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来自心怿的诗 (164)
biqiao 2012-12-17 22:45
夜幕渐渐降临了,表现在那只绣挂在天蓬上的巨大荧光圆盘暗淡了很多,它周围各色各样的荧光星星开始在空间中闪烁,其中有一颗特别明亮。 这是人工科技地控制还是自然的周期性,尚不太清楚,于是我用思感波去探测荧光圆盘和周围的星星,并没有发现人工的痕迹,似乎还是一些生命冷光的形态,其原子分子的结构,奥妙无比,无法测知。 它们以特定的生物周期光的强弱,来规范着地下的昼夜。我不得不惊异大自然的造化,核冬天后的地下,什么变异都有可能。 在蓝色原野上巨大的篝火已经点燃,那是一种能量块发出的淡红色光芒。蓝 族人在篝火旁载歌载舞,脸上都洋溢着粉红色的笑容。 当然,欢快的笑容中并不包括输掉摔交比赛的菲蓝和他心爱的蓝少女。两人依偎在一旁,菲蓝低着头,脸色苍白,懊悔着落泪。 在苍老少年酋长的长调声中,蓝族人全都安静下来了,鸦雀无声。 我的宇宙翻译器立即自动工作,经过几天的接触进化时间,它对蓝族的语言的信息转换要细腻精确多了。 “ 好了,我们的篝火晚会现在开始,首先,按照祖先的规则,请我们今天的三位勇士冠军挑选新娘。 ” “ 蓝色族氏的姑娘们,凡是年满十八岁,还没有嫁人的都给我站起来,看看你们能否幸运的被我们这三位勇士冠军选中。 ” 随着苍老少年酋长的声音,数百名少女陆陆续续站了出来,不少的少女都流露出期望的神色,能嫁给一位勇士,在蓝族毕竟是一件光宗耀祖的事啊! 当然,这种光荣感自然不会落在蓝少女身上,她是在菲蓝绝望地注视下缓慢地站起来的,虽然她十分地不愿意,但这是蓝族千百年以来订下的传统规矩,她岂能不遵守 ? 痛苦和兴奋总是相伴在这种传统选择规则中,是弱小对强大的不合理的期待和牺牲。什么时候,才能少一点对旧有秩序的唯命是从 , 韬光养晦? As darkness came, showing an enormous fluorescent disk embroidered hanging in the canopy is dim a lot, and the around diversiform fluorescent stars in space scintillation, one of them has a very bright. This is the artificial technology to control or natural cycle is not very clear, so I use my thinking wave to detect fluorescence disc and the surrounding stars, and found no traces of artificial trace, seems to be some cold light form of life, their atomic and molecular structure being extremely complicated, and cannot measure. They use the specific biological cycle of light intensity to regulate the circadian. I have to wonder of nature, the nuclear winter days underground, what variation is possible. On a blue field a huge bonfire is lit, it is a kind of energy emitted light red light. The blue people are now singings, dancing around the campfire, face are filled with a happy smile. Of course, a cheerful smile does not include lost a wrestling match Fei Lan and his beloved blue girl. Two young people on the side, Fei Lan is lower his head, pale, regret with tears in eyes. In the old young chief great sound, the blue people all quiet, in perfect silence. My universal translator automatically works, after several days of evolutionary time, it transfers the blue group language more delicate precision. "Well, our campfire party starts now, first of all, in accordance with the ancestors of the rules, please our three brave warrior champions to choose a bride." "The blue clan girls, who reached the age of eighteen, has no married, please stand up, have a look if you are lucky selected by the three warrior Champions." With the old young chief voice, hundreds of girls continued to stand out, many girls are showing a look, can marry a champion man, which is what a glorious thing ah! Of course, this sense of glory will not fall in the blue young girl body, she is in despair slowly to stand up facing the Fei Lan gaze, although she is not willing to, but it was laid down by the blue nation for thousands of years the traditional rules, she will not obey? Pain and excitement is always accompanied by this traditional selection rule, which is weak to strong unreasonable expectations and sacrifice. When can one be less to the old order to do its bidding, and less to keep a low profile?
个人分类: fiction|2317 次阅读|0 个评论
来自心怿的诗 (163)
biqiao 2012-12-14 02:46
这就是斗气吗?每种颜色与它的不同色调皆具有意义,无数的光芒像剑一样飞舞,犹如太极旋转,时冷时热,时紧时松。   除了七个主要色彩外,还有其它混合色调:金黄色、白色、银色、灰色、咖啡色与黑色。这些亮光可区分成两种,正向及负向;正向指良性与有益的颜色,负向则指恶性与不良的颜色。互相环绕,相辅相成。   这使得任何感应到对方的气场或能量场的人无所适从,任何带有进攻情绪的斗气都对这种气场或能量场无可奈何,只有落花流水而去。   我唯一能做的就是显示大爱精神,对四周洒向无穷无尽的纯洁白光,柔和地环绕对方射来的每一道光剑,然后反包围它们,宁静平和,慈爱无边。    那是一片纯洁白光的爱的海洋,一切均被洗净,具有七色统一的宁静,太极复归于无极。 苍老少年声音重新透过来: “ 好,很有哲理。祝贺你打破蓝族千年的纪录。我们要以最伟大的勇士的礼节招待你。你可以提出任何一个要求,今晚篝火晚会都必须满足你。“ 我吓了一跳,连连摆手道: “ 不用,不用。 ” 苍老少年哈哈一笑,道: “ 年轻人,不用不好意思,就这样吧。好,今天的比赛到此结束,接下来,就是我们蓝族希望节最大的篝火晚会,我们的三位勇士冠军们都可以获得他们的希望礼物。兄弟姐妹们,让我们尽情地享受食物,欢快地舞蹈吧。 ” 随着酋长的欢呼声,蓝族人全都沸腾了,他们尽情的高喊着。 当我回到蓝定和蓝姑娘身旁时,蓝姑娘似笑非笑的对我说:“我也祝贺您呀,要选新娘了。” 蓝定面沉似水的站在一旁,接着开始责怪蓝姑娘道:“你搞什么鬼呀?让先生卷于这种是非之中?” 蓝姑娘瞪了他一眼,道:“呆子!” Is this a sort of fight qi? Each color has different shades of meaning, many lights like the sword dance, as Taiji rotation, with modes of cold and hot, loose and tight. In addition to the seven main colors there are other mixing tones: gold, silver, white, grey, brown and black. These lights can be classified into two kinds, positive and negative; positive refers to the benign and good color, negative refers to malignant and poor color. They are around each other, complementary existing. This allows any induction to the other side of the field or the fields of people do not know what course to take, any offensive mood you have to this field or the energy field is helpless, only is as petals drop and waters flow. The only thing I can do is to show the spirit of great love, to around upon the inexhaustible pure white light, gently around each other at every light saber, and then reverse surrounded them, peace, and mercy without boundary. It is a pure white sea of love; all are washed with seven-color peace, unity, and the Taiji returns to empty of polarization. Old young voice back through saying: "Good, very philosophy. Congratulations on your broken blue group the Millennium records. We should take the great warrior etiquette to entertain you. You can put any one request; the bonfire party must meet you tonight. " I am frightened and motioning with my hands saying: "No, No." Old boy laughs to say: "Young man, don't feel shy, so be it. Good, this competition has come to an end, then, is our blue family hope Festival biggest bonfire party tonight, our three brave warrior champions can receive their gift of hope. Brothers and sisters let us enjoy the drink, dance. " As the cheering, blue people all boiling, they enjoy shouting. When I go back to the blue boy and the blue girl side, the blue girl seems to smile to say to me: "Congratulate, you will choose a bride." The blue boy face is as heavy water and begins to blame the blue girl using dialect to say: "What are you doing? Let sir involve in this disputed situation? " The blue girl stare at him, says: "Fool!"
