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破除论文“SCI至上”:Grigori Perelman 和 Andrew Wiles 的 SCI 引用量
热度 3 zlyang 2020-7-13 12:18
“ 一切真理开始时总是在少数人手里,总是受到大多数人的压力。这是一个规律。 ” 为我国2070年开始 的诺贝尔 科学奖“井喷”清除障碍、铺平道路! 客观规律是客观的;独立于人而客观存在。 破除论文“SCI至上”: Grigori Perelman 和 Andrew Wiles 的 SCI 引用量 一、Grigori Perelman 和 Andrew Wiles 的 SCI 引用量 在基础数学这个大类里,SCI引用量(被引频次,Times Cited)和学术价值有没有关系? 好像没有很直接的关系。“引用量”与商业市场的大小有关,与学术价值没有直接的关系。 “大众”话题,如安德鲁·怀尔斯(Andrew Wiles)研究的费马大定理(Fermat's Last Theorem),谁都觉得自己能看懂,谁都可以引用。于是“大众市场”。 可怜的佩雷尔曼(Grigoriy Perelman,Grigori Perelman),研究了一个“小众”话题庞加莱猜想(Poincaré conjecture),没几个人能看懂,所以怕出错,大家都不敢引用。 今天上午(早饭吃得饱饱的)查找的两位大神的SCI引用量(被引频次,Times Cited),截图如下: 安德鲁·怀尔斯(Andrew Wiles) 佩雷尔曼(Grigoriy Perelman,Grigori Perelman) 二、谁的贡献更大? 庞加莱猜想比费马大定理,好像更有学术价值。 伟大的佩雷尔曼,全部SCI引用量为“惊人”的 57 次! 大神怀尔斯,全部SCI引用量“高达”超过 1320 次!其中1995年的2篇文章(440 + 864 = 1304)。 “被”下岗的佩雷尔曼! “被”江郎才尽的怀尔斯! 还是两次“被”江郎才尽:证明费马大定理之前的近7年,证明费马大定理之后的近20年。 以搞惨 佩雷尔曼 为荣,以成全 佩雷尔曼 为耻? 三、提高“引用量”的秘诀:穿西装,会摆姿势! 佩雷尔曼(Grigoriy Perelman,Grigori Perelman) https://bashny.net/t/zh-CN/98110 安德鲁·怀尔斯(Andrew Wiles) https://www.asemooni.com/327264/business-elites/ 四、“科学计量学”证明了“马太效应”? 高水平科技成果,应该是经过历史检验的成果,而不是“科学计量学”研究人员们自己选择的成果。 小心用大数据证明“马太效应 Matthew Effect”! 2017年SCIENCE的“The irreversible momentum of clean energy”在SCI里的被引频次已达273。 奥大神的科技水平比可怜的佩雷尔曼高出 38.3158倍!! 弱弱地问一句:您们计算“相关性”时,使用的是皮尔逊相关系数(Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coefficient)吗?目前似乎还没有“科学”地计算“相关性”的单一量化指标。 嘘嘘嘘!开玩笑是可以的,但是要有限度。 感谢 SCI 可以有偿查找“被引频次,Times Cited”! 参考资料: Andrew Wiles | Biography Facts | Britannica https://www.britannica.com/biography/Andrew-Wiles Grigori Perelman | Biography Facts | Britannica https://www.britannica.com/biography/Grigori-Perelman Clay Mathematics Institute,Perelman's Solution http://www.claymath.org/millennium-problems-poincar%C3%A9-conjecture/perelmans-solution Articles by Grigoriy Perelman The Entropy Formula for the Ricci Flow and its Geometric Applications, arXiv.org, November 11, 2002. Ricci Flow with Surgery on Three-Manifolds, arXiv.org, March 10, 2003. Finite Extinction Time for the Solutions to the Ricci Flow on Certain Three-Manifolds, arXiv.org, July 17, 2003. 推荐阅读: 林磊,刘立,孙楠,2018年07月27日 星期五,“数文章”岂能数出创新的未来,《科技日报》第001、002版 http://digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_www.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2018-07/27/content_400327.htm?div=-1 https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1607190648305813056wfr=spiderfor=pc http://ip.people.com.cn/GB/n1/2018/0727/c179663-30173757.html 武夷山,2015-01-23,“大概近似正确”的评价 精选 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1557-861961.html 刘玉仙,2020-07-06,影响因子:再精确再高都不代表科学价值 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-215715-1240826.html 相关链接: 2020-06-21, 真科研需要哪些条件? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1238767.html 2020-05-25,破除论文“SCI至上”:怎样识别人才(天才、项目、论文)【要点】 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1234866.html 2020-04-13,破除论文“SCI至上”:心理戒毒比生理戒毒更难 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1228149.html 感谢您的指教! 感谢您指正以上任何错误! 感谢您提供更多的相关资料!
