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Your American Government
黄安年 2019-2-23 07:26
Your American Government 【 Norman C. Thomas, C. Fredrick Stoerker 著 《 你的美国政府 》1980年】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 276 ) 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 / 2019 年 2 月 23 日 发布(第 21008 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,已经超过275本,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Norman C. Thomas, C. Fredrick Stoerker 著 Your American Government ( 《 你的美国政府 》),John Wiley Sons,1980年 ,608 页。 ISBN-0-471-03031-7 照片15张拍自该书 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6, 7 , 8 , 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1038 次阅读|0 个评论
Helpful suggestions for presenting your work
whrsunny 2015-5-28 18:13
Helpful suggestions to all PhD student. The following 3 suggestions will be very helpful, when you are gona present your simulations/work to others. Thannks Manlio's suggestions, it's really super helpful. 我经常做事情粗枝大叶、不够条理。现在给大家一些建议(关于更好的展示自己工作的建议)。以下也是我本人犯得错误,大家共勉。 1. 在表示变量时,永远用一个字符表示;相同的object用同一个变量名,同一个object下面需要细分的话,加下标表示。 我记得有一些中文期刊会有这样的要求。原因:如果两个字符表示变量名的话,如果你的presentation里面又有变量乘以变量的情况,那这时候就有混淆。如果相同的object用相同的变量名会帮助读者更好地理解。 2. 对自己的工作画一个简图,做一个sketch。这样也方便比较自己和别人的工作 提出了自己工作中的定义、假设后,需要对自己的assumption做一个草图,这样别人一看图就明白你的意思了。没有比图示更能很好表达意思的了。 3. 不管是跟谁陈述自己的工作,都挑选最好最重要的结果,不需要罗列太多的结果。否则会误导你的读者。 这些问题其实以前郑博都跟我说过,只是自己不够上心。原因是自己不认真又懒惰:总觉得就是组内讲个工作进展和结果,说明白就可以了,细节不是很重要。 今天我的这些毛病都被揪出来了。 从今天起,本宫要在这些细节上也严格要求自己。 再次感谢Manlio的帮助。
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Lifestyle Design---Day 32
dymseu 2014-3-18 10:29
3/17/2014Monday 10:13:30 PM Lifestyle Design---Day 32 My lifein the United States Thanksthe Lord for giving me a new start. This week our morning nourishment we will enter into 2013 Winter Training Crystallization-Study of Genesis (2). I attended the 2013 Winter Training in Anaheim, which is my first time made a personal appearance at the event. Praise the Lord for His renewing speaking and shepherding. May Lord keep me in the ministry of Life. Today we start with the Message One: Knowing and Experiencing the God of Abraham,the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob to Become the Israel of God! I really touched by the title which saying not merely knowing, but experiencingthe Triune God with fullness. Have you ever heard about our Triune God? Or do you have experience with our Triune God. Praise the Lord, our God can beexperienced, He is the very one living in us, and living in every situation weare in. Our God is the God of three particular persons—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; this implies that He is the Triune God (Exo. 3:15; Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14). Abraham,Isaac, and Jacob are the foundations of the nation of Israel; without them there would not be the nation of Israel. These imply that we all need to have the elements of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; without these elements we cannot be the people of God, the Israel of God. Lord Jesus, I open my heart to You, may You work Yourself more to me day by day, moment by moment, so that the elements of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob increasing in me every day. The experience of Abraham signifies the experience of God the Father, the unique source, in His calling man, justifying man, and equipping man to live by faith and to live in fellowship with Him. Praise the Lord, we God people have aunique source, and everything is originated from this source---our Father. No matter what situation we are in, whatever things we encounter, positive or negative in our eyes (actually when we look back, we’ll see that everything is beneficial for us, since it is from our Father.), it is from our Father. The experience of Isaac signifies the experience of God the Son in His redeeming man and His blessing man with the inheritance of all His riches, with a life of the enjoyment of His abundance, and with a life in peace. Father is the source, our position is the son receiving everything from our unique Father. The experience of Jacob (with Joseph) signifies the experience of God the Father in His loving man and choosing man (Mal. 1:2; Rom. 9:10-13) and of God the Spirit in His causing all things to work together for the good of those who love Him,in His transforming man, and in His making man mature in the divine life so that man may be able to bless all the people, rule over all the earth, and satisfy all the people with God the Son as the life supply. Do not be afraid to experience the God of Jacob, the God of dealing with us. His dealing with us is transforming us, and making us mature in the divine life. I currently living in the brothers’ house, with five brothers. We all have different personalities and daily routines. And in the group living, it is very common for us to encounter uncomfortable things from one another. Praise the Lord, as the Father, He gives the brothers I need, and everything happens on me is from the Father, my position is just to receiving what the Father givesto me. And by His consistently work, I experience the God of Jacob. What new life hacks learnt today: Don’t Out-source Your Brain. Make your own decisions, and mistakes. And learn from them. That way, you are training your brain, not your neighbors’ orthe media personalities’, or the politicians… Num. Date Books To Be Read In The Coming Days Progress 1 Saturday, March 01, 2014 Economix: How Our Economy Works (and Doesn't Work), in Words and Pictures Paperback by Michael Goodwin Currently reading it 2 Sunday, March 02, 2014 The Cartoon Guide to Calculus (Cartoon Guides) by Larry Gonick 3 Monday, March 03, 2014 The Cartoon Guide to Statistics by Larry Gonick 4 Tuesday, March 04, 2014 The Cartoon Guide to Physics by Larry Gonick 5 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 A