个人分类: fiction|2510 次阅读|0 个评论
来自心怿的诗 (157)
biqiao 2012-11-29 00:28
声音停止了,蓝姑娘双眼晶莹润湿。 我仍沉浸在一种伤感还有思念的情绪里,这种情绪虽然是某种共鸣,但却又好像来自我的骨髓的深处,那么自然地被点燃。 好半天,我们没有说话,沉默的气氛漂浮在周围。 一声清亮的呼哨声突然打破沉默的气氛,上百匹奇形怪状的机器骏马随着冲了出来,马术比赛开始了。 蓝定的身影清晰的出现在众人视线中,他骑的是一匹黑色的机器骏马。 马头像雄鹿,身躯如黑色的金属熠熠发光,四条老虎腿疾跑似飞。他身后紧跟着一红色狮型和蓝色豹型的机器骏马,正竭尽全力,却又够不上,弄得大气直喘,长舌溢出。 蓝定一脸兴奋的催使着跨下黑色的骏马不断的奔驰着,飞快的向东方连绵洞穴野地冲去,当马群即将消失在众人视线之时,他好像已经冲到了前五名之列。 由于马术比赛的开始,摔交比赛那边顿时分出不少观众跑去观看,空场中的人少了起来,尽管这样,蓝姑娘还是当众主动拉着我的手臂道: “ 我们看看摔交去吧。 ” 这弄得我面上微微发红,只好随她而去。 摔交比赛也已经进入了白热化争夺,场地中只剩余最后四名勇士在进行着半决赛,这场比赛的胜利者将可以参加最后的决赛。 场地中的四名蓝色大汉都赤裸着上身,高大的身材,完美的使对方失重的摔交技术,相互胶着的角力状态,组成一幅幅英武的画面。 我注意到有好几次,摔交选手已经失去重心要跌倒时,突然蓝光一闪,又从不可能的角度恢复过来,说明他们天生能用蓝色放射性波控制摔交。摔交也是他们蓝色放射性波控制力的一种较量。 更重要的还有那种隐藏在进攻或防守中的旋转力量,它常使对方凶猛的招式化为乌有。具有四两拨千斤的效果;而当它力量爆发时,在局部一个点又具有千斤打四两的强大冲击,那是人体肌肉骨骼总体协调运用的功效。 The voices stopped, the blue girl's eyes were wet. I am still immersed in a kind of sad and miss the emotion, the emotion is a resonance, but seems to have come from the depths of my bone marrow, so naturally lit. For a long time, we do not talk, the atmosphere of silence floating around. A clear whistle suddenly break the silence atmosphere, hundreds of odd shape machine horse with rushed out, equestrian competition starts. The blue boy form clear appears in the limelight, he is riding on a black horse of the machine. The hose head likes the male deer; the body as black metal shining, the four legs to run like flying tiger. His behind is followed by a red lion and a blue type of machine horses, they are positive strain every nerve, but not enough, get air breathed, a long tongue overflow out. The blue boy face exciting rush and driving under black horse runs quickly continuously, to the East and incessant caves, when the horse group will disappear in the limelight, he seems to have run into the top five list. As a result of the horse-riding competition start, trip ping fall competition side divides out many audiences to watch, in the vacant place person s ha ve been short, and although this, the blue girl is still pulling my arm to say : "We have a look to trip ping fall." This makes my face slightly red, so I have to go with her. Tripp ing f all competi ng also has a lready enter ed t he superheating, in the location the surplus four brave warriors are carrying on the half competition, th e victor can attend the final competing. In the location four blue color guys all naked upper body, the big stature, perfect technique to let component lost weight point and the mutual rubber test of strength condition, which is composing a martial-looking picture. I note to several times, when the tripped and fell contestant already lose their center of gravity, the sudden blue light as soon as dodges, so that they restore ever from the impossible angle, which explain s they inborn could use the blue radioactive wave to control trip ping and fall. Trips and falls also is their blue radioactive wave controlling force contest. More important that there are hidden in attack or defense of the rotation force, it often makes the other fierce moves come to nothing. The four dials thousand catties effects; and when it is power of the outbreak, in the local a point also has thousands powerful impact to the four, it is the human musculoskeletal overall coordination application function.
个人分类: fiction|2152 次阅读|0 个评论
来自心怿的诗 (145)
biqiao 2012-10-16 10:51
蓝定眼里充满了惊异,不用说,他已经十分震撼了。我只是会心地对蓝定笑了笑,没说什么。 想必褐色五长老也已知难而退,逃之夭夭。四下只剩下偏蓝的荧光色。 “ 蓝光族的蓝定,拜谢先生! ” 真的, 真奇怪 ,我的眼睛四下打量着, 这里 的荧光 都 偏 蓝色 ,他不说蓝光 族 ,我还不觉得 。 巨大的 蓝色 洞顶 , 柔软的 蓝色地 面 , 远处 蓝色的 大石 陵,连 挂在石面洞穴上的奇花异 树都是 平静的 蓝色 ,组合成 一片 诗意盎然的 画 面 , 远处 还有一个不大的蓝绿色 池塘,点缀着画面的灵秀 。 在我凝视沉思之间,蓝定不停地向我解释,愁苦的高低音节奏,向我演绎出一个动人的故事。 原来蓝色和褐色人曾经都是一些人类种族的分支,在地球数百年原子核战争的漫漫的核冬天里,由于好多代他们在地下躲避核冬天,从而引起了基因的突变,就造成了今天的结果。 褐色的更多是人类野性的回复,蓝色的更多具有人性的天赋。 他们是地下荧光世界善与恶的矛盾两极,相互纠缠着爱恨情仇,演绎着荧光世界血与火的历史,使人叹息,又不免讴歌。 这样的故事肯定在这经历原子核战争苦难的星球上演绎的太多,新中方之外啊,你究竟是生命的废墟之地还是生命演化的天壤?你的故事同新中方当局宣称的可不一样,差别何止十万八千里? 然而,我更想知道关于武当太极的来历,因为它好像同怡飞姑娘相关。 蓝定迟疑地回答: “ 喔,那是一个伟大的神话,您只有到我的家乡去见族长,才能明了。 ” 于是我就爽朗地答应了他道: “ 有什么办法能按下我的渴求呢?不到蓝乡非好汉,谢谢邀请! ” 蓝定不好意思笑起来了,“真的?我太甘心了!” 我明白他说的“甘心”是“高兴”。能把“石碑语言”讲成这样,就算不错了,但还是忍不住笑了起来。 The blue guy eyes full of surprise, needless to say, he was very shocked. I just smile to Lang Ding using heart, and say nothing. Will brown five elders known to retreat, decamp. Surround there is only partial blue fluorescent color. "The blue family Lang Ding, thank you sir!" Really, really strange, my eyes four looked at, here is bluish fluorescence, if he didn't mention the blue family, I do not think so. Great blue roof, soft blue ground, the big blue stone mausoleum, even hanging in the stone cave of exotic flowers and trees are still blue, combined into a poetic picture; there is a small blue green pond, dotted with pictures of scenery. During my gaze and meditation, the blue guy does not stop to explain, the bitterness of high bass rhythm, to deduce a moving story. The original blue and brown people have been some of the human race in the branches, hundreds of years of nuclear war with a nuclear winter, due to many generations in their underground to avoid a nuclear winter, causing genetic mutation, caused the result today. The Brown is more human wild reply, while the Blue more human talent. They are the world of good and evil conflict fluorescence poles, intertwined with love and hate, interpretation of fluorescence world history of blood and fire, make people sigh, and feeling to song. This story must have experience in this nuclear war suffering planet interpretation of too much. NCS outside ah, you are the ruins of life or the life evolution heaven? Your story with the authorities claim is quit different, which is more than one hundred and eight thousand. However, I want to know more about Tai Chi origin, because it seems to be related to the overfly girl. The blue guy hesitates to answer: " Oh, that's a great myth, you only go to my hometown to see the chief, to be able to understand. " So I give a hearty promised him: "is there any way to press my desire? Not go to the blue township is the non-hero, thank you for the invitation! " The Blue feels shy to laugh, "Really? I am too freely! " I know that he means "happy" willingly. His "Stone Language" says so, is too good, but I still could not help laughing.
