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热度 5 BaoHaifei 2012-8-10 17:08
绿袖子 --- 伊人伊人吾心伤 鲍海飞 译 2012-8-10 看了王春艳所录的四言《绿袖子》,感觉很美。其所录之四言,读起来朗朗上口,如诗经在歌入耳。细品味之,但思这中西文化确有相通之处。英诗原文,八个音律一组,而两两四言恰相对应。读后不禁心动,遂转译成七言,采用同韵。 Greensleeves by Henry VIII 伊人伊人吾心伤。 Alas my love, you do me wrong 拂袖而去路长长。 To cast me off discourteously 吾之所爱天地久。 I have loved you all so long 与汝相伴心欢扬。 Delighting in your company 绿袖婉转吾心荡。 Greensleeves was all my joy 绿袖轻柔吾心畅。 Greensleeves was my delight 绿袖绿袖映吾心。 Greensleeves was my heart of gold 绿袖伊人梦一场。 And who but my Lady Greensleeves 与伊相携心盼望。 I have been ready at your hand 伊人所希不彷徨。 To grant whatever you would crave 人生漫漫路艰险。 I have both waged life and land 伊人爱恋涌心上。 Your love and good will for to have 伊人希求尘世无。 Thou couldst desire no earthly thing 伊人心坚无所挡。 But still thou hadst it readily 天籁之音犹在耳。 Thy music still to play and sing 远远逝去断吾肠。 And yet thou wouldst not love me 绿袖飘飘向苍茫。 Greensleeves now farewell adieu 默默祷告祝永康。 God I pray to prosper thee 吾之真爱情永驻。 For I am still thy lover true 企盼真爱帆再扬。 Come once again and love 伊人伊人吾心伤。 Alas my love, you do me wrong 拂袖而去路长长。 To cast me off discourteously 吾之所爱天地久。 I have loved you all so long 与汝相伴心欢扬。 Delighting in your company 附录:王春艳, 我爱英歌( 〇 )》 ------ 绿袖子 GREENSLEEVES http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=42659do=blogid=591779 我思断肠,伊人不臧。 Alas my love, you do me wrong 弃我远去,抑郁难当。 To cast me off discourteously 我心相属,日久月长。 I have loved you all so long 与卿相依,地老天荒。 Delighting in your company 绿袖招兮,我心欢朗。 Greensleeves was all my joy 绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂。 Greensleeves was my delight 绿袖摇兮,我心流光。 Greensleeves was my heart of gold 绿袖永兮,非我新娘。 And who but my Lady Greensleeves 我即相偎,柔荑纤香。 I have been ready at your hand 我自相许,舍身何妨。 To grant whatever you would crave 欲求永年,此生归偿。 I have both waged life and land 回首欢爱,四顾茫茫。 Your love and good will for to have 伊人隔尘,我亦无望。 Thou couldst desire no earthly thing 彼端箜篌,渐疏渐响。 But still thou hadst it readily 人既永绝,心自飘霜。 Thy music still to play and sing 斥欢斥爱,绿袖无常。 And yet thou wouldst not love me 绿袖去矣,付与流觞。 Greensleeves now farewell adieu 我燃心香,寄语上苍。 God I pray to prosper thee 我心犹炽,不灭不伤。 For I am still thy lover true 伫立垅间,待伊归乡。 Come once again and love 绿袖招兮,我心欢朗。 Greensleeves was all my joy 绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂。 Greensleeves was my delight 绿袖摇兮,我心流光。 Greensleeves was my heart of gold 绿袖永兮,非我新娘。 And who but my Lady Greensleeves
个人分类: 英诗译|5108 次阅读|11 个评论
《长歌当空》------绿袖子 GREENSLEEVES
热度 9 freefloating 2012-7-13 13:24
我思断肠,伊人不臧。 Alas my love, you do me wrong 弃我远去,抑郁难当。 To cast me off discourteously 我心相属,日久月长。 I have loved you all so long 与卿相依,地老天荒。 Delighting in your company 绿袖招兮,我心欢朗。 Greensleeves was all my joy 绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂。 Greensleeves was my delight 绿袖摇兮,我心流光。 Greensleeves was my heart of gold 绿袖永兮,非我新娘。 And who but my Lady Greensleeves 我即相偎,柔荑纤香。 I have been ready at your hand 我自相许,舍身何妨。 To grant whatever you would crave 欲求永年,此生归偿。 I have both waged life and land 回首欢爱,四顾茫茫。 Your love and good will for to have 伊人隔尘,我亦无望。 