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新作 Online First!
hucs 2017-6-7 11:07
新作 Online First ! 谢谢JIM编辑 Editor ZHOU Editor FAN !! 谢谢审稿专家!!! 欢迎大家点阅和参考引用,全文 PDF 可免费下载。 http://www.jcimjournal.com/jim/showAbstrPage.aspx?articleID=S2095-4964(17)60355-8 ( 南昌大学 胡春松大夫) -- 作者简介 : 胡春松(笔名:地震、青春依旧),南昌大学在职博士(生),医生,诗人,江西省作家协会 2017 年新会员。有《博客中国》个人专栏,入驻中国诗歌网。作者是 “ 春韵 ”(2013 年 ) 、 “ 岭峰体 ”(2011 年 ) 、 “ 五美 ” 标准诗歌 (2013 年初 ) 的命名者、提出者和建立者。著有医学专业著作以及诗集《青春诗语》(江西高校出版社, 2011 ),诗集《美丽中国 • 梦》、《地震 N 章》及《佳节诗语》(均待出版),另有 “ 青春三部曲 ” 之《青春论语》(网络版,纸质版待出版)和《青春私语》(写作中)。诗观:诗歌如药( 2011 年)。作者曾参加 2016 年 “ 诗词中国 ” 大赛,初选 “ 种子作品 ”43 首,作品已入选《人民网》 (2013 年 ) 、《诗歌赣军》( 2016 年)和《 2016 江西诗歌年选》等,科学网个人博客访问量已逾 195 万次。
个人分类: 博士研究|1851 次阅读|0 个评论
WileyChina 2016-1-12 09:57
作者: Vera Koester, Carlo van Overbeek 出版日期: 2016年1月5号 版权所有: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Co. KGaA, Weinheim 做一个有趣的海报可不是件容易的事,Vera Köster 和荷兰乌得勒支大学的Carlo van Overbeek 谈谈他在2015 年CHAINS 大会上展示的一张非常有人气的海报。这次大会在荷兰费尔德霍芬举行,从2015 年11 月30 号开始,12 月2 号结束。 什么给了你做这张海报的灵感? CollegeHumor.com 上的一系列模仿宜家的说明书。 你得到了怎样的回应? 我得到了许多热情的反应,当然我也非常高兴。为了让人们关注我的研究,我把这张海报做的简洁有趣。 我觉得很多海报都把人吓跑了,以为他们在本来就信息很密集的会议上展出。如果你在海报会议中很容易的就进入一个话题,那就太好了,特别是在午休期间。 不过,我没有想到我的海报会被发到Twitter 上,也没想到人们会带着他们的同事过来找我,向他们展示我的海报。 能跟我们说说你的研究内容吗? 事实上海报已经很好地概括了,我将胶体硒化铅纳米晶组装到超晶格上得到2D 的纳米周期半导体。 很有意思的是,因为我们在不相溶的液体基质中组装,纳米晶体的核心在组装成2D 超级晶体之后会自动连接起来。 通常情况下,纳米晶体上都带有有机配体,所以他们具有胶体稳定性,不能形成大块的晶体。所以当你用它们制成超晶格时,他们的晶体核还是被配体分离开的。但是在我们的超晶格中,只有100 个晶体的刻面链接(中间没有配体)的过程叫做定向连接过程。 虽然我们有几个博士生在研究这个问题,我个人的任务是找到超晶格形成的原理,以及可控制重复合成的机制。 Q:化学最吸引你的是什么? A:理论和实践的紧密联系。 Q:什么让你有动力? A:能够致力于帮助人类,或者创造一些不朽的东西,比如科学原理或是艺术作品。 Q:在接下来的十年里你想做什么? A:编写安保软件或者在高中教化学。 Q:你有什么其他爱好? A:棋牌游戏,跳舞和唱歌。 感谢你参与这次采访。 Carlo van Overbeek 在荷兰乌得勒支大学学习化学,他曾任乌得勒支化学学生会U.S.S.”Proton” 主席一年,他的学士论文的主题是Grubbs 催化剂的有机合成。在他硕士期间,他加入了乌得勒支大学的“纳米材料:化学与物理”项目,他的硕士论文研究的主题是水/ 水乳液的流变性。 目前,van Overbeek 正在乌得勒支大学攻读凝聚态的博士学位。他的研究涉及“从原子反应胶体中获得纳米周期半导体。”
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WileyChina 2014-10-9 12:09
