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[转载]Northern lights (a Christmas e-card)
热度 1 zuojun 2013-12-24 17:05
Zuojun has sent you a Jacquie Lawson e-card. If you haven't heard of us, you'll be pleasantly surprised! Our e-cards are known for their artistry and gentle humour. You can view your card here .
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|1674 次阅读|2 个评论
WordClouds: Season's sentiments, pros & cons of Xmas
热度 1 liwei999 2012-12-26 15:35
WordClouds: Season's sentiments, pros & cons of Xmas
Most every hot topic coming to my mind these days, I will check our social media system to see how social media reflects it. Word clouds are intriguing vehicles to present the common social image. Most word clouds generated by other systems are based on statistics of keywords mentioned together with the topic query, but our system can mine and present word clouds of various types of classified data, including positive/negative emotions towards a topic, pros and cons (or likes and dislikes) of the topic, etc. They reflect the social images of a topic from different perspectives. Today is Christmas Day, so it naturally becomes the topic of the day. The last post presents the social image of Xmas in Chinese social media , how about the word clouds in the English social media world? How about French? Here it is, as a way of celebrating the holiday season. Emotion-wise, as expected, Christmas time is full of joy and happy spirit, reflected by all the big green fonts of the positive sentiments expressed in social media. Negative sentiments do exist, but they are much fewer and scattered in smaller (red) fonts. The major complaints seem to be caused by the expectations not being met, disappointment in lack of fun and excitement. As for pros and cons, also as expected, pros are overwhelming. Both the emotion word cloud above and the pros-cons word cloud below seem to be bothered by some issues from some Christmas sweater party. In the French world known for its romance and passion, aimer+ and aimer- (love or not love) is a most striking sentiment word pair.. 【置顶:立委科学网博客NLP博文一览(定期更新版)】
个人分类: 社媒挖掘|5535 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 5 liuliangyun 2012-12-25 23:07
刚从The uniting church Wembley做完Christmas day service,在科学网上看到了陈安博士的“ 诺贝尔奖得主的下一个实验——读《基督的遗嘱 》”,感觉特别的别扭和不平。 我不是基督徒,也很难相信圣经中的故事是真实的,长期的无神论教育,已经让我远离了宗教。 我想亲近宗教,对自己接受的长期无神论教育很难过,无形中,我们没有了宗教信仰的自由。 但我毫不怀疑,我们需要宗教信仰。没有宗教信仰的民族,一定会出现无数卑劣、无底线的悲剧,从太平天国、义和团、文革、轮子功和现在的全神教等,宗教缺乏一定是重要因素。 耕地里不种庄家,一定会长满杂草! 我了解些天主教与基督教的区别(来源于聊天,不一定准确),基督徒认为神是万能的,从小接受了神的教育和信仰,认为圣经中事情是真的(real);而天主教认为,圣经中的事情是故事(story)。 我们主流是马列主义或毛主义,虽有部分宗教形式,但实质上只是现实利益导向而不是信仰。 我们是无神教的国度,对很多人在接触圣经故事时,都免不了基于世俗观点,从现实中找骗局案例对应圣经的宗教故事。比如陈安博士,多次用他的应急管理观点,结合中国式骗局案例,解释和阐述耶稣诞生和Mary怀孕。 我无法从国家需要宗教角度去指责陈安博士,但宗教信仰,至少能让我们个体平静些、轻松些,我们都需要一个地方,将自己放下来! 科学与宗教,始终是纠缠不清的,冲突的时候,科学往往让步于宗教,而且最近几百年国际上科学和宗教基本和谐相处了。 所以,在宗教面前,陈安博士,你的应急管理研究过界了,我个人强烈谴责你的世俗‘应急管理’论! Carols singing中有很多赞美Jersus诞生的歌曲,非常好听,十分吸引我这个无教徒和乐盲,将上周六Carols by Candlelight中的第一首添在后面,这就是那个出生在Bethlehem的孩子,也算回应了陈安的世俗故事。 /////////////////////////////////////////////// 01_Once_In_Royal_David_s_City.mp3 ONCE in royal David's city Stood a lowly cattle shed Where a mother laid her baby In a manger for his bed; Mary was that mothe mild, Jesus Christ her little child He came down to earth from heaven Who is God and Lord of all, And his shelter was a stable, And his cradle was a stall; With the poor, despised and lowly Lived on earth our Saviour holy. And through all his wondrous childhood Day by day like us he grew; He was little, week and helpless, Tears and smiles like us he knew; And he feels fro all our sadness, And he shares in all our gladness. And our eyes at last shall see him, Through his own redeeming love, For that child so dear and gentle Is our Lord in heaven above; And he leads his children on To the place where he is gone. Not in that poor lowly stable, With the oxen standing by, We shall see him; but in heaven, Set at God's right hand on high, When his children gather round Bright lie stars, with glory crowned.
