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[转载][劇情] [约瑟夫之子 Le fils de Joseph (2016)][720p][法国][主
lcj2212916 2017-1-20 20:43
导演: 尤金·格林 编剧: 尤金·格林 主演: 马修·阿马立克 / 法布里齐奥·罗吉恩 / Victor Ezenfis / 娜塔莎·雷尼埃 / 多米尼克·布兰科 类型: 剧情 制片国家/地区: 法国 / 比利时 语言: 法语 上映日期: 2016-04-20(法国) / 2016-02-12(柏林电影节) 片长: 115分钟 又名: The Son of Joseph IMDb链接: tt4741774 Written by the director, the story revolves around a young man (Ezenfis) who lives with his mother (Régnier). Having never known his father, he heads off to look for him. He finds a cynical and Machiavellian man (Amalric) who works as a publisher in Paris. After he attempts to kill him, he will then find filial love thanks to his uncle (Rongione) 下载地址:(关注微信公众号“时尚军事”,回复“约瑟夫之子”在线看) http://www.yimuhe.com/file-3985101.html
2421 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载][劇情] [遗弃 Forsaken (2015)][1080p + 720p][加拿大][主演: 黛
lcj2212916 2016-3-27 20:35
导演: 强·卡萨 编剧: Brad Mirman 主演: 黛米·摩尔 / 基弗·萨瑟兰 / 唐纳德·萨瑟兰 类型: 剧情 / 西部 制片国家/地区: 加拿大 / 法国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2016-02-19 片长: 90分钟 IMDb链接: tt2271563 Kiefer and Donald Sutherland share the screen in this brooding western about an embittered gunslinger who attempts to make amends with his estranged father whilst their community is besieged by ruthless land-grabbers. 下载地址: http://page92.ctfile.com/fs/YHO146824663 http://www.yimuhe.com/file-3017430.html
1492 次阅读|0 个评论
现代地质学之父--James Hutton (1726--1797)
热度 2 livingfossil 2016-3-25 04:14
现代地质学之父 --James Hutton (1726--1797) 人们时常将 18世纪后期的苏格兰地质学家James Hutton(1726--1797)尊称为“现代地质学之父”(The father of modern geology)。James Hutton是一位思想深邃的地质学家。他的代表性著作包括两卷本《地球理论》( Theory of the Earth ) 。 James Hutton 提出了现代地质学中的一些基本原理和方法,如“均变论”思想 (Uniformitarianism) 。基于这一思想,人们可以将今论古 (The present is the key to the past)。 James Hutton生前为爱丁堡皇家学会会员(The Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh--FRSE)。 ∮ 1 基本生平 (Life Chronology) --1726年:出生苏格兰首府城市爱丁堡(Edinburgh);家境富裕; --1729年: James Hutton的父亲-William Hutton(??--1729)去世; --1740年: James Hutton是一位有钱公子哥,他14岁入学爱丁堡大学(The University of Edinburgh); --1747年:到巴黎求学; --1749年: 在荷兰著名的大学-Leiden University获得医学博士学位( Doctor of Medicine); -- 1750年:返回爱丁堡; -- 1754年:弃医务农。到距爱丁堡不远的Berwickshire,经营他父亲遗留的农场。至少种地长达14年之久! -- 1768年: James Hutton返回爱丁堡城,此后他放弃农耕、沉潜学术,主要转向地质学研究; -- 1797年:病逝于爱丁堡。同年,英国地质学家Charles Lyell (FRS, 1797 -- 1875)降生。 ∮ 2 胡顿银杏 胡顿银杏( Ginkgo huttoni )是非常有名的银杏叶化石。英国约克郡的侏罗纪地层富含胡顿银杏。化石种名“ huttoni”源自 James Hutton的姓“Hutton”。“ 胡顿银杏”这一术语在中文文献中广为使用。 我们注意到“ James Hutton ” 存在不同的中译名。考虑到某种约定俗成和专业上的一致性,也许可以使用“ 詹姆斯 · 胡顿”之中译名。 ---------------------------- Qigao Sun: Umbrella of British Palaeobotany (34) Story of Paleobotany Series (No.433) Mar.12,2016 Further Readings 相关阅读: James Hutton (1726--1797) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Hutton http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Biographies/Hutton_James.html Edward B. Bailey James Hutton, The Founder of Modern Geology Elsevier Publishing Co. Ltd., 1967 DonaldB. McIntrye, Alan McKirdy James Hutton, The Founder of Modern Geology The Stationary Office Limited, Edinburgh, 1997 G. Y.Craig, J. H. Hull James Hutton – Present and Future The Geological Society, London, 1999 ------------------ Major works of James Hutton: --1785. Abstract of a dissertation read in the Royal Society of Edinburgh, upon the seventh of March,and fourth of April, MDCC LXXXV, Concerning the System of the Earth, Its Duration,and Stability . Edinburgh. 30pp. --1788. The theory of rain . Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 1, Part 2, pp. 41–86. --1788. Theory of the Earth; or an investigation of the laws observablein the composition, dissolution, and restoration of land upon the Globe .Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 1, Part 2,pp. 209–304. --1792. Dissertations on different subjects in natural philosophy. Edinburgh London: Strahan Cadell. --1794. Observations on granite . Transactions of the Royal Societyof Edinburgh, vol. 3, pp. 77–81. --1794. A dissertation upon the philosophy of light, heat, and fire. Edinburgh: Cadell, Junior, Davies. --1794. An investigation of the principles of knowledge and of the progress of reason, from sense to science and philosophy . Edinburgh:Strahan Cadell. --1795. Theory of the Earth; with proofs and illustrations .Edinburgh: Creech. 2 vols. --1797. Elements of Agriculture . Unpublished manuscript. 1899. Theory of the Earth; with proofs and illustrations, vol III , Edited by Sir Archibald Geikie. Geological Society, Burlington House, London. at Internet Archive ===================================
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|10143 次阅读|3 个评论
[转载][劇情] [遗弃 Forsaken (2015)][1080p + 720p][加拿大][主演: 黛
lcj2212916 2016-3-17 21:55
导演: 强·卡萨 编剧: Brad Mirman 主演: 黛米·摩尔 / 基弗·萨瑟兰 / 唐纳德·萨瑟兰 类型: 剧情 / 西部 制片国家/地区: 加拿大 / 法国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2016-02-19 片长: 1h 30min IMDb链接: tt2271563 Kiefer and Donald Sutherland share the screen in this brooding western about an embittered gunslinger who attempts to make amends with his estranged father whilst their community is besieged by ruthless land-grabbers. 下载地址: http://page92.ctfile.com/fs/8kl145908448 http://www.yimuhe.com/file-3010869.html
2274 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载][喜劇] [辛格金闪闪 Singh Is Bling (2015)][DVD][印度][主演:
lcj2212916 2015-12-18 18:41
导演: 普拉部·地伐 编剧: Chintan Gandhi 主演: 阿克谢·库玛尔 / 桑妮·雷奥妮 / 艾米·杰克逊 / 普拉部·地伐 / 凯·凯·门农 / 更多... 类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 动作 制片国家/地区: 印度 语言: 印地语 上映日期: 2015-10-02(印度) 又名: 辛格在发光 / 辛格冒金光 IMDb链接: tt3696192 Raftaar Singh (Akshay) spends his days whiling his time away dancing and jumping through fire hula-hoops at fairs in Bassi Pathana in Punjab. While his father (Yograj Singh) is tired of his ways, his mother (Rati Agnihotri) caters to his appetite with home-cooked jalebis, before the former asks Raftaar to choose a path for himself. Either get married to a certain Sweety, or move to Goa and work under his father's friend. Considering the first option unimaginable, Raftaar chooses the second. 下载地址: http://page92.ctfile.com/file/138782213
3051 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 zuojun 2014-6-16 06:09
中国大陆的父亲节,和美国的父亲节是“同一天”。我那99%反美的老父亲,很高兴我记得给他打电话。一口气发表的讲演,长达40分钟。内容嘛,一定少不了中国的前途,和个人的 “钱”景。 To me, father meant little when I was young. I grew up in an apartment that used to be Zhejiang University's faculty housing. It had two rooms. The hall way in front of our door was divided into two sections: the half against the railing was used as an open kitchen, and the other half, for through traffic. One day, my father decided to cook something, which was unusual when our grandma was in good health, everone in the building (of 32 units in all on two floors of a rectangular shape with a huge open space in the middle) knew someone made a mistake: He poured in sesame oil instead of vegetable oil! A two-room apartment was fine when it was only grandma, mom, brother, and me. On weekend, my father would come home, and his old comrades would come to discuss big issues. I guess I