转自: Materials Views China 2014年8月31日至9月5日, 第65届国际电化学会年会 (65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry) 在瑞士洛桑召开。会议宣布了2014年度国际电化学会 (International Society of Electrochemistry,ISE) 获奖名单ISE Prize Winners 2014。( 点击链接查看详细内容 : http://www.ise-online.org/ )    化学所郭玉国研究员因在电化学储能器件和锂电池材料研究方面取得的突出成绩,作为唯一的获奖者,荣获2014 ISE Tajima Prize,这也是ISE 首次将这一殊荣授予大陆学者 。 国际电化学会成立于1949年,拥有来自世界70多个国家和地区的会员,是一个具有重要影响力的世界性电化学学会组织。ISE Tajima Prize 是国际电化学会1985年设立的重要奖项,旨在表彰全球40岁以下取得突出成绩的青年电化学家,完全没有具体研究领域限制,以得奖者的论文影响力与研究成就为评选标准,每年一位获奖者。 2014 ISE Tajima Prize的正式颁奖活动将在第66届国际电化学学会年会上举行(2015年10月4日至9日,中国台北),郭玉国研究员受邀将在此次会议上作获奖报告。 来源: 中科院化学所 郭玉国教授发表在 Advanced Energy Materials 上的文章: A Sandwich-Like Hierarchically Porous Carbon/Graphene Composite as a High-Performance Anode Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries Carbon-Nanotube-Decorated Nano-LiFePO 4 @C Cathode Material with Superior High-Rate and Low-Temperature Performances for Lithium-Ion Batteries Self-Assembled Nanocomposite of Silicon Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Graphene through Electrostatic Attraction for Lithium-Ion Batteries
个人分类: Physical Science|2689 次阅读|0 个评论
爱你所爱——Chemistry Views 注册赢取iPad大奖
WileyChina 2014-7-2 09:39
面对这个无奈的现实吧!作为一名化学家或者化学领域的研究人员,我们根本没有太多的时间去从互联网上浏览最新的业界新闻、优秀研究成果、以及化学界的工作规划、职业需求、有趣的奇闻轶事等等。 但 Chemistry Views 给为我们带来了大量新鲜的“材料血液”,了解最新动态,只需要您在键盘上轻轻点击一下即可。当然,您可能做不到每天都抽出时间浏览 Chemistry Views ,查看相关的新闻和研究成果,所以 Chemistry Views 特为您提供以下贴心服务。 注册我们的每周、每月实时资讯,阅读您关注的重要动态。可能您认为这又是哪个网站推送的无聊订阅,耐心花一分钟,我们将带您一起分享为什么 Chemistry Views 是值得订阅的。 阅读专属动态——爱你所爱 你只关注无机 化学?你只想阅读有关能源的研究?你只希望了解更多关于工业化学的文章?勾选您所需要的话题内容,专属新闻动态将为您呈现,绝不会“信息轰炸”您的收件箱。 勇做“话题王” Chemistry View 帮您毫不费力的紧跟时代趋势。如果你的同事都在谈论世界杯,你可以介绍“ 足球的科普知识 ”来接上话题。如果你在与其他化学家一起吃晚餐,你就可以畅谈“ 一杯葡萄酒如何能预防龋齿 ”。你甚至可以讲讲“ 绝命毒师与化学 ”,如果你身边的同事有人痴迷于这个热门电视剧。它几乎无所不知,现在知道为什么 Chemistry View 值得您的关注了吧! 学习实践技巧和见解 Webinars 上只为注册用户提供了各个领域专家的网络研讨会。另外,您也不会错过任何一场精彩的访谈,比如“ 让化学更具吸引力 ”。 赢 iPad大奖啦! 最后送上福利彩蛋, 如果您在 2014 年7 月15 日 之前注册,您将有机会赢取一台iPad 哦!所以,关注 Chemistry Views 吧!关注最新的新闻,最热的文章和最有趣的话题! 希望您能将 Chemistry Views 与您的同事、志同道合的化学家、研究人员分享这个平台,或许你们中的一位就将赢取iPad 大奖哦,即时拿不到奖也依旧能享受美妙的知识!不要忘了在这里注册哦!
