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zhpd55 2018-8-15 22:26
据来自 哥德斯密特大会( Goldschmidt Conference )的消息,科学家发现了可以除去大气中CO 2 的成矿方法,更多信息请浏览原文: Scientists find way to make mineral which can remove CO 2 from atmosphere August 14, 2018, Goldschmidt Conference Natural magnesite crystal (4 microns wide). Credit: Ian Power Scientists have found a rapid way of producing magnesite, a mineral which stores carbon dioxide. If this can be developed to an industrial scale, it opens the door to removing CO 2 from the atmosphere for long-term storage, thus countering the global warming effect of atmospheric CO 2 . This work is presented at the Goldschmidt conference in Boston. Scientists are already working to slow global warming by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but there are serious practical and economic limits on developing the technology. Now, for the first time, researchers have explained how magnesite forms at low temperature, and offered a route to dramatically accelerating its crystallization. A tonne of naturally-occurring magnesite can remove around half a tonne of CO 2 from the atmosphere, but the rate of formation is very slow. Project leader, Professor Ian Power (Trent University, Ontario, Canada) said: Our work shows two things. Firstly, we have explained how and how fast magnesite forms naturally. This is a process which takes hundreds to thousands of years in nature at Earth's surface. The second thing we have done is to demonstrate a pathway which speeds this process up dramatically The researchers were able to show that by using polystyrene microspheres as a catalyst, magnesite would form within 72 days. The microspheres themselves are unchanged by the production process, so they can ideally be reused. Using microspheres means that we were able to speed up magnesite formation by orders of magnitude. This process takes place at room temperature, meaning that magnesite production is extremely energy efficient Magnesite sediments in a playa in British Columbia, Canada. Credit: Ian Power For now, we recognise that this is an experimental process, and will need to be scaled up before we can be sure that magnesite can be used in carbon sequestration (taking CO 2 from the atmosphere and permanently storing it as magnesite). This depends on several variables, including the price of carbon and the refinement of the sequestration technology, but we now know that the science makes it do-able. Commenting, Professor Peter Kelemen at Columbia University's Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (New York) said It is really exciting that this group has worked out the mechanism of natural magnesite crystallization at low temperatures, as has been previously observed—but not explained—in weathering of ultramafic rocks. The potential for accelerating the process is also important, potentially offering a benign and relatively inexpensive route to carbon storage, and perhaps even direct CO 2 removal from air. Explore further: Scientists probe abandoned mine for clues about permanent CO2 sequestration
个人分类: 新科技|2180 次阅读|0 个评论
四面山 2012-4-16 22:07
本报讯 (记者周峰 通讯员赵家绪) 日前,辽宁省鞍山市政府与中科院沈阳分院联合组织召开专项对接会,就低品位菱镁资源综合利用进行了专题研讨。 会上,针对低品位菱镁矿提纯难、能耗高等开发利用难点,中科院专家介绍了低品位菱镁矿的低能耗提纯和高值化利用技术,提供了氢氧化镁、氧化镁和高性能镁合金等高附加值产品生产技术。同时,根据海城地区菱镁资源整体开发战略技术支撑需求,专家还提出了在海城建设辽宁菱镁工程技术研究院等政策建议。 辽宁是世界重要的菱镁资源产地,菱镁(碳酸镁)储量占世界总储量的20%,仅鞍山市下属的海城市菱镁保有资源总储量就达到26.4亿吨,占全国的61.8%,世界的18%。但目前该省的菱镁矿开发利用以传统的耐火材料和建筑材料为主,产品科技含量不高、附加值低。另外,企业在开发过程中对菱镁资源“嫌贫爱富”,随着矿产资源的不断开发,高品位菱镁矿日趋减少,大量的低品位菱镁矿(约占总储量的1/3)被闲置或废弃堆放,造成资源极大浪费,也导致生态破坏和环境污染。因此,对低品位菱镁矿开发利用迫在眉睫,急需拉长产业链条,提高产品科技含量和附加值,实现资源的综合利用和可持续发展。 《科学时报》 (2011-11-11 A2 综合) http://news.sciencenet.cn//sbhtmlnews/2011/11/250727.shtm?id=250727
个人分类: 中国科学报-科学时报|1628 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 8 dkysdc 2011-12-3 19:11
碳酸盐矿物多与方解石的形态相似,特别是你听到带有菱字的矿物时,基本可以想像这种矿物外形可能为菱形的、成份可能为碳酸盐的矿物。下面第一张和第二张照片中红色的矿物为菱锰矿,第二张中紫色的矿物是萤石,第三张是菱铁矿。三张照片均摄于2010年末的国际精品矿物展。 碳酸盐矿物有许多变种,晶体都很漂亮。但像菱锰矿这种漂亮的红色很难得一见。自然界中还有菱锶矿、菱镉矿、菱钴矿等等。
个人分类: 地学科普|7017 次阅读|15 个评论

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