个人分类: 科学 - 艺术 - 社会|4609 次阅读|9 个评论
The Times of My Life
黄安年 2019-1-26 19:30
The Times of My Life 【 Betty Ford with Chris Chase ( 贝蒂·福特 )著 《 我生命中的时光 》】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 082 )】 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 /2019 年 1 月 26 日 发布(第 20737 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Betty Ford with Chris Chase ( 贝蒂·福特 )著 The Times of My Life ( 《 我生命中的时光 》),Harper Row Publidhers and The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., 1978年版,305页。ISBN 0-06-011298-0 照片 10 张拍自该书, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1500 次阅读|0 个评论
Good Times ,An Oral History of American In The Nineteen Sixt
黄安年 2019-1-25 07:03
Good Times , An Oral History of American In The Nineteen Sixties 【 Peter Joseph ( 彼特 · 约瑟夫 ) 著 《 好时代 》,1973年版】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 070 )】 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 /2019 年 1 月 25 日 发布(第 20718 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Peter Joseph ( 彼特 · 约瑟夫 ) 著 Good Times , An Oral History of American In The Nineteen Sixties ( 《 好时代,美国19世纪60年代的口述史 》),Charter House 1973年版,472页。ISBN 0-88229-389-3 照片 24 张拍自该书, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 , 16 , 17 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1276 次阅读|0 个评论
AMERICA:CHANGING TIMES (Charles M. Dollar : 《美国:变化的年代
黄安年 2019-1-8 09:02
AMERICA : CHANGING TIMES (Charles M. Dollar : 《美国:变化的年代》 ) 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 005 )】 黄安年 辑 黄安年的博客 / 2019 年 1 月 8 日 发布(第 20572 篇) 自2019年1月6日起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Charles M. Dollar 为总主编的 AMERICA : CHANGING TIMES ( 《美国:变化的年代》 ) , 1979 年 John Wiley Sons,Inc. 该书是美国纽约州立奥伯尼大学( Albany University of NY ) Sucheta Mazumdan 教授 1991 年 3 月 5 日 赠送给我的。 照片 9 张拍自该书, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|2192 次阅读|0 个评论
《纽约时报》报道MH370文章目录(by 4/16/14)
livingfossil 2014-4-10 00:30
Sinosphere Chinese MilitaryNewspaper Likens Lost Jet to Pearl Harbor By CHRIS BUCKLEY April 16, 2014 http://cn.nytimes.com/china/20140416/c16military/en-us/ 时报看中 国 中国军方报纸从客机失踪联想到珍珠港事 件 储百 亮 2014 年 04 月 16 日 http://cn.nytimes.com/china/20140416/c16military/ 储百亮 (ChrisBuckley) 是《纽约时报》记者。 翻译:经 雷 ------------------------ Submersible’s First Scan for Jet WreckageIs Cut Short By KIRK SEMPLE April 16, 2014 http://cn.nytimes.com/asia-pacific/20140416/c16plane/en-us/ 美国深水探测器提前返航一无所 获 KIRK SEMPLE 2014 年 04 月 16 日 http://cn.nytimes.com/asia-pacific/20140416/c16plane/ 储百亮 (Chris Buckley) 自香港、 Michelle Innis 自澳大利 亚悉尼对本文有报道贡献 。 翻 译:张薇、陈 柳 ---------------------- Searchers to Deploy Submersible in Huntfor Missing Jet By KIRK SEMPLE , CHRIS BUCKLEY and MICHELLE INNIS April 15, 2014 潜水设备将被用于马航飞机搜 索 KIRK SEMPLE , 储百亮 , MICHELLE INNIS 2014 年 04 月 15 日 http://cn.nytimes.com/asia-pacific/20140415/c15plane/ Kirk Semple 自 马来西亚吉隆坡、储百亮 (Chris Buckley) 自香港、 Michelle Innis 自澳大利 亚悉尼报道。 翻 译:陈柳、许 欣 ---------------------- ===================== China’s Actionsin Hunt for Jet Are Seen as Hurting as Much as Helping By KIRK SEMPLE and ERIC SCHMITT APRIL 14, 2014 Asia Pacific http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/15/world/asia/chinas-efforts-in-hunt-for-plane-are-seen-as-hurting-more-than-helping.html?hp_r=0 KUALALUMPUR, Malaysia — When a Chinese government vessel took the world by surprisethis month with itsannouncement that it had detected underwater signals that might have comefrom the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, China suddenly looked like the heroof the multinational search effort. ---- ------------------ ---------------- 《纽约时报》报道 MH370 文章目录 (by 4/9/14) 《纽约时报》对马来西亚失踪航班 (MH370) 进行跟踪报道。下面是截止 2014 年 4 月 9 日的一个文章目录(可能不完整),供感兴趣的朋友们参阅吧。 Two More Sets of Signals Detected, Australian Officials Say By MICHELLE INNIS and CHRIS BUCKLEY The signals, possibly from the “black box” flightrecorders from the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, will help narrow thesearch. April 9, 2014, Wednesday --------------- Search for Malaysian Jet to Be Costliest in History By KIRK SEMPLE Many of the governments involved will face a difficultdecision about whether to keep bearing the extraordinary expense. April 9, 2014, Wednesday --------------------------- Hunt for Malaysian Jet Tests Technical Limits By KEITH BRADSHER Formidable obstacles remain in finding and recoveringwhatever is left of the Boeing 777 that vanished a month ago with its 239passengers and crew. April 8, 2014, Tuesday ================ Red Herrings and Overlooked Clues in Plane Search By THE NEW YORK TIMES APRIL 8, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/09/world/asia/red-herrings-and-overlooked-clues-in-plane-search.html?action=clickcontentCollection=Asia%20Pacificregion=Footermodule=MoreInSectionpgtype=article Asia Pacific ------------------- Updated Q. and A. on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/09/world/asia/updated-q-and-a-on-malaysia-airlines-flight-370.html?action=clickcontentCollection=Asia%20Pacificregion=Footermodule=MoreInSectionpgtype=article By MATTHEW L. WALD APRIL 8, 2014 ------------------- Jet Search Team Says Signals Are ‘Consistent’ With Black Boxes http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/08/world/asia/missing-malaysia-flight-370.html?hp_r=0 By KIRK SEMPLE APRIL 7, 2014 ------------------- SearchCrews Detect Signals They Say May Be From Missing Malaysian Jet By KIRK SEMPLE The chief of the Australian team coordinating the searchfor Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 said Monday that it had detected“transmissions consistent with” flight recorders, possibly from the missingjet. April 7, 2014, Monday ----------------- Hunt for Malaysian Jet Tests Technical Limits http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/08/world/asia/missing-malaysia-flight-370.html By KEITH BRADSHER APRIL 7, 2014 ----------------- Ship Reports Getting Signal That Could