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dutren 2011-11-17 19:45
VTK安装配置教程 2008-07-02 21:07 原文地址: Trace of the sunshin 新地址: http://caswei.blog.163.com/ 本文在CadCaeCam论坛的精华贴" VTK安装三步曲 "的基础上完成,并补充了在其之外遇到的各种问题。 本文以VC6为例,要用VS.NET 2005的请参见:在 Visual Studio 2005环境下安装VTK教程 (已测试通过) 1. 必须要下载的东西,VC6已经装好为前提: vtk-5.0.4-win32.exe 安装程序 http://vtk.org 的Download vtk-5.0.4.zip 源程序 vtkdata-5.0.4.zip 数据 vtkDocHtml VTK手册(可选) cmake-2.4.7-win32-x86.exe http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Index.html 2. 先执行 vtk-5.0.3-win32.exe安装到C:\VTK 5.0, 安装后会产生 vtk5.0 文件夹里面还包括 bin 等子文件夹。 (为了方便请统一用这个目录,我在后文中提供了一个教程,其project setting也是按这个目录配置的) 3. 将 vtk-5.0.4.zip 解压到c:\VTK 5.0\VTK, 将vtkdata-5.0.4.zip也解压到c:\VTK 5.0\vtkdata (其实既然要用源文件编译,windows install的安装并不是必须的,但这是按"VTK安装三步曲"的顺序来的,很多人都统一这样用的,避免不必要的麻烦,也就不改了) 4. 安装 cmake-2.4.7-win32-x86.exe,方便起见装到c:\cmake。运行cmake,设置sourse code目录为c:\vtk5.0\VTK\, build目录为c:\vtk5.0\bin\ 按 configure 按钮,cmake 软件会让你选择需要使用的编译器,这里我们选vc6.0,然后cmake会描所需要的文件,停下来之后,我们就可以修改 cmake选项了。 打开Show Advanced Values再configure,才可以看到一个vtk_use_guisupport,打开它,才能选vtk_use_mfc,再configure,configure的次数是无所谓的。 很多人把 vtk 安装好了,却无法运行vtk 中与mfc 混合编程的例子,提示错误都是缺少vtkmfc.lib,问题就出在这个选项,我们必须把它设置为 on。 至于vtk_use_qvtk,这是给QT用的vtk,但目前只支持QT3,现在的版本是QT4,我试过了,cmake通不过。只能等着新版cmake了。 还有要注意的就是: vtk_data_root: 目的是告诉cmake,vtk 需要的数据都在哪里,我们的数据在c:\vtk\vtkdata\ cmake_install_prefix: 这个是指定一个目录把.h .lib .dll等精华放在这里,"VTK安装三步曲"里说是为将来装vtk做准备,我不太清楚,反正用它默认的就好了。 build_examples: 就是询问是否编译 vtk 中的例子,你在看这个教程,说明肯定是初次用VTK,建议选上。 build_shared_libs: 如果设置为off,就只会生成lib 文件,用于开发肯定是够了。如果设置为on,将会多生成 dll 文件,这些dll需要拷到windows/system目录下。如果用静态库编程,即off时,应用程序可以独立运行,尺寸也比较大,如果用动态库编程, 即on时,应用程序必须找到动态库才能运行,但尺寸可以做得比较小。建议选On, 我试过选OFF,所谓的静态编译,但之后新建一个项目时,还是会出现找不到文件的问题。 vtk_use_parallel: 对于想用vtk 做并行计算的朋友,要把这个选上,对于只想学学vtk 的,保持默认 off 都没问题了所有项目会变成灰色。这时就可以按OK了,几秒钟后,cmake自动退出,为VC6准备的make文件已经生成好。 5. 用 vc6.0打开 bin目录下的 vtk.dsw 文件,直接build。这一般要花掉十几分钟。结果保存在c:\vtk5.0\bin\bin 。 如果这个过程报错,可能是防火墙、杀毒软件的原因,请关掉再试。还有就是, 我曾经试图在机器上先给VS2005再给VC6装VTK,结果VC6编译时就死在example那里了。最后只能删掉所有vtk目录从第一步再来一遍,only for VC6才通过的。 顺利通过编译就可以继续了。 6. 第4步时build_shared_libs是ON的话,把C:\VTK 5.0\bin\bin\Debug里生成的dll文件都拷到windows/system目录下。 7. 试一下。打开C:\VTK 5.0\bin\Examples\All\VTKExamples.dsw, 选择Cone项目,右键set as active project(VC不熟的人一定要记得这个!) ,然后,build,run. 这时应该能正确运行了。 8. 但还没完。这时能运行的只是vtk自己带的项目,自建的项目还需要自己进行一些设定: 新建一记事本, 一定要取消自动换行 。把下面的 "三大步" copy进去,确保每一步都在一行,以后会经常用到的: 一、修改Project setting-C/C++ -Category-Preprocessor-Additional include directories: C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\GenericFiltering,C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\Common,C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\IO,C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\Filtering,C:\VTK 5.0\bin,C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\Rendering,C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\Graphics,C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\VolumeRendering,C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\Imaging,C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\Hybrid,C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\GUISupport,C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\include\vtk-5.0,C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\Parallel,C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\lib,C:\VTK 5.0\VTK\Widgets 二、修改Project setting-Link-Input-Object/library modules: opengl32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib vtkCommon.lib vtkDICOMParser.lib vtkexoIIc.lib vtkexpat.lib vtkFiltering.lib vtkfreetype.lib vtkftgl.lib vtkGenericFiltering.lib vtkGraphics.lib vtkHybrid.lib vtkImaging.lib vtkIO.lib vtkjpeg.lib vtkNetCDF.lib vtkpng.lib vtkRendering.lib vtksys.lib vtktiff.lib vtkVolumeRendering.lib vtkWidgets.lib vtkzlib.lib 三、还有Additional library path: C:\VTK 5.0\bin\bin\Debug 像Cannot open include file: 'vtkConeSource.h':这样的错误都是上面三大步没走对或dll没拷到windows/system下造成的。