4226 次阅读|4 个评论
Chill Christmas Eve.
WeThePeople 2012-12-24 18:16
Chill Christmas Eve.
Acold enough day with strong wind blowing everywhere in the city. Climate expert said that such weather are rare in the recorded climatic history of beijing. So cold that Santa may not come, I guess. Pic from Google
2146 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 wsyokemos 2012-12-23 00:27
今年的圣诞节眼看就要到了,就来看看世界最大的圣诞树 到底有多大,科学网上见多识广的人多的是,不知您见过的最大的 圣诞树 有多大?!在开始本文的话题之前,先来看看有关圣诞树的一些有意思的史实 。 用常青 圣诞树来庆祝冬季的风俗早在耶稣诞生(即公元元年)之前就存在。 世界上第一个装饰圣诞树诞生于 1510 年,在拉托维亚的 Riga 城。 上面这个世界第一似乎有争议,因为有文献记载的世界上第一个圣诞树似乎诞生于 1531 年,在文艺复兴时期的德国。 用小蜡烛来亮化 圣诞树的习俗可追朔至 17 世纪中叶。 现代的人工制造的 圣诞树发源于 19 世纪的德国,后来在美国开始流行,青出于蓝而胜于蓝,现在美国每年销售的人工圣诞树要远多于德国,在 2011 年,有近一千万株人工圣诞树在美国市场售出。作为对比,有超过三千万株活的、真的圣诞树 2011 年在美国售出,平均每株价格为 34.87 美元。 本文所说的世界最大的圣诞树显然是指人工制造,因为天然生长的再大也大不到哪里去,即使如此,世界最大的圣诞树的归属也有争议,至少有如下几种说法。 说法一 :在 意大利 Gubbio 附近的 Monte Ingino 山坡上,如下图片显示,这种气势,立刻秒杀我所见过的几层楼高的圣诞树。该“圣诞树”由 500 盏灯泡通过 12000 米长的电线装扮而成。 说法二 :位于 荷兰 乌特勒支省,这个有点像山寨版。因为这个 世界最大的圣诞树实际上由 位于该省 Ijsselstein 小镇上的一座 366.8 米高的电波发射塔在圣诞节期间转换而成。这种转换不是容易的事情, 发射塔转换成巨大的圣诞树共需 120 盏灯(见下图),耗资 6 万欧元。仅布置灯饰就需要花两到三周的时间。 说法三 :在 巴西 里约热内卢的罗德里戈 — 德弗雷塔斯湖湖面上。这棵圣诞树高 85 米,装有约 330 万个灯泡(见下图),是吉尼斯世界纪录记载的 “ 世界上最大的水上圣诞树 ” 。 说法四 : 位于 美国 印地安纳州的州府 印第安纳波利斯市中心。这个 “圣诞树”是由类似于我国的人民英雄纪念碑转换而成,有 86 米( 284 英尺,约 20 层楼高)高,由超过 5000 个 LED 灯泡装扮而成(见下图)。 说法 x : 肯定还有不少声称是世界第一的圣诞树,不再一一搜罗,也希望网友们补充,顺祝科学网各位网友圣诞愉快!更祝科学网旗下的 88 楼内的有情人都成眷属,毕竟“圣诞”节不是“剩”诞节。 J 参考文献: Christmas Tree Facts , http://urbanext.illinois.edu/trees/facts.cfm , retrieved on December 22, 2012 Christmas Trees Around the World , http://timiacono.com/index.php/2011/12/25/christmas-trees-around-the-world-2/ , retrieved on December 22, 2012 http://www.rnw.nl/chinese/article/852643 , retrieved on December 22, 2012 “ 世界最大水上圣诞树 ” 盛装亮相, http://scitech.people.com.cn/GB/16408804.html , 2012 年 12 月 22 日访问。 World's largest Christmas tree in Indy marks 50th anniversary , http://www.examiner.com/article/world-s-largest-christmas-tree-indy-marks-50th-anniversary , retrieved on December 22, 2012 ( 王守业写于 2012 年 12 月 22 日,文中图片均链接自网络,没有任何商业目的,感谢图片作者们。本文引用地址: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-563591-645423.html )
个人分类: 乱弹杂谈|6889 次阅读|4 个评论
[转载] Merry Christmas (an e-card by J. Lawson)
zuojun 2012-12-22 09:53
To view, click the link below. Merry Christmas!