Be Black Box of Missing Jet By KIRK SEMPLE Australian authorities said that they were investigatingreports by ships in the search flotilla that underwater sensors had picked upsignals that could be from the plane’s data and voice recorders. April 6, 2014, Sunday -------------- Searchers Investigating Underwater Signals in Hunt for Jet http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/07/world/asia/malaysia-airlines-flight-370.html?hp_r=0 By KIRK SEMPLE APRIL 6, 2014 ============== Sensors Are Dispatched in Search for Missing Jet By KIRKSEMPLE and MICHELLE INNIS Ships from Britain and Australia were deployed withtechnology that can detect pings from Malaysia Flight 370’s flight datarecorders. April 5, 2014, Saturday --------------- Ship Reports Getting Signal That Could Be Black Box of Missing Jet http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/06/world/asia/malaysia-airlines-plane.html By KIRK SEMPLE APRIL 5, 2014 Asia Pacific This Chinese patrol ship, the Haixun 01, reported Saturday that anunderwater sensor had picked up a promising signal. Credit China News Service ----------------- Hunt for Jet’s Black Boxes Is a Race Against Time By KIRKSEMPLE Only days are left before the batteries on the flightdata and cockpit voice recorders on the missing Malaysia Airlines jet are setto die. April 4, 2014, Friday ------------------------------- Hunt for Jet’s Black Boxes Is a Race Against Time http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/04/world/asia/hunt-for-jets-black-box-is-a-race-against-time.html By KIRK SEMPLE APRIL 3, 2014 ---------------------- With Plane Still Missing, Legal Moves for Payouts Start By EDWARDWONG and KIRK SEMPLE Although there is still no certainty that MalaysiaAirlines Flight 370 has crashed, lawyers are pursuing families that might begranted multimillion-dollar settlements. April 2, 2014, Wednesday ----------------------- Transcript From Lost Jet Is Released By Malaysia By KIRKSEMPLE The dialogue covers 54 minutes, from just before MalaysiaAirlines Flight 370 left Kuala Lumpur to the last contact the pilots had withair traffic personnel. April 2, 2014, Wednesday ------------------ Search for Jet Intensifies as Odds Grow Longer By KIRKSEMPLE and MICHELLE INNIS Australia and Malaysia pledged to press on as 10 planesand 11 ships scoured the latest search area, roughly the size of Poland. April 1, 2014, Tuesday ----------------- More Ships and Planes Join Search for Jetliner By KIRK SEMPLEand MICHELLE INNIS Ten planes and ten ships scoured the latest search area,roughly the size of Poland, and others were scheduled to arrive in the nextseveral days. March 31, 2014, Monday ----------------- In Hunt for Lost Jet, New Sightings of Debris Are Promising but Inconclusive By KIRKSEMPLE Officials involved in the search, mindful of the amountof detritus adrift in the world’s oceans, cautioned that the sightings areinconclusive so far. March 30, 2014, Sunday ==================== In Hunt for Lost Jet, New Sightings of Debris Are Promising but Inconclusive By KIRK SEMPLE MARCH 29, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/30/world/asia/malaysia-airlines-flight-370.html?_r=0 ------------------------- China’s Criticism Over Handling of Missing Flight Stirs Malaysian Backlash By KEITHBRADSHER Many on social media in Malaysia have denounced Chinathis week, noting that Malaysians as well as Chinese died on Malaysia AirlinesFlight 370. March 28, 2014, Friday ================= Search for Missing Jet Is Moved Nearly 700 Miles, Based on Radar Analysis By KEITHBRADSHER and MICHELLE INNIS The revision of the search area, based on furtheranalysis by an international team working with Malaysian officials, means thatAustralia is redirecting the search far from the floating objects seen in theprevious search area. March 28, 2014, Friday ==================== Aircrew With Latest Gear Trusts Its Eyes to Find Jet By THOMAS FULLER MARCH 28, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/29/world/asia/missing-malaysia-airlines-flight-370.html?action=clickcontentCollection=Asia%20Pacificmodule=RelatedCoverageregion=Marginaliapgtype=article --------------------- Search for Lost Jet Is Complicated by Geopolitics and Rivalries By EDWARDWONG While the United States, China and others havecollaborated in the search for the Malaysian plane, each in its own way hasbeen hesitant to reveal the extent of its surveillance abilities. March 27, 2014, Thursday ============= New Satellite Images Said to Be ‘Credible Lead’ in Malaysia Jet Hunt By KEITHBRADSHER and NICOLA CLARK Malaysia’s defense minister said satellite images takenSunday showed 122 objects floating southwest of Australia. March 27, 2014, Thursday ================= Malaysia Says Missing Plane Sent One Last Partial Signal By KEITHBRADSHER, EDWARD WONG and THOMAS FULLER The revised account of Malaysia Airlines 370’s satellitesignals came as conditions delayed the search and passengers’ angry relativesmarched to the Malaysian Embassy in Beijing. March 26, 2014, Wednesday ---------------- 这篇重要 ------ 定了一个调 Jet Fell Into Ocean With All Lost, Premier Says By THOMASFULLER and CHRIS BUCKLEY Based on analysis of satellite data, Prime Minister NajibRazak of Malaysia said there was no longer any doubt that the plane flew southinto remote waters and could not have landed safely. March 25, 2014, Tuesday ===================== More Possible Sightings in Hunt for Missing Plane By THOMASFULLER and MICHAEL FORSYTHE Chinese and French satellites spotted possible debris asthe search for the missing Malaysian flight, now in its third week, continuedon Sunday. March 24, 2014, Monday ================== More Possible Sightings in Huntfor Missing Plane By THOMAS FULLER and MICHAEL FORSYTHEMARCH 23, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/24/world/asia/malaysia-airlines-flight-370.html ----------------------- AR outine Flight, Till