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ABBS: Salubrinal against Clostridium difficile
chshou 2018-10-8 10:53
Salubrinal protects against Clostridium difficile toxin B-induced CT26 cell death Shuyi Chen, Chunli Sun, Huawei Gu, Haiying Wang, Shan Li, Yi Ma, and Jufang Wang School of Bioscience and Bioengineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2017, 49: 228–237; doi: 10.1093/abbs/gmw139 Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is considered to be the major cause of the antibiotic-associated diarrhea and pseudomembranous colitis in animals and humans. The prevalence of C. difficile infections (CDI) has been increasing since 2000. Two exotoxins of C. difficile, Toxin A (TcdA) and Toxin B (TcdB), are the main virulence factors of CDI, which can induce glucosylation of Rho GTPases in host cytosol, leading to cell morphological changes, cell apoptosis, and cell death. The mechanism of TcdB-induced cell death has been investigated for decades, but it is still not completely understood. It has been reported that TcdB induces endoplasmic reticulum stress via PERK-eIF2α signaling pathway in CT26 cell line (BALB/C mouse colon tumor cells). In this study, we found that salubrinal, a selective inhibitor of eIF2α dephosphorylation, efficiently protects CT26 cell line against TcdB-induced cell death and tried to explore the mechanism underlying in this protective effect. Our results demonstrated that salubrinal protects CT26 cells from TcdB-mediated cytotoxic and cytopathic effect, inhibits apoptosis and death of the toxin-exposed cells via caspase-9-dependent pathway, eIF2α signaling pathway, and autophagy. These findings will be helpful for the development of CDI therapies. Salubrinal against Clostridium difficile TcdB-induced cell death Summary of protective mechanism 阅读全文: http://www.abbs.org.cn/arts.asp?id=4126 获取全文: abbs@sibs.ac.cn 相关论文: 1 Probiotics for prevention of Clostridium difficile infection 2 Dietary trehalose enhances virulence of epidemic Clostridium difficile 3 Ulcerative colitis 4 Bezlotoxumab for Prevention of Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection 5 A Novel Microbiome Therapeutic Increases Gut Microbial Diversity and Prevents Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection 6 Clostridium difficile infection 7 Clostridium difficile infection: epidemiology, diagnosis and understanding transmission 8 Breakthroughs in the treatment and prevention of Clostridium difficile infection
个人分类: 期刊新闻|1891 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 5 hongkuan15 2016-1-23 19:28