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2570 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 wangfan0306 2012-1-10 22:38
去年因为赶着 12 月 27 号要去智利,所以圣诞节的时候在实验室测样品,完全错过了与 Moser 家庭共度圣诞节,且上今年的完全体验版经历! 24 日傍晚下午四时许,天下大雪,大概是西拉法叶今冬迄今最大的一场雪(他们小孩量过了, ~10 cm 厚), Joyce 和 John 开着他们的大卡车来接我了(他们一直跟我强调他们的卡车是四轮驱动,而在这样的雪天,我的小车简直就不用出门了),我们轰隆隆奔去 Joel 和 Lori 的教堂参加教堂的 service ,因为五个小孩会有表演。他们从未邀请过我去参加教堂活动,我今天才知道这两个老人家信的是一般的基督教(具体哪种我还是没搞明白),而 Joel 和 Lori 结婚后随 Lori 信的是天主教,天主教规矩更多些,比方说:就像《巴黎圣母院》和《荆棘鸟》里一样,神职人员是不嫁不娶的(当然现在的规矩人性化很多了, Lori 的教堂里有一个教士被称为 Father 是不娶的,若干女性神职人员被称为 sister ,不嫁的,但是他们有另外的一些补充服务人员,婚嫁上没有任何限制,也能主持很多宗教仪式,权限上稍微有些不同而已;需要忏悔,一般的基督教不需要;跪着祷告 …..Lori 是个很虔诚的天主教徒, Joyce 说 Lori 还曾专门跑去什么地方看主教大人( pope )。我们去了那,煞有介事地拿到演出介绍, Moser 家五个小孩的名字全赫然在列: Ruth 扮演“奶牛”, Edith 扮演“天使”, Sherman 是“ Reader ”, Ollie 和 Maebol 是在合唱团的; Joel 是工作协作人员,帮忙观看演出的人找座位。演出开始了,看到 Ollie 和 Maebol 在那手持 bell 合唱,挺美的; Joel 很认真地巡视场地,神情严肃的,他是个不苟言笑的人,但是觉得有时候还是很具有喜剧效果的。进行了三分之一的时候,“奶牛” Ruth 和“天使” Edith 隆重登场了, Ruth 不专业,“奶牛”服的帽子都忘了带了,有些“奶牛”可是像模像样地爬着上去的, Edith 穿得很漂亮,可惜手里的烛台是坏的,她一直在台上鼓捣她的烛台:她俩的表演就是坐在台阶上做道具,配合教士的传教。不一会下台来了,我们自然要赞扬一番,然后 Sherman 带着小条子上台去,对讲台鞠一躬,念了一段话,离开时又鞠一躬,还像个小绅士一样的。这个活动当然更主要都是围绕宗教典故庆祝耶稣诞生的,他们颂唱了很多宗教,也进行了很多宣教,但是我都听不懂而已,进行了一个小时,最后环节是“饮血吃肉”(宗教里是 Jesus 贡献了他的血和肉吧?当然都是象征性的,“薯片”?应该相当于像我们一样讨个彩头似的)。 24 日傍晚六时许,我们离开教堂一起去 Joel 和 Lori 家吃圣诞晚餐,大家都到齐后, Lori 给我们每人准备了一份汤“ French Onion ”(美国很流行的汤,还不错),我心想“果然是圣诞晚餐,居然还有饭前汤”,结果不对,发现所谓的圣诞晚餐还没有感恩节晚餐正式,连桌子都没铺设,就是每个人拿个盘子去厨房桌子上要点火腿,水果,蔬菜,就着汤吃,让我真是大吃一惊,其实是心里一凉的(因为我当时已然快饿死了)!吃完饭后,跟小孩子们打乒乓球,然后看看他们的圣诞树(每年每个人都会挂一些东西上去,所以其实是一个家庭的历史), Edith 准备了一个小桌子放上了一些牛奶和零食,写了张感谢的纸条,是给圣诞老人的(这个女孩很女孩,情感很细腻),然后他们往外面撒一些金粉,是喂给圣诞老人坐骑麋鹿的食物(这些细微的小事,也就是可以称之为传统的东西,会一代代传承下去吧)。