Both Routine and Flight Vanish By PHILIP P.PAN and KIRK SEMPLE As the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines planecontinues, experts and investigators have attempted to construct a portrait ofFlight 370 with what is known. March 23, 2014, Sunday ================ Nations Start to Collaborate in the Search By MICHELLEINNIS and CHRIS BUCKLEY The expansion of the multinational operation off thewestern coast of Australia illustrates how the hunt for the Malaysia Airlinesplane has helped dampen regional tensions. March 22, 2014, Saturday =============== China releases satellite image of suspected MH370 debris http://www.nytimes.com/video/multimedia/100000002783023/china-releases-satellite-image-of-suspected-mh370-debris.html March 22nd, 2014 China's National SpaceAdministration releases a satellite image of what could be debris of themissing Malaysia Airlines plane which disappeared off the radar two weeks ago.Rough Cut (no reporter narration). ------------------- Q.and A. on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 By MATTHEW L.WALD Matthew L. Wald, who has written about aviation for TheNew York Times, answers questions about the communications equipment on theplane, and whether or not we’ll ever know what happened that night. March 22, 2014, Saturday ================== The Pilots in the Basement - NYTimes .com www. nytimes .com/.../the- pilots -in-the-basement.html TheNew York Times Loading... Mar22, 2014 - MUCHhas been made of the flight simulator found in the home of Capt. Zaharie AhmadShah, the pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines jet --------------------- As Malaysia Goes Its Own Way Over Missing Jet, China Finds Limits to Power By EDWARDWONG Within China, relatives and friends of the passengerspress for answers, but the government finds itself helpless as Malaysia takesthe lead in the investigation. March 22, 2014, Saturday -------------- A Routine Flight,Till Both Routine and Flight Vanish By PHILIP P. PAN and KIRK SEMPLE MARCH 22, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/23/world/asia/a-routine-flight-till-both-routine-and-flight-vanish.html ================== Jet’s DisappearancePuzzles a World Under Constant Electronic Watch By CHRIS BUCKLEYMARCH 22, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/23/world/asia/in-a-wired-world-with-abundant-eyes-a-vanished-jet-vexes-and-perplexes.html ---------------------- Satellite Photos Send Jet Hunt to Southern Indian Ocean By MICHELLEINNIS and CHRIS BUCKLEY Officials said that satellite imagery had detectedobjects that might be connected to the missing Malaysia Airlines jet, and thatplanes and ships were sent to the remote area. March 21, 2014, Friday ================= Plane Debris Would Be Modest Clue Two Weeks After a Crash, Experts Say By MATTHEW L.WALD If searchers spotted floating debris from the missingMalaysia Airlines jet in the ocean, it would be more dispersed and farther fromthe wreckage sunk beneath the waves, experts said. March 20, 2014, Thursday ------------------ Malaysia’s Deep Political Rifts Exposed Amid Mystery of Missing Flight By KEITHBRADSHER Malaysia’s opposition leaders have strongly criticizedthe government for focusing public attention on Flight 370’s pilot, anopposition supporter. March 20, 2014, Thursday ------------------- Newly Detected Objects Draw Searchers for Malaysian Plane By MICHELLEINNIS and CHRIS BUCKLEY The Australian prime minister said on Thursday thatsatellite imagery had detected objects in the southern Indian Ocean that mightbe connected to the missing Malaysia Airlines jet. March 20, 2014, Thursday ================ The Folly of Thinking We KnowThe PainfulHunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 By PICO IYERMARCH 20,2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/21/opinion/the-painful-hunt-for-malaysian-airlines-370.html --------------------- China Rules Out Terror Ties Among Citizens on Jet By CHRISBUCKLEY and KEITH BRADSHER As the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines jetlinerspread out across an expanded area, China said that none of its nationals onFlight 370 were terrorists or malcontents who tried to seize the plane. March 19, 2014, Wednesday -------------------- Radar on Mainland Too Robust to Miss a Jet, Experts Say By MICHAELFORSYTHE If Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 flew north over the Asianmainland, it would have had a hard time avoiding detection by Chinese, Indianor American radar, current and ex-military officers say. March 19, 2014, Wednesday -------------- Malaysia Back tracks on When Airliner’s Communications Were Disabled By KEITHBRADSHER and CHRIS BUCKLEY The authorities said Monday that they could not pinpointprecisely when the system was turned off, reversing earlier assertions. March 18, 2014, Tuesday -- Pilots’ Possible Role in Flight 370 Vanishing ‘Unthinkable’ to Friends By KIRKSEMPLE The two men at the controls of Flight 370 led ordinarylives that revolved around family and flying, those who knew them said. March 18, 2014, Tuesday ---------- Questions Over Absence of Cellphone Calls From Missing Flight’s Passengers By KEITHBRADSHER Some theorize that the missing Malaysia Airlines jetflight was flying too high for the use of personal electronic devices after itwas diverted. March 18, 2014, Tuesday ----------- Lost Jet’s Path Seen as Altered via Computer By MATTHEW L.WALD and MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT The first turn that diverted the missing MalaysiaAirlines plane from its route was entered into a computer system, most likelyby someone in the plane’s cockpit, American officials said. March 18, 2014, Tuesday -------------------------- Tension Is Growing as Families of Flight 370 Passengers Hold Vigil By EDWARDWONG In a Beijing hotel, expressions of exasperation withever-changing stories from Malaysian officials. March 18, 