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blogyxp 2017-4-28 11:33
需要从网上下载的数据文件 1、GPS Calendar可以从网上 http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/CORS/Gpscal.html 查询观测 0-files文件所在的GPS周天,年积日,UTC之间的关系。 2、IGS跟踪站O-files数据。可以从网站 ftp://garner.ucsd.edu/pub/rinex/ 或 ftp://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gps/data/daily/ 或 ftp://igs.ensg.ign.fr/pub /igs/data/ 下载; 3、导航电文brdc文件。可以从 ftp://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gps/data/daily/yyyy 下载; 4、精密星历SP3文件。可以从 ftp://garner.ucsd.edu/pub/products 或 ftp://cddis. gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/gps/products 或 ftp://igs.ensg.ign.fr/pub/igs/data/ 下载; 5 、更新tables文件。可以从网上 ftp://garner.ucsd.edu/pub/gamit 下载更新的 tables表文件
个人分类: GAMIT/GLOBK相关|4226 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 zsxtym 2015-10-9 17:19
1.将结算文件夹中的htest*文件复制到glbf 2.将tables的卫星信息文件svnav.dat 3.将htest*文件转化为二进制文件,代码:htoglb ./ ./svnav.dat ./h* 4.文件夹下会出现.glr和.glx文件,如果网络是长距离使用.glr,否则就用.glx 5.将.glx转到gsoln文件夹下的test.gdl,代码:ls ../glbf/*.glx ./test.gdl 6.设置已知点,可以是itrf*文件(需要去网站上下载),或者lfile文件(在要求的点前面加上#号) 7.在gsoln文件夹的上级文件夹中,输入:sh_glred -cmd,这样gsoln文件夹会出现globk_comb.cmd和glorg_comb.cmd 8.设置globk_comb.cmd:apr_file 的路径输入正确;glorg_comb.cmd里设置好控制点测站名称:stab_site 9.解算:globk 15 globk_test.prt globk_test.log test.gdl globk_comb.cmd,其中15是所有的测站总数,出现Normal Finish,就算结束了 10.结果文件是globk_test.org,里面会有详细的说明和数据结果,Unc.的结果就算平差后的坐标文件,可以用grep 提取出来 谢谢大家观看,有什么不对的地方还请指正。 (其中参考了 中国有色金属工业西安勘察设计研究院 尹业彪的视频)
个人分类: gamit|5750 次阅读|1 个评论
如何制作科技论文中的Tables - LetPub SCI论文写作系列5
LetPubSCI 2014-1-24 17:20
科技研究资料经过整理和计算各种必要的统计指标后,所得的结果除了使用适当的文字表达外,常常还需用统计表(table)进行表达分析。统计表主要以列的形式展示分析结果,具有避免冗繁文字叙述,便于阅读、分析比较等优点。 在制作统计表时,除了要求内容简明,重点突出,能正确表达统计结果,便于分析比较外,在标题(Caption)、标目(Heading)、分割线(Lines)、表格主体的数字(Data)、脚注(Footnotes)及其位置(Placement)和正文引述(Describe)也有一定的要求,以下就这几方面进行说明,希望对大家有所帮助。 1 标题 (Caption) 每个标题必需传达表格中要告诉读者的尽可能多的信息,比如: (1)表格反映的结果,包括扼要的统计描述; (2)如果可以应注明实验的研究对象; (3)得出该结果的条件背景,如:采用的处理方法或显示的相互关系等; (4)实验地点(仅室外实验时需要); (5)如果可以应注明培养或处理的参数或条件(温度、媒介等); (6)实验的样本量和统计检验结果; (6)如果可以应注明培养或处理的参数或条件(温度、媒介等); (7)不要在两坐标轴标签之间用“versus”对其简单重述。 统计表的标题一般位于表的上方并左对齐。表序号位于标题前,按照表格在文章中出现的顺序用阿拉伯数字依次排列(如Table 1,Table 2……)。 例如: •Clinical characteristics of septic patients subjected to targeted metabolomic analysis of bile acids. •G6PDd allele frequency and G6PDd population estimates across malaria endemic countries (n = 99) and the subset of malaria eliminating countries (n = 35). •Planting date, mean planting density, and total number of seed clams planted in plots at Filucy Bay and Wescott Bay in 19XX 2 标目 (Heading) 统计表中含有横标目和纵标目,有时还可有总标目。 (1) 横标目: 列在表的左侧,向右说明各横行统计指标的涵义; (2) 纵标目: 位于表的上端,向下说明各横标目统计指标的内容; (3) 总标目: 对横标目或纵标目内容的概括,在需要时才设置。 标目内容一般按照从小到大、从先到后等顺序排列,便于说明规律性。标目应层次清楚,文字简明,分组合符逻辑,避免标目之间混淆或交叉;需要时注明计算单位(units)。 例如: 3 线条(Lines) 统计表的线条不宜过多,采用国际通用的“三线表”,不出现斜线、竖线,并省略了横分割线,复合表可适当添加辅助横线。 例如: 4 数字(Data) 统计表内数字需要用阿拉伯数字表示,小数的位数应该一致,且应按小数点的位次对齐,以便阅读。表内一般不留空格,为零时用“0”表示,无数字时用“—”表示,缺失材料可用删节号“…”填入。 5 脚注(Footnotes) 表格的脚注位于表格下方,主要包含阅读和理解表格所必须的信息,但并非表格的必须组成部分。通常可在表内以“*”等标记所要注解的部分。若有多处需要说明, 则以2个或2个以上的标示号区分,并依次说明。