fan, Bih-Yaw Jin and Chia-Chin Tsoo 页数:555–558 日晷投影的笛沙格配置 (Desargues Configuration as a Gnomonic Projection) 作者:Taneli Luotoniemi 页数:559–562 动作模块化折纸 (Action Modular Origami) 作者:Tung Ken Lam 页数:563–566 研讨会论文 七循环和九循环莫比乌斯折 (Sevenfold and Ninefold Mobius Kaleidocycles) 作者:Michael Grunwald, Johannes Schonke and Eliot Fried 页数:567–574 自我相似与翻滚广场 (Self-Similarity and the Tumbling Square) 作者:Susan Happersett 页数:575–578 采用一个多面体 - 数学公民艺术项目 (Adopt a Polyhedron -- A Citizen Art Project in Mathematics) 作者:Anna Maria Hartkopf and G□ter M. Ziegler 页数:579–584 折叠花饰及其数学性质探讨 (Folding Curlicue and Exploring Its Mathematical Properties) 作者:Natalija Budinski 页数:585–588 用几何与折纸来制作动态街头艺术 (Geometry and Origami to Make Dynamic Street Art) 作者:Sara De Grandis, Silvia Fiore, Maria Luisa Spreafico, Marco Torredimare, Margherita Truffa and Ursula Zich 页数:589–596 设计思维的几何对象制作 (Geometrical Object Making For Design Thinking) 作者:Gizem Aytac 页数:597–602 开放的Geoboard - 艺术,数学和灵感的平台 (Open Geoboard - a Platform for Art, Math and Inspiration) 作者:Yordan Hodzhev and Nikola Chernev 页数:603–608 创作绘画平铺:数学,艺术,游戏和技术 (Creating Painting Puzzles: Math, Art, Games and Technology) 作者:Marina Menna Barreto, Diego Lieban and Barbara Kimeswenger 页数:609–612 构建绘制曲线的连接 (Constructing Linkages for Drawing Curves) 作者:Barbara Kimeswenger, Georg Grasegger and Sandra Reichenberger 页数:613–616 数学机械制图机的动手实验室 (A Hands-on Laboratory with Mathematical Mechanical Drawing Machines) 作者:Laura Farroni and Paola Magrone 页数:617–622 数学学习的可再生能源:数学课上的风车和水车 (Renewable Energy Resources for Mathematics Learning: Windmills and Water Wheels at the Math Class) 作者:Kristio Fenyvesi, Ho-Gul Park, Kwang-Cheol Song, Zsolt Lavicza and Mariana Back 页数:623–628 通过艺术与数学的整合参与社区 (Engaging Community Through the Integration of Art and Mathematics) 作者:Ellie Balk and Tricia Stanley 页数:629–636 让我们在360 o 中绘制草图:虚拟现实全景的球形视角 (Let's Sketch in 360 o : Spherical Perspectives for Virtual Reality Panoramas) 作者:Antonio Araujo 页数:637–644 诗词猜谜 (Poetry Puzzles) 作者:Lisa Lajeunesse 页数:645–648 理论引领诗歌 (The Theory Headed Poem) 作者:Carol Dorf 页数:649–650 重新构想数学论文 (Reimagining the Mathematical Paper) 作者:Katie McCallum 页数:651–658 体验群结构:通过音乐,诗歌,视觉和烹饪艺术来观察,创造和表演Plain Hunt on 4 (Experiencing Group Structure: Observing, Creating and Performing the Plain Hunt on 4 via Music, Poetry, Visual and Culinary Arts) 作者:Susan Gerofsky, Eva Knoll, Tara Taylor and Avalon Campbell-Cousins 页数:659–666 用技术探索音乐的几何:通过Geogebra的节奏,音阶和气质 (Exploring the Geometry of Music with Technology: Rhythm, Scales and Temperament via Geogebra) 作者:Steven Bleiler, Ewan Kummel and Michael Wells 页数:667–672 用数学创建一个音乐沙盒 (Using Math to Create a Musical Sandbox) 作者:Esmee Verschoor, Alyssa Eggersgluss, Collin Goldbach, Annmarie Thomas and Allison Knoph 页数:673–674 人类可加密的视觉密码学 (Human Encryptable Visual Cryptography) 作者:Andrea Hawksley and Andrew Lutomirski 页数:675–680 一盒扑克牌的数学魔术 (Mathematical Magic With a Deck of Cards) 作者:Jorge Nuno Silva, Pedro J. Freitas and Tiago Hirth) 页数:681–686
个人分类: 传数学|6023 次阅读|3 个评论
Glad to be a bridge via FaceTime
zuojun 2013-8-13 15:24
One unexpected gain of using Mac is to FaceTime with my nephew. He arrived at Stony Brook U. yesterday. I chatted with him this afternoon, and then passed on some info to my parents. I would have never FaceTime-ed with anyone, but he is my only nephew and the one who carries on our family name.