最后我们吃了苹果派的甜点(这有点庆祝节日的意思了),就离开去 Joyce 和 John 家了(我晚上住在他们家)。小孩子都迫不及待地上床睡觉了,因为等着明天早晨收礼物呢!我收到 Joyce 和 Lori 的圣诞礼物: Purdue 的耳坠一付。 24 日晚十时许,我们到达 Joyce 和 John 家, Joyce 很细心地给我安排好房间坐着闲聊会,就各自回房去了。 Joyce 跟我强调了好几次,要让我第二天早晨试一下铲雪,那有何难?我住的房间是她们女儿 Jana 曾经的闺房, Jana 老公是个非常成功的商界人士,他们在 Portland 定居, Joyce 和 John 是打心眼里为她骄傲的经常提到他们,经常旅行去的也就是她们的海边别墅。房间里都是古董或仿古的东西,很雅致; Joyce 和 John 的整个房子都铺着地毯,摆设都很讲究,然后给爸妈和朋友打电话时就感叹,如果回到中国也许是永远都住不上这样的房子的,这样经历了四十年经营和建立起来的家庭真是一物一设都充满了品味和历史,也都是最舒服的状态,让人会如何不向往家的温馨啊? 25 日早八点半许,喝咖啡并吃了点清淡的东西,我们铲雪去。他们一直说让我“体验”一下,我真是以为他们陪我玩呢,一打开门雪满大地,才意识到我真正的“无意识”,铲雪在这个地方,就是冬天里人们都要面对的工作呢,我住 apartment 浑然不觉!三个人,加上铲雪机,倒是轻松搞定! John 快 80 了依然很绅士也很逞强,重活都是他干。昨天他告诉我他和 Joyce 是在他叔叔的葬礼上认识的, Joyce 当时有男朋友, John 去找 Joyce 很不被 Joyce 家里人认同,但是 Joyce 最终选择了 John ,我很理解她的选择, John 也许不很高不很帅不很温柔,但绝对很聪明和有男子气概! 25 日早十点许,又到 Joel 和 Lori 家里,吃 brunch( 早午饭 ) ,他们每个小孩都收到四五份很多礼物了,急着给我展示呢:望远镜,玩具,梳妆盒,瑞士军刀 …… 让我奇怪的是, Sherman 收到的礼物中有一份是淘金装置,刚去时他们很认真地在看介绍视频,吃饭时, Joel 和 John 坐在那讨论了快半个小时到哪里去淘金, Joyce 和 Lori 就讨论教堂的活动,让我觉得生活于他们真是很闲适也真的简单而有意义啊! Joyce 嘲笑我说我竟然没有靴子,也从没有玩过雪橇,然后 Lori 突然问我要不要尝试下 sled ,我来者不拒啊,然后小孩子狂欢起来, Lori 给我找来小孩子或者她自己的棉裤,棉袄,靴子和手套,然后我就一身组合装,体态臃肿地跟着他们去后院玩 sled :其实就是用小孩子用的滑雪板,躺在上面或跪在上面从他们后院自己堆起的雪堆上滑下来,其实我在深圳世界之窗玩过一次的,那时是专门的室内雪道,针对我这样毫无经验彻头彻尾的猎奇者,我当时就是坐着雪板被推着下来的,感觉当然是更爽!在他们家,我就是被当成小孩,倒玩得不亦乐乎。 Maebol 喜欢雪一直呆在室外,我也不愿意早早进屋,因为其实太美了: Maebol 教我用表面以下的雪做雪球,教我躺在雪地里,教我荡秋千,教我站在树下把雪摇晃下来,那样很美。我问她你不觉得这冷么?她说她是冬天出生的,她喜爱这个季节。我从来也像其他人一样抱怨 Indiana 严寒,但从她的视角看去,我第一次觉得其实冬天也很美,只要你不怕衣着臃肿,不为寒冷止步,勇敢地到户外来,原来雪景可以如此妖娆和多趣!曾经小时候见上一场雪,那么激动,几时起失去了玩雪的趣味了。其实这些小孩们真是教会我很多事情!! 25 日一时许,因为 Joel 和 Lori 家要去往 Lori 在 Indianapolis 的娘家过节,我们就都告辞回家了, Joyce 和 John 把我送回家,我的圣诞体验完满结束。祝愿他们都一路平安! 各位朋友们, Merry Christmas happy New Year !
