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How to quickly install netcdf---discussed again
cwjwang 2015-1-29 00:58
A most easy way as following: (1) git clone git://git.as.harvard.edu/bmy/GEOS-Chem-Libraries (2) revised the install.h in the downloaded file (3) the final install.h should be like the attachment (4) ./install.h (5) Noting: Beauce all libraries are staticly installed, So when you complie the script , lingking by yourself. when compiling the script, i.g. a preparation_for_Hg.F90, noting the oder of libraries. gfortran -o run.exe preparation_for_Hg.F90 -L /usr/wangxun/nature_flux/lib/opt/gfortran/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz -lm -I /usr/wangxun/nature_flux/lib/opt/gfortran/include/ Noting: you also can exlcude the static compiling in install netcdf.
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回家or与象牙塔的决绝@正式入学=where I should go !
varyshi 2014-3-16 20:56
我是个学渣,渣到无人能比,自从上大学之后不知道回家带书是干嘛的,连小说都没带过,为什么?看书太累了!我看书太慢,已经从俩眼变成了四眼,不想再变成八眼等。可是这次回家我没多拿一件衣服,因为箱子塞满了书,满满一箱子,实在塞不下衣服,衣服乃身外之物,所以就不带了。我不知道哪来这么多书,翻来翻去竟然还有各种六级资料,真心惭愧。只可惜我找了一晚上都没有找到我的日语资料,有种遗落上海的直觉,算了,丢了就丢了,只是我辛辛苦苦打印的日语语法书可惜了,还没来得及看一眼就没了,怎么跟一个好好的人突然遇到车祸似的,没了,没了就没了吧,存在即合理,早已成为可以带来自我安慰的快感的灵丹妙药,收拾好之后,真心说声我靠,我竟然快拎不动我的箱子了,直接断了我献殷勤的机会,呵呵,直白了,其实真心本来就没有机会,纯属YY。----------------------------纯属瞎写,没啥文采,就这样吧。 拉着一箱书回家,弄得跟个学霸似的,我好虚伪,哎,这人,太能装了。其实我知道拿回家未必会看上一眼,但是,是我的终究是我的,我不忍心扔书,毕业在即,搞收藏吧,即将离开象牙塔的那一刹那我竟然动了真感情,全部留下,表示我曾经拥有过吧,包括青春。看着这么多书即将远行,一种分手的火药味让我忘记晚上的随机性挨饿,响起了水木年华的启程,我们终将要离去,我们的青春。我能说我听的歌最多的是水木年华和吴虹飞的吗?很不巧这些都是大清的产品,给你们推荐下吧,吴虹飞是一个有想法的女歌手,好像是环境学院的吧。回家,我表达不了悲欢离合的情绪,我也感觉我很冷,跟个冰窟窿似的,没办法。把这一箱书运到家的时候应该就是和这一箱书说拜拜的时候了,因为这些书再也不能活在现实中了,只能活在他们的艺术世界中了,也许放到屋里他们最踏实,终于落叶归根了。---------------------------------我擦,写的什么玩意儿。 知识到用的时候才会觉得不够用,我现在感觉到了,上这么多年学的结果就是现在什么都不会,什么都不精,接触过德语,会两句日语,研究过两天乌尔都语,现在连中文都说不好。学过经济,感知过心理,结果现在还在套里。买的不是币,是尼玛币。接触时间最长的是化学,最讨厌的也是化学,曾经在空间里专门贴着最新诺贝尔奖的我表示已经没有地可以自容了。这不马上就要离开了象牙塔了,才觉得我还没有正式报道呢,觉得想学的没学到,不想学的也没学到,到最后就什么都没学到,我就这样大度的把知识都留在课本和社会中了,怪不得我经常感觉肚子会非正式的饿,现在全明白了,是因为我肚子里装的东西实在太少了。好吧,over。。。。。。。。。。。。都是些什么东东和西西,致在象牙塔中间歇性流失的青春。 我觉得不管以后要去面对什么,其实面对的只是我自己,自己总是在施罗德时候出现了另一个自暴自弃,否定我自己的我自己。终于明白为啥西游记里六小猕猴出现的那么的离奇而自然,是因为当时悟空比较失落,悟空有时候也需要安慰的,他又不能去踢足球发泄,就慢慢自卑了。以后尽量避免六小猕猴的出现吧,继续寻找紫霞吧,祝我好运,一切顺利,阿米尔汗。-------------------------------------春节前最后一夜在北京,不到两点能睡吗,肯定不能。------------------------------写的都是什么啊,我今天起来肯定当成梦话,就这吧,该收手了,这么多年过去了,大部分时间都是晚上今天睡,今天起,没享受到别人梦中跨夜的美,算是一点小遗憾吧。
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words such as diarrhoea should be studied in the text book
cosismine 2013-8-3 18:50
if we want to live in England, these words is much more important than flowers and fragrance......
2154 次阅读|0 个评论
功夫的悟-----What should we do to propose original ideas?
waken 2013-7-25 01:51
Note: No matter what you do, just enjoy yourself, just relax yourself ! 李小龙 功夫是一种特殊的技巧,是一门精巧的艺术,而不是体力活动。这是一种必须使思想的精华同技巧相配合的精妙艺术。功夫的原理不是可以学得到的,它像科学一样需要寻求实证,再由实证中得到结论。功夫必须顺其自然,要像花朵一样,摆脱感情与欲望的羁绊,从思想中绽放出来。功夫原理的核心就是道,也就是宇宙的自然性。 在经过四年严格的功夫训练之后,我开始了解和感觉到柔能克刚的道理——即通过中和对手力道的影响来减少自己的能量消耗。这一切都要气定神闲,不刻意强求。话听起来很简单,但实际做起来却很困难。 一旦和对方交上手,我的思想就方寸大乱,心神不定。尤其是在与对手一阵拳脚过招之后,我就忘了柔的理论。惟一想到的只是不管怎么样我都要击倒他获得胜利! 我的老师叶问先生是咏春门派的第一高手。他经常告诉我:“小龙,放松一点,定下神来。忘掉自己,跟随对手的招式,让你的脑子不受任何思想的干扰,心平气和,本能地去反击。最重要的是,要学会超然。” “这就是了!我必须放松自己。”不过就这样我就又在运用意志力了。就是说,在我讲我必须放松自己的时候,这种要达成“必须”的念头,已经与“放松”的定义相违背。也就是说,我不能人为故意地去放松。 当我的自我意识越来越强烈,越来越明显时,也就是达到了心理学家所说的心理的“双重束缚”之时,我的师傅又过来告诉我说:“小龙,让自己顺乎自然,而不要加干涉,才能保存你自己。记住,绝不要让自己逆抗自然;不要直接去对抗难题,而要学会因势利导、顺势去控制它。这个星期不要再练了,回家去,好好想一想。” 那一个星期,我留在家里,沉静下来用心冥想了好几个小时。练了好几回之后,我决定放弃练习,乘船出海。在海上,我回想起我所接受的训练,跟自己生起气来,就用拳头猛击大海里的水。就在那一刹那间,我突然悟到了——“水”这种最普通的水不正是说明了功夫的本质吗?不正是反映了功夫的真谛吗?我用拳头打水,可水并不感到痛。我再用尽全力打下去,水也不会受伤。我想去抓它一把,可是却不可能。水,是世界上最柔软的物质,可以装在最细小的容器中,显得那么柔弱。但事实上,它却有着能够穿透世界上最坚硬的东西的力量。这就是了,要想练好功夫,我得效仿水的本性。 突然有一只小鸟掠过水面,它的影子倒映在水里。就在那一瞬间,水的另一层隐秘意义跃进我的脑海。当我站在对手面前时,我那些思想和感情不也像小鸟在水上的倒影一样吗?这正是叶问师傅所说的“超然”的意思。在对手面前,不是说要全无感情或感觉,而是要让你的感觉不受滞带或阻碍。所以如果我想控制自己,就必须要以顺乎自然的本性接受自己。 我躺在船上,觉得自己已经与“道”为一,与自然浑然一体。我只是躺在船上,就让船自由自在地顺水漂流着。因为在那一刻,我已经获得一种内在的感悟。对手的力量对我来说不是相互排斥,而是相互增益,在我的思想中再没有矛盾之感。在我的眼里,整个世界都连为一体了。 功夫之所以如此特别,正是因为它没有任何特别之处,它仅仅只是靠最少的招式和力量来直接表达一个人的情感。每个动作都是它自身的,不掺杂任何使其复杂化的人工修饰。越接近功夫的真谛,冗余的表达就越少。 功夫不需要漂亮的西装和配套的领带。当我们焦急地寻求精准、致命的技巧时,它还存在一些秘诀。但是如果习武者将注意力放在“看”和“搏”上,就可能会错过这些秘诀。(毕竟,用不过分偏离自然的招式,来对付对手的方法又有多少呢?)功夫看重平凡中的奇迹,而这个观念是与日俱消,而非与日俱增的。 功夫中的明智,并不意味着要去增加更多东西,而是要祛除过分复杂和装饰性的东西,简简单单就好。就像在雕刻塑像的时候,雕塑者不会在塑像上增砖添瓦。而是一开始就把非本质的东西凿掉,这样本质才可以毫无阻碍地再现于观者面前。功夫只要一双手,不需要那些花哨的装饰和手套,他们只会阻碍双手的正常功能。功夫修为越高,越趋于质朴无华。而越是境界不够的人,就越喜欢就越喜欢装饰自己。 功夫的修炼有三个阶段:初级阶段、艺术阶段以及“无艺术”的阶段。在初级阶段,习武者对武术中的搏击艺术一无所知,天真无邪。在搏击战时,他只是本能地防御和攻击,而不知道什么是对,什么是错。尽管他不懂什么是科学搏击方法,但他显示出的是本真的自己。 第二阶段是艺术阶段,也就是功夫训练的开始。有人会教他各种各样的防御和攻击的方法,各式各样的踢腿、步法、移动、调整呼吸以及思考问题的技巧。毫无疑问,此时他对搏击有了一个科学的认识,但是遗憾的是,他同时也丧失了本真的自我以及自由的感觉。他的动作不再自然,他的思想也往往会在做不同的动作之间,停下来思索和分析各种动作是否正确。更糟的是,他可能会被智力所束缚,而让自己游离于真实之外。 第三阶段,“无艺术”的阶段。经过多年严格而艰难的训练之后,他意识到,功夫终究没什么特别的,他不会再强迫自己去想招式,而是像压在土墙上的水一样,调节自己去适应他的对手——从最细微的裂缝里流过。这时他只要像水一样无形且漫无目的即可,其他什么也不去做。没有任何事情掌控着他,他因此也就获得了自由。 这三个阶段同样适用于中国功夫的各种招式,有些招式十分简单,只是基本的防御和攻击,但从整体上而言,这些招式的组合缺少连贯和变化,比较粗糙。而从另一方面来讲,有些更复杂的招式,又太过注重装饰,习武者往往因为动作的优雅和花哨而忘乎所以。不管是所谓的硬派还是柔派,都常常涉及到较大幅度的花哨动作。他们往往会用一大堆复杂的进退步法,去攻击一个目标。(这如同艺术家在画完一条蛇之后,还要添上漂亮的脚一样——画蛇添足而已。) 举个例子,被对手抓住领口的时候,那些受过训练的人都会“先这样,再那样,最后那样”——然而,最直接的方式就是,让对手沉浸在抓住领口的愉悦之中(不管怎样,他确实抓住了),然后直截了当地一拳打向他的鼻子。对于想追求与众不同的武术家来说,这也许有点太不精明了,因为它太简单,可以说毫无艺术感可言。但正是因为它如此平常,才适合我们在实战中运用。 艺术是对自我的表达,方法越复杂越有所限制,表达原始自由感的机会就越小。尽管技术在早期扮演着重要的角色,但它也不应该太复杂,太局限,或太机械。如果我们受它的牵制,我们就会被其局限性所累。 记住,要让人去创造方法,而不是让方法去创造人,所以不要把自己束缚在别人预想的招式之中。毫无疑问,他的方法适合他,但却不一定适合你,你自己是要展现技巧而非“做”技巧。事实上,并没有什么“行动者”,而只有行为本身。当有人袭击你时,你所使用的并非特定的招式(招式二,或者第四节二号招式?),而是当你察觉对手的袭击时,你轻轻一闪,如影随形,像回声一样自然而然地就做到了,就像我叫你时你会答应一样,或是我扔东西你会接住,说的都是一个道理。仅此而已。 多年来,在接受了不同门派的训练之后,我发现,那些招式仅仅是为了让训练者知道,他学的招式已经够多的了。当然不同的人会有不同的偏好,因此,我也会兼收并蓄地吸收南派和北派功夫的各种招式,仔细观察比较他们的不同之处,运用的动作的相似之处。
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A bird should to be caged?
baojianwang 2013-3-31 20:11
