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timefreq 2010-9-25 16:05
   1.Desperate housewives 绝望主妇   时而压抑、时而诙谐、人物性格刻划得鲜明,只是觉得剧情不是那么贴近生活,不过里面的句子还有哲理性,几个主演的英语也是非常标准,是一部学习英语值得推崇的super soup。 Desperate housewives 绝望主妇    2.Ugly Betty 丑女贝蒂   里面能学到很多商务类的英语词汇,而且对个人的性格修为有所帮助,我很喜欢Daniel的处世风格。 Ugly Betty 丑女贝蒂   3.Sex and the city 欲望都市   欲望都市是很有内涵的片子,不是一般肥皂剧比得了的。从女性的视角叙述女人的性与情感,中国男人看了估计会受不了。 Sex and the city 欲望都市    4.Friends 六人行   老友记是一部很好的帮助我们学习英语口语及常用短语、日常用品的单词的连续剧,就我个人而言,我会在第一遍不看字幕过一遍,第二遍借助字幕理解第一遍不清楚的地方,第三遍把印象深的短语句子写下来,反复读记,第四遍在过一遍。比如我就会想起:snow in a can 雪花罐;working on commission 赚佣金;look no further!不要再找了;take you forever to find(要花费很长时间找到某件物品)。 Friends 六人行    5.Boston Legal 律师风云   有趣的电视剧,可以熟悉法律方面的词汇内容,但是还是有好多涉及专业方面的词听不懂,发音清楚,有些人讲话略快。法庭辩论精彩。 Boston Legal 律师风云    6.House MD 豪斯医生   可以熟悉医学方面的词汇,不过也都是稀奇古怪的那种。也是拣点小芝麻,医生确实是讲的另一个星球的语言在涉及到医学方面。不过可以看到许多奇怪的幽默,比喻,等等,总是就是绕着弯子讲话,的确有意思。类似以某种专业为主题的电视剧都不是很适合英语的学习,CSI,Law and Order等等。 House MD 豪斯医生    7.Prison Break 越狱   讲话俚语较多,某些人的口音听不清楚,认为不适合学习口语,而且听力没有必要听懂所有的俚语。类似俚语较多的还有Weeds单身毒妈,可能这个取决于编剧的习惯和尺度。 Prison Break 越狱    8.My name is earl 愚人善事      俚语多,讲话不甚清楚,但是还能听的清。却是比较好的一部喜剧,美国的劳动人民也很生猛。 My name is earl 愚人善事    9.How I met your mother 老爸老妈浪漫史   也算是上面两部适合学习口语的剧集的候补,青年人的话语比较多一些,本年度最佳的情景喜剧。 How I met your mother 老爸老妈浪漫史    10.Greys Anatomy 实习医生格蕾   医务类剧集,有适当的医学词汇,但是还是以生活为主。口语较快,收视率很不错。 Greys Anatomy 实习医生格蕾
个人分类: 英语学习|1817 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 1 slowlight 2010-9-14 07:13
博士英语课程学习开始了,虽然占了不少时间,但既然要学,还是认真些,不要 浪费了时间。课堂上大家讨论什么是我们英语口语的最大障碍,有人说是词汇,有人说是句子,在我看来,我们缺少的是练习的机会,开口的勇气与自信。说的差点就差点,发音不准确也不要紧,有语法错误就先错着,等习惯开口说了,再慢慢纠正,第一步很重要。 一个纠正发音的小办法:把自己的声音录下来,再去听就会发现其中的问题,然后不断练习,必然会有不断提高。也有人建议在镜子面前练习发音的。 记一段英语绕口令 Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick? 还有一句 Think through thick and thin 牛人Richard Phillips Feynman的一句话 If you want to solve a problem that we have never solved before, we must leave the door tothe unkown ajar 关于problem and problem solving的一些名人名言 http://creatingminds.org/quotes/problems.htm
个人分类: 英文练习|5177 次阅读|2 个评论
carldy 2010-5-5 22:14
正方 (Affirmative) : Men contribute more to the society than women (成员:苏懿涵、李源、林文芝、郭丽玲) 反 方 (Negative) : Women contribute more to the society than men (成员:叶娟、林国阳、李玲玲、林燕玲) 主持:王萍 【老戴备注】 这是 2009 - 2010 学年第二学期举行的第三次班级辩论赛,也是第一次完全由学生自主完成的英文辩论赛。如实记录下来,以勉其创新精神。愿这样的辩论能在同学们嘴边越来越流畅。 班级辩论赛主持人王萍: Good morning everyone. I'm honored to be nominated as a master for today's debate. The topic is men or women contribute more to the society. As we all know , there are two kinds of people in the world , men and women .They play different roles in the society . But they are all indispensable .Even though I'm a girl, I have to admit that men make a huge contribute to the society. So it is really hard to say which one (who) contribute (s) more to the society. But our debater (s) have their own viewpoints . We have 8 debaters today, 4 on each side. This is the affirmative side(pointing to the affirmative),they believe that men contribute more to the society . This is the negative side(pointing to the negative), they hold that women contribute more to the society. Now, I'd like to introduce the procedure of today's debate. First, introduce their viewpoints. Second, free debate. Third, conclusion. As everybody is ready , now let's start the debate. First ,welcome the affirmative side ,number one debater. ( 正方 ) 苏懿涵 Today, our topic is about who contributes more to the society, men or women. As we all know, for most of human existence, our society is man-dominated. At almost every pivotal historic moment, the people who navigated the direction of history are always males. This is beyond dispute. Those great ancient emperors and kings who create prosperous and powerful kingdoms, and those who desire to explore and discover our splendid nature, dedicated their lives to invent, to create the inventions that entirely changed the human world into highly advanced civilization, they are nearly all men. We can give countless illustrations such as emperor QinShihuang, scientist Newton , inventor Edison, thinker Marx, etc. All in all, we hold the view that men contribute more to the society. 主持人: Thank you, now it is the negative side's turn . ( 反方 ) 叶娟: Our opinion is that Women contribute more to society than men. If you look up in a dictionary, you will find what the word contribute means. The definition in the dictionary is: to give money, help, ideas, experience etc to something that a lot of other people are involved in. According to the definition, we can see obviously that women contribute more to society than men. My reasons may be as follows: First, the role they play in family. As we all know that women are in charge of the whole familys daily life, make meals, wash clothes, clean houses, bore children and then take care of children. All the things above are basic element to make a family run normally and happily. And we all know that society is made up of all families. So, at the role women play well, the family will be more harmonious, and then theres no doubt the society will be more harmonious, too. Second, the role they play in society. In the past, women are fettered by cultural effects and by the tradition idea of family. But now, things changed. As ita a society call for womens liberation, nowadays, there are an increasingly large amount of women who go out and make their own career. In this process, women make their own contributions to the society, arent there more and more Business Superwoman in society, and at the same time women aloso have to take care of the whole familys daily life. So how can you say that women are less contributory, how can you say that men contribute more to the society. Finally, the characters they are born with. Its know to everbody that men are bellicose and impatient. On the contrary, women are always peacefull and patient. According the the history, mens shortcomings in characters have cause many disasters. For examples, Emperor Qin Shi Huang who burn the books and bury the scholars alive, and Adolf Hitler who was regarded as one of the initiators who lead to the World War 1. With the reasons above, we have enough evidence to say that women contribute more to society than men. 