个人分类: 旅美流水记|3003 次阅读|1 个评论
Christmas Eve
热度 1 zuojun 2011-12-25 10:22
Some people are doing the last-minute shopping. I had to go get some fresh veggies for a dish for tomorrow's dinner, and was shocked by the crowds at the Whole Foods. Who says the US economy is bad? It's clearly not so, at least not in Hawaii!
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2103 次阅读|2 个评论
圣诞节之夜游览Christmas village(2008年)(二)
黄安年 2011-12-19 08:56
圣诞节之夜游览Christmas village(2008年)(二)
圣诞节之夜游览 Christmas village ( 2008 年)(二) 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 12 月 18 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 在美国的不少州都有 Christmas village ,集中展现了世俗化的圣诞文化,在圣诞节前后来这里的游客剧增。这里的照片(一) 26 张,(二)19 张 , 集中反映了位于宾夕法尼亚州的 Koziar ‘ s Christmas village 的圣诞之夜夜景。照片拍摄于 2008 年 12 月 25 日晚 。 William M. Koziar, the creator of Christmas Village, began decorating his home and property in 1948 for the pleasure he and his wife, Grace, and their four children derived from the unusual display. People appreciated and applauded the beauty of the Koziar home and began to refer to it as the "Christmas House." Mr. Koziar added new and unique items and lighted displays to the original layout each year. He began decorating the lake, walkways, trees, fences, and buildings, as well as continually adding to the barn and house. By popular demand visitors were granted access to the premises for a closer look. Thus, Koziar's "Christmas House" became known as Koziar's "Christmas Village." http://www.koziarschristmasvillage.com/static/history.html ****************** Christmas village From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search This article does not cite any references or sources . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . (January 2011) For the seasonal attraction near Reading, Pennsylvania, see Koziar's Christmas Village . Not to be confused with Christmas market . A Department 56 New England Series village display. A Christmas village (or putz ) is a decorative, miniature-scale village often set up during the Christmas season. These villages are rooted in the elaborate Christmas traditions of the Pennsylvania Dutch . Mass-produced cardboard Christmas villages became popular in the United States during the early and mid-20th century, while porcelain versions (especially those created by the company Department 56 ) became popular in the later part of the century. Origins The tradition of decorative Christmas villages is rooted in the holiday traditions of the Pennsylvania Dutch . In early-colonial American Moravian homes, the construction of a nativity scene , or putz, at the base of a Christmas tree was a very common holiday activity. The term was derived from the German verb putzen , which means "to clean" or "to decorate." These nativity scenes soon became very elaborate, and often included sawdust or fine dirt spread to represent roads leading to the manger; stones and fresh moss to represent grottos or caves; and sticks and branches to represent miniature trees. These details were in addition to the carved wooden figures that represented the Holy Family , animals, shepherds, and other traditional nativity figures. A Christmas village set atop a table Although initially placed beneath the Christmas tree, by the early 19th century a family's "putz" might have also been found on the fireplace mantel, side tables, and other prominent places within the home. These expanded scenes might include other stories from the Bible . The story of Noah's Ark , an especially popular subject for a putz, could result in the arranging of several hundred carved animals wending their way towards the ark. By the mid-19th century, more secular figures and scene elements were being added to the putz. In many homes, the putz took more time and energy than the decoration of the family Christmas tree. Separate areas were developed with different themes; spreading outward from the Nativity scene were other farms or village scenes, which had a way of growing larger and more elaborate every year. Eventually, toy trains were added to these miniature worlds. Mass production A Department 56 Christmas village After World War II , several Japanese companies started mass-producing cardboard or paper houses, churches, and other buildings. These small buildings usually had holes in the back or the bottom through which Christmas lights were placed to provide illumination. The buildings had tiny colored cellophane windows and were decorated with mica-dusted roofs to give the appearance of snow. Since these buildings were made of inexpensive material and were widely available throughout the United States , they became a very popular Christmas decoration. Modern villages A modern Christmas Village In the 1970s, ceramic or porcelain Christmas villages were introduced and started to gain popularity. Department 56 was one of the first companies to make these buildings and remains the most well-known. Other companies, such as Lemax , have also produced similar villages, and there are numerous other brands sold. Drugstores and dollar stores now often carry much smaller buildings, which are typically not as well-painted. Unpainted buildings are also sometimes available at craft stores. Like many other Christmas traditions, the notion of a village to celebrate a holiday has spread to other holidays, with a few companies making Halloween and Easter villages. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_village