个人分类: fiction|2292 次阅读|0 个评论
来自心怿的诗 (140)
biqiao 2012-5-18 20:30
我感应到 石窟的 结构极为复杂 , 数 千万年 形成的 钟 乳石林的 仪 象万千, 难以言状的 奥妙丰富,是想象力不可限制的源泉。 然后我 发现在 洞内 迂回曲折的 下层 , 1 00 米处 左边 , 有 一个极大的石室 ,具有人造的痕迹 。 便急行到石室处,巨大的室內空間﹐萤光通明,一部微型水陆飞行舟赫然停泊在正中央。 显然有人使用过它,并在地下世界旅行 过。 我的脑电波飞快钻进飞行舟的智能计算机系统里,发现这飞行舟上次最后使用的时间,是在后公元 3086 年 5 月 23 日, 按照主席 团 资料 推断 ,那正是 桥 杰遇见 怡飞 的前两个月。是 怡飞 姑娘到达东湖之滨的日子吗? 我的眼前瞬时出现 怡飞姑娘 那一双美丽深邃的眼睛,一些 诗 句的片段 触目生情般激发出来 ,它是那 样的刻骨铭心,可我记不起在哪里听 到 过 ,其中有些 场景似乎同这个 石窟有 联系 ,我极力把 片段 连成一体: “… 我愿意 … 离开武当…的天河, 到新中方传播爱的真谛。 世上无止无境的血雨腥风, 飘荡在道路的四周, 而黎明的晨曦 … 流露出不可言状的美丽。 我像水手一样啊, 乘一叶孤舟, 渐渐浸没到黑暗里 … 披巾习习啊, 已洒满鲜血, 只有心中的信仰, 仍似流星划破天际。 … 在那神秘的通往新中方的地河, 点燃了孤灯, 散发出的纯洁无瑕… 是无边的光明。 ...” I feel the structure is very complex, tens of millions of years to form the clock milk stone forest like a million, with unspeakable secret rich , which is not restricted source of imagination . Then I find in the cave, with many twists and turns of the lower 100 meters left , there is a great stone room, with artificial traces. I fly into the room , it is large indoor space , and fluorescent lit, a miniature amphibious flying boat is parked in the central place. Obviously there is one who used it , and travel in the underground world . My brain waves quickly drill into a intelligent computer system of flying boat , f in d the flying boat used last time, in May 23, 3086 after AD , in accordance with the presidium information inference, that is Qiao Jie met O verfly before two months. Is the O verfly girl arrived in East Lake on the coast of the day? My eyes instantaneous appear to a pair of beautiful deep eyes of the Overfly girl , some verse fragment strikes. As inspired, it is so imprint is engraved on my heart, but I can't remember where is heard, some of the scenes appear to have contact with the grotto, I tr y to put it together: “ … I willing… Leave the W udang ... t he Milky way, To New C entral Side to spread the true meaning of love. In the world of endless bloody, Floating around in the road, While the dawn of dawn... Showing the beaut y is beyond expression. I like seaman, Take a leaf boat, Gradually immersed into the darkness ... Scarf blowing ha , Has been bathed in blood, Only the hearts of faith, Still like a meteor across the sky. ... In the mysterious towards N ew Central S ide of the river, Lit a single lamp, Exudes pure … That is boundless of light . ..."
3179 次阅读|0 个评论
来自心怿的诗 (137)
biqiao 2012-5-10 13:57
接着一股吸力把自己推 往 前 面 ,我连忙抓住不断摆动的鱼身,立刻感到一种阴柔的能量和信息不断流入我的体内,其中还伴随着一种痛苦挣扎的感觉。 当我从这样的感觉中醒来时,发现手里的鱼已经 干枯缩小成一个硬核 了,仅仅是瞬间发生的事,一条冰鱼就这么 消失 了,我不仅吸收了冰鱼的所有 能 量,还吸收了冰鱼的记忆 ,体验了 冰鱼临死前痛苦和挣扎的 无奈 。 我十分震惊,能量 剑 的功能 简直是匪夷所思 ,仿佛像古东方吸功大法的再 现 似的。 这似乎牵动了某种力量,过了 不久 ,湖底上方出现了两只庞然大物,一黑一 白 的两团光影不断在水中变幻。 两团光影慢慢显露出真身,黑色的是一个 20 立方米大小的冰鱼,周身黑漆漆的, 头 颈上的鳞片更是乌黑发亮。 白 色的是一条 三 十米长的冰鱼,全身附着 白金 色的鱼鳞 。 它 们凶恶的眼神 照住了 我, 剑一般张牙利齿地袭来, 卷起了巨澜旋涡 。 能量剑 出手,玄光 在飞舞 , 巨澜 中鳞片开始洒落,鲜血横流。刹时,湖底温度急 升 ,黑吟 白 吼,剑光 如昼 。 打斗 随即 进入了白热化,剑光 越来越快,变化越来越莫测高深,疯狂缠斗的 两冰鱼已 是 伤 痕累累 ,血流如柱。 白冰鱼见渐落下风,猛然凶性大发,仰头一声长吟,吐出一道金 黄 色内丹似的光芒, 激 射向我,欲与我同归于尽。 黑冰鱼更是凶残无比,怒吼一声, 竟 吐出一冰一火两道内丹似白光。 三道光一出,发出的响声有 如 惊雷,湖底翻滚腾挪,振动不断,情景惨烈异常。 我奋力进入超宇宙态变身 , 发出强烈的光爆 ,像 飓风 朝 四周击 去 。 又是一片更耀眼的强光, 接着是静 止,完全的静止。 Then a suction push me toward the front, I quickly grab the constant swinging fish, immediately feel that a feminine energy and information continuously flows into my body, which is also accompanied by a painful struggle. When I wake up from this feeling, I find the fish has shrunk into a dry hard core, this is just what happened in an instant, a cold fish disappeared, I not only absorbed the fish all the energy, but also absorbed the fish memory, and experienced the fish died before the pain and struggle. I am shocked; the energy sword function is simply fantastic, like absorber of qi in the ancient eastern. It seems to affect some strength; soon afterwards, the upper two huge monsters, one black and one white light continuously change in regiment of water. Two regiment of light slowly reveal the real bodies, the black is a 20 cubic meters of ice fish, with dark plus dark, its neck scale is glossy black. The white is a thirty meters long ice fish, with systemic attached white golden fish scale. Their murderous eyes look at me, as a sword to open teeth hitting to me, roll up billows vortex. Energy sword skill, mysterious light flying, in great wave the scales start to fall, blood flow. This causes the temperature rises urgently in the lake bottom, the black and the white roar, and sword light like bright day. The fight is then to turn white-hot status, the sword light become to be faster and faster, more and more changes too profound to measure, the two crazing fight ice fishes are scarred, and their blood flow is as column. The white fish see gradually fall leeward, suddenly fierce big hair, raises up a long song, and spits out a light as a golden yellow inner alchemy, which hot shoots to me as perishing together with me. The black ice fish is very cruel, has a roar, and spits out two ice and fire inner alchemy. The three light, sound like thunder, introduce the bottom roll manoeuvres, vibration, and tragic anomaly. I struggle to enter the super-universe state transformation, a strong burst of light, like a hurricane, hit at around. It is a dazzling light, then is stationary, a complete standstill.