主持人: They all express their viewpoints clear and perspicuous. Let's move on to the free debate part. ( 正方 ) 李源: My dear friend, do you mean women hold up half the sky. But could you tell us why people always emphasize the important of the half sky held up by women instead of the half sky held up by men? In the ancient times, a woman without talent is virtuous. In general, womans knowledge level is lower than that of man. Whats more, woman is weaker than man in physiology. There is no doubt that at that time most of the contribution to the society was made by men. But with the development of the society, women can hold up half of the sky. But, we all know just half of it, which means women are still helping men to hold up the sky. Man is still taking the leader role. Even though, many successful women have proved sometimes women can do as well as men. But whats the actual situation? In all the social classes, the top leaders are always men. For example, we have so many men presidents instead of women presidents. Granted that women do have the ability to contribute, but base on the fact, women didnt do contribution as much as men. ( 反方 ) 林燕玲: Women's contributions are usually behind-the-scenes, while men often say work comes first, women have no choose to sacrifice themselves to take care of the elder and the child. What is more, they sometimes go to work too. They devote a lot to the family, and play an important role in making the family's happiness and harmony. As long as family is the foundation of the society, they do a lot to the society's harmony. There is a saying that every succeed man need a woman behind him to support him. Why? Because women often do the most complicated work, such as washing, cooking, and caring. They carry the obstacles for men to become succeed. Without women, men can do little contribution. Women are more careful and tender, which is useful and helpful to child's growing. Most kindergarten teachers and nurses are women. They do a lot to the society's future. ( 正方 ) 苏懿涵: Yes, you got it! I quite agree with you. I admit that a woman means so much to a man. Men can never live well without women. But please remember our topic, women sacrificed much to men, and men contribute more to the society. Quite right! ( 驳燕玲 ) ( 正方 ) 郭丽玲 Firstly , its incorrect to claim women play a more important role by emphasizing the minority women who make enormous contributions. Take Soong May-ling and Madame Curie for example, which just tell us that women are capable to do the same thing as men do. But, the fact is that most women didnt choose to do that despite of their having capabilities or intelligence. And thus the development of our society is pushed by countless men except for women who are few and far between. The contributions made by men are far beyond womens whether in quality or quantity. When it comes to the importance of domestic happiness, I have to acknowledge that women have more impacts on men then men have on themselves. Although woman seldom devote to diplomacy and internal affairs, they definitely create a good living environment for men. However, what we discuss today is who makes more contributions to society rather than who makes more contributions to men. So, compared with women, men contribute more to the society. As youve said, there are some men that, indeed, have brought disasters to the society; yet, we cant deny the contributions made by men. Our task today is to work out men or women who make more contributions, not to compare the difference after merits offset faults. Our society has always been run by men and men are more powerful. Furthermore most of the contributions towards our society have been made by men. Men are the head of families and controlled the means of the production, and women played a secondary and supportive role as opposed to a leadership one. (反方)林国阳(2010-5-31补全): As for that point, your argument is totally untenable. Ladies and gentlemen, we are no longer in the primitive stage of slash and burn cultivation when bigger muscles implied more agricultural productivity. We are in an age of mechanism and automation, in which more significance is attached to intelligence and wits. And its intelligence and wits that makes us men, not muscles. Even when muscles can be of some avail in sports undertakings, men did not live up to our expectation as women did. To illustrate, take Beijing Olympic Games for example, among the 100 medals that we had won, women won 27 gold medals, men 24; women won 11 silver medals, men 10; women won 19 bronze medals, men 8. Altogether women won 57 medals, while men 42(The last one was shared by both men and women.). Another example is Chinese football. The best ever record of Chinese male football team was made in 2002 Japan/South Korea World Cup, when Chinese male football team broke through the elimination round, making the so-called historic record. Take a look at the Chinese female football team. They had won the champion of 6 th and 7 th Asian Cup in 1986 and 1989. They were the sliver winner of Atlanta Olympic in 1996 and Women World Cup in 1999. In addition, Sun Wen was named the womens world player of the year in 1999. Its so hard for us to expect a mens world player of the year while the Chinese football fans were still waving homemade signs which read Chinese football, rush out of Asia ! ( 正方 ) 苏懿涵: Yes, in a way. But havent you realized what you said can just indicate that people of either sex are capable of doing the same job well. And the fact is, many women have abilities to create their own career, but they didnt do it. Perhaps the opportunity this man-dominating society offered to women is so rare. Any way, their contribution is very limited. ( 驳国阳 ) ( 正方 ) 林文芝: 1.In human history, there are many great statesmen; scientists are women, such as Sung Mei-ling, Madame Curie and so on. But I think these are a few examples that women make great contributions to the society. And they just indicate that women can also do the things that men always do. We must declare that although women can also many jobs that men always do, they don't do them. So from the history, we can know that men who make progress in society are countless, but women are rare. 2 even though women do more contribution to our family, and someone may say that, it's women behind the men, but who is over the women or behind or protector of women? the answer is men. And today's topic is that who contributes more to the society, not women contributes more to men. 3 In our history, there are also many instances that men bring many disasters to our society. For example Qin Shihuang, Adolf Hitler. But I think that even though a few men bring bad effort to our society, much more men do help to our society's progress, such as Mao Zedong, Newton and so on. And if we say that men bring disasters to our society, women also do it, the most famous women as CiXi, Lvzhi. 