Thesecretofsuccessisconstancyofpurpose. Foryears,thosepastdays,asyouhavegrowninknowledge,youhavesoughtwisdomformothers,yourpartnersaswellasyourenemies.Buttodayistheday,afteryearsofseekingwisdomfromothers,tostartfindingitinyourself,intheyearsahead,pleasetrustyourwisdomyoufindinsideyou.Rememberyourvalue,thatgetyouwhatyouare,andthatwillgetyouthroughinyourwholelife.Eachnewgenerationfindstheworldtheyenter,however,theyfashiontheworldtheyleave.Sothequestionis:whatdoyouinheritandwhatdoyoupasson?Cherishingwhatyouhavenow,andstrivingforthefuture,remember,youdon’thavetheluxuryofshiftingyourfocusaway.Youhavetoscramble,don’tworryabouthowothersgradeyou.Instead,justdoyourbest:it’sthemostthatyoucando,it’stheleastthatyoucando. Butlifeisnotaboutlivingbutaboutstriving.Feelaswellasanalyze,useyourinstinctalongsideyourreason.Whenyouarecontinuingtowalkdownthatsometimesbumpyroadoflife,developtheartoflaughterandjoy,keepinyourbackpackoftreasures,thewholeyou,thebestyou,theyouthatwontfearfailure.Anyway,bepreparedtofailaswellastosucceed,andrealizethatitisthefailurenotsuccessthatdefinescharacterswhosestrengththatgetyouthusfarandgetyouthrough. Actionsarefurtherandfurtherremovedfromconsequence.Causeandeffectare,atbest,theoretical.Itisonlyintheclassicalliteraturethatyoucherish,especiallyinourprimaryeducation.Aworldwithoutconsequenceisaworldwithouttruth,andthatyoucandiefromthatlie.Youhavetofollowyourheart,yourpassionandevolvetodemandthereality,itcanbestprocessinformationagainstanunchangingbackdropofcertainty. Asyouleavehere,pleaserememberwhyyoucame!
个人分类: 生活点滴|2092 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Rapid gene machines used to find cause of newborn illness
genesquared 2013-1-31 09:59
Rapid gene machines used to find cause of newborn illnesses By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO | Wed Oct 3, 2012 5:27pm EDT (Reuters) - U.S. scientists have sequenced the entire genetic code of four gravely ill newborns and identified genetic diseases in three of them in two days, quick enough to help doctors make treatment decisions. Doctors behind the preliminary study released on Wednesday say it demonstrates a practical use for whole genome sequencing, in which researchers analyze all 3.2 billion chemical "bases" or "letters" that make up the human genetic code. "It is now feasible to decode an entire genome and provide interim results back to the physician in two days," said Dr. Stephen Kingsmore, director of the Center for Pediatric Genomic Medicine at Children's Mercy medical center in Kansas City, Missouri, whose study was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine. The study tested two software programs developed at Children's Mercy that were used in conjunction with a high-speed gene sequencer from Illumina called HiSeq 2500, which can sequence an entire genome in about 25 hours. The company helped pay for the study and company researchers took part in it. Next-generation gene sequencing machines have driven down the cost of whole genome sequencing, but making practical use of the data has been more challenging, largely because of the time it takes to analyze all of the data. As many as a third of babies admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit in the United States have some form of genetic disease. Treatments are currently available for more than 500 diseases, but identifying them quickly has been a problem. Typically, genetic testing on newborns using conventional methods takes four to six weeks, long enough that the infant has either died or been sent home. "Up until now, they have really had to practice medicine blindfolded," Kingsmore said in a telephone briefing with reporters. Dr. Neil Miller, director of informatics at Children's Mercy, said the software programs help doctors identify which genes to test, and analyze the data quickly. One of these programs, called SSAGA, allows doctors to order this test based on the child's symptoms, without having to know in advance which genes to test for. The software only maps genes associated with the child's symptoms. SSAGA does this for nearly 600 diseases, but the team is expanding this to include all 3,500 known disease genes, Miller told the briefing. The team developed a second software program called Runes that helps determine which of the suspected genes was most likely to be the cause of the child's illness. In the study, the team tested the system on four seriously ill babies whose conditions were suspected of having a genetic cause. Only one of the infants is still alive, a boy born with a rare heart defect that the team discovered is also shared by the child's 6-year-old brother. The infant underwent heart surgery. The testing also was able to diagnose a rare form of epilepsy in a baby girl, and identify the likely cause of a rare and lethal skin condition in a baby boy, which arose from a new genetic mutation that was not passed down from either parent. The team was unable to find out what caused another boy's heart defect. "We basically struck out completely, for now anyway," said Dr. Carol Saunders, clinical lab director at the hospital who helped interpreted the study results. Even though the study did not provide cures for the babies, she said, it could give parents more information about the cause of their child's illness and allow them to make decisions about what kinds of treatments they wanted to pursue. The test is projected to cost $13,500, but the team believes that may be worth it given the high cost of care in a neonatal intensive care unit, which runs roughly $8,000 per night. The next move is to broaden the test to include 100 or more babies to determine the benefits, costs and potential problems linked with the testing. Because the Illumina machine was not available in the United States, the team had to discount the time it took to ship the blood samples to Britain, where the actual sequencing was done. But Kingsmore said the hospital expects to receive its own HiSeq 2500 machine next month. Eventually, the hospital hopes to have its testing validated, so the researchers can do genetic testing on newborns in hospitals across the United States.