要建立新项目,必须重新配置 三大步,因为那三步都是Project setting里的,新项目没有默认这些设置。 如果某个项目再提示缺什么lib或.h的话,再临时加上去就行了。 9. 这时新建一个project, win32 console application, an empty project, 生成后给source files加一个test.cpp,把下面的代码放进去: #include " vtkConeSource.h " #include " vtkPolyDataMapper.h " #include " vtkRenderWindow.h " #include " vtkCamera.h " #include " vtkActor.h " #include " vtkRenderer.h " #include " vtkProperty.h " int main() { vtkConeSource * cone = vtkConeSource::New(); cone - SetHeight( 3.0 ); cone - SetRadius( 1.0 ); cone - SetResolution( 10 ); vtkPolyDataMapper * coneMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New(); coneMapper - SetInputConnection( cone - GetOutputPort() ); vtkActor * coneActor = vtkActor::New(); coneActor - SetMapper( coneMapper ); vtkRenderer * ren1 = vtkRenderer::New(); ren1 - AddActor( coneActor ); ren1 - SetBackground( 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.4 ); vtkRenderWindow * renWin = vtkRenderWindow::New(); renWin - AddRenderer( ren1 ); renWin - SetSize( 300 , 300 ); int i; for (i = 0 ; i 360 ; ++ i) { renWin - Render(); ren1 - GetActiveCamera() - Azimuth( i ); } cone - Delete(); coneMapper - Delete(); coneActor - Delete(); ren1 - Delete(); renWin - Delete(); return 0 ; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 打开自己的CMake 查看到到配置如下: VTK_DIR:D:/VTK/bin Cmake_Install_prefix:D:/Program Files/vtk/lib/vtk-5.0 另外我的vtk安装路径为:D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4 此为上文中队应的 vtksrc 所以在我的VC中配置的环境为 附加库路径 D:\VTK\bin\bin\$(IntDir),D:\VTK\bin\bin 对象库模块 vtkRendering.lib vtkGraphics.lib vtkImaging.lib vtkIO.lib vtkFiltering.lib vtkCommon.lib vtksys.lib vtkDICOMParser.lib vtkpng.lib vtktiff.lib vtkzlib.lib vtkjpeg.lib vtkexpat.lib vfw32.lib vtkftgl.lib vtkfreetype.lib opengl32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib 附加包含路径 D:\VTK\bin,D:\VTK\bin\Utilities,D:\VTK\bin\VolumeRendering,D:\VTK\bin\Rendering,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\VolumeRendering,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Hybrid,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Widgets,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Rendering,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Rendering\Testing\Cxx,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\IO,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Imaging,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Graphics,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\GenericFiltering,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Filtering,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Common,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Utilities,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Common\Testing\Cxx,D:\VTK\bin\Utilities\DICOMParser,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Utilities\DICOMParser,D:\VTK\bin\Utilities\vtkfreetype\include,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Utilities\vtkfreetype\include,D:\VTK\bin\Utilities\vtknetcdf,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Utilities\vtknetcdf,D:\VTK\bin\Utilities\vtkexodus2\include,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\Utilities\vtkexodus2\include,D:\VTK\vtk-5.0.4\GUISupport\MFC 注意以上用记事本,取消自动换行,然后复制进入,在复制到VC相应目录下,以上每次在创建新工程的时候都要重新复制进入。 另外,在“工具—选项—目录”中设置好 VC98中的库文件情况。包括OpengGL和MFC等