上次介绍了食品乳化剂是什么,这次唠唠人吃了食品乳化剂后可能有哪些健康风险。已有研究表明,食品乳化剂能够诱导体重增加,轻度炎症和代谢紊乱。 前不久,一篇发表在《 Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 》的综述文章总结了食品乳化剂的种种健康风险。认为食品乳化剂可能会影响肠道微生物的组成,减少肠道粘膜层的厚度,影响机体的能量代谢,引起诸如肥胖,肠炎,葡萄糖耐受不良等代谢和免疫系统疾病(见下图)。 在了解乳化剂的作用之前,我们先来看看我们的消化道到底是个什么样子。肠道其实是分为很多层的,最外层和微生物直接接触,上面有很多微生物(红点)以及松散肠粘膜层(O),再往里是致密粘膜层(S)和免疫细胞层,最后才是肠壁细胞,它们共同组成了一道屏障。从整个消化道来看,胃部的粘膜层最薄,肠细胞个头也大;而小肠似乎粘膜层较少,分别了较多的黏蛋白,小肠绒毛褶皱比较多,细胞个头也小;大肠中粘膜层要比前面的两部分厚一倍左右,尤其是外粘膜层,大肠厚的多,当然,大肠中的微生物数量也多(见下图,小鼠消化道)。 微生物更多的是分布在松散的外粘膜层里的,越靠近肠壁细胞,粘膜层越致密,粘膜与肠壁细胞之间的链接也越牢固,在内粘膜层中则微生物的数量较少(见下图)。 从下面的电镜扫描图中,我们可以看到肠道外侧的粘膜层,红色区域标注的是外层的松散粘膜层,左侧显示的是粘膜,右侧显示的细菌。从图中可以明显的看到微生物在粘膜层中的分布是多么的广泛。 通过上面的介绍,我们知道我们的肠道是存在保护屏障的,肠道微生物就位于这个屏障的最外层,这些微生物是抵御肠道威胁的首道关卡,它们对维持肠道健康,维护肠粘膜的完整性具有重要作用。然而,食品中的乳化剂对肠道微生物,肠粘膜都有很强的破坏作用。乳化剂能够诱发低度炎症和肥胖/代谢综合征,促进结肠炎的发病。 在下一篇,我将详细介绍一下,食品乳化剂是如何破坏肠道屏障,引起肠炎和代谢系统紊乱的。请听下回分解。。。。。 参考文献: 1,Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, June 2015, Vol. 26, No. 6 2, Atuma C. etal. 2001, Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 280:G922–G929. 送福利了 :想知道你的肠脑健康状况吗?来做个 测试 吧! 点开下面的链接就可以: https://www.wenjuan.com/s/FFFRN3/
7402 次阅读|15 个评论
热度 6 qpzeng 2012-8-17 08:17
炎症与癌症的关系已逐渐成为关注热点,也是当前癌症研究领域的共识。可是,对于炎症是如何诱发癌症的问题,科学家们仍然莫衷一是、不置可否。事实上,细菌感染引起的炎症已经成为致癌因素的最大嫌疑! 昨天,Science以快报(Express)形式发表了英、美、加等国科学家的最新研究成果,探讨大肠杆菌性肠炎与结肠癌及直肠癌的关系,论文题目是“肠炎指向微生物群落的癌症诱导活性”(I ntestinal Inflammation Targets Cancer-Inducing Activity of the Microbiot a)。 为此,ScienceDaily还专门配发了一篇最新评论和背景性介绍,文章的题目是“炎症、细菌群落与癌症的确凿关系被发现”(C lear Links Found Between Inflammation, Bacterial Communities and Canc er)。 这篇文章的新意在于不仅证实了大肠杆菌感染与结直肠癌的关系,而且首次发现只有含“基因毒性岛”(genotoxic island)的大肠杆菌才能诱发结直肠癌。也就是说,过去认为只要是慢性炎症就能致癌的观点不全面,因此为特殊病原体所致炎症才能致癌的观点提供了新证据。 所谓“基因毒性岛”是指大肠杆菌基因组中的聚酮合酶基因(pks)编码序列。最新研究发现,如果把这个pks基因删除掉,尽管肠炎依旧,但致癌性和侵润性减弱。 因此,结直肠癌归根结底还是由肠道细菌感染产生的聚酮类化合物诱发的。不过,聚酮合酶及聚酮类化合物如何参与炎症向癌症的转化还不清楚。 这个实验是在一种特殊的小鼠中完成的,它们的抗炎症细胞因子——白细胞介素10基因被敲除,从而导致肠道菌群改变,大肠杆菌菌株占绝对优势,使偶氮甲烷处理小鼠的侵润性结直肠癌发生率大增。 在另一项研究中还发现,这种pkc+大肠杆菌属于肠粘膜结合细菌,它们在炎性肠病(IBD)及肠炎相关结直肠癌(CRC)患者肠道中所占比例极高。这个结果印证了在小鼠中得出的上述结论。 在正常人中,pkc+毒性大肠杆菌仅有20%,IBD患者体内的毒性大肠杆菌则占40%,而结直肠癌患者体内的毒性大肠杆菌高达66.7%。同时,毒性大肠杆菌占优势的肠道中,非毒性菌群(如粪肠球菌)的比例同步减少。 关于这篇文章的意义,如果要给科学网的读者说得更浅显一点,那就是请大家记住以下三个要点: 一是免疫力低下的人群(如老人)经常腹泻或排便不正常一定要引起足够的重视,以防慢性肠炎最终发展成为结直肠癌; 二是不要滥用抗生素,虽然抗生素能杀死细菌,但也很容易造成肠道菌群紊乱,运气不好就会让大肠杆菌占优势,很可能不幸成为癌症牺牲者; 三是肠道菌群破坏后,还是有补救措施的,那就是经常服用益生菌(如双歧杆菌),在有冷藏设备的大型药店都可以买到含益生菌的药片。 原文现在还无法弄到,下面是其摘要: Inflammation alters host physiology to promote cancer, as seen in colitis-associated colorectal cancer (CRC). Here, we identify the intestinal microbiota as a target of inflammation that impacts the progression of CRC. High-throughput sequencing revealed that inflammation modifies gut microbial composition in colitis-susceptible interleukin-10–deficient ( Il10 −/− ) mice. Monocolonization with the commensal Escherichia coli NC101 promoted invasive carcinoma in azoxymethane (AOM)–treated Il10 −/− mice. Deletion of the polyketide synthase (pks) genotoxic island from E. coli NC101 decreased tumor multiplicity and invasion in AOM/ Il10 −/− mice, without altering intestinal inflammation. Mucosa-associated pks+ E. coli were found in a significantly high percentage of inflammatory bowel disease and CRC patients. This suggests that in mice, colitis can promote tumorigenesis by altering microbial composition and inducing the expansion of microorganisms with genotoxic capabilities.