2014, Tuesday --------------------- Lost Jet’s Path Seen as Altered via Computer By MATTHEW L.WALD and MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT The first turn that diverted the missing MalaysiaAirlines plane from its route was entered into a computer system, most likelyby someone in the plane’s cockpit, American officials said. March 18, 2014, Tuesday ------------ Timing of Report by Flight’s Pilot Focuses Inquiry By CHRISBUCKLEY and KEITH BRADSHER The pilot did not mention any trouble, a senior Malaysianofficial said, reinforcing theories that one or both of the pilots may havebeen involved in diverting the plane. March 17, 2014, Monday ------------- Series of Errors by Malaysia Mounts, Complicating the Task of Finding Flight 370 By KEITHBRADSHER and MICHAEL FORSYTHE A week after the plane disappeared, the trail is evencolder as the search now sprawls from the snowy peaks of the Himalayas to theempty expanses of the southern Indian Ocean. March 16, 2014, Sunday ------------------------ Malaysia Officials Open Criminal Inquiry Into Missing Jet By KEITHBRADSHER and CHRIS BUCKLEY Prime Minister Najib Razak said in a news conference thatdata indicated that someone took action to change the course of the plane,which traveled for seven hours after it lost contact with ground control. March 16, 2014, Sunday ----------------------- Passengers and Crew of Missing Plane Scrutinized for Aviation Skills By KIRKSEMPLE and MICHAEL FORSYTHE The focus of the investigation returned to two people onboard with expertise — the pilot and his first officer. March 16, 2014, Sunday ================= Timing of Report by Flight’s Pilot Focuses Inquiry By CHRIS BUCKLEY and KEITH BRADSHER MARCH 16, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/17/world/asia/malaysia-airlines-flight.html ============= Malaysia Officials Open Criminal Inquiry Into Missing Jet By KEITHBRADSHER and CHRIS BUCKLEY Prime Minister Najib Razak said in a news conference thatdata indicated that someone took action to change the course of the plane,which traveled for seven hours after it lost contact with ground control. March 16, 2014, Sunday ---------------- Malaysia Officials Open Criminal Inquiry Into Missing Jet By KEITHBRADSHER and CHRIS BUCKLEY Prime Minister Najib Razak said in a news conference thatdata indicated that someone took action to change the course of the plane,which traveled for seven hours after it lost contact with ground control. March 16, 2014, Sunday ----------------- Investigators in Jet Search Rely on an Imperfect Tool By MATTHEW L.WALD Lacking typical ways like radar and radio reports fromthe crew to track the missing Malaysian plane, searchers are left with anhourly electronic “handshake” between the plane and a satellite. March 16, 2014, Sunday ------------------- 指大方向 Satellite Firm Says Its Data Could Offer Location of Missing Flight By CHRISBUCKLEY and NICOLA CLARK As the hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet pushedinto the Indian Ocean, a satellite company, Inmarsat, said it had recordedelectronic signals that could prove to be the first big break in helping narrowthe search. March 15, 2014, Saturday ================= Malaysian Prime Minister’s Statement on Flight 370 Investigation MARCH 15, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/16/world/asia/malaysian-prime-ministers-statement-on-flight-370-investigation.html Prime MinisterNajib Razak said on Saturday that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 had been deliberately diverted from its planned flight path. -------------------------- Jet Hunt Shifts as Findings Hint at Longer Flight By MATTHEW L.WALD and THOMAS FULLER Experts were poring over military radar data that seemedto indicate that the missing Malaysian flight had turned west and stayed aloftlong after its last contact with ground controllers. March 14, 2014, Friday ------------------ 科学搜寻开始了 Satellite Firm Says Its Data From Jet Could Offer Location By CHRIS BUCKLEY and NICOLA CLARKMARCH 14, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/15/world/asia/missing-malaysia-airlines-flight-370.html?hp ----------------- 美国出马 U.S. Takes Back Seat in Malaysian Jet Inquiry By MATTHEW L.WALD Some of the world’s foremost experts on crashinvestigations are in Kuala Lumpur, but technically only to assist theMalaysian government, and they are saying nothing. March 14, 2014, Friday --------------------------- 插入这条消息 ,《纽约时报》是否援引了这则消息,我没有核实。 ----2014 年 3 月 14 日中国科学技术大学地震与地球内部物理实验室温联星研究组发布以下消息 : http://seis.ustc.edu.cn/News/201403/t20140314_191123.html 中国科学技术大学地震与地球内部物理实验室温联星研究组在马来西亚与越南交界海域检测到一次海底事件。事件发生于当地时间 2014 年 3 月 8 日 2 点 55 分 6 秒,其中可能的两个地点之一位于北纬 7 度 25 分、东经 104 度 30 分,距离当日马来西亚飞往北京的 MH370 航班最后失联时间( 1 点 30 分)后约一个半小时,最后失联地点的东北方向约 116 公里( 72 英里)。该海域是无地震区,因此根据两件事件的发生时间和地点判断,所检测到的海底事件有可能是马航 MH370 航班坠海失事所造成。 March 14, 2014 ======= Theories Grow Without Facts on Lost Flight By ERIKECKHOLM On news programs and in chat rooms, aviation experts andthe less informed tried to explain how a modern jet like Malaysia AirlinesFlight 370 could disappear without a trace. March 13, 2014, Thursday --------------------- Jet Hunt Shifts as Findings Hint at Longer Flight By MATTHEW L. WALD and THOMAS FULLER MARCH 13, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/14/world/asia/missing-malaysia-airlines-flight-370.html -------------- Signals on Radar Puzzle Officials in Hunt for Malaysian Jet By MICHAELFORSYTHE and THOMAS FULLER Malaysian authorities were struggling to interpret datashowing what could be the lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 veering off courseand hundreds of miles from its last known position. March 13, 2014, Thursday ============== In Beijing, Families of Missing Press for Action and Answers By EDWARDWONG and BREE FENG The relatives and friends of the passengers of themissing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 