4 Men are stronger than women in many aspects such as physical strength. Men play an very important role in our society development .They are the organizers, the workers and so on. Take a look at our government and politics 90% of the position is being taken by the men. So men is more in contributing towards the society. Even though today there are some women have a higher salary than most of the men. but this is just a small number!At the top of society we can see men everywhere: most world rulers, presidents, prime ministers, most members of Congress and parliaments, most CEOs of major corporations, and so forth these are mostly men. 5 Because of the discrimination to the female, women can't make great contribution to our society? We all know that in the development of the human history, first appeared the matriarchal society. In that society, women had the power to do everything they want to do, they was not discrimination to them. And in contrast, at that time men did not have any social status. But did the women make great contribution to the society development? I think the answer is no. In the end, the matriarchal society was replaced by patrilineal society . From that time, males make the human society develop fast. Why did it happen? Why did not women's world last longer than the men's world? Can this manifest that the society was eliminated because human society development needs higher advanced civilization. ( 反方 ) 叶娟: Alth ough both men and women contribute to society, as to contributions to the society, I would definitely stand with the opinion that women contribute more to the society than men. (反方)林国阳: Only a woman can carry in her body an eternal being which bears the very image of God. Only she is the recipient of the miracle of life. Only women can conceive and nurture this life using her own flesh and blood, and then deliver a living soul into this world. God has bestowed upon her alone a genuine miracle---the creation of life, and the fusing of an eternal soul with mortal flesh. This fact alone established the glory of motherhood, and also the glory of women. ( 正方 ) 李源: Contribution to the society includes material contribution and spiritual contribution. First of all, men do more material contribution. According to a survey conducted in 1990, the average monthly incomes for male and female workers in urban areas were 193.15 yuan and 149.60 yuan respectively, with women receiving only 77.4 percent of the pay given to men. In rural areas, the average annual incomes for men and women were 1,518 yuan and 1,235 yuan respectively, with women getting 81.4 percent of the earnings of men. Moreover, men do more spiritual contribution: When some disasters happen, man can always keep a clear mind and does something really helpful. Did you still remember the earthquake took place in Qinghai province? Aid workers are in a race against time to save thousands of earthquake victims stranded near the epicenter. Chinese soldier went to the earthquake-stricken area at top speed for succoring the injured person. Most of the soldiers are men, right? They served the public with dedication and integrity. Their selfless dedication and bravery do ever lasting spiritual contribution to the society. We always say teachers are engineers of soul . Teachers make notable spiritual contribution to the society. The survey given by China Education Yearbook in 1992 showed that only 14.6% of the graduate student tutors are women. It s clear that men do more contribution to the higher education, which is a part of men s spiritual contribution. The education level of women is lower than men. In 2002, the female students in college are only 40.98% of all the college students. Then we can conclude men have higher comprehensive quality, which can help them to do more spiritual contribution. So according to the analysis of material contribution and spiritual contribution, we can safely come to the conclusion that men contribute more to the society than women. 主持人: Wow , what a wonderful debate . Now, conclusion part. Let's see if any of them can give a strong support for their topic. ( 反方 ) 林国阳: Well, ladies and gentlemen, women, from biological point of view, are bestowed with a unique ability to conceive, to give birth, to nurture and educate their children. They also had to suffer the sickness of being pregnant, they dare not take pills because they take the health of the baby into serious consideration, they had to bear the sharp pain of delivery, they had to feed the baby in the depth of night, they had to try desperately to keep a slim figure to prevent any possibility of their husbands abandonment just because of their changed, sacrificed figure for delivery. While at the same time, they burden themselves with most of the domestic affairs, they refuse to give up their dreams; they work as teachers, policemen, engineers, scientists, doctors, journalists, coal miners or what not. You have no idea or you have always been neglecting the enormity of the contribution that women have made and would have made. All in all, ladies and gentlemen, the victory of this debate alone is not the thing that my teammates and I are seeking for. We just wan to convince you when everything is said and done, women still contribute more than men. ( 正方 ) 李源: We have long been debating on the topic. Indeed, we are so impressed by the eloquence of our fellow debaters. But on another thought, however, it is not hard to find some mistakes in your argument. For example, you have evaded definitions. What we are talking about is the contribution to the society instead of contribution to the family. So we would like to reiterate our viewpoint that men contribute more to the society than women. Lets conclude our opinion as follows: On the one hand, lets talk about the subject condition. First, mans physical strength is enormous. If a man and a woman have the same knowledge background and skills, man can do better and do more contribution. Second, on the mental aspect, we always hold the opinion that woman is emotional, while man can always make decisions swiftly. The different can be noticed when people are dealing with some emergencies. Just think about, who make the decision that we must press ahead with the reform and opening up policy. The answer is man, right? So, on the subject condition, we can reach the conclusion that woman has less ability than man to do contribution to the society. On the other hand, let us down to the objects condition. First, the public opinion makes people believe men should do more contribution than women do, and even make women themselves believe that they do not have duty or ability to do contribution. Second, the fact of life gives women few chances to make contribution. The unemployed women are much more than unemployed men. Looking back to history and our daily life, we can find the men who help us to make progress in society are countless. But women who make a big contribution are rare as the phoenix. So base on the reasons we mentioned above, we cherish the unshakable belief that men contribute more to the society than women. Thank you. 主持人结语: Thank you. Both teams have showed great debate ability in today's fierce debate. And I think all debaters need to congratulate themselves for their outstanding effort.