was used to a quiet home, so I complained one day: We are better off when you are away! Our grandma decided it's time to teach me something: Little One, do you know who brings home the money to buy food? I learnt to behave myself, because I knew we needed money for food. During the late stage of the Cultrual Revolution, my father took a new job nearby. He became a permanent member of the family, finally, and I became his little tail, when he went to visit his old friends on weekends. When I graduated from high school, I signed up for being re-educated by farmers right away because I decided that I didn't want to be a factory worker. I was promised to get a job at my father's research institute because the policy then allowed a parent to retire and let his/her child to fill the position. (What a deal!) My naive decision to go to the countryside in summer 1977 changed everything in the family. Some of the changes I could feel right away, and some may have had much deeper and long-lasting impacts on me, my older brother, and my parents. Since then, it was no longer the money (which of course helped a lot) but the consistent presence of my father in my life. Sometimes, his lecture was unwelcomed, but I know he loves me very much.
个人分类: 中文博客|2538 次阅读|2 个评论
Father's Image
热度 2 liwei999 2013-6-26 23:08
father's day gift this year? 06/15/2013 01:39:36 The day before yesterday, like always, night is the quality bonding time when we accompanied each other before computers sometimes eating snacks and chatting. Somehow the topic shifted to dating and what type of future hunsband Tanya would like to find. Tanya made it clear that the standard is already here, as clear as anything, that is, she wants to find someone just like me. But she told me sadly that it is almost imposible to find a guy like me. She used all the great words commenting on my qualities that really surprised me, something to the effect: Dad, u do not know how amazing you are, a combination of ultimate intelligence and emotional quotient. There is one out of a million like that, absolutely no hope to find one like u in my life. I was telling her that your standard is too low, I am not good enough: not tall and handsome, and with a short temper. You have a long way before you and you are going to college soon. For nice, sociable and likable girls like you, there will be many guys out there you are destined to meet and you got to find someone much better than dad. He should love you and care for you as much as Dad, but he has to be handsome, good tempered with a sense of humour, as well as intelligent with a great career and a kind heart. Husband is not an ordinary company, you got to try hard and find the right one. Dad, you don't know the new generation, how shallow most guys are. There are super smart kids, right, but most are robots, dry and no fun. There are super popular guys, they know how to chase girls but their handsomeness is only skin-deep. I was thinking to myself, aren't these the sweetest words on Father's Day Eve? This reminds me of a Dad and me picture with blue sky as background. this picture taken years ago shows me standing on a rock, all the smiles and very high from Tany's perspective. perhaps that was Dad's image in her childhood. As tall as myself now, what is the image of Dad today? I just showed this picture to Tanya who asked, who is that chubby little girl? blind? Does this look like your Dad's image in your mind? Yes, she confirmed, you are still as high as that in my mind.
