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[转载]UM says goodbye to old campus
carldy 2014-9-2 09:43
Earlier the University of Macau (UM) carried out the challenging task of relocating to the new campus. The relocation was conducted in stages, and now it is finally complete. Next Monday (25 August) will be the first day of the new academic year. As UM members are getting ready to embrace a new chapter in the university’s history, they are also saying goodbye to the old campus today. UM started largescale relocation to the new campus in the summer holiday. Now, all the academic and administrative units have completed their relocation and resumed normal operations, except for the Centre for Macau Studies, Centre for Continuing Education, and Centre for Engineering Research and Testing, which will continue operating at the University of Macau Town Centre on the old campus. To celebrate this important milestone in campus development, UM held a Goodbye Old Campus Ceremony today in the small terraced garden on the old campus. Many distinguished guests attended the event, including Dr Lam Kam Seng, current chair of the University Council; Dr Tse Chi Wai, immediate past chair of the University Council; Dr Wong King Keung, cofounder of the University of East Asia (UM’s predecessor); Prof Zhou Ligao and Prof Iu Vai Pan, former rectors of UM; Prof Wei Zhao, current rector of UM; as well as students, faculty members, current staff, retired staff, and alumni. In his speech Rector Wei Zhao noted that UM’s founding inaugurated westernstyle higher education in Macao, and over the past more than 30 years, UM has produced a large number of outstanding graduates for Macao and the world. UM has a fine tradition and a rich cultural heritage. UM members will always remember their experiences on the old campus, and will carry forward the UM spirit and build on the good foundation achieved on the old campus in order to develop UM into a world-class university. At the Goodbye Old Campus Ceremony, Lam Kam Seng, Tse Chi Wai, Wong King Keung, Zhou Ligao, Iu Vai Pan, and Wei Zhao jointly unveiled the two plaques depicting “the history of relocation” and “the plans of the old campuses”, which had been erected in the small terraced garden in Tai Fung Building to commemorate UM’s campus development. The words on the new plaque depicting the history of UM’s relocation were written by Dr Tse Chi Wai. The plaque introduces the key milestones in UM’s history since its founding, including the private University of East Asia’ renaming into University of Macau, the restructuring of the University Council, the revision of the Charter, the central government’s approval of the new campus, and the important role of the new campus on higher education development in Macao. The Goodbye Old Campus Ceremony also included a part called “Relocation of the Turtles”, in which officiating guests received from student representatives the Brazilian sliders which had lived on the old campus for many years and then put the turtles in a fish tank for the keeper to bring to the new campus. This ceremony signifies the successful completion of UM’s relocation to the new campus and also conveys the wish that all UM members will work in solidarity to achieve the common goal of making UM more successful in the future. A fourthyear Chinese major from the Faculty of Education said that she had lived on the old campus for three years, which were filled with beautiful memories. She felt a strong attachment to the old campus, but she believes that the excellent environment and facilities on the new campus will make her university more colourful. UM’s new contact information is as follows: New address: Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China. New contact number: 88228833. New fax number: 88228822. Also, the library on the old campus has been renamed “University of Macau Town Centre”. Some of the evening courses and continuing education courses will be conducted there. 