个人分类: 英语课堂素材 Materials from Classroom|8124 次阅读|0 个评论
H2 2010-4-19 14:47
每日一句,背100个句子掌握7000个词。逐句注释。第001句   前言:   俞敏洪说:背完这100个句子,你已经背过7000个单词!!!   人生就是两句话if you love sb,just tell her.if you dream sth,just do it   .在你的一生有两件事你一定要做,一是认认真真的做一件事,还有就是认认真真爱一个人!   第001句    1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.   1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。      基本方法:默写。要默写整句,要默写100%正确至少3遍。      注释:英语的学习记忆一定要默写出来才有意义。只默写单词,只背诵句子,都没有用,必须把整句100%正确的默写出来至少3遍以上才有意义。先背诵,再默写。词句均可分段记忆再组合,每音节词根的意思尽量搞清楚。      实例:如本句,词antelope,pronghorn2个词。   pronghorn:prong+horn 分叉、叉子+号角。想起南美洲最南的合恩角了吗?原来这里是音译。   antelope:lope跳跃;ant我们都知道是蚂蚁,实际上也有坐立不安的意思。你看看坐立不安的跳跃,羚羊的样子,是不是跃然纸上呢?      以上是我所谓之的单词的消化记忆法:分解-吸收.如同消化液分解食物或洗衣粉瓦解污垢如舒化奶分解为牛奶小分子一样,将人脑不适宜记忆的长难词句分解为已知、熟悉、易记的记忆片段,再使用逻辑结构在大脑中重组,形成永久记忆。      语法:语法是血管,词汇是细胞,句子是奔腾在血管中的血液。语法的重要性在此。语法的学习,不是看点语法书就可以掌握好的。最好的方法--还是--默写。你能够默写出几百几千个地道的英语句子(不是一些教科书和词典上的例句,那是经过处理的春哥版句子,是纯爷们,但是已经不是纯英语了。),犹如熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟,即使不知道语法,我总有类似的句型可套,写出来,一般是大差不差的。至于读结构复杂的句子,就更不成问题了。      实例:这个句子你在默写n遍的过程中开始肯定会错。特别是:加不加the,什么of什么一定会错。而且重复了几次之后,你会发现原来你的错误总是出现在固定的地方。恭喜你,这是好事。马上你的英语就可以提高一个层次了。只要你自己能想明白期中的规律(想不明白的带着问题问问老师同学高人鸟人等,再不行就查语法书,从最简单的查起,到最复杂的,直到解决问题。所以,其实最关键的是提出一个好问题。这样在你遇到的具体问题和疑惑中,自发的去解决问题,比光死记硬背语法书效果要好的多。ps:这其实也就是孔子提出的不悱不发,不愤不启--不知道的略过此句),你的英语水平,无论读写,肯定有个质的提高,你写出来的句子,就比较接近地道的英语了。      记忆步骤:Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.   1、把这个句子首先分为2个部分即:什么是什么 xx is xx,or xx;就背一个 is ,or 没问题吧?别小看它,实际上是掌握了句子的结构。马上就可以套出许多句子来。   2、背诵第一个部分:Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent 相信背完这个对of 的用法会有所感觉,下次翻译如我们办公室的最佳垒球手的句子时就可以套成The best baseball player of our office了。自己再试试欧洲大陆的典型气候(Typical of the climate of the European continent )   3、背诵第二个部分:the American antelope, or pronghorn 就没什么可说的了,什么或者叫什么第1步中已经分析过了。   4、默写-纠错-再默-直到100%正确。建议用蓝色笔默写(因为我打印的材料是黑色字),红笔改错。几遍下来,其实错的总会是同样的地方,如前所说,很快可以纠正过来。刚开始可能比较痛苦,几遍之后,特别是当你100%的默写出一个句子,连一个字母、标点符号、甚至空格都不差之后,你会发现其实默写到后面几遍,写出来以后,你肯定知道哪些是100%对的,那些拿不准的比例很小,稍作修正很快就记住了。   下面有个分析:这个记忆过程实际上和大脑的运行机制是一致的,我称为在大脑皮层上书写+红蓝色笔(第一次默写不错的以后很难错,错的还可能错。重复的主要作用:红笔修正正确和记忆的出入处。--副作用:不用记忆的细节也自然记下来了,达到精准的记忆。比如以后句子中有人名其实是不用记得,但是你自然而然就记下来了,甚至在第几页什么位置。你的记忆力也得到了训练。   5、科学的重复。根据艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线,我们第一天的3遍默写实际上已经在你的大脑皮层留下了很深刻的映像。随后的几天在每天默写1-2遍。基本上就能记住了。   6、如何安排100个句子的默写:   根据自己的实际情况,1天1句(这个量也不小了,因为至少在随后连续的5天内你至少还要重复1遍默写,也就是每天最少要默写5个句子)。我会随身带着打印的100句材料,页眉空白处写着每句的keyword。例如我默写了5句,我的页眉上写着1.antelope2.xx....这样看着关键词,利用一些闲暇时间就可以再脑子里回忆下,回忆不出来的做个记号,坐下来时再默写一下,看看错在哪里。应该很快就掌握了。当时我这100个句子大概用了1个月默写完。      小结:背诵和默写英语的句子,没有想象中那么难,但是这个努力的付出和成绩的提高不是成正比的线性关系,而是指数关系。开始的时候提高的很慢,但是积累到一定程度(拐点)就会有质的飞跃。
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luohaijun 2010-4-10 09:40
最近,因为CCTV屏蔽NBA等英语缩写而引起了热议,中央电视台方面认为单纯的诸如NBA缩写并不一定被所有的观众所了解,因此需要屏蔽,还举例比如IPO、GDP等热门词汇也需要屏蔽。而反对者则首先说明CCTV本身也需要屏蔽。煞是十分热闹。 如果从保护母语的角度来说,需要做的工作确实太多了。现在的现实情况是,母语完全被英语全方位打败了。比如:1.从教育的重视程度来说,上海方面已经提出高考不考语文,只考英语了,大学没有语文课,英语课占了近三分之一的学分和教学时间。2.在中国内地招聘人才的角度来看,英语6级是一张十分重要的通行证。表面作用似乎超过了任何其他能力。3.许多大城市对外来人口要成为本市居民的必要条件也是英语至少要4级以上,从没有说母语水平要如何如何。4.在国内无论大大小小的重要不要的会议上或者新闻发布会上,不管有没有外国人,基本上会配备外文翻译的。甚至发言人就只说英语。比如2008年刘翔退赛的新闻发布会,哪怕是中国记者,发言人回答也一定要说英语。5.和国外交流的时候,基本都是我们用人家的语言和他们交流,政府部分也好,个人也好,基本都潜意识认为语言沟通的责任在于我们。所以无论是国内,还是国外,只要一和外国人交流,基本就是我们用人家的语言来交流。比如北京奥运会时期,对出租车司机的的外语就有集中的培训和严格的要求。市长还提出了要让北京市民每人会一门外语,以方便和国外交流,至于到了国外,比如旅游和访学,所有的中国人基本上都认为必须要用他们的语言和他们交流,而从没有想过,那些到中国来旅游者基本上就不会说汉语或者故意不说汉语,即使是在中国的留学生,能说汉语的也极少说,他们和导师和同学的交流也是用英文,或者是逼迫导师和中国同学用英语和他们交流。6.现在在任何场合,汉语中混杂英语的现象比比皆是,但是你从不会看到任何英文中混杂汉语的现象(我说的是汉字)。 我的较早的一篇博文《中国人学习英语的终极目标》 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=300804 中已经论述了,我们学习外语的目的是为了我们的子孙后代不要学外语,而不是让我们的子孙后代从一出生就说外语,不是消灭母语。但是照这样的趋势下去,有人就已经论述了母语的消亡时间在2300年左右,那个时候基本上所有的中国人不认识汉字,不会说汉语了。这就是中国政府和教育部门必须正视的问题。 英语只是一个交流的工具,全民学外语根本没有必要,中国学生花三分之一以上的时间花在一门外语上浪费了大量的时间和金钱。导致了学生的厌学情绪严重,而现在还有大量的专家学者还在强调要更重视外语,估计他们是从精英和科研工作者的角度来说的,但是现在的教育是平民教育了,因此这个才是出发点。 中国缺的是外语翻译人才,对于优秀的国外著作翻译不过来,国内优秀的著作翻译不过去,中小学的外语教师水平极低,尤其是会话和交际能力,导致中国学习了十几年的学生基本不会对话和交流。然后既得利益集团还在厚颜无耻说要加强外语教学。 照本人的建议,高考外语不计总分,只做参考,如同体育成绩一样,大学完全可以取消现在的大学英语教学,而以专业英语代替。 最后,对于中国一些政府部门的量全国之力,结友邦欢心的思维根深蒂固,做一点反问,既然要求北京市民每人学一门外语,而事实上对北京贡献极大的是中国各地的老百姓,为什么就想不到要北京市民每一个人必须学一门地方方言或者少数民族语言呢?