脚注内容不应与正文叙述重复,一般用于说明统计量值及P值,也可用于解释表中缩写文字。 6 位置(Placement) 一般情况,表格应紧随相应文字叙述之后,以便于读者的阅读。有时也可将其放置于论文章节最后(不少杂志要求论文提交时表格置于正文之后,或作为独立文件单独提交),以便于说明所有文字内容而避免叙述中断。切忌先出现表格而后出现提及表序语句的情况。另外,将表格嵌入正文中时,应避免将文字切割成零碎的文字小块,并尽量避免跨页列表。 7 正文引述(Describe) 论文中每一个表格都必须在正文中提及,并解释表格所表达的事物关系或趋势。 例如: “ DNA sequence homologies for the purple gene from the four congeners (Table 1) show high similarity, differing by at most 4 base pairs. ” 这里强调的是,叙述时不应没有任何解释性或结论性的表述而直接让读者参阅统计表。 例如: “ “Table 1 shows the summary results for male and female heights at Bates College.” ” 最后,我们通过下面的典型例子,加深对统计表总体布局的理解。 此文同步 刊载于 LetPub SCI论文写作辅导材料 : http://www.letpub.com.cn/index.php?page=sci_writing_11 LetPub 提供 专业英语润色 、 同行资深专家修改 、 专业SCI翻译 、 发表支持 www.letpub.com.cn
6782 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]1.17 Using tables and figures
xlsheffield 2013-9-14 00:04
http://library.bcu.ac.uk/learner/writingguides/1.17.htm Many types of writing will include tables or figures to present data orprovide illustrations or clarification. It is important, however, that theseare presented correctly and appropriately; that they are clear and easy tounderstand, and that they aid your reader in following your argument. Figures are graphs, diagrams or illustrations/images. Tables are data presented in tabular form. Basic considerations when using figures and tables 1 Figures and tables are not a replacement for your text. They shouldsupplement your writing, add evidence to make your argument stronger, help yourreader to understand complicated ideas or complex figures. Always ask yourselfwhy you are including a particular figure. If it’s just to pad your writing outor make it look pretty, then forget it; your figure or table must always servea purpose. 2 Your figures must be an integral part of your writing; don’t just throwone or two in at random. Your text should always refer to the figures or tablesthat you’ve included, with explanations and comments on the data orillustrations presented (see examples below). 3 All figures and tables must be given a title and be consecutivelynumbered, and these would normally be listed separately in your assignment,dissertation or thesis (usually at the beginning). Within your text, Table mustalways be written out in full, but Figure can be written Fig, Fig. or Figure;never use ‘the’ before the words,and always use actual numbers. In a longerpiece of work, these numbers would correspond to the chapter numbers(Fig 3.5;Table 2.1 etc) 4 If the figure has been taken from one of your sources, you must make areference to this source. The best way to do this is like you would do with anyother acknowledgement; a short reference (surname, year of publication and pagenumber as it’s from a specific page) within your text, after the title of thefigure/table, and then the full reference at the end as part of your main listof references. You may sometimes see the full reference given with thefigure/table. 5 The number and title must always accompany the figure or table in yourtext. Usually, this is put below a figure (often in italics), and above a table(usually not in italics). Don’t worry too much about this, but make sure thatyou are consistent. 