个人分类: Little Stories of Tian Tian|3184 次阅读|2 个评论
Age 9, Age 10 and Age 16: Father's Day Gifts
热度 1 liwei999 2013-4-27 13:34
Age 16: on Father's Day 06/19/2012 10:56:22 Tanya’s Father's Day email entry for a competition gave me such a nice surprise early this morning that I cannot help sharing with you all. This is for a Father’s Day competition organized jointly by a local radio station, a literature journal and the BayEcho community organization where Tanya serves as VP for PR/Marketing. She made a super short entry with her unique style and showing signs of her passion for languages too (she is the top student in diagraming sentences in class and she believes that her linguistics is carried from me.) She listed 7 requirements for Daddy behind each of which is a ton of stories and memories. Note 4) below, that explains why I often have submissions to perforce at 4am and come to office late in the morning ‘cause I got a nocturnal daughter who needs company. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Tanya Date: Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 5:27 AM Subject: my father's day entry Dad, daddy, baba, mis padre de pantalones, friend and confidant, I’ve never been a particularly expressive person, whether in person or in writing, and, definitely, I have not properly conveyed to you how important you really are. So, using you as a model, allow me to list down the seven basic requirements of a daddy: 1) Daddy is a person who will hug me when I run to him, no matter how public the place or how old I become. 2) Daddy is the person who offers to piggyback me, even though my 5 foot 4 self is a lot heavier than my 3-year-old counterpart. 3) Daddy is the person who wakes up randomly at 3 am because he knows that I’m still awake and hungry. P.S. He makes me instant ramen. 4) Daddy is the person who’s still typing on a computer next to me in the dead of night, he doesn’t want me to feel lonely. 5) Daddy is the person who uses the oddest jokes to cheer me up when I’m sad. It’s OK, it makes me laugh anyways (though I can’t say it’s because the joke is funny). 6) Daddy is the person who will always read bedtime stories. (It used to be Winnie the Pooh, now it’s Steve Job’s biography). 7) Daddy’s a doter, daddy’s a warrior, and daddy sometimes does too much for me (though not in his opinion). So, daddy, it’s not father’s day anymore, and I don’t particularly need that day to say anything special to you (hello, market holidays). So, let’s get a few things straight, you’re my daddy, and you’re not old because I said so. Also, we’ll still be eating instant noodles together 20 years from now. Age 9: Father's Day, 2005 05.06.19 Tanya brought a gift for me today from school: she made this ceramic tile herself Who is this little girl?, I asked. That's me, don't you see? But she does not look as pretty as my little girl. This is what Tanya wrote on the card, My Dad is honest. My Dad is sweet. My Dad is just like my friend Pete. My Dad is fun. His temper is none. He likes to ride in the sun, but really he is #1. Happy Father's Day! Age 10: Here is another piece on Dad of all people in the world my dad is the clueless of all Date: August 05, 2006 For example: my dad once used lotion and thought it was toothpaste. Another time when he went to get his hair dyed something went seriously wrong cause my dad's hair turned dark red, I called him Red Haired the Weirdo clown until his dye wore off. One day I went with my dad to go look at fireworks near my house, unfortunaly, my dad forgot to wear a suit, and he went out wearing a 背心和短裤 . Good thing is he is my dad though clumsy he's my dad. Who cares anyway I'm silly too. People keep saying I laugh like I hiccup. Once at school when I came out of the bathroom my teacher and all my classmates were laughing at me because some toilet paper got stuck to my pants, so it looked like I grew a paper tail. That was my WORST NIGHTMARE. I only gave you these storys to make you laugh until you forgot how to argue. Comments: Absolutely beautiful. Poetic actually. Makes me yearn more for the daughter I never had. ~~~~ I know what you mean. I’m very close to my dad … and now I’m thinking the card I gave him wasn’t nearly as special ;) haha. ~~~~~ Very nice and touching. Sounds like you go the extra mile for her.. I hope I get emails like that from my little girls when they are older. Right now I get simple cards and messages that are still very sweet from my kids.. ~~~~~ this is absolutely adorable! Thank you for sharing! she is not your stereotypical Asian-American student. Although she is a brilliant student, she also has a very creative side -- which I absolutely love! ~~~~~
个人分类: Little Stories of Tian Tian|3230 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载] Can this happen in any other country?
热度 1 zuojun 2012-11-2 06:49
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|1819 次阅读|2 个评论
感恩党: 没有共产党,就没有虞左俊
热度 4 zuojun 2012-7-2 15:41
I am sincere, because it took me a while to get this title in Chinese by cut-and-paste. There was this song: If there were no (the) communist party, there would be no New China. (If you never heard of this song, then you go ask your parents.) I had no doubt then, and I have no doubt now about the truthfulness of this song. In fact, there would be no ME, IF it were not for the power of the communist party over my father's choice of who-to-marry. I didn't know this until I was in my late teens that I was truly the communist party's product. All I felt then was how lucky that the party interfered (because otherwise there would be no ME). Later on, when I experienced what love was about, I felt so lucky that the party didn't have power over who I should marry, because I was not a party member. It simply shows sometimes it pays NOT to be a party member. Still, I owe my life to the party, and I have to acknowledge this fact and live with it. (Do me a favor, if you happen to know who my father is, please don't mention this Blog to him.)