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来自心怿的诗 (136)
biqiao 2012-5-9 18:26
我干脆在湖底下进行冥想,冰冷 的世界仿佛转换 , 那是春暖花开,阳光 灿烂 的明朗 ,如同 傲游在湖岸 风景如画的 地方 。 湖水平静、温柔地在心中回荡,似是向我倾诉着什么。周围的冰寒之气在身体内外间不断地吞吐,穿经走脉,带来新奇的能量信息。 这是一种湖中有我,我中有湖,与湖 共 溶一体的感觉。 也不知 过了多长的时间, 我开始在 湖底 漫 游,眼前的景物不断变换,周围也越来越清晰。我 又 仿佛到了另一个晶莹剔透 的魔幻 境地 。 湖底 到 处是森林般的冰柱,奇形怪状,光影交错,树枝和果实是那么的晶莹剔透, 五 彩缤纷。水晶般的果实上折射着不同的影像,把湖底的世界 分割 成一块块、一点点,直到支离破碎, 犹如梦 幻,最后却拼凑成如梦如幻的 全息 ,这冰 和水 的世界给人一种 美的超脱 。 突然,在冰柱间有条淡蓝色的冰鱼游过,鱼长数尺,体型瘦弱,嘴唇外张,牙齿粗大锋利如刀。 我游到冰鱼身侧,运起功力向冰鱼吸去,冰鱼看到有人接近,却不躲不闪,摇了摇 大脑袋 ,张开大嘴露出锋利的牙齿,对我示威 似 地 咬了过来 。 我看不对劲 , 手中连忙幻出一把能量剑,这是我用体内的真气凝结成固态而形成的,只有在第十级以上的宇宙共振态才可有这种能力。我相信随着功力高深时,我可以在低级宇宙共振态上使用它 , 并在战斗中随时改变它的形态,成为一件令敌人防不胜防的兵器。当然,要想达到那种层次,我还要学习很多。 I simply at the bottom for meditation, the cold world as conversion, showing the spring, sunny bright as I proudly walk in the picturesque place out of the bank of lake. The lake water is tranquil and gently to reverberate in my heart, as if it pours out some emotion to me. The ice cold qi rounded me unceasingly turnovers between inside and outside of my body, putting on and walking on my arteries to bring new energy and information. That is a kind of feeling that lake possesses me and I possess the lake, and both dissolves with each other. I do not know how long time I started at the bottom of the lake roaming, the scene changed around, more and more clear as if to another crystal magic world. There is a forest lake icicles, of odd shape, light and shade, the branches and fruit is so crystal clear, a riot of colors. Crystal fruits reflect the different image, put the world split into pieces, a little bit, till be reduced to fragments, like a dream, but finally put together into a dreamy hologram, in the ice and water world, give a person a kind of beautiful detached. Suddenly , the icicle a pale blue fish swim, fish to grow several feet high, thin body, and a thick lips, teeth as sharp as a knife. I swim to the fish side, and transport my qi to absorb it, it sees someone close to, but not hides, and shakes a big head to open mouth with sharp teeth to bite me as protest. I see it is terrible, my hands quickly show a energy sword; this is my body qi condense into solid form, only in the tenth steps of the above universal resonating status one can have this ability. I believe that with high skill, I can use it in the lower universal resonating status, and change it anytime in fighting form, become a weapon impossible to guard against by enemy. Of course, if I want to achieve that level, I have to learn a lot.
个人分类: 生活点滴|1772 次阅读|0 个评论
来自心怿的诗 (134)
biqiao 2012-5-7 15:55
暂时我是安全的,但这也对我没有什么意义 , 我不怕他们。 我继续探测周围各类型的讯息。 蓦地精神一振。 我捕捉到其中几乎微不可察的讯息,这讯息 显然已经量子加密, 波段 是用了量子 纠缠态 超高能光子 群 , 目的 是要避 免任何 截听。 这也难不倒我,我调校思感波 也 进入纠缠态, 通过 一个扩张延拓的频 率空 间 , 然后 截进那讯息中去 ,成功地进行了解 码 。 “桥杰 又 出现了 ,似乎还有背景 。 ” “立即进行一号计划。 ” 这都是笑话! 他们能把我怎么样? 我倒要让他们着急着急我的悠闲和无聊。 于是我 干脆从 车 上下来,漫 步 加入湖边 ,用 风声当琴 , 用意念奏乐。强 大的思感波的 奏兴使原来的琴音,如梦如幻,如痴如醉,淋漓尽致。 这 是我的思感波第一次尽 兴发挥 。 当我在湖畔弹奏乐曲时,许多湖边的鸟群 和 异兽竟然十分安静地围在四周聆听,一直到曲音结束后许久才慢慢散去。 一连数日, 我都或多或少地重 复 同 样 的程序,看似 漫不经心,沉醉于自然,其实我早有想法,为什么怡飞姑娘要 徘徊于 东湖 之滨 ? 周围的通讯 彼此起伏,已 现疯狂,但那 又 有什么作用呢 ? 我悠闲地 看着这两千多年的人造湖 , 湖水深不见底, 不见 鱼游的涟 绮, 心 中疑问 湖里鱼 的模样。 于是我就活 动了一下, 跳入湖水中 , 却没 有 看见一条鱼。 只好一个海 鸥 似猛 往深处 潜 去 ,巨大的奇寒 扑面而来,周 身 如 遭刀 锋 利 刺 似的 ,我一个惊 颤 , 就被冻了上来。 Temporarily I am safe, but this is also no significance , because I am not fear to them. I continue to survey various types of information. Suddenly my spirit is inspired. I caught almost not observable information, this information has apparently quantum cryptography, quantum entanglement is a band with ultra high energy photon group, the purpose is to avoid any interception. This is not difficult for me; I adjust the thinking wave into entangled state, through an extension of frequency space, the wave enters into the message, succeeds in decoding. "Chau Jie appears, there seems to be a background.” "Perform first plan immediately." All of these are jokes! I should let them worry my leisure and bored. So I just get out of the car, walk into the lake, with the wind when the harp, with the idea of music . The powerful thinking wave plays to enjoy so that the original music of instrument as dreamlike, delude one to folly, most incisive. This is my first time to play the think feeling wave as possible as I can. When I play this instrument in the lakeside, the bund bird group and unusual animals can encircle the space closely, and slowly diverge until the music sound finished a long time. For several days , I have more or less the same program, seemingly pay no heed to, indulge in nature; in fact, I had thought, why the Overfly girl wandering in the coast of East Lake? Communication each other around the ups and downs, is crazy, but what is the effect? I watch the two thousand years of artificial lake, the lake is deep and does not see the bottom, not see the fish swim wave circle, my heart guess fish shape in the lake. So I prepare and jump into the lake, and have not seen a fish. As a seagull fierce deep dive a great bitterly cold blow to my face, and my body as knife sharp thorns, I am shock and escape for avoiding frozen to come up.