个人分类: iLove Mac|2353 次阅读|0 个评论
东京门大桥(Tokyo gate bridge)
xiongzhihua 2012-6-19 09:18
东京门大桥(Tokyo gate bridge)
6885 次阅读|0 个评论
wyqhhu 2011-12-28 15:17
Development of a new bridge construction method using suspension structures wyq_seu@126.com
2495 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]Illumina 二代测序技术 (转载)
热度 1 cmcheng 2011-11-17 15:54
二代测序也称深度测序、大规模平行测序等。主要有3家4种平台:Illumina的HiSeq(包括GA、MiSeq等不同型号),Roche的454,Life Technologies (即ABI)的SOLiD和Ion Torrent。简单归纳,3家的原理如下: Roche 454 FLX:Pyrosequencing, 检测焦磷酸,emulsion PCR; Illumina Genome Analyzer: Sequencing-by-synthesis with reversible terminators, bridge PCR; ABI SOLiD: Sequencing by ligation, emulsion PCR; ABI Ion Torrent: Pyrosequencing, 检测质子电位,emulsion PCR。 下面以Illumina的技术路线为代表,稍作说明。 Illumina技术是所有二代测序中最简便的,直奔目的,不绕弯子。因为简单直接,所以稳定可靠,重复性强,数据质量高,错误率低。大量已发表的论文采用此技术,是有其原因的。 整个测序分4步:文库制备,簇生成,DNA片段测序,数据分析。 1 文库制备 Library Preparation 文 库制备的具体流程因样本种类和测序目的的不同而不同,比如基因组DNA,转录组(mRNA),microRNA, CHiP-Seq,外显子捕获测序等等,但是大同小异,基本过程是把长链DNA随机打断成短片段,两端接上通用引物,再经过12循环左右的PCR把文库放 大。 以基因组DNA为例,文库制备详细流程如下: 模板提取:按常规进行DNA的提取、纯化、定量。DNA模板越完整越好,用量不多,只需要0.1-5 ug就足以进行二代测序。 1.1 片段化 运用高压气体的雾化作用、超声波的气穴作用、超声波、金属离子、酶等手段或设备将DNA打断,SR测序的模板长约300碱基,PE测序的模板长约500碱基,MP测序的模板长约1k-10k碱基。凝胶电泳切下所需长度的DNA片段。 1.2 末端修补 使用2种酶分别把DNA片段的两端补平;磷酸化;3‘端挂上一个A。 1.3 加接头 接头的3’端有一个突出的T;它们通过类似T-A克隆的方式连接起来。不同应用,接头的序列不一样,所以不能混用。 1.4 割胶纯化 留下两端连接完整的产物,去掉残缺不全的。 1.5 PCR富集 进行10-12循环的PCR,使产物富集。 1.6 文库质控 PCR完成后可以进行一次凝胶电泳,或者使用2100,检测文库的质量和浓度。 2 簇生成 Cluster Generation 簇生成在flowcell上进行,要用到专用的仪器cluster station或者cBot。主要步骤有模板杂交,桥式PCR,线性化,末端封闭,测序引物杂交。 2.1 模板杂交 DNA文库经NaOH变性,稀释调整浓度到6pM左右;引入流动池,随机地与分布在FC通道内壁的接头杂交;通过互补链合成而固定到FC上,原来的模板单链则在碱变性后被冲去。 2.2 桥式扩增 固定在FC上的DNA单链的另一端与FC内壁的相应接头杂交,形成桥状结构,在高保真DNA聚合酶的作用下,合成互补链。这一过程重复20次左右,每条单链都被放大到1000-6000条,形成一簇。上百万的簇随机分布在FC的内壁上。 2.3 线性化 此时的簇由双链构成,为了测序,需要把它们切割成单链。FC上固定的接头预先设有化学试剂或者酶的切割位点,因而可以定向切断一条单链,通过碱变性、缓冲液冲洗而去除。 2.4 末端封闭 在所有的游离末端上加一个ddNTP,防止测序时的随机延伸。 2.5 引物杂交 引入测序引物,杂交到通用引物的结合位点上。此时FC即已准备就绪,可以进行测序。 3 边合成边测序 Sequencing-by-Synthesis (SBS) SBS在GA或者HiSeq等测序仪上进行。主要步骤有碱基延伸,荧光激发和拍照,剪切等。这3个步骤重复进行,想测定多少个碱基,就重复多少次。推荐每次SR实验测定150个碱基,PE实验测定2x150个碱基。 3.1 碱基延伸 把FC从cBot搬到测序仪上,进行碱基延伸。所用的dNTP带有荧光基团和终止基团两种修饰,因而每次只能延伸1个碱基。去除未结合的带荧光标记的所有核苷酸。 3.2 信号采集 激光激发荧光基团产生信号,相机拍摄照片。拍照过程相当耗时,一次循环所产生的信号需要40分钟左右才能拍照收集完毕。 3.3 剪切 酶剪切去除荧光基团和终止基团后,去除荧光,并且使链末端的碱基回复到可延伸的状态。 重复上面步骤,进行第二个碱基的信号收集。 4 数据分析 Data Analysis 数据分析包括初级分析、次级分析、数据展示3步。初级分析相当于一代测序的终点:碱基识别。 4.1 初级分析 碱基识别的原理非常简单,简直称不上“原理”这么庄严的词。把照片按时间顺序排列,对每个簇进行坐标定位,然后根据每个簇的颜色变化读取一条序列。序列长度取决于SBS的循环次数。在碱基识别的同时,软件进行碱基质量评估,为每个测得的碱基赋予一个QV分值。 4.2 次级分析 次级分析包括序列的组装和拼接,SNP以及基因突变的识别,mRNA和micorRNA定量等。 4.3 数据展示 由于获得的是海量数据,无法人眼一一过所以需要用软件将分析结果总结归纳成图标和曲线。 Illumina一次实验得到600G碱基的数据,初级分析的结果文件大小为600G比特。
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有感于跨越George Washington Bridge
黄安年 2011-9-27 23:35
有感于跨越George Washington Bridge
有感于跨越 George Washington Bridge 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 9 月 27 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 我们所住的 Danbury, CT 位于新英格兰地区的西南端 , 由 Danbury, 前往新泽西经由纽约需要跨越 Hudson River , 连接纽约曼哈顿地区和新泽西的有两条隧道 ( 哈德逊河底下的 林肯隧道 , 每日有 120000 辆车往来于曼哈顿及新泽西之间,为世界上最繁忙的行车隧道。 1927 年 荷兰隧道 落成于哈德逊河下,则是世界上第一座采用通风系统的行车隧道。 ) 而 乔治·华盛顿大桥 是哈德逊河上第一大桥。 桥梁及隧道对于民众往来曼哈顿及新泽西间有着巨大的影响, 一方面方面往来, 另一方面在每逢上下班尖峰时刻,桥梁和隧道反而变成了 交通瓶颈 。因为在我们 25 日前往新泽西访友是需要选择一早出门, 下午早些返回, 以避开高峰臃堵高峰。 25 日 , 7 : 05AM 我们一家六口,驱车离开 Reidgebury Hills , Danbury 住地,走 684 公路 5 号出口,沿着 Saw Mail River Pkwy 转 87 号公路到达 Yonkers ,进入纽约市 246St 不久顺利跨越华盛顿大桥, 时才 8 : 10AM , 仅仅用了 65 分钟时间。而下午 4 : 20PM 自 Plainsboro , NJ 返回, 虽然在华盛顿大桥有所滞留但是也算顺利 , 排队过交费站需要等待,车过大桥 5 : 35PM , 6 : 45PM 回到了家。 过往华盛顿大桥在 20 世纪 90 年代感觉很顺利。“ 9 · 11 ”以来, 这座大桥成为恐怖主义袭击和政府防范的重要目标 , 今年“ 9 · 11 ”前后,这里的检查极其严格 , 所以我们避开了那一天去凑热闹,而选择 25 日千万新泽西访友, 我们避开了“ 9 · 11 ”, 却没想到自 9 月 18 日后每辆小汽车的过桥费涨到了 12 美元。 