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Studies in Comparative Communism, Winter 1979
黄安年 2019-2-22 09:54
Studies in Comparative Communism, Winter 1979 【 Von KleinSmid Institute of International Affairs School of Relations 编 《 比较共产主义研究 》 1979 年冬季号 】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 270 ) 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 / 2019 年 2 月 22 日 发布(第 21002 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,已经超过267本,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Von KleinSmid Institute of International Affairs School of Relations 编 Studies in Comparative Communism, Winter 1979 《 比较共产主义研究 》 1979 年冬季号 ,School of Relations University of Southern California 296-395 页。 照片10张拍自该书 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6, 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|418 次阅读|0 个评论
Diplomatic History Winter 1981
黄安年 2019-2-20 11:33
Diplomatic History Winter 1981 【Warren I. Cohen 主编 《 外交史 》, 1981 年冬季号 】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 257 )】 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 / 2019 年 2 月 20 日 发布(第 20986 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,已经超过256本,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Warren I. Cohen 主编 Diplomatic History Winter 1981 ( 《 外交史 》, 1981 年冬季号) ,Published Quarterly, for the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations by Scholarly Resources Inc. 91 页。 照片7张拍自该书 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6, 7 ,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1145 次阅读|0 个评论
Diplomatic History Winter 1979
黄安年 2019-2-20 11:18
Diplomatic History Winter 1979 【Armin Rappaport 主编 《 外交史 》, 1979 年冬季号 】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 256 )】 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 / 2019 年 2 月 20 日 发布(第 20985 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,已经超过255本,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Armin Rappaport 主编 Diplomatic History Winter 1979 ( 《 外交史 》, 1979 年冬季号) ,Published Quarterly, for the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations by Scholarly Resources Inc. 111 页。 照片8张拍自该书 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6, 7 , 8.
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1214 次阅读|0 个评论
2015 Winter vacation dairy-Day 3
rczeng 2015-1-30 00:46
Attending the seminar 'Summary on the group of Taishan Scholar' and firstly give my report t his morning (Jan. 29) Going to the postoffice and take the reward check from Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China this afternoon. Revising the manuscript for Corrosion Science. Having dinner with the group member of Taishan Scholar in the evening.
个人分类: 科研|0 个评论
Winter, winter (in Hangzhou)
zuojun 2013-3-1 20:34
The temperature is 6C outside, but may not be much higher inside (because I don't like the cold air from the a/c vent and decide not to turn the heater on). Still, I find this winter is more tolerable, because I have parka pants to keep me warm. The temperature will drop further tomorrow, and then climbs back slowly. I hope I will survive this weekend...
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2386 次阅读|0 个评论
A warm welcome...
热度 1 zuojun 2013-2-28 21:58
Finally, I arrived at my final travel destination of this trip. I was quite concerned about the weather, but I was surprised by a warm temperature at 21C in Hangzhou around 4pm. However, I wo n't be so lucky tomorrow, since the temperature will DROP greatly. I hope I can survive this trip (without getting a cold).
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2497 次阅读|2 个评论
Global cooling...
zuojun 2012-2-10 01:27
It's only 73F in my living room at 7:23 am. I have to put socks on. So, I would say it's a cold winter day in Hawaii. However, I will never agree with those people who think burning oil, gas, and coal is ok. It is NOT ok. One third of the CO2 we release into the atmosphere is absorbed by the world ocean. So, the ocean is becoming more acid. Read about ocean acidification, and you will be as worried as most oceanographers about the future of the Earth.