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[转载]5 Names in Urban Ecology you should know
clivia 2012-8-18 06:21
5 Names in Urban Ecology you should know By DNLee | February 23, 2012 | 1 Share Email Print The older I get and the more ‘seasoned’ I become in this science outreach arena, I come to believe more and more that role models matter. In each person there is the capacity to grow and prosper and for many people, this tenacity to thrive cannot be denied, no matter the circumstances presented to them. However, I cannot help but believe that no matter how inspiring these testimonies of perseverance and hard-work are, most of those individuals, at some point or another, prayed that they had had some sort of guidance to make the road a little less convoluted. And today, when I talk to young people or parents/teachers who ask me questions about science and education, it keeps coming back to their interests in know, Who has paved this road before? Because surely someone else has done it? No matter how independent and strong-minded we are, at the end of day, no one likes to feel all alone at the end of the journey. If we can’t have company, then we at least want know that we’re following in someone’s footsteps or that someone is following in ours. We want to be part of something. I like for people to know who these other people are – whether they be pioneers or masters or journeymen along the way. In fact, when comes to careers in nature and the outdoors, there are role models, alive and with us now, for people – young and young-at-heart to look up to. 1. David Lindo , The Urban Birder – Birder Wildlife Photographer Whenever I discuss lessons about the scientific method, I tell students that observation is the foundation of all scientific pursuits. The very act of paying close attention – watching and listening – is the beginning of every scientific endeavor. And no one embodies this more than David Lindo. A Londoner who began his hobby career as a Naturalist, Birder and Urban Ecologist at the age of nine. Naturalists are individuals who study the natural history of organisms, like plants and animals in the wild. If you have ever visited a State or National Park and went on a tour where someone pointed out different wildlife and explained to you how they lived, survived weather changes, competed for food/shelter/mates and died, then you met a Naturalist. You don’t have to have a college degree to become a naturalist, but it does take years of study to become a good one. Read more about Urban Bird Watching with David Lindo here . 2. Akiima Price , Environmental Educator Formerly the Chief of Education with the New York Restoration Project, this DC/Baltimore native found her way to a career in Environmental Education , via a serendipitous summer job experience. Now she is an Environmental Education Curriculum specialist who specifically focuses on how to involve urban audiences in environmental science and proactive initiatives to improve their own health and communities. Environmental Education are formal and informal science and social science studies about how nature works, how people interact with nature and wildlife, as well as our roles as consumers, protectors, and stewards. Most jobs in environmental education require at least a college degree and environmental educators work in middle/high schools, museums, and sometimes for non-profit environmental organizations. Learn more about what Akiima Price does, here : 3. Dr. Stewart Pickett , Urban Ecologist I was first made aware by Dr. Pickett March of 2009 when I was having a conversation with Dr. Peter Raven, yes, THE Peter Raven, and telling him my interest in urban ecology and diversity in science outreach. He told me about his colleague and suggested I look him up for future opportunities. Fast forward to May 16th and I’m attending the annual American Institute of Biological Sciences meeting in Washington, DC. I am sitting next to a distinguished gentleman who is tells me he enjoys my blog – Urban Science Adventures! and that he voted for me to receive my award . We share pleasantries and realize we know some of the same people, including person #5, below. It wasn’t until he walked away that I noticed his name tag, Dr. Steward Pickett of the Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies. Dr. Stewart is a Researcher and Plant Ecologist and studies plant communities including different species that live in certain environments, especially human-dominated environments like inner-cities. At his professional level, a graduate degree in biology, botany, or ecology are required to design and carry out such large-scale scientific studies. If you want to know more about Urban Ecology, check out his presentation about the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, here . 4. Dr. Charles Nilon , Wildlife Ecologist Dr. Nilon studies how urbanization affects wildlife – both the communities of plants and animals and their habitats. He is a Professor in the Fisheries Wildlife Sciences Department at the University of Missouri. He and his students study how plants and animals respond to changes in their environment as human-development moves in, for example studying wildlife in more sub-urban areas and then tracking those changes as neighborhoods become more and more urbanized over time. College professors who conduct large-scale research projects and mentor other students require a graduate level degree, a PhD, in the life sciences such as biology, zoology, natural resources, ecology, or wildlife fisheries. Learn more about Dr. Nilon’s route to becoming a Wildlife Ecologist, here. 5. Dr. Tommy Parker , Biologist I must disclose that I know Tommy. We went to graduate school together and received our Master’s degrees from the same institution. We both grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, and like most inner-city kids spent our summers and after-school evenings playing outside in parks. We also realized we really enjoyed the outdoors, getting dirty and watching animals. Maybe that’s why kids like us grow up to come biologists who study wildlife who live in urban areas. Now, Tommy is an Assistant Professor of Biology and Head of the Urban Wildlife Research Lab at the University of Louisville. A graduate level degree in biology, ecology, or wildlife biology is necessary to have a successful career in urban wildlife biology. Wildlife biologists find jobs working in research labs at universities, government agencies like US Fish Wildlife or Forestry Services, and sometimes with non-governmental organizations like the Sierra Club. Learn more about Dr. Parker’s research of urban wildlife, here .
782 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 andrewx100 2012-8-17 01:56
Trevor Quirk (2012). Writers should not fear jar-gon Nature, 487DOI: 10.1038/487407a 首先要明确的是,科普的本质目的是对读者某方面的不劳而获的满足。所以,假如在这世上不可能不劳而获的话,科普的存在总之多多少少必然是经不起推敲的。 专业名词不是为生造而生造的。相反,学术上至少在概念和理论方面都遵循最简原则,能少则少能免则免。在这种原则的基础上仍存在的专业名词当然是其中每个字都必不可少的。Nature的这篇专栏里举了intrin-si-cally pho-to-sen-si-tive Retinal Ganglion Cells(ipRGC)这个例子: Scientific lit-er-a-ture abounds with dis-tinc-tions that can seem pedan-tic. Consider the ‘intrin-si-cally pho-to-sen-si-tive reti-nal gan-glion cell’ — or ‘ipRGC’. The term refers to a spe-cific type of neu-ron located in the eye, and although the phrase is no fun to parse, every word in it is impor-tant. A ‘gan-glion’, loosely defined, is a mass of tis-sue, often found in the eye, so ‘cell’ refers to a spe-cific part of that tis-sue. Not all gan-glia are found in the retina, thus ‘reti-nal’ is jus-ti-fied. And not all reti-nal gan-glia are ‘intrin-si-cally pho-to-sen-si-tive’, so that stays, too. This is per-haps the hard-est truth for the more ide-al-is-tic sci-ence writ-ers to swal-low. It would take para-graphs of expla-na-tion to make all of the other sci-en-tific dis-tinc-tions con-tained in the term ‘ipRGC’. Many sci-ence writ-ers would hack away at the term (they call this process ‘dis-till-ing’), finally call-ing it, per-haps, a ‘spe-cial kind of gan-glion’ or a ‘neu-ron located in the eye’. Such word-ing is eas-ier to under-stand but it does not present the whole truth. I am not argu-ing that sci-ence writ-ers should always use jar-gon, but I do want to point out what can be lost when they donot. 在这段话里,作者指出了把ipRGC简化为其他更易于理解的短语时,必然要漏掉一些不可少的信息。其实整篇文章的主旨也就是这个。但是作者没有去讨论,漏掉这些信息的后果是什么。事实上,对于科普文章的读者来说,没什么后果。因为,他们不是来学习什么是ipRGC的。当你谈到这个东西的时候,你要做的只是保证不要用一些读者生疏的词,以防读者把眼神停在此处看不下去,于是把你的文章丢在一旁;至于你用的词是否准确描述了ipRGC是不重要的,只要读者顺利看下去就行了。 那么,为什么读者不需要知道ipRGC,你却非要提到ipRGC不可呢?为什么你不直接就把读者需要知道的事情说出来呢?因为读者需要知道的事情是结论,但又不相信单独的结论,所以你不能直接把结论(例如XX添加剂对人体无害)说出来了事,必须写一堆概念、分析、理论。这堆东西又不能让读者看不懂,必须让读者以为自己懂了。但放心——读者不会记住这部分的,这部分的效果是让读者相信最后的结论。读者记住的只是最后的结论。所以就算你在概念、分析和理论中胡说八道也不会造成什么害处。——这就是为什么在普通读者眼中伪科学跟科普没什么区别,没什么分辨能力。而伪科学跟科普本质上也确实没什么区别——它们都靠抓住读者不劳而获的心理为生。 也有一些“科普爱好者”读者,通过认准“松鼠会”、“果壳”这些品牌来确认自己追随的不是伪科学。这些读者也很可能有一些基本中学知识,甚至具备完好的分析能力。他会记住科普文章的原理部分,进行正常的逻辑演绎产生新的问题,然后去追问作者。这时作者往往只能尴尬地进一步用更准确的术语解释一下,然后读者还是被吓退了:“看来这个很复杂”。还有一些“爱好者”根据科普性质的原理阐述设计实验,在他们自家的厨房进行“实验验证”。这自然又产生新的问题,前去问作者。这时作者又只能尴尬地解释“原文的原理描述不严谨”……什么样的原理阐述能经得起进一步的演绎和推敲甚至实验验证呢?那当然是教科书上的阐述! 我所说的“不劳而获”具体是什么?既想像专家那样自己获得辨别能力,但又不想负出成为专家的努力;既想得出分析后的结论(这种结论可信),又不想自己学习如何分析问题(相当于接受高等教育);既想做研究又不想考研(指那些从科普文章或杂志上找东西在厨房做实验交给专家“批改作业”的“爱好者”),等等。 做科普事业的人大概都会说一句话:现在科普的市场很大。事实上,任何满足不劳而获的市场都必然是很大的。在此意义上科普的市场很大跟伪科学的市场很大没有什么区别。 Nature文章后面的网友评论有人提到精英主义,就是说,故意不用原术语,非要解释成普通用语,是一种精英主义,认为大众必然看不懂术语,一定要降低IQ才可能沟通。但是这个方面是老生常谈,赞同和反对的理由来来去去就是那些,我在此就不讨论了。 Read more: http://www.andrewsun.net/panta_rhei/archives/4866#ixzz23jVLPxhK
74 次阅读|4 个评论
[转载]Link between Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence
yzcck 2012-6-26 13:23