4797 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 4 StephenCatholic 2011-11-6 15:57
Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. How may your water sources be dispersed abroad, streams of water in the streets? Let your fountain be yours alone, not one shared with strangers; And have joy of the wife of your youth, your lovely hind, your graceful doe. Her love will invigorate you always, through her love you will flourish continually, Why then, my son, should you go astray for another's wife and accept the embraces of an adulteress? (Proverbs 5:15——20) 你当饮你自己池里的水,喝你井里的活泉。你的泉水岂可外溢,成为街头的流水?其实都应全归于你,不得让外人与你共享。 你的泉源理应受祝福;你应由你的少年妻子取乐。她宛如可爱的母鹿,妩媚的母羚;她的酥胸应常使你畅怀,她的爱情应不断使你陶醉。 我儿,你为什么要迷恋外妇,拥抱别人妻室的胸怀? ( 箴 5 : 15 —— 20) 扩展阅读: 天主教中文在线圣经 ———————— 最“色”只是对于本人读过的章节而言,如果谁有新发现可以跟贴评论。婚姻为双方都是天主教徒者是有着宗教高度的神圣事件,不同于普通无宗教信仰者或单方是信徒者在教堂举行的祝福婚礼。双方是信徒的婚礼会举行一个宗教仪式,我们称之为婚配圣事, 为天主教七件圣事 之一,一但在主内结合,是不允许离婚的,共同的信仰是双方感情的保障与基石。 扩展阅读: 汤汉主教证婚训勉词
个人分类: Bible|2819 次阅读|3 个评论
zhao1198 2011-10-29 21:50
Distinguished Stanford graduates such as David Kreps and Darrell Duffie contributed important new ideas in economics from the beginning of their careers partly because they are creative and partly because they were extraordinarily well equipped in mathematical and statistical tools. Math Department Math 103, 104, Linear algebra Math 113, 114 Linear algebra and matrix theory Math 106, Introduction to functions of a complex variable (especially useful for econometrics and time series analysis) Math 124, Introduction to stochastic processes Math 130, Ordinary differential equations Math 103, 104, Linear algebra Math 131, Partial differential equations Math 175, Functional analysis Math 205A, B, C, Real analysis and functional analysis Math 230A, B, C, Theory of Probability Math 236, Introduction to stochastic differential equations Engineering Economic Systems and Operations Research EESOR 313, Vector Space Optimization. This course is taught from `the Bible' by the author (Luenberger). The book is wonderful and widely cited by economists EESOR 322, Stochastic calculus and control Statistics Stat 215-217, Stochastic processes (Cover) Stat 218, Modern Markov chains (Diaconis) Stat 310 A, B, Theory of probability (Dembo)
个人分类: Econ|0 个评论
jinkai719 2011-10-29 09:20
太阳磁场涡流 能量变化在我们整个太阳系 电磁 太阳系漩涡 1880年太阳蛇形涡 1太阳, 2水星, 3金星,4 地球, 5 火星, 6 木星, 7 土星, 8 天王星, 9海王星, 10 冥王星。 太阳系螺旋上升 螺旋-----一个动态的太阳系 月球绕地球螺旋路径 地球与行星可见光(晚)不存在尾巴和无形 太阳 地球 月球 太阳与地球真实轨迹 拍摄周期为十天一次,拍摄一年 行星地球与它的大气尾巴 天体运动 30 °弧 曝光,330 °夜空 迁移路线 玛雅和地球 在2012年12月21日穿越我们的银河系黄道 科学家仍然不明白土星北极的六边形漩涡是如何形成的 海王星极地漩涡 天王星 太阳和行星涡解释沃尔特罗素1927年 1953年 埃舍尔的浑天仪 地球行星涡流 行星涡 北极等离子漩涡 地球两极极地涡流 极光是电子漩涡形成的 我们的大气层电现像 地球的极光 地球的电场 飓风 水龙卷螺旋 河流涡 涡流量 我们的心脏涡型 Schauberger的木水管涡 自制的涡流
3070 次阅读|0 个评论
tsowungwai 2011-10-27 05:30
It is also important to address how the mainstream media is intertwined, often covertly and secretly, with the government.Carl Bernstein, one of the two Washington Post reporters who covered the Watergate scandal, revealed that there were over 400 American journalists who had “secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency.” Interestingly, “the use of journalists has been among the most productive means of intelligence - gathering employed by the CIA.” Among organizations which cooperated with the CIA were the "American Broadcasting Company, the National Broadcasting Company, the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps - Howard, Newsweek magazine, the Mutual Broadcasting System, the Miami Herald and the old Saturday Evening Post and New York Herald-Tribune." By far the most valuable of these associations, according to CIA