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[转载][愛情] [两面神:欲望的两张脸 야누스: 욕망의 ...
lcj2212916 2015-11-23 17:06
导演: Son Yeong-ho 主演: 吴仁惠 / Lee Eun-mi 类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 情色 制片国家/地区: 韩国 语言: 韩语 上映日期: 2014-08-07 片长: 83分钟 又名: Janus: Two Faces of Desire The dirty desire in her is unveiling!   Department of Dance student Da-hee (Oh In-hye) is a born solo who has never had a boyfriend before. However, she has nightmares every night. She dreams about violent sex every night. What she would never ever imagine even in her dreams is bothering her in reality and she cannot share this with anyone. In addition, the new performance projector is her long-time crush, professor and Woo-kyeong’s husband Gong-woo (Chris Jo) and it’s making her suffer. In the end, Da-hee goes through therapy and finds out she’s suffering from a trauma she’s had when she was a kid. Then she stumbles upon Myeong-joong, a Tantra yoga instructor online... 下载地址: http://page92.ctfile.com/file/133541195
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Reminiscence (发表于 2006年《研荟》)
dhangoody 2014-11-17 09:25
Reminiscence 365 days and nights slip out stealthily asusual, while many 365 days and nights make up many a short but endless life. So passionately I desire, in one rainy day,standing alone behind you quietly, eye you slim and weak back leaving, whichcan permit my long cherished words out of the bottom of heart, “how d ya becomethinner and thinner as if you’ll go with a gust of wind!” Even if the tracks ofmemories of our stories traveled afar, affections of those days are still asyoung as we were a couple of boy and girl. In the incessant days when breezes blow by,missing you like grass in spring time will bourgeon, and then it withers justlike in autumnal seasons. Once a year, but for several times they pile upherein, carrying a little grayish and a little confused. Those unforgettablepast is actually a version of etching deeply carved on my heart. So,uncountable times among the crowd, I’m subconsciously in the hope of seekingone pair of eyes similar in spirit to yours, which are so strong-willed toyourself regardless of the fluctuations of life, clinging to the peculiar stockof limpidity and simplicity, so that every time my chord of heart will striketo a sound. However, how I dare think it over again since I m afraid I’ll touchthe fragile string once another time. The same as our aged physical forms andemotional worlds, recollections of the youths have faded to a color oflight-yellow with time, failing to regenerate. Life is not always beautiful,but something in it is worthwhile to be picked up for reminiscence. Thoseloving words we hope to tell out can for ever subject to the storage ofsilence. Up to this day , all have perished to ashes in the burning the candleof days to nothing. Mountains in between and sunsets in thatfaraway place. One season, a shift; one year, a samsara. All these things areall incontrollable for common ones like us. What we can do is simply to hunt atoehold above the running waters, to fossick sand grains at the bottom of theriverlet of unmerciful roaring time under our feet. “One half hidden in mind,one half hung on the brow”! That’s it. If the waves will grow even fierce withno sands left, do we only sigh out a faint alas! Let bygones bygone. From childhood toadulthood, after getting accustomed to hullabaloo and harassments, we wouldlike to calm down to ponder, to ponder our life and emotion experiences. It isindeed impossible for you and me to upstream the watercourse of time to submitthose ignorance and losses, when the minds were always messy and entwined likea stuff of hemp, which is difficult to tease. Once you are going to draw athread, another thrum comes out. What intertwined anxieties and oscillationsthose are! So let them be! Since time is constantly the best pair of scissors,it will tailor all these into the proper shape. But even things would go thisway, how about you and me? When we are ambitious in proving we aregreat, we really display our smallness. “Every time when humans think, Godlaughs.” However, suppose we have lost the thinking instincts, is it morefirmly proved that we are truly impotent, not to mention the dayflies of oneday’s life. Our flesh are confined, then let fly our spirits higher! As forthat too much we have learned disregards and disremembering. Armed with someself-realizations, we are able to march to confront the life. Dreaming that inblazing hot summer, after sipping icy water, the biting coldness will stimulateour throat and one fit of tremble, and then we will fall back to calmness. Thephoenix in nirvana has already spread her wings; only embers of fragrant woodsstill remain. Such is us! translated by dhan
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lcj2212916 2012-6-23 20:05
在经济危机的背景下,在物欲横流的年代里,什么是性,什么是爱,什么才是你所真正追求的本源???抛去下载P2P组电影的烦恼吧,Ouzo组,一个对小众,对女孩情有独钟的小组,带给你真正规则框架下的最佳享受,正如Ouzo的ripper所说的“A beautiful film about human sexuality.”,欢迎发表观后感。 下载地址: http://www.ctdisk.com/file/7895606
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《Find your heart’s desire and realize your potential》
wxg84695780 2011-12-15 11:18
Find your heart’s desire and realize your potential By Brian Tracy One of the most wonderful and exciting facts about your life is that you already know a lot of the things you need to know to become the person you want to be. You have your “heart desire” deep inside of you. There’s something that you were put on this earth uniquely to accomplish. There’s something that you, and only you, can do. And when you find your heart’s desire, you will have the key to unlocking your potential in every other part of your life. You’ll have the key to happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment and the joy that’s your natural birthright. Take some time to determine your ideal lifestyle Take some time to determine the kind of person you’d like to be, and the kind of person you’d have to become in order to live the kind of life that you’d like to live. Remember, you can’t accomplish it on the outside until you become it on the inside. To unlock your inner potential, you must set very clear, challenging and, yet, realistic goals and