Thou couldst desire no earthly thing 彼端箜篌,渐疏渐响。 But still thou hadst it readily 人既永绝,心自飘霜。 Thy music still to play and sing 斥欢斥爱,绿袖无常。 And yet thou wouldst not love me 绿袖去矣,付与流觞。 Greensleeves now farewell adieu 我燃心香,寄语上苍。 God I pray to prosper thee 我心犹炽,不灭不伤。 For I am still thy lover true 伫立垅间,待伊归乡。 Come once again and love 绿袖招兮,我心欢朗。 Greensleeves was all my joy 绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂。 Greensleeves was my delight 绿袖摇兮,我心流光。 Greensleeves was my heart of gold 绿袖永兮,非我新娘。 And who but my Lady Greensleeves
个人分类: 长歌当空|4621 次阅读|25 个评论
热度 2 dxk990720 2012-4-25 11:20
绿袖子扬起的忧伤 吕晓宇 当尘嚣歇止了舞步 当城市的眼睛次第变得倦怠 我知道自己期待的静夜 终于款步而来 此时 我把音乐的门打开 还是那支熟稔的曲子 又一次 在耳畔轻扬着舒缓 淡淡的忧伤也不期而至 如水漫上 是春水洗梳河草凌乱的过往 也是绿色的风之袖长舞 拂扰了河岸的对面 一枝高高的 苇草 关于 爱情的眺望 而 就在那一瞬 风凸起了顽劣和轻狂 折断了苇草远方的瞭望 绿袖子 渐行渐远 飘出了视线的方向 苇草的凄婉低垂在岸上 而 那只自远处归来 羽下振翅着爱情的水鸟 再也 找不到习惯停歇的地方 守候着烟波里漫长的日子 等春天 莺飞草长 春天的绿袖子 和着诗行 已经唱到了秋天 和风一样灵动的旋律 依然缥缈 流淌 着夜 的黯然 和忧伤 注:《绿袖子》是一首英国民谣,在依丽莎白女王时代就已经已广为流传,相传是英皇亨利八世所作 (他是位长笛家), 其 背后的故事,一说是一个民间水手的爱情。水手和一个喜欢穿绿袖衣裳的姑娘相爱了,每次见面,姑娘都穿着她喜欢的绿袖衣裳,像一只美丽的绿云雀。后来战争爆发,水手参战去了,姑娘日日穿着绿袖衣裳,站在路口等待心上人归来,最后悲伤而死。 多年的战争终于结束,满身沧桑的水手归来,却再也寻不着他心爱的姑娘。 《绿袖子》又一说,是国王亨利八世的爱情。这个在传说中相当暴戾的男人,却真心爱上一个民间女子,那女子穿一身绿衣裳。某天的郊外,阳光灿烂。他骑在马上,英俊威武。她披着金色长发,太阳光洒在她飘飘的绿袖上,美丽动人。而他,阅尽美女无数,从没有一个女子,能像她一样,绿袖长舞,在一瞬间,住进他的心房。从此他念念不忘。但斯人如梦,只余绿袖飘舞,长长的忧伤。(摘自网络). 扬州才女莲波关于《绿袖子》的中文译本(斯卡布罗集市也是由她翻译),诗经的风格,婉约的文字,悠扬清新的曲子,赏来凄美而动人,忧伤而真挚。   我思断肠,伊人不臧。  Alas my love, you do me wrong   弃我远去,抑郁难当。  To cast me off discourteously   我心相属,日久月长。  I have loved you all so long   与卿相依,地老天荒。  Delighting in your company   绿袖招兮,我心欢朗。  Greensleeves was all my joy   绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂。  Greensleeves was my delight   绿袖摇兮,我心流光。  Greensleeves was my heart of gold   绿袖永兮,非我新娘。  And who but my Lady Greensleeves   我即相偎,柔荑纤香。  I have been ready at your hand   我自相许,舍身何妨。  To grant whatever you would crave   欲求永年,此生归偿。  I have both waged life and land   回首欢爱,四顾茫茫。  Your love and good will for to have 绿袖招兮,我心欢朗。  Greensleeves was all my joy )   绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂。  Greensleeves was my delight   绿袖摇兮,我心流光。  Greensleeves was my heart of gold   绿袖永兮,非我新娘。  And who but my Lady Greensleeves   伊人隔尘,我亦无望。  Thou couldst desire no earthly thing   彼端箜篌,渐疏渐响。  But still thou hadst it readily   人既永绝,心自飘霜。  Thy music still to play and sing   斥欢斥爱,绿袖无常。  And yet thou wouldst not love me 绿袖招兮,我心欢朗。  Greensleeves was all my joy   绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂。  Greensleeves was my delight   绿袖摇兮,我心流光。  Greensleeves was my heart of gold   绿袖永兮,非我新娘。  And who but my Lady Greensleeves   绿袖去矣,付与流觞。  Greensleeves now farewell adieu   我燃心香,寄语上苍。  God I pray to prosper thee   我心犹炽,不灭不伤。  For I am still thy lover true   伫立垅间,待伊归乡。  Come once again and love me 绿袖招兮,我心欢朗。  Greensleeves was all my joy   绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂。  Greensleeves was my delight   绿袖摇兮,我心流光。  Greensleeves was my heart of gold   绿袖永兮,非我新娘。  And who but my Lady Greensleeves ---- (歌词摘自网络)
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