Computer vision is a diverse field and its researchers have multifaceted interests and aspirations. It should not be surprising that no two vision researchers think about the field in the same way. Different academic backgrounds foster alternative and potentially incommensurable interpretations. It is as if W.V.O Quine' s thesis that no observation can be "theory-independent" directly applies to vision: a researcher in computer vision cannot uphold a view on his own field that is objective and independent of their own predispositions, upbringing, and educational program. While I cannot speak clearly about the long-term goals of the entire body researchers in vision, today I would like discuss my own take on computer vision. I do not offer the world an objective account of why computer vision intrigues me, but by sharing with the world the reasons why I find vision exciting, perhaps together we can break the boundaries of machine intelligence. Cognitive Science is a computational study of the mind: McGill Cognitive Science One of the biggest accomplishments in the field of Artificial Intelligence was when Deep Blue, a chess playing program developed at IBM, beat the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov . But this was in the early days of artificial intelligence -- when computer scientists still weren't sure on what it means for a machine to be intelligent. Chess is a well-known thinking-man's game, and at first glance it seems that a machine can only be worthy of being dubbed intelligent if it performs competitively on intelligent-people activities such as chess. Chess: Human vs. Machine: Slate article about Deep Blue Given the plethora of tasks that humans can effortlessly perform in daily life, is engineering a machine to rival humans on just one such task bringing researchers any closer to building truly intelligent machines? The problem with chess is that it has a "finite universe problem" -- there is a finite number of primitives (the chess pieces) which can be manipulated by choosing a move from a finite set of allowable actions. But if we think of normal life (going to work, eating dinner, talking to a friend) as a game, then it is not hard to see that most everyday situations involving humans involve a sea of infinite objects (just look around and name all the different objects you can see around you!) and an equally capacious space of allowable actions (consider all the things you could with all those objects around you!). Intelligence is what allows us to cope with the complexities of the universe by focusing our attention on a limited set of relevant variables -- but the working set of objects/concepts we must consider at any single instant is chosen from a seemingly infinite set of alternatives. I believe that everyday human-level visual intelligence is greatly undervalued by people -- and there is a very good reason for this! The ability to make sense of what is going on in a single picture is such a trivial and autonomous task for humans, that we don't even bother quantifying just how good we are at it. But let me reassure you that automated image understanding is no trivial feat. The world is not composed of 20 visual object categories and the space of allowable and interpretable utterances we could associate with a static picture is seemingly infinite. While the 20 category object detection task (as popularized by the PASCAL VOC ) does have a finite universe problem, the grander version of the vision master problem (a combination of detection/recognition/categorization where you can interpret an input any way you like) is much more complex and mirrors the structure of the external world well. Robotics Challenge: Build a Robot like Bender Any application which calls for automated analysis of images requires vision. A robot, if it is to be successful interacting with the world and performing useful tasks, needs to perceive the external world and organize it. While some see vision as just one small piece of the " Robotics Challenge " (build a robot and make it do cool stuff), it totally unclear to me where to draw the boundary between low-level pixel analysis and high-level cognitive scene understanding. Over the years, I have been thinking more and more about this problem, and I've convinced myself that the interesting part of vision is precisely at the boundary between what is commonly thought of as low-level representation of signal and what is considered high-level representation of visual concepts . While some view computer vision as "applied mathematics" or "applied machine learning" or "image processing in disguise", I passionately believe the following: Computer Vision is Artificial Intelligence I am not promulgating the thesis that all aspects of machine intelligence are visual, but I want to assure you that there are enough high-level semantic capabilities which must be set in place for vision to work, that it is not worthwhile to think of vision as smaller problem than general purpose intelligence . I believe that once we have made progress on vision (not in the narrow-universe setting) to the point where generic visual scene understanding is effectively solved, there won't be much left that needs to go into the "ethereal" mind which cognitive scientists want to empower machines with! The only way to make machines truly understand scenes, objects, and their interactions is to make machines know something about the fabric of human life, and it is important for machines to learn this for themselves from real-world experience. This goes beyond representing object appearance because folk physics, folk psychology, causality, spatio-temporal continuity, etc are all faculties which vision systems will need (at least the vision systems I want to ultimately build) for general purpose scene understanding. I don't want to undermine the efforts of cognitive scientists (which work on many of the theories/ideas I've delineated before), but perhaps only to convince them that I have been a cognitive scientist all along. I don't think placing a label on myself, by calling myself as either a cognitive scientist, a computer vision researcher, or AI researcher is very conducive to good research.
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这8张图应该给我们什么启发!What enlightenment we should --
lhkcc58 2012-6-8 00:46
个人分类: 地质|89 次阅读|0 个评论
chnfirst 2012-2-27 21:17
外部连接实验室主机amber3,在Xmanager中图形显示(gnuplot绘图,atomeye可视化)错误: xterm Xt error: Can't open display: xterm: DISPLAY is not set BK solution: ssh chn@ -X http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/xterm-xt-error-cant-open-display-697237/ You should enable X forwarding. Note that should be enabled in ssh daemon settings. $ ssh -X Y@f10 # This should work Code: Excerpts from man ssh -X Enables X11 forwarding. This can also be specified on a per-host basis in a configuration file. X11 forwarding should be enabled with caution. Users with the ability to bypass file permissions on the remote host (for the user’s X autho‐ rization database) can access the local X11 display through the for‐ warded connection. An attacker may then be able to perform activities such as keystroke monitoring. For this reason, X11 forwarding is subjected to X11 SECURITY extension restrictions by default. Please refer to the ssh -Y option and the ForwardX11Trusted directive in ssh_config(5) for more information. http://space.itpub.net/22608279/viewspace-668170 os redhat as 4 只装xwindows 使用xmanger 3连接 错误如下: --------------------------- Xrcmd --------------------------- The server sent a disconnect packet. Received ieof for nonexistent channel 0. (code: 2) --------------------------- OK --------------------------- Sent password. Access granted. Sent X11 forwarding request... Succeeded. Sent the command line. /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -ls -display $DISPLAY Start timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN, 180). _X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for localhost:6010: Name or service not known /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:10.0 解决方法: 在/etc/hosts 中加入 localhost之后能进入图形界面
个人分类: Linux|0 个评论
Learn to cherish…
热度 1 Julia87 2012-2-7 19:34
Edited byZuojun lao shi. Things that are easy to get are easier to be neglected, such as water. Who dare to say we can stay alive without water? However, not everybody attaches enough importance to water conservation. I do try to save water in my daily life, but I think I should do more. Only when you truly understand how important and essentail water is to our lives, can you cherish it consciously. So, you can do such an experiment: Don’t drink water for one day or two days until you feel very thirsty! Of course, please don’t eat food containing much water, such as fruits and vegetables,let alonesoup . Then, you can start to drink some water slowly… What’s your feeling? You may think it as the best thing in the world… If there were no drinkable water in our lives one day, what would we do? If there won’t be any drinkable water in the future, what kind of lives will our descendants have? I told my mom if there were no drinkable water in the world and we humans would have to be too thirsty to live, I would choose to commit suicide (and this is the ONLY reason that I would choose to commit suicide : ) Now, spring is coming! Weather in Beijing is so dry, which makes me feel uneasy. I have to drink more water, and try to make the air around me more humid; for example, to spray some water in the room or to put wet clothes indoors. I hope saving water is just one of the examples. There are many things that we should learn to cherish, including our lives and our offsprings… Ps: It's soooooooooo hard to write like a native speaker!