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来自心怿的诗 (127)
biqiao 2012-4-30 10:40
那是一 种轻 微的 银 河 飘 香, 她带给 我一 阵 似曾相 识 的感 觉 ,使我的心跳微微加速。 我不由自主凝神 想起了萍萍, 她 是那 样 的陌生又是那 样的 熟悉,我心中似乎存在着两个自我,一个是 罗 曼洛 兰 ,一个是桥杰,他们对萍萍的 态度 是如此的冷漠和 挚热 , 十分的矛盾 。 珍妮似乎 等待着什 么 ,然后 开始 轻轻 地 猜度 我 , 似乎在奇 怪我的凝神 , 完全不像她遇到的其 他 男人 , 这种 好奇 逐渐变为一种 仰慕。 那是当然!桥杰 终究是 清高的, 罗 曼洛 兰绝对 是正义的,何况 还有萍萍。 晚餐 在沉默的气氛中 进行 , 形势变为纯洁,最后 珍妮小心地 将刀碟收拾好堆在餐车上,为我倒了另一杯榨 汁 后,才推餐车离开。 离开时,她 好像感 应 到什 么 ,突然 说道:“先生与萍姐, 真是 天生一对, 相互爱慕,我很羡慕你 们, 愿 上 天保佑你们。” 我 拿 起满杯榨 汁, 有点 谛 笑皆非, 坐到落地玻璃窗前,俯瞰入夜后的 大东湖 , 月光如 水 , 涟 绮 似银 ,思潮起伏 ,随波 荡 漾。 门再打开,脚步声响起, 一股 苹果芬芳的 气 场飘 来, 仿 佛 过 去熟悉情景再 现 , 我立即知道她是萍萍。 萍萍的声音在身后响起:“你 感 觉 好 些 吗?”语气减 少 了早前的三分冰冷。 我 克制住 她对我的影响,平静地回答道:“看!外面 的景色 多么 的迷人 !” 她在我身旁的椅子坐下。 我默然不语,也没有看她 ,双眼 继续 凝 视 前方 。明媚的 东 湖湖湖面上曾 经是 桥杰和萍萍青春和爱情流连忘返的地方,可惜现在是时过境迁了 ,要是世界没有 这么无聊,那该多好啊。 It is a mild Milky Way fragrance, she gives me a feeling of known experiences, make my heart slightly faster. I can't help thinking of Ping Ping, she was so strange and so familiar, in my heart there seem to be two self, one is Luoman Lorrain, another is Chau Jie, their attitude is so cold and hot to Ping Ping, I am very contradiction. Jeanne seems to be waiting for something, and then begin to gently guess me, seem to be strange my thinking, unlike the other guys she meets, such curious gradually changes into a kind of admiration . Surely , Chau Jie is lofty, Luoman Lorrain is absolutely right, but there is the Ping Ping. Dinner in the silence of the atmosphere, the situation becomes pure, the last Jeanne carefully put the knife disc pack pile in the dining car, pour me a cup of juice, to push the dining car leave. When leaving, she seems to feel something, suddenly said: "Sir and Sister Ping, really are perfect for each other, love each other, I really envy you, and God bless you." I pick up the glass juice, a little truth laugh is, sit on the glass window, overlooking the night of the great East Lake, moonlight as water, wave circles like silver, my mind flooding with the waves. The door opens again, footsteps, an apple sweet qi floating, as if the past familiar scenes repeat; I immediately know that she is Ping Ping. Her voice sounded behind me: "Are you feeling better?" Tone reduces the earlier thirty percent cold. I overcome her influence, calmly reply: "The scenery outside is how charming!" She is beside me a chair to sit down. I am speechless, also do not look at her, and my eyes continuously stare ahead distance. Beautiful East Lake face was used to be place where Chau Jie and her youth and love indulge in pleasures without stops, but now is the passage of time, if the world is not so evil, how good it will be.
个人分类: 生活点滴|2479 次阅读|0 个评论
来自心怿的诗 (126)
biqiao 2012-4-29 18:21
“ 萍 姐真是漂亮啊,先生真有福! ” 女侍 夸道。 我愣了一下,微笑着 坐到餐桌前,暗忖不知道萍萍在隔壁的房间干 了 什么 ,收买了这位 女侍? 女侍为我戴上盖在胸前的雪白餐巾,动作轻柔,然后拿起刀叉,为我切割碟上的牛扒。我愕然道:“让我自己来吧! 我只吃水果,素菜,不吃肉。 ” 女侍笑脸如花: “ 我是特别从政府调来服待您 的,希望给我机会 。 ” 我回过神来,第一次打量她,俏脸 美目, 皮肤细嫩,身材均匀纤长,虽 无 萍萍那样的夺人艳丽,也是难得的美女 。 在我的打量下,她俏脸飞出一片红霞, 眼光闪闪地挑逗 道:“我叫 珍妮 ,编号十 三 ,处女,无论您有什么要求,我都会尽力使您满 足 。” 我心中一荡, 常 闻政府 里面的间谍系统 从各地 秘密 征召一批出众的美女,用来对 目标人员进行色 诱 , 以达到不可测的目的, 这种传闻看来 是真的 。 转瞬间又被另一种情绪所代替,是什么力量使眼前女子变成可任人采摘的花朵? 如果 我 们的社会 存在着某种 体制 直接就是 这种 力量的来源 ,那么它肯定不是人 类的 理想 大同 , 所以 鹤 鸣 先生及其叛军可能代表的正义性是可以理解的。 连自己也大吃一惊,为何先前我没有这种反叛的想法,更多时只觉 的 为联合国出力是 件 光荣的事? 珍妮 扭动着 坐在我身侧, 装腔作势 将 各类 切成大小合度的 珍果 块状 送进我盘里,又为我斟了满满一杯 豆浆 , 周围空 间 尽散 发她的体香 。 " Sister Ping is really beautiful, you are really blessed!" The waitress boasts. I am stupefied, smiling sitting at the table, thought what Ping Ping is doing in next room, bought the waitress? The waitress wears a cap of white napkin on my breast, with her gentle movements, and then picks up the knife and fork, for my cutting saucer on steak. I am shocked: "Let me do it by myself! I only eat fruits, vegetables, and don't eat meat." The waitress smiles as flower: "I am particularly from the government to serve you, hope you to give me a chance." I return my feeling and first look at her, and find her nice f ace with beautiful eyes , the skin delicate, slender figure uniform, although she is no gorgeous as the Ping Ping but she is also a rare beauty. When I look at her, her face flying out of a piece of red cloud and e yes shining with teasing way says "My name is Jeanne, No. thirteen, a virgin, whether you have any request, I will try my best to make you satisfied." My heart is a swing, it is know that government spy system from around secret recruited some groups of beauty, used for target personnel to sex, in order to achieve the greedy purposes; this rumour appears to be true. Suddenly another kind of emotional replacing my mind , what is the power that makes the girl as a flower who let people picking arbitrarily? If our society system directly is this source of power, then it is definitely not human ideal society, so Mr. Heming and the rebels could represent the justice, which is understandable. Even be startled at first, why I do not have this kind of rebel mind, more feeling for the UN force is the honourable thing ? Jeanne twisted to sit by my side, make grand gestures to cut all kinds of size of precious fruit lump in my plate, and to fill a cup of bean milk. The distributed spaces around me all have her body smell.
个人分类: 生活点滴|2793 次阅读|0 个评论
来自心怿的诗 (125)
biqiao 2012-4-28 14:17
我有些恍惚, 罗 曼洛 兰 啊 , 你 在做什 么 ? 萍萍喘息不已: “ 你不是人,你像是没有人性的机器 。 ” 我 松 开 了 她,因为对她那不能 理解的 爱 恨 已得到 一定的 渲泄, 接着一个巨大的 问 号 开 始涌 现 ,我真是 桥 杰 吗 ? 为 什 么 具有 这样 不可控制的冲 动 ? 萍萍靠墙不住地喘息 : “ 天 啊!你怎么会变成这样。 ” 她 的 评 价使我温怒,忍不住道 :“过 去七年 的经历,证 明 你是为求富贵弃夫往上爬的人,你又能比我好多少 ? ” 话毕我推门而 到凉台上, 沉浸在东湖面上静静的人造月亮的辉光 中,银色的月光啊,请 洗涤我的挚热 和罪 过 … 几天后一个 晚上,门铃又响起。 “ 谁? ” 我从盘腿冥思中站起。 门开处一名身长亭亭玉立,穿著酒店员工制服的女侍推着盛满食物水果的餐车进来,都是在 太空 温室内培植的,异常珍贵 的 水果。 女侍微笑道:“教授!你的晚餐来了,是萍萍女士为你点的。” 我心中一震,从入定中醒来一直 不敢 想萍萍,听到这话,立即感应到萍萍就在隔壁的房间里,感到一阵解除压力般的轻松快意 , 谢 天 谢 地, 她 没有真的生气 伤 心。 但是 另一方面, 萍萍之前的话 “ 你像是没有人性的机器 ” 对我仍有 震撼。 罗曼洛兰,没有人性的机器?埃 立斯当时在我体内到底安装了些什么?在特 别的时候对我的人性有什么影响? 这是 要特别警惕的。 I am dazed , Luoman Lorrain, what are you doing? Ping Ping breath:" You are not human, you are like a machine without humanity." I release her, because my not to understand love and hate has been a vent, and then a huge question mark is beginning to emerge, I really is Chau Jie? Why has this uncontrollable impulse? Ping Ping keeps breathing on the wall: "My god! How do you become like this." Her comments made me angry and could not help to say: "In the past seven years, facts prove that you are seeking wealth to abandon your husband for climbing, are you better than me?" The word finishes I push the door to the balcony, immersed in East Lake quietly artificial moon glow, the silver moonlight, please wash my love and sin ... A few days after a night, the doorbell rings. "Who are you?" I sit up from meditation. The door opens a long stand gracefully erect, wearing the hotel staff uniforms waitress pushing filled with food, fruit of dining come in, and there are unusually precious fruit from space greenhouse cultivation. The waitress smiled: "Professor! Your dinner is coming which is booked by Ping Ping lady for you." My heart shakes, wake up from the trance has not want the Ping Ping, hearing this, immediately feel the Ping Ping in the adjoining room, feel a pressure relief as easily pleased, thank sky and ground, she did not really have angry and sad. But on the other hand, the words from Ping Ping before "You are like a machine without humanity” still give me shocking. Luonman Lorrain , machine without human ? At that time , Elis has installed what matters in my body ? What affect my humanity in the special time ? I should especially alert this.