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|197 次阅读|4 个评论
纪念第一个father's Day
zhangdengfeng 2012-6-17 18:56
如题! 见证过死亡与新生,该开始你的旅程。
个人分类: 纪事|1 次阅读|0 个评论
Nature - 国人奇怪之称呼
热度 1 benlion 2012-1-2 23:49
发现又出现国人用“founding father”,可是至今我没见或阅读到西方人的文献这么称呼之,相反是提出不同意见的大量论文阐述90年代和之前许多文献的历史资料,这就是有一点奇怪的现象了,西方人不承认或不称呼之的事情,难道唯独是国人累次(业外人士)要这么称呼之为父?!那么还需要用“father of father” - “grandfather”了。 Convergence: Where West meets East http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v480/n7378_supp/full/480S84a.html#commenting-terms-condition 附,The timeline of concepts and terms in systems biology: (Systems Biology领域的词汇和概念提出时间列表) 1). synthetic biology, S. Leduc, France 1910, W. Szybalski, 1974; 2). systems psychology - JB. Parry, 1958; 3). systems ecology, GM. Van Dyne, 1966; 4). systems biology - M. Mesarovic USA 1968, W. Zieglgansberger, TR.Tolle Germany 1993; 5). systems physiology, K. Sagawa, 1973; 6). systems medicine pharmacy, BJ. Zeng, China 1992, system biomedicine, T. Kamada, 1992; 7). system genetics, BJ. Zeng, China 1994; 8). system biological engineering (biotechnology, bio-engineering), BJ. Zeng, China 1994; 9). science and engineering of biosystem – structure theory of biosystem and experimental, computational and engineering manipulation of biosystems, exploring of genomic intelligence and artificial biosystem, BJ. Zeng, Germany 1999 etc.
个人分类: 2012|2440 次阅读|5 个评论
Theophrastus —“生态学之父”?
热度 1 yzxu 2011-12-9 11:16
Theophrastus —“生态学之父”?
在 John E.Silvius 的一篇文章《 A Brief History of Ecology 》中称他为“ father of botany ”。文章中称他将 500 种植物放入主要的生活型,生活型主要是乔灌草三种类型(这是他分类的主要依据),并且后来根据形态学来命名他们。后来他又发现种子发生过程和讨论了生境中非生物因素对植物的影响,所以他又被成为“ father of Ecology ”。这个“生态学之父”从哪来的呢? Theophrastus 这个词,在很多中文的书籍中,也没把它翻译出来,有翻译的也不一样。后来仔细搜索了下维基百科,将它翻译成 泰奥弗拉斯托斯( Θε ό φραστο ς ),我觉得这个貌似可信点。 Θε ό φραστο ς 解作“神样的说话者”,并非真名,据说是亚里士多德见他口才出众而替他起的名。 