照片11张是即时拍摄的。 ****************************** From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia George Washington Bridge Other name(s) The GWB, The GW, The George Carries 14 lanes (8 upper deck, 6 lower deck) of I-95 / US 1 / US 9 (entire span) / US 46 (NJ side), pedestrians and bicycles Crosses Hudson River Locale Connecting Fort Lee in Bergen County, New Jersey and Washington Heights, Manhattan in New York City Maintained by Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Designer Othmar Ammann , Cass Gilbert Design Double-decked Suspension bridge Material Steel Total length 4,760 ft (1,450 m) Width 119 ft (36 m) Height 604 ft (184 m) Longest span 3,500 ft (1,100 m) Vertical clearance 14 ft (4.3 m) (upper level), 13.5 ft (4.1 m) (lower level) Clearance below 212 ft (65 m) at mid-span Construction begin October 1927 Opened October 24, 1931 ; 79 years ago ( 1931-10-24 ) (upper level) August 29, 1962 ; 49 years ago ( 1962-08-29 ) (lower level) Toll Eastbound only. Cars ($12 for cash, $9.50 peak with E-ZPass, $7.50 off-peak with E-ZPass ); $3.50 when carpooling with 3 people or more (EZ-Pass cars only) Daily traffic 289,329 (2008) Coordinates 40°51′06″N 73°57′09″W  /  40.851589°N 73.952483°W  / 40.851589; -73.952483  ( George Washington Bridge ) Coordinates : 40°51′06″N 73°57′09″W  /  40.851589°N 73.952483°W  / 40.851589; -73.952483  ( George Washington Bridge ) The George Washington Bridge (known informally as the GW Bridge , the GWB , the GW , or the George ) is a suspension bridge spanning the Hudson River , connecting the Washington Heights neighborhood in the borough of Manhattan in New York City to Fort Lee , Bergen County, New Jersey . Interstate 95 and U.S. Route 1/9 cross the river via the bridge. U.S. Route 46 , which is entirely in New Jersey, ends halfway across the bridge at the state border. The bridge has an upper level with four lanes in each direction and a lower level with three lanes in each direction, for a total of 14 lanes of travel. The speed limit on the bridge is 45 mph (70 km/h), though congestion often slows traffic, especially during the morning and evening rush hours. A path on each side of the bridge's upper level carries pedestrian and bicycle traffic. As of 2007, the George Washington Bridge has the greatest vehicular capacity of any bridge in the world, carrying approximately 106 million vehicles per year, making it the world's busiest motor vehicle bridge, according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey - the bi-state government agency that owns and operates several area bridges, tunnels, and airports. Contents · 1 History · 2 Road connections · 3 Tolls · 4 Non-motorized access · 5 Alternate routes · 6 Suicides · 7 In media · 8 See also · 9 References · 10 External links History Groundbreaking for the new bridge began in October 1927, a project of the Port of New York Authority . Its chief engineer was Othmar Ammann , with Cass Gilbert as architect. The bridge was dedicated on October 24, 1931, and opened to traffic the following day. Initially named the "Hudson River Bridge," the bridge is named in honor of George Washington , the first President of the United States . The Bridge is near the sites of Fort Washington (in New York) and Fort Lee (in New Jersey), which were fortified positions used by General Washington and his American forces in his unsuccessful attempt to deter the British occupation of New York City in 1776 during the American Revolutionary War . Washington evacuated Manhattan by crossing between the two forts. In 