个人分类: 科普集萃|5962 次阅读|12 个评论
热度 3 qpzeng 2012-7-26 07:58
【文献导读】 今天出版的Nature发表了一篇文章,题目是A CE2 links amino acid malnutrition to microbial ecology and intestina l inflammation(血管紧张素转换酶2将氨基酸营养不良与微生物生态及肠炎相联系),介绍了肠炎、腹泻和营养不良的因果关系及其对策。 内容梗概是:In malnutrition, it is often the associated diarrhoea and intestinal inflammation that cause morbidity and death (营养不良常与致病性及致死性腹泻和肠炎有关)。 A new study implicates angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) deficiency as a cause of increased susceptibility to intestinal inflammation(一项新的研究暗示血管紧张素转换酶2缺陷是肠炎易感性增加的原因之一)。 Dietary tryptophan and its metabolite nicotinamide can alleviate the symptoms(在食物中补充色氨酸及其代谢产物烟酰胺可以缓解这一症状)。 This surprising finding explains nutritional effects that have been known for centuries and provides a molecular link between malnutrition and the intestinal microbiome(这个新奇的发现解释了几个世纪以前就了解的营养效应,并在分子水平上将营养不良与肠炎联系起来)。 文章摘要如下:Malnutrition affects up to one billion people in the world and is a major cause of mortality(营养不良影响着世界上近十亿人口,是引起死亡的主要原因)。 In many cases, malnutrition is associated with diarrhoea and intestinal inflammation, further contributing to morbidity and death(在很多情况下,营养不良与腹泻和肠炎有关,进一步增加了致病和致死人数)。 The mechanisms by which unbalanced dietary nutrients affect intestinal homeostasis are largely unknown(非均衡膳食营养如何影响肠道稳态的机理还很不清楚)。 Here we report that deficiency in murine angiotensin I converting enzyme (peptidyl-dipeptidase A) 2 ( Ace2 ), which encodes a key regulatory enzyme of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), results in highly increased susceptibility to intestinal inflammation induced by epithelial damage(我们在此报道,鼠血管紧张素I转换酶2(ACE2)或肽酰二肽酶A——编码肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)的一个关键性调节酶——缺陷,可导致对表皮损伤诱导肠炎的易感性大大增强)。 The RAS is known to be involved in acute lung failure, cardiovascular functions and SARS infections(已知RAS与急性肺病、心血管功能、SARS感染有关)。 Mechanistically, ACE2 has a RAS-independent function, regulating intestinal amino acid homeostasis, expression of antimicrobial peptides, and the ecology of the gut microbiome(从机理而言,ACE2具有不依赖RAS的功能,可调节肠道氨基酸稳态、抗微生物肽表达、肠道微生物群落生态)。 Transplantation of the altered microbiota from Ace2 mutant mice into germ-free wild-type hosts was able to transmit the increased propensity to develop severe colitis(将Ace2突变小鼠改变后的微生物群落移植给无菌的野生型小鼠,就能引起后者出现严重的肠炎)。 ACE2-dependent changes in epithelial immunity and the gut microbiota can be directly regulated by the dietary amino acid tryptophan(ACE2依赖的表皮免疫性及肠道微生物群落的改变直接受膳食中色氨酸调控)。 Our results identify ACE2 as a key regulator of dietary amino acid homeostasis, innate immunity, gut microbial ecology, and transmissible susceptibility to colitis(我们的研究鉴定出ACE2是调节膳食氨基酸稳态、天然免疫性、肠道微生物生态、可转移肠炎易感性的关键因素)。 These results provide a molecular explanation for how amino acid malnutrition can cause intestinal inflammation and diarrhoea(本研究将在分子水平上解释氨基酸营养不良是如何引起肠炎及腹泻的)。 暂时还拿不到该文的全文,特此简要介绍如上。留下一个令人费解的问题:色氨酸为什么能以及如何弥补ACE2基因缺陷?
个人分类: 教研心得|5543 次阅读|5 个评论

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