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公开课——选修5 第五章 第一节 合成高分子化合物的基本方法
yaoronggui 2019-4-19 15:43
个人分类: 高中化学|3059 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 zhpd55 2019-1-9 20:46
科学家发现一种稳定聚变等离子体的过程(附原文) 诸平 Physicists Allan Reiman, left, and Nat Fisch. Credit: Elle Starkman/PPPLOffice of Communications 据物理学家组织网( phy.org )2019年1月9日报道,来自 美国能源部(DOE)普林斯顿等离子体物理实验室( Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, PPPL) 的消息,该实验室的科研人员已经发现了一种稳定聚变等离子体的过程。 科学家正在寻找能够引起聚变反应的外力,就像太阳和星星为地球提供的能量,必须保持超高温等离子体不受破坏。现在,美国能源部(DOE)普林斯顿等离子体物理实验室(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory,PPPL)研究人员发现了一种能够有助于控制中断被认为是最危险的聚变等离子体的方法。 复制融合(Replicating fusion)可以为城市和工业提供实际上是无限的清洁能源,但是,复制融合释放出的能量就是等离子体物质态的原子核聚合过程中释放出的能量,这种能量几乎是无限的。然而,捕捉和控制聚变能是全球科学与工程研究人员面临的一个关键性的挑战。 PPPL的发现已经在《物理评论快报》(Physical Review Letters)于2018年11月30日发表——A. H. Reiman, N. J. Fisch.Suppression of Tearing Modes by Radio Frequency Current Condensation.Physical Review Letters,2018, 121: 225001.DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.225001. 2018 Suppression of Tearing Modes by Radio Frequency Current Condensation.pdf 更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道 Scientists discover a process that stabilizes fusion plasmas January 9, 2019 by John Greenwald, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Scientists seeking to bring the fusion reaction that powers the sun and stars to Earth must keep the superhot plasma free from disruptions. Now researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have discovered a process that can help to control the disruptions thought to be most dangerous. Replicating fusion, which releases boundless energy by fusing atomic nuclei in the state of matter known as plasma, could produce clean and virtually limitless power for generating electricity for cities and industries everywhere. Capturing and controlling fusion energy is therefore a key scientific and engineering challenge for researchers across the globe. Creating magnetic islands The PPPL finding, reported in Physical Review Letters, focuses on so-called tearing modes—instabilities in the plasma that create magnetic islands, a key source of plasma disruptions. These islands, bubble-like structures that form in the plasma, can grow and trigger disruptive events that halt fusion reactions and damage doughnut-shaped facilities called tokamaks that house the reactions. Researchers found in the 1980s that using radio-frequency (RF) waves to drive current in the plasma could stabilize tearing modes and reduce the risk of disruptions. However, the researchers failed to notice that small changes—or perturbations—in the temperature of the plasma could improve the stabilization process, once a key threshold in power is exceeded. The physical mechanism that PPPL has identified works like this: •The temperature perturbations affect the strength of the current drive and the amount of RF power deposited in the islands. •The perturbations and their impact on the deposition of power feedback against each other in a complex—or nonlinear—manner. •When the feedback combines with the sensitivity of the current drive to temperature perturbations, the efficiency of the stabilization process increases. •Furthermore, the improved stabilization is less to likely to be affected by misaligned current drives that fail to hit the center of the island. The overall impact of this process creates what is technically called RF current condensation, or concentration of RF power inside the island that keeps it from growing. The power deposition is greatly increased, said Allan Reiman, a theoretical physicist at PPPL and lead author of the paper. When the power deposition in the island exceeds a threshold level, there is a jump in the temperature that greatly strengthens the stabilizing effect. This allows the stabilization of larger islands than previously thought possible. Beneficial to ITER This process can be particularly beneficial to ITER, the international tokamak under construction in France to demonstrate the feasibility of fusion power. There is worry about islands getting large and causing disruptions in ITER, Reiman