officials, have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc .The CIA even ran a training program “to teach its agents to be journalists,” whowere “then placed in major news organizations with help from management.” These types of relationships have continued in the decades since, although perhaps more covertly and quietly than before. For example, it was revealed in 2000 that during the NATO bombing of Kosovo, “ several officers from the US Army's 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group at Ft. Bragg worked in the news division at CNN's Atlanta headquarters .” This same Army Psyop outfit had “planted stories in the U.S. media supporting the Reagan Administration's Central America policies,” which was described by the Miami Herald as a “vast psychological warfare operation of the kind the military conducts to influence a population in enemy territory.” These Army PSYOP officers also worked at National Public Radio (NPR) at the same time. The US military has, in fact, had a strong relationship with CNN . In 2008, it was reported that the Pentagon ran a major propaganda campaign by using retired Generals and former Pentagon officials to present a good picture of the administration’s war-time policies. The program started in the lead-up to the Iraq War in 2003 and continued into 2009. These officials, presented as “military analysts”, regurgitate government talking points and often sit on the boards of military contractors, thus having a vested interest in the subjects they are brought on to “analyze.” 摘自 Truth, Propaganda and Media Manipulation by Global Research http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=vaaid=23868 By Barry Ritholtz - October 25th, 2011, 2:30PM Over the past 16 years channels broadcasted to homes in the U.S. have increased by over 70. But who owns all of those channels? UsTelevision.com looked into it and found the biggest businesses that have stakes in the stuff we watch on TV. Click for ginormous chart: Source: Us Television infographic Wallstats, August 2011
个人分类: 落背脊獎|1881 次阅读|0 个评论
WHUSIM2010PHD 2011-10-26 09:32
编译自 :The Long Wait | LJ's Placements Salaries Survey 2011 . http://www.libraryjournal.com/lj/home/892403-264/the_long_wait__ljs.html.csp By Stephanie L. Maatta Oct 14, 2011 “处境艰难啊!”从波士顿、西雅图、明尼阿波利斯市到迈阿密,到处一个声音。对2010届毕业生,过去的一年亲历寻找适当生活工资的职业岗位,然而,尽管经济遭遇打击,也有一些意想不到的机会及具有积极意义的信息。由图书馆杂志(LJ)发起的就业及薪酬年度调查,1789位图情毕业生反馈,代表的是来自38所参与学校的大约4790名学生中的37.3%。在这里阅读所有有关他们的经历,工作在哪里、工资趋势及从调查数据挖掘其它信息。 图书馆杂志(LJ)发起的就业及薪酬年度调查(LJ’s annual Placements Salaries Survey)始于2003年,调查的对象是美国图书馆协会认证的48所图情(LIS)学院(机构或个人代表参与,2010年有38所参与)。2011年的调查报告内容包括激烈竞争(Tight Competition);图书馆职位在哪里(Where the Library Jobs Are);图书馆之外的职位(Jobs Beyond Libraries);重定义两性公平差距(Equity Gap Redefined);毕业生视角(The Grads’ Perspective);(调查结果浏览)Explore the Data;调查方法(Survey Methods);确认你所在学校是否被调查到(Make Sure Your School Gets Counted);来自编辑的职业忠告(Heed This Career Advice | Editorial);来自历届学长的职业提示(Career Tips from the Trenches)。 图谋的观感:这样的调查研究非常有现实意义,对于教与学,对于图情师生的职业发展、对于图情教育、对于图情事业等诸多方面有参考价值。值得国内参考借鉴。 你可以通过这个链接引用该篇文章:http://libseeker.bokee.com/viewdiary.58816675.html
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appleyf 2011-10-24 09:17
