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Python: break & continue & else 语句
haibaraxx 2017-6-5 17:20
在while和for循环中: break语句 - 立即终止当前循环,转而执行循环外的语句 continue语句 - 跳出当前循环,重新进入循环,在while循环中判断条件是否满足,在for循环中判断迭代是否已经结束。 else语句 - 如果循环代码从break处终止,跳出循环,不执行else中的代码;若正常结束循环,则执行else中的代码。
个人分类: Python|2830 次阅读|0 个评论
xyzg198891 2016-10-21 10:47
Python for 循环语句 Python for循环可以遍历任何序列的项目,如一个列表或者一个字符串。 语法: for循环的语法格式如下: for iterating_var in sequence : statements ( s ) 流程图: 实例: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- for letter in 'Python' : # 第一个实例 print '当前字母 :' , letterfruits = for fruit in fruits : # 第二个实例 print '当前字母 :' , fruit print Good bye! 尝试一下 » 以上实例输出结果: 当前字母 : P 当前字母 : y 当前字母 : t 当前字母 : h 当前字母 : o 当前字母 : n 当前字母 : banana 当前字母 : apple 当前字母 : mango Good bye ! 通过序列索引迭代 另外一种执行循环的遍历方式是通过索引,如下实例: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- fruits = for index in range ( len ( fruits )): print '当前水果 :' , fruits print Good bye! 以上实例输出结果: 当前水果 : banana 当前水果 : apple 当前水果 : mango Good bye ! 以上实例我们使用了内置函数 len() 和 range(),函数 len() 返回列表的长度,即元素的个数。 range返回一个序列的数。 循环使用 else 语句 在 python 中,for … else 表示这样的意思,for 中的语句和普通的没有区别,else 中的语句会在循环正常执行完(即 for 不是通过 break 跳出而中断的)的情况下执行,while … else 也是一样。 如下实例: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- for num in range ( 10 , 20 ): # 迭代 10 到 20 之间的数字 for i in range ( 2 , num ): # 根据因子迭代 if num % i == 0 : # 确定第一个因子 j = num / i # 计算第二个因子 print '%d 等于 %d * %d' % ( num , i , j ) break # 跳出当前循环 else : # 循环的 else 部分 print num , '是一个质数' 以上实例输出结果: 10 等于 2 * 5 11 是一个质数 12 等于 2 * 6 13 是一个质数 14 等于 2 * 7 15 等于 3 * 5 16 等于 2 * 8 17 是一个质数 18 等于 2 * 9 19 是一个质数 Python While循环语句 Python 编程中 while 语句用于循环执行程序,即在某条件下,循环执行某段程序,以处理需要重复处理的相同任务。其基本形式为: while 判断条件: 执行语句…… 执行语句可以是单个语句或语句块。判断条件可以是任何表达式,任何非零、或非空(null)的值均为true。 当判断条件假false时,循环结束。 执行流程图如下: 实例: #!/usr/bin/python count = 0 while ( count 9 ): print 'The count is:' , count count = count + 1 print Good bye! 运行实例 » 下载 以上代码执行输出结果: The count is : 0 The count is : 1 The count is : 2 The count is : 3 The count is : 4 The count is : 5 The count is : 6 The count is : 7 The count is : 8 Good bye ! while 语句时还有另外两个重要的命令 continue,break 来跳过循环,continue 用于跳过该次循环,break 则是用于退出循环,此外判断条件还可以是个常值,表示循环必定成立,具体用法如下: # continue 和 break 用法 i = 1 while i 10 : i += 1 if i % 2 0 : # 非双数时跳过输出 continue print i # 输出双数2、4、6、8、10 i = 1 while 1 : # 循环条件为1必定成立 print i # 输出1~10 i += 1 if i 10 : # 当i大于10时跳出循环 break 无限循环 如果条件判断语句永远为 true,循环将会无限的执行下去,如下实例: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- var = 1 while var == 1 : # 该条件永远为true,循环将无限执行下去 num = raw_input ( Enter a number : ) print You entered: , num print Good bye! 以上实例输出结果: Enter a number : 20 You entered : 20 Enter a number : 29 You entered : 29 Enter a number : 3 You entered : 3 Enter a number between : Traceback ( most recent call last ): File test.py , line 5 , in module num = raw_input ( Enter a number : ) KeyboardInterrupt 注意: 以上的无限循环你可以使用 CTRL+C 来中断循环。 循环使用 else 语句 在 python 中,for … else 表示这样的意思,for 中的语句和普通的没有区别,else 中的语句会在循环正常执行完(即 for 不是通过 break 跳出而中断的)的情况下执行,while … else 也是一样。 #!/usr/bin/python count = 0 while count 5 : print count , is less than 5 count = count + 1 else : print count , is not less than 5 以上实例输出结果为: 0 is less than 5 1 is less than 5 2 is less than 5 3 is less than 5 4 is less than 5 5 is not less than 5 简单语句组 类似if语句的语法,如果你的while循环体中只有一条语句,你可以将该语句与while写在同一行中, 如下所示: #!/usr/bin/python flag = 1 while ( flag ): print 'Given flag is really true!' print Good bye! 注意: 以上的无限循环你可以使用 CTRL+C 来中断循环。
个人分类: Python|4 次阅读|0 个评论
xyzg198891 2016-10-20 16:26
条件判断if 一、if条件判断结构 1.单分支 if condition : statement1 etc 2.双分支 if condition : statement1 etc else : statement1 etc 3. if-else 嵌套 4.多分支 if condition : statement1 etc elif condition : statement1 etc else : statement1 etc example: 二、条件判断 1.布尔表达式(0-1) 非0即真 example1: 注:当条件判断为一个字符串时,布尔值为True 2.关系表达式 ,,=,=,==,!=...... example: 3.逻辑表达式 and,or,not example:
个人分类: Python|7 次阅读|0 个评论
Palaeobotany by Else Marie Friis & 古植物学
livingfossil 2015-2-1 00:04
Palaeobotany Else Marie Friis 的古植物学研究:正统 + 拔尖 + 一以贯之 2008 年 6 月 11 日上午,中国科学院外籍院士 Else Marie Friis (左三)和中国科学院院士张弥曼(左二)一行 5 人, 在昆明拜访了获 2007 年度国家最高科学技术奖的吴征镒院士(左四)。本照片引自 http://www.kib.cas.cn/dqyd/gzdt/200806/t20080612_2372396.html (1) Else Marie Friis http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Else_Marie_Friis Else Marie Friis (* 18 June 1947 in Holstebro ) is a Danish botanist and palaeontologist . Ihr offizielles botanischesAutorenkürzel lautet „ EMFriis “. Its official botanicalauthor abbreviation is EMFriis. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=ensl=deu=http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Else_Marie_Friisprev=search Life and work Friis, whose father had a bookstore in Skive,studied geology and botany at the Universityof Aarhus with a master's exam in 1975 and in 1980 a PhD (MicroCarpo logical studies of Middle Miocene floras of Western Denmark). Als Post-Doktorandin war sie am BedfordCollege der UniversittLondon (bei William Gilbert Chaloner ) und bei David Dilcher in Bloomington(Indiana) . As a post-doctoralstudent, she was at the BedfordCollege of the Universityof London (with William Gilbert Chaloner ) and David Dilcher in Bloomington(Indiana) . Anfang der1980er Jahre entdeckte sie einige gut erhaltene fossile Blumen aus dem Ende der Kreidezeit in sen in Schonen mit der Pollenspezialistin Annie Skrby, worüber sie 1981 in Nature publizierten . In the early 1980s she discovered some fossil flowerspreserved from the end of the Cretaceousperiod in sen in Skne with the pollen specialist Annie Skrby what they were published in Nature in 1981 .1987 wurde sie Professorin für Palobotanik am Naturhistorischen Reichsmuseum in Stockholm. In 1987, she was a professor of paleobotany at the Museum of Natural History in Stockholm. 1995 war sie Gastprofessorin an der UniversittZürich . In 1995 she was a visitingprofessor at the Universityof Zurich . Sie befasst sich insbesondere mit Palobotanikvon Blütenpflanzen, worüber sie auch ein Buch mit William Gilbert Chaloner und PeterCrane herausgab ( The origin of angiosperms and theirbiological consequences , Cambridge University Press 1987). It deals in particular with paleobotany of flowering plants,which they also a book of William Gilbert Chaloner and PeterCrane published (The origin of angiosperms and Theirbiological Consequences, Cambridge University Press, 1987). Sie befasst sich insbesondere mit derenFortpflanzungsbiologie und Palokologie in der Kreidezeit. It deals in particular withtheir reproductive biology and paleoecology in the Cretaceous period. Neben Cranearbeitet sie auch viel mit Kaj Raunsgaard Pedersen. Crane addition, she works a lot with K. Raunsgaard Pedersen. Sie ist Mitglied der Dnischen , Schwedischen , Norwegischen und Chinesischen Akademieder Wissenschaften . She is amember of the Danish , Swedish , Norwegian and Chinese Academyof Sciences . 1999 wurdesie Ehrendoktor in Uppsala . She was honorary doctorate in 1999 Uppsala . 1992 erhielt sie denNiels-Roséns-Linné-Preis in Botanik. In 1992 shewas awarded the Niels-Roséns-Linné-Price in botany. 