个人分类: 美国纪行见闻(09-11)|2816 次阅读|0 个评论
圣诞节之夜游览Christmas village(2008年)(一)
黄安年 2011-12-19 08:35
圣诞节之夜游览Christmas village(2008年)(一)
圣诞节之夜游览 Christmas village ( 2008 年)(一) 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 12 月 18 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 在美国的不少州都有 Christmas village ,集中展现了世俗化的圣诞文化,在圣诞节前后来这里的游客剧增。这里的照片(一) 26 张,(二)19 张 , 集中反映了位于宾夕法尼亚州的 Koziar ‘ s Christmas village 的圣诞之夜夜景。照片拍摄于 2008 年 12 月 25 日晚 。 William M. Koziar, the creator of Christmas Village, began decorating his home and property in 1948 for the pleasure he and his wife, Grace, and their four children derived from the unusual display. People appreciated and applauded the beauty of the Koziar home and began to refer to it as the "Christmas House." Mr. Koziar added new and unique items and lighted displays to the original layout each year. He began decorating the lake, walkways, trees, fences, and buildings, as well as continually adding to the barn and house. By popular demand visitors were granted access to the premises for a closer look. Thus, Koziar's "Christmas House" became known as Koziar's "Christmas Village." http://www.koziarschristmasvillage.com/static/history.html ****************** Christmas village From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search This article does not cite any references or sources . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . (January 2011) For the seasonal attraction near Reading, Pennsylvania, see Koziar's Christmas Village . Not to be confused with Christmas market . A Department 56 New England Series village display. A Christmas village (or putz ) is a decorative, miniature-scale village often set up during the Christmas season. These villages are rooted in the elaborate Christmas traditions of the Pennsylvania Dutch . Mass-produced cardboard Christmas villages became popular in the United States during the early and mid-20th century, while porcelain versions (especially those created by the company Department 56 ) became popular in the later part of the century. Origins The tradition of decorative Christmas villages is rooted in the holiday traditions of the Pennsylvania Dutch . In early-colonial American Moravian homes, the construction of a nativity scene , or putz, at the base of a Christmas tree was a very common holiday activity. The term was derived from the German verb putzen , which means "to clean" or "to decorate." These nativity scenes soon became very elaborate, and often included sawdust or fine dirt spread to represent roads leading to the manger; stones and fresh moss to represent grottos or caves; and sticks and branches to represent miniature trees. These details were in addition to the carved wooden figures that represented the Holy Family , animals, shepherds, and other traditional nativity figures. A Christmas village set atop a table Although initially placed beneath the Christmas tree, by the early 19th century a family's "putz" might have also been found on the fireplace mantel, side tables, and other prominent places within the home. These expanded scenes might include other stories from the Bible . The story of Noah's Ark , an especially popular subject for a putz, could result in the arranging of several hundred carved animals wending their way towards the ark. By the mid-19th century, more secular figures and scene elements were being added to the putz. In many homes, the putz took more time and energy than the decoration of the family Christmas tree. Separate areas were developed with different themes; spreading outward from the Nativity scene were other farms or village scenes, which had a way of growing larger and more elaborate every year. Eventually, toy trains were added to these miniature worlds. Mass production A Department 56 Christmas village After World War II , several Japanese companies started mass-producing cardboard or paper houses, churches, and other buildings. These small buildings usually had holes in the back or the bottom through which Christmas lights were placed to provide illumination. The buildings had tiny colored cellophane windows and were decorated with mica-dusted roofs to give the appearance of snow. Since these buildings were made of inexpensive material and were widely available throughout