C++中各大有名的科学计算库【转帖】 2011-01-13 15:14 在 C ++中,库的地位是非常高的。 C ++之父 Bjarne Stroustrup先生多次表示了设计库来扩充功能要好过设计更多的语法的言论。现实中, C ++的库门类繁多,解决 的问题也是极其广泛,库从轻量级到重量级的都有。不少都是让人眼界大开,亦或是望而生叹的思维杰作。由于库的数量非常庞大,而且限于笔者水平,其中很多并 不了解。所以文中所提的一些库都是比较著名的大型库。 C ++各大有名库的介绍——科学计算 1、Blitz++ 参考网站: http://www.oonumerics.org/blitz Blitz++ 是一个高效率的数值计算函数库,它的设计目的是希望建立一套既具像 C ++ 一样方便,同时又比Fortran速度更快的数值计算环境。通常,用 C ++所写出的数值程序, 比 Fortran慢20%左右,因此Blitz++正是要改掉这个缺点。方法是利用 C ++的template 技术,程序执行甚至可以比Fortran更快。 Blitz++目前仍在发展中,对于常见的SVD,FFTs,QMRES等常见的线性代数方法并不提供,不过使用者可以很容易地利用 Blitz++所提供的函数来构建。 2、POOMA 参考网站: http://www.codesourcery.com/pooma/pooma POOMA是一个免费的高性能的 C ++库,用于处理并行式科学计算。POOMA的面向对象设计方便了快速的程 序开发,对并行机器进行了优化以达到最高的效率,方便在工业和研究环境中使用。 3、 MTL 参考网站: http://www.osl.iu.edu/research/ mtl Matrix Template Library ( MTL ) 是一个高性能的泛型组件库,提供了各种格式矩阵的大量线性代数方面的功能。在某些应用使用高性能编译器的情况下,比如Intel的编译器,从产生的汇编代 码可以看出其与手写几乎没有两样的效能。 4、CGAL 参考网站: www.cgal.org Computational Geometry Algorithms Library 的目的是把在计 算几何方面的大部分重要的解决方案和方法以 C ++库的形式提供给工业和学术界的用户。 Intel Math Kernel Library 1.基本线形代数运算(BLAS) 向量与向量、向量与矩阵、矩阵与矩阵的运算 2.稀疏线形代数运算 3.快速傅立叶变换(单精度/双精度)(fftw) 4.LAPACK(求解线形方程组、最小方差、特征值、Sylvester方程等) 5.向量数学库(VML) 6.向量统计学库(VSL) 7.高级离散傅立叶变换 IMSL 软件名称 IMSL C Numerical Library (不兼容vc6 编译器) 程序设计语言 C , Forton, C #, Java 资源网址 http://www.vni.com/ 功能概述 分为统计库和数学库两部分. 数学库包含应用数学和特殊函数.IMSL 程序库 – 已成为数值分析解决方案的工业标准。 IMSL 程序库提供最完整与最值得信赖的函数库。 IMSL 数值程序库提供目前世界上最广泛被使用的 IMSL 算法,有超过 370 验证过、最正确与 thread-safe 的数学与统计程序。 IMSL FORTRAN 程序库提供新一代以 FORTRAN 90 为程序库基础的程序,能展现出最佳化的演算法能力应用于多处理器与其它高效能运算系统。 LAPACK UserGuide: http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/lapack_lug.html lapack 软件名称 Linear Algebra Package 程序设计语言 Fortran 77 资源网址 http://www.netlib.org/lapack 功能概述 线性代数计算子程序包 clapack 软件名称 Linear Algebra Package for C 程序设计语言 c/c++ 资源网址 http://www.netlib.org/clapack/ 功能概述 c版的线性代数计算子程序包 如何在Visual Studio 2008中安装CLAPACK http://www.deuxmille.org/archives/1486 lapack++ 软件名称 Linear Algebra Package in c ++ 程序设计语言 c ++ 资源网址 http://math.nist.gov/lapack++/ 功能概述 c ++版的线性代数计算子程序包 BLAS 软件名称 Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines 程序设计语言 Fortran 77 主要开发者 Kagstrom B. ,Ling P. ,Van Loan C . 资源网址 http://www.netlib.org/blas 功能概述 Blas是执行向量和矩阵运算的子程序集合。 uBLAS BLAS in C ++ with expression templates. 表达式模版形式的 C ++ 中的BLAS , gsl 软件名称 GNU Scientific Library (linux) 程序设计语言 C , C ++ compable 资源网址 http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/ 功能概述 范围广泛, 包括数值分析的常见内容 Blitz++ 软件名称 Blitz++ (不兼容vc6编译器) 资源网址 http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=63961 功能概述 The current versions provide dense arrays and vectors, random number generators, and small vectors and matrices.是一个高效率的数值计算函数库,它的设计目的是希望建立一套既具像 C ++ 一样方便,同时又比 Fortran 速度更快的数值计算环境。通常,用 C ++ 所写出的数值程序,比 Fortran 慢 20% 左右,因此Blitz++ 正是要改掉这个缺点。方法是利用 C ++ 的 template 技术,程序执行甚至可以比 Fortran 更快。 MTL 软件名称 Matrix Template Library (兼容vc6编 译器) 资源网址 http://www.osl.iu.edu/research/ mtl / 功能概述 The Matrix Template Library ( MTL ) is a high-performance generic component library that provides comprehensive linear algebra functionality for a wide variety of matrix formats. MTL 专注于线性代数相关的计算任务,如各种形式矩阵的生成(对角,共轭,稀疏,对 称等),相关的计算,变换,以及与一维向量的运算。 Armadillo Armadillo is a C++ linear algebra library (matrix maths) aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. Integer, floating point and complex numbers are supported, as well as a subset of trigonometric and statistics functions. Various matrix decompositions are provided through optional integration with LAPACK and ATLAS libraries. 资源网址 http://arma.sourceforge.net/ ATLAS The ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) project is an ongoing research effort focusing on applying empirical techniques in order to provide portable performance. At present, it provides C and Fortran77 interfaces to a portably efficient BLAS implementation, as well as a few routines from LAPACK . 资源网址 http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/ http://www.deuxmille.org/archives/1477
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edisonlou 2011-10-19 18:52