2009 wurde sie korrespondierendes Mitglied der PalontologischenGesellschaft . In 2009 shebecame a corresponding member of the PaleontologicalSociety . Sie ist Herausgeberin der Zeitschrift Grana . She is the editor of the journal Grana. Ein japanischer Kollege nannte eine fossilePflanzenfamilie nach ihr (Elsemaria). A Japanesecolleague called a fossil plant family for her (Else Maria). ===================== (2) 特别介绍世界知名古植物学家、中国科学院外籍院士 Else Marie Friis Storyof Palaeobotany Series (No.30) : Introduction to Else Marie Friis, Foreign Member of the Chinese Academyof Sciences http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-291046.html 发表于 2010-1-29 0:44:59 (3) 简述中国与瑞典在古植物学领域的密切联系 Story of PalaeobotanySeries (No.31) : Takea quick look at Swedish palaeobotany—Brief introduction to the close connectionin the field of palaeobotany between Chinaand Sweden http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-291299.html http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=291299 发表于 2010-1-30 2:42:04 (4) Else Marie Friis 的研究领域 Area of research Else Marie Friis works on the history ofangiosperms (flowering plants), with an emphasis on reproductive biology,phylogeny and palaeoecology, based on the study of reproductive organs(flowers, fruits, seeds, stamens, pollen) from the Cretaceous (145-65 millionyears ago). http://www.nrm.se/english/researchandcollections/palaeobiology/staff/elsemariefriis/emfpublications.787_en.html Else Marie Friis http://www.nrm.se/english/researchandcollections/palaeobiology/staff/elsemariefriis.786_en.html 古植物学的故事 160 期 (5)Else Marie Friis (1947--) , 丹麦人 , 古植物学家 , 供职于瑞典斯德哥尔摩自然历史博物馆古植物部 1996 年当选为 瑞典皇家科学院外籍院士 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.160): 瑞典皇家科学院古植物学院士与外籍院士 The members and foreign members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences pertaining topalaeobotanical studies http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-571384.html http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=571384 2012-5-15 22:35 ( 6 ) Else Marie Friis 的科学出版物 2014 Friis, E. M., Marone, F., Pedersen, K.R., Crane, P.R. and Stampanoni, M., 2014.Three-dimensional visualisation of fossil flowers, fruits, seeds and otherplant remains using synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM):New insights into Cretaceous plant diversity. Journal of Paleontology 88 :684-701. Friis, E. M. and Pedersen, K. R., 2014. Blomster fra Kridttiden. Geologisk Tidsskrift2013 : 43-64. Friis, E. M., Pedersen, K. R. and Crane, P. R., 2014. Welwitschioid diversity in theEarly Cretaceous: Evidence from fossil seeds with pollen from Portugal andeastern North America. Grana 53 : 175–196. Friis, E.M. ,Pedersen, K.R and Marone, F., 2014. Arcellites punctatus sp. nov.: anew megaspore from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal studied using highresolution synchrotron radiation x-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM). Grana53 : 91-102. Mendes, M. M., Dinis, J., Pais, J. and Friis,E. M. , 2014. Vegetational composition of the EarlyCretaceous Chicalho flora (Lusitanian Basin, western Portugal) based onpalynological and mesofossil assemblages. Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology 200 : 65-81. Mendes, M. M., Grimm, G. W., Pais, J., Friis,E. M ., 2014. Fossil Kajanthus lusitanicus gen. et sp . nov fromPortugal: Floral evidence for Early Cretaceous Lardizabalaceae (Ranunculales,basal eudicot). Grana 53 : 283–301. 2013 Friis, E. M. ,Pedersen, K. R. and Crane, P. R., 2013. New diversity among Chlamydospermousseeds from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal and North America. InternationalJournal of Plant Sciences 174(3) : 530-558. Friis, E. M. ,Pedersen, K. R. and Endress, P. K., 2013. Floral structure of extant Quintinia (Paracryphiales, campanulids) compared with the Late Cretaceous Silvianthemum and Bertilanthus . International Journal of Plant Sciences 174(4) :647-664. 2012 Friis, E. M. and Pedersen, K .R, 2012. Bertilanthus scanicus , a new asterid flowerfrom the Late Cretaceous (Late Santonian-Early Campanian) of Scania, Sweden. InternationalJournal of Plant Sciences 173 (3) : 318-330. Hartkopf-Frder, C., Rust, J., Wappler, T, Friis,E. M. and Viehofen, A., 2012. Mid-Cretaceous charred fossil flowers revealdirect observation of arthropod feeding strategies. Biology Letters 8 :295-298. Pott, C., McLoughlin, S., Lindstrm, A., Wu,S. and Friis, E. M. , 2012. Baikalophyllum lobatum and Rehezamitesanisolobus : Two seed plants with cycadophyte foliage from theEarly Cretaceous of eastern Asia. International Journal of Plant Sciences173 : 192-208. Pott, C., McLoughlin, S., Wu, S. and Friis,E. M. , 2012. Trichomes on the leaves of Anomozamites villosus sp.nov. (Bennettitales) from the Daohugou beds (Middle Jurassic), Inner Mongolia,China: mechanical defense against herbivorous arthropods? Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology 169 : 48-60. 2011 Balthazar, M. von, Crane, P. R., Pedersen, K.R. Friis, E. M. , 2011. New flowers of Laurales from theEarly Cretaceous (Early to Middle Albian) of eastern North America . Pp49-87 in: Wanntorp, L. and Ronse De Craene, L.P. (Eds.), Flowers on the Tree ofLife. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Friis, E. M. and Cantrill, D. J., 2011. GRANA celebrates the publication of Volume 50. Grana50 : 1-2. Friis, E. M. ,Crane, P. R. and Pedersen, K. R., 2011. The Early Flowers and AngiospermEvolution . Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 600pp. Friis, E. M. and Pedersen, K. R., in press. Canrightia resinifera gen. et sp. nov., anew extinct angiosperm with Retimonocolpites -type pollen from the EarlyCretaceous of Portugal: missing link in the eumagnoliid tree? Grana 50 . Heřmanová, Z., Kvaček, J. and Friis, E. M. ,2011. Budvaricarpus serialis Knobloch Mai, an unusual new memberof the Normapolles complex from the Late Cretaceous of the Czeck Republic. InternationalJournal of Plant Sciences 172 : 285-293. Mendes, M. M, Dinis, J, Pais, J.and Friis,E. M. , 2011. Early Cretaceous flora from Vale Painho (Lusitanian basin,western Portugal): An integrated palynological and mesofossil study. Reviewof Palaeobotany and Palynology 166 : 152-162. 2010 Crane, P. R., Friis, E. M. andChaloner, W. G., 2010. Darwin and the evolution of flowers. PhilosophicalTransactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 : 347-350. Friis, E. M. ,Pedersen, K. R. and Crane, P. R., 2010. Diversity in obscurity: fossil flowersand the early history of angiosperms. Philosophical Transactions of theRoyal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 : 369-382. Friis, E. M. ,Pedersen, K. R. and Crane, P. R., 2010. Cretaceous diversification of angiospermsin the western part of the Iberian Peninsula. Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology 162 (3) : 341-361 . Kvaček, J. Friis, E. M. 2010. Zlatkocarpus gen. nov., a new angiosperm reproductive structure with monocolpate-reticulatepollen from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of the Czech Republic. Grana49: 115 - 127. Lindfors, S.M., Csikic, Z., Grigorescuc, D.and Friis, E. M. , 2010. Preliminary account of plant mesofossils fromthe Maastrichtian Budurone microvertebrate site of the Hateg Basin, Romania. Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimate and Palaeoecology 293 : 353-359. Mendes, M. M., Pais, J., Pedersen, K. R.and Friis, E. M. , 2010. Erdtmanithecaportucalensis , anew pollen organ from the Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) of Portugal with Eucommiidites -typepollen. Grana 49 :26-36. Pott, C., Krings, M., Kerp, H. and Friis, E. M. , 2010. Reconstruction of a bennettitalean flowerfrom the Carnian (Upper Triassic) of Lunz, Lower Austria. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology 159 : 94-111. Rydin, C. and Friis, E. M. , 2010. NewEarly Cretaceous relative of Gnetales: Siphonospermum simplex gen. etsp. nov. from the Yixian Formation of Northeast China. BMC EvolutionaryBiology 10 : 183. 2009 Friis, E. M. ,Pedersen, K. R. Crane, P. R., 2009. Early Cretaceous mesofossilsfromPortugal and eastern North America related to theBennettitales-Erdtmanithecales-Gnetales group. American Journal of Botany96(1) : 252-283. Friis, E. M .,Pedersen, K. R., von Balthazar, M., Grimm, G.W. Crane, P.R., 2009. Monetianthusmirus gen. et sp. Nov., a Nymphaealean flower from the Early Cretaceous ofPortugal. International Journal of Plant Science 10 : 1086-1101. 2008 Mendes, M.M., Friis, E.M. Pais,J., 2008. Erdtmanispermum juncalense sp. nov., a new speciesof the extinct order Erdtmanithecales from the Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) ofPortugal. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 149 (1-2) : 50-56. Mendes, M.M., Pais, J. and Friis, E.M. ,2008. Raunsgaardispermum lusitanicum gen. et sp. nov., a new seed with insitu pollen from the Early Cretaceous (probably Berriasian) of Portugal:Further support for the Bennettitales-Erdtmanithecales-Gnetales link. Grana47(3) : 211-219. Takahashi, M., Friis, E.M. , Herendeen,P.S. and Crane, P.R., 2008. Fossil Flowers of Fagales from the KamikitabaLocality (Early Coniacian; Late Cretaceous) of Northeastern Japan. InternationalJournal of Plant Sciences 169(7) : 899-907. Takahashi, M., Friis, E.M. , Uesugi,K., Suzuki, Y. and Crane, P.R., 2008. Floral evidence of Annonaceae from theLate Cretaceous of Japan. International Journal of Plant Sciences 169(7) :890-898. Viehofen, A., Hartkopf-Frder, C. and Friis,E.M. , 2008. Inflorescences and flowers of Mauldinia angustiloba sp.nov. (Lauraceae) from mid-Cretaceous karst infillings in the Rhenish Massif,Germany. International Journal of Plant Science, 169(7) : 871-889. von Balthazar, M, Pedersen, K. R., Crane, P.R. and Friis, E. M. 2008 Carpestella lacunata gen. et sp. nov., anew basal angiosperm flower from the Early Cretaceous (Early to Middle Albian)of eastern North America. International Journal of Plant Sciences 169 :890-898. Yang, X.Y., Friis, E.M. Zhou,Z.Y., 2008. Ovule-bearing organs of Ginkgo ginkgoidea (Tralau) comb.nov., and associated leaves from the Middle Jurassic of Scania, South Sweden. Reviewof Palaeobotany and Palynology 149 : 1-17. 2007 von Balthazar, M., Pedersen, K.R., Crane,P.R., Stampanoni, M. Friis, E.M ., 2007. Potomacanthus lobatus gen. et sp. nov., a new flower of probable Lauraceae from the Early Cretaceous(Early to Middle Albian) of Eastern North America. American Journal ofBotany 94(12) : 2041-2053. Friis, E.M . Crane, P.R., 2007. New home for tiny aquatics. Nature 446 :269-270. Friis, E.M. ,Crane, P.R., Pedersen, K.R., Bengtson, S., Donoghue, P. C. J., Grimm, G. W. Stampanoni, M., 2007. Phase-contrast X-ray microtomography links Cretaceous seeds with Gnetales and Bennettitales. Nature 450 : 549-552. Pedersen, K.R., von Balthazar, M. Crane, P.R. Friis, E.M ., 2007. Early Cretaceous floral structuresand in situ tricolpate-striate pollen: New early eudicots from Portugal. Grana46(3) :176-196. Strmberg C.A.E., Friis, E.M ., Liang,M.M., Werdelin, L. Zhang, Y.L., 2007. Palaeoecology of a Middle Miocenelake in China: Preliminary interpretations based on phytoliths from theShanwang Basin. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 45 : 145-160 . Strmberg, C.A.E., Werdelin, L., Friis,E.M . Sara, G., 2007. The spread of grass-dominated habitats in theEastern Mediterranean during the Cainozoic: phytolith evidence. PalaeogeographyPalaeoclimatology Palaeoecololgy 250 : 18-49 . Takahashi, M., Friis, E.M . Crane, P.R., 2007. Fossil seeds of Nymphaeales from the Tamayama Formation(Futaba Group), Upper Cretaceous (Early Santonian) of northeastern Honshu,Japan. International Journal of Plant Sciences 168(3) : 341-350. 2006 Friis, E.M .,Pedersen, K.R. Crane, P.R. 2006. Cretaceous angiosperm flowers:Innovation and evolution in plant reproduction. Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 232 : 251-293. Friis, E.M .,Pedersen, K.R. Schnenberger, J. 2006. Normapolles plants: a prominentcomponent of the Cretaceous rosid diversification. Plant Systematics andEvolution 260 : 107-140. Leng, Q. Friis, E.M . 2006. Angiosperm leaves associated with Sinocarpus Leng et Friis infructescences from the Yixian Formation (mid-Early Cretaceous)of NE China. Plant Systematics and Evolution 262 : 173-187. Rydin, C., Raunsgaard, K.R., Crane, P.R. Friis, E.M. 2006 . Former diversity of Ephedra (Gnetales): evidence from Early Cretaceous seeds from Portugal and NorthAmerica. Annals of Botany 98 : 123-140. Rydin, C., Wu, S.Q. Friis, E.M .2006. Liaoxia (Gnetales): ephedroids from the Early Cretaceous YixianFormation in China. Plant Systematics and Evolution 262 : 239-265. 2005 Anderson, C.N., Bremer, K. Friis,E.M ., 2005. Dating phylogenetically basal eudicots using rbcL sequences andmultiple fossil reference points. American Journal of Botany 92 :1737-1748. von Balthazar, M., Pedersen, K.R. Friis,E.M ., 2005. Teixeiraea lusitanica , a new fossil flower from theEarly Cretaceous of Portugal with affinities to the Ranunculales. PlantSystematics and Evolution 255 : 55-75 Friis, E. M .,K. R. Pedersen Crane, P.R. 2005. When Earth started blooming: insightsfrom the fossil record. Current Opinion in Plant Biology , 8(1) :1-8. Leng, Q., J. Schnenberger F riis,E.M . 2005. Late Cretaceous follicular fruits from southern Sweden withsystematic affinities to early diverging eudicots. Botanical Journal of theLinnean Society 148 : 377-407. Rydin, C. Friis, E.M ., 2005.Pollen germination in Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. f.: comparingdifferences between the polyplicate pollen producing genera of the Gnetales. Grana44 : 137-141. 2004 Bremer, K., Friis, E.M . Bremer,B. 2004. Molecular Phylogenetic Dating of Asterid Flowering Plants Shows EarlyCretaceous Diversification. Systematic Biolology 53(3) : 496-505 Crane, PR, Herendeen, P Friis, E.M .2004. Fossils and plant phylogeny. American Journal of Botany 91 :1683-1699. Friis, E. M .,K. R. Pedersen Crane, P.R. 2004. Araceae from the Early Cretaceous ofPortugal: New evidence on the emergence of monocotyledons. Proceedings ofthe National Academy of Sciences, USA, 101(47) : 16565-16570. Frumin, S., Eklund, H. Friis, E.M .2004. Mauldinia hirsuta sp. nov., a new member of the extinct genus Mauldinia (Lauraceae) from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian) of Kazakhstan. InternationalJournal of Plant Science 165 : 883-895 . Rydin, C., K. R. Pedersen, Friis, E.M .2004. On the evolutionary history of Ephedra ; Cretaceous fossils andextant molecules. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,101(47) : 16571-16576. 2003 Friis, E.M .,Doyle, J.A., Endress, P.K. Leng, Q., 2003. Archaefructus -angiosperm precursor or specialized early angiosperm? Trendsin Plant Science 8 : 369-373. Friis, E. M .,Pedersen, K. R. Schnenberger, J., 2003. Endressianthus , anew Normapolles producing plant genus of fagalean affinity from the LateCretaceous of Portugal. International Journal of Plant Sciences 64 (5Suppl.) : 201-223. Leng, Q. Friis, E.-M ., 2003. Sinocarpusdecussatus gen. et sp. nov., a new angiosperm with basally syncarpousfruits from the Yixian Formation of Northeast China. Plant Systematics andEvolution 241 : 77-88. Leng, Q., Wu, S. Friis, E.M .2003. Angiosperms. In : Chang, M. Chen, P., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. Miao, D. (eds). The Jehol Biota : 178-193, Shanghai, Shanghai Scientific Technical Publishers. Oh, I.-C., Denk, T., Friis, E.-M .,2003. Phylogeny of Illicium (Illiciaceae): Mappingmorphological characters on the molecular tree. Plant Systematics Evolution240 : 175-209. Rydin, C., Mohr, B. Friis, E.-M .,2003. Cratonia cotyledon gen. et sp. nov.: a unique Cretaceous seedlingrelated to Welwitschia . Biology Letters, The Royal Society of London.Supplement 1, S29. 2002 Rydin, C., Kllersj, M., Friis, E.M . 2002. 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(in Russian) 1996 Friis, E. M . Endress, P. K. 1996. Flower Evolution. Progress in Botany 57 :253-280. Friis, E. M . Pedersen, K. R. 1996. Eucommiitheca , a new pollen organ with Eucommiidites pollen from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal. Grana 35 : 104-112. Friis, E. M . Pedersen, K. R. 1996. In situ pollen and spores in plant evolution -angiosperm pollen in situ in Cretaceous reproductive organs. In : Jansonius,J. McGregor, D. C. (eds). Palynology: principles and applications.Vol. 1 : 409-426. American Association of Stratigraphic PalynologistsFoundation. Frumin, S. Friis, E. M . 1996.Liriodendroid seeds from the Late Cretaceous of Kazakhstan and North Carolina,USA. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 94 : 39-55. 1995 Crane, P. R., Friis, E. M . Pedersen, K. R. 1995. The origin and early diversification of angiosperms. Nature374 : 27-33. Friis, E. M .,Pedersen, K. R. Crane, P. R. 1995. Appomattoxia ancistrophora gen.et sp. nov., a new Early Cretaceous plant with similarities to Circaeaster and extant Magnoliidae. American Journal of Botany 82 : 933-943. 1994 Crane, P. R., Friis, E. M . Pedersen, K. R. 1994. Paleobotanical evidence on the early radiation ofmagnoliid angiosperms. Plant Systematics and Evolution (Supplement) 8 :51-72. Endress, P. K. Friis, E. M .(eds.). 1994. Early evolution of flowers . Springer-Verlag, Wien, NewYork. 229 sid. Endress, P. K. Friis, E. M .1994. Introduction - Major trends in the study of early flowerevolution. Plant Systematics and Evolution (Supplement) 8 : 1-6. Friis, E. M .,Eklund, H., Pedersen, K. R. Crane, P. R. 1994. Virginianthuscalycanthoides gen. et sp. nov. - A calycanthaceous flower from the PotomacGroups (Early Cretaceous) of eastern North America. International Journal ofPlant Sciences 155 : 772-785. Friis, E. M .,Pedersen, K. R. Crane, P. R. 1994. Angiosperm floral structures from theEarly Cretaceous of Portugal. 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Early Cretaceous (Early to middle Albian) platanoidinflorescences associated with Sapindopsis leaves from the Potomac Groupof eastern North America. Systematic Botany 18 : 328-344. Pedersen, K. R., Friis, E. M . Crane, P. R. 1993. Pollen organs and seeds with Decussosporites Brennerfrom Lower Cretaceous Potomac Group sediments of eastern USA. Grana32 : 273-289. 1992 Bocherens, H., Friis, E. M ., Mariotti,A. Pedersen, K. R. 1992. Preliminary results of carbon isotopicresearch of CAM and C4-plants during Mesozoic times. OFP Informations NoSpécial 16-B : 28. Crepet, W. L., Nixon, K. C., Friis, E. M . Freudenstein, J. V. 1992. The oldest flowers of Hamamelidaceous affinity,from the Upper Cretaceous of New Jersey, North America. Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences, USA 89 : 8986-8989. Friis, E. M .1992. Palaeobotany. Progress in Botany 53 : 318-340. Friis, E. M .,Pedersen, K. R. Crane, P. R. 1992. Esgueira gen. nov., fossilflowers with combretaceous features from the Late Cretaceous of Portugal. BiologiskeSkrifter, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab 41 :1-45. 1991 Chaloner, W. G., Friis, E. M . Hemsley, A. R. 1991. Cycadocephalus Nathorst, a fern not a bennettite. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologieund Palontologie Monatsheft 183 : 347-362. Crepet, W. L., Friis, E. M . Nixon, K. C. 1991. Fossil evidence for the evolution of bioticpollination. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 333 :187-195. Drinnan, A. N., Crane, P. R., Pedersen, K. R. Friis, E. M . 1991. Angiosperm flowers and tricolpate pollen ofbuxaceous affinity from the Potomac Group (mid-Cretaceous) of eastern NorthAmerica. American Journal of Botany 78 : 153-176. Endress, P. K. Friis, E. M .1991. Archamamelis , hamamelidalean flowers from the Upper Cretaceous ofSweden. Plant Systematics and Evolution 175 : 101-114. Pedersen, K. R., Crane, P. R., Drinnan, A. N. Friis, E. M . 1991. 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Microcarpological studies of Middle Miocene floras of Western Denmark .Unpubl. thesis, 336pp., 47 plates. University of Aarhus. Friis, H., Nielsen, O.B., Friis, E.M . Balme, B.E., 1980. Sedimentological and palaeobotanical investigations ofa Miocene sequence at Lavsbjerg, Central Jutland, Denmark. Danmarksgeologiske Undersgelse , rbog 1979: 51-67. 1979 Friis, E.M., 1979.The Damgaard flora: A new Middle Miocene flora from Denmark. Bulletin of theGeological Society of Denmark 27: 117-142. 1977 Friis, E.M .,1977. EM-studies on Salviniaceae megaspores from the Miocene Fasterholt flora,Denmark. Grana 16: 113-128. Friis, E.M. ,1977. Leaf whorls of Cupressaceae from the Miocene Fasterholt flora, Denmark. Bulletinof the Geological Society of Denmark 26 : 103-113. 1975 Friis, E.M. ,1975. Climatic implications of microcarpological analyses of the Middle MioceneFasterholt flora. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 24 :179-192. 1974 Friis, E.M. ,1974. En karpologisk undersgelse af mindre plante fossiler fraden miocne Odderup formation i Fasterholt, Jylland. Unpubl.Masters thesis, 206 pp. Friis, E.M. ,1974. Taxonomy of the Tertiary fossil fruits Carpolithes oestrupii from thePleistocene of Denmark. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 23: 265-268.