Conversation, Book 1: English in Everyday Life, 4th Edition by Tina Kasloff Carver 6 Thursday, March 06, 2014 A Conversation Book 2: English in Everyday Life (Full Student Book) (Third Edition) by Tina Kasloff Carver 7 Friday, March 07, 2014 The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition by William Strunk Jr. (Author), E. B. White (Author), Roger Angell 8 Saturday, March 08, 2014 Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer by Roy Peter Clark 9 Sunday, March 09, 2014 The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results Hardcover by Gary Keller 10 Monday, March 10, 2014 Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds Carmine Gall 11 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Paperback – Deluxe Edition 12 Wednesday, March 12, 2014 How to Win Friends Influence People Paperback by Dale Carnegie 13 Thursday, March 13, 2014 Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam Michael R. Lindeburg PE 14 Friday, March 14, 2014 Outliers: The Story of Success Malcolm Gladwel 15 Saturday, March 15, 2014 Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking Susan Cai 16 Sunday, March 16, 2014 Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't Hardcover by Jim Collins 17 Monday, March 17, 2014 Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything (P.S.) Paperback by Steven D. Levitt
个人分类: My Life in the United States|1187 次阅读|0 个评论
Lifestyle Design---Day 27
dymseu 2014-3-13 10:09
3/12/2014Wednesday 9:53:09 PM Lifestyle Design---Day 27 My lifein the United States Today’s MorningNourishment I enjoy: Rev.12:1 And a great sign was seen in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun,and the moon underneath her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. 5And she brought forth a son, a man-child, who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod; and her child was caught up to God and to Histhrone. The wonderful, bright woman has no covering, shadow, or darkness. Everything is in the bright open air. This kind of church is a victorious one. The man-child is the stronger part of the people of God. Although God has many angels who will fight against Satan, the final victoryover the enemy will be gained not because of the angels but because of theman-child. God needs the manchild. The fourth aspect of the church as the testimony of Jesus is that it is God's farmto grow the divine crop. This crop is first the one hundred forty four thousand firstfruits, a small number, and then the harvest, the majority (14:1-5,14-16).This tells us that in the church life we all need to grow. Verse 4 shows theway to grow. This verse says concerning the firstfruits, These are they who have not been defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are they who follow the Lamb wherever He may go. In order to grow, we need to stay away from any kind of defilement. Daniel and his three friends were offered the best food by the royal palace in Babylon, but Daniel purposed in his heart notto defile himself by eating food that had been offered to idols. In this way,these young men kept themselves from being defiled (Dan. 1:5-6, 8)....Young people especially must be careful not to be defiled, and they must also follow Jesus wherever He goes....If the young people will do this and separate themselves to the Lord, they will grow every day, and they will be thefirstfruits produced by the church life. The condition for growing quickly is tofollow the Lamb . Wherever He goes, we follow Him, and by following Him we grow more quickly. Then we will be the firstfruits. (The Testimony of Jesus,pp. 106-107, 137-138) What should be improved today: Just off the SE exam… These two exams show Idid not go into depth toward learning… What new life hacks learnt today: Focus on your game It is very easy to get distracted and become envious of what other people are doing or achieving. Try not to compare yourlife with others. Everyone has been created unique by God with their own set ofskills talents. On the contrary, you should focus on refining and sharpeningtheir own tools. So what are you “Games”? Num. Date Books To Be Read In The Coming Days Progress 1 Saturday, March 01, 2014 Economix: How Our Economy Works (and Doesn't Work), in Words and Pictures Paperback by Michael Goodwin Currently reading it 2 Sunday, March 02, 2014 The Cartoon Guide to Calculus (Cartoon Guides) by Larry Gonick 3 Monday, March 03, 2014 The Cartoon Guide to Statistics by Larry Gonick 4 Tuesday, March 04, 2014 The Cartoon Guide to Physics by Larry Gonick 5 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 A Conversation, Book 1: English in Everyday Life, 4th Edition by Tina Kasloff Carver 6 Thursday, March 06, 2014 A Conversation Book 2: English in Everyday Life (Full Student Book) (Third Edition) by Tina Kasloff Carver 7 Friday, March 07, 2014 The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition by William Strunk Jr. (Author), E. B. White (Author), Roger Angell 8 Saturday, March 08, 2014 Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer by Roy Peter Clark 9 Sunday, March 09, 2014 The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results Hardcover by Gary Keller 10 Monday, March 10, 2014 Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds Carmine Gall 11 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Paperback – Deluxe Edition 12 Wednesday, March 12, 2014 How to Win Friends Influence People Paperback by Dale Carnegie
个人分类: My Life in the United States|2140 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 howknow 2013-5-8 12:00