个人分类: 业界新闻|2013 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]NEWS & VIEWS: Degrees of control
热度 1 Fangjinqin 2011-5-13 09:13
Degrees of control .pdf NEWS VIEWS: COMPLEX NETWORKS Degrees of control One might expect that social networks would generally be harder to control than naturally occurring systems such as biological networks. But this is not so, according to a new study. See Article p.167 MAGNUS EGERSTEDT Networks can be found all around us. Examples include social networks (both online and offline), mobile sensor networks and gene regulatory networks. Such constructs can be represented by nodes and by edges (connections) between the nodes. The nodes are individual decision makers, for instance people on the social-networking website Facebook or DNA segments in a cell. The edges are the means by which information flows and is shared between nodes. But how hard is it to control the behaviour of such complex networks? On page 167 of this issue, Liu et al.1 show that the answer to this question is anything but intuitive. The flow of information in a network is what enables the nodes to make decisions or to update internal states or beliefs — for example, an individual’s political affiliation or the proteins being expressed in a cell. The result is a dynamic network, in which the nodes’ states evolve over time. The overall behaviour of such a dynamic network depends on several factors: how the nodes make their decisions and update their states; what information is shared between the edges; and what the network itself looks like — that is, which nodes are connected by edges. Imagine that you want to start a trend by influencing certain individuals in a social network, or that you want to propagate a drug through a biological system by injecting the drug at particular locations. Two obvious questions are: which nodes should you pick, and how effective are these nodes when it comes to achieving the desired overall behaviour? If the only important factor is the overall spread of information, these questions are related to the question of finding and characterizing effective decision-makers. However, the nodes’ dynamics (how information is used for updating the internal states) and the information flow (what information is actually shared) must also be taken into account. In their study, Liu and co-workers1 do just this by combining the principles of network science with tools found traditionally in the domain of control theory2,3. Central to the question of how information, injected at certain key locations, can be used to steer the overall system towards some desired performance is the notion of controllability — a measure of what states can be achieved from a given set of initial states. Different dynamical systems have different levels of controllability. For example, a car without a steering wheel cannot reach the same set of states as a car with one, and, as a consequence, is less controllable. Liu and colleagues1 found that, for several types of network, controllability is connected to a network’s underlying structure4–6. The authors identified what driver nodes — those into which control inputs are injected — can direct the network to a given behaviour. The surprising result is that driver nodes tend to avoid the network hubs. In other words, centrally located nodes are not necessarily the best ones for influencing a network’s performance. So for social networks, for example, the most influential members may not be those with the most friends. The result of this type of analysis1,4 is that it is possible to determine how many driver nodes are needed for complete control over a network. Liu et al. do this for several real networks, including gene regulatory networks for controlling cellular processes, large-scale data networks such as the World Wide Web, and social networks. We have a certain intuition about how hard it might be to control such networks. For instance, one would expect cellular processes to be designed to make them amenable to control so that they can respond swiftly to external stimuli, whereas one would expect social networks to be more likely to resist being controlled by a small number of driver nodes. It turns out that this intuition is entirely wrong. Social networks are much easier to control than biological regulatory networks, in the sense that fewer driver nodes are needed to fully control them — that is, to take the networks from a given configuration to any desired configuration. Liu and colleagues find that, to fully control a gene regulatory network, roughly 80% of the nodes should be driver nodes. By contrast, for some social networks only 20% of the nodes are required to be driver nodes. What’s more, the authors show that engineered networks such as power grids and electronic circuits are overall much easier to control than social networks and those involving gene regulation. This is due to both the increased density of the interconnections (edges) and the homogeneous nature of the network structure. These startling findings1 significantly further our understanding of the fundamental Figure 1 | Tough job. Liu et al.1 show that complex networks such as biological networks, metaphorically depicted by this locust swarm, are not at all easy to control. AP PHOTO/J. ACOSTA 158 | NATURE | VOL 473 | 12 MAY 2011 NEWS VIEWS 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved properties of complex networks. One implication of the study is that both social networks and naturally occurring networks (Fig. 1), such as those involving gene regulation, are surprisingly hard to control. To a certain extent this is reassuring, because it means that such networks are fairly immune to hostile takeovers: a large fraction of the network’s nodes must be directly controlled for the whole of it to change. By contrast, engineered networks are generally much easier to control, which may or may not be a good thing, depending on who is trying to control the network. ■ Magnus Egerstedt is in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, USA. e-mail: magnus@gatech.edu 1. Liu, Y.