6 Make sure that any data you present in this form is clear and easilyunderstood. If you have to use colour or shading ensure that it does notobscure the text, but it is recommended that you do not use colour. Also makesure that the categories, scales, groups etc that you are presenting areclearly labelled on the appropriate axis of the graph or table column. Example figures Notice the reference here to the source of this figure. Example tables Referring to tables and figures in your text You must always refer in your text to a table or figure that you haveincluded. You should do this using impersonal language. For example: Fig 4.1 shows an example of the type of engraving common in the late 19th Century. This is a good illustration of … As shown in Table 2.2, although the incidences of gun-related crime have increased in the UK, they are still low compared with most countries in the developed world. Literacy rates have also increased dramatically (see Fig 1.3). Try to include your figure or table as close as possible to the text towhich it relates, but without splitting it across two pages. Do not useexpressions such as as shown in the table below or the table above shows, norput the page the figure appears on; just use the number, as in the examples.
1303 次阅读|0 个评论
Solar cell efficiency tables (version 40)
wangshu 2012-10-24 18:42
Solar cell efficiency tables (version 40)
pip2267.pdf Solar cell efficiency tables (version 40)中OPVs的第一还是三菱和住友,不过据说现在AIST和NREL已经有10.8%的数据了,大概下一期就会出现了吧。不过,PCE世界纪录的一点点进步似乎有公司来做更好,另一方面公司的原员工来去做这方面研究的发文章就太容易了 ,公司里有太多发可以1、2、3区的文章的东东。
个人分类: 化学|9922 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]【GAMIT-BLOCK】sh_gamit 批处理总结
zhenghui2915 2012-5-3 16:43
sh_gamit 批处理总结 1.首先建立必要的目录结构,在工程名下建立3个文件名,分别是:rinex,igs,brdc 然后拷贝gamit目录下的tables 文件夹,如下: linux-zhao% mkdir rinex igs linux-zhao% mkdir brdc linux-zhao% cp -R /home/zhao/gg/tables/ ./ cp: 无法打开 “/home/zhao/gg/tables/igs_01_antex11.pcv” 读取数据: 权限不够 linux-zhao% (说明:我是在工程目录下操作的。)(提醒:要检查tables文件夹中是否缺文件,文件中是否有数据,例如ut1.文件。我在拷贝后,竟然这个文件是空的!原因不明。所以检查必要表文件很重要。还有就是海洋潮汐负载文件,要自己下,然后自己连接到tables中,具体方法见其他文章,这个连接最好是绝对连接,保证随时可用!) 2、下载数据,为了熟悉流程,只处理中国的IGS站其中3个,有上海shao,昆明kunm,乌鲁木齐南山站guao。 观测文件、广播星历,精密星历都到cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov下载,其中精密星历到gps/products/年下找,所需GPS周,(利用doy 程序:doy 年 年纪日 ),广播星历在/pub/gps/data/brdc下。观测o文件很好找了,自己摸索一下吧。 3、修改sites.defaults:添加所需要的测站,把bu要的#掉。 修该process.defaults:我的没有该,等熟练后在修改吧。 修改sestbl. 文件:时段处理的设置,例如所选模型等。我的没有修该。 修改 sittbl. 文件:把新添加的站加进去,约束站点。我这里采用0.05,0.05,0.05。 