个人分类: 社会民生|4615 次阅读|2 个评论
lgmxxl 2010-4-8 18:01
(是学英语,还是诅咒全家?西安晚报 2010-4-7 ( 6 )) 西安日报这篇《是学英语,还是诅咒全家?》的文章,让人读后感慨颇多! bus 、 yes 、 girls 、 miss 、 school 这几个英语普通单词,被一位小学生演绎成中文,作为学习记忆的办法。看到这这些标注,我们立时感到一种乐,但乐过后,感觉是苦、忧和思。 乐,是被逗乐。这位小学生很有才。为了记单词,他让爸死、爷死、哥死、妹死,最后还不够狠,竞标了个死光! 苦,是感觉孩子太苦,为了学习外文,真是把吃奶的劲都用出来了。这样的学习英语如何可能有效果呢,如何能够引起学生的乐趣呢。可想而知,这样的学英语真是苦呀。 忧,是感觉孩子可能太小,可能还不知道这些死的含义。但认识这么多汉字的学生应该不小了,怎么就没有一点亲情教育呢。 思,是真真希望中国尽快强大起来吧,让全世界都来学习汉语,让汉语成为世界语。我们的子子孙孙再也不学这讨厌的英语。
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shunliky 2010-3-19 23:29
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putin24 2010-2-16 11:25
iBT 听力的基本思路 ( 美音语速快,连读 ) : 1. 听清对话 >> 2. 笔记 >> 3. 解题思路; A. 连读现象 1. 辅音与元音的连读; No t a t a ll. Call i t a day. 到此为止 2. 元音与元音的连读 3. 四组固定音变 \ woul d y ou, coul d y ou \ What abou t y ou? \ Thi s y ear. Mis s y ou. \ 4. A. 音常不读 isn t h e? B. 弱读 Want to; wanna, Going to; gonna C. 失音 Up-si de d own D. 失爆(只存在于爆破音中) \ \ \ \ \ 不发音,将音的时间保; blac k b oard 听力练习的方法 听 3-5 遍仍然听不懂就可以不听了,这是盲区; - 看原文 -3. 划原文的读音规则 -4. 跟读,模仿; I wish I had 没有做 . dessert--late 饭后甜点 . If I were you, I would would 后面的内容是重点 . pick up. 买;拾起;接某人;自学 . cash 现金 n ;取现 v . stop/drop by 去某地 . water closet =WC. forget about 忘记了 ; 别介意 . put up with 忍受 . due 在托福里常读成 do. busy : have one's hands full/be over swamped with/be tied up with. be tied up with :繁忙;堵车;占线 . stick around: 待在 . sticky: 粘的 . sticker :粘贴; parking sticker 停车标记 . homework/assignment/paper/project/thesis/presentation/book report 作业 . extend-extension 延期 spare 备用的; semester/term/ 学期 . check out 退房 . The most important thing in life is to have a beautiful dream and good ways to realize it. 学好英语四要素:目标、方法、兴趣、毅力; what is difficulty ? It's like a strange spring. Nickname 昵称 . surname 姓 . Your name precedes you! 久闻大名 . Be named after.. 纪念 .. Is it a coincidence or what? 真巧 . What a pleasant surprise.
个人分类: 生活点滴|3219 次阅读|0 个评论
chrujun 2009-12-1 22:54
今天下午听公司国际部张希哲老总讲关于学习英语的讲座。 张总是工农兵大学生,在大学闹革命浪费了四年时光。他31岁的时候才从零开始自学英语,30年来一直坚持在业余时间学英语,到了应用自如水平。张总的英语讲得很地道,今天很荣幸聆听张总的教诲,对英语学习有了新的认识。特意记下一些比较独特的观点。 张总先讲了一个故事。大意是我们要像人离不开空气一样渴求英语知识。如果我们像水下需要空气的人一样需要英语知识,我们就会想尽一切办法学习英语。 然后介绍了学习英语的8种正反态度。 态度在英语学习中是第一位的。 英语的作用主要是交流。人类在300万年前就有了语言,在8000年前才用文字。 我们能够记多少单词并不是最重要的,最重要的是能够用多少单词。特别要注意go, have, take, make等小词,这些词用熟了相当了不起。 这些词就是灵活运用英语的大将,将用不好肯定会打败仗。 英语的发音首先要准确,然后再追求速度。盲目追求速度会导致吞音。要记住Slow is fast. 大声朗读英语是最重要的。 时间是最宝贵的东西,一个人不能管理自己的时间就无法管理其它事情。工作忙不是理由,时间总是可以挤的。可以在排队、上下班途中、做饭、洗碗等时段学英语。 懒惰是学英语的天敌。娱乐活动容易上瘾,如果我们能够对学英语上瘾,就成功了一半。 讲座快要结束的时候,张总念了一首诗,大意如下: 小时候我想象力无边,梦想改变整个世界。 随着智慧和阅历的增长,我觉得改变世界不可能了, 我想改变我的国家。 年老后,国家无法改变, 我想改变我身边的人,改变我的家庭。 但他们一个都改变不了。 在弥留之时,我明白了。 我应该先改变我自己, 得到家人的支持和鼓励后, 我也许会可以改变我的国家, 甚至还有可能改变世界。 最后,张总鼓励大家,从改变自己开始! 张总的讲座,不仅仅是谈英语学习方法,更重要的是谈了一个人自强不息后对自身命运和环境的改变。 无论现在是30岁还是40岁,只要自强不息,向看来不可能的任务挑战,就可以真正改变自己。
个人分类: 我的教学|6146 次阅读|5 个评论
一些有用的 body idioms
weisman 2009-6-3 04:42
(1)keep a straight face When the mayor's wife sat on bubble gum, my uncle just couldn't keep a straight face. (2)chew someone out My grandmother chewed out the driver who honked his horn at her. (3)get your feet wet I'm trying to find my first part-time job. My dad thinks it's time I got my feet wet. (4)kick up your heels On my eighteenth birthday I plan to kick up my heels. 你用过这些成语吗?