前些日子跟朋友们讨论DNA实验的东西时,突然发现很多东西教科书上也没有比较完善的解释,大多只给出步骤,而实际原理,相关药品特性无从得知。于是找个地方总结一下: 第一次接触pvp是在提取植物DNA时,由于色素太多,导师要加pvp,也没有说原因,加过之后说实话效果不太理想……查过许多资料,现将原理说明如下: 1,首先明白什么是pvp,以及pvpp,pvpA等 聚乙烯基吡咯烷酮(PVP)是由 N2-乙烯基吡咯烷酮(NVP)聚合而成的,如下图所示,主要包括 NVP的均聚物pvpk、共聚物pvpA和交联聚合物pvpp 3 类。 通常说的pvp是指pvpk,商品 PVP是白色或乳白色的粉末固体,其平均分子量一般用 K值表示,K值通常分为 K-15、K-30、K-60、K-90,分别代表1万、4万、16万、36万的分子量范围; 共聚物PVPA是指NVP和醋酸乙烯脂(VAC)的工具产物,应用较多的是PVPA64(又称VA64,指分子内NVP与VAC的质量比为6:4);交链pvpp因其交链形式不同有pvpp凝胶和不溶性pvpp两种。 2.溶解度 这是很难的一个问题,很多资料把NVP的几种多聚体搞混淆了,所以看的我十分矛盾。其实从pvp的结构式不难看出,, 形成链和吡咯烷酮环的亚甲基都是非极性基团, 具有亲油性, 而分子中的内酰胺是强极性基团, 具有亲水作用。这种结构特征使PVP能溶于水和许多有机溶剂, 如烷烃、醇、羧、酸、胺、氯化烃等。不溶于丙醇、乙醚等。另外PVP具有显著的结合能力,可与许多不同的化合物生成络合物。它具有增溶作用,能增加某些基本不溶于水而有药理活性的物质的水溶性;具有分散作用,可使溶液中的有色物质、悬浮液、乳液分散均匀并保持稳定;吸附作用,吸附在许多界面并在一定程度上降低界面表面张力。 低分子量的pvpk可用作增溶剂、分散剂、结晶抑制剂、抗生素悬浮液的稳定剂。难溶于水的药物有效成分,能与pvpk形成粉末或共沉淀而极迅速地溶解,从而提高生物有效度。 pvpA形成的薄膜可在任何ph下溶解、收湿性低、弹性大,在工业上常与纤维素的衍生物制成包衣。 pvpp凝胶(粉末)对多数药物有强的吸附作用,进入胃或血液中后,由于它有极高的溶胀性,使得药物缓慢释放,医药上可作为优良的缓释剂。不溶性pvpp在医药上被人们称为片剂中的“超级崩解剂”之一。它在水中按预定的方式溶胀,将水分吸入,膨胀体积达三倍以上,对片剂有分解作用,能亲水化各种不溶性药物、稳定化各种悬浮剂,具有络合能力以及吸附作用。 3.化学性质 由于PVPP是NVP的交联聚合物,其结构单元中存在类似于蛋白质的内酰胺结构,具有较强的生物相容性和极性。PVPP分子结构中的N原子和O原子上含有孤对电子,能够与活泼氢形成氢键。因此,PVPP吸附络合性的本质,是内酰胺结构中的N原子和O原子,与被吸附物质上的活泼氢形成氢键的化学吸附作用,并且这种形成氢键的化学吸附过程是一种动态可逆过程:PVPP+H-A====PVPP-H-A H-A表示带有活泼氢的被吸附物质。另外,PVPP是一种交联聚合物,不溶解于水,只能在水中溶胀,形成水凝胶结构。其三维网络结构中同时存在自由水和结合水,溶胀之后,其吸附活性点对水凝胶中的结合水达到饱和吸附。在PVPP处理溶液的过程中,原溶液与PVPP水凝胶三维网络结构中的自由水发生交换,原溶液进入PVPP 水凝胶的三维网络中。并且PVPP的分子量充分伸展,与原溶液发生接触。此时,水分子、原溶液中的多酚类物质以及原溶液中的蛋白质均与PVPP吸附活性点发生接触,形成竞争吸附。某种物质与PVPP形成氢键的能力越强,则这种物质在竞争吸附中将占优势,PVPP即显示出这种物质具有吸附选择性。 原溶液中的水、多酚类物质以及蛋白质等均可通过活性氢与PVPP分子结构上的N原子和O原子形成氢键。因此,活性氢上所带的正电荷越多,则形成氢键的能力越强,所形成的氢键也越牢固。分析比较蛋白质和多酚类物质的分子结构不难发现,多酚类物质存在多个苯环,酚羟基上氧原子的孤对p电子可以与苯环上的大π键形成p-π共轭效应,氧原子上的p电子云向π键方向移动,增大了H原子上的正电荷。而蛋白质上的氨基活性氢没有这种共轭效应,故多酚类物质上活性氢的正电荷,比蛋白质上活性氢的正电荷多,PVPP对多酚类物质具有更强的吸附作用。 4.色素成分分类 植物色素(phytochromes)在植物中广泛分布,有脂溶性色素与水溶性色素两类。脂溶性色素多为四萜类衍生物,这类色素不溶于水,难溶于甲醇,易溶于乙醇、乙醚和氯仿等溶剂。常见的脂溶性植物色素有叶绿素、叶黄素、胡萝卜素、番红花素和辣椒红素等。其中胡萝卜素不溶于乙醇。有些色素有一定的生物活性,如叶绿素有一定的抑菌作用。  水溶性色素主要为花色甙类,又称花青素,普遍存在于花中。可溶于水与乙醇,不溶于乙醚与氯仿等有机溶剂,其色泽随pH的不同而改变。  植物色素类常作为杂质除去,如在制备生物制剂或提取有效成分时加水稀释而使叶绿素析出,水溶性色素可用醋酸铅试剂沉淀或活性炭吸附除去。随着科学研究的深入,已发现不少色素具药用价值,如紫草的萘醌类色素能抑菌,红花中的红花红素与红花黄素能活血化瘀与抗氧化,姜黄中的姜黄素(curcumin)能降血脂和抑菌,栀子中的栀子黄色素(gardenin)能抑菌。
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[转载][转]南人北游(1) 卧铺 (学生写的,感觉很好,转来)
frank021 2011-10-12 14:21
南人北游(1) 卧铺 生平第一次坐卧铺,很是稀奇,虽孤独上路,心情倒也舒愉。 同厢六人:吵闹的小孩、闷睡的小伙、聊天的中妇、看小孩的老妇、吃粽子的老夫妇,而第七个人则坐在窗前看观光。 窗外风景游走,高楼逐渐由密集变得稀疏,树木却慢慢丰茂起来,田野也越来越黄,时而闪过几片荷塘……直至房屋在视野完全消失,我的好奇心也只得无奈屈服于那一望无际的旷野。 小孩是镇江人,上大班,与奶奶去北京游玩,由于吃了我很多零食,他缠着问我要电话,我提笔写下“110”三个大字,“你是警察啊?!”,“嘘,不要说出来”。不得已让他知道了我的真实身份,终于安稳了。 爬上床,与往常一样,辗转反侧,难以入眠。拿出川爷资助的《读者》,似看非看地扫着。9:00突然熄灯 ,我意识到,这个漫长的夜开始了,而且比往常足足多出两个小时。大家都睡了,我仍在梦的入口徘徊——这种场景似乎总是那么熟悉。 天亮得很早,我算是全程观赏了黑夜到黎明的过渡——就如水墨在宣纸上自然渗开,没有束缚地铺展变淡,最后突然一下变白,太阳也就出来了。车厢中陆续开始有人走动,车速渐减,窗外开始出现青青杨柳,并且越来越清晰,直至火车完全停止,一个诗意江南般的地名出现了——杨柳青。 停后不久,火车继续前进,稍作漱洗之后便又上床,想象着迷路北京的悲凉场景。不知过了多久,广播中传出邓丽君的《月亮代表我的心》,借着这首朦胧的背景,列车员告诉大家终点站快到了。高楼渐密,火车开始减速,取下早已收拾好的行李,跟大家简要道别,直至火车停稳,下火车,穿梭于缓慢的人流中,恨不得立马出站。 激动与恐惧交织:北京,我来了!
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[转载]汉字编码-- 程序员应了解
wqfeng 2011-10-8 15:30
在C程序中显示汉字 一. 首先机器可以识别的是机内码;然后我们需要将其转化为区位码才可以得到点阵的地址;得到地址取到点阵就可以显示了。 这种方法是调用中文汉字库进行汉字显示。 国家标准规定: 汉字库分94个区,每个区有94个汉字(以位作区别),每个汉字在汉字库中有确定的区和位编号,这就是汉字的区位码。每个汉字在库中是以点阵字模形式存储的,一般采用16×16点阵(32字节)、24×24点阵(72字节),每个点用一个二进制位(0或1)表示,对应在屏幕上显示出来,就是相应的汉字。 由于在中文环境下,输入的是汉字的内码,我们必须将之转换成区位码,算出偏移量,从字库中找到对应的汉字,将其字模显示即可。 内码转换成区位码方法如下: qh=c1-0xa0 wh=c2-0xa0 其区位码就是: qw=qh*0xff+wh 该汉字在字库中离起点的位置是: offset=(94*(qh-1)+(wh-1))*32L 1.点阵汉字 计算机认识的东西——内码 2.汉字的内码 在电脑中,所有的数据都是以0和1保存的,按不同的数据操作,可以得到不同的结果。对于显示英文操作,由于英文字母种类很少,只需要8位(一字节)即可。而对于中文,常用却有5000以上,于是前辈们想了一个办法,就是将ASCII表的高128个很少用到的数值以两个为一组来表示汉字,即汉字的内码。