对于他的著作,泰奥弗拉斯托斯在生物学上以《植物志》 ( Περ ὶ Φυτ ῶ ν Ιστορ ί α ς ) 、《植物之生成》 ( Περ ὶ Φυτ ῶ ν Α ἰ τι ῶ ν ) 最为著名,他命名的植物一栏中写出 泰奥弗拉斯托斯所命名的植物有红豆杉属植物( Taxus baccifera Theophr. ex Bubani ),种小名的意思为 具 有浆果 ,是 Bubani 在 1897 年沿用泰奥弗拉斯托斯的命名而发表于《比利牛斯山植物志》。在引证由泰奥弗拉斯托斯命名的一个植物学名时,该作者的标准命名人缩写是 Theophr. 。 另外在维基百科《 history of biology 》中对泰奥弗拉斯托斯的描述是:泰奥弗拉斯托斯写了一些关于生物学方面的书,《 the History of Plants 》被认为是对古代生物学贡献最重要的一本书,甚至到了中世纪依然如此,有很多泰奥弗拉斯托斯命名的一些名称在现在中仍然在使用,例如果实的 carpos 与果实和 pericarpion 与果皮 。 《 The Enquiry into Plants 》 起源于十本书,九本现存。这些工作被编排成一个系统,将植物进行分类是根据它们发芽的模式、位置、大小以及根据它们的实际用途,例如作为食物、果酱和草本等等。第一本书是关于植物的各部分;第二本书史植物的结实和播种的时间和方式;第三、四、五本书致力于介绍木本植物、样式、位置和它们的实际应用;第六本是灌木和带刺的植物;第七本书是草本;第八本书是植物产生可食用的种子;第九本书是关于植物产生果酱、 gums 和树脂等。 在 Ernst Mayr 的《 The Growth of Biological Thought 》中,提到泰奥弗拉斯托斯的主要贡献在于植物形态学和植物生物学中。 美国俄亥俄州州立大学在 the history of horticulture 网页中也有关于 泰奥弗拉斯托斯的词条。 泰奥弗拉斯托斯对生物学感兴趣并把它作为一门学问是因为他观察到了植物生活史中各种各样的形态以及其原因,他认为植物的改变不是巧妙无比(上帝创造)的而是自然的, The Lyceum 被认为是他的第一个花园,里面种植着一些植物供泰奥弗拉斯托斯和他的学生研究。从维基百科中知道有些植物是跟随 Alexander the Great 从亚洲带过来的,主要有 棉花 , 印度榕树 , 胡椒 , 肉桂树 , 没药和乳香。 将 泰奥弗拉斯托斯定为“生物学之父”是在剑桥大学出版的《 The philosophy of biology: an episodic history 》 11 页中讲到他对生物界第一次的系统性的认识,由于这些有力的研究,有些称他为“生物学之父”。 对于 泰奥弗拉斯托斯在生态学上贡献出来在 《 On the Causes of Plants 》这本书。 《 On the Causes of Plants 》起源于八本书,其中六本仍保存,这些书关注植物的生长;结实的影响;恰当的时间播种和收割;整理土壤施肥和工具的利用方法;许多种植物的气味、味道和属性。虽然后来提到药用,但主要还是植物在经济上的利用。 虽然这些研究包含了许多晦涩难懂和无根据的描述,但整体上,也有很多有价值的关于植物功能和属性的描述,泰奥弗拉斯托斯发现了种子发生过程并且认识到气候和土壤对植物的重要性。 但从这些描述中,对生态学上的贡献有多大呢?想起 1648 年比利时科学家赫尔蒙特盆载柳树的实验,赫尔蒙特将一棵 2.5kg 的柳树苗种到一个木桶里 ( 桶里的土壤称过重量 ) 。每天只给柳树浇适量的雨水,并利用桶盖防止灰尘进入桶内。五年后取出柳树,并把柳树和土壤分别称重。发现柳树增长了 74.47kg 而土壤只减少了 0.06kg 。 在那里面的描述说以前认为植物的生长完全依靠土壤的营养,这个关于土壤对植物生长的作用也是错误的。而气候对植物生长的作用也是冷热干旱等很普通的描述,也算不上生态学的范畴吧。觉得“生态学之父”还是来的太突然了 。
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[转载]【华尔街日报】温特.瑟夫( Vint Cerf):点燃美国创新之火
augustwang 2011-9-15 22:31
[转载]【华尔街日报】温特.瑟夫( Vint Cerf):点燃美国创新之火