1910 the Washington Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution erected a stone monument to the Battle of Fort Washington . The monument is located about 100 yards (91 m) northeast of the Little Red Lighthouse , up the hill towards the eastern bridge anchorage. USS Nautilus passes under the George Washington Bridge in 1956, when the bridge only had a single deck. When it opened in 1931, the bridge surpassed the Ambassador Bridge for the longest main span in the world . At 3,500 feet (1,100 m), it nearly doubled the previous record of 1,850 feet (560 m). It held this title until the opening of the Golden Gate Bridge . The total length of the bridge is 4,760 feet (1,450 m). As originally built, the bridge offered six lanes of traffic, but in 1946, two additional lanes were provided on what is now the upper level. A second, lower deck, which had been anticipated in Ammann's original plans, was ordered by Lt Col Joseph R McCammon, US Army Corps of Engineers , opening to the public on August 29, 1962. This lower level has been waggishly nicknamed " Martha ". The additional deck increased the capacity of the bridge by 75 percent, making the George Washington Bridge the world's only 14-lane suspension bridge, providing eight lanes on the upper level and six on the lower deck. The original design for the towers of the bridge called for them to be encased in concrete and granite. However, because of cost considerations during the Great Depression and favorable aesthetic critiques of the bare steel towers, this was never done. The exposed steel towers, with their distinctive criss-crossed bracing, have become one of the bridge's most identifiable characteristics. Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret) said of the unadorned steel structure: "The George Washington Bridge over the Hudson is the most beautiful bridge in the world. Made of cables and steel beams, it gleams in the sky like a reversed arch. It is blessed. It is the only seat of grace in the disordered city. It is painted an aluminum color and, between water and sky, you see nothing but the bent cord supported by two steel towers. When your car moves up the ramp the two towers rise so high that it brings you happiness; their structure is so pure, so resolute, so regular that here, finally, steel architecture seems to laugh. The car reaches an unexpectedly wide apron; the second tower is very far away; innumerable vertical cables, gleaming against the sky, are suspended from the magisterial curve which swings down and then up. The rose-colored towers of New York appear, a vision whose harshness is mitigated by distance." ( When the Cathedrals were White ) The George Washington Bridge was designated as a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers on October 24, 1981, the fiftieth anniversary of the bridge's dedication ceremony. Following the September 11th attacks on New York and Washington, the Port Authority prohibited people from taking photographs on the premises of the bridge because of the fear that terrorist groups might study any potential photographs in order to plot a terrorist attack on the bridge. Such prohibitions have since been lifted. As the enclosed lower level is more vulnerable to hazardous material (HAZMAT) incidents than the upper level, most HAZMATs have been prohibited there even before the September 11th attacks. If weather allows, on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day , Presidents' Day , Memorial Day , Flag Day , Independence Day , Labor Day , Columbus Day , and Veterans Day , as well as on dates honoring those lost in