个人分类: 海外生活|3686 次阅读|0 个评论
北美英语听力学习记录(4) r ng short"oo" sh,s
元宵 2009-5-26 20:24
r 发音是最有感觉的 , 排山倒海 , 从 45 度角压下来 , 力量如同剑 , 开辟了通向另一茫茫世界的蹊径 , 就要推开那沉甸甸压在心头的浓云 , 努力发一次 rest, 你会发现有多么不同 . r的发音 .MP3 r的单词 .MP3 round rest rich roll root repeat rode far car brother worker fair door doctor rear arrest grass mark protected world curse ng的发音 .MP3 ng的单词 .MP3 hang gang giving during long hung When practicing English,it's important to hang on to the small pieces of practicing time during the day. They don't have to be long, but we have to do them frequently. Short oo 嘴唇像开着的喇叭花 , 纹丝不动 shortoo的发音 shortoo的单词 book look foot cook took good hook put sh,s(from sion) 嘴唇像开了喇叭花 , 坚强地 , 一动不动 sh,s的发音 sh,s的单词 Shack sheet shave shy shoot ship cash shush crush macintosh push selfish situation station direction mission purification crystallization Deja vu conclusion version vision precision decision His selfish decision to shoot the ship crushed our vision of peace. The situation has taken on a new direction toward destruction. 发音通道打通之后 , 整体的语言感觉就有了 , 语调根据意愿随意改变 , 只是人们的情感想通 , 对某种事务的表达单凭通过语调就能传达 , 所以熟悉北美人的语调 , 就等于接收了 30% 的信息 , 发音和语调不再是一种装腔作势 , 完全是共鸣 .
个人分类: 生活点滴|1209 次阅读|5 个评论
yiner 2009-2-25 10:45
面向说,包括学句型、模拟发音,以说带会听,我想如果能惟妙惟肖地模仿人家说的话,不会听不懂的。 既然面向说,就需要下更多功夫。 第一天: 1、查每个单词的发音,练熟。 2、学习音标,学习单词的读、拼、写、译、例句。这些电子词典都能完成。 第二天: 1、复习单词的读音、拼写 2、一句一句反复听,落实到每个音节上,跟读模拟发音,尤其是连读音 3、听写、默写对话 下一句,最后整段连听几遍 第三天: 1、复习单词,默写单词和音标,先读,再听字典纠正发音 2、复习单个句子,先读再听纠正发音 3、整段连听,整段默写 第四天: 休息一天,令其发酵熟化 在开始走遍美国计划前,先学习新东方4+1教程,一个字母一个字母地练习发音,从基础学起。针对字母发音,将走遍美国第一课的单词预习一遍。 纲领就是,做一个美国新生儿,从婴儿状态开始,学习美语。从最普通、但是用量最大的单词开始扎实学习。
个人分类: 解读篇|421 次阅读|0 个评论
yiner 2009-2-24 22:52
(1)先听上几遍,听不懂的词没关系!!直到能听清他的所有内容(可以理解为每个单词或短语),注意这一步一定要是全部听清,除非有些连读你反复听几十遍分不开。这一步大概到你能在听一句话或词的时候,能马上反映到下一句或词。 (2)然后把你听到的写出来,不会写的单词没关系,尽量写成你认为的拼写,然后对照文本修改。把修改好的模仿发音和语调,从头到尾大声朗读(可以边听边跟读),直到读顺为止!!或者说拖口而出。 (3)完成前两部,口语没问题了,因为你有基础,所以超过美国的文盲水平,然后就是查词典。记住查英英词典,比如很多人推的柯林斯。查词典要多看例句,理解他的意思。你的读写水平将取决于你这一步的刻苦程度。 (4)关于英汉词典,我只建议在某些名字的时候用,比如lettuce,柯林斯词典解释是一种有大绿叶的基本蔬菜经常用在沙拉里,因为你没见过实物,不知道到底是什么东西,这时候可以参考金山词霸,莴苣,生菜。 上面的方法根据情况选择学习时间,比如你可以3天学一课,第一天第一步听,第二天第二步写和读,第三天查词典和理解。 转自 :★RED★STAR★博客
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dabaoski 2008-11-13 00:14
2008年9月10日录,这是这个系列的最后一个录音。 新东方的某老师有个口号:生命不息,纠音不止。我觉得这句话是对的,所以我每隔几个月会录一段材料。以前是外面找材料,很麻烦。这次信口随便说一段,内容瞎写的,所以不重要,重要在于吐字和连音。 最近录的一段下载链接是这个: http://www.kyxk.net/att.php?p.108.38201.557.mp3 我录这种东西放上来目的主要是一种记录,我想知道自己在不同阶段学习的进度是怎样的,水平提高的过程又是怎样。另外也和大家共勉,尽管我知道学习这个东西真正需要的不是共勉,自己努力就是了。 录音的材料内容: OK I know I know I know what the situation is. Time flies, many things happened, many people gone, I'm lying in the shadow of the dark, facing death, badly hurt, suffering pain from the wounds in the bottom of my heart, hearing the scream from despair and sadness of the gloomy life. I know there's something I can't change. Something far beyond my ability. I know I'm not strong enough. So I can take it. I can accept the reality right now. Whatever it is. But I am still myself. I'm still alive, I'm still chasing my dream, waiting for true love. I'm still trying my best to defend my dignity, to fight my destiny.and I still believe in faith. I still trust myself.That's what I am, Neil,a true man. Sometimes time proves everthing, sometimes time proves nothing. But this time, I don't need a prove, seriously.The meaning of my life has already shown me what is out there in my future, definitely, absolutely, inevitably. So let's go and see. 没有拼写错误吧?我就不检查了:) 另外我短时间内可能不会再录了,因为话筒坏了,一时懒得买新的:( 有关 : 写在前面的话 neil的录音:一个绕口令 neil的录音:费曼讲义的一段 neil的录音:陈冠希记招会录音 ☆ 点这里给咱投票 ★
