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jlpemail 2008-12-25 09:49
新关的年关好过了 关键词 新关 年关 2009 奥巴马 Key word: Eric Shinseki ; New Year;2009;Obama United States president-elect Barack Obama announced that retired General Eric Shinseki would be his nominee for Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Conclusion from engineer JI in his scientific blog . 五年前因为反对美军入侵伊拉克,不得不退伍回老家 夏威夷 的日裔前美军上将新关,将要度过 5 年以来最容易度过的一个年关。这恐怕不是因为他要当什么部级干部了,那不是什么新鲜事,对他来讲不具备吸引力。吸引他的应该是,事实将证明 5 年以前他不是错误的。而且,还愿意为那些不得不参加侵略战争,留下许多善后事宜的前军人们服务。其他内阁成员的选择不好说,这个部长的人员选定,是有其合理性的。 一朝天子一朝臣,美国总统及其内阁也类似。 对于 5 年前解甲归田的新关来说,下一个新年的关口,不难度过。虽然说近乎廉颇的年龄了,也不过担任了文官。此处不留爷,自有留爷处;此时不用也,自有有用时。新关的 2009 注定要有些奥巴马的前任布施不熟悉的内容了。 就新关而言,有一点是可以肯定的,就是在即使处于劣势的情况下,也敢于坚持并且发布自己的观点。就算当时不合事宜,不被认为是识时务的俊杰,也要坚持自己认为正确的观点。不就是从将军到农民吗?没有什么大不了的。也不错,休了五年的长假,海边散了 5 年步,早已经容光焕发了。再不工作几年,不是将军了,恐怕真的要挺起高耸入云的将军肚子了。 66 岁以后上任,的确不算早,一晃就古稀了;新关最好不要谋求连任,尽了义务就行了,别那么累!年轻人,是需要这个位子锻炼业务能力呢! 参考文献: 新华报业网讯 据美国《世界日报》报道,美国下任总统奥巴马计划 12 月 7 日 正式宣布任命已退伍日裔陆军上将新关 (Eric Shinseki) 为联邦退伍军人部长,成为第一位获奥巴马挑选为新政府亚裔阁员,消息于 6 日传出,亚裔民主党人均表兴奋。 66 岁的新关,在夏威夷出生长大,他毕业于美国军校,在 Duke 大学获得英文系的硕士学位, 1965 年加入军部服务。   新关由美国陆军基层干起,曾获颁紫心奖章的最高勇敢荣誉,逐步获得晋升。他于 1999 年获任命为美国陆军参谋长,一直是美国史上官阶最高的亚裔军人。 2003 年新关批评布什政府攻打伊拉克的策略不正确而不获留任,同年 8 月退伍,在美国陆军服务长达 38 年。   李艳虹说,奥巴马决定任命新关出任联邦退伍军人部长,充分显示奥巴马因才任人的优点,她大力支持奥巴马选用新关,新关于前总统克林顿时代获得任命,为联邦政府内第二线的高职位,奥巴马当选前,新关从未公开支持奥巴马。 5 年前新关被迫退伍后,返回夏威夷定居。李艳虹记得当年新关在国会公开批评布什出兵攻打伊拉克的行动,当新关返回夏威夷后,该州居民鼓励新关竞选州长,但新关未如支持者所愿。 President-elect Barack Obama announces Gen. Eric Shinseki as Secretary of Veterans Affairs Chicago -- President-elect Barack Obama announced today that General Eric Shinseki will be his nominee for Secretary of Veterans Affairs. General Shinseki is a former Army Chief of Staff and 38-year Army veteran who served two combat tours in Vietnam . He understands the changing needs of our troops and their families and shares President-elect Obamas commitment to modernizing the VA to meet the challenges of our time. Throughout his nearly four decades in the U.S. Army, he won the respect and admiration of our men and women in uniform because they have always been his highest priority, President-elect Obama said. He has always stood on principle -- because he has always stood with our troops. And he will bring that same sense of duty and commitment to ensuring that we treat our veterans with the care and dignity they deserve. General Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Born in Hawaii to a Japanese-American family, Eric Shinseki graduated from West Point in 1965. He went on to serve in the Army for 38 years, from 1965 to 2003, including two combat tours in Vietnam , where he lost part of his right foot. He served as Chief of Staff of the Army from 1999-2003. General Shinseki has commanded troops from Vietnam to the Balkans, and his career has been marked by innovation, vision, and fierce loyalty to the troops who served under him. He is the recipient of numerous decorations, including the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, the Legion of Merit, and the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard Distinguished Service Medals. 致谢: 新闻线索来自科学网电子杂志 200886 期。
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