the September 11, 2001 attacks , the bridge sports the largest free-flying American flag in the world; 90 feet (27 m) long and 60 feet (18 m) wide, the flag weighs 450 pounds (200 kg). Road connections From Morningside Heights . GW Bridge, circa 1985 This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . (August 2010) The George Washington Bridge carries I-95 , US-1 , and US-9 between New Jersey and New York. US-46 terminates at the state border in the middle of the bridge. I-80 and NJ-4 also feed into the bridge but end before reaching it. On the New Jersey side of the bridge, the Palisades Interstate Parkway connects directly to the bridge's upper level (plans to give direct access to the lower level from the parkway have been postponed), and the New Jersey Turnpike connects to both levels of the bridge. The marginal roads and local streets above the highways are known as GWB Plaza . On the New York side, the twelve-lane Trans-Manhattan Expressway heads east across the narrow neck of upper Manhattan , from the bridge to the Harlem River , providing access from both decks to 178th Street, the Henry Hudson Parkway and Riverside Drive on the West Side of Manhattan, and to Amsterdam Avenue and the Harlem River Drive on the East Side. The Expressway connects directly with the Alexander Hamilton Bridge , which spans the Harlem River as part of the Cross-Bronx Expressway (I-95), providing access to the Major Deegan Expressway ( I-87 ). Heading towards New Jersey, local access to the Bridge is available from 179th Street. There are also ramps connecting the bridge to the George Washington Bridge Bus Terminal , a commuter bus terminal with direct access to the New York City Subway at the 175th Street ( A train) station on the IND Eighth Avenue Line . Tolls New York side of the bridge, under restoration, as seen from the Hudson River, July 2005. Note the " Little Red Lighthouse ". GW Bridge from New Jersey As of September 18, 2011, the cash tolls going from New Jersey to New York will now be charged $ 12 for cars and $11 for motorcycles (there is no toll for passenger vehicles going from New York to New Jersey). All E-ZPass users will now be charged $7.50 for cars and $6.50 for motorcycles during off-peak hours (outside of 6-10 am and 4-8 pm on the weekdays; and outside of 11 am - 9 pm on the weekends) and $9.50 for cars and $8.50 for motorcycles during peak hours (6-10 am and 4-8 pm on the weekdays; and 11 am - 9 pm on the weekends). Trucks are charged $10 per axle, with significantly discounted off-peak and overnight tolls. A special discounted carpool toll ($3.50) is available for cars with three or more passengers, at all times, with E-ZPass, who proceed through a staffed toll lane (provided they have previously opted-in to the free "Carpool Plan"). The toll is only charged one way (eastbound), which is how all Hudson River crossings are tolled. The George Washington Bridge takes in approximately $1 million per day in tolls. The bridge has a total of 31 toll lanes, 12 in the upper level toll plaza, 12 in the lower level toll plaza, and seven in the Palisades Interstate Parkway toll plaza. The toll plazas on the lower level and Palisades Parkway are not staffed during the overnight hours and accept only E-ZPass transactions during this period. Foot traffic and cyclists cross for free on the sidewalk. Though there are sidewalks on each side of the bridge, cyclists and pedestrians can only use the south side. It offers spectacular views of the Hudson River, the Manhattan skyline and the New Jersey Palisades . Pedestrians had to pay tolls of 10 cents shortly after