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hongyuhuang2011 2013-9-21 10:10
Researchers create first-ever interior 3-D map of Leaning Tower of Pisa using breakthrough mobile laser mapping system Sep 18, 2013 http://phys.org/news/2013-09-first-ever-interior-d-tower-pisa.html Enlarge Display of final Zebedee 3D map of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Developed by the CSIRO, Australia's national science agency, the Zebedee technology is a handheld 3D mapping system incorporating a laser scanner that sways on a spring to capture millions of detailed measurements of a site as fast as an operator can walk through it. Specialised software then converts the system's laser data into a detailed 3D map. While the tower's cramped stairs and complex architecture have prevented previous mapping technologies from capturing its interior, Zebedee has enabled the researchers to finally create the first comprehensive 3D map of the entire building. This technology is ideal for cultural heritage mapping, which is usually very time consuming and labour intensive. It can often take a whole research team a number of days or weeks to map a site with the accuracy and detail of what we can produce in a few hours, said Dr Jonathan Roberts, Research Program Leader at CSIRO's Computational Informatics Division. Within 20 minutes we were able to use Zebedee to complete an entire scan of the building's interior. This allowed us to create a uniquely comprehensive and accurate 3D map of the tower's structure and composition, including small details in the stairs and stonework. During 'Project Pisa', CSIRO also collaborated with local Italian scientists from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (SSSA) who believe the research will have significant impact on preserving the cultural heritage of the site. Dr Jonathan Roberts, Program Leader for CSIRO's Computational Informatics Division scanning the Leaning Tower of Pisa with new Zebedee technology. Our detailed record of the Leaning Tower of Pisa may one day be critical in being able to reconstruct the site if it was to suffer catastrophic damage due to natural disasters such as a fire or an earthquake. Having a detailed 3D model of the world's most significant cultural heritage sites could also be used to allow people who cannot physically visit these sites to better understand and appreciate their history and architecture, said Franco Tecchia, Assistant Professor at the PERCRO - Perceptual Robotics lab. In 2012, CSIRO through its Digital Productivity and Services Flagship worked with 3D Laser Mapping, a global developer of laser scanning solutions to commercialise the Zebedee research into the ZEB1 product. As well as its applications in cultural heritage, ZEB1 is also being used to increase efficiencies and improve productivity in a number of different industries. For example, the technology is already assisting mining companies to better manage their operations and helping security forces to quickly scan crime scenes. Enlarge Screen shot of 3D point cloud created from CSIRO's Zebedee scan of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. CSIRO's Zebedee research was recently awarded a 2013 Eureka Prize, often referred to as an 'Australian Oscar of Science', for Innovative Use of Technology. The Australian national science agency's breakthrough 3D mapping system was also recently recognised as the winner of the Research and Development category at the iAwards, Australia's premier ICT awards program.
个人分类: LiDAR|3127 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 hongyuhuang2011 2013-8-19 11:18
前几天在澳大利亚Brisbane进行了激光扫描仪在森林中的联合实验,仪器有UK的SALCA(Salford Advanced Laser Canopy Analyser,双光谱地基激光扫描仪)、DWEL (dual waveform Echidna LiDAR,又一双光谱地基激光扫描仪)、Riegl 和Faro 等。 具体情形可参见: http://storify.com/TERN/tlsiig-in-brisbane http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-08-16/laser-vision-reveals-queensland-forests-in-new/4893664?goback=%2Egde_4408378_member_266648538#%21(视频)
个人分类: LiDAR|4553 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 1 hongyuhuang2011 2012-11-5 10:35
http://www.tekniikkatalous.fi/innovaatiot/erottaa+madat+omenat+tuoreista+ndash+suomalaiset+kehittivat+ensimmaisen+monikanavaisen+laserkeilaimen/a850973?s=uamp;wtm=tt-29102012 左侧是扫描的彩色点云;右侧是苹果树的照片。 还只是原型系统,造价7万欧元。有八个波谱;测距范围50米。扫描角度为360×60度。目前扫描速度是375000个点/15分钟(例子中的苹果树),相等于每秒400多个点。 有了光谱信息,结合点云的几何信息,其应用前景只局限于你的想象了...