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dabaoski 2008-11-5 20:22
陈冠希老师的艳照门事件你听说过吧?没听说过就当我啥都没说。。。免得把你带坏了。 听说过的可以继续往下看。 如果没听说过又不愿意走,那就分两类,未成年的须由父母。。。领回家,已成年的再按如下方式分类:谈过恋爱的可以继续往下看,没谈过恋爱的抓紧时间谈一次回来再看,放心,来得及。 好吧,经过严格把关,过滤,相信剩下的都不含三聚氰胺了,那么,下面我们正式进入午夜话题 !! 当当当当! 怎么样,一看见午夜话题这几个字你就激动了吧? 其实我是开玩笑的,你当我傻啊,评委在那盯着呢~~~ 不过我这次的录音确实跟著名表演艺术家陈冠希老师有关。 先贴个下载链接: http://www.kyxk.net/bbscon.php?board=Englishid=35773ap=2787 http://www.kyxk.net/bbscon.php?board=Englishid=35774ap=314 分别是一个压缩文件的两部分。。。 这个音频是兄弟我模仿陈冠希老师记者招待会的录音。 录制时间:08年2月26日。 下面是当时的笔记: 谁告诉我陈冠希记招会视频是很好的学英语材料的?我找他算帐去。 这破玩意儿真难录!我NG了一百次啊一百次。。。 以后再也不赶时髦了。 这次录的比上次效果好一点,主要是这次嗓子发炎没那么严重,不怎么咳嗽了。但是单词重音还是老毛病,一时 半会改不了了。鼻音问题也一样,但我发现自己对这个问题没辙,因为我说普通话也一样,有一些地方口音。 最后,还是那句话:欢迎拍砖。 下面是材料:陈冠希记招会演讲的部分内容。   Today I've come back to Hong Kong to stand before you,and account for myself,I've never escaped away from my responsibility.   During the past few weeks,I've been with my mother,and my family,and love ones,to show support and care,and at the same time have them support and care for me.   I admit most of the photos being circulated on the Internet were taking by me,but these photos were very private,and have not been shown to people,and were never intended to be shown to anyone.   These photos were stolen from me illegally,and distributed without my consent.There is no doubt whoever obtained these photos have been uploading them on the Internet with malicious and deliberate intent.   This matter has interralated to the extend that the society as a whole has been effected by this,and in this regard,I'm deeply sad in it.   I would like now to apologise to all the people for all the suffering that has been caused and the problems that have arisen from this.   I would like to apologise to all the ladies and to all their families,for any harm or hurt that they've been feeling,I'm sorry.I would like to also apologise to my mother and my father,for the pain and suffering that I cost them during these past few weeks.Most mportantly,I would like to say sorry to all the people in Hong Kong,I give my apology sincerely to you all,and reserve it be,and with myheart.I know young people in Hong Kong look up to many figures in our society,and in this regard,I had failed,I had failed as a role model.However,I wish this matter would teach everyone a lesson,to all the young people in our community,let this be a lesson for you all,this is not an example to be set for you.   During my time away,I've made an important decision,I will whole heartedly fulfill all commitments that I have to date,but after that,I've decided to step away from the Hong Kong entertainment industry,I've decided to do this to give myself an opportunity to heal myself and to search my soul.I'll delicate my time to charity and community work within the next few months,I'll be away from Hong Kong entertainment indefinitely,there is no time refrain. 有关 : 写在前面的话 neil的录音:一个绕口令 neil的录音:费曼讲义的一段 neil的录音:陈冠希记招会录音 ☆ 点这里给咱投票 ★
个人分类: 好好学习|5651 次阅读|0 个评论
dabaoski 2008-11-2 11:22