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|2693 次阅读|0 个评论
zhangdong 2014-7-16 21:39
R 语言中对 if-else 语句的位置有隐性的要求,如下: Note that it is a common mistake to forgetto put braces ({ .. }) around your statements, e.g., after if(..) or for(....).In particular, you should not have a newline between } and else to avoid asyntax error in entering a if ... else construct at the keyboard or via source.For that reason, one (somewhat extreme) attitude of defensive programming is toalways use braces, e.g., for if clauses. 在 } 和 else 之间不能有新的行(也就是 } 和 if 要在一行)写成 if (con) { expr } else { alt.expr } 我觉得是比较规范的写法,也易于阅读。 来源: http://cos.name/cn/topic/17000 另外可以参考: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-508298-667020.html
3659 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]R语言if else应该这样写-[转载]
xiangxing 2014-4-26 14:33
2014-04-26 14:31:18 下午 由siqin.hou@gmail.com收集 if else结构是r中最简单的一个。我也算是学过C语言的,想不到在这里翻了船。 a=F if(a) {print(hello)} else print(I am not ok) 运行错误提示: source(test.r) 错误于source(test.r) : test.r: 意外的'else' 于 3: print(hello) 4: else 我觉得写的很正确啊。在R群里一问LingoR才知道,应该这样写 a=F if(a) {print(hello)} else print(I am not ok) 因为r是解释语言else单独起一行,无法解释执行。而编译型语言,是先编译后执行,所以不存在这个问题。最保险的是这么个写法: a=F if(a) { print(hello)} else { print(I am not ok)}
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Bearjazz 2013-3-4 14:28
熊荣川 xiong rongchuan 六盘水师范学院生物信息学实验室 xiongrongchuan@126.com http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/Bearjazz if/else 是R语言编程中经常用到的逻辑判断语句,倘若简单的几句表达,一般不会出现错误 参见之间的博文 http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/blog-508298-553005.html 如果程序表达式复杂时,往往会有出错的报道,原因不详,值得注意的是if/else的位置非常重要 例如下面的语句 if(length(PreLacality)==1){ morphmat = matchar(refermat ) morphmat = matchar(refermat ) } else { morphmat = paste(PreLacality ,PreLacality ,sep = "--") morphmat = paste(PreAcessNo ,PreAcessNo ,sep = "--") cat(req,"有",length(PreLacality),"\n") } 其中大括号的起始,及else的起始都必须紧接上一个语句,读者可以去细细体会。
个人分类: 我的研究|19098 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2010-1-29 00:44
古植物学的故事(30): 特别介绍世界知名古植物学家、中国科学院外籍院士Else Marie Friis http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=291046 发表于 2010-1-29 0:44:59 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.30) : Introduction to Else Marie Friis, Foreignmember of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 关键词:古植物学;被子植物起源;Else Marie Friis;傅睿思;中科院外籍院士 迄今为止,中国科学院已遴选外籍院士共计70人(其中有13位外籍院士已故去)。在70位中国科学院外籍院士中,只有一位古植物学家,她就是世界知名古植物学家Else Marie Friis教授。 我在《古植物学的故事》第26期(标题: 古植物学有什么用 ? )提到:被子植物起源的研究是古植物学的一个“哥德巴赫猜想”。Else Marie Friis教授正是探求这种“哥德巴赫猜想”的著名学者。Else Marie Friis教授是当今国际古植物学界与植物学界公认的研究被子植物起源的最优秀的专家之一,进行了一系列开拓性的研究。本期《古植物学的故事》特别介绍这位女学者,其成名作与代表作之一: Friis, E.M. Skarby, A., 1981. Structural preserved angiosperm flowers from the Upper Cretaceous of Sweden. Nature 291 (5851): 485-486. 我们必须看到这样一个事实:当今国际著名的古植物学家,如:Else Marie Friis、William Chaloner、Peter Crane、David Dilcher、Leo Hickey、Gar Rothwell和Ruth Stokey等对现代植物学非常熟悉,都有非常雄厚的功底。我理解,一位合格的古植物学家首先是一位合格的植物学家,正所谓----“古植物”是古“生”物而不是古“死”物。 古植物学的“哥德巴赫猜想”是迷人的,是引人入胜的。被子植物起源的研究是没有尽头的。但有一点是肯定的,如果不了解现代植物学的基础知识及其严谨的实验研究方法,我们研究被子植物的起源问题犹如盲人摸象,有时会闹笑话。在实际工作,澄清一个麻烦比人为制造一个麻烦要困难百倍。这是我对青年学生的忠告。我相信,古植物学的未来与希望寄托在你们身上! 孙启高(Qigao Sun) 2010年元月28日写于美国 -------------------------------- 中国科学院外籍院士 Else Marie Friis( 傅睿思) http://sourcedb.cas.cn/sourcedb_ad_cas/zw2/ysxx/wjysmd/200906/t20090624_1808908.html 傅睿思(女,Else Marie Friis)古植物学家。丹麦国籍。瑞典自然历史博物馆古植物部主任、教授。生于丹麦霍尔斯特布罗(Holstebro)。1971年毕业于丹麦奥尔胡斯(Aarhus)大学,1980年获该校博士学位。她是丹麦皇家科学和文学院院士、瑞典皇家科学院外籍院士、挪威科学和文学院外籍院士,曾担任国际古植物学会主席 。傅睿思教授主要从事探索被子植物的起源、早期演化和辐射,以及其兴起对生物界和地球环境的作用和影响方面的研究工作。在瑞典南部白垩纪沉积中发现了丝炭化(fusainized)的花化石,并应用电子显微技术研究并恢复了花的三维结构。其后,发现并研究了多类被子植物的化石,追溯和探究了它们的起源和演化过程,尤为重要的是关于最古老的单子叶植物化石和金缕梅科、金粟兰科、睡莲科等被子植物的研究。她还在许多花化石中分离出原位花粉,从而可以了解这些花粉的母体植物。此外,在以上研究的基础上,系统地总结了地质历史时期花的起源和演化过程。在种子植物系统发育、地质时期种子多样性的演变等方面也做出了重要的工作。曾荣获丹麦皇家科学和文学院Hans Gram奖章、瑞典皇家自然科学学会林奈奖等多项科技奖励。傅睿思教授对中国十分友好。曾访问过我国多所大学和研究所,作学术报告,进行学术交流;并在中国科学院南京地质古生物所举办了历时10天的古被子植物学的系列讲座,还主动向该所赠送大量藏书。目前,正在和中国科学院植物研究所、南京地质古生物研究所的研究人员共同开展多项合作交流计划。2002年当选为中国科学院外籍院士。 ----------------------------- 中国科学院 外籍院士名单 http://sourcedb.cas.cn/sourcedb_ad_cas/zw2/ysxx/wjysmd/ · 艾伦. 黑格 · 彼得. 史唐 · 伯奇费尔 · 蔡南海 · 崔琦 · 丁肇中 · 法捷耶夫 · 菲立普• 希阿雷(Philippe G. Ciarlet) · 冯元桢 · 弗里德· 穆拉德 · 傅睿思 · 盖伊. 德泰 · 高锟 · 葛守仁 · 哈迈德• 泽维尔(Ahmed H. Zewail) · 何毓琦 · 胡正明 · 黄煦涛 · 霍克弗尔特 · 霍西金斯 · 简悦威 · 杰马里. 莱恩 · 井口洋夫 · 克劳斯. 冯.克利钦 · 库什 · 郎尼• 汤姆森(Lonnie Thompson) · 雷文 · 黎念之 · 李政道 · 理查德.N. 杰尔 · 林家翘 · 罗伯特. 迪金森 · 罗伯特. 康 · 马库斯 · 马佐平(Tso - Ping Ma ) · 毛河光 · 米歇尔 · 莫里茨 · 钱煦 · 丘成桐 · 若列斯. 阿尔费罗夫 · 萨姆韦尔. 格里戈良 · 萨支唐 · 沈元壤 · 托斯登. 威塞尔 · 万森· 库尔提欧 · 王中林(Zhong Lin Wang ) · 威利 · 吴耀祖 · 肖荫堂 · 徐立之(Lap-Chee Tsui ) · 杨振宁 · 姚期智 · 张永山 · 朱棣文 · 朱经武 · 卓以和 ----------------------- 中国科学院 已故外籍院士名单 http://sourcedb.cas.cn/sourcedb_ad_cas/zw2/ysxx/ygwjysmd/ · 巴顿 · 陈省身 · 科顿 · 克里斯琴森 · 李约瑟 · 利翁斯 · 林同炎 · 潘诺夫斯基 · 司马贺 · 田长霖 · 吴健雄 · 辛克维奇 · 张立纲 -------------------------------------- http://www.nrm.se/en/menu/researchandcollections/departments/palaeobotany/staff/elsemariefriis.786_en.html Else Marie Friis Professor of Palaeobotany Head of Department Contact Phone: +46 (0)8 519 541 55 E-mail: else.marie.friis@nrm.se Address Area of research Else Marie Friis works on the history of angiosperms (flowering plants), with an emphasis on reproductive biology, phylogeny and palaeoecology, based on the study of reproductive organs (flowers, fruits, seeds, stamens, pollen) from the Cretaceous (145-65 million years ago). Projects Publications Else Marie Friis 2010 Crane, P. R., Friis, E. M. and Chaloner, W. G., 2010. Darwin and the evolution of flowers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 : 347-350. Friis, E. M. , Pedersen, K. R. and Crane, P. R., 2010. Diversity in obscurity: fossil flowers and the early history of angiosperms. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 : 369-382. Friis, E. M. , Pedersen, K. R. and Crane, P. R., in press. Cretaceous diversification of angiosperms in the western part of theIberian Peninsula . Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. Lindfors, S.M., Csikic, Z., Grigorescuc, D. and Friis, E. M. , in press. Preliminary account of plant mesofossils from the Maastrichtian Budurone microvertebrate site of the Hateg Basin, Romania. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimate and Palaeoecology . Mendes, M. M., Pais, J., Pedersen, K. R. and Friis, E. M. in press. Erdtmanitheca portucalensis , a new pollen organ from the Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) of Portugal with Eucommiidites -type pollen. Grana . Pott, C., Krings, M., Kerp,H. and Friis, E. M. , in press. Reconstruction of a bennettitalean flower from the Carnian (Upper Triassic) of Lunz, Lower Austria. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology . 2009 Friis, E. M. , Pedersen, K. R. Crane, P. R., 2009. Early Cretaceous mesofossils fromPortugal and eastern North America related to the Bennettitales-Erdtmanithecales-Gnetales group. American Journal of Botany 96(1) : 252-283. Friis, E. M ., Pedersen, K. R., von Balthazar, M., Grimm, G.W. Crane, P.R., 2009. Monetianthus mirus gen. et sp. Nov., a Nymphaealean flower from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal. International Journal of Plant Science 10 : 1086-1101. 2008 Mendes, M.M., Friis, E.M. Pais, J., 2008. Erdtmanispermumjuncalense sp. nov., a new species of the extinct order Erdtmanithecales from the Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) of Portugal. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 149 (1-2) : 50-56. Mendes, M.M., Pais, J. and Friis, E.M. , 2008. Raunsgaardispermum lusitanicum gen. et sp. nov., a new seed with in situ pollen from the Early Cretaceous (probably Berriasian) of Portugal: Further support for the Bennettitales-Erdtmanithecales-Gnetales link. Grana 47(3) : 211-219. Takahashi, M., Friis, E.M. , Herendeen, P.S. and Crane, P.R., 2008. Fossil Flowers of Fagales from the Kamikitaba Locality (Early Coniacian; Late Cretaceous) of Northeastern Japan. International Journal of Plant Sciences 169(7) : 899-907. Takahashi, M., Friis, E.M. , Uesugi, K., Suzuki, Y. and Crane, P.R., 2008. Floral evidence of Annonaceae from the Late Cretaceous of Japan. International Journal of Plant Sciences 169(7) : 890-898. Viehofen, A., Hartkopf-Frder, C. and Friis, E.M. , 2008. Inflorescences and flowers of Mauldinia angustiloba sp. nov. (Lauraceae) from mid-Cretaceous karst infillings in the Rhenish Massif, Germany. International Journal of Plant Science, 169(7) : 871-889. von Balthazar, M, Pedersen, K. R., Crane, P. R. and Friis, E. M. 2008 Carpestella lacunata gen. et sp. nov., a new basal angiosperm flower from the Early Cretaceous (Early to Middle Albian) of eastern North America. International Journal of Plant Sciences 169 : 890-898. Yang, X.Y., Friis, E.M. Zhou, Z.Y., 2008. Ovule-bearing organs of Ginkgo ginkgoidea (Tralau) comb. nov., and associated leaves from the Middle Jurassic of Scania, South Sweden. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 149 : 1-17. 2007 von Balthazar, M., Pedersen, K.R., Crane, P.R., Stampanoni, M. Friis, E.M ., 2007. Potomacanthus lobatus gen. et sp. nov., a new flower of probable Lauraceae from the Early Cretaceous (Early to Middle Albian) of Eastern North America. American Journal of Botany 94(12) : 2041-2053. Friis, E.M . Crane, P.R., 2007. New home for tiny aquatics. Nature 446 : 269-270. Friis, E.M. , Crane, P.R., Pedersen, K.R., Bengtson, S., Donoghue, P. C. J., Grimm, G. W. Stampanoni, M., 2007. Phase-contrast X-ray microtomography links Cretaceous seeds with Gnetales and Bennettitales. Nature 450 : 549-552. Pedersen, K.R., von Balthazar, M. Crane, P.R. Friis, E.M ., 2007. Early Cretaceous floral structures and in situ tricolpate-striate pollen: New early eudicots from Portugal. Grana 46(3) : 176-196. Strmberg C.A.E., Friis, E.M ., Liang, M.M., Werdelin, L. Zhang, Y.L., 2007. Palaeoecology of a Middle Miocene lake in China: Preliminary interpretations based on phytoliths from the Shanwang Basin. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 45 : 145-160 . Strmberg, C.A.E., Werdelin, L., Friis, E.M . Sara, G., 2007. The spread of grass-dominated habitats in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Cainozoic: phytolith evidence. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecololgy 250 : 18-49 . Takahashi, M., Friis, E.M . Crane, P.R., 2007. Fossil seeds of Nymphaeales from the Tamayama Formation (Futaba Group), Upper Cretaceous (Early Santonian) of northeastern Honshu, Japan. International Journal of Plant Sciences 168(3) : 341-350. 2006 Friis, E.M ., Pedersen, K.R. Crane, P.R. 2006. Cretaceous angiosperm flowers: Innovation and evolution in plant reproduction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 232 : 251-293. Friis, E.M ., Pedersen, K.R. Schnenberger, J. 2006. Normapolles plants: a prominent component of the Cretaceous rosid diversification. Plant Systematics and Evolution 260 : 107-140. Leng, Q. Friis, E.M . 2006. Angiosperm leaves associated with Sinocarpus Leng et Friis infructescences from the Yixian Formation (mid-Early Cretaceous) of NE China. Plant Systematics and Evolution 262 : 173-187. Rydin, C., Raunsgaard, K.R., Crane, P.R. Friis, E.M. 2006 . Former diversity of Ephedra (Gnetales): evidence from Early Cretaceous seeds from Portugal and North America. Annals of Botany 98 : 123-140. Rydin, C., Wu, S.Q. Friis, E.M . 2006. Liaoxia (Gnetales): ephedroids from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation in China. Plant Systematics and Evolution 262 : 239-265. 2005 Anderson, C.N., Bremer, K. Friis, E.M ., 2005. Dating phylogenetically basal eudicots using rbcL sequences and multiple fossil reference points. American Journal of Botany 92 : 1737-1748. von Balthazar, M., Pedersen, K.R. Friis, E.M ., 2005. Teixeiraea lusitanica , a new fossil flower from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal with affinities to the Ranunculales. Plant Systematics and Evolution 255 : 55-75 Friis, E. M ., K. R. Pedersen Crane, P.R. 2005. When Earth started blooming: insights from the fossil record. Current Opinion in Plant Biology , 8(1) : 1-8. Leng, Q., J. Schnenberger F riis, E.M . 