are hungry for news of their loved ones,but little has come. March 13, 2014, Thursday ============= Plane’s Locating Device Went Silent Before Disappearance By MATTHEW L.WALD One mystery surrounding the lost Malaysian jet concernsthe plane’s transponder, which apparently stopped functioning about 40 minutesinto the flight. March 13, 2014, Thursday ================== Amid Search for Plane, Malaysian Leaders Face Rare Scrutiny By THOMASFULLER Worldwide bafflement at the disappearance of an airplanehas challenged Malaysia’s paternalistic political culture and exposed its eliteto withering judgments. March 13, 2014, Thursday ------------------- Confusion Over Plane’s Route Frustrates Families and Search By THOMASFULLER A Malaysian official said a missing jetliner may havechanged its path at the time communications ended, possibly explaining thewestward expansion of the search area. March 12, 2014, Wednesday ============== Stolen Passports on Plane Not Seen as Terror Link By THOMASFULLER and JANE PERLEZ Interpol said that two passengers known to have usedstolen passports to board the Malaysia Airlines jet that vanished were unlikelyto be linked to terrorist groups. March 12, 2014, Wednesday =============== Frustration Over Malaysian Flight Turns to Anger By BREE FENGand EDWARD WONG Insults and water bottles were thrown at MalaysiaAirlines staff members in Beijing over the lack of information about what hashappened to Flight MH370. March 11, 2014, Tuesday ================= Anger Over Malaysian Flight Turns to Frustration By BREE FENGand EDWARD WONG Insults and water bottles were thrown at MalaysiaAirlines staff members in Beijing over the lack of information about what hashappened to Flight MH370. March 11, 2014, Tuesday ------------------ False Leads Set Back Search for Malaysian Jet By THOMASFULLER, KEITH BRADSHER and MATTHEW L. WALD Authorities widen the search area after suspected debrisand an oil slick turn out to be unconnected to a Malaysia Airlines flight thatvanished Saturday night. March 11, 2014, Tuesday =================== As Malaysia Expands Search Area for Missing Jet, Wide Speculation Over Its Fate By MATTHEW L.WALD An expert said that if the Malaysia Airlines jet somehowveered off course over the Gulf of Thailand, it could be miles from where itsflight data disappeared. March 11, 2014, Tuesday ================ Q. and A. onMalaysia Airlines Flight 370 By MATTHEW L. WALD MARCH 11, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/11/world/asia/q-and-a-on-the-disappearance-of-malaysia-airlines-flight-mh370.html ================== Frustration Turns to Anger Over Missing Flight By BREE FENGand EDWARD WONG In Beijing, friends and family of passengers on FlightMH370 grew increasingly angry over the lack of information about what happenedto the Malaysian Airlines jet missing since Saturday. March 10, 2014, Monday ================ Inthe Details of Passengers’ Lives, Signs of Hope and Prosperity By EDWARDWONG The passengers bound for China on Malaysia AirlinesFlight MH370 represented a vivid cross-section of a nation well into aneconomic transformation: artists and corporate salespeople, foreignbusinesspeople and technology firm employees. March 10, 2014, Monday ------------------- Search for Jet Compounds the Mystery By THOMASFULLER Planes and ships from a half-dozen countries joined thesearch for the plane that vanished with 239 people, including two whoapparently used stolen passports to board. March 10, 2014, Monday -------------------- Passport Theft Adds to Mystery of Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet By THOMASFULLER and ERIC SCHMITT At least two passengers used stolen passports to board aMalaysia Airlines jet that disappeared Saturday between Kuala Lumpur andBeijing with 239 people aboard, raising the unsettling possibility of foulplay. March 9, 2014, Sunday ============ For Families of Missing on Airliner, Memories Mix With Fading Hope By EMMA G.FITZSIMMONS By Saturday night, the families of the passengers aboardMalaysia Airlines Flight MH370 had few answers about what happened anddwindling hope that they would see their loved ones again. March 9, 2014, Sunday ================ 这是第一篇 Malaysia Airlines Loses Contact With Jet Carrying Over 200 By KEITHBRADSHER Malaysia Airlines said Saturday morning that it had lostcontact five hours earlier with a flight carrying at least 239 people toBeijing from Kuala Lumpur, and had activated a search-and-rescue team. March 8, 2014, Saturday ------------------------------------
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热度 2 hongyuhuang2011 2012-6-28 15:02
今天正式推出beta版本。 中文版的时报网址: http://cn.nytimes.com/ 未来几个月网站的内容将不断增加。
个人分类: 缤纷万象|4399 次阅读|6 个评论
cosismine 2011-10-7 23:04
Married But Available at any times。对男女友谊很好的注解。只是,往往人们不能理解这种感情。
1820 次阅读|0 个评论
waterman84 2011-8-20 13:11
转自 中国人社区 http://club.chinaren.com/13/164708576 楼主: 咔咔部落 最近在网上看到齐鲁晚报的一篇报道,感触良多,文章中比较了中国两国的物价水平,不比不知道,一比吓一跳。中国目前很多商品上平的物价已经超过了美国,而国人的工资水平却远低于美国。这以调查结果正好是说明了为什么那么多海外留学生长期滞留海外,因为回国后,没车没房没尊严!我在以前的博文中也曾经提到过美国的物价,尤其是一些被国人视为名牌的诸如 Coach 包, Polo T 恤 Levis 等, 在美国真的很便宜,见我的博客: 感恩节纪事 (1)- 实拍美国超市物价 和 感恩节纪事 (2)- 黑色星期五疯狂 shoping! 中国的物价已经超英赶美 近日国内很多中国学者对比中美两国的物价发现,中国出口到美国的商品售价比国内同类商品便宜 50% 。学者们认为中国的增值税、消费税和营业税等流转税导致物价居高不下,中国商品中所含的税比任何一个发达国家都高:是美国的 4.17 倍,是日本的 3.76 倍,是欧盟 15 国的 2.33 倍。 如果换一种比较方式,中美差距或更显眼:在美国,一杯咖啡 2 美元,看场电影 10 美元,分别占美国人均月收入万分之六和千分之三。而在国内,这一数据分别是百分之一点三和百分之三点五,相当于美国居民负担费用的 45 倍和 12 倍左右。   中国商品中所含的税比任何一个发达国家都高:是美国的 4.17 倍,是日本的 3.76 倍,是欧盟 15 国的 2.33 倍。   近日,一条微博在网上疯狂传播:中国,工资 5000 元,吃次肯德基 30 元,下馆子最少 100 元,买条 Levis 牛仔裤 400 元,买辆车最少 30000 元夏利;美国,工资 5000 美元,吃次肯德基 4 美元,下馆子 40 美元,买条 Levis20 美元,买辆车最多 30000 美元宝马。 留学生孙笛毫不犹豫地转发了这条微博。   一周前,她刚刚结束在美国宾夕法尼亚大学一个学期的研究生课程,特意穿着崭新的行头回国 9.9 美元的 Crocs 鞋, 39.9 美元的 Levis 牛仔裤, 30 美元的 TommyHi1figer 牌 T 恤衫。孙笛发现,这些东西在国内的价格分别是 499 元、 799 元和 799 元。    “ 真不知道是美国太便宜,还是中国太贵了! ” 孙笛感叹。   在洛杉矶吃饭比上海便宜得多   著名财经评论员时寒冰与孙笛有同感。他还养成了一个新习惯托人从海外买东西。