个人分类: Education|2430 次阅读|0 个评论
北京的冬景 VS 成都的冬景
热度 3 waterlilyqd 2011-12-27 16:33
北京的冬景 VS 成都的冬景
During winter season, Beijing seems to have nothing to see, only the bare trees, tall buildings andsparse people walking in fast steps in the chilly wind. However, one day, when I walked out of the building and raised my head to see those bare trees, I found their beauty under the grey sky.Those trees lookmore beautiful under the blue sky and bright sunshine. While the winter scenery in Chengdu is still like autumn's. One can't findthe trace of winter from the the golden andbright green leaves. But in most occasions, the sky isgrey. People here cherish every sunny day--to takechairs outand bathe under the sunshine is avery enjoyable thing! No one can tell which scenery is better, the Beijing's or Chengdu's. They arejust different. Bare trees under the bright sunshine in winter in Beijing Winter scenery in Beijing-Bare trees under the grey sky Winter scenery in Chengdu
个人分类: Around World|4451 次阅读|4 个评论
[转载] The Winter Solstice
zuojun 2011-12-22 04:19
Tomorrow will be a longer day, if it's not better. For some, 2012 End-of-the-World Countdown Based on Mayan Calendar Starts Today http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/2012-end-world-countdown-based-mayan-calendar-starts-101657134.html
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|1318 次阅读|0 个评论
First winter vacation for college freshmen
热度 1 zuojun 2011-12-18 16:55
For those who have returned to Hawaii, nothing beats the warm weather (at 77F/26C). There will be many parties in the coming days, to get together with high school friends. Enjoy your vacation!
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|3175 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]Unusual Amounts Of Lightning Storms Invade Hawaii
zuojun 2011-6-5 05:47
Watch this news clip. http://www.kitv.com/video/28129802/detail.html POSTED: 10:47 pm HST June 3, 2011 UPDATED: 10:48 pm HST June 3, 2011
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|1546 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Winter School on Complex Systems
fangjinqin 2010-11-11 08:09
New England Complex Systems Institute Winter School on Complex Systems We are pleased to announce the dates of our upcoming courses on complex systems: Jan. 3-7, 2011 / Complex Physical, Biological Social Systems Jan. 9, 2011 / Computer Programming and Complex Systems Jan. 10-14, 2011 / Complex Systems Modeling and Networks Target Audience These courses are intended for faculty, graduate students, post- doctoral fellows, professionals and others who would like to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of complex systems, and develop methodological tools for conducting research in their respective fields, or as a basis for pursuing complex systems research. The winter school offers two intensive week-long courses. The courses consist of lectures, discussions, and supervised group projects. Though the second week builds on material covered in the previous week, CX201 is not a prerequisite for CX202. You may register for either or both weeks. If desired, arrangements for credit at a home institution may be made in advance. See course descriptions below or online at: www.necsi.edu/education/school.html WEEK ONE CX201: Complex Physical, Biological and Social Systems Dates: January 3-7, 2011|Location: MIT, Cambridge, MA This course offers an introduction to the essential concepts of complex systems and related mathematical methods and simulation strategies with application to physical, biological and social systems. The course will particularly focus on the use of multiscale representations as a unifying approach to complex systems concepts, methods and applications. Concepts to be discussed include: emergence, complexity, networks, self-organization, pattern formation, evolution, adaptation, fractals, chaos, cooperation, competition, attractors, interdependence, scaling, dynamic response, information, and function. Methods to be discussed include: statistical methods, cellular automata, agent-based modeling, pattern recognition, system representation and informatics. LAB CX102: Computer Programming and Complex Systems Date: January 9, 2011|Location: MIT, Cambridge, MA This course introduces computer programming in the Python language for those with little or no computer programming experience. It is designed as a precursor to CX202. The course will present programming concepts and hands-on exercises. Topics to be covered include: data structures, algorithms, variables and assignments, numerical and logical operations, lists and