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来自心怿的诗 (124)
biqiao 2012-4-27 18:19
我说: “ 我不需要任何朋友。 ” 接着便站起身来。 萍萍的秀目又闪过那种难以形容 流星般的湿 润 晶 莹 。 我 向前 踏进两步,几乎要碰上她 那 娇柔的胴体时,才猛然止步。 她 自然警惕地 向后一退,贴墙而立。 我再也忍不住了, 向前紧迫一步,将她 一把 拉到跟前 , 两个肉体 撞击 在一起。 我盯着她的俏脸: “ 你的确美丽非凡 ,媚力四射! ” 萍萍平静地说: “ 美 丽 也不能引起 你身体正常男 性 的激动。 ” 我微笑道:“是吗? 只要我愿意, 我可变 成世界上最 强 壮 的 超 男,你是否想试试? ” 萍萍闭上眼睛, 忍不住的晶莹 从眼角泻出。 我进 一 步 冷酷地 说 : “ 你 害 怕了 , 还是 因 为 挂念你过去的 第三者情人 ?” 不知是什 么 原因 ,也 许 是 过 去七年中 桥 杰 太多的 爱 恨 纠结 的影响, 只要令她难过, 就 能引起我莫名奇妙的快意。 萍萍摇摇头,睁眼 恢 复了坚定和明亮 的光 泽 ,冷冷地说道: “ 放开我!我没有情人。” 我 威 胁 地道: “ 十分抱歉,在 主席团告诉 我 的 免死名单上,并没有你的名字,所以别说我可以强奸你,甚至我可以杀死你。 ” 她的眼中闪出发自真心的惧意 ,但同 时 又充 满 倔 强 的光芒。 我用身体 挤压 着她身体的每一个部位, 渲 泄道: “ 谁让你 离开桥 杰 那么久的 ? ...... 不论她如何挣扎,都是无济于事,她那有力的挣扎反而更 加重 了那 摩擦 的紧密。 ..... I say: "I don't need any friends." Then I stand up. Ping Ping eyes flash an indescribable meteor moist crystal. I forward into two steps, almost touching her smart carcass, suddenly stop. She carefully back, against the wall. I couldn't stand anymore, pressing a step forward , and pull her into me. The two bodies touch together. I stare at her face: "You are very beautiful, attractive!" Ping Ping says quietly: "Beauty still cannot excite your body as normal men." I smile: "Is right? As long as I want, I can turn into the world's strongest boy, would you like to try it?" She closes her eyes, could not help the tears from his eyes out. I further coldly say: "Are you afraid, or because you miss the past third lover?" I do not know why, maybe in the past seven years for Chau Jie, too much love hate tangled effect, as long as it makes her sad, can cause me inexplicable pleasure. She shook her head, eyes open with firm and bright lustre and coldly says: "Let me go! I have no lover." I threaten to say: " I'm very sorry, in the presidium giving me privileged death list there is no your name, so don't say I rape you, even I can kill you." Her eyes flashes a genuine fear, but also full of stubborn. I use the body press against her every part of the body, and give vent to say: "Who let you leave Chau Jie so long? ... No matter how she struggled, there is no avail, and her strong struggles more aggravate friction tight. .....
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来自心怿的诗 (122)
biqiao 2012-4-25 09:13
我 不能 忘怀,在类 似 的景致里 有 我们曾放开双手捕捉 那 纷飞的 初恋 爱 情 的时刻,有没有感到心里会莫名的 涌起一阵 阵的暖意与悸动? 唉 ! 漫 长 的 梦里梦外所有的过错和错过,所有的思念和 哀愁 ,全都冻结在岁月的长河里 ,使我无法 尽情宣泄 。 那是一 种 不能自拔的 自怜 自怨 的 喃喃 心声, 永远只是 孤独的我在 情绪 与梦境里寻 找 你 的 图 景 ,在 哀愁的 痛苦中 飞 啊飞 的情感。 有什 么办 法 呢 ? 原本以为经过这 七 年的爱 恨的 折磨,足以使桥杰 的情商跳 跃 几个等 级 , 变成 无情有情的高手, 岂知他仍是如此的多感善愁,在情场的斗争中不堪一击。 看来这些年来桥杰在研究上废寝忘食,全力攀登 心 灵 感 应 学的高峰 ,大半因为想 在 她 面前 证 明自己的能力和成功 ,重新赢得她的青睐。 一切全为了这个抛弃他的女 人,但 这样 有意 义吗 ? 我尝试来感觉她火辣辣的诱人胴体和 撩 拨 人意的风度,让身内的情欲开始像野火一样蔓延。 她的衣服 松 紧合度, 使 她曼妙的身段 曲 线 般地加入想象 ,让男人口涎欲滴。 我感到了在这以前数不清的日子里,在孤寂无人的 漫漫长 夜,桥杰曾千 百次 地诅咒自己 的愚蠢, 痛恨她 的无情 ,天使和魔鬼的情 绪 相互 缠 绕 。 但当她现在 迷人醉香 地站在我伸手可触的近处,桥杰原本应充满恨 意 的脑袋 里 只 留下 一片空白和茫然,找不到一丝恨意,反而充满对爱的期待 。 I can't forget, in a similar scene we have had to let go of our hands to catch the flying time of first love, have you feel the heart inexplicable with bursts of warmth and excitement? Alas! Long inside of dream and out of dream, all the mistakes and missed, all missing and sorrow, which has been all frozen in the long history of the years, so I can't give vent to. It is a kind of pathetic inextricably bogged down in the murmuring voice, forever is lonely I find you in the mood and dream picture, in sorrow pain fly feeling. Is there any way ? Originally thought that after seven years of love hate torture, enough to make the Chau Jie's EQ jumping into several grades, so that he becomes a master of emotions controlling, however I astonish to find that he is still so much good sense of sorrow, the struggle in love cannot withstand a single blow. It seems that these years Chau Jie in the study on time, to climb the peak of telepathic learn, because want to in front of her to prove their ability and success, to win her favor. All for the woman who abandoned him, but is this meaningful? I try to feel her burning attractive carcass and tease understanding manner, let the body desire begin to spread like wildfire. Her dress elastic degrees, make her curves, join the imagination, and let man saliva dripping. I feel in the past countless days, in the dark night lonely nobody, Chau Jie had thousands of times to curse his stupidity, hate her heartless, the angel and the devil emotional intertwined. But when she's beauty in charming on my hand can touch a nearby, Chau Jie originally should be full of hate head, leaving only a blank and blank, can not find a trace of hate, but full of the look of love.
