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热度 2 jitaowang 2012-6-26 09:17
牢记世界著名物理大师 索末菲对热力学的深刻感悟 作者 : 王季陶 首先要感谢网友 insuye 在 我的博文“ 当前热力学课程的现状 ”评论中提供的材料 . 还特别指出 : “ 下面是一位知名理论物理学家的感悟,他知道自己不懂热力学(所指应当是经典热力学),大多数学者应当是 2.0 版,不知道自己不懂热力学。 ” ( 见附件一 ) 然后 , 我从Google上找到更多的材料. 从中知道: Arnold Sommerfeld 在 20 世纪 40 年代 , 他写了一系列物理领域的书 , 如 mechanics (1943), electrodynamics (1948), optics (1950), etc. 人们问他为什么从来没有写过一本热力学方面的书? 以下就是他的幽默和经常被引用的回答: “Thermodynamics is a funny subject. The first time you go through it, you don't understand it at all. The second time you go through it, you think you understand it, except for one or two small points. The third time you go through it, you know you don't understand it, but by that time you are so used to it, it doesn't bother you anymore.” ( 见附件二 ) 附件一 : 删除 回复 insuye 2012-6-25 15:03 Arnold Johannes Wilhelm Sommerfeld was a German theoretical physicist who pioneered developments in atomic and quantum physics, and also educated and groomed a large number of students for the new era of theoretical physics. He was nominated a record 81 times for the Nobel Prize, and served as PhD supervisor for more Nobel Prize winners in physics than any other supervisor before or since. He introduced the 2nd quantum number azimuthal quantum number and the 4th quantum number spin quantum number. He also introduced the fine - structure constant, and pioneered X - ray wave theory. 博主回复 (2012-6-25 15:37) : Thank you very much. I find reference from google. 删除 回复 insuye 2012-6-23 21:26 下面是一位知名理论物理学家的感悟,他知道自己不懂热力学(所指应当是经典热力学),大多数学者应当是 2.0版,不知道自己不懂热力学。 Thermodynamics is a funny subject. The first time you go through it, you don't understand it at all. The second time you go through it, you think you understand it, except for one or two small points. The third time you go through it, you know you don't understand it, but by that time you are so used to it, it doesn't bother you any more. 博主回复 (2012-6-24 00:41) : 谢谢 . 深有感受, 但是我不知道这位知名理论物理学家的名字和这段话的出处. 请施教! 附件二 : http://www.eoht.info/page/Arnold+Sommerfeld Arnold Sommerfeld In thermodynamics, Arnold Sommerfeld (1868-1951) ( IQ =180) was a German theoretical physicist note for several famous quotations loosely connected to the manuscript Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics he was working on at the time of his death . As the story goes, in the late 1940s, Sommerfeld had previously written a series of books in physics: mechanics (1943), electrodynamics (1948), optics (1950), etc., and was asked why he had never written a book on thermodynamics? The following is his humorous and frequently quoted answer: “ Thermodynamics is a funny subject. The first time you go through it, you don't understand it at all. The second time you go through it, you think you understand it, except for one or two small points. The third time you go through it, you know you don't understand it, but by that time you are so used to it, it doesn't bother you anymore.”
个人分类: 科学发展|9453 次阅读|8 个评论
ustcpress 2012-6-21 15:36
出版日期:2012年6月(已出版) 出版社:中国科学技术大学出版社 书号(ISBN):978-7-312-03055-0 页码:492页(16开精装,全书双色印刷) 字数:62万 定价:68.00元 编辑邮箱: edit@ustc.edu.cn 当当网购书链接: http://product.dangdang.com/product.aspx?product_id=22833855 年度巨制 名家荟萃 不可或缺 本书喜获第七届华东地区书籍设计双年展封面设计一等奖! 【 内容简介 】 本书精选《物理》期刊自 1972 年创刊以来的 40 篇代表作品,从各个不同的角度展示了中国物理学 40 年来的发展历程,是近年来中国自然科学发展的一个缩影。本书作者中,有德高望重的老一代物理学者,有中年栋梁之才,也有不少的青年才俊,他们是中国物理学工作者延绵不断又不断壮大队伍的代表。一篇篇作品凝聚了作者和编辑的心血和努力,也自然被刻上了不同时代的烙印。 作者名单 (排名不分先后,不止包括第一作者): 胰岛素结构研究组、黄祖洽、王竹溪、钱临照、于渌、郝柏林、钱三强、冯端、郭可信、黄涛、汪德昭、葛庭遂、彭桓武、胡宁、沈克琦、何泽慧、顾以藩、夏建白、黄昆、周光召、王正行、张建玮、唐毅南、刘寄星、戴念祖、赵凯华、厚美瑛、翁羽翔、宋菲君、秦克诚、王明贞、朱邦芬、闵乃本、陆亚林、陆延青、陈延峰、何京良、王慧田、王振林、朱永元、祝世宁、王龙、钱尚介、郑春开、陆全康、阎守胜、李政道、陆坤权、俞允强、曹则贤、张广铭、林志忠、杨振宁、王进萍 图书征订单.doc 杨振宁先生与《物理》编辑部王进萍主编在清华大学大礼堂翻阅本书
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