而剩下的低128位则留给英文字符使用,即英文的内码。不信,你可以用记事本写一C文件: main() { unsigned char *s,*e="ABcd",*c="你好"; clrscr(); printf("English char ="); s=e; while(*s!=0) /*C的字符串以0为结束符*/ { printf("%3d,",*s); s++; } printf("\nChinease char="); s=c; while(*s!=0) { printf("%3d,",*s); s++; } getch(); } 再用TC输入*.txt打开运行,看见了没有,那些数值即英文和汉字的各字节内码。 3.汉字字模 得到了汉字的内码后,还仅是一组数字,那又如何在屏幕上去显示呢?这就涉及到文字的字模,字模虽然也是一组数字,但它的意义却与数字的意义有了根本的变化,它是用数字的各位信息来记载英文或汉字的形状。在硬件系统内,英文的字模信息一般固化在ROM里,即使在没有进入系统的CMOS里,也可以让你看到英文字符。而在DOS下,中文的字模信息一般记录在汉字库文件HZK16里。 4.汉字库文件 了解字母和汉字是按字模位信息显示的原理后,那如何得到汉字的字模信息呢?难道要我们自己去做?NO。前辈们经过艰辛的努力,将制作好的字模放到了一个个标准的库中以免去后辈的麻烦,这就是点阵字库文件。一般我们使用16*16的点阵宋体字库,所谓16*16,是每一个汉字在纵、横各16点的区域内显示的。不过后来又有了HZK12、HZK24,HZK32和HZK48字库及黑体、楷体和隶书字库。虽然汉字库种类繁多,但都是按照区位的顺序排列的。前一个字节为该汉字的区号,后一个字节为该字的位号。每一个区记录94个汉字,位号则为该字在该区中的位置。因此,汉字在汉字库中的具体位置计算公式为:94*(区号-1)+位号-1。减1是因为数组是以0为开始而区号位号是以1为开始的。这仅为以汉字为单位该汉字在汉字库中的位置,那么,如何得到以字节为单位得到该汉字在汉字库中的位置呢?只需乘上一个汉字字模占用的字节数即可,即:(94*(区号-1)+位号-1)*一个汉字字模占用字节数,而按每种汉字库的汉字大小不同又会得到不同的结果。以16*16点阵字库为例,计算公式则为:(94*(区号-1)+(位号-1))*32。汉字库文该从该位置起的32字节信息即记录了该字的字模信息。 5.点阵汉字的显示 了解点阵汉字及汉字库的构成原理后,显示汉字就变得简单。以16*16点阵字库为例,通常的方法是:将文件工作指针移到需要的汉字字模处、将汉字库文件读入一2*16数组再用for循环一位位地显示。 二. 汉字:机内码高位=区码+A0H 机内码低位=位码+A0H 汉字库结构:GB2312规定字库分为94个区,每区94个汉字;1-9区为图形字符,10-15区没有使用,16区以后为汉字。 “啊”字的区位码1601(16区第1个)内码是B0A1。 字库(HZK16)中汉字的点阵第一个字节在字库文件中的偏移(长整型)=((机内码/256-161)*94+机内码%256-161)*32 通过偏移算出在字库中地址,就可以依次取出点阵数据. 到目前为止,我们编写的C 程序,其用于人机交互的提示或菜单都是英文 的,那么如何在没有汉化的Turbo C 集成开发环境下编制显示汉字的程序呢? 解决这一编程问题,我们首先必须了解有关汉字编码及字库的知识。根据对汉字使 用频率的研究,可把汉字分成高频字(约100 个),常用字(约3000 个),次常用字(约4000 个), 罕见字(约8000 个)和死字(约45000 个),即正常使用的汉字达15000 个。我国1981 年公布 了《通讯用汉字字符集(基本集)及其交换码标准》GB2312-80 方案,把高频字、常用字、和 次常用字集合成汉字基本字符集(共6763 个),在该集中按汉字使用的频度,又将其分为一 级汉字3755 个(按拼音排序)、二级汉字3008 个(按部首排序),再加上西文字母、数字、图 形符号等700 个。 汉字编码: 区位码 国家标准的汉字字符集(GB2312—80)在汉字操作系统中是以汉字库的形式提供的。汉 字库结构作了统一规定,即将字库分成94 个区,每个区有94 个汉字(以 位作区别)每一个汉字在汉字库中有确定的区和位编号(用两个字节),这就是所谓的区位码 (区位码的第一个字节表示区号,第二个字节表示位号,因而只要知道了区位码,就可知道 该汉字在字库中的地址,每个汉字在字库中是以点阵字模形式存储的,如一般采用16×16 点阵形式,每个点用一个二进位表示,存1 的点,当显示时,可以在屏上显示一个亮点,存 0 的点,则在屏上不显示,这样把存某字的16×16 点阵信息直接用来在显示器上按上述原 则显示,则将出现对应的汉字。 内码 汉字使用两字节表示,国家制定了统一标准,称为国标码。国标码规定,每个字节使用 后面7 位,第一位为0。为了区别于英文的ASCII 码,国标码在计算机上使用的时候,规定 汉字每个字节第一位设置为1,以表示该两字节为汉字,称为内码。以“大”字为例子: 国标码3473H: 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 内码B4F3H: 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 国标码与内码有一定的转换公式,即16 进制的区位码,两个字节各加80H,就成为了 国标码。 汉字字模在字库中存放的位置根据汉字的区位码来确定,内码是汉字在机内的表示。由 于区位码和内码存在固定的转换关系,所以当在支持汉字输入的系统中,键盘输入的汉字内 码即在程序中存在,将其转换为区位码,再从字库中找到对应的汉字字模,然后再用有关的 位操作和循环语句,对每个字节的每一位进行判断,如同过滤一样,如果某位是1,则按设 置的颜色在屏幕的相应位置画点(用graphics.h 中的显示象素点的函数putpixel()),若某位 为0,则不画点,这样就可按预先设置的颜色在相应位置显示出该汉字来。 内码到区位码的转换 若汉字内码为十六进制数h2h1l2l1,则区号qh 相位号wh 分别为: qh= h2h1-0xa0; wh= l2l1-0xa0; 若用十进制表示内码为dld2,则 qh=dl-l60; wh=d2-160; 即区位码qw 为: qw=100*(d1-160)十(d2-160); 反过来,若已经知道了区位码qw。则也可求得区号和位号: qh=qw/100; wh=qw-100*qh; 因而该汉字在汉字库中离起点的偏移位置(以字节为单位),可计算为: offset=(94*(qh-1)+(wh-1))* 32; 注意:字库中每1 区有94 个字符。 这样,就可以找寻到文件的偏移量,读出一个char bytes 数组。这样bytes 数组中则 存了要显示汉字的16×16 点阵字模,然后将字模按行扫描的办法,通过循环用putpixel()函 数在屏幕设定位置显示出象点,因而组合成一个显示的汉字。 内码转换成区位码方法如下: qh=c1-0xa0 wh=c2-0xa0 其区位码就是: qw=qh*0xff+wh 该汉字在字库中离起点的位置是: offset=(94*(qh-1)+(wh-1))*32l 转自: http://hi.baidu.com/ilovewww/blog/item/0bb96adfb8d2cb09495403ea.html
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[转载]Address at Stanford University (2005) Steve Jobs
pathologysmu 2011-10-7 16:06
Death is the destination we all share, no one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be because death is very likely the single best invention of life. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. No one wants to die. Even people who wanna go to heaven don't wanna die to get there.