2005. Late Cretaceous follicular fruits from southern Sweden with systematic affinities to early diverging eudicots. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 148 : 377-407. Rydin, C. Friis, E.M ., 2005. Pollen germination in Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. f.: comparing differences between the polyplicate pollen producing genera of the Gnetales. Grana 44 : 137-141. 2004 Bremer, K., Friis, E.M . Bremer, B. 2004. Molecular Phylogenetic Dating of Asterid Flowering Plants Shows Early Cretaceous Diversification. Systematic Biolology 53(3) : 496-505 Crane, PR, Herendeen, P Friis, E.M . 2004. Fossils and plant phylogeny. American Journal of Botany 91 : 1683-1699. Friis, E. M ., K. R. Pedersen Crane, P.R. 2004. Araceae from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal: New evidence on the emergence of monocotyledons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 101(47) : 16565-16570. Frumin, S., Eklund, H. Friis, E.M . 2004. Mauldinia hirsuta sp. nov., a new member of the extinct genus Mauldinia (Lauraceae) from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian) of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Plant Science 165 : 883-895 . Rydin, C., K. R. Pedersen, Friis, E.M . 2004. On the evolutionary history of Ephedra ; Cretaceous fossils and extant molecules. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 101(47) : 16571-16576. 2003 Friis, E.M ., Doyle, J.A., Endress, P.K. Leng, Q., 2003. Archaefructus - angiosperm precursor or specialized early angiosperm? Trends in Plant Science 8 : 369-373. Friis, E. M ., Pedersen, K. R. Schnenberger, J., 2003. Endressianthus , a new Normapolles producing plant genus of fagalean affinity from the Late Cretaceous of Portugal. International Journal of Plant Sciences 64 (5 Suppl.) : 201-223. Leng, Q. Friis, E.-M ., 2003. Sinocarpus decussatus gen. et sp. nov., a new angiosperm with basally syncarpous fruits from the Yixian Formation of Northeast China. Plant Systematics and Evolution 241 : 77-88. Leng, Q., Wu, S. Friis, E.M . 2003. Angiosperms. In : Chang, M. Chen, P., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. Miao, D. (eds). The Jehol Biota : 178-193, Shanghai, Shanghai Scientific Technical Publishers. Oh, I.-C., Denk, T., Friis, E.-M ., 2003. Phylogeny of Illicium (Illiciaceae): Mapping morphological characters on the molecular tree. Plant Systematics Evolution 240 : 175-209. Rydin, C., Mohr, B. Friis, E.-M ., 2003. Cratonia cotyledon gen. et sp. nov.: a unique Cretaceous seedling related to Welwitschia . Biology Letters, The Royal Society of London. Supplement 1, S29. 2002 Rydin, C., Kllersj, M., Friis, E. M . 2002. Seed plant relationships and the systematic position of Gnetales based on nuclear and chloroplast DNA: conflicting data, rooting problems and the monophyly of conifers. International Journal of Plant Sciences 163 : 197-214. 2001 Friis, E. M . 2001. Sm blommor - frn de stora dinosauriernas tid. Dronten 2001(2) : 3-5. Friis, E. M ., Pedersen, K. R. Crane, P. R. 2001. Fossil evidence of water lilies (Nymphaeales) in the Early Cretaceous. Nature 410 : 357-360. Friis, E. M ., Pedersen, K. R. Crane, P. R. 2001. Origin and radiation of angiosperms. In : Briggs, D. E. G. Crowther, P. R. (eds). Palaeobiology II : 97-102. Blackwell Science, Oxford. Matthews, M. L., Endress, P. K., Schnenberger, J. Friis, E. M . 2001. A comparision of floral structures of Anisophylleaceae and Cunoniaceae and the problem of their systematic position. Annals of Botany 88 : 439-455. Schnenberger, J. Friis, E. M . 2001. Fossil flowers of ericalean s.l. affinity from the Late Cretaceous of southern Sweden. American Journal of Botany 88 : 467-480. Schnenberger, J., Friis, E. M ., Matthews, M. L. Endress, P. K. 2001. Cunoniaceae in the Cretaceous of Europe: Evidence from fossil flowers. Annals of Botany 88 : 423-437. Schnenberger, J., Pedersen, K. R. Friis, E. M . 2001. Normapolles flowers of fagalean affinity from the Late Cretaceous of Portugal. Plant Systematics and Evolution 226 : 205-230. 2000 Eriksson, O., Friis, E. M . Lfgren, P. 2000. Seed size, fruit size, and dispersal systems in angiosperms from the Early Cretaceous to the Late Tertiary. The American Naturalist 156 : 47-58. Eriksson, O., Friis, E. M ., Pedersen, K. R. Crane P. R. 2000. Seed size and dispersal systems of Early Cretaceous Angiosperms from Famalico, Portugal. International Journal of Plant Sciences 161 : 319-329. Friis, E. M . Pedersen, K. R. 2000. Die fossilen Blüten von sen in Schonen, Süd-Sweden. In : Meischner, D. (ed.) Europische Fossillagersttten : 151-154, figs 65-72. Springer, Heidelberg. Friis, E. M ., Pedersen, K. R. Crane, P. R. 2000. Reproductive structure and organization of basal angiosperms from the Early Cretaceous (Barremian or Aptian) of Western Portugal. International Journal of Plant Sciences 161 (6 Supplement) : 169-182. Friis, E. M ., Pedersen, K. R. Crane, P. R. 2000. Angiosperms. In : McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science Technology 2001 : 17-20. Friis, E. M ., Pedersen, K. R. Crane, P. R. 2000. Fossil floral structures of a basal angiosperm with monocolpate, reticulate-acolumellate pollen from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal. Grana 39 : 226-239. Mohr, B. A. R. Friis, E. M . 2000. Early angiosperms from the Lower Cretaceous Aptian Crato Formation (Brazil), a preliminary report. International Journal of Plant Sciences 161 (6 Supplement) : 155-167. Zimmer, E. A., Qiu, Y.-L., Endress, P. K. Friis, E. M . 2000. Current perspective of basal angiosperms: Introduction. International Journal of Plant Sciences 161 (6 Supplement) : 1-2. Kenrick, P. Friis, E. M. 1995. Palaeobotany of land plants. Progress in Botany 56 : 372-395. 