来源: 心志无疆的博客 http://blog.jobbole.com/37409/ 我投资的两家公司的CEO性格迥异(在此权用A和B代替他们的姓名)。 A有着近乎完美的资深职业经理人形象,他热忱外向,和蔼可亲,我从没见过他和任何人发生争执,认识他的人都喜欢他。每次董事会之前,他都会请董事们吃一顿可口的晚餐;他访问我上海的办公室时会给我的助理小姐带旧金山特产的巧克力。 B则恰恰相反,他穿着随意,初次和他接触的人往往会觉得他内向而冷淡,说话极少寒暄,总是直入主题,有些人很不喜欢B。和B聊天是很累的,因为常找不到共同的话题,间或被难堪的沉默所打断。B有时显得固执,常和董事会发生争论。在B的公司开董事会总是吃盒饭工作餐,他也从不送任何人小礼物。 A和B的业绩也是天壤之别的。在A领导公司的约三年里,该公司总计亏损一亿多美元,市值跌掉约96%,A最终被董事会炒鱿鱼。而B则在约四年里将其公司扭亏为盈,创造了一亿多美元的价值,最终成功卖掉。 怎么会出现这种奇怪的现象?难道不是大家都更喜欢A?难道A的缺点错误不是比B更少?难道A不是个比B更接近完美的职业经理人? A的问题是,他是个没有自己的主意和主张的人。他心中的第一要务,是在他人眼里显得尽善尽美,讨尽可能多的人的喜欢,至少不得罪任何人。他是个EQ极高的人,这是为什么他能爬到CEO的位置。 在商业管理中,A象一片浮在水中的木头,从四面八方来的不同意见就象水流,它们的合力会推着木头飘动,但不是去一个固定的方向,所以他领导的公司没有目标,在原地打转。 B坦言自己不是一个完美的人—他不善交际,缺乏情趣,他放弃了试图在所有人心中显得完美的努力。他心中的第一要务,是让公司尽快成长。B知道如何发挥自己的长项而让公司运作得井井有条,至于聊天这种弱项,他总是能回避就回避。 从结果看,B远强于A,但荒唐的是,大多数人的本能是向A学习,他们把全部精力都倾注在减少缺点和不犯错误上,使自己在别人心中尽量完美。当我们还是学生的时候,我们就被师长教导必须改正自己的缺点错误才能进步。语文不行补语文,数学不行补数学,改正缺点与弥补不足从而成了许多人生活的中心和目标。 专注于改正错误的错误 但从学校毕业后,这种自我改进的方法不再适用,因为当人过了一定年纪,绝大多数性格特征已经定型,其大脑中的神经回路只有很少改动的空间,许多性格缺陷变得很难改变,成年人对它们也许只能接受和回避。改正缺点常需要巨大的能量,而这能量可以用于发挥自己的长处。 人有瑕疵是很正常的事。所有人都是一分为二的矛盾体,所以我们必须接受有缺点的自己,这样才有余力来改进和创造。梵高不能做到这一点,一生在痛苦和自卑中挣扎,终于自杀,享年仅37岁。不满于自身的缺点本来可以是上进的动力,但如果因此丧失自信,内心无法和谐,则适得其反。 专注于改正错误往往事倍功半。在斯坦福商学院,我曾参加一个提高讲演能力的培训。学校请了讲演专家来指导,他们把我的演讲做了录像,从中找出了非常多的问题。专家告诉我,你讲演时应该扫视全场,不应只盯着一个人说;你的声音应该阴阳顿挫,不能太平和。他们甚至给我设计了一套行动指南:每讲三句就扫视一下观众;每几分钟就改变声音的高低等等。 我把所有的注意力都集中在改正错误上。在台上我象机器人一样扫视观众,控制着声音的高低,结果演讲流于形式,空洞无物,同时因为和自己自然的讲话方式相悖而感到筋疲力尽。后来我意识到,我想说的内容才是我的长项,把这一点丢了,仅仅专注于改正弱项会让整个演讲失去价值。于是我决定专注于自己希望阐明的思想,在形式上自由发挥,这样后来的讲演才有了能打动人的生气。 一个人在人生之路上能走多远不取决于他改正了多少个缺点,而在于他是否最大限度地发挥了自己的长处。如果刘翔觉得自己游泳不行,把所有时间都花在学游泳上,那他永远不可能成为奥运跨栏冠军。 人也不会因为缺点最少而伟大。乔布斯20出头时曾骗其合伙人Wozniak说从某客户处仅获得了$750 收入,他自己却独吞了$5000。乔布斯是有许多缺点的人,但他的成就依然造就了他的伟大。 优缺点的阴和阳 其实缺点是改正不完的,因为缺点和优点是相辅相成、互为因果的,我们不可能保存所有的优点而摒弃所有的缺点。张飞的勇猛是和他的鲁莽并存的,假如有某种镇静剂能让张飞不那么冲动,脾气变得温和,他也许治好了莽撞的缺点,但很可能也同时失去了万夫莫当之勇,张飞就不成其为张飞了。 人最大的优点往往导致了他最大的缺点。A的亲和力本来是个优点,但当他过于在乎他人的意见,在任何情况下都不愿意得罪人,这一性格特征就变成了缺点。从不提和他人不同的意见,永远循规蹈矩,没有任何创新,这样的人看似保险,但在更大的画面上却输了,因为他失去了存在的根本价值。 一位非常成功的创业家告诉我,他观察到70%以上的创业者发展到一定阶段就停住了,许多导致他们成功的优点反而成了阻碍他们进步的缺点。例如一位公司的创始人很善于发明创造和技术革新,这本来是优点;但当公司发展到要卖产品的阶段,他仍然专注于往产品中添加各种技术上复杂但不适用的功能,而对市场和营销漠不关心,导致产品问世的时间一拖再拖,最后公司的股东们只好请他离开。 切勿追求在别人心中的完美 人无法达到自身的完美,但许多人追求的并非自己心中的完美,而是 “自己所猜测的在他人眼中的完美”。就象一个人本来穿红衣服很好看也很舒服,但她猜想别人会认为她穿绿衣服好看,于是穿了又难看又不舒服的绿衣服。 为“自己所猜测的在他人眼中的完美”而活的人比比皆是。我认识一对年轻夫妇,他们本来没钱买房,租的房离上班地点近,住的条件也好,但他们认为如果不买房,亲戚朋友们会嘲笑他们,于是他们借贷在离上班很远的较便宜的地方买了一个很小的单元,每天把大量时间浪费在上下班的路上,而且成了疲于还房贷的房奴。他们既没钱旅游也没时间读书上进,他们的生活枯燥乏味而又面临着巨大的压力。其实周围的人并不那么在乎他们是否买了房,他们却为这一错觉付出着惨重的代价。 每个人都有自己的事要忙,别认为自己是整个宇宙关注的中心,好象每时每刻都有人在观察你,假如你做得不合他们的意就会跳出来责难你。你幸不幸福自己最知道,也只有自己会负责。即使有世俗而势利的人心里对你有什么看法,你又何必在乎?你遇到困难的时候他们又在哪里?他们伸出过援手吗?别为臆想中的公众意见而活,你对整个世界并没有自认为的那么重要。 但有些人似乎放弃了为自己的生活做决定的权利和责任。他们遇上重大决定时特喜欢咨询别人的意见,有时恨不得问遍所有大众的意见然后取一个平均值。但如果事业中总遵循平均意见则不可能杰出;生活中总遵循平均意见也不可能得到真正属于自己的幸福。 生命的意义不在于我们是否迎合了大众的口味,是否在别人认为我们应该走的道路上有多顺利,而在于我们是否过着自己想要的生活,是否有与众不同的思想和创造。
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翻译:50 Ways To Reach Your Goals 实现人生目标的50种方法
waterlilyqd 2012-12-30 10:39
A collection of ideas, tips, hints and other creative ways to help you achieve the success you desire. One of the primary factors of a happy, fulfilled life is a strong foundation of personal achievement. Of all the joys life has to offer, nothing quite beats the self-affirming thrill of setting out for and attaining our heart’s desire. There is a deep seated, instinctive need in the emotional make-up of human beings to chase after whatever makes them happiest – so much so that the founders of America placed the freedom to do just that as one of the basic and inalienable rights of all mankind – part of the definition of what it means to live a truly free and worthwhile life. Each of the three main aspects of goal setting and achievement – choosing a goal, throwing ourselves after it and, finally, reaching success – has its own unique pleasure -the heart-stirring rush of setting out after something we’ve always wanted (or just discovered we want), the energizing pull of a finish line drawing ever nearer, and the giddy wave of satisfaction that fills us when we finally lay hands on our prize (and begin to eye the horizon for our signs of our next conquest). This cycle of desire, action and fulfillment creates a convection current of positive energy in our lives that helps us advance ever higher toward whatever distant pinnacle or success our journey through life holds in store for us. Without this energy flow, life can feel flat, dull and meaningless. In this pages that follow, you will find fifty thought-provoking, effective and just plain fun techniques to help you succeed in capturing the spirit of adventure and success for your own individualized pursuit of happiness. Take what you can use right now, save the rest for a rainy day and get ready to live the life you dream of. SoniPitts 这本书汇集了助你实现你想要的成功的思想 , 诀窍 , 以及其它的一些创造性的方法。 个人的成就 是拥有幸福而充实的生活的坚强后盾。在人生的所有快乐之中,没有什么可以与去努力实践并实现自己的愿望时那种自我肯定所带来的极度的快感相提并论。 人类有一种深沉的本能,即追逐那些使他们感到最快乐的东西 --这种本能 是如此强烈,以致于美国奠基者将能够这样做的自由作为人类最基本的不可分割的权利,这是真正自由的、有价值的生活的一部分。 制定目标和实现目标包括三个主要方面:选择目标,将我们投身于其中,最后是获得成功。其中的每一步都有特有的快乐,有开始追求我们一直想要的东西或者仅仅是发现了我们想要的东西时那种 令人心动的冲动,在快要达到终点时那种摄人心迫的引力,当我们手捧奖杯时充溢于心的微熏的满足感,然后,又开始瞄准地平线开始搜寻我们下一次征服的目标。这种由“欲望”、“行动”、“取得成就”的一轮循环在我们的生活中创造了一种正向的能量流,推动我们向我们生命历程的顶点或者成功更进一步。没有这股能量流,生命就会平淡、沉闷而毫无意义。 在这本书中,你会发现 50 种有效而且简单有趣的启发思想的方法。 请到 www.boomerdivanation.org/ebooks/ 50ways to.pdf 下载本书
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[转载]Is your mobile phone REALLY killing your brain?
liyanwu 2012-5-20 09:28