dictionaries, user-defined functions, flow control, loops, and visualization. WEEK TWO CX202: Complex Systems Modeling and Networks Dates: January 10-14, 2011|Location: MIT, Cambridge, MA This course provides (a) an introduction to building models of complex systems (physical, biological, social and engineered), and (b) the study of networks, including topologies and dynamics of real world networks. The course will cover the basic construction and analysis of models including identifying what is to be modeled, constructing a mathematical representation, analysis tools and implementing and simulating the model in a computer program. Particular attention will be paid to choosing the right level of detail for the model, testing its robustness, and discussing which questions a given model can or cannot answer. The study of networks will introduce the use of network topologies and the characterization of networks describing complex systems, including such concepts as small worlds, degree distribution, diameter, clustering coefficient, modules, and motifs. Different types of network topologies and network behaviors that model aspects of real complex systems will be described including: modular, sparse, random, scale-free, influence, transport, transformation, and structure. NOTE: Students without a background in programming are strongly recommended to attend CX102: Computer Programming and Complex Systems in conjunction with CX202. Comments from past students Excellent course... useful thematic overview... applications in diverse contexts were exciting. Particularly appreciated the group project - excellent experiential pedagogy. The course was an eye-opening framework to analyze my work through a different lens. Presentations were extremely useful for me in understanding how to begin modeling complex systems and assessing them. Helped me understand a lot of things I have been doing so far without clearly understanding the principles. This class very much stretched my mind to apply the ideas of complexity to the world... I believe I learned more on a grander scale...will help enrich my vocabulary and the way of thinking in the world with respect to complexity. Excellent class. I hope to take a more active role in the community. For more information and registration: www.necsi.edu/education/school.html
个人分类: 会议通知|2438 次阅读|1 个评论
[每日一乐]Winter in My Heart-Befour
daijingwei 2008-11-8 21:40
Winter in My Heart-Befour 立冬了,前几日骄阳似火的广州也下起了大雨,进入冬日的第一天,风吹在身上,冷嗖嗖的 冬天来了,或许这种温度在我的家乡连秋日都算不上,但Winter in My Heart Befour的《Winter in My Heart》是去年冬日推出专辑中的一首,但今日听来,心里暖烘烘的。 Befour是一个来自德国的男女4人组合,成员分别是Alina, Manou, Dan 和 Angel。清新靓丽的嗓音给人耳目一新的感觉,尤其在这依旧会暖融融的冬日,品一杯咖啡,让Winter in My Heart winter in my heart 冬天在我心里 winter has come 冬天已经来了 farewell to the sun 太阳离得好远 it's getting colder every single day 一天比一天冷 you are not here 你不在这里 can't stand you're not near 不能忍受你不在身边 I'll wait for you forever and I pray 我会等待并为你祈祷 My Fantasy makes believe that you're with me我仿佛相信我们还在一起 I have winter in my heart 冬天在我心里 cause I miss you more than words can say 因为我如此想念你以至无法言语 when nights are long and lonely without you 没有你的晚上是漫长和孤独的 I have winter in my heart 冬天在我心里 count the hours every single day 每一天都在数着时间 that lonesome time is too sad to be true 那种幽寂是那样的真实那样伤感 got winter in my heart 就像冬天在我心里 snow falling down 雪一直下 and you're not around 你不再回来 I'm all alone in that white wonderland 我孤独的待在那白色的妙境里 taking a walk 漫步 there's no one to talk 没有一个人和我说话 we used to be together hand in hand 我们过去经常是手牵手在一起 my fantasy makes me believe that you're with me我仿佛相信我们还在一起 I have winter in my heart 冬天在我心里 cause I miss you more than words can say 因为我如此想念你以至无法言语 when nights are long and lonely without you 没有你的晚上是漫长和孤独的 I have winter in my heart 冬天在我心里 count the hours every single day 每一天都在数着时间 that lonesome time is too sad to be true 那种幽寂是那样的真实那样伤感 got winter in my heart 就像冬天在我心里 Music...... I have winter in my heart 冬天在我心里 cause I miss you more than words can say 因为我如此想念你以至无法言语 when nights are long and lonely without you 没有你的晚上是漫长和孤独的 I have winter in my heart 冬天在我心里 count the hours every single day 每一天都在数着时间 that lonesome time is too sad to be true 那种幽寂是那样的真实那样伤感 winter in my heart 就像冬天在我心里 下载链接: http://k12.ambow.net/lylearnnet/UserFiles/user362/Media/1219110016940.mp3 附:专辑《Hand In Hand-The Winter Album》曲目 1 hand in hand 2 winter dream 3 sweet little bells 4 crying heart 5 shooting star 6 if you wanna know 7 sometimes dreams come true 8 sunshine in december 9 winter in my heart 10 crystal wonderland 11 winterdream (phantasialand version) 12 hand in hand (piano version)
个人分类: 耳朵想旅行|4200 次阅读|1 个评论

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