08年2月18日录 半年前情绪极度低落,为了发泄写了(1)(8)(注:即《 我是怎么学英语的 》)。现在情绪好转,但依旧破罐破摔,回来继续写(9) ,以后每隔一段时间就写这么一个东西,专门记录我学英语的进度。 扳指头数数,从我下定决心学英语到现在已经过去三年半了。其中第一年是最累的,因为当时我听读说 写都不行,所以只能逼着自己更勤奋更努力一些。直到后来借着考研的机会背完了几千个单词,也读完 了一遍费曼讲义,情况才有所好转,主要是认得字多了,就明显不那么文盲了。 第二年基本上是提高阅读能力的一年,因为第一年考北大失败了,所以唯有给自己定一个更高的目 标来弥补心理上的落差。我告诉自己从此以后不到万不得已不读中文的专业课本,并把这当作自己最基 本的学习信条一直坚持着。我的目的不是为了自虐,而是希望通过这种自我强迫的方式达到最佳的学习 效率,毕竟和我过去的同学们相比,我的境况并不乐观。这样的好处就是我在那一年学会了读英文书, 很多句式都弄得很熟,以后在阅读上没有太大的困难了。 第三年开始在研究生院上课,写作,听力和口语有了很大的提高。不得不承认有老师教和单纯自学 差距确实明显。特别是写作,虽然我现在写的英文文章依旧奇臭无比,但还是感到很幸运,因为我遇到 了一位不错的外教,他在教我写作的时候还一并教了我许多东西,我不知道用什么词来形容他教我的知 识,因为太庞杂,或许,这就是文化。 听力方面的提高是很明显的,不过主要不是通过上课,而是自己在电脑上看电影看电视剧听歌, Friends和Prison break都是我的好朋友,Sex and City我是不看的,要避免被资本主义腐化的价值观感 染,哈哈。 记得去年4月的某一天,我发现自己忽然间能够听懂绝大部分英文歌的歌词了,一时间兴奋得不得了 ,我想每一个学英语的人都会遇到这么一天,那感觉确实很happy:) 口语是我第三年后半年学习的重点,因为我过去自己的练习充其量只是练肺活量,我可以一口气说 很长很长的句子,比较流利,但是发音却是不准的。纠音是个漫长的过程,我有很多发音习惯一下子改 不过来,比如student这个词,后面dent的音节我怎么都发不对,于是有那么大概三个月的时间,我有人 没人有事没事的时候都在念这个词,很像嗑药了。类似的词汇还有sudden,certain,accident,等等。 除了这之外,还有 和 这两个音节的区别。北方人似乎对这两个音节的区别都不太在意,我也是经 过别人指点才开始注意的。 攻克了这些之后,我的口语发音比以前提高了不少,现在上传一段自己的录音 ( http://www.kyxk.net/bbscon.php?board=Englishid=35682ap=4620 ),阅读材料来自费曼 物理学讲义第一卷第三章,很短的一段,只有一分半,以后有机会再录长的。我现在的口语水平大致就 是录音里这样,认真一点录可能会更好一些,但也好不到哪里去,平时说话发音可能差一点,但也不会 差太多,都在误差允许范围之内。 我发现自己说英文有个毛病,就是着急。我自己说普通话语速非常快,切换成英文就还想往快了说 ,结果就容易出错,也容易卡壳,相信很多人跟我一样,以后大伙多注意啊,这年头干啥事,心态最重 要,欲速则不达,说话也一样,不着急,慢慢来,效果会更好。 自我评价:目前我的口语水平,比我周围认识的人好一点,但是比我知道的但不认识的人还差不少 。所以还是那句话:五年差距,十年努力。相信以后会更好,FIGHT! 关于口语再多说几句,我认为纠音是改善自己发音最有效的方式,你一定要把自己说的英文录下来 ,自己听一遍,才会真正清楚自己哪个地方发音不正确,这样才好改。除此之外,你也一定要敢跟别人 开口,不怕别人指出自己发音的毛病才行。刚开始的时候你可能会很不习惯,我就是这样,一来感觉自 己的嗓音和想象中不一样,怪怪的。二来自己一开始念的英文确实杀伤力很大,自己都受不了。但是我 这人脸皮厚,不但敢于直面自己惨淡的人生,而且勇于摧残别人原本幸福的生活。所以现在不但我的水 平比以前有了很大的提高,而且过去曾经笑话我的人现在当面都只能跟我讲日文了,娃哈哈。 最近半年我发现自己的英语学习进入了一个很平淡的时期,不知道这是不是别人说的瓶颈,在 这段时间里我做的最多的工作就是查字典,辨析词汇,还有通过看电视剧积累一些俚语和文化方面的知 识。组里同学说我学英语的方式有些变态了,总抱一本朗文字典,说个什么都要查一查,不正常。 但要我说:这是文化。我们要做有文化的人。不是吗?;) 我自己是通过专业课本来学习英语的,那和日常英语还有不小的差距,查字典和看片是我缩小这差 距的唯一方式。英语角我没去过,不敢去。我怕在英语角万一碰见一个我喜欢的类型的女孩子,会耽误 我学习英语,我更怕在英语角碰见一个女孩子喜欢上我,会耽误了人家学英语。也是那句话:问世间情 为何物,只教人生死相许,白白耽误了学英语! 我也没有想过私下里找个人陪练。因为收钱的我支付不起,不收钱人家又没那义务。找个男的陪练 ,对方未必感兴趣。找个女的陪练又不安全。与其在各种矛盾中挣扎,不如自己一个人来得坦荡。 人其实和原子一样,还是单体问题最好解。 我跑题了吗?没有吧? 最后,我要强调一个大伙都明白的道理:做任何事,目的明确了,动机强烈了,效率就会很高。这 就是所谓的主观能动性。但是,我学英语完全是因为它对我的专业学习来说举足轻重。至于到外面的世 界转转看看,这动机我有,但没有强烈到何种程度上去。因为我对搬家这行为本身并不是很感冒。 换句话说:出国,不配称之为一种理想。 就说这么多吧。 今天重新听了这一段录音,部分单词的音节和重音不对,句子语调也有问题。八成是那时候那段录之前准备工作没做好,没读熟,哈哈。 有关 : 写在前面的话 neil的录音:一个绕口令 neil的录音:费曼讲义的一段 neil的录音:陈冠希记招会录音 ☆ 点这里给咱投票 ★
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dabaoski 2008-10-31 15:04
这段录音的录制时间:2007年11月29日 当时的笔记: 三年前的十一,我在清华的二手书市上买了一套李阳的《疯狂英语掌中宝》,薄薄的上下两册,还配有磁带。拿回去听了一遍,感觉相当好。 这书里除了教你一些英语的知识外,还会激励你的斗志。我当时读这书听这磁带的时候是相当激动的,很有一种不学好誓不罢休的气势。后来在读《世界上最伟大的推销员》时才发现,原来李阳的这本书里,很多话都是借自那本书,难怪了。 在李阳的这本书里有几个绕口令,我一直很有兴趣想学,但是总也读不好,起先是速度不够快,后来是连音不好,最后又发觉自己连很多最基本的音节其实都发不对,所以一直耿耿于怀。 现在三年过去了,我找到其中一个绕口令重新读了一遍,发现自己提高了不少。就录一段放在这里,与诸君共勉吧。 总的自我评价:录音一共两遍,一遍快的,一遍慢的,声音还行,读起来还算连贯,单词发音基本准确,特别是能够区别 和 ,这是我今年最大的收获。但是还有一些需要弱化的音节掌握得不太好,比如wouldn't。希望明年自己的发音会更好吧。 最后附上绕口令原文: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, And Nobody This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done. 有关 : 写在前面的话 neil的录音:一个绕口令 neil的录音:费曼讲义的一段 neil的录音:陈冠希记招会录音 ☆ 点这里给咱投票 ★
个人分类: 好好学习|5481 次阅读|1 个评论
dabaoski 2008-10-31 14:55
这个标题下的文章连同这个博客上发表的《 我是怎么学英语的 》,《 我给Yale教授当翻译的经历 》一起,都属于我的英语笔记《说说我的英语学习》的一部分。《说说我的英语学习》是一个很长的网络笔记,它完整的记录了我学习英语的经历和各个时期的真实水平。目的是留作记录,自我考察,同时和大家共勉。 但是考虑到科学网的博客大赛对连载形式的文章不感冒,所以只好把它拆成几个独立的部分。 诸位将就看吧。
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