个人分类: English writing|2655 次阅读|1 个评论
The laws ofnature should be expressed in beautiful equations
wangxiong868 2012-1-10 17:15
我心中史上最伟大的物理学家排名:爱因斯坦-牛顿-麦克斯韦-狄拉克-杨振宁 因为他们每个人都以自己的名字 留下了美丽的永恒的方程 保罗·狄拉克 维基百科,自由的百科全书 跳转到: 导航 , 搜索 汉 漢 ▼ 保羅·狄拉克 Paul Dirac 出生 1902年8月8日 英國 布里斯托 逝世 1984年10月20日 (82歲) 美國 佛羅里達州 塔拉哈西 居住地 英國 、 美國 国籍 瑞士 (1919年之前) 英國 (1919年之後) 研究領域 理論物理 任职於 劍橋大學 佛羅里達州立大學 母校 布里斯托爾大學 劍橋大學 博士導師 拉爾夫·福勒 博士學生 霍米·J·巴巴 哈里什-钱德拉 丹尼斯·威廉·夏马 著名成就 量子力學 獲獎 諾貝爾物理學獎 (1933年) 保羅·埃徳里恩·莫里斯·狄拉克 , OM , FRS ( Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac ,1902年8月8日-1984年10月20日), 英國 理論物理學家 , 量子力学 的奠基者之一,並對 量子電動力學 早期的發展作出重要貢獻。曾經主持 劍橋大學 的 盧卡斯數學教授席位 ,並在 佛羅里達州立大學 度過他人生的最後十四個年頭。 他寫下了描述 費米子 的 狄拉克方程式 ,並且預測了 反物質 的存在。 因為「發現了原子理論的新形式」(即狄拉克方程式),與 埃爾溫·薛丁格 共同獲得 1933年 諾貝爾物理獎 。 目录 1 生平 1.1 早年與求學 1.2 劍橋歲月與量子力學的建立 1.3 狄拉克方程式與量子電動力學 1.4 磁單極與大數假說 1.5 二次大戰期間 1.6 物理之美的追尋與堅持 2 獲獎與榮譽 3 研究風格與評價 3.1 狄拉克的研究風格 3.2 來自他人的評價 4 個人生活 4.1 家庭 4.2 為人處事 4.3 宗教觀點 5 死亡與紀念 6 著作 7 參閱 8 參考文獻 9 參考書目 10 外部連結 生平 早年與求學 保羅·狄拉克,1902年8月8日出生在 英格蘭 西南部的 布里斯托 , 成長在畢曉普斯頓區的城市。 他的父親,查爾斯·艾徳里恩·拉迪斯拉斯·狄拉克,是一個曾在布里斯托教書的法文老師,從 瑞士 瓦萊州 的 聖莫里斯 移民到英國。他的母親,佛羅倫斯·漢娜·狄拉克原姓霍爾滕是一位船長的女兒,曾在 布里斯托中央圖書館 擔任圖書管理員。保羅有一個妹妹,比阿特麗斯·伊莎貝爾·瑪格麗特,大家稱她為貝蒂,還有一個哥哥,雷金納德·查爾斯·費利克斯,大家叫他費利克斯。 費利克斯在1925年3月自殺。狄拉克後來回憶說:「我的父母非常痛心。我不知道他們這麼在乎...我從來不知道父母應該照顧自己的孩子,但自從這件事後,我了解這件事。」 查爾斯和他的孩子們註冊的是瑞士國籍,直到1919年10月22日才歸化為英國籍。 狄拉克的父親雖然他不贊成體罰,但卻是一個嚴格和專制的人 。狄拉克與他的父親的關係很緊張,以至於在他父親死後,他寫道:「我覺得我更自由了,我要做我自己。」查爾斯為了使他的孩子學習法語,強迫他們只能說法語。但狄拉克發現,他無法用法語表達他想說的話,所以他選擇保持沉默。 狄拉克第一次受教育是在 主教路小學 , 然後在男子商人合營技術學院(後來的 考瑟姆學校 )就讀。他的父親在那裡是一位法語老師。 這所學校是 布里斯托大學 內的附屬機構,他們共享場地和人員。這所大學強調技術課程,如瓦工、製鞋、金屬工作和現代語言。 在當時仍然主要致力於古典文學的英國中等教育裡,這是一個不尋常的安排。後來狄拉克曾對這些安排表示感激。 之後狄拉克在布里斯托大學工程學院學習 電機工程 。儘管最喜歡的科目是數學,狄拉克後來聲稱工程教育對他影響深遠: “ 原先,我只對完全正確的方程式感興趣。然而我所接受的工程訓練教導我要容許近似,有時候我能夠從這些理論中發現驚人的美,即使它是以近似為基礎...如果沒有這些來自工程學的訓練,我或許無法在後來的研究作出任何成果...我持續在之後的工作運用這些不完全嚴謹的工程數學,我相信你們可以從我後來的文章中看出來...那些要求所有計算推導上完全精確的數學家很難在物理上走得很遠。 ” 就在1921年獲得學位的前不久,他參加了 劍橋大學聖約翰學院 的入學測驗。他通過入學考試並獲得一筆70英鎊的獎學金,然而這不足以支付在劍橋就讀及生活所需的龐大金額。儘管以第一級榮譽工程學士的成績畢業,在當時英國戰後經濟衰退的環境下仍無法找到工程師的工作。因此,他選擇接受免學費攻讀布里斯托大學數學學士學位的機會。由於已完成的工程學位,他被允許抵免第一年的課程。 1923年狄拉克再度以第一級榮譽的成績畢業並獲得140英鎊的獎學金。加上來自約翰學院的70英鎊,這筆錢足夠他在劍橋居住與求學。 劍橋歲月與量子力學的建立 原先,狄拉克希望研究一直以來感興趣的相對論,然而在 拉爾夫·福勒 的指導下,狄拉克開始接觸原子理論。 福勒將原子理論中最新的概念如 尼爾斯·波耳 等人的理論介紹給了狄拉克,對此狄拉克曾回憶到: “ 還記得我頭一回看到波耳的理論,我相當驚訝...讓人驚奇的是在特定的條件下,我們居然能將牛頓定律用在原子裡的電子。第一個條件是忽略電子輻射,第二則是放入量子條件。我仍記得很清楚,波耳的理論當時給了我多大的震撼。我相信在發展量子力學上,波耳引入的這個概念是最大的突破。 ” 之後狄拉克也嘗試著將波耳的理論作延伸。1925年 維爾納·海森堡 提出了著眼於可觀察的物理量的理論,當中牽涉到矩陣相乘的不可交換性。狄拉克起初對此並不特別欣賞,然而約莫兩個星期之後,他意識到當中的不可交換性帶有重要的意義,並且發現了 古典力學 中 帕松括號 與海森堡提出的 矩陣力學 規則的相似之處。基於這項發現,他得出更明確的 量子化 規則(即 正則量子化 )。這份名為《量子力學》的論文發表於1926年,狄拉克也這項工作獲得博士學位。 同時 埃爾溫·薛丁格 以物質波的波方程式提出了自己的量子理論。狄拉克很快地發現到海森堡與薛丁格兩人的理論是彼此互補的,並開始研究起薛丁格的 波動力學 。 1926年9月,在福勒的建議之下,狄拉克前往位於 哥本哈根 的 尼爾斯·波耳研究所 作了一段時間的研究。在哥本哈根的這段期間,狄拉克持續量子力學的研究,發展出了涵蓋 波動力學 與 矩陣力學 的廣義理論。這個方法與古典哈密頓力學理正則變換相類似,允許使用不同組的變數基底。此外,為了處理連續的變數,狄拉克引入了新的數學工具— 狄拉克δ函數 。 狄拉克也開始研究輻射理論。在他的文章「吸收和放出輻射的量子理論」中,他運用 二次量子化 的技巧將波函數量子化,進一步將光子輻射與 玻色-愛因斯坦統計 連結起來。在這個方法中,粒子集合的量子態是以其粒子在各能態中的分布來表示,並以粒子的創造與消滅來對量子態作改變。狄拉克展示了兩種方法是等價的,將電磁場以光子處理或將場作量子化。事實上,這個工作引發了新的物理課題— 量子場論 ,而二次量子化則成為後來 量子電動力學 的基礎。 1927年2月狄拉克來到 哥廷根 ,在此他待了幾個月並結識了 赫爾曼·外爾 、 馬克斯·玻恩 、 羅伯特·奧本海默 等人。 狄拉克方程式與量子電動力學 1927年索爾維會議,狄拉克坐在第二排左起第五。 到了1927年,由於許多開創性的工作,狄拉克已成了科學界中知名的人物。證據就是他受到邀請參加了第五屆 索爾維會議 ( 電子 與 光子 )。同年,狄拉克被選為 聖約翰學院 院士,並在1929年被任命為數學物理的高級講師。 此時,狄拉克正著手電子的相對論性量子理論。當時雖然已經有了 克萊因-戈登方程式 ,但狄拉克認為問題並未被解決。這個方程式可能給出負值的機率,量子力學對機率的詮釋無法解釋這個問題。 就在1928年狄拉克提出了描述電子的相對論性方程式—— 狄拉克方程式 ,並獨立於 沃爾夫岡·包立 的工作發現了描述自旋的2x2矩陣。 亞伯拉罕·派斯 曾引述狄拉克如此說道:「我相信我獨立得到了它(自旋矩陣),包立也許也是獨立於我得到這個結果。」 然而狄拉克方程式與克萊因-戈登方程式有相同的問題,存在無法解釋的負能量解。這促使狄拉克預測電子的反粒子—— 正電子 的存在。他詮釋正電子來自於填滿電子的 狄拉克之海 。 正電子於1932年由 卡爾·安德森 在 宇宙射線 中觀察到而證實。狄拉克方程式同時能夠解釋 自旋 是作為一種相對論性的現象。 保羅·狄拉克(約1930年) 由於 恩里科·費米 在1934年的 β衰變 理論牽涉到粒子的毀滅與創造,使狄拉克方程式詮釋作任意自旋 ħ /2之 點粒子 的場方程式,其中場量子化的過程包含了 反交換律 。因此在1934年,海森堡將狄拉克方程式重新詮釋作所有 基本粒子 (以現在而言是 夸克 與 輕子 )的場方程式—— 狄拉克場 方程式。在理論物理中,這個場方程式處於與 馬克士威方程式 、 楊-米爾斯規範理論 、 愛因斯坦場方程式 同等核心的地位。狄拉克被視作 量子電動力學 的奠基者,也是第一個使用量子電動力學這個名詞的人。 另外在1930年代早期,他也提出了 真空極化 的概念。對於下一個世代的理論學者 施溫格 、 費曼 、 朝永振一郎 、 戴森 等人而言,這個工作是量子電動力學發展的關鍵。 1930年狄拉克出版了他的量子力學著作著作《量子力学原理》,這是物理史上重要的里程碑,至今仍是量子力學的經典教材。在這本書中,狄拉克將海森堡在矩陣力學以及薛丁格在波動力學的工作整合成一個數學體系,當中連結了可觀測量與 希爾伯特空間 中作用子的關係。書中也介紹了量子力學中廣泛應用的 狄拉克δ函數 。延續狄拉克在1939年的文章 ,1939年他在此書第三版中加入了他的數學符號系統—— 狄拉克符號 。 直到今天,狄拉克符號仍然是最廣泛使用的一套量子力學符號系統。 1932年狄拉克接替 約瑟夫·拉莫爾 擔任劍橋大學 盧卡斯數學教授 。1933年狄拉克與 薛丁格 共同獲得諾貝爾物理獎。他却对 卢瑟福 说,他不想出名,他想拒绝这个荣誉。卢瑟福对他说:「如果你這樣做,你會更出名,人家更要來麻烦你。」 1933年12月12日,狄拉克在斯德哥爾摩發表了諾貝爾獎得獎演說,題目為「電子與正電子的理論」。 磁單極與大數假說 1931年在一篇「量子化電磁場中的奇點」的文章中,狄拉克探討了 磁單極 這個想法。1933年,延續了其1931年的論文,狄拉克證明了單一 磁單極 的存在就足以解釋 電荷 的量子化。在1975年 、1982年 以及2009年 都有研究結果指出磁單極可能存在。但到目前為止,仍沒有磁單極存在的直接證據。即使如此,某些 大統一理論 仍包含磁單極,用於解釋 宇宙 結構的形成。狄拉克的磁單極是第一次將 拓樸學 的概念用於處理物理問題。 在1937年,狄拉克提出了 大數假說 。他比較了兩個不帶 因次 的量值:基本作用力(在此為 重力 與 電磁力 )的比值與 宇宙年齡 的尺度,發現兩者皆落在約39個數量級。狄拉克猜測這可能並非巧合,兩者或許存在某種關聯性。參考了 愛德華·亞瑟·米爾恩 的理論,允許 重力常數 隨時間改變。基於這些假設,他設計了一個自己的 宇宙學 的模型。 二次大戰期間 狄拉克站在黑板前講解物理。 二次大戰 開戰之後,由於缺乏足夠的教職人員,狄拉克在教學上的負擔加重。另外,他還必須指導許多研究生。在之前,狄拉克一向試圖避免這類的責任,而更傾向獨自一人作研究。 其中的例外是在1930到1931年接手指導了福勒的學生 錢德拉塞卡 ,以及1935到1936年因為 馬克斯·玻恩 離開劍橋去了 愛丁堡 而收了兩個原先玻恩指導的學生。一生之中,狄拉克所指導的學生不到十二人(大部分在1940、50年代)。 戰爭期間,狄拉克投入研發 同位素分離法 以取得 鈾235 。這在原子能的應用上是極關鍵的技術。他與 彼得·卡皮查 嘗試開發用離心機將氣體混合物分離的方法,但其實驗後來因卡皮查受困 俄國 而停 物理之美的追尋與堅持 量子電動力學 在作高階 微擾計算 上,得到了某些無窮大的結果。這在物理系統中是不合理的。因此一種叫作 重整化 的計算技巧被發展出來作為權宜之計,然而對此狄拉克無法接受這種作法。1975年的一場演講中,他發表了這樣的看法: “ 我必須說我對於這樣情況相當不滿意。因為這樣一個『好的理論』以一種隨意的方法忽視了來自於方程式的無窮發散。這不是明智的數學。明智的數學可以忽略一個極小的值,但不能因一個值為無窮大而捨棄它。 ” 拒絕接受重整化使他在研究上漸漸遠離了主流。 他從他寫下的 哈密頓形式 出發,試圖讓量子電動力學建立在「合邏輯的基礎」上。他找到一種更新的方法來計算 異常磁偶矩 ,並且以 海森堡繪景 重新推導了 蘭姆位移 。但儘管付出巨大的努力,狄拉克終其一生仍未能發展出滿意的理論。 1950年代晚期,狄拉克將它發展出來的哈密頓方法應用到 愛因斯坦 的 廣義相對論 。這當中牽涉到 重力場量子化 的問題。 為了與他的女兒瑪麗住得近一點,狄拉克在1969年辭去劍橋大學的職務並接受 佛羅里達州立大學 提供的教職。在最後的十四年裡,狄拉克大部分的時間都在 邁阿密大學 與佛羅里達州立大學裡度過。 1982年,狄拉克的健康開始惡化。在1984年10月20日,狄拉克於 塔拉哈西 因病去世,並依照其家人的意願將遺體埋在當地墓園。 