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[转载] 40 beautiful places to visit in China
zuojun 2013-8-21 15:48
个人分类: travel|1916 次阅读|0 个评论
visit Berlin for SINO-German Innovation Conference
liuli66 2012-11-25 09:26
Nov 25-
个人分类: 杂感|9 次阅读|1 个评论
President Nixon's visit to China 40 years ago
何毓琦 2012-10-27 02:20
(For new reader and those who request 好友请求 , please read my 公告栏 first) I don't know how many people in either the US or China remember the historical visit of U.S.Presdient Nixon to China 40 years ago. I know I was glued to the TV set for every bit of information coming out of the westernjournalists' reporting of the trip. Here is an account as well as photos of a Chinese present at the meeting where the famed Shanghia Communique was signed. http://www.marketplace.org/topics/world/street-eternal-happiness/street-eternal-happiness-mr-qiu-meets-president?utm_source=10.26.2012+Newsletterutm_campaign=10.26.2012+Newsletterutm_medium=email Well worth reading.
个人分类: 生活点滴|7546 次阅读|0 个评论
visit life
laojing 2012-10-22 05:25
个人分类: 网有网事|54 次阅读|0 个评论
Visit a (medical) doctor in Singapore
zuojun 2012-8-20 14:20
I had a sore throat Friday morning. I thought I could beat it, but I could not. The cold (or flu) got worse and worse. Last night, I had to call the UA to delay my return trip. (The cost? US$310.) This morning, my friend took me to see a doctor, to get some antibiotics, because I felt that my cough was getting deeper and started to hurt my chest. (Last time when this happened at home, I was put on antibiotics.) The small clinic opens at 8:30 am, even though it's a holiday here in Singapore. The young doctor didn't show up until 8:40 am. I was the first to be treated. Somehow, he didn't think I needed antibiotics, but gave in when I insisted. He told me to finish the antibiotics, if I choose to take it. The cost for the whole visit, including six different kinds of medicine, is SG$70.95. Cetirizine (SG$1.67) Chericof Loz (SG$2.56) Orphenadrine (SG$6.39) Amoxycillin (SG$8.52) Leftose (SG$3.2) Fedac Co Syrup (SG$4.47) Consultation (SG$30) Practice Cost E (SG$9.50) So, you can see medicines are cheap in Singapore, but the "labor" (seeing the doctor) is not (partly because it's a holiday).
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|4575 次阅读|0 个评论
hzluan 2012-6-22 04:10
我感到有一件事情还是让我心头阵动了一下: Braun 教授平时上班不是步行、不是骑自行车、不是自己开车、不是坐公交车,而是乘火车!
个人分类: 实务问题|2738 次阅读|0 个评论
hzluan 2012-6-22 04:06
昨天 (6 月 20 日,星期三 ) 中午( 11 : 10 - 12 : 40 )我听了 Lewis 教授的国际战略分析课。这是一门英文课程。这次上课的形式同昨天 Braun 教授的课一样,不是以 Lewis 教授讲授为主,而是学生分组进行案例分析,由其他学生提问。
个人分类: 实务问题|2624 次阅读|0 个评论
My first official visit to Beida
zuojun 2012-5-3 21:09
My first official visit to Beida
It was a very warm day (30C) on my arrival, May 2nd, 2012. Green way of (old) life...(I can recall the smell of the sun at night, after such an airing under the bright Sun, during my childhood.) Old and New (around 9am on May 3rd) Spring is here... (As song as I stepped off the subway yesterday, I saw dry snow in the air. I wondered what that was. Later on, I saw the dry snow everywhere, and realized it was dandelion's flowers. One day later, I was told it was flowers from willow.) Next, from Baidu: 北大以 一塔湖图 闻名,其中的塔指的就是位于北京大学 未名湖 旁的博雅塔。 燕园 建筑精髓 “一塔湖图” 之 “塔”—— 博雅塔,是使用功能、艺术造型、环境协调三方面高度统一的建筑杰作。它在未名湖中的倩影深印在北大莘莘学子的心中。博雅塔位于未名湖东南的小丘上,是仿 通州 燃灯古塔、取辽代密檐砖塔样式建造的。它原是校园供水水塔,其独具匠心的设计构思,乃燕园构建的神来之笔。 Yi Ta (one tower)... Hu (one lake)... Tu (library)... I was very lucky to have an excellent tour guide for Beida campus. XR, thank you so much for taking time to show me the best of your campus, under a summer Sun, during a beautiful spring day. This Blog is for you! ps. The sky over Beijing was not as blue to my naked eyes as in the first two photos. Yes, camera can play tricks on us. The last photo was a snapshot at 2pm, the worst time to take photos outdoor. I just wanted to complete "Yi Ta Hu Tu."
