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[转载]【剧情】【危机解密 The Fifth Estate (2013)】【720p】
lcj2212916 2014-1-12 20:52
导演 : 比尔·康顿 编剧 : 乔希·辛格 / 丹尼尔·多姆沙伊特·伯格 / 大卫·利 / 卢克·哈丁 主演 : 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 / 丹尼尔·布鲁赫 / 艾丽西卡·维坎德 / 斯坦利·图齐 / 劳拉·琳妮 / 安东尼·麦凯 / 卡里斯·范·侯登 / 丹·史蒂文斯 / 大卫·休里斯 / 彼得·卡帕尔蒂 类型: 剧情 / 传记 制片国家/地区: 美国 / 比利时 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2013-09-05(多伦多电影节) / 2013-10-18(美国) 片长: 124分钟 又名: 泄密风云(港) / 第五阶层 / 第五权力 / 第五等级 / 第五种力量 / 维基解密电影版 / The Man Who Sold the World IMDb链接: tt1837703 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰演“维基解密”创始人朱利安·保罗·阿桑奇(Julian Paul Assange)。维基解密是一个大型文档泄露及分析网站,曾经在2010年公开了多达9.2万份的驻阿美军秘密文件而引起轩然大波。康伯巴奇将要饰演的朱利安·保罗·阿桑奇是网站的董事与发言人,曾主修过物理、数学,做过程序员和黑客。阿桑奇本人和网站一样都备受争议,他曾经因为解密工作获得过多项荣誉,也曾收到过国际刑警组织的逮捕令。2010年阿桑奇因涉嫌在瑞典强奸及性侵犯2名女性被通缉,2010年12月7日他向伦敦警方自首,随即被押送到威斯敏斯特地方法院出席引渡聆讯,保释申请被驳回。2012年8月16日,阿桑奇获厄瓜多尔政治庇护。 下载地址: http://www.400gb.com/file/54120381
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[转载]Sunnylands-the lux California estate
eatbutthin 2013-6-8 13:09
TV Guide publishing magnate Walter Annenberg and his wife Leonore initially commissioned L.A. architect A. Quincy Jones to design the Rancho Mirage abode as a winter home in 1966. Because the late couple were part of Palm Springs’ celebrity society—Leonore Annenberg was the niece of Columbia Pictures chief Harry Coh, who raised her —it quickly became a haven for the who’s-who of Hollywood, hosting icons like Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, Clark Gable, and Fred Astaire. The couple also hosted Presidents, including President Ronald Reagan , who celebrated New Year’s Eve 18 times at the Annenberg House, and President Richard M. Nixon, who retreated to Sunnylands after his resignation. “When you’re down,” Nixon wrote in the house’s guestbook, “you find out who your real friends are.” While stays at the 22-room, 25,000-square-foot Annenberg House are off-limits to us average folks, limited tickets for tours of the estate are available when no diplomatic retreats are taking place. Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/06/06/inside-sunnylands-the-luxe-california-estate-where-obama-will-host-chinese-president-xi-jinping/#ixzz2Vb93XbUu
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[转载]Living in Limbo Avoids Living on the Street,美国社会,次贷
yue 2012-3-4 15:28
[转载]Living in Limbo Avoids Living on the Street,美国社会,次贷
When Living in Limbo Avoids Living on the Street http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/04/us/when-living-in-limbo-avoids-living-on-the-street.html?ref=todayspaper ORLANDO, Fla.(Florida) — Forced by the harsh realities of the real estate market, lenders are increasingly likely to allow defaulting延期 owners to remain in their homes — a change in attitude and strategy that is helping to buoy some neighborhoods while further slowing the nation’s foreclosure process.没收 Some lenders are now willing to make deals with owners to let them stay after defaulting, offering to pay home insurance , for example, while the resident pays for utilities. Other lenders simply look the other way, quietly putting off foreclosure sale dates, knowing that the costs of the ordeal probably exceed the diminishing value of the properties. The evolution in thinking was perhaps inevitable, experts say. Across the country, more than 644,458 properties were lingering in bank ownership at the end of January, but even more — some 710,725 — were coming down the foreclosure pipeline, according to RealtyTrac, a real estate and foreclosure analysis firm. In addition, states and municipalities have grown more aggressive in the last few months in trying to force banks to maintain foreclosed properties, which have become blights on neighborhoods from coast to coast. Last month, lawmakers in Florida and courts in New York considered new ways to require lenders to alter loans to keep people in their homes or complete foreclosures more quickly. “Under normal circumstances, the banks would be able to cover the cost ofmaintenance,upkeep and property taxes by just reselling the property, but these are desperate times, and banks are resorting to somewhat desperate measures in some cases,” said Daren Blomquist, a vice president at RealtyTrac, a real estate analysis firm. “It is more of a factor now because property values have come down and will not cover all these costs when the banks resell the property, if they can resell the property.” When the housing bubble burst almost six years ago, millions of Americans were forced to vacate their homes within months of defaulting, in a system that worked like an eviction mill, often resulting in vandalized properties and bitter feelings between banks and borrowers. Since then, the average time it takes to complete a foreclosure has nearly tripled nationwide, from four months in 2007 to about a year at the end of 2011, according to RealtyTrac, with the slowdown most evident in some of the hardest-hit states, including California, Florida and Illinois. Homeowners in Florida who default can now expect to wait more than two years in legal limbo, the one big upside being the opportunity to remain at home without paying for home. As a result, the relationship between many borrowers and lenders is softening from outright animosity敌意 to something that more resembles a détente缓和. Michelle Murray-Clark is one of the beneficiaries — or so she calls herself on a good day. A grocery clerk who found work last month after three years of unemployment, Ms. Murray-Clark has not made a mortgage payment in 40 months. American Home Mortgage Servicing, the loan processor, has not taken steps to evict赶出 her and is working on a third attempt at a loan modification . 