-Y., Slotine, J.-J. Barabási, A.-L. Nature 473, 167–173 (2011). 2. Mesbahi, M. Egerstedt, M. Graph Theoretic Methods in Multiagent Networks (Princeton Univ. Press, 2010). 3. Kalman, R. E. J. Soc. Indus. Appl. Math. Ser. A 1, 152–192 (1963). 4. Rahmani, A., Ji, M., Mesbahi, M. Egerstedt, M. SIAM J. Contr. Optim. 48, 162–186 (2009). 5. Tanner, H. G. 43rd IEEE Conf. Decision Contr. 3, 2467–2472 (2004). 6. Lin, C.-T. IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. 19, 201–208 (1974). CANCER The flipside of Notch Mutations that lead to increased activity of the Notch signalling pathway are well defined in human cancer. New work implicates decreased activity of this pathway in a type of blood cancer. See Letter p.230 DEMETRIOS KALA I T Z I D I S SCOTT A . ARMSTRONG Some of the most common and well studied mutations in human cancers affect signal-transduction pathways. For instance, mutations that lead to increased activity of the receptor protein Notch are frequently found in a type of blood cancer called T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia/ lymphoma1. On page 230 of this issue, Klinakis et al.2 report that mutations that lead to reduced activity of this protein are associated with another human blood cancer, chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia. This finding suggests that Notch can have either an oncogenic or a tumour-suppressive effect in blood cancers. The Notch signalling pathway is evolutionarily conserved and has crucial roles in the development and maintenance of embryonic and adult tissues. Notch signalling is initiated when one cell expressing the appropriate ligand interacts with another cell expressing a Notch receptor. Ligand–receptor binding leads to a series of steps involving Notch processing. One such step requires the γ-secretase enzyme complex, which, through protein cleavage, generates a portion of the Notch receptor — called the Notch intracellular domain (NICD) — that is no longer bound to the cell membrane and that relocates to the nucleus (Fig. 1). In the nucleus, the NICD interacts with DNA-bound protein factors (CSL/CBF1/ RBPjγ) and recruits MAML proteins to modulate the expression of many genes3. One of the genes is the Notch target Hes1, whose increased expression is part of the mechanism by which Notch signalling influences cellular physiology. The functions of the Notch pathway are highly cell-type dependent in different embryonic and adult tissues, as well as in cancers4. It therefore seems likely that Notch regulates diverse context-specific gene-expression programs that we are just beginning to understand. To investigate the role of Notch in the haematopoietic system, Klinakis et al.2 specifically inactivated the Nicastrin gene in mouse blood cells. (Nicastrin is an essential component of the γ-secretase complex and so is required for the Notch-pathway function.) Surprisingly, the mice died relatively quickly — 20 weeks after birth — from a blood disorder similar to human chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia. The γ-secretase complex has other functions besides processing Notch5. However, the authors confirm the significance of losing Notch signalling by showing that deletion of just the Notch1 and Notch2 receptors from blood cells is sufficient to produce the same cancer in mice. In addition, activation of the Notch pathway in cells lacking Nicastrin ameliorated the leukaemia, further supporting the crucial role of the Notch pathway. Klinakis and colleagues also show that the effects of Notch loss on blood cells is cellautonomous — that is, the cancer is due to the loss of Notch function in blood cells and not to its effects on other organs that then feed back to blood cells. This is an important demonstration, because the disruption of Notch signalling in mouse skin also leads to blood disorders in a non-cell-autonomous manner6,7. Klinakis et al. further report that Notch signalling actively represses a gene-expression program in blood stem and progenitor cells that is associated with differentiation of these cells along the myeloid lineage. Thus, loss of Notch signalling seems to ‘rewire’ early blood cells to inappropriately express genes specifying a myelomonocytic fate that, in mouse models, leads to leukaemia. In addition to defining a new role for Notch signalling as a suppressor of leukaemia Inactivation Activation T-ALL CMML Notch NICD Nucleus -secretase Figure 1 | The Notch signalling pathway and blood disorders. On interaction with an appropriate ligand (not shown) the Notch receptor is processed by the γ-secretase complex to form an intracellular domain (NICD), which accumulates in the nucleus to modulate gene expression. Activating mutations in Notch receptors have been described in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemias/lymphomas (T-ALL), making the receptors an attractive drug target for this cancer. But Klinakis et al.2 ascribe a tumoursuppressor role for Notch in another blood cancer, chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML). 1 2 M AY 2 0 1 1 | VO L 4 7 3 | N AT U R E | 1 5 9 NEWS VIEWS RESEARCH 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
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