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2957 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]Zuckerberg 'friends' Harvard during visit
whyhoo 2012-3-3 16:34
Mark Zuckerberg returned to the Harvard campus on Monday to recruit students for jobs and internships at Facebook, the popular social networking site that he started when he was an undergraduate. “There are a lot of really smart people here,” Zuckerberg said during an appearance with about four dozen members of the media in front of Houghton Library. “A lot of them are going to be making their decision — about where they want to work after they graduate — in the next few weeks, so it’s a great time to come.” Zuckerberg was greeted by President Drew Faust and other University officials, who met with him briefly at Loeb House. Faust said that Harvard was a good place to look for the next generation of technology entrepreneurs. “I enjoyed welcoming Mark back to campus,” she said, “and certainly share his view that Harvard is a great place to recruit innovative, creative, talented people.” It was Zuckerberg’s first official visit to campus since he left as an undergraduate in 2004. Accompanied by Mike Schroepfer, Facebook’s vice president of engineering, Zuckerberg held a discussion attended by more than 200 computer science (CS) and engineering students. The event, which was held at Farkas Hall and was closed to the media, was organized by the Office of Career Services (OCS) and moderated by lecturer David J. Malan, the current leader of the popular Computer Science 50 (CS 50) course. Attendees said they were thrilled and inspired to interact with executives from the world’s top social media site, who also toured the new Harvard I-Lab in Allston during their visit. “I really enjoyed seeing how much love they have for their product,” said Scott Crouch ’13, a student at the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS). “At the end of the day, it’s not the money or the management experience, it’s what they create. They’re engineers at heart.” Luis Duarte ’13, who collaborated with Crouch on the new Harvard app for OCS, said his biggest takeaway from the discussion was Zuckerberg’s advice to College students on choosing a career. “It was when he said that you have to find whatever it is that you’re passionate about and follow it, if you feel that it’s right,” Duarte said. “Follow your heart, and things will fall into place. It worked for him.” Malan said that Zuckerberg’s impact on students’ academic and career plans was easy to see. “It was quite the sight to see a roomful of hands in the air when we polled the audience as to who was planning to study computer science,” he said. “Facebook has certainly inspired an interest in computer science at Harvard and well beyond.” Michael D. Smith , dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), met with Zuckerberg at Loeb House and accompanied him to the meeting with students. Smith, the former leader of CS 50, said that current students could learn much from the Facebook founder’s experience at Harvard, and beyond. “The Facebook story provides many lessons about the benefits of taking risks and following your passions,” he said. “Above all else, it shows that a college education — particularly a Harvard education — should help you discover what you love and encourage you to pursue it.” Harvard College Dean Evelynn M. Hammonds said the College is more supportive than ever of student entrepreneurs, thanks in part to the success of former students such as Zuckerberg. “Harvard College actively strives to give students the kind of opportunities that produce the next generation of innovators in science, technology, the arts, and public service,” she said. “From the Harvard College Program for Research in Science and Engineering to Hack Harvard , an on-campus seminar for web applications that improve student life, we support the kind of innovation and collaboration that is the lifeblood of technology pioneers like Facebook.” 原文见 http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2011/11/zuckerberg-%E2%80%98friends %E2%80%99-harvard-during-visit/
个人分类: 科学|1052 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Merkel's China visit under cloud of doubt
whyhoo 2012-2-2 16:09
German Chancellor Angela Merkel will kick off her second China visit in 18 months this week. Her previous visit last July had produced 10 contracts worth more than US$4 billion combined. So what's her main purpose of this visit starting today? According to German media reports, Merkel will center her discussion with Chinese leaders on the global economy, particularly the euro zone crisis. She is visiting under a great pressure, as euro zone members hope that Merkel, who has a good relationship with China, can improve on its indifference and persuade its leaders to invest more of its foreign exchange reserves in EU nations. It seems that Merkel aims for China to bail out the euro zone. Obviously, the European debt crisis is getting worse. On Jan. 26, International Monetary Fund forecasted that European economy may shrink by 0.5 percent in 2012 due to the crisis, and the global economy may fall in another recession. The negotiation between Greece and euro zone leadership and other members has reached an impasse. And proposals to protect Spain and Italy are also under great pressure. Meanwhile, China has become the second largest economy in the world and holds US$3.2 trillion in foreign exchange reserves. Therefore, it's reasonable for Merkel to pin her hope on China. However, it's easier said than done. On Nov. 1, 2011, Cheng Siwei, former vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the 9th and 10th National People's Congress , said China was not capable of bailing out the EU even if it wanted to. On the next day, President Hu Jintao said that it was mainly up to Europe to resolve the European debt problem during his meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Cannes. "We believe that Europe has all the wisdom and capability to resolve the debt problem," Hu said. This is confirmation at the highest level of China's official stance toward this issue. So far, however, nobody has come close to finding the crux of the problem. The euro crisis is not a simple debt crisis, but a trust crisis. The civil unrests it has stirred are superficial. To a deeper degree, people are losing confidence in their governments' financial and employment policies as well as the future of the European Union. Some have even begun doubting the purpose of the European integration. In Germany, anti-euro protests filled streets with protestors demanding the return of the Mark. Meanwhile, the Europe-U.S. bailout plan faced a referendum in Greece. Local surveys show that the public opposes cutting their welfares as a way to pay the debt. Therefore, the resolution of the debt crisis requires the promotion of a stable and healthy economic growth in all member states and the establishment of an integrated fiscal policy in the region. Unfortunately, the discussion on methods to stimulate economic growth by European leaders has been limited in a narrow scope. The European debt crisis is yet another case of the collapse of excessive consumption. For many years, Westerners have believed in the liberal economy that created lots of bubbles. Now, many Europeans criticize the greedy bankers and corrupted officials, blaming them as major contributors to the crisis. Therefore, Europe should start its recovery by reforming its own economic policies and systems. As Premier Wen Jiabao pointed out at the 2011 Dalian World Economic Forum, the European Union has to first "put its house in order." As a responsible partner, China will not stay on the sidelines when Europe is asking for help. The total China-EU trade volume reached US$522 billion in 2010 with China having a surplus of more than US$220 billion. China has become the second biggest exporter for the EU and the top importer of its goods and services. But for China to assist the EU, the two sides need mutual understanding and equal treatment. Empathy is the key. For example, China has become a member of the World Trade Organization for 10 years, but the EU has still neither recognized its market status to date nor abolished its arms embargo against China. It's difficult for the EU to win China's compassion when it is still holding onto the cold war mentality. Therefore, to enhance the ties, both sides should begin demonstrating a stronger spirit of unity in times of adversity and pursue win-win cooperation. 原文见 http://www.china.org.cn/opinion/2012-02/02/content_24533719.htm
个人分类: 外交|1064 次阅读|0 个评论

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