said. Taken together, these new effects should make it easier to stabilize ITER plasmas. Reiman worked with Professor Nat Fisch, associate director for academic affairs at PPPL and coauthor of the report. Fisch had demonstrated in a landmark 1970s paper that RF waves could be used to drive currents to confine tokamak plasmas through a process now called RF current drive. Fisch points out how it was Reiman's groundbreaking paper in 1983 that predicted that these RF currents could also stabilize tearing modes. The use of RF current drive for stabilization of tearing modes was perhaps even more crucial to the tokamak program than using these currents to confine the plasma, Fisch said. Hence, he said, Reiman's 1983 paper essentially launched experimental campaigns on tokamaks worldwide to stabilize tearing modes. Moreover, he added, Significantly, in addition to predicting the stabilization of tearing modes by RF, the 1983 paper also pointed out the importance of the temperature perturbation in magnetic islands. Underappreciated feature The new paper takes a fresh look at the impact of these temperature perturbations on the islands, a feature which has been underappreciated since the 1983 paper pointed to it. We basically went back 35 years to carry that thought just a bit further by exploring the fascinating physics and larger implications of positive feedback, Fisch said. It turned out that these implications might now be very important to the tokamak program today. The theoreticians began their recent work with a simple model and advanced to more complex ones to address the key issues. They now plan to produce a more detailed picture with still-more sophisticated models. They are also working to suggest experimental campaigns that will expose these new effects. Support for this research comes from the DOE Office of Science. Explore further: Team wins major supercomputer time to study the edge of fusion plasmas More information: A. H. Reiman et al, Suppression of Tearing Modes by Radio Frequency Current Condensation, Physical Review Letters (2018). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.225001
个人分类: 新科技|3757 次阅读|3 个评论
caixin5120 2018-5-17 09:48
重氮乙酸乙酯与肉桂醛共聚反应的机理研究 ——量子化学计算分子结构和自旋布局 【分迪科技提供药物设计服务与平台】 期待与您合作! 公司网址: http://www.moldesigner.com/ 公司电话: 028-85160035 公司邮箱:sales@moldesinger.com 合作单位 :武汉大学 合作成果 : 1. Li, Y.; Chen, C.; Li, F.; Liao, L.; Liu, L., Mechanistic studies of the copolymerization between ethyl diazoacetate and cinnamaldehyde. Polymer Chemistry 2017, 8 (18), 2881-2888.(2016 IF = 5.375 ) 重氮甲烷的N diazo 和C 3 双自由基是1,3-偶极形式的共振结构。在没有任何催化剂的情况下重氮乙酸烷基酯(重氮乙酸乙酯,EDA)能够与α,β-不饱和醛(肉桂醛,CA)反应生成N diazo 和C5、N diazo 和C8双自由基,这些自由基能使得EDA和CA发生聚合反应。 本文通过量子化学优化系列三重态N、C双自由基得到分子结构,并通过计算原子自旋布局,确定中间体为双自由基结构。合作单位根据优化的结构计算其能量并推测反应路径,确定双自由基反应机制。 图1 M06-2X/de f2-SVP水平下优化双自由基结构并计算其原子自旋布局 更多成功案例欢迎访问: http://www.moldesigner.com/category/company-case 本文版权属于成都 分迪科技 有限公司,转载请注明出处,商业使用需取得分迪科技书面同意! 扫描下方二维码关注 分迪科技 微信公众号 ,了解更多前沿资讯! 本文转载自: http://www.moldesigner.com/3328.html
个人分类: 化学材料|1443 次阅读|0 个评论
uvdeng 2012-3-21 10:44
UV是紫外线英文ultraviolet的缩写。紫外线是电磁波谱中的一个波段,波长从210~ 420nm波段。波长小于2i.Onm的紫外线称为真空紫外线,能使空气中氧气分子电离产生臭氧化即三价氧。高浓臭氧有股臭味,例如从1V固化机灯箱排出的气体具有浓烈的腥臭味就是臭氧。国家工业标准空气中臭氧含量安全值为0.15ppm (0.2945mg/ m3)。含量超过10ppm (19.63mg/m3)会引发口腔、鼻、眼猫膜过敏,吸人体内有害,但含量低于该值时臭氧起到清新空气并有杀菌作用,如打雷过后会感到空气格外清新,就是因为带不同电位的云团碰撞放电将空气中氧气分子电离产生臭氧的结果。 波长从254- --420nm段称为固化段紫外线,也称UVA段紫外线。因为该段Uv光有较强的光化学特性,某些化学分子吸收该段光使该分子化学结构迅速发生变化产生自由基,从而引发链式聚合反应使液体变为固体。我们讨论的 UV固化技术 正是利用该波段UV光引发各种光固化油墨固化。波长从210~ 280nm段称为UVB,该段紫外线具有杀菌、水处理、医疗、光刻等功能, 紫外线杀菌 作用广泛应用于食品消毒、矿泉水、牛奶等流体食品杀菌工艺流程。 固化一词英文译为Curing(硫化)和Solidify(硬化)两种译法。Curing表示化学过程,Solidify表示物理变化。光固化过程是光化学过程,特点是速度快且形成的大分子立体网状结构化学和物理稳定性好表面亮度高,印刷工艺中应用Uv固化油墨正是利用上述两个特点。 现代印刷工业发展有3个较突出特点。第一个特点是固化速率快,如单张纸胶印机印刷速度达到2万张/h,轮转凹印机印刷速度达300m/min;第二个特点是承印物材料种类繁多,非纸材料越来越多,如各种薄膜、金属印材等,这些材料特点是不吸收油墨;第三个特点是印刷品艺术化。这三个发展特点给普通干燥型油墨提出难题,印后油墨千燥慢出现蹭脏现象,墨层薄印不出立体艺术效果,Uv油墨正是为适应这些需求被广泛采用。近十年间我国高档烟包装大量使用覆膜金银卡纸印刷带动Uv胶印的发展,塑料不千胶标签市场带动Uv柔性版印刷的发展。印刷品表面整饰工艺广泛应用,各种UV光油,如透明Uv光油、Uv仿金属蚀刻油墨、Uv皱纹油墨、Uv冰花油墨、丝印局部Uv光油等表面整饰材料使图书表面、包装盒、礼品包装等展现出绚丽多彩的艺术效果,使印刷作为实用文化的概念重归艺术殿堂。UV涂料结膜后耐摩擦、耐划蹭的优点使得其普遍用于光盘、招贴广告、扑克牌,各种卡、标牌、标签等产品。
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