1999 Friis, E. M . Pedersen, K. R. 1999. Il Cretacico Superiore di sen. I : Pinna, G. (ed.) Alle radici della storia naturale d'Europa : 151-154, figs 65-72. Jaca Book, Milano. Friis, E. M ., Pedersen, K. R. Crane, P. R. 1999. Early angiosperm diversification: the diversity of pollen associated with angiosperm reproductive structures in Early Cretaceous floras from Portugal. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 86 : 259-296. Frumin, S. Friis, E. M . 1999. Magnoliid reproductive organs from the Cenomanian-Turonian of north-western Kazakhstan: Magnoliaceae and Illiciaceae. Plant Systematics and Evolution 216 : 265-288. Kunzmann, L. Friis, E. M . 1999. Zum Vorkommen von Koniferensamen mit stark gekrümmten Keimfchern in der oberkreide. Feddes Repertorium 110 : 341-347. 1998 Gandolfo, M. A., Nixon, K. C., Crepet, W. L., Stevenson, D. W. Friis, E. M . 1998. Oldest known fossils of monocotyledons. Nature 394 : 532-533. 1997 Eklund, H., Friis, E. M . Pedersen, K. R. 1997. Chloranthaceous floral structures from the Late Cretaceous of Sweden. Plant Systematics and Evolution 207 : 13-42. Friis, E. M ., Crane, P. R. Pedersen, K. R. 1997. Anacostia , a new basal angiosperm from the Early Cretaceous of North America and Portugal with trichotomocolpate/monocolpate pollen. Grana 36 : 225-244. Friis, E. M ., Crane, P. R. Pedersen, K. R. 1997. Fossil history of magnoliid angiosperms. In : Iwatsuki, K. Raven, P. H. (eds). Evolution and diversification of land plants : 121-156. Springer Verlag, Tokyo, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. Pedersen, K. R. Friis, E. M . 1997. Fossil flowers from the Cretaceous and the evolutionary history of flowering plants. Geoscience in rhus 23th Nordic Geological Wintermeeting, rhus 1998 : 49-52. Zhilin, S. G., Korchagina, I. A., Potapova, J. J., Friis, E. M . Frumin, S. 1997. O nakhodke bogatogo paleokarpologicheskogo kompleksa na urobne cenomana-turona b Sarbajskom Karere, Severnyi Kazakhstan. Toporkov Lectures series 3 : 190-200. (in Russian) 1996 Friis, E. M . Endress, P. K. 1996. Flower Evolution. Progress in Botany 57 : 253-280. Friis, E. M . Pedersen, K. R. 1996. Eucommiitheca , a new pollen organ with Eucommiidites pollen from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal. Grana 35 : 104-112. Friis, E. M . Pedersen, K. R. 1996. In situ pollen and spores in plant evolution - angiosperm pollen in situ in Cretaceous reproductive organs. In : Jansonius, J. McGregor, D. C. (eds). Palynology: principles and applications. Vol. 1 : 409-426. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation. Frumin, S. Friis, E. M . 1996. Liriodendroid seeds from the Late Cretaceous of Kazakhstan and North Carolina, USA. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 94 : 39-55. 1995 Crane, P. R., Friis, E. M . Pedersen, K. R. 1995. The origin and early diversification of angiosperms. Nature 374 : 27-33. Friis, E. M ., Pedersen, K. R. Crane, P. R. 1995. Appomattoxia ancistrophora gen. et sp. nov., a new Early Cretaceous plant with similarities to Circaeaster and extant Magnoliidae. American Journal of Botany 82 : 933-943. 1994 Crane, P. R., Friis, E. M . Pedersen, K. R. 1994. Paleobotanical evidence on the early radiation of magnoliid angiosperms. Plant Systematics and Evolution (Supplement) 8 : 51-72. Endress, P. K. Friis, E. M . (eds.). 1994. Early evolution of flowers . Springer-Verlag, Wien, New York. 229 sid. Endress, P. K. Friis, E. M . 1994. 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个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|6695 次阅读|1 个评论
Welcome to my world
niecheng 2010-1-22 13:58
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[每日一乐]Nothing Else Matters
daijingwei 2008-10-11 01:39
Thrash Metal乐队Metallica的经典单曲《Nothing else matters》是一首经典老歌,虽为重金属乐队的杰作,却少了太多重金属的味道,从诞生至今已被太多乐队和个人翻唱过,其翻版后的风格涉及纯器乐版(大提琴/小提琴/竖琴/打击乐)、电子版、FUNK版、重金属版、流行乐版、爵士版、美声版、童声版、不插电版、黑金版等等,使得这首名曲以不同的曲风、不同的唱法、不同的编排再现出来,让人大饱耳服。 Nothing Else Matters So close, no matter how far 当用心去体会周围 Couldn't be much more from the heart感觉一切是如此的接近 Forever trusting who we are 永远记住我们是谁 And nothing else matters 别的都无所谓了 Never opened myself this way 不要试图用一种方式了解自己 Life is ours, we live it our way 生命属于我们,即使它是漫漫的黑夜 All these words I don't just say 所有我说的和没说的 And nothing else matters 别的都无所谓了 Trust I seek and I find in you 我从你的身上找到自己 Every day for us something new 当我们每天面对新的世界 Open mind for a different view 我打开心灵去了解又一个未知 And nothing else matters 别的都无所谓了 never cared for what they do 不在乎别人做了什么 never cared for what they know 不在乎别人知道什么 But I know因为我也曾身在其中,我知道 So close, no matter how far 当我用心灵去体会周围 Couldn't be much more from the heart感觉一切是如此接近 Forever trusting who we are 永远要记住我们是谁 And nothing else matters 别的都无所谓了 never cared for what they do 不在乎别人做了什么 never cared for what they know 不在乎别人知道什么 But I know 因为我也曾身在其中,我知道 ~~~ Never opened myself this way 不要试图用一种方式了解自己 Life is ours, we live it our way 生命属于我们,即使它是漫漫的黑夜 All these words I don't just say所有我说的和没说的 And nothing else matters 别的都无所谓了 Trust I seek and I find in you 我从你的身上找到自己 Every day for us, something new 当我们每天面对新的世界 Open mind for a different view 敞开心灵.去了解又一个未知 And nothing else matters 别的都无所谓了 never cared for what they say 不在乎别人说了什么 never cared for what they play 不在乎别人玩些什么 never cared for what they do 不在乎别人做了什么 never cared for what they know 不在乎别人知道什么 And i konw 我知道 Solo~~ So close, no matter how far 当我用心灵去体会周围 Couldn't be much more from the heart 感觉一切是如此接近 Forever trusting who we are 永远要记住我们是谁 No, nothing else matters 别的都无所谓了 riff~~~~~~~ Ending.......... 在我看来,歌词的生动和旋律的流畅是其久唱不衰的原因之一。下面推介几首感觉不错的翻唱版本。 原版: Nothing else matters-Metallica 下载链接: http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~mehmud/fav/Metallica-Nothing-else-matters.mp3 翻唱: Nothing else matters-Gregorian(出自专辑Masters Of Chant ChapterⅠ) 本人比较喜欢 下载链接: http://www.musicbar.cn/music/disc/memory/gregorian2/1-06.mp3 翻唱: Nothing else matters-Lucie Silvas(女声) 下载链接: http://itinerrance.allmyblog.com/images/itinerrance/itinerrance_20070907_105359.mp3
个人分类: 耳朵想旅行|4460 次阅读|0 个评论

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