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热度 1 SmileyCat 2011-10-7 12:50
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else' life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." --Steve Jobs "你们的时间很有限, 所以不要将它浪费在重复其他人的生活上。不要被教条束缚,那意味着你和其他人思考的结果一起生活。不要被其他人喧 嚣的观点掩盖住你真正的内心的声音。还有最重要的是, 你要有勇气去听从你的直觉和你的心—— 它们在某 种程度上知道你想要成为什么样子,所有其他的事情都是次要的。" 你要去追寻真爱---苹果总裁乔布斯在斯坦福大学的演讲
个人分类: 他山之石|2593 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]Measuring Global Educational Progress
whyhoo 2011-10-1 16:41
Preface Education is one of the largest and most important investments made by governments and people. Understanding whether this investment leads to the desired ends is crucial to effective government policy and private decision- making. What is known, statistically, about the current state of education across the world? What are the sources and quality of basic statistical data? Most efforts to collect data focus on the inputs into education, the investments of money and time in the education system. These data shed light on differences between countries and regions, but are incomplete. Information on other aspects of education—e.g., on what is taught and how, on what is learned, and on the long-term consequences of investments in education—are even scarcer. Governments need more, and more reliable, information upon which to base their decisions about education. Some overarching facts and trends are clear. Worldwide, approximately 97 million children of primary school age and 226 million of secondary school age are not enrolled in school. At current rates of education al progress and demographic change, the corresponding figures in 2015 are projected to be similar (with an increase in the number of primary-aged children not enrolled and a decrease for secondary-aged children). Developed countries have now achieved very high levels of access to primary and secondary education. Educational attainment and completion rates in these countries are also high. Some developing regions, in particular East Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean, likewise have very high enrollment ratios, but only in primary education. Attainment and completion rates still demand improvement. On nearly all measures, South Asia and Sub- Saharan Africa lag far behind. Gender differences in favor of boys are common in most developing regions, though not in Latin America and the Caribbean or in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Gender differences are particularly pronounced in some Sub-Saharan African countries. Although measures of the quality of education are inadequate, the data we have indicate that the gap in education quality between rich and poor countries is large and shows no signs of narrowing. Based on extrapolations from the small body of country test-score data, an estimated 75–95 percent of the world’s children live in countries where education quality falls short of the average among OECD countries. The dearth of data on education quality, in conjunction with limited data on education outputs, makes it difficult to reach definitive conclusions about the effectiveness of educational practices. Worse still, the validity of some of the most prominent schooling attainment data must be questioned, in light of serious internal inconsistencies revealed in the analyses below. Available cross-country data do not always appear to be consistent across the leading country-level data sets or with country-specific population data. Evidence-based policymaking holds great promise, but that promise can only be realized when relevant and accurate data are available. Greater and better-coordinated efforts by international organizations could overcome years of insufficient funding and conflicting priorities for data collection, thus improving the quantity and quality of education data. This improvement has begun (particularly through the efforts of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics). Because such efforts may be politically delicate for some governments, close coordination and tactful diplomacy with countries that supply data, as well as with end users, will be important. An earlier version of this paper was reviewed and discussed by experts at a daylong workshop held at the American Academy in Cambridge, Massachusetts on March 10, 2004. We thank the following participants for their comments: Leslie Berlowitz (American Academy), Henry Braun (Educational Testing Service), Barbara Bruns (World Bank), Michael Clemens (Center for Global Development), Tamara C. Fox (William and Flora Hewlett Foundation), Emily Hannum (University of Pennsylvania), Edilberto Loaiza (UNICEF), Albert Motivans (UNESCO), Jeffrey Puryear (Inter-American Dialogue), Laura Salganik (American Institutes for Research), Joel Sherman (American Institutes for Research), and Annababette Wils (Academy for Educational Development). Denise Lievesley was an important advisor on the paper from its inception. Joel E. Cohen, Tamara Fox, Martin Malin and six anonymous reviewers provided written comments. Kate Bendall, Diana Bowser, Anna Cederberg, Victoria Collis, Jane Frewer, Darren Morris, Nina Ni, Edward Reed, Larry Rosenberg, David Steven, and MeghanTieu provided considerable assistance in the preparation of this paper. A special thanks is due to Helen Curry at the American Academy, whose intellectual contributions, project coordination, and copy-editing have been indispensable. Leslie Berlowitz’s vision and leadership as chief executive officer of the American Academy made this project possible. The UBASE project focuses on the rationale, the means, and the consequences of providing the equivalent of a primary and secondary education of quality to all the world’s children. This monograph is one in a series of the UBASE project published by the American Academy. Other papers examine related topics, including: • the history of efforts to achieve universal education, and political obstacles that these efforts have encountered; • the goals of primary and secondary education in different settings, and how progress toward those goals is assessed; means of implementing universal education, and the evaluation of these means; • the costs of achieving universal education at the primary and secondary levels; • health and education; and • the economic and social consequences of global educational expansion. The complexity of achieving universal basic and secondary education extends beyond the bounds of any single discipline and necessitates disciplinary rigor as well as interdisciplinary, international, and cross-professional collaboration. By focusing on both primary and secondary education, paying attention to access, quality, and cultural diversity, and encouraging fresh perspectives, we hope that the UBASE project will accelerate and enrich educational development. This project is supported by major funding from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and by generous grants from John Reed, the Golden Family Foundation, Paul Zuckerman, an anonymous donor, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The project also benefits from the advice of a distinguished advisory committee, whose names are listed at the back of this volume. As with all Occasional Papers of the American Academy, responsibility for the views presented here rests with the authors. Joel E. Cohen David E. Bloom Martin Malin Rockefeller and Harvard University American Academy of Columbia Universities Arts and Sciences 原文见 http://www.amacad.org/publications/bloom.pdf
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Important things I need to do in the next two months
WangShanShan 2009-2-15 16:25
1. Follow the time table 2. Try my best to more experiment 3.Finish the next paper in one month 4.Finish my doctoral dissertation innext two month 5.Improve my Chinese and English listen, oral, writting level 6. Exercise 7.Make a video CV 8. Keep on read papers 9. Save timeand refrainfromamusing myself on net.
个人分类: 生活点滴|217 次阅读|0 个评论

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