个人分类: LiDAR|4017 次阅读|1 个评论
hongyuhuang2011 2011-11-30 16:48
链接: http://www.popsci.com/bown/2011/product/faro-focus-3d 美国的Popular Science杂志 Best of what's new 2011中,Faro公司的 Focus 3D扫描仪入选; 类别为Security:3-D in every precinct, 即三维化每个警局辖区。 强调的是激光雷达在公共安全,法医取证调查上的利用:由于其轻便紧凑,高速准确, 价廉物美,小警局也能装备得起。 杂志中标出的价格是3万美元(20万人民币); 国内同类产品的报价是120万(不久前参加该产品的现场扫描,销售经理告诉的)。价格内外有别,为何差这么远? The Faro Focus 3D brings accurate forensic laserscanning to small police departments that wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford the advanced crime-scene mapping tool. In-house design and manufacture of all the processing and optical components means that the scanner is more compact and brings down the final price significantly. The improved optics yield a scan radius of up to 394 feet, and thanks to better signal-processing chips, the Focus can scan and store the details of a room in less than five minutes. $30,000  
个人分类: LiDAR|2863 次阅读|0 个评论
hongyuhuang2011 2011-11-25 15:00
最近,Bentley Systems Inc. 收购了 Pointools Ltd – 点云数据处理的软件公司 早些时候 AVEVA 收购了 Z+F UK, 而 Autodesk 把 AliceLabs 收入囊中。这些都是发生在近两个月的事;收购之前的准备活动则是我们所不知道的。 行业的软硬件整合正在加速...而激光雷达作为一个高效准确的采样测量工具被众多行业广为接受,点云数据及其处理与信息提取已构成工作流中不可或缺的一环。
个人分类: LiDAR|2377 次阅读|0 个评论
英国著名的巨石阵Stonehenge 的精准三维模型
hongyuhuang2011 2011-10-26 11:23
英国著名的具有五千年历史的巨石阵的三维模型。经过激光扫描仪(Leica和Z+F)的采样, 精度可达0.5毫米。 石头表面上的角落缝隙,青苔,刻痕,侵蚀迹象等清晰可见。另 软件厂商Geomagic 10月25日的公关新闻指出, 其影像处理及逆向工程产品 Geomagic Studio 在构建三维数字模型中发挥了重要作用。此数据(一幅扫描场景可达5千万个点,1.5GB)大,处理要求较高。 http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/about/news/3d-stonehenge-model-unveiled/ A detailed survey of every stone that makes up Stonehenge using the latest technology, including a new scanner on loan from Z+F UK that has never before been used on a heritage project in this country, has resulted in the most accurate digital model ever produced of the world famous monument. With resolution level as high as 0.5mm in many areas, every nook and cranny of the stones' surfaces is revealed with utmost clarity, including the lichens, Bronze Age carvings, erosion patterns and Victorian graffiti. Most surprisingly, initial assessment of the survey has suggested that the 'grooves' resulting from stone dressing on some sarsen stones (the standing stones) appear to be divided into sections, perhaps with different teams of Neolithic builders working on separate areas. The model will be a powerful tool for tracking changes in the physical condition of Stonehenge, and for deepening our understanding of its construction and the thinking and working habits of its creators, plus changes to the monument in later history. In March 2011 English Heritage commissioned 3D laser scanning specialists the Greenhatch Group, together with Atkins Mapping and Archaeo-Environment Ltd, to capture the stones and the landscape surrounding them at a level of precision and definition never before attempted. The survey includes all the visible faces of the standing and fallen stones of Stonehenge, including Station, Heel and Slaughter stones, as well as the top of the horizontal lintels. The resultant high resolution archival data and 3D meshed models is currently being synthesised and will be officially published and shared with the wider archaeological community in due course. Experts will also further analyse and study the archaeological significance of the data. A variety of 3D models and datasets which can be manipulated and customised to simulate fly-over views of the monument from different perspectives will be used by English Heritage's interpretation team who is working on the new galleries of the proposed visitor centre.
个人分类: LiDAR|4252 次阅读|0 个评论

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