獲獎與榮譽 狄拉克與 埃爾溫·薛丁格 由於「發現了原子理論的新形式」共同獲得1933年的 諾貝爾物理獎 。 此外,狄拉克在1939年獲頒 皇家獎章 ,1952年獲頒 科普利獎章 以及 馬克斯·普朗克獎章 。 他在1930年被選作 皇家學會院士 ,1948年和1971年分別被選作 美國物理學會 及 英國物理學會 榮譽會士。1973年狄拉克獲頒 功績勳章 ,在英國這是極高的榮譽。他曾拒絕被冊封為 騎士 ,因為他不想對他的名字作出更動。 研究風格與評價 狄拉克的研究風格 他的學生 約翰·波羅金侯恩 曾回憶道:「有次他被問到對於物理的核心信念,他走向黑板並寫下『自然的法則應該用優美的方程式去描述』」 。 1955年狄拉克在 莫斯科大學 物理系演講時被問及他個人的物理哲學,他這麼回答:「一個物理定律必須具有數學美。」 ,狄拉克寫上這句話的黑板至今仍被保存著。 基於對數學美的要求,狄拉克不能接受使用 重整化 的方式去解決 量子場論 的無窮發散。一場演講中,他說到: “ ...如果你對積分範圍作了截斷,你便引入了一個非相對論的情況,並且破壞了相對論不變性。如果代價只是破壞了相對論不變性,量子電動力學仍可以在一個合理的數學架構。然而比起背離基本的數學原則忽視發散,相對論不變性的破壞問題還要小的多。 ” 狄拉克經常談到應該優先尋找美麗的方程式,而不要煩惱其物理意義。 史蒂文·溫伯格 對此曾有評論: “ 狄拉克告訴學物理的學生不要煩惱方程式的物理意義,而要關注方程式的美。這個建議只對那些於數學純粹之美非常敏銳的物理學家才有用,他們可以仰賴它尋找前進的方向。這種物理學家並不多——或許只有狄拉克本人。 ” 來自他人的評價 對於狄拉克, 波耳 曾說:「在所有的物理學家中,狄拉克擁有最純潔的靈魂。」 馬克斯·玻恩 曾回憶到他第一次看狄拉克的文章: “ 我記得非常清楚,這是我一生的研究經歷中最大的驚奇之一。我完全不知道狄拉克是誰,可以推測大概是個年輕人,然而其文章每個部分都相當完美且可敬。 ” 美籍華裔物理學家 楊振寧 在1991年發表《對稱的物理學》一文,提到他對狄拉克的看法: “ 在量子物理学中,對稱概念的存在,我曾把狄拉克這一大膽的、獨創性的預言比之為負數的首次引入,負數的引入擴大改善了我們對於整數的理解,它為整個數學奠定了基礎,狄拉克的預言擴大了我們對於場論的理解,奠定了量子電動場論的基礎。 ” 楊振寧曾提到狄拉克的文章給人「秋水文章不染塵」的感受,没有任何渣滓,直達深處,直達宇宙的奧秘。 總結狄拉克的一生, 阿卜杜勒·薩拉姆 如是說: “ 保羅·埃徳里恩·莫里斯·狄拉克——毫無疑問是這個世紀或任一個世紀最偉大的物理學家之一。1925年、1926年以及1927年他三個關鍵的工作,奠定了其一量子物理、其二量子場論以及其三基本粒子理論的基礎...沒有人即便是愛因斯坦,有辦法在這麼短的期間內對本世紀物理的發展作出如此決定性的影響。 ” 個人生活 家庭 1963年7月,保羅·狄拉克與妻子於 哥本哈根 狄拉克在1937年1月2日娶了物理學家 尤金·維格納 的妹妹馬爾吉特,並且收養了馬爾吉特的兩個孩子朱迪思和 加布里埃爾 。這兩個孩子之後都冠上了狄拉克的姓氏,其中加布里埃爾後來成為一位數學家。婚後馬爾吉特又為狄拉克生下了兩個女兒瑪麗·伊麗莎白及佛羅倫斯·莫妮卡。 馬爾吉特時常被叫作曼琪,在1934年她從家鄉 匈牙利 前往 普林斯頓 拜訪兄長。在一家餐館用餐時遇見了「隔壁桌一臉寂寞的男子」。這則故事來自一位深受狄拉克影響的南韓物理學家。他還寫到:「很幸運能有曼琪女士照顧我們這位可敬的保羅·狄拉克。1934年到1946年這段期間,狄拉克發表了十一篇論文...狄拉克能夠一直維持研究產量都是因為曼琪為他操煩任何大小事。」 為人處事 狄拉克重視學術上的追求,在物質生活上毫無享受,他不喝酒,不抽菸,只喝水。喜歡走路和游泳,偶而也會和朋友去電影院看電影。此外,狄拉克是出了名的精確與沉默寡言。他在劍橋大學的同事曾經開玩笑地定義了「一個小時說一個字」為一個「狄拉克」單位。 尼爾斯·波耳 寫作論文的方式是自己口述,請別人紀錄下來。有一回波爾不斷地說了又改,抱怨說不知該如合完成一篇文章的某個句子,當時正好在場的狄拉克如此說到:「我以前在學校時被這麼教導,在還不知道如何結束一個句子前,不要動筆。」 他評論 羅伯特·奧本海默 對於詩的興趣這麼說到:「科學的目標是以較簡單明瞭的方式去理解困難的事物,詩則是將單純的事物以無法理解的方式作表達。這兩者是不能相容的。」 海森堡與狄拉克一同坐船前往一個1929年8月舉行於日本的學術會議。兩人都是二十幾歲、未婚的年輕人,形成了一個奇妙的組合。在一個晚會上,海森堡喜歡參與社交活動並與人跳舞,狄拉克並不喜愛這類的活動卻也在一旁的坐著看。海森堡一段舞結束後回到狄拉克旁的椅子坐下。此時狄拉克問道:「海森堡,為何你喜歡跳舞?」海森堡回答:「當有許多好女孩時,跳舞是一件樂意的事。」狄拉克陷入沉思,約莫五分鐘後說到:「海森堡,為何你有辦法在一開始就知道她們是好女孩呢?」 這是一個有許多種版本的故事。一個尚不知狄拉克已婚的朋友前來拜訪狄拉克。這位朋友對於屋內有一名吸引人的女性感到相當驚訝,狄拉克發覺這點而說到:「這位...這位是維格納的妹妹。」在1960年代,馬爾吉特曾對 喬治·伽莫夫 與安東·卡普里都提到過他丈夫確實曾這麼說到:「請允許我介紹維格納的妹妹,現在是我的妻子。」 宗教觀點 海森堡蒐集了的1927年 索爾維會議 中一群年輕學者的對話,內容是討論 愛因斯坦 和 普朗克 對宗教的觀點。包立、海森堡與狄拉克皆接參與其中。狄拉克批評了宗教上的政治意圖,而波耳則讚許了其光明面。對於其他的部分,狄拉克有這樣的意見: “ 我不能理解我們為何閒著沒事要討論宗教。如果我們抱持科學家該有的誠實態度,那必須承認宗教混雜著虛假的斷言,沒有真實的基礎。上帝的概念不過是人類幻想的產物。對於那些暴露在自然力量下的原始人類,不難理解他們會將這些恐懼與害怕擬人化。然而如今我們已經瞭解了這麼多自然現象,我們不再需要如此看待自然萬物。我一直都不明白,假設一個全知全能的上帝對我們到底有什麼好處。這個假設導致了無數的問題,例如為何上帝容許苦難和不公正、富人對窮人的剝削利用以及各種他該為我們消弭的恐怖。如果宗教仍持續被教導,那絕不是因為這些思想說服了我們,而是因為有部分人士希望底下的人們保持沉默。比起吵 ” 海森堡對此接受各種意見。包立作為一名天主教徒,從話題一開始便一直保持沉默,然而在被問及意見時他說到:「看來我們的好友狄拉克抱持一種信仰,而其指導原則是『上帝不存在,而狄拉克是祂的先知』」所有人包括狄拉克都大笑了起來。 死亡與紀念 狄拉克安息之處,羅斯蘭公墓。其妻曼琪與之合葬。 1984年,狄拉克在佛羅里達州 塔拉哈西 過世,並埋葬於當地的羅斯蘭公墓。 狄拉克童年在 布里斯托 所居住的房子掛上了 藍色牌匾 ,房子所在的道路也被命名為狄拉克路以彰顯他與這個地區的聯結。當地 主教路小學 的牆上掛上了一塊牌子,秀出了狄拉克最著名的狄拉克方程式 。 1991年8月1日,狄拉克父親家鄉的 聖莫里斯 花園立起了紀念石。1995年11月13日,一塊以伯靈頓綠色板岩作為原料並刻上了狄拉克方程式的紀念石板在 西敏寺 首次亮相。 牧師團長 愛德華·卡彭特 曾因狄拉克是無神論者而反對此事,其意見被置之不理。 1975年,狄拉克在 新南威爾士大學 給了一系列五個演講。這系列演講後來集結出版成了《物理學的方向》(1978年)一書。他將這本書的版稅捐給新南威爾士大學設立了狄拉克系列講座。狄拉克銀質獎章便是在這個場合下由校方所頒發的獎項。 在狄拉克去世之後,立即有兩個研究機構設了年度獎項來紀念狄拉克: 英國物理學會 頒發 狄拉克獎章 和獎金以表揚「在理論(包含數學和計算方法)物理上的傑出貢獻」。 最初的三個獲獎人分別為 史蒂芬·霍金 (1987年)、 約翰·斯圖爾特·貝爾 (1988年)和 羅傑·潘洛斯 (1989年); 國際理論物理中心 (International Centre for Theoretical Physics,簡稱:ICTP)在每年 8月8日 (狄拉克的生日)頒發ICTP狄拉克獎章。另外,英國物理學會在布里斯托的出版總部取名作狄拉克樓。 佛羅里達州立大學 的狄拉克-赫爾曼獎是由布魯斯·赫爾曼博士(迪拉克最後一個博士學生)於1997年所設立以獎勵該校理論物理研究人員的傑出表現 。 位於佛羅里達州立大學的保羅·狄拉克科學圖書館,1989年由曼琪所成立。狄拉克生前的論文都收藏於此,館外則設有其銅像。 佛羅里達州塔拉哈西國家強磁實驗室所在的那條路被命名為「Paul Dirac Drive」。而在他的家鄉布里斯托,迪高特鎮上的一條路被命名為「Dirac Way」。 英國廣播公司 將其開發的一種影像壓縮格式以狄拉克命名。 著作 1930年 《量子力學原理》:這本書用現代記號(大部分由狄拉克本人發展出來)總結了量子力學的概念,在書的結尾部分也探討了他首先開創的電子的相對論性理論。(即狄拉克方程式)此書的寫作未參照任何量子力學相關著述。 1966年 《量子力學講義》:書中探討了許多在 彎曲時空 下的量子力學。 1966年 《量子場論講義》:這本書以 哈密頓力學 方式奠定了 量子場論 的基礎。 1974年 《希爾伯特空間中的旋量》:這本書以1969年在邁阿密大學的授課講義為基礎,從一個真實的 希爾伯特空間 出發,處理了 旋量 的基礎層面。狄拉克以預言的方式說到:「從一個只有 費米子 變量的理論出發,可以自然得到 玻色子 的變量,這使得有無限多的費米子變量。必然存在有玻色子變量與電子相關連...」 1975年 《廣義相對論》:以68頁的篇幅總結了愛因斯坦的廣義相對論。 1978年 《物理學的方向》:由狄拉克在 新南威爾士大學 一系列演講集結而成。 參閱 量子力學 量子電動力學 狄拉克方程式 費米—狄拉克統計 磁單極
2166 次阅读|0 个评论
JLBrooks 2011-12-28 10:18
一、投稿信 1. Dear Dr. Defendi ML: I am sending a manuscript entitled “” by – which I should like to submit for possible publication in the journal of - . Yours sincerely 2. Dear Dr. A: Enclosed is a manuscript entitled “” by sb, which we are submitting for publication in the journal of - . We have chosen this journal because it deals with - . We believe that sth would be of interest to the journal’s readers. 3. Dear Dr. A: Please find enclosed for your review an original research article, “” by sb. All authors have read and approve this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. No part of this paper has published or submitted elsewhere. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and we have attached to this letter the signed letter granting us permission to use Figure 1 from another source. We appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. 二、询问有无收到稿件 Dear Editors, We dispatched our manuscript to your journal on 3 August 2006 but have not, as yet, receive acknowledgement of their safe arrival. We fear that may have been lost and should be grateful if you would let us know whether or not you have received them. If not, we will send our manuscript again. Thank you in advance for your help. 三、询问论文审查回音 Dear Editors, It is more than 12 weeks since I submitted our manuscript (No: ) for possible publication in your journal. I have not yet received a reply and am wondering whether you have reached a decision. I should appreciated your letting me know what you have decided as soon as possible. 