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来自心怿的诗 (118)
biqiao 2012-4-20 08:36
余宙锋 右边的那位接着说: “ 这还不是我们最头痛的问题,因为联 合政府明 显 占有 军事上的优势。我们担心的是他们在城市内发动的渗透活动 激化社会不满,引起 动荡 。据情报局的分析,恐怖组织 的核心 冥思党 正在 日渐扩大 ,竭力四 处 奔波 寻找女主席。 我奇怪地说道: “ 冥思党 正在 日渐扩大 ? 联合政府竟无法把冥思党 限制 ? ” 余宙锋 解释道: “ 这并非易事!冥思党中有许多 核心成 员 ,精神力 场非常强大,他们有能力传播 和扩大冥思组织 ,我们不知道他们在哪里。你的责任是将他们找出来,逐一消灭。 ” 余宙锋 左边的那位接着道: “ 以你的智 慧, 在看过桥杰的资料后,可自行决定采取的策略。 除了主席 团 内 阁 成 员 外, 在必要时你可杀死任何人以 助完成任 务 。 ” 我终于言不 由衷地起立,敬礼,说道: “ 桥杰明白,请主席团放心。 ” 但是经过星空死亡 和妖星 厉炼 的我, 早 已看穿世事,内心中已打定不介于 各种政治游戏 的主意 。 因 为 我已 经彻底 明白了,在这里,为了防范,只有猜疑;为了财富,只有抢夺; 为了权力,只有杀戮 ,阳光的阳光,阳光下不再有新 鲜事。 已存在的事情,后必再存在,已 发生过 的事情,后必再 发生 , 过去的世代 多 令人 不堪回首 ,将来的世代,后来人也 多 不 愿 纪念。 One on the right of Yu Zhoufeng continuously says: “This is not our most headache problem, as the coalition government has obviously military advantage. We are afraid of them in the city launched the osmotic activity intensified social discontent, upheaval. According to the analysis of the Intelligence Bureau , the terrorist organization core meditation party is increasingly expanding; try to go around looking for female president. I am strangely asking: "Meditation party is growing? The coalition government was unable to take meditation party limit?" Yu Zhoufeng explains: ”This is not easy! Meditation party has many core members, their individual spiritual force field is very powerful, they have the ability to spread the meditation organization, we don't know where they are. It is your responsibility to them, one by one to destroy." One left on the Yu Zhoufeng says: "With your wisdom, after looking at Chau Jie's data, can decide the strategy. In addition to the presidium member of the cabinet, if necessary you can kill any one to help complete the task." I finally talk insincerely standing, salute to say: "Chau Jie understand, please rest assured that the presidium ." But after the death of out space and the experiences in MS, I know the world, the heart has decided to not involve any political game. Because I have completely understood, here, in order to prevent, only suspicion; for wealth, only spoil; for the power, only the killing, sunny and sun, there is no fresh things. Existing things, will be there, has happened, will happen again, past generations much cannot bear to think of the past; for future times, most generations will not commemorate.
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来自心怿的诗 (116)
biqiao 2012-4-17 18:36
我愕然望向 余宙锋 , 只见 他的双目 正 锐利地专注 着 我的反应。 我要说话,被 余宙锋 伸手阻止。 那美女走到我身旁,轻声招呼: “ 桥杰 … 你 还 好吗 ? ” 显然这 不是一般的 问 语 ,但在 这种 场景 , 我 只有 礼貌地响应: “ 我很 好。 ” 她的呼吸和膊博都在不断加快,情绪 十分 激动 ,似乎言犹 未 尽。 余宙锋主席 笑着道: “ 女士们,先生们,桥杰教授是心灵感应学方面著名的权威。为我们联合国科学的发展作出了很大贡献。在联合国国庆即将到来的时候,他又力挽狂澜,驱逐妖星,为人类立了大功,最高主席团亲自接见他,希望全国科技工作者向他学习,再接再厉攀登科学的高峰。 ” 各种各样的光敏摄像机对准我拍摄图像。 十分钟后,记者们在一位专使的指示下离开。我感到了那位美女依依不舍的心情。 大厅 景色 已换成 艳丽而又 茫茫地 东湖风景区 ,一个非常类似我的人正在屈原纪念博物馆门前的长阶上走动,景色边射出大字:桥杰,心灵交流学 创始人,南美大学教授。 我 十分震惊地 回望主席团,急速猜测到: “ 我的外貌体型已经被改造为桥杰教授了? ” 余宙锋 恢复温和的态度,挥了挥手,说 : “ 你的智能的确不差,能猜到发生了什么事。是的,埃里斯在将你改造为超人时,同时 也把 你的外貌体型完全改造成桥杰 的模样, 所以从今天起,你应是桥杰教授,不再 是 罗曼洛兰。 ” I am shocked to look at Yu Zhoufeng, his eyes are sharp focus on my reaction. I want to speak, and Yu Zhoufeng stretch out his hand to stop me. The beautiful girl walks over to me, softly greet: “Chau jie…how are you? Obviously this is not general greeting, in this situation, I politely respond: "I am fine." Her breath and shoulder, at a constant speed, the mood is very excited, seem to still do not say. President Yu Zhoufeng speaks with a smile:" Ladies and gentlemen, Prof. Chau Jie is famous authority of exchange thinking waves. He has achieved great scientific development contribution for the United Nations. In the United States National Day is coming, and he turns back the powers of darkness, expel evil stars, made great contribution for human beings, the presidium of the supreme see him, and hope that the national science and technology workers to learn from him, make persistent efforts to climb the peak of science." Various photosensitive cameras focus on my images. After ten minutes, the reporters in a special envoy under instructions to leave. I feel the beauty girl of be reluctant to part. The hall has changed into beautiful scenery and the East Lake scenic area. There is a person who is very similar to me and is walking in front of the long steps of the Qu Yuan Memorial Museum. The scenery edge injects characters: Chao Jie, the soul exchange school founder, the professor of South American University. I am shocked to look back the presidium, rapid forecast: "My appearance shape has been transformed into Professor Chau Jie?" Yu Zhoufeng returns to gentle manner, waving his hands with words: "Your intelligence is not indeed bad, guessed correctly what has had happen. Yes, when transform you to the superhuman, Elice also at the same time rebuilds completely yours appearance to be as Chau Jie, therefore by today, you should be Prof. Chau Jie, no longer Luoman Lorrain .
2335 次阅读|0 个评论
来自心怿的诗 (107)
biqiao 2012-3-23 22:15
第四道滔天狂浪冲来,紫光增至极限,在一阵耀眼紫光光爆中,我不得不进入了超十级宇宙共振态。 双方一拍即散,一切归于平静。 好强劲的对手,不愧为联合军第一战士。 对面站着的薛飞脸色苍白,嘴角露出血丝。 闷哼道: “ 埃里斯的超级人类果然是名不虚传,还能变身。 ” 我的手略加一舞,一道彩虹尽出,周围气场顿时压力大增,细密的汗珠立刻从他额角冒出,他连忙颤声道: “ 你不是那么认真吧? ” 我的目光冷冷刺入他的眼里,森然地说: “ 除了你外,还有谁认为我是超级人类呢? ” 薛飞急忙回答: “ 第一兵团里只有我知道,主席团已密令我掩护你的身份。 一切真是莫名其妙,埃里斯的超级人类,他有那个本领吗?主席团还来个密令什么的,十分搞笑。 我微微转暖,气场尽收。 薛飞气色萎靡,极不自然地笑道: “ 请随我来吧! ” 前方的道路在云中漂显,四面犹如仙山琼阁,玉泉飞瀑,奇花斗艳,异草芬芳,绿荫环绕,古树香飘,配上浩瀚的星空,巨大的圆月,金木水火土在天空的逍遥,犹如人间的仙界。 奇异的生态,优美的画境使我们的情绪得以缓解。 Fourth monstrous wave rushes to come, and violet light increases to the limit; in a dazzling burst of violet light, I have had access to the ten level of universal resonating status. Both take a pat and disperse immediately, everything is attributed to calm. Good strong rivals, is worthy of the first allied soldier. Standing right in front of me, Sheffi's face is white with bloodshot eyes, corners of the mouth. Grunt: "Ellis super-human is really to have a well-deserved reputation, also can turn to figure." My hand slightly a dance, a rainbow out around the field, suddenly increased pressure, fine sweat from his forehead immediately bursts out, he makes a shaking voice:" you are not so serious?" My cold eyes piercing his eyes, thick ground says:" besides you, who else thinks I'm super-human?" Sheffi hastily replies:" the first corps, only I know, the Bureau has order me to protect your identity. Everything is really be rather baffling, Ellis super-human, he has that kind of skill? The presidium also ordered what, very funny. I slightly warmer, qi field cancel. Sheffi looks dispirited and not natural smiles:" please come along with me!" The road ahead in the clouds floating, around like a jeweled palace in Fairmount, Jade spring fly waterfall, strange flowers accents, the grass have fragrance, with the greenery, trees joss-stick float, with the vast starry sky, giant moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn free walk in the sky, as if it is a world fairyland. Singular ecological status and beautiful picturesque make our spirits to be ease.