Is your mobile phone REALLY killing your brain? 发布时间:2012-05-08 文章出自:www.dailytelegraph.com.au 原文链接: 点击查看 Is your mobile phone REALLY killing your brain? FATAL brain cancer is on the rise and could be caused by radiation from mobile phones, which would mean we're heading for devastation "on a scale never before witnessed in history". Or there may be nothing to worry about. Right now, no one knows for sure – and Dr Charlie Teo, one of Australia's top neurosurgeons, says some people are too afraid to find out because of the enormous consequences. Some studies have found there is no link between mobiles and brain cancer. Others have found a link. Dr Teo told News.com.au that studies that found no link were usually at least partly funded by telecommunications companies – and that the telcos have in the past refused to release records of phone usage that would allow a more robust study to be done. The largest study done, the international and partly telco-funded Interphone study, found phones were safe – unless you are a "heavy user", or a child (children were not included in the study). "(Brain cancer) is a terrible disease, it's the most lethal cancer known to mankind. It kills young people and it appears to be affecting more people than it did ten years ago. I believe there may be a link between mobile phones and brain cancer, " Dr Teo said. "Finding a definite link would be devastating – and the telecommunications companies are too afraid to find out." Dr Teo – whose opinion is published in full on The Punch today – thinks we need to find out for sure, and soon. "Why wait until half the world's population has brain cancer?" he asked. He also went to great pains to emphasise that there may not be a link; that he is not a radiation expert, and that he is not a zealot who wants to get rid of mobile phones. But he has looked at all the available evidence, at least a third of his patients' tumours are in the area of the brain near the ear, and he wants to find out what is going on. The Cancer Council NSW also says more research is always good, but they add that in general people shouldn't get too uptight. Chief executive officer Dr Andrew Penman said it was "difficult to prove that mobile phones cause cancer but even more difficult to prove they don't cause cancer". He says the "real world" shows that if there was any effect from phones it would be "very small". Dr Penman says any rise in brain cancer incidences are in older people, and that because large studies such as the Interphone study have not found a link there is no need for people to panic. "It's fine to be aware of the debate, but as the evidence has accumulated the level of alarm and concern … that prompted warnings about use in young children … has abated, " he said. "People tend to cast around for exotic causes of cancer they can control – but the big thing is tobacco, lack of exercise, obesity, sun exposure, the use of hormone replacement therapy. We know those things have a big effect, and you can actually do something about those." Dr Penman says there is no need for people to change their behaviour. Dr Teo says he personally minimises his usage and always uses a hands-free kit. The World Health Organisation says the non-ionising radiation emitted by phones is possibly carcinogenic and recommends hands-free or texting. And in the instructions for iPhones and Blackberries lurks a warning to keep phones slightly away from your body. Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association Chief Executive Officer Chris Althaus said AMTA rejected "Dr Teo's baseless claims of alleged improper industry influence over research into mobile phone health and safety". He said while they respected his work and acknowledged his right to express his opinion, expert opinion and the weight of evidence showed there were no adverse health effects from mobile phone use. He said the industry was committed to supporting expert research to help consumers make informed choices, that funding was provided under strict protocols – and that sometimes governments made funding conditional on some funds coming from industry. Mr Althaus also said the industry had cooperated fully with researchers. 你的手机真的时刻在谋杀你的大脑吗? 发布时间:2012-05-08 文章出自:译言 原文链接: 点击查看 致命的脑癌患病率不断在上升,而且这种疾病有可能是由手机辐射所引发,这意味着我们正以“前所未有的规模”走向灭亡。 或者这可能只是杞人忧天。 目前,答案无人确知——澳大利亚(Australia)顶尖的神经外科医生查理·张(Charlie Teo)说,一些人们因为太害怕结果的巨大打击而不敢找出答案。 一些研究发现患脑癌与手机的使用没有任何关系,而其他的一些研究却找到两者之间的关联。张教授(Dr Teo)在News.com.au上说,一些表明患脑癌与手机的使用无任何关系的研究通常至少一部分是由电信公司赞助的,并且在过去,电信公司一直拒绝公开手机使用情况的记录以供各种大型研究使用。 大型国际研究和部分由电信公司赞助的Interphone研究表明,手机是安全的,可放心使用——除非你是一个“重度使用者”或者是一个小孩(小孩不是这些研究的对象)。 “总所周知,脑癌是一种可怕的疾病,也是最容易致命的致病。它导致许多年轻生命的死亡,它比十年前影响更多的人。我坚信手机使用一定程度上影响着脑癌,”张教授(Dr Teo)说。 “找到一个确切的联系将会是毁灭性的——电信公司也害怕会找到这样的结果。” 今天张教授(Dr Teo)的文章被刊登在《笨拙周报》,他的观点认为我们应该尽快的找到确切的答案。 “为什么一定要等到全世界一半的人口都患上脑癌呢?”他说。 他也煞费苦心地强调手机的使用也许与脑癌毫无关系,他也不是一个辐射专家,同时也不是一个想摆脱手机的狂热者。但是他查看了所有现有额证据,发现至少有三分之一的病人的大脑肿瘤是在耳朵附近的。他想搞明白这是怎么一回事。 新南威尔士(澳大利亚)(NSW)的癌症协会(The Cancer Council)也说,更多的研究结果是好的,但是他们还说一般情况下人们不应该太过紧张。首席执行官安德鲁·潘曼博士(Dr Andrew Penman)说,要证明使用手机会导致脑癌很难,但要证明使用手机不会造成脑癌更难。” 他说,“现实世界”显示即使手机会带来影响那也是“微不足道”。 潘曼博士(Dr Penman)说,脑癌发病率的上升主要集中在老年人口,同时,因为大量的研究如Interphone研究还没有找到手机的使用与脑癌之间的联系,因此人们没有必要为此而恐慌。 “意识到这种争论是有好处的,但由于太多的证据达到了警告和引起人们关注的程度……这促使关于儿童使用手机的各种警告的产生……使用率也已经降低,”他说。 “人们试图寻找他们可以控制的各种外来导致癌症的原因——最大的诱因有香烟,缺乏运动,过于肥胖,缺少日照,过度的使用激素替代疗法等。我们知道以上的诱因对癌症有很大的影响,而你确实有能力去改变它。” 潘曼博士(Dr Penman)说,人们没有必要去改变他们的行为。 张教授(Dr Teo)说,他个人把手机使用降到最低并且经常使用免提套件。 世界卫生组织(The World Health)说,由手机发射出来的非电离辐射很可能是致癌物并推荐人们使用免提套件或用发短信代替打电话。 而Iphones和黑莓(Blackberries lurks)手机上的说明书警告说,让你的手机稍稍远离你的身体。 澳大利亚移动通信协会(Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association)首席执行官克里斯·奥尔索斯( Chris Althaus)说,AMTA(澳大利亚移动通信协会)驳回张教授(Dr Teo)指责不正当的行业给移动电话建康和安全的研究造成了影响的毫无根据的申索。 他说,虽然他们尊重他的工作并承认他有权力表达自己的观点,但各种的专家意见和重要的证据表明使用手机对人们的建康没有产生任何不利的影响。 他说,通信行业致力于支持专家们的研究从而帮助消费者作出明确地选择,他们提供的资金是在严格的协议下进行——有时政府提供的资金是以部分资金来自该行业为条件的。 奥尔索斯先生(Mr Althaus)还说,通信行业是充分地配合研究人员的调查的。 本文由由译言网MJane_Luo提供
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[转载]Keeping Up-to-Date on Your Industry
chrujun 2011-4-27 23:30