the United States , they became a very popular Christmas decoration. Modern villages A modern Christmas Village In the 1970s, ceramic or porcelain Christmas villages were introduced and started to gain popularity. Department 56 was one of the first companies to make these buildings and remains the most well-known. Other companies, such as Lemax , have also produced similar villages, and there are numerous other brands sold. Drugstores and dollar stores now often carry much smaller buildings, which are typically not as well-painted. Unpainted buildings are also sometimes available at craft stores. Like many other Christmas traditions, the notion of a village to celebrate a holiday has spread to other holidays, with a few companies making Halloween and Easter villages. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_village
个人分类: 美国纪行见闻(09-11)|3853 次阅读|0 个评论
Christmas PPT to the members of the JMS editorial board
waterlilyqd 2010-12-28 10:32
Each year before the Christmas, one important thing for the editorial board is sending Christmas cards to the members of the editorial board around the world to show our thanks for their support to the JMS. Just making a one page card is easy. But it can't express what we want to say. It's not aneasy jobtoget a beautiful and expressful ChristmasPPT. This year, I made a ChristmasPPT by using the following steps: One, search beautiful Christmas pictures and Christmas musicfrom the internet; Two, modify and beuatify the pictures, and add some JMS typical elements; Three, prepare PPT, add Christmas pictures and write the corresponding words; Four, insert song or music at the first slide, and then do some necessary adjustment. Then a Christmas PPT is finished! The following is one Christmas e-cardI made forthe JMS editorial boardmembers. Christmas PPT for members of JMS editorial board
个人分类: Work record|4256 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]祝各位朋友圣诞快乐 新年快乐
kexuechuanbo 2010-12-25 15:59
Merry Christmas and Happy New____ Year 2011 (Rabbi
个人分类: 团队发表论文|2231 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]I Wish You A Merry Christmas
ljliu2 2010-12-24 17:16
Whao! Today is Christmas and Im all excited. Even though today is just like any other day, the fact that people all over the world are remembering the Birth of Jesus makes the day special. Jesus Christ is the reason for this season. I hope you have room for Him in your heart. There couldnt have been a Christmas if there was no CHRIST! Never mind all the arguments that surround the date. What I consider important is how I spend the day. It is possible to spend the day making positive impact on the lives of others through acts of kindness. On the other hand, it is also possible to make negative impacts on others lives by being irresponsible in your actions. I for one belief in spending the day sharing the love of Jesus Christ with people in rural areas. The Lord Jesus Christ has been so good to me and my family, the least I can do is to tell others about His loving kindness. So I wont be at home for Christmas, instead I will be camping with other Christians in a village. We plan to spend four days in the village sharing the love of Christ with the locals. Ive participated in such camping in time past. Beside the spiritual benefit it offers, it also have other benefits too. For example, it is usually a great relief leaving the hustling and bustling activities of the city for an environment that is close to nature and devoid of artificial distractions. I guess someone may be thinking it is odd to spend Christmas away from the family. Well, it is base on mutual agreement. The children have already gone for a Christmas Camp Meeting for Children and Teenagers. The preparation for the meeting was quite elaborate and I was hinted from a reliable source that they are going to have a swell time at the camp. It wasnt easy letting go, but then, since my better half will be with them, I had nothing to worry about. The entire family will be reuniting on Sunday and there will be lots of stories to tell. Im looking forward to an exciting time as I relate my experience and listen to the children tell theirs. How do you plan to spend your Christmas? Once again, I wish you a Merry Christmas
个人分类: 未分类|2572 次阅读|0 个评论
Christmas in China (A Sonnet)
自我源于思考 2010-12-24 16:59
Today is Christmas-eve I knewChristmas for the first time in a fairy-tale Like many others about my age, I Believe A Little Match Girl For that I thought the Christmas was sad and dull But when I got familiar with this festival I realize the Santa Clause is cool And I always expect his arrival In the rhymes of the deer bell He distributes gifts and love worldwide The universe become soft and gentle For these gifts are from our heart inside Santa delivers gifts to children through chimney But bring us all into harmony Merry Christmas!