最新成果是一台折合人民币 24000 元的尼康单反相机,在国内的价格是 4 万元。   在去年的美国之旅前,时寒冰从没想过中国物价居然比美国还高。   动身之前,一个多次往返美国的朋友提醒他: “ 去美国除了钞票啥也不要带,东西很便宜。 ”   时寒冰半信半疑,毕竟他常挂在嘴边的一个数据是, “ 美国人均收入是中国的 34 倍 ” 。   在洛杉矶一家中餐馆,时寒冰他们 4 个人点了分量很足的鱼、虾、蟹,结账的时候却只有 49 美元, “ 比上海便宜得多 ” 。   偏爱实证调研的时寒冰 “ 决定改变行程 ” ,他推掉所有游山玩水的安排,专心观察、对比中美物价。   结果让时寒冰大吃一惊:国内一套 3 万元左右的阿玛尼西装,在这里只要 500 美元就可以买到;国内标价 4.6 万元的劳力士手表,在美国不到 4000 美元;一台国内 50 万元左右的宝马 Z4 标价只有 21000 美元。  自:Club.ChinaRen.com 149美元的coach!  自:Club.ChinaRen.com POLO的T恤,12.49美元一件   如果换一种比较方式,差距或许更显眼:一杯咖啡只要 2 美元,看一场电影只要 10 美元,分别占美国人平均月收入的万分之六和千分之三。而在国内,同样的比法得出的数据是百分之一点三和百分之三点五,相当于美国居民负担费用的 45 倍和 12 倍左右。   不仅如此,因为商场里的化妆品价格 “ 过于便宜 ” ,仅相当于国内同类产品的 30%—40% ,时寒冰还一度被夫人怀疑 “ 是不是买了假货 ” 。   通过半个月的走访,时寒冰的调查结果是:除非涉及到人工服务,比如理发,或涉及知识产权,比如图书音像外,美国商品   的价格普遍低于国内,即便 “MADEINCHINA” 的商品,常常也比国内便宜 50% 以上。    副教授要奋斗到 60 岁才能拥有一套 100 平方米的房产   事实上,在这个对价格格外敏感的年月,越来越多的国人开始关注这一现象。   在美国生活的中国记者高娓娓在出版的新书中特意记录下这样一组数字:在华人超市,海蟹一打 12 只任你挑,价格从 5.99 美元到 12.99 美元。猪肉、猪排骨 0.99 美元一磅 (0.4536 公斤 ) 。 6 瓶百威啤酒 7 美元。 5 个橙子 1 美元。   高娓娓告诉记者,在美国,即使算上房租,一个人的正常工资 ( 月薪两千美金 ) 足够养活一家三口。  自:Club.ChinaRen.com 著名的乐氏薯片  自:Club.ChinaRen.com 著名的哈根达斯冰激凌-2.5美元一大罐!国内一个鸡蛋大小的球,居然买到20多元!  自:Club.ChinaRen.com 牛奶3.28美元一加仑(3.785升)  自:Club.ChinaRen.com 百威啤酒24听,9.97美元!   对此现象困惑不已的群体中,还不乏经济学家。   去年,中国人民大学经济学院副教授聂辉华赴美国哈佛大学攻读博士后。他把更多的目光投到房价对比上。据他观察,在美国的二线城市, 200 平方米左右的房子价格 40 万美元左右,这 200 平方米指的是使用面积,不包括附赠的前后院。    “ 换句话说,美国人所说的房子放在中国其实就是别墅。 ” 聂辉华略显遗憾地说, “ 而且一个中产阶级奋斗七八年就能拥有一套自己的房子。 ”   据国际不动产代理商戈登 · 罗克最新研究显示:美国人买房,迈阿密需要 4 年,纽约需要 5.7 年,洛杉矶需要 5.9 年。   而在北京,聂辉华按照现在的工资计算了一下,即使去去买每平方米两万元的商品房,这个 30 岁的副教授也要奋斗到 60 岁才能拥有一套 100 平方米的房产  " 很多中国学生读完博士不想回来不是因为不爱国, " 聂辉华说, " 他们是怕 30 岁读成回来后买不起房和车,失去尊严。 "    这个中美物价对比是去年 12 月,一位名叫王佩的杭州网友与她生活在美国波士顿的朋友联手做的一次中美实地物价调查。调查发现,在 21 种商品的价格(人民币)中,杭州有 12 种商品贵过了波士顿。    21 种被调查的商品价格,王佩按美元对人民币汇率 1 : 6.7 计算。   王佩认为,由于豆腐、小青菜、韭菜等是中国人喜欢吃的,在美国需求量本身比较低,所以价格才超过中国。但肉蛋奶的价格,已经赶英超美了。   据杭州市政府统计,杭州 2009 年人均收入 26864 元 (4024 美元 ) ,而波士顿 2009 年人均收入为 32255 美元。   
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Times Square译成时代广场还是时报广场?
热度 2 黄安年 2011-2-4 21:08
Times Square 译成时代广场还是时报广场? 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 2 月 4 日发布 美国纽约市曼哈顿区第 42 街、弗洛德街和第 7 大道交叉的三角地带称其为 Times Square ,这地方我来过多次,那时我所见华人朋友时一般都称 Times Square 为时代广场,很少叫时报广场。近来随着中国形象在 Times Square 不断宣传 ,Times Square 译文是时代广场还是时报广场再成话题。凤凰卫视和 CCTV 都称时报广场。 1851 年 9 月 18 日创刊的《纽约时报》( The New York Times )是在美国纽约出版的报纸, 1904 年纽约时报总部在 Times Square 附近建立了 25 层大厦,当时华人称这里的广场为时代广场。虽然因 The New York Times 而得名,时间长了按照约定俗成,华人依然习惯称为时代广场而没有改称纽约时报广场或时报广场。在笔者看来约定速成是我们通行的译名准则,就好像我们没有必要把已经约定俗成的美国国务卿改称美国国务部长一样。 *****************************88 一、时报广场(纽约)    纽约时报广场 : “世界的十字路口” 纽约时报广场 (Times square) 常错译为“时代广场”, Times square 应为时报广场。这里的“ Times ”是时报的名字,中国人翻译时没有查证,就按自己理解翻译成了“时代广场”。其原名“朗埃克广场” (Longacre Square) ,又称为“世界的十字路口”。时报广场得名于《纽约时报》早期在此设立的总部大楼,是美国纽约市曼哈顿的一块街区,中心位于西 42 街与百老汇大道交会处,东西向分别至第六大道与第九大道、南北向分别至西 39 街与西 52 街 ,构成曼哈顿中城商业区的西部。这是纽约剧院最密集的区域, 1920 年开始时报广场五光十色的年代,以时代广场大厦为中心,附近聚集了近 40 家商场和剧院,是繁盛的娱乐及购物中心。   美国纽约时代广场( Times Square ), 1883 年大都会歌剧院迁移至百老汇与 40 街口,带动了剧院与餐厅的蓬勃发展, 1920 年电影艺术的崛起更为此地画上一片彩虹荣景,然于 1929 年证券市场崩溃后跌入低迷的深渊,直至 80 年代,百老汇的风华才逐渐恢复,现在,这块三角地区已再度成为纽约娱乐事业的聚光焦点。时代广场是由百老汇街与第七大道切割出来的三角形畸零地,这是纽约剧院最密集的区域, 1920 年开始时代广场五光十色的年代,现在从 44 街至 51 街约有 30 间主要的剧院,时代广场的名称是因为美国举足轻重的纽约时报 (New York Times) 而命名,之前,这里称为朗埃克广场 (Longacre Square) ,是马商、铁匠的集散地,当然不乏鸡鸣狗盗之辈横行, 20 世纪初,在歌舞剧盛行的带动下,百老汇一时冠盖云集。让时代广场国际驰名的主要理由是除夕夜的新年倒数,这是源自于 1904 年,纽约时报选在除夕当天迁入该广场的新大楼,并在午夜施放烟火庆祝,从此变成了除夕夜的传统活动,往后便年年如此,每年的 12 月 31 日,在 One Times Square Plaza 的顶楼都会悬挂一颗 200 磅的彩球,新年来临的那一刹那,彩球打开并飘散出无数的彩带庆贺。为了将千禧年的新年倒数活动推到最高潮,去年时代广场周遭的商店早已大兴土木,希望在那一夜艳冠群伦,为了怕千禧年前夕的狂热导致场面失控,政府还特别要求广场旁的剧院于该夜不得营业,以避免增加更多的人潮。   广场的北边是杜菲广场 (Duffy Square) ,站在广场中央向南眺望,可以欣赏到时代广场独特的招牌奇观。   时代广场是位于美国纽约市曼哈顿区第 42 大街、弗洛德街跟第 7 路交叉的三角地带。之所以称其为 " 时代广场 " 是从 1904 年纽约时代杂志的本社在这里演出开始的。现在纽约时代杂志的本社位于第 43 街的第 8 路与第 7 路之间但时代广场的名称及地位并没变化。这个地方作为弗洛德街剧院的中心聚集了很多剧院、宾馆、餐厅,著名的百老汇就坐落在这里。时代广场是美国的文化中心,被称为“世界的十字路口”。    http://baike.baidu.com/view/101977.htm#1
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Quest for profit overwhelms defenses against flooding
蒋高明 2010-8-3 17:49
Source: Global Times Jiang Gaoming Editor's Note: It's been a restless summer for anyone living along the Yangtze River. Flooding has overwhelmed reservoirs, and flood-control facilities along the river are facing their biggest test since 1998. It's said that the flood is a once-in-a-century event caused by climate anomalies, but Jiang Gaoming (Jiang), chief researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Botany, holds a different viewpoint. He asserts that a seemingly natural calamity is actually a man-made disaster. Global Times (GT) reporter Wang Yuan talked to Jiang on the source of the flooding. GT: Why do you think the flooding in the Yangtze River this year is more of a man-made disaster than a natural one? Jiang: Many experts attribute this year's flood to climate anomalies. It sounds right, since the precipitation in Yangtze River valley this year was extremely high, and global warming might have contributed to the high precipitation. However, high precipitation alone does not necessarily lead to such a devastating flood. It's not that simple. Devastating floods occurred in the past with normal frequency, but in recent decades the term like once in a century has been repeated over and over again to describe different floods. People still remember the severe flooding along the Yangtze River in 1998, and this year an even worse one has occurred. I think it's unnatural, and we should rethink the cause of the floods. Actually, a more important factor than climate change is that the Yangtze River's capacity for precipitation is decreasing. This change is mainly man-made. The vegetation in areas on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has been greatly damaged on account of replacing natural forests with tree plantations. For example, in Yunnan Province, natural tropical forests were replaced by fast-growing eucalyptus forests, and in Hubei Province, natural