Keeping Up-to-Date on Your Industry http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/keeping-up-to-date.htm#np Bob has just had to shut down one of his department's production lines, while he re-engineers a key process to comply with new safety legislation. This change in legislation has been expected for well over a year, and, while it's only now coming into force, other people in Bob's industry have been prepared for the change for months. Needless to say, Bob's boss isn't happy, particularly when she hears how this is going to affect profits and delivery times. Many of us work in changing competitive environments. If we don't keep up with news and trends, we can miss key opportunities and can be caught unawares. That's why, for some of us, it's important to keep-in-touch with news and trends in our industries. Benefits of Keeping Up-to-Date Although keeping up with industry news may seem to be just one more thing to add to your To-Do List, there are several important benefits. First, you'll make better decisions, and you'll spot threats and opportunities early on, which can give you a competitive edge. This is especially important if you contribute to shaping your organization's strategy. It's also important if you're involved in sales and marketing, where it helps you identify and take advantage of the sales opportunities that come your way. Secondly, keeping up-to-date with your industry is key for building expert power . By developing expertise in your job and your industry, you'll earn the trust and respect of the people around you. From a leadership perspective, this is invaluable! Finally, it will alert you to changes that you need to think about. This is the sort of information that would have saved Bob his embarrassment. Note: Clearly, in some roles (for example, in junior roles, or where you're providing a service within your organization) there may be no need to keep up-to-date with your industry. Use your best judgment when applying the strategies in this article - if you don't need this information, don't waste your time sourcing it! Sources of Information To keep up with news and developments in your industry, the first thing you need to do is identify the best sources to use. We've listed traditional and online sources below: choose the most appropriate sources depending on your industry and the type of work that you do. Traditional Sources: Find a Mentor A great starting point is to find a mentor within your organization. Not only can mentors help you solve career issues and develop your career, they can provide you with a wealth of insider knowledge, as well as with the insight needed to understand it. Trade Organizations Your industry may have one or more trade organizations that you can join. These are useful, because they can help to keep you informed with their newsletters and publications, and they provide networking opportunities with meetings and conferences. Trade Shows and Conferences Trade shows and conferences are great for learning about competitors, new products, and industry trends; and they can provide ample networking opportunities. Face-to-Face Networking Face-to-face networking can be one of the most rewarding ways to stay on top of industry news and trends. Often, professional relationships can develop into deep friendships, especially when you meet on a regular basis. Keep in mind that you have a wide pool of people you can network with. People directly related to your industry are an obvious choice, but so are industry suppliers, customers, and people working in related fields. Online Sources: Blogs Blogs aren't just for personal journaling anymore. Many bloggers are respected for their high quality work and honest opinion. Do a web search for keywords that are commonly used in your industry - it might take a bit of time, but you may find some high quality blogs relevant to your job and your industry. Once you've found several you like, you can sign up to receive posts through RSS, or subscribe to the bloggers' Twitter profiles for regular updates (see below). You can also find top blogs by using Technorati , a well-respected blog ranking service. With it, blogs are ranked by their authority, which is determined by how many other sites link to them. Rankings go from 1-100: the higher the blog is ranked, the more reputable it is. Twitter Twitter can be a great place to find industry leaders and organizations, and to stay on top of relevant news and trends. Use it to find people in your industry who are in-the-know, by searching Twitter for relevant keywords. (You may get more out of Twitter if you start a dialogue with those who you're following.) LinkedIn Using LinkedIn is a wonderful way to connect with colleagues, trade groups, and industry leaders. You can join industry-specific groups, and get the latest updates from individuals and organizations. Google Alerts The Google Alerts service notifies you when resources featuring certain words are indexed by Google's search engine. For instance, if you're a pharmaceutical rep, you might want to get notified about articles containing the words "pharmaceutical industry," or the names of your clients, your organization and your competitors. You can be notified once a day or once a week. Links can be contained in one email, or you can get updates via an RSS feed. The advantage to using Google Alerts is that you no longer have to surf the web looking for industry news. However, you might find that you simply get too much information this way - if this happens, tweak your settings or use a longer keyword-string. Also, be aware that not every new resource will be indexed by Google - this is especially true for subscription-only content. Forums Membership sites and discussion forums can be full of insider-information tailored around specific topics or industries; and talking with other professionals in your industry can help you network and grow your skills, especially if you're in a technology field such as IT. If you're unsure of which forums to use, ask colleagues, have a browse online, or ask your Twitter or LinkedIn connections for recommendations. Tip: You may find that the most useful forums are on community websites, and you may need to pay a subscription to access these. Making Time Once you've identified the best sources to use, you need to schedule time to get the most from them. This can be challenging, especially if your day is already filled to the brim with regular