澳門大學按照逐步遷入、分批進駐的原則順利完成遷校的艱鉅任務。新學年將於下周一(25日)在新校園開學,展開新的教育篇章。另外,澳大今(22)日舉辦了“告別舊校園”儀式。 暑假期間,澳大進行了大規模的搬遷工作。除了澳門研究中心、持續進修中心和工程研究及檢測中心會繼續在澳大舊校園的城區中心運作外,其餘的學術和行政單位已陸續遷入新校園運作。為紀念新舊校園交替,澳大今(22)日下午五時在舊校園大豐樓花園舉行“告別舊校園”儀式,出席的嘉賓包括現任澳大校董會主席林金城博士、前任校董會主席謝志偉博士、創校人黃景強博士、前任校長周禮杲教授及姚偉彬教授、現任校長趙偉教授,以及一眾澳大的學生、教職員、校友和退休員工。 趙偉致辭時表示,澳大創立三十多年,開啟了澳門高等教育歷史,並為澳門乃至世界培養出許多優秀的人才,擁有著優良文化及傳統。澳大人將永遠記住在舊校園的體驗,並在新校園裡繼續傳承澳大的歷史和精神,努力地把澳大辦成世界一流大學。 儀式上,林金城、謝志偉、黃景強、周禮杲、姚偉彬和趙偉共同為鑲嵌於舊校園大豐樓花園的紀念澳大校園發展的兩面牌匾──“搬遷史”和“舊校園平面圖”揭牌, 新的牌匾“搬遷史”由謝志偉博士撰寫,介紹澳大的發展歷史,當中包括由私立東亞大學改名為澳門大學、重組校董會和修章的歷程、澳大獲得中央撥地興建新校園,以及新校園對澳門高等教育發展所起到重要作用等。另外,儀式上還安排遷龜環節,主禮嘉賓從學生手中接過在舊校園龜池內飼養多年的巴西龜,放到箱內交給飼養員帶到新校園,象徵著澳大遷校工作完成,全校上下一心同歸,共創更多輝煌的美好願望。 參與活動的教育學院中文專業四年級學生鄧淑明受訪時表示,在澳大舊校園經歷了三年的大學生活,校園內一草一木都有著與同學相處的美好回憶。雖然對舊校園感到不捨,但認為新校園擁有優越的環境和完善的設施,相信在新校園的生活和學習會更充實和豐富。 澳大在新校園全面運作,聯絡方式亦已更新,地址:中國澳門氹仔、大學大馬路、澳門大學;聯絡電話:八八二二八八三三;傳真號碼:八八二二八八二二。另外,澳大位於舊校園的圖書館已更名為澳大城區中心,將作為部分夜間課程和持續進修教育之用等。
个人分类: 千里旅行,万卷阅历 Travelling and reading help yo|1514 次阅读|0 个评论
[每日一乐]Goodbye to the Circus—Aqua(大赛终结曲)
daijingwei 2008-11-30 22:28
Goodbye to the CircusAqua(大赛终结曲) Goodbye,Blog Competition! 在下午的 《I'll Be Missing You》 推介中,自认为悲伤的感情不适合结束此次大赛,故而在此选取小代认为最适合大赛终结的曲目水叮当(Aqua)的《Goodbye to the Circus》。 其实,大赛和马戏团还真有点像呢,都是大家各自耍宝嘛。虽说主要都是与科学相关,大赛组委会倡导的理念也一直如此,但是,谁说科学他们家就没有搞怪的,搞笑的,惊险的,刺激的呢?看看博赛众生像,看看分门别类的八大版块,300多位选手各有专长,畅所欲言,并不乏讨论和争辩,就知道这次比赛已经博得众人之喝彩了。 博客大赛是个竞技场,亦是一个大看台。诸多看官既是选手,又是评委,多重身份可谓宽松,可严谨也包含其内;为规则争辩,为bug建议,一轮轮热点的现身,一次次波澜的掀起,都少不了全体博主和重视博主的亲友团的支持和鼓励。 被小代划分在耳朵想旅行的栏目下,不知道各位有没有注意过这个名字。开博两个多月的今天,这个栏目下已经积累了42篇文章(最初那篇为本人献丑之作),实为一种成就感的诞生。正如上篇 《I'll Be Missing You》 中所言,乐以言情,词以达意,喜爱音乐的我为每天的心情安排一首曲目,在只言片语中安插自己的小心情,用相配的小图来表述自己的小想法,不失为一种别样生活。 虽然大赛在今夜即将落幕,每日凌晨赶着发文的我或许也会沉静些时日,但我想,我的 并没有终结,因为我依旧热爱音乐,依旧热爱生活。都说离别是感伤的,但离别同样是新征程的开始,所以特别喜欢这首欢快的《Goodbye to the Circus》,在两个月博客赛的狂欢后,借用歌词传递一下现在的心情吧: Now it's nearly at the end,But it will be back, you know Goodbye,Blog Competition! 此文不译,请大家尽情联想吧^_^ Goodbye to the CircusAqua It's time now to turn off the light This has been such a beautiful night We have served you a lot of delights And some really wonderful sights My friend, this is the end So long and see you soon again Bye bye, kissing you hi Someday we will be back together Goodbye to the circus We hope you enjoyed the show Now it's nearly at the end But it will be back, you know It will be back, you know It will be back, you know You have given us all of the best You are beating inside our chest Staying with us as time has gone by Gave us hope when tide was high My friend, this is the end So long and see you soon again Bye bye, kissing you hi Someday we will be back together Goodbye to the circus We hope you enjoyed the show Now it's nearly at the end But it will be back, you know The band played on, from dusk till dawn And time is almost gone The beat goes on, it's almost done This music marathon It will be back, you know It will be back, you know So Goodbye to the circus We hope you enjoyed the show Now it's nearly at the end But it will be back, you know So goodbye to the circus We hope you enjoyed the show Now it's nearly at the end But it will be back, you know We will be back, you know We will be back, you know 下载链接: http://home.lzu.edu.cn/mp3/mp3/aqua/12.mp3
个人分类: 耳朵想旅行|4079 次阅读|0 个评论

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