by Vent. Cerf at Wanshington Street Journal 是不是最新的平板电脑,电动跑车或者是其它炫酷的新产品,美国人十分热衷于这些创新发明 —— 这些创新越来越多的由工作在 “ 硅谷 ” 这类的技术中心的工程师们带进了市场。 创新由很多动态部分组成,所有的部分通过合适的融合才能使这部机器顺利运行。在硅谷和美国的其它地方,创新需要训练有素的专业人员 ( 工程师,科学家,商人 ) ,资本来源 ( 风险资本,流动股票市场 ) ,以及新型发展公司在一起组成了一个相互加强的生态系统。 诸如 斯坦福大学 , 加州伯克利大学 等大学提供源源不断的技术人才,风险投资公司联合注册公司也在催生新公司的诞生。就如在一些小的村庄,每个人似乎都认识其他人,每个人也时不时的从一个公司加入另外一个公司。 有时候大学或者联合实验室里诞生的新技术,被无缝地转化为产品和服务。但是,技术本身是不会自己转化的——而是拥有这些知识的人在参与转化这一过程。“硅谷”成功的一个关键因此就是技术知识的被专业人才带进市场,并且这些研究人员有能力创建新公司。大学允许教员参与每周一天的技术咨询工作,这也在一定程度上酝酿商业创新的种子,就如很多享有很高声誉的公司就是由斯坦福或者伯克利的教员所创建的,更不要说那些创业的学生了。 什么条件能够产生创新并且加速这一转化效应呢?影响因素包括,自由地去追求新的点子,失败的权利,获取信息的自由度。偶尔的商业失败在美国只不过是一种经验的印记,然而在其它文化中,这可能是永远的伤疤。信息共享一直被普遍认为是进步的强有力方式,因此美国大学制度越来越影响经济的发展。 任何人都不能逃脱评论, 然而,全世界所有人口中知识智力是差不多的。总会有一些绝对聪明的人生活在美国之外,最好的办法就是吸引全世界有才华的人来参与我们美国的创新,甚至那些进入过美国大学而后返回家乡的人士,也对美国的创新依然有帮助,甚至这些人不在美国居住。 尽管美国拥有高度发达的学院和后学院制度,美国并不能简单地培育出自己的创新家,原因是有两方面的,一方面是 K-12 教育体系,一种是不重视教育重要性和科学工程价值的国家文化。美国公众聚焦于体育和娱乐明星,而较少关注科学家和工程师们的发明,而正是这些创新发明才使得我们的生活更加便捷,安全,健康和富有活力。 自从 1900 年,美国的科学家和工程是已经发明了锂电池,它能够为从计算机到电动汽车几乎所有的设备提供电力,发明出民用的 GPS 能够是我们准确方便地到达目的地,远程控制的军用战斗机的发明能够保证海外士兵的安全,机器人能够使我们的家庭保持干净。但是,我们当中有多少人知道 Bell 实验室中锂电池的发明家的名字呢, iRobot 公司的创业人,能够自动洗尘的机器人 Roomba 的发明人? 有趣的是,日本,西班牙,挪威,瑞典以及很多欧洲国家,更多地把整个国家的关注聚焦于国际科学技术的突破上,在北部西班牙,为科学技术设置了 阿斯图里亚斯王储奖章,同样,日本也为科学技术的进步举办盛大的奖项,当然,享有盛誉的诺贝尔奖则吸引更多的国际目光。 那么,美国该怎么办? 年轻人能够理解和感受到科学和发明的巨大创造力,我们需要帮助年轻人做真正的科学,而不是简单的旁观,通过合作工具来帮助导师和学生更好地在如 IEEE 关注的项目研究中互动。儿童通过观察和实践能够学得更好,而不是靠记忆。 重要的一点是,重新诠释一种更加崇尚和尊重科学家和工程师的美国文化。国家自然科学奖获得者是配得上更多大众的关注的。美国成功的科学家和工程师应当更多地出现在民众的视野中,他们的声音应当被更多的倾听。更重要的一点是,需要激发年轻一代对于科学与工程的爱好和动力。 针对年轻人,能够在学校课余,与有经验的科学家和工程师一起工作的机会,应当进一步扩展。成功的例子包括,由 Kamen ( Segway PT 的创始人)创建的 FIRST 机器人项目, Google 最近实施的全球科学年会,以及美国航空航天局 NASA 和国家科学教师协会签订的 50 年合作计划。通过提升人们对数学和科学的兴趣,美国能够加速创新进程,整个国家将走向更好的未来! 温特 . 瑟夫教授, 被广泛认为是 “ 互联网之父 ” ,是 TCP / IP 协议和互联网架构的合作设计师。在 1997 年 12 月,由于创立和发展了互联网,克林顿总统将美国国家勋章颁发给 Vint Cerf 和他的同事 Robert E. Kahn 。 Cerf 和 Kahn 在 2004 年被 ACM 授予艾伦 M. 图灵奖,图灵奖也被称为 “ 计算机科学的诺贝尔奖 ” 。 2005 年 11 月,布什总统授予 Cerf 和 Kahn 自由总统奖章,该奖章是美国授予其公民的最高平民奖章。 Prof. Vint. Cerf
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