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来自心怿的诗 (105)
biqiao 2012-3-20 03:39
第 9 章 主席团中宫 半小时后,太空玄院的内部的光传输带已把我传递到起飞厅的飞天号上。 飞天号的自动导航屏幕上不断扫描放大出圆圈和跳动的几何图形,光怪陆离的圆圈和图形显示出战机上的计算机正热情地同通天限制塔控制中心内的终端计算机进行通讯联络,愉快地谈论执行降落的程序。 然而我感应到飞天号不是在飞往通天限制塔,而是在飞往通天限制塔上方太空的某个神秘的地方。 民间早就传说代表联合国权力核心的最高主席团的中宫就在通天限制塔的顶尖里,从太空必须从上方某个神秘的地方经太空纳米天梯的弹头仓运动才能到达。 这个纳米通天光电梯弹头仓颇像一列太空 - 地球间的超导磁悬浮列车,可以以超过声速好多倍的速度向限制塔的顶尖射去,直至平稳到达限制塔端点站。 正在胡思乱想间,一个亮点在屏幕中心开始闪烁,逐渐扩大,变成一个不停作 3 维立体变动的亮环,可能代表着那个神秘地方的位置吧。 我缓缓地按下自动降落的开关,朝亮点降下去。亮点急剧增大,像云彩吞噬着飞天号。 接着眼前一闪,飞天号落进到一个神秘莫测的空间里。 只见一条条信道错综复杂,灯光五颜六闪,没有任何信号指示我的战机该飞往那条信道。 心中一动,这又是测试,我干脆选择一条最不可能的信道,那是一条圆形合金钢门紧紧关闭着的信道。因为它具有唯一性,选出它来就成为我思维感应的一种直觉。 Chapter 9 Presidium of Central Palace Half hour later, The Space Tao Institute internal optical transmission belt had been delivered me to the departure hall of flying airplane. The flying automatic navigation screen constantly scanning magnification of a circle and run out geometric pictures, lustrous and dazzling circle and graphic display aircraft computer is warmly with the Restrict Babel Tower Control Center within the terminal computer communications, happily talk about implementation of landing procedures. However I feel the flying not to go the restrict Babel Tower, but to a mysterious space above the Restrict Babel Tower. Folk tales of early on behalf of the United Nations power core of the presidium of the supreme in the palace in the Restrict Babel Tower Top, from the space one must be from the top of a mysterious place by space nanometer ladder warhead bin movement to reach. The channel Sky elevator warhead bin is like a space between the earth superconducting maglev train, can shoot to the tower top at many times more than speed of sound velocity, until smooth limit is reached endpoint station in the tower. Is making blind and disorderly conjectures in my mind, a bright spot in the center of the screen flashes, expands gradually, become a non-stop for 3 dimensional movements of the bright ring, may represent that mysterious place position. I slowly press the automatic landing switch, toward the bright spot down. The bright spot increases quickly, like clouds swallow the flying. Then my eyes twinkle, the flying down into a mysterious space. See only a channel as many perplexing, brilliant colors lights flash, no signal instructs my fighter to fly which channel. The heart to understand, this is the test, I simply choose a most unlikely channel, which is a circular alloy steel tightly closed channel. Because it is unique, it is my chosen one kind of intuition thinking induction.
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来自心怿的诗 (98)
biqiao 2012-2-20 00:31
妖星一直在均匀地加速,累积的加速使她离开光子飞行器的速度逐渐攀高,终于扩展两者间的距离达到这样一个界限,使飞行器上的异常现象全部消失,正常的惯性原理终于重启作用。   这也使得光子飞行器有机会再次逃离火海,朝着背离太阳的方向飞驰,迅速使飞行器的近日点距离拉大了近 2000 万公里,让燃烧火海的炙烤稍稍减轻些。   我又乘胜追击般完成了几个光子飞行器的自身跳跃动作,之后飞行器已远在妖星 100 万公里以外的空间地点遨游,周围的火海变为更为平和的光涛,灿烂明耀。 我仍能用全息激光雷达精确地测出妖星运行轨道的有关数据,不过观测到的数据越多,就越感到迷惑不解。 原来曾认为妖星逼近太阳的速度会逐渐地消失,最终为太阳引力所控制,成为围绕太阳的一颗新的特异小行星,但是现在 她 的情况却不像是这样的。   她好像没有那样的意思,离太阳越近,速度越快,好像寻找死亡般地准备同其相撞一次。 但我坚决地不相信妖星会自寻灭亡,无论如何,像妖星美女那样在其中起很重要作用的高智能组织,是不会自动放弃文明的发展的,这是宇宙的演化规律。 然而天文学知识告诉我没有飞行物曾飞到过离太阳那么近的地方而存活的,任何原子级别以上物质构成的固体材料都经受不住离太阳这么近的高温,而事实上从全息激光望远镜可以发现构成妖星外壳的那种材料,似乎已经开始熔化了。 当我看到妖星的形象正在破碎时,我十分难受,如此珍贵的异宝竟毁于一旦,实在令人痛心,我甚至为妖星美女而伤感,她毕竟是宇宙演化的顶级生命形式之一,如果我在妖星经历的是真实的话。 当妖星加速到离太阳还有 3 百万公里时,用飞行器上全息激光望远镜一直可看得见的妖星变成象一根很小的发亮圆针而突然间闪 烁起来,犹如透过地平线上燃烧霞光中看到的一颗特殊明亮的彗星。 MS has been uniformly accelerated, cumulative acceleration made her leave photonic aircraft velocity gradually rising, finally extended distance between the two reached such a limit, the aircraft anomaly disappeared, the normal principle of inertia finally restart function. It also makes the photonic aircraft has an opportunity to escape the flames, towards the direction of the sun from speeding, quickly makes the aircraft a perihelion distance pull big nearly 20000000 kilometers, which allows the burning flames burn slightly to decrease a bit lighter. I follow up a victory with hot pursuit, completed several the aircraft 's own jump, after that, the aircraft has travelled out space far from MS 1000000 kilometers, around the fire into a more peaceful light wave, splendid panorama. I can still use the holographic laser radar accurately to measure MS orbit data, but the observed data is more, the more they are very much puzzled. Originally I thought when MS approaches to the sun her speed will gradually disappear, ultimately for the solar gravitational control around the sun, to become a new specific asteroid, but now it's not like that. She doesn't seem to have that meaning, from the sun closer, faster, as if looking for death, prepared with its collision time. But I firmly don’t believe MS will seek death, in any case, like the star beauty in which play a very important role in the high intelligence organization, is not automatically give up the development of civilization, this is the evolution of the universe. However the knowledge of astronomy tell me there is no survival flying objects so closing the sun, any matter above atomic level to form solid material cannot withstand the closer to the sun 's heat, but in fact from the holographic laser telescope it can be found that the materials to constitute MS shell seems to have started to melt. When I see the stars in the image are broken, I am very sad, so precious treasure is destroyed on one day, it really hurts, I even for MS beauty sad, she is one of the top of the evolution of the universe life forms, if I have had MS experience is true. When MS speeds up to from the sun and 3 millions of kilometers, with aircraft holographic laser telescope has been visible MS has become a very small shiny round needle and all of a sudden flash light up, as if through the horizon burning rays to see a special bright comet.
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