四、关于论文的总体审查意见 1. This is a carefully done study and the findings are of considerable interest. A few minor revision are list below. 2. This is a well-written paper containing interesting results which merit publication. For the benefit of the reader, however, a number of points need clarifying and certain statements require further justification. There are given below. 3. Although these observation are interesting, they are rather limited and do not advance our knowledge of the subject sufficiently to warrant publication in PNAS. We suggest that the authors try submitting their findings to specialist journal such as – 4. Although this paper is good, it would be ever better if some extra data were added. 5. This manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal of – because the main observation it describe was reported 3 years ago in a reputable journal of - . 6. Please ask someone familiar with English language to help you rewrite this paper. As you will see, I have made some correction at the beginning of the paper where some syntax is not satisfactory. 7. We feel that this potentially interesting study has been marred by an inability to communicate the finding correctly in English and should like to suggest that the authors seek the advice of someone with a good knowledge of English, preferable native speaker. 8. The wording and style of some section, particularly those concerning HPLC, need careful editing. Attention should be paid to the wording of those parts of the Discussion of and Summary which have been underlined. 9. Preliminary experiments only have been done and with exception of that summarized in Table 2, none has been repeated. This is clearly unsatisfactory, particularly when there is so much variation between assays. 10. The condition of incubation are poorly defined. What is the temperature? Were antibody used? 五、给编辑的回信 1. In reply to the referee’s main criticism of paper, it is possible to say that – One minor point raised by the referee concerns of the extra composition of the reaction mixture in Figure 1. This has now been corrected. Further minor changes had been made on page 3, paragraph 1 (line 3-8) and 2 (line 6-11). These do not affect our interpretation of the result. 2. I have read the referee’s comments very carefully and conclude that the paper has been rejected on the sole grounds that it lake toxicity data. I admit that I did not include a toxicity table in my article although perhaps I should have done. This was for the sake of brevity rather than an error or omission. 3. Thank you for your letter of – and for the referee’s comments concerning our manuscript entitled “”. We have studied their comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with their approval. 4. I enclosed a revised manuscript which includes a report of additional experiments done at the referee’s suggestion. You will see that our original findings are confirmed. 5. We are sending the revised manuscript according to the comments of the reviewers. Revised portion are underlined in red. 6. We found the referee’s comments most helpful and have revised the manuscript 7. We are pleased to note the favorable comments of reviewers in their opening sentence. 8. Thank you for your letter. I am very pleased to learn that our manuscript is acceptable for publication in Cancer Research with minor revision. 9. We have therefore completed a further series of experiments, the result of which are summarized in Table 5. From this we conclude that intrinsic factor is not account. 10. We deleted the relevant passage since they are not essential to the contents of the paper. 11. I feel that the reviewer’s comments concerning Figures 1 and 2 result from a misinterpretation of the data. 12. We would have include a non-protein inhibitor in our system, as a control, if one had been available. 13. We prefer to retain the use of Table 4 for reasons that it should be clear from the new paragraph inserted at the end of the Results section. 14. Although reviewer does not consider it is important to measure the temperature of the cells, we consider it essential. 15. The running title has been changed to “”. 16. The Materials and Methods section now includes details for measuring uptake of isotope and assaying hexokinase. 17. The concentration of HAT media (page12 paragraph 2) was incorrectly stated in the original manuscript. This has been rectified. The authors are grateful to the referees for pointing out their error. 18. As suggested by both referees, a discussion of the possibility of laser action on chromosome has been included (page16, paragraph 2). 19. We included a new set of photographs with better definition than those originally submitted and to which a scale has been added. 20. Following the suggestion of the referees, we have redraw Figure 3 and 4. 21. Two further papers, published since our original submission, have been added to the text and Reference section. These are: 22. We should like to thank the referees for their helpful comments and hope that we have now produced a more balance and better account of our work. We trust that the revised manuscript is acceptable for publication. 23. I greatly appreciate both your help and that of the referees concerning improvement to this paper. I hope that the revised manuscript is now suitable for publication. 24. I should like to express my appreciation to you and the referees for suggesting how to improve our paper. 25. I apologize for the delay in revising the manuscript. This was due to our doing an additional experiment, as suggested by referees.