变更 The company is also paying insurance on her little house with the blue aluminum siding near downtown Orlando. They talk every week. “Our whole philosophy is that it’s beneficial to keep people in their homes — better for the consumer, the investors, and for us,” said Philippa Brown, the vice president for corporate communications at American Home Mortgage Servicing. “Our job is to work with homeowners who are experiencing hardship and find ways that will keep them in their homes. We’re open to new ways of doing things.” Guy D. Cecala, the publisher of Inside Mortgage Finance, an industry newsletter, explained: “Are you better off leaving a defaulted borrower in there if they’re at least maintaining the property? A lot of times, the answer is yes.” Many wonder why it has taken the banks and loan servicers so long to adapt. Andrae Bailey, executive director of the Community Food and Outreach Center in Orlando, said, “We are seeing lenders start to work with families in a way that would have made sense in 2008.” But he worries that because so many neighborhoods have already deteriorated, “it’s too little too late.” These days, some banks announce their willingness to compromise to keep houses occupied. Vickee Adams, a spokeswoman in the home mortgage division of Wells Fargo, said, “To the point of folks remaining in their homes, there is a benefit to keeping a community active with residents.” Other lenders are often reluctant to discuss such arrangements because of questions of fairness that are inevitably raised: why should defaulting homeowners get a break? The slowing of a process that was widely seen as out of control has been a welcome relief to many borrowers who are likely to be in economic distress as a result of long-term unemployment or underemployment, experts say. But interviews with several homeowners who have had lengthy stays in their homes after defaulting show that the impact on their lives is both a blessing and a curse. “Sometimes I wake up in a foul mood,” said Ms. Murray-Clark, 52. “The mortgage company, they say, ‘We’re going to work with you,’ so I stop packing. Then they say, ‘Sorry, it didn’t work,’ and I start packing. Then they say, ‘Let’s try again!’ And I stop packing.” “I know that this is way long for anybody to be in their house,” she said. But every day, questions nag: Should she save her first paycheck to pay for movers, or should she make repairs to the roof? If the latest attempt at a loan modification comes through, how will she pay for the accumulated interest and penalties? “It’s very tense, because I don’t know what’s going to happen,” she said. Judith Fox, a law professor who directs the Economic Justice Project at the Notre Dame Law Center in South Bend, Ind., has changed the advice she gives defaulting clients. “Three or four years ago, I would always tell clients, ‘You have three or four months to get yourself together,’” she said. “Now I tell folks, even if they’ve been foreclosed, ‘Just stay put, because it could be years before anything happens.’” One of Ms. Fox’s clients is Nicholas Cline, 35, a construction worker who fell behind on his mortgage payments in 2009. (He thought he had modified his loan, but the company he was working with has since pleaded guilty to criminal fraud.) The bank that holds Mr. Cline’s mortgage has left him alone, he said. No letters, no calls, no hassles麻烦. “But now that it’s going on three years, what do you do?” Mr. Cline said. “I am living in my house. But the stress of this, not knowing what’s going to happen or when, it’s an unbelievable burden on your mind.” In New York, the time to complete a foreclosure has almost quadrupled, from 263 days in 2007 to 1,019 days in 2011. Abraham Kleinman, a lawyer in Uniondale who represents homeowners fighting foreclosure, said he counseled a client who felt guilty about remaining in his home so long after defaulting. “He says to himself, ‘I’m sitting here rent free, it can’t go on forever,’” Mr. Kleinman said. “But the plaintiff has not been aggressive. As near as I can tell, they’ve put this to the side.”
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热度 9 yzhang111 2011-7-18 09:40
刚刚 到 Deering Estate Park 逛了逛。天气不 错 , 拍了几 张纯业余级的 照片和大家分享一下没有沙 滩和海浪 的迈阿密夏日 风 光。 草坪的保养相当可以 有点儿年 头 儿的小楼 今天免 费 开放 想象如果有一 对 恋人 坐在石凳上就更美了 , 呵呵 海天一色 ( 那 块 云彩明 显 有雨 ) 风和日丽 换 个角度 远处 是 红树 林(让人纳闷儿的是,大西洋的水咋这么平静泥?) 花 团锦 簇 蓝 天白云棕 榈树 这 水里 还 有很多色彩斑 斓 的野生 热带鱼 。傻瓜相机拍不好。 再加上个Deering Estate的局部鸟瞰图吧:
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