sites.defaults如下: # individual station commands will override all_sites if they follow it # mate_gps tubi ftprnx xstinfo glrepu glreps # ankr_gps tubi ftprnx xstinfo glrepu glreps glts # kit3_gps tubi ftprnx xstinfo glrepu glreps # nssp_gps tubi ftprnx xstinfo glrepu glreps # graz_gps tubi ftprnx xstinfo glrepu glreps # noto_gps tubi ftprnx xstinfo glrepu glreps # nico_gps tubi ftprnx xstinfo glrepu # sofi_gps tubi ftprnx xstinfo glrepu # zeck_gps tubi ftprnx xstinfo glrepu # zwen_gps tubi ftprnx xstinfo glrepu glreps # bahr_gps tubi ftprnx xstinfo glrepu # tela_gps tubi ftprnx xstinfo glrepu # tubi_gps tubi ftpraw xstinfo glrepu glts # mert_gps tubi ftpraw glrepu glts # kant_gps tubi ftpraw glrepu glts # ttth_gps tubi xstinfo xsite:1999_256-1999_278 glreps xsite:1999_300-1999_365 # thht_gps tubi xstinfo xsite glreps shao_gps 2008 kunm_gps 2008 guao_gps 2008 sittbl.如下: SITE FIX --COORD.CONSTR.-- default for regional stations ALL NNN 100. 100. 100. IGS china stations shao shao_gps NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 kunm kunm_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 guao guao_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 IGS core stations VILL VILL_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 MAS1 MAS1_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 FORT FORT_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 BRAZ BRAZ_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 KOUR KOUR_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 OHIG OHIG_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 BRMU BRMU_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 THU1 THU1_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 SANT SANT_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 AREQ AREQ_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 WES2 WES2_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 GODE GODE_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 ALGO ALGO_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 NLIB NLIB_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 MDO1 MDO1_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 PIE1 PIE1_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 YELL YELL_GPS NNN 0.050 0.050 0.05 4、把igs目录下的精密星历解压,好像不手动的话,会报报错。 然后运行如下命令: linux-zhao% sh_gamit -expt 2008 -d 2008 201 202 203 -orbit IGSF -copt x k p -dopt c ao -noftp -remakes Y ! sh_gamit.log 5、运行: linux-zhao% sh_glred -s 2008 201 2008 203 -expt 2008 -opt H G E Input options -s 2008 201 2008 203 -expt 2008 -opt H G E glrepuse: glrepstab: glveluse: glvelstab: gltimeser: Checking and making required directories ~/project/2008/glbf ~/project/2008 Htoglb converting GAMIT ascii h-files to GLOBK binary h-files htoglb /home/zhao/project/2008/glbf /home/zhao/project/2008/tables/svt /home/zhao/project/2008/glbf/h????a.08201 htoglb /home/zhao/project/2008/glbf /home/zhao/project/2008/tables/svt /home/zhao/project/2008/201/h????a.08201 ~/project/2008 Running the GLRED combination ~/project/2008/gsoln ~/project/2008 rm: 无法删除 “binhlist.glr”: 没有那个文件或目录 rm: 无法删除 “binhlist.glx”: 没有那个文件或目录 rm: 无法删除 “binhlist.GLX”: 没有那个文件或目录 ls: No match. ls: No match. H-files included in this combination: /home/zhao/project/2008/glbf/h0807191200_2008.glx Input options -eqf none -aprf /home/zhao/project/2008/tables/itrf00.apr -pmuf /home/zhao/project/2008/tables/pmu.usno -globkf /home/zhao/project/2008/gsoln/globk_comb.cmd -glorgf /home/zhao/project/2008/gsoln/glorg_comb.cmd -hfname 2008 -netlist ALL -repuse -repstab glred 6 globk_2008_08201.prt globk_2008_08201.log globk_2008_08201.gdl globk_comb.cmd ~/project/2008 ~/project/2008/glbf ~/project/2008 Htoglb converting GAMIT ascii h-files to GLOBK binary h-files htoglb /home/zhao/project/2008/glbf /home/zhao/project/2008/tables/svt /home/zhao/project/2008/glbf/h????a.08202 htoglb /home/zhao/project/2008/glbf /home/zhao/project/2008/tables/svt /home/zhao/project/2008/202/h????a.08202 ~/project/2008 Running the GLRED combination ~/project/2008/gsoln ~/project/2008 ls: No match. ls: No match. H-files included in this combination: /home/zhao/project/2008/glbf/h0807201200_2008.glx Input options -eqf none -aprf /home/zhao/project/2008/tables/itrf00.apr -pmuf /home/zhao/project/2008/tables/pmu.usno -globkf /home/zhao/project/2008/gsoln/globk_comb.cmd -glorgf /home/zhao/project/2008/gsoln/glorg_comb.cmd -hfname 2008 -netlist ALL -repuse -repstab /home/zhao/project/2008/gsoln/globk_comb.cmd already exists. NOT overwritten /home/zhao/project/2008/gsoln/glorg_comb.cmd already exists. NOT overwritten glred 6 globk_2008_08202.prt globk_2008_08202.log globk_2008_08202.gdl globk_comb.cmd ~/project/2008 ~/project/2008/glbf ~/project/2008 Htoglb converting GAMIT ascii h-files to GLOBK binary h-files htoglb /home/zhao/project/2008/glbf /home/zhao/project/2008/tables/svt /home/zhao/project/2008/glbf/h????a.08203 htoglb /home/zhao/project/2008/glbf /home/zhao/project/2008/tables/svt /home/zhao/project/2008/203/h????a.08203 ~/project/2008 Running the GLRED combination ~/project/2008/gsoln ~/project/2008 ls: No match. ls: No match. H-files included in this combination: /home/zhao/project/2008/glbf/h0807211200_2008.glx Input options -eqf none -aprf /home/zhao/project/2008/tables/itrf00.apr -pmuf /home/zhao/project/2008/tables/pmu.usno -globkf /home/zhao/project/2008/gsoln/globk_comb.cmd -glorgf /home/zhao/project/2008/gsoln/glorg_comb.cmd -hfname 2008 -netlist ALL -repuse -repstab /home/zhao/project/2008/gsoln/globk_comb.cmd already exists. NOT overwritten /home/zhao/project/2008/gsoln/glorg_comb.cmd already exists. NOT overwritten glred 6 globk_2008_08203.prt globk_2008_08203.log globk_2008_08203.gdl globk_comb.cmd ~/project/2008 Creating time series between: 2008 201 -- 2008 203 ~/project/2008/gsoln ~/project/2008 sh_plotcrd -f tmp.ensum_input -s short -cols 1 -e 2008 ENSUM: Program to extract ENU components from GLOBK solution ------------------------------------------------------------ Reading stations from tmp.ensum_input Solution: Combination of ALL networks There are 27 baseline entries between 3 sites Generating solution summary Processing data from site SHAO_GPS Processing data from site KUNM_GPS Processing data from site GUAO_GPS Checking for bad records in input file SUM.2008 Bad records found, removing the following records from histogram: SHAO_GPS- N 1 3 3461996.3266 0.1134 38.1 0.19 ******** 50809.69 31.5 0.16 0.01 2008.55 1- 6 SHAO_GPS- E 1 3 11552739.0090 1.8431 606.0 0.19 ******** ******** 603.6 0.19 0.01 2008.55 11- 