forests were burned out and man-made forests were established to produce paper. The water conservation ability of man-made forests, which have a seriously limited range of species, is much weaker than that of natural forests. Diversity leads to stability. Moreover, geographical environments along the Yangtze River have been changed. For example, Hubei Province was once called the province of lakes, as its name reflects. In flood seasons, its numerous lakes served as irreplaceable flood storage channels. However, now a large amount of lakes have disappeared due to land reclamation, boosting the pressure in the main channel. There have been hundreds of hydroelectric power stations, big and small, built along the whole of the Yangtze River. They also contribute a lot to frequent flooding, as they obstruct the flow of water. These man-made factors have reduced the Yangtze River's capacity to endure high rainfalls. Consequently, the same amount of rain now leads to worse floods than in the past, and so we see once-in-a-century floods every few years. GT: Why do experts automatically attribute flooding to climate change? Jiang: High precipitation is indeed a direct cause of the floods, and global warming and climate change could lead to abnormal precipitation, so it's natural that people would put the floods down to climate anomalies.But at the same time, potential man-made factors are sorely neglected.Most people, including many meteorologists, lack a sense of self-examination. When natural disasters happen, their initial reaction is to put all the blame on outside causes.It does not just happen with floods, but also happens with many other natural disasters, like sandstorms and droughts. For example, every year winds blow over the Mongolian Plateau, but why are the sandstorms getting more serious year by year? It's because of water loss and soil erosion in the plateau caused by human disturbance. Sometimes, after the event, some would start to rethink the role of humanity in causing these disasters, but usually even such self-examination is not profound enough to strengthen public awareness and take actual and effective remedies. For example, after the severe flooding along the Yangtze River in 1998, preventing the destruction of vegetation and soil and water loss in the regions along the Yangtze River was put on the agenda. At that time, a number of relevant policies were set, but they produced very little effect. GT: In China, the implementation of environmental policies is usually unsatisfactory. Many local governments insist on operating some projects that violate environmental laws. Do local governments seek advice from relevant experts, like you, when they make decisions on whether a project should be run? Jiang: Yes, in many cases they do. I myself have been consulted in some cases. But the problem is whether experts' advices is considered seriously - it's a pity that sometimes they are not.Last year, the Chongqing government planned to establish the Xiaonanhai Hydroelectric Power Station on the Yangtze River, which would be located in the only national fish reserve in the Yangtze River and could lead to the extinction of a great number of rare fish species.Many environmentalists and experts dedicated themselves to halting the project. At last the project was stopped, but I'm afraid that it wasn't because of experts' objections. Actually, it was the central government's intervention that stopped it. Economic profits and GDP are often the initial considerations of local governments and many interest groups, like large pulp corporations and power stations, while protecting the ecological environment cannot bring them visible profits in the short term. Usually some local governments will consider environmental problems seriously only if the central government interferes.We should ascertain where the responsibility lies, and those who neglect their environmental protection duties should be penalized. Otherwise, actions that damage the environment will continue unabated.Maybe this year we can stop Hubei Province from burning natural forests and planting pulpwood forests, but without mandatory accountability, we cannot make sure the same project would not happen again. GT : Since local governments are obsessed with profit, is there any way to put a price on environmental protection? Jiang : Western scientists have introduced some measures to provide intuitive evaluation, which is called the valuation of ecosystem services. This can put a value on all kinds of ecosystem. For example, it can calculate how much oxygen a forest releases. But such methods might not be persuasive enough when providing advices to those local governments, which only emphasize the economy and GDP growth. The economic profits calculated are abstract, and could not be transferred into cash. However, those eco-unfriendly projects, like pulpwood forests, can bring local governments tangible profits. So it cannot be measured in terms of money. Making mandatory laws and regulations is the only effective way. Policymakers and lawmakers need to realize that a good natural environment can also bring economic benefit.Local residents can profit from it, as at least people's health and agricultural production would be guaranteed. It can also bolster the development of the tourism sector. More importantly, good environment could work up support for national security. Each time there are serious natural calamities, like flood and draught, soldiers have to be sent to provide disaster relief. It seems that it has been our army' major task. A better environment and less natural disasters could allow the army to spare more resources to improve their military abilities.
个人分类: 环保呐喊|3990 次阅读|0 个评论
genius331 2008-12-24 07:16
The official RAE data are at: www.rae.ac.uk PDF附件: 英国大学最新排名2008
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