the bridge opened, but non-motorized traffic is no longer tolled. In January 2007 the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey announced a deal with Geico , the auto insurance giant, that included the posting of a large billboard on top of the toll plaza that said "Geico Drive Safely," and Geico signs on the tollbooths and approach roads, some of which would feature the insurer's signature gecko. The arrangement would have provided the agency with $3.2 million over two years. A week later, however, the Port Authority canceled the contract with Geico after criticism that the signs would mar the landmarked bridge, that the Port Authority had failed to negotiate a good price for the deal and that the placement of the signs might violate Fort Lee's regulations. View of the roadway and tower Non-motorized access Southern walkway The George Washington Bridge is popular among sightseers and commuters traveling by foot, bicycle, or roller skates. The South sidewalk (accessible by a long, steep ramp on the Manhattan side of the bridge) is shared by cyclists and pedestrians, with a level surface from end to end. The entrance in Manhattan is at 178th Street, just west of Cabrini Boulevard which also has access to the Hudson River Greenway north of the bridge. The sidewalk is accessible on the New Jersey side from Hudson Terrace, where a gate open in daytime and evening allows pedestrians and bikes to pass. Also on Hudson Terrace, less than one hundred yards north of the bike/ped entrance, walkers will find the start of the Long Path hiking trail, which leads after a short walk to some spectacular views of the bridge, and continues north towards Albany, New York . The George Washington Bridge carries New York State Bicycle Route 9 , a bike route that runs from New York City north to Rouses Point . The Port Authority closed the North Sidewalk at all times in 2008. Though offering direct access into Palisades Interstate Park, the North sidewalk requires stairway climbs and descents on both sides, always an inconvenience and obstacle to handicapped people, and a risk in poor weather conditions. Transportation Alternatives , a New York City advocacy group, has proposed an enhanced River Road connector in Fort Lee, which would create safer pedestrian and bicycle access to the George Washington Bridge on the New Jersey side of the bridge. Alternate routes Aerial view of GWB (2010) The George Washington Bridge from Riverside Drive Within the New York metropolitan area , the Tappan Zee Bridge (Interstates 87 / 287 New York State Thruway ) is an alternative route that avoids the city proper. For longer-range traffic, such as traffic between New England (and points north/east) and Pennsylvania (and points south/west), Interstate 84 which crosses the Hudson on the Newburgh–Beacon Bridge is often used as an alternative rather than either the GWB or the Tappan Zee bridge, as it avoids the core areas of the New York metro area entirely. Suicides The George Washington Bridge is among the sites in New York City often chosen by people who commit suicide , along with the Empire State Building . On September 22, 2010, Tyler Clementi , a freshman at Rutgers University committed suicide on the bridge, bringing national attention to cyber-bullying and suicide among LGBT youth . In media As a famous New York landmark, the bridge is often seen in many movies set in New York, mostly in establishing shots. Notable films with the George Washington Bridge include Aftershock: Earthquake in New York , and The Other Guys . A clip of a drive going over the George Washington Bridge was also shown in the opening of the seventies television show, Maude . See also New York City portal New Jersey portal · List of fixed crossings of the Hudson River References 1. ^ a b c d e f "Facts Info - George Washington Bridge" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . http://www.panynj.gov/bridges-tunnels/gwb-facts-info.html . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 2. ^ a b c "George Washington Bridge" . ASCE Metropolitan Section . http://www.ascemetsection.org/content/view/342/876/ . Retrieved 2010-03-06 . 3. ^ "2008 NYSDOT Traffic Data Report" . New York State Department of Transportation . Appendix C . https://www.nysdot.gov/divisions/engineering/technical-services/hds-respository/NYSDOT_TDR_Appendix_C.pdf . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 4. ^ Rose, Lacey (March 2, 2006). "Inside the Booth" . Forbes . http://www.forbes.com/2006/03/02/tollbooth-collectors-money_cx_lr_money06_0302tollbooth.html . Retrieved 2008-01-15 . "Like the PATH trains, which also connect New York to New Jersey, the G.W. Bridge is run by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, a public agency that employees 7,000 workers and has annual revenues of $2.9 billion.". 5. ^ Toolen, Tom (September 27, 1995). "Bridges Keep Photographer in Suspense" . The Record . http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-22488349.html . Retrieved 2008-01-15 . "Frieder calls the GWB 'the most beautiful suspension bridge in the world...'" 6. ^ Jones, Charisse (October 20, 2006). "Upkeep Costs Rise as USA's Bridges Age" . USA Today . http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2006-10-19-bridges_x.htm . Retrieved 2008-01-15 . "The George Washington Bridge — locals call it 'the GW' — is one of a collection of dazzling spans that link New York's five boroughs or the city and New Jersey." 7. ^ " Bridges of NYC ". Man-Made . National Geographic Channel . "More than 107,000,000 vehicles crossed its fourteen lanes in 2005 alone." 8. ^ Rife, Judy (October 24, 2006). "George Washington Bridge Turns 75 Years Old" . Times Herald-Record . http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061024/BIZ/610240312/-1/NEWS03 . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . "The party, however, will be small in comparison to the one that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey organized for 5,000 people to open the bridge to traffic in 1931. And it won't even be on what is now the world's busiest bridge for fear of snarling traffic." 9. ^ "Port Authority of New York and New Jersey - George Washington Bridge" . http://www.panynj.gov/bridges-tunnels/george-washington-bridge.html . Retrieved 2010-03-25 . 10. ^ a b "History - George Washington Bridge" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . http://www.panynj.gov/bridges-tunnels/gwb-history.html . Retrieved 2010-03-06 . 11. ^ "Two Governors Open Great Hudson Bridge As Throngs Look On" . The New York Times . October 25, 1931 . http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F40B12FC395E10728DDDAC0A94D8415B818FF1D3 . Retrieved 2010-03-06 . 12. ^ "56,312 Cars Cross Bridge on First Day" . The New York Times . October 26, 1931 . http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F1071EFD3B5D1B7A93C4AB178BD95F458385F9 . Retrieved 2010-03-06 . 13. ^ Maeder, Jay (February 17, 2011). "Name That Bridge, 1931 Edition" . The New York Times . http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/17/way-back-machine-naming-that-bridge/ . Retrieved 2011-03-18 . 