16 SHAO_GPS- U 1 3 21.7975 1.3055 421.5 0.19 ******** ******** 348.8 0.15 0.01 2008.55 21- 26 KUNM_GPS- N 1 3 2786275.4130 0.5547 94.0 0.10 ******** ******** 120.8 0.13 0.01 2008.55 31- 36 KUNM_GPS- E 1 3 10368693.2635 1.7886 466.7 0.15 ******** ******** 596.7 0.19 0.01 2008.55 41- 46 KUNM_GPS- U 1 3 1985.8331 1.3581 505.1 0.21 ******** ******** 17.5 0.01 0.01 2008.55 51- 56 GUAO_GPS- N 1 3 4839181.7230 1.0904 291.3 0.15 ******** ******** 244.8 0.13 0.01 2008.55 61- 66 GUAO_GPS- E 1 3 7042905.2398 1.6815 468.9 0.16 ******** ******** 652.2 0.22 0.01 2008.55 71- 76 GUAO_GPS- U 1 3 2028.5929 1.3685 317.6 0.13 ******** ******** 112.9 0.05 0.01 2008.55 81- 86 Soft kill LENGTH only : Soft kill EAST only : Soft kill NORTH only : Soft kill UP only : GMT Warning: Old GMT 3 .gmtdefaults file found. May not be fully compatible with GMT 4. GMT Warning: It is recommended that you migrate your GMT 3 settings to GMT 4 settings. Created postscript file : pshist_wrms.SUM.2008 To view : gs pshist_wrms.SUM.2008 To print : lpr -s pshist_wrms.SUM.2008 Checking for bad records in input file SUM.2008 Bad records found, removing the following records from histogram: SHAO_GPS- N 1 3 3461996.3266 0.1134 38.1 0.19 ******** 50809.69 31.5 0.16 0.01 2008.55 1- 6 SHAO_GPS- E 1 3 11552739.0090 1.8431 606.0 0.19 ******** ******** 603.6 0.19 0.01 2008.55 11- 16 SHAO_GPS- U 1 3 21.7975 1.3055 421.5 0.19 ******** ******** 348.8 0.15 0.01 2008.55 21- 26 KUNM_GPS- N 1 3 2786275.4130 0.5547 94.0 0.10 ******** ******** 120.8 0.13 0.01 2008.55 31- 36 KUNM_GPS- E 1 3 10368693.2635 1.7886 466.7 0.15 ******** ******** 596.7 0.19 0.01 2008.55 41- 46 KUNM_GPS- U 1 3 1985.8331 1.3581 505.1 0.21 ******** ******** 17.5 0.01 0.01 2008.55 51- 56 GUAO_GPS- N 1 3 4839181.7230 1.0904 291.3 0.15 ******** ******** 244.8 0.13 0.01 2008.55 61- 66 GUAO_GPS- E 1 3 7042905.2398 1.6815 468.9 0.16 ******** ******** 652.2 0.22 0.01 2008.55 71- 76 GUAO_GPS- U 1 3 2028.5929 1.3685 317.6 0.13 ******** ******** 112.9 0.05 0.01 2008.55 81- 86 Soft kill LENGTH only : Soft kill EAST only : Soft kill NORTH only : Soft kill UP only : GMT Warning: Old GMT 3 .gmtdefaults file found. May not be fully compatible with GMT 4. GMT Warning: It is recommended that you migrate your GMT 3 settings to GMT 4 settings. Created postscript file : pshist_nrms.SUM.2008 To view : gs pshist_nrms.SUM.2008 To print : lpr -s pshist_nrms.SUM.2008 select ALL Limiting output sigmas to 0.0000 m Horizontal and 0.0000 m height Created : mb_SHAO_GPS.dat1 Created : mb_SHAO_GPS.dat2 Created : mb_SHAO_GPS.dat3 Created : mb_KUNM_GPS.dat1 Created : mb_KUNM_GPS.dat2 Created : mb_KUNM_GPS.dat3 Created : mb_GUAO_GPS.dat1 Created : mb_GUAO_GPS.dat2 Created : mb_GUAO_GPS.dat3 sh_baseline -n 3 -cols 1 -o 0 -ps 2008 -u 1 -f mb_* Running sh_baseline to create GMT plots of time series scaling uncertainties by : 1 COMMENT : creating psbase_2008.* GMT Warning: Old GMT 3 .gmtdefaults file found. May not be fully compatible with GMT 4. GMT Warning: It is recommended that you migrate your GMT 3 settings to GMT 4 settings. =+=+=+=+= 9 frames 3 pages =+=+=+=+= Plotting: GUAO Created: psbase_2008.GUAO Plotting: KUNM Created: psbase_2008.KUNM Plotting: SHAO Created: psbase_2008.SHAO Created postript files : psbase_2008.* Created baseline statistics : base_stats_psbase_2008 To view postript files : gs psbase_2008.* Hardcopy postript files : lpr -s psbase_2008.* ~/project/2008 linux-zhao%