then make plans to accomplish them. You need to work, step by step, every day, in the direction of your dominant aspirations. You need to develop on unshakable level of self-confidence that makes you virtually unstoppable. Momentum is the key to long-term success The momentum theory of success simply says that while it may take 10 units of energy to get your moving in a particular direction, it takes only one units of energy to keep you moving once you are in motion. You have the principle of momentum working in your favor. How do you use the principle of momentum in your life? Well, it’s simple. Let’s say that your goal is to become financially independent. To do this, you have to pay of all of your existing debts and build up a cash reserve of three to six months of living expenses. When you reach that point, your entire personality will change. You’ll be more clearheaded, you’ll be more positive, you’ll be more optimistic, you’ll be a finer and better human being when you absolutely know that you’re not dependent on anyone for your living expenses. You’ll be able to choose the job you want to do and go to the places you want to go. You won’t have to tolerate any situation that you do not enjoy or that you feel isn’t the best use of your personal potential. If you simultaneously work on strengthening your self-discipline and using it to achieve the goal of financial independence, you’ll become a better stronger and more powerful h offuman being. You’ll cast off the bonds of helplessness and begin to feel that there’s nothing in the world that you can’t do or be or have. When you set clear goals or objectives for yourself, when you dream big dreams and then determine to become the kind of person who’s capable of achieving the kind of goals that you want to achieve, you convince yourself, at a deep, subconscious level, that you’re absolutely unstoppable. You realize at last that nothing in the world can hold you back except your own thinking, and you don’t even let your own thinking limit your potential. What beliefs might you have that are holding you back? Each one of us has feelings of inferiority that are manifested in the conclusion that we are not good enough. We think that we are not as good as other people, and we feel that we are not good enough to acquire any enjoy the things that we want in life. Very often, we feel that we don’t deserve good things. Even if we do work hard and achieve some worthwhile objectives, we believe that we are not really entitled to our successes, and we often engage in behaviors that sabotage our successes. The fact is that you deserve every good thing that you are capable of acquiring as the result of the application of your talents. The only real limitation on what you can be and have is your absence of desire. If you want something badly enough, nothing in the world can stop you from getting it, if you are willing to persist long enough and hard enough. Over and over, we find that our beliefs, more than anything else, act as the brakes on our capacities. We have high hopes and dreams and aspirations, but we let doubts creep in and undermine our competence effectiveness. The most harmful beliefs that you can have are what we all “self-limiting beliefs.” These are beliefs about yourself, most of which are not true; but they hold you back nonetheless. Sometimes you, or others, will say that you cannot achieve certain goals because you did not get enough education. Sometimes you will say that it is because of your gender or race or age or the state of the economy. The starting point to change your belief is to get up the courage to question them seriously. Question your basic premises. Check your assumptions. Ask yourself, “What assumptions am I making about myself or my situation that might not be true?” It’s a fact that we fall in love with our excuses and our assumptions. We fall in love with our reasons for not moving ahead. Even if someone comes along and challenges those reasons, even if someone tells you that you can do far better than you’re doing right now, you will come up with reasons to dispute this person’s greater belief in your potential. Believing in yourself Your beliefs about reality are based on a thousand influences, many of which began even before you were aware of what was going on. You have beliefs that are shallow. Deep beliefs, with regard to your religion or your political party or your family, or especially yourself, are very hard to change. Shallow beliefs are easily changed. And many of your beliefs are in fact very shallow. They have no substance to them whatsoever. If you challenge them hard enough, you’ll find that they are made of tissue paper. They’ll simply blow away. You can always tell what your true values and beliefs are by looking at your actions. It isn’t what you say or hope or intend that demonstrates what you really believe. It’s only what you do. It’s only the behaviors that you engage in. It’s only the actions that you choose to undertake. Your values and beliefs are always expressed in your actions and behaviors. Once you’ve clearly decide on the person you would like to become, you are on the path toward developing new beliefs. You then discipline yourself each day to behave exactly as you would if you were already that person. That simple technique, the “act as if” technique, is extraordinarily powerful. The more you act like the person you want to be, the more consistent your attitude will be with that person’s. Your attitude will have the back-flow effect of affecting your expectations. Positive expectations will have the back-flow effect of building beliefs that are consistent with them. And your beliefs will exert an influence on your values. People succeed not because they have remarkable characteristics or qualities. The most successful people are quite ordinary, just like you and me. Most of us start off poor and confused. We spend many years getting some sort of direction in our lives. But the turning point comes when we begin to believe that we have within us that divine spark that can lead us onward and upward to the accomplishment of anything that we really want in life.
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