14. ^ Renner, James (January 1998). "DAR Monument" . Washington Heights Inwood Online . http://www.washington-heights.us/history/archives/dar_monument_9.html . Retrieved 2010-03-13 . 15. ^ Ingraham, Joseph C. (August 30, 1962). "Lower Deck of George Washington Bridge Is Opened" . The New York Times . http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F40C16FC3A58137A93C2AA1783D85F468685F9 . Retrieved 2010-03-06 . 16. ^ Rockland, Michael Aaron (2008). The George Washington Bridge: Poetry in Steel . New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. pp. 81–82. ISBN 0813543754 . 17. ^ Jeanneret-Gris, Charles-douard (1937) (in French). Quand les cathédrales étaient blanches . 18. ^ "Transportation Regulations at Tunnel and Bridge Facilities" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . http://www.panynj.gov/truckers-resources/pdf/red-book.pdf . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 19. ^ "George Washington Bridge Interesting Facts" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . Archived from the original on 2006-12-14 . http://web.archive.org/web/20061214113223/http://www.panynj.gov/CommutingTravel/bridges/pdfs/01_08_02_GWashBrdg.pdf . Retrieved 2007-05-28 . 20. ^ "World's Largest Free-Flying American Flag to Fly at George Washington Bridge in Honor of 9/11 Victims" (Press release). Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . September 8, 2006 . http://www.panynj.gov/press-room/press-item.cfm?headLine_id=774 . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 21. ^ "New Bridge Tunnel Toll Rates and PATH Fares Effective 3:00 AM September 18, 2011" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . http://www.panynj.gov/about/new-toll-fare-2011.html?tabnum=1 . Retrieved 2011-09-08 . 22. ^ "Tolls - Bridges Tunnels" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . http://www.panynj.gov/bridges-tunnels/tolls.html . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 23. ^ Belson, Ken (January 4, 2007). "With Ad Deal, Insurer Wades Into Bridge Traffic" . The New York Times . http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/04/nyregion/04bridge.html . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 24. ^ Belson, Ken (January 9, 2007). "Agency Cancels Insurer’s Ads for George Washington Bridge" . The New York Times . http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/09/nyregion/09bridge.html . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 25. ^ "State Bicycle Route 9 Maps - Southern Section" . New York State Department of Transportation . https://www.nysdot.gov/divisions/operating/opdm/local-programs-bureau/repository/bicycle/state-bicycle-routes/rt9-maps-south.html . Retrieved February 2, 2011 . 26. ^ "Pedestrian Bicycle Information - George Washington Bridge" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . http://www.panynj.gov/bridges-tunnels/gwb-pedestian-bicycle-info.html . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . The north sidewalk is closed around-the-clock. 27. ^ "Support Grows in NJ for GW Bridge to "River Road" Connector Path" . Transportation Alternatives Magazine ( Transportation Alternatives ): 15. Summer 2003 . http://www.transalt.org/files/newsroom/magazine/033Summer/15gwb.html . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 28. ^ Lite, Jordan (November 1, 2007). "Some 'tourists' choose city landmarks for suicide" . New York Daily News . http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2007/11/01/2007-11-01_some_tourists_choose_city_landmarks_for_-1.html . Retrieved 2009-04-29 . External links http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington_Bridge
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