2982 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]ED Physicians Test Few Infants and Toddlers for UTI
xuxiaxx 2011-11-23 09:37
November 22, 2011 — Emergency department (ED) physicians were more likely to order blood tests for infants and toddlers with unexplained fever than they were to order tests for urinary tract infections (UTIs), despite longstanding recognition that UTIs should be considered in any young child with an unspecified fever, reveals a study published online November 21 in Pediatrics . Physicians order urine tests for fewer than 18% of infants and toddlers who arrive in the ED with unexplained fever, the research shows. At the same time, physicians requested complete blood counts in 20.5% of visits, even though clinical recommendations suggest such testing is less likely to be needed than urinalysis. "Given that rates of UTI might be as much as 20-fold higher than rates of bacteremia in the post– era, physicians' practice patterns seem inconsistent with the epidemiology of serious bacterial infections," write Alan E. Simon, MD, from the Infant, Child, and Women's Health Statistics Branch, Office of Analysis and Epidemiology, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hyattsville, Maryland, and colleagues. Records analyzed for this study did not include children's vaccination status. The researchers examined records of some 1600 visits to EDs by children aged 3 months to 3 years and included in the 2006-2008 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey–Emergency Department, conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics. The investigators focused on those instances when a child's fever had no recognizable source, such as a sore throat or earache. Fever without source accounted for 21.6% (95% confidence interval, 20.2% - 23.0%) of the cases included in the 2006 to 2008 survey, or an estimated 1.7 million ED visits per year nationwide, according to the investigators. The records showed that girls, who are at a higher risk for UTI, were tested more frequently, at 25.5% of the time compared with 10.4% for boys. However, physicians were also 3 times more likely to also include a complete blood count for girls (odds ratio, 3.27). By contrast, recent clinical guidelines suggest that all girls with FWS should undergo urinalysis to rule out a potentially dangerous UTI, whereas complete blood counts are unnecessary for “well-appearing” children under these circumstances. The rate of urinalysis increased among children with higher temperatures. Physicians were twice as likely to order urinalysis for children with temperatures of from 39°C to 39.9°C (odds ratio, 2.09), compared with children whose temperature was 38°C, and 5 times more likely to order it if the child's temperature was 40°C or higher (odds ratio, 5.18, P 0.1 for both). Although the rate of urinalysis increased among children with temperatures of 39°C or higher, still only 40.2% of girls and 15.0% of boys with temperatures 39°C or higher were tested for UTI. Despite a lack of complete blood count or urinalysis in 58.6% of the visits, physicians prescribed antibiotics, including ceftriaxone, in about a quarter of all visits, including 20% of visits in which no testing was performed. This agrees with findings "that antibiotics are often inappropriately prescribed for upper respiratory infections," the authors report. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that the likelihood of a physician ordering urinalysis and a complete blood count increased if a patient had a high temperature, if the patient was a girl, and if the patient lived in a higher-income ZIP code. However, being 24 months to 36 months old was associated with lower odds of receiving these tests (odds ratio, 0.55) compared with children aged 3 months to 11 months. Although uncircumcised boys are also at a higher risk for UTI, the survey records did not include boys' circumcision status. The authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships. Pediatrics . Published online November 21, 2011. Abstract 来源: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/754065
1245 次阅读|0 个评论
诺贝尔奖评委左右为难:屠呦呦还是Carl R Woese?
热度 15 DNAgene 2011-9-18 23:04
饶毅多次准确预测了诺贝尔奖。今年饶毅写博客向大家介绍了屠呦呦的成就及其对人类医学的贡献。随后,屠呦呦获得了号称诺贝尔奖风向标的拉斯克临床医学奖。 另一方面,科学论文出版巨头Nature出版集团嗅觉也很敏感。2003年,我在当时Nature最新一期上看到一篇介绍水通道的论文。很惊讶。课本上只讲过离子通道,水进出细胞膜竟然也需要通道。立刻将此内容补充到ppt中,给学生介绍。没想到,第二周上课前,诺贝尔奖公布了,关于水通道的研究得了诺贝尔奖。我不知道这是巧合,还是Nature出版集团嗅觉确实敏感。仔细想一想,凭借Nature出版集团的实力,准确估计诺贝尔奖应该差不多,有这个实力了,在诺贝尔奖公布前后赶发几篇相关论文以便更有效吸引读者注意力,也很符合商业机构的运作规律。 在最近一期Nature Reviews Microbiology上,有这么一篇社论,“ And the winner should be.. .”。乍一看题目,还以为生物之间的竞争什么的,仔细看才知道,他们在呼吁把今年的诺贝尔生理医学奖给Carl R Woese。 Woese是个什么人物,做出了什么贡献呢? 说实话,我对Woese的工作比较熟悉,我还以为他早就得过诺贝尔奖了。地球上的芸芸众生由几群组成的,分为几类?这些生物和生物之间谁进化产生谁呢?包括我们人类在内的真核生物是怎样进化来的呢?这些基本问题,哪一个弄清楚了,对人类的贡献都不是一个诺贝尔奖所能评价的。就是Woese的研究确立了地球上的生物由细菌、故细菌和真核生物三大类组成。而后在此基础上,人们逐渐认真到,真核生物的细胞核内基本的遗传基因来自于古细菌,线粒体、叶绿体和细胞膜等相关基因来自于细菌。我们的真核生物祖先是一个共生体。可以说,没有Woese的研究成果,就没有人类对生命世界的很多基本认识。 给Woese个诺贝尔奖不是证明Woese的工作很重要,只能说明诺贝尔奖又少了一条缺憾。但是,按Nature Reviews Microbiology编辑部的意思, Woese的工作过去既不适合授生理医学奖,也不适合给化学奖,现在,医学微生物发展了,Woese的工作和医学联系起来的,也就应该授奖了。原来是这样吗,诺贝尔奖评奖委员会这帮家伙原来也僵化到受“生理医学”这个字眼的制约。 今年,诺贝尔奖评奖委员会该左右为难了。屠呦呦的成果挽救了无数生命,过了这么多年终于被世界发现了,并且屠呦呦已至耄耋之年,万一今年不给奖,老人家驾鹤西去了,诺贝尔生理医学奖将留下一大缺憾。Carl R Woese的贡献是对人类认识地球生命的巨大推动,理论意义巨大,Woese也是80多岁了,今年不授奖,也不排除以后没机会了。我们衷心祝愿两位老人家健康长寿,但诺贝尔奖评奖委员会不能只有祝愿,他们必须二选一,做个决定。 顺便说一句,对生物学贡献巨大的、没得诺贝尔奖的,还有提出真核生物起源内共生假说的女科学家Lynn Margulis。线粒体、叶绿体起源的内共生现在已经没有任何争议了(如果谁说有争议,只能说明他在这个领域没入门)。这个成果也是对生物界的基本认识上的重大进展。这位稍微年轻一些,1938年出生的,70多岁。但这位老人家,我不看好。仅凭她早期的研究对科学界的贡献,授个诺贝尔奖不算什么。但是这位老人家现在已经成了争议人物,不仅自己发表一些很不被科学界看好的论文,而且极力推荐过一篇很多科学家认为荒谬的论文。过去,美国科学院院刊除了作者直接投稿编辑部、院士自己论文自己找审稿人评审送编辑部发表外,还有一种方式,就是论文投给院士,由院士找人审稿后将结果送达编辑部发表论文。就是由于Margulis院士强力推动那篇众人认为的荒谬论文的发表,最后一种论文投稿方式引起了极大争议,最终被取消了。我感觉,现在Margulis在国际学术界的人缘很不乐观,所以我不看好Margulis。当然,如果Margulis将来得了诺贝尔奖,我就应该向诺贝尔奖评委们道歉了,不该以小人之心猜测他们。 关于两位国外大家的介绍,请参考 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Woese http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynn_Margulis
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