commitments. But it's important to create time in your day to devote to staying current, where you need to do this for your job. First, schedule time daily or weekly to devote to reading and networking. Staying up-to-date requires a regular commitment if it's to pay off, so work time into your schedule whenever you can. Some good times might be over your lunch break, or during a "low-energy" period of the day. You can also stay up-to-date using "open time" outside of work. For instance, if you commute to work, you could listen to podcasts or audio books while you're driving. If you take a train or bus, you could read blog posts or industry magazines during your ride. You could even listen to podcasts or audio books while you're at the gym. Once you've identified several sources that you read or listen to regularly, you need to decide if they're worth your time. If a publication or source doesn't provide real value to you, then don't be afraid to cull it from your reading list. If you're doing a lot of reading, then make sure that you learn to use appropriate reading strategies , which help you make best use of your time. Learning to speed read , for instance, enables you to read and digest more information in a shorter period of time. Keep in mind that you probably don't need to know everything, from every source, about your industry. Your largest time investment will be up front, but once you've found a few reputable sources, you'll learn the most important information without having to spend much time searching for it. Note: As we've already mentioned, you may not need to keep up-to-date with your industry in some roles. Bear this in mind when scheduling your time, and don't be afraid to minimize the amount of time that you spend gathering information. Sharing and Using In some situations, sharing industry news and trends with your team can create a positive learning environment, and can help everyone to grow professionally. To share information in this way, you could devote the first few minutes of your weekly team meeting to sharing relevant news and information. You could also post articles on your organization's bulletin board or blog, or in the company newsletter. Note: Sharing news with your team won't be appropriate in all situations, as its usefulness will depend on people's roles, whether they're interested, and whether they can use the knowledge that you pass on. Again, use your best judgment - otherwise, you'll waste valuable time and resources. Overall, keeping-up-to-date on your industry is only useful if you use the information that you learn. So, don't just "store" the knowledge you gain: use it to take advantage of opportunities, minimize threats, and make better decisions. Key Points In some roles, it's important to stay on top of industry news and trends – you'll build your expertise, you'll command the respect of your team, and you'll be better placed to identify and exploit opportunities. In these roles, scour the Internet for industry magazines and reputable blogs. Use social networking sites like Twitter and LinkedIn to find industry leaders, and attend conferences and trade shows to make contacts and find out what's happening. It's easy to get information overload, so schedule daily or weekly time to devote to catching up, and be ruthless when it comes to pruning low quality sources of information. Also, remember that, in some roles, it won't be necessary to keep up-to-date with industry news, so use your best judgment about what you need to know, depending on your role, and your career aspirations.
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[转载]Your SciVerse ScienceDirect Top 25
xupeiyang 2010-11-2 08:00
Medicine and Dentistry July to September 2010 Leadership styles and outcome patterns for the nursing workforce and work environment: A systematic review Review article International Journal of Nursing Studies, Volume 47, Issue 3, 1 March 2010, Pages 363-385 Cummings, G.G.; MacGregor, T.; Davey, M.; Lee, H.; Wong, C.A.; Lo, E.; Muise, M.; Stafford, E. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (4) Hereditary Hemochromatosis: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment Review article Gastroenterology, Volume 139, Issue 2, 1 August 2010, Pages 393-408.e2 Pietrangelo, A. Achalasia: Update on the Disease and Its Treatment Article Gastroenterology, Volume 139, Issue 2, 1 August 2010, Pages 369-374.e2 Francis, D.L.; Katzka, D.A. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (1) Advances in the Diagnosis, Pathogenesis, and Management of Autoimmune Hepatitis Review article Gastroenterology, Volume 139, Issue 1, 1 July 2010, Pages 58-72.e4 Czaja, A.J.; Manns, M.P. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (2) Maternal and newborn outcomes in planned home birth vs planned hospital births: a metaanalysis Article American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 203, Issue 3, 1 September 2010, Pages 243.e1-243.e8 Wax, J.R.; Lucas, F.L.; Lamont, M.; Pinette, M.G.; Cartin, A.; Blackstone, J. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (2) Interleukin-28B Polymorphism Improves Viral Kinetics and Is the Strongest Pretreatment Predictor of Sustained Virologic Response in Genotype 1 Hepatitis C Virus Article Gastroenterology, Volume 139, Issue 1, 1 July 2010, Pages 120-129.e18 Thompson, A.J.; Muir, A.J.; Sulkowski, M.S.; Ge, D.; Fellay, J.; Shianna, K.V.; Urban, T.; Afdhal, N.H.; Jacobson, I.M.; Esteban, R.; Poordad, F.; Lawitz, E.J.; McCone, J.; Shiffman, M.L.; Galler, G.W.; Lee, W.M.; Reindollar, R.; King, J.W.; Kwo, P.Y.; Gh Cited by SciVerse Scopus (2) Providing culturally appropriate care: A literature review Review article International Journal of Nursing Studies, Volume 47, Issue 6, 1 June 2010, Pages 761-769 Williamson, M.; Harrison, L. Inflammation and Colon Cancer Article Gastroenterology, Volume 138, Issue 6, 1 May 2010, Pages 2101-2114.e5 Terzi@?, J.; Grivennikov, S.; Karin, E.; Karin, M. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (2) mTOR regulation of autophagy Review article FEBS Letters, Volume 584, Issue 7, 1 April 2010, Pages 1287-1295 Jung, C.H.; Ro, S.H.; Cao, J.; Otto, N.M.; Kim, D.H. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (11) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Part I: Effectiveness of Nonsurgical Treatments-A Systematic Review Review article Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Volume 91, Issue 7, 1 July 2010, Pages 981-1004 Huisstede, B.M.; Hoogvliet, P.; Randsdorp, M.S.; Glerum, S.; van Middelkoop, M.; Koes, B.W. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (1) Hereditary and Familial Colon Cancer Article Gastroenterology, Volume 138, Issue 6, 1 May 2010, Pages 2044-2058 Jasperson, K.W.; Tuohy, T.M.; Neklason, D.W.; Burt, R.W. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (1) Early Life Programming and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Review article Biological Psychiatry, Volume 68, Issue 4, 1 August 2010, Pages 314-319 Bale, T.L.; Baram, T.Z.; Brown, A.S.; Goldstein, J.M.; Insel, T.R.; McCarthy, M.M.; Nemeroff, C.B.; Reyes, T.M.; Simerly, R.B.; Susser, E.S.; Nestler, E.J. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (1) Colon Cancer Stem Cells: Promise of Targeted Therapy Article Gastroenterology, Volume 138, Issue 6, 1 May 2010, Pages 2151-2162 Todaro, M.; Francipane, M.G.; Medema, J.P.; Stassi, G. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (1) The validity of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - An updated literature review Article Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Volume 52, Issue 2, 1 February 2002, Pages 69-77 Bjelland, I.; Dahl, A.A.; Haug, T.T.; Neckelmann, D. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (944) Epigenetic Transmission of the Impact of Early Stress Across Generations Article Biological Psychiatry, Volume 68, Issue 5, 1 September 2010, Pages 408-415 Franklin, T.B.; Russig, H.; Weiss, I.C.; Graff, J.; Linder, N.; Michalon, A.; Vizi, S.; Mansuy, I.M. Persistent Reflux Symptoms in the Proton Pump Inhibitor Era: The Changing Face of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Article Gastroenterology, Volume 139, Issue 1, 1 July 2010, Pages 7-13.e3 Dellon, E.S.; Shaheen, N.J. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (1) Care for women with prior preterm birth Review article American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 203, Issue 2, 1 August 2010, Pages 89-100 Iams, J.D.; Berghella, V. Pathogenesis of Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury and Rationale for Therapy Review article The American Journal of Cardiology, Volume 106, Issue 3, 1 August 2010, Pages 360-368 Turer, A.T.; Hill, J.A. Preventing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome: guidance for the clinician Article Fertility and Sterility, Volume 94, Issue 2, 1 July 2010, Pages 389-400 Humaidan, P.; Quartarolo, J.; Papanikolaou, E.G. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (1) Microsatellite Instability in Colorectal Cancer Article Gastroenterology, Volume 138, Issue 6, 1 May 2010, Pages 2073-2087.e3 Boland, C.R.; Goel, A. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (2) Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits - A meta-analysis Article Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Volume 57, Issue 1, 1 July 2004, Pages 35-43 Grossman, P.; Niemann, L.; Schmidt, S.; Walach, H. Strategic considerations in treatment planning: Deciding when to treat, extract, or replace a questionable tooth Article The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Volume 104, Issue 2, 1 August 2010, Pages 80-91 Zitzmann, N.U.; Krastl, G.; Hecker, H.; Walter, C.; Waltimo, T.; Weiger, R. Uterine fibroid embolization: a viable alternative to hysterectomy Review article American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 201, Issue 2, 1 August 2009, Pages 127-135 Bradley, L.D. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (4) Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurement Review article International Journal of Nursing Studies, Volume 47, Issue 8, 1 August 2010, Pages 931-936 Bland, J.M.; Altman, D.G. Proton Pump Inhibitors and Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists Are Associated With Hip Fractures Among At-Risk Patients Article Gastroenterology, Volume 139, Issue 1, 1 July 2010, Pages 93-101 Corley, D.A.; Kubo, A.; Zhao, W.; Quesenberry, C. Cited by SciVerse Scopus (2) Click here to visit the Top 25 website for more Top 25 lists
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New Look, New Voices, Rediscover your Nature today
XUPEIYANG 2010-10-16 07:10
Dear xu peiyang, Nature has been reenergised and strengthened in print and online. From the September 23rd issue we present to you a new look, a clearer structure, and new types of content that demonstrate our commitment not only to sustaining Nature, but also to renewing it. We think the new sections of Nature will provide greater clarity in your reading experience and simplify the way you discover new content. This week This new section contains Nature Editorials and summaries of recent developments in and around science. It also includes a new page, 'World View', in which external authors give prompt personal perspectives on live issues. News in Focus News articles and features contain more reflective content, presenting developments in the world of science in greater depth. Comment Our Comment section provides a forum for essays, debates, reviews, and correspondence. Careers The Careers section offers guidance to scientists pondering the job market. Research Includes accessible summaries of the latest research articles available online, News and Views, review articles, and primary research content of Nature its Articles and Letters. The new design, with descriptive headlines and other display elements, quickly highlights what an article has to say and who its authors are. This ensures that you gain a clear idea of why you should be reading an article. And while we have enhanced our print publication, we have not neglected our website. At nature.com/nature you will discover new homepages that mirror the print redesign and allow easier navigation of Natures content online. All of these changes have been developed with intensive market research, and with much positive feedback in the process. We hope that you will enjoy Nature all the more and invite you to trial the digital replica edition free for 3 months and rediscover your Nature. Editor-in-chief Nature Trial the digital replica edition free for 3 months. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=22m=35877311r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1NgS2b=2j=ODQwODg0MTkS1mt=1rt=0 Hear our vision for Nature first-hand at nature.com/rediscover http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=5m=35877311r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1NgS2b=2j=ODQwODg0MTkS1mt=1rt=0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As a current print subscriber you are receiving this email to inform you of the changes made to Nature journal in print and online. You will not receive any further emails of this kind. To discontinue all e-mail services from Nature Publishing Group please update your online account. Modify My Account (You will need to log in to be recognised as a Nature.com registrant) http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=16m=35877311r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1NgS2b=2j=ODQwODg0MTkS1mt=1rt=0 For further technical assistance, please contact our registration department mailto:registration@nature.com For print subscription enquiries, please contact our subscriptions department mailto:subscriptions@nature.com For other enquiries, please contact our customer feedback department mailto:feedback@nature.com Nature Publishing Group | 75 Varick St Fl 9 | New York | NY 10013-1917 | USA Nature Publishing Group's offices: Principal offices: London New York Tokyo Worldwide offices: Basingstoke Boston Buenos Aires Delhi Hong Kong Madrid Melbourne Munich Paris San Francisco Seoul Washington DC Macmillan Publishers Limited is a company incorporated in England and Wales under company number 785998 and whose registered office is located at Brunel Road, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS. 2010 Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
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xiangxing 2010-6-27 10:31
女人在厨房做饭,男人在客厅陪我下棋。 女人喊:你进来一下。声音很大,语气却温柔。男人去了一趟厨房, 只有几步远,用了一溜小跑。 出来时,他拿着切开的西红柿,边咬边问我:该轮到谁走棋? 我问:你喜欢吃生西红柿? 男人一边咬着西红柿,一边抬头瞅瞅厨房:不太喜欢 他为什么喊你 ?我继续问,还切了这么一大块 她以为我喜欢。男人说,刚结婚那阵子,家里穷,我又馋,每次炒西红柿,她都要切一块,塞在我的嘴里。那时,我爱吃,现在,我不太喜欢 为什么不告诉她? 为什么要告诉她呢?假如她知道,我一直不爱吃她切的西红柿,你想,她会不会很失望 那盘棋,他赢了。冲着厨房,他扯开嗓子喊:老婆,我赢了,吃了你的西红柿,我的精力充沛、思维敏捷```` 爱情需要表达,一起生活久了,爱情的表达就变成了一些鸡毛蒜皮的生活习惯。 比如为爱人沏一杯热茶,给爱人掖好被角,跟爱人开一个小玩笑,往爱人嘴里塞一块西红柿。当然,茶可能烫了,被角可能没有掖的必要,玩笑可能稍显粗俗,或者西红柿的味道不好。但是,千万不要拒绝,因为你拒绝的,不是一个动作,而是爱情。
个人分类: 生活点滴|5441 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]How to prepare your scientific career
czyu 2010-4-30 09:22
How to prepare your scientific career How to prepare your scientific career
个人分类: 未分类|1908 次阅读|0 个评论
很好的材料- Building your Academic Career.pdf
czyu 2009-6-25 10:20
Building Your Academic Career encourages you to take a proactive approach to getting what you want out of academic work whilst being a good colleague. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such a career, the routes in and the various elements that shape current academic working lives.In the second half of the book, we deal in considerable detail with how to write a really good CV (resume) and how best to approach securing an academic job or promotion. Building your Academic Career.pdf
个人分类: 未分类|2286 次阅读|0 个评论
[每日一乐]That Place In Your Heart
daijingwei 2008-10-19 21:57
一首反战歌曲,来自Leslie Dowdall。 简洁的伴奏,突出了Leslie Dowdall天使般美妙的声线,温柔的声音却是在向大家提出一个千百年来的问题Why can't we live as one?这是渴望和平的人们在如今战火纷飞的世道对大同世界的一种向往。为什么大家不能彼此和平相处而要互相伤害? Leslie Dowdall可以说是90年代著名的Celtic摇滚乐队Tua Nua解散之后依旧长盛不衰的歌手,她与Paul Brennan (Clannad)以及Ronan Hardiman一起将Celtic音乐推向了世界。1997年,Leslie Dowdall荣膺Heineken/Hotpress Music Awards最佳女歌手奖,首张处女作No Guilt No Guile (Grapevine (Ireland) GRA CD220, 1997) 至今仍为乐迷们津津乐道。第二张专辑Out There (LD Records (Ireland) LD CD 1006, 1998) 确立了爱尔兰当家女歌手的独一无二的地位。 That Place In Your Heart Leslie Dowdall Walk with me 曾与我同行 break some bread here with me 某些利益使你我反目成仇 Enemy,why can't you live with me? 敌人,为什么彼此之间不能和平共处? Who are you? 你是谁? What did i do to you? 我曾对你做了什么吗? Wish i knew 但愿我知道 why can't i live with you? 为什么彼此之间不能和平共处? ~~ We are all born the same 我们都生于同一片蓝天 Then we separate 然而却要分道扬镖 Then the world falls apart 我们的世界因此而破裂 blame turns to hate 埋怨也渐渐变为仇恨 We can not contemplate 我们根本无法凝思出 how far apart we are 我们之间的差距有多远 There is always a way to that place 总是有一条路 in your heart~~ 能通向你心里的某个地方 ~~~~~ Hated one 互相仇恨的人 Just put down your gun 只要放下手中的武器 Done is done 过去的已经过去了 Why can't we live as one? 为什么我们不能像一家人一样相处? Feel no shame 没有尴尬 the air we breathe is the same 因为我们呼吸的是同样的空气 Heal the pain 结束痛苦吧 Why do we live in vain? 为什么我们要空虚地生活? ~~ We are all born the same 我们生于同一片蓝天 Then we separate 然而却要分道扬镖 Then the world falls apart 我们的世界因此而破裂 blame turns to hate 埋怨也渐渐变为仇恨 We can not contemplate 我们根本无法凝思出 how far apart we are 我们之间的差距有多远 There is always a way to that place 总是有一条路 in your heart~~~ 能通向你心里的某个地方 in your heart~~~ in your heart~~~ in your heart~~~ There is always a way in your heart~~~ 「Enemy,why can't you live with me?」敌人,为什么彼此之间不能和平共处? 下载链接: http://www.xyxphoto.com/cn/music/1.mp3
个人分类: 耳朵想旅行|3941 次阅读|0 个评论

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