个人分类: GAMIT-GLOBK|4315 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]【GAMIT-BLOCK】gamit Process Script
zhenghui2915 2012-5-3 16:43
处理测站: wuhn、shao、bjfs、kunm、urum、lhaz、twtf、guao ①在工程目录下建立tabls目录 sh_setup -yr 2008 -doy 100 ②获取观测文件 sh_get_nav -archive sopac -yr 2008 -doy 100 -ndays 5 sh_get_orbits -archive sopac -yr 2008 -doy 100 -ndays 5 -makeg no sh_get_rinex -archive sopac -yr 2008 -doy 100 -ndays 5 -sd ../tables/sites.defaults -expt tubi ③制作station.info文件 cp station.info gedit stnfolist 将每个测站名用一行(首个字符空格)列举出来 sh_upd_stnfo -ref station.info.sopac -l stnfolist -w station.info ④准备L文件 4.1 将IGS站的坐标从参考框架中提取出来 grep WUHN itrf00.aprcoor.apr grep BJFS itrf00.aprcoor.apr gerp SHAO itrf00.aprcoor.apr 4.2 将非IGS站的坐标通过双差计算出来 sh_rx2apr -site guao1000.08o -nav ../brdc/brdc1000.08n -ref urum1000.08o -apr ../tables/itrf00.apr sh_rx2apr -site lhaz1000.08o -nav ../brdc/brdc1000.08n -ref urum1000.08o -apr ../tables/itrf00.apr sh_rx2apr -site twtf1000.08o -nav ../brdc/brdc1000.08n -ref shao1000.08o -apr ../tables/itrf00.apr 4.3 将所有的观测文件的坐标合成为L文件 cat guao.apr lhaz.apr twtf.apr tmp.apr cp coor.apr lfile. ⑤ 准备对流层参数文件 mv map.grid map.grid.old mv otl.grid otl.grid.old ln -s /public/users/zhenghui/gg/tables/otl_FES2004.grid otl.grid ln -s /public/users/zhenghui/gg/tables/vmf1grd.2008 map.grid ⑥ 批处理 sh_gamit -expt 2008 -s 2008 100 106 -orbit IGSF -noftp sh_gamit.log
个人分类: GAMIT-GLOBK|2801 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Placing figures/tables side-by-side (\subfigure)
linpandr 2012-3-25 14:29
Placing figures/tables side-by-side (\subfigure) \usepackage{subfigure} \begin{figure} \centering \subfigure { \includegraphics {subfigure1.eps} \label{fig:subfig1} } \subfigure { \includegraphics {subfigure2.eps} \label{fig:subfig2} } \subfigure { \includegraphics {subfigure3.eps} \label{fig:subfig3} } \label{fig:subfigureExample} \caption {Caption of subfigures \subref{fig:subfig1}, \subref{fig:subfig2} and \subref{fig:subfig3}} \end{figure} \usepackage{subfigure} \begin{sidewaysfigure} \centering \subfigure { \label{fig:img1} \includegraphics {figures/img1.png} } \subfigure { \label{fig:img2} \includegraphics {figures/img2.png} } \subfigure { \label{fig:img3} \includegraphics {figures/img3.png} } \caption {\textbf{ My images} I am referring to (A), (B) and (C) respectively} \begin{figure} \centering \subfigure { \includegraphics {subfigure1.eps} \label{fig:subfig1} } \subfigure { \includegraphics {subfigure2.eps} \label{fig:subfig2} } \subfigure { \includegraphics {subfigure3.eps} \label{fig:subfig3} } \label{myfigure} \caption{Global figure caption} \end{figure}
个人分类: Latex|2312 次阅读|0 个评论

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