个人分类: 生活|3937 次阅读|0 个评论
liang7909 2009-12-24 20:19
嘻,找到一个地方可以讨论科学,刚才在论坛数学版浏览了一下,身心俱乐,好大的归属感,看某人对2010fields奖的预测,时常笑出声来,我准备在这里安家了:) 今天是2009年的圣诞夜,进入了一年的总结期,就记录下吧: 09年收获不多,最开心的事是听到彭老师获邀作一小时报告,终于让我确定,彭老师做的事,是世界一流的,嘻,虽然我现在不是完全在跟他的方向,但精神上很追求与他一致,那就是保持高度独立:) 有个女生陪我度过我的30岁生日,那是我今年最幸福的一晚。本以为她会是我今年最大的收获,不过现在看来,变成了我一厢情愿,把我的悲伤留给自己,你的美丽,让你带走...于是,我又变成了快乐的单身汉。 结识的朋友: 学生 张二川,挺像大学时的我,爱上上自习的那种;闫国旺(语),暑假里与他的争论让我快乐无限,重回大学宿舍:) 同事 张祖宏,本是难兄难弟,与他有太多的不同,但是与他可以开任何的玩笑,而且他的反应总是超出想象,经典的回应是你是不是又没吃药 金海 同期加入北理工,计算机好熟,他们都是比我牛的人吧,不过大隐隐于市,混迹于我们之中:) 室友 冯殿通,老乡,看似个斤斤计较的小气鬼,其实是个生活上的精明人,教他唱男左女右,使我每晚回去的睡前乐子 还有 男左女右,韩力与夜千,诲人不倦又笑话不断。。。 2009年的圣诞前夜,我一个人过,喔喔,办公室就是我的家,我为自由而欢呼,yeah~
个人分类: 未分类|112 次阅读|0 个评论
We wish you a merry christmas(歌曲欣赏)
weisman 2009-12-15 12:02
We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas And a happy New Year Good tidings we bring To you and your kin We wish you a Merry Christmas And a happy New Year Now bring us some figgy pudding Now bring us some figgy pudding Now bring us some figgy pudding And bring some out here Good tidings we bring To you and your kin We wish you a Merry Christmas And a happy New Year For wu all like figgy pudding For wu all like figgy pudding For wu all like figgy pudding So bring some out here Good tidings we bring To you and your kin We wish you a Merry Christmas And a happy New Year 我们祝你们圣诞快乐 我们祝你们圣诞快乐 我们祝你们圣诞快乐 并且新年快乐 我们为您与您家人 带来了好消息 圣诞的好消息 新年快乐 请递给我们一些无花果布丁 请递给我们一些无花果布丁 请递给我们一些无花果布丁 并摆一些到这里来 我们为您与您家人 带来了好消息 圣诞的好消息 新年快乐 我们都喜欢无花果布丁 我们都喜欢无花果布丁 我们都喜欢无花果布丁 所以请放一些在这里 我们为您与您家人 带来了好消息 圣诞的好消息 新年快乐 http://ting.blog.gougou.com/ting?cid=3C6C80899476C5D21E11B7A4DBC008BE7C921D79tit=we%20wish%20you%20a%20merry%20christmassinger=kenny%20gti=1rid =
个人分类: 歌曲欣赏|4667 次阅读|0 个评论
yalongwelcome 2008-12-25 22:30
长夜漫漫,无心睡眠,作业苦长,人生苦短。遂有感,仿得歪诗一首,庆贺此圣诞夜。 清华就是男生有余 作业有余 水木有余 听话出活有余 学生食堂饭菜有余 清华就是怀念人文日新有余 怀念国学院有余 怀念王国维陈寅恪赵元任 还有凉起那个超有余 怀念曹禺钱锺书有余 怀念超萌的林徽因梁思成 还有那个永远未完成时态的 男小三有余 清华就是校歌只唱一段有余 校长爱送日晷有余 校车乱打圈圈有余 教授讲校史 圆明园是八国联军烧的有余 清华就是东门朝南开有余 二校门进不来有余 打开水老掉卡有余 楼长老敲门有余 清华就是有余有余有余
个人分类: 清华生活|2650 次阅读|0 个评论

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