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【New Phytologist】热门研究成果推荐
WileyChina 2014-11-13 16:47
Wiley向您推荐 New Phytologist 近期优秀文章! Editor: Alistair M. Hetherington Impact Factor: 6.545 ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2013: 9/196 (Plant Sciences) Online ISSN: 1469-8137 文章推荐 过去几十年来,一些热带地区天然林中的木质藤本植物丰富度在不断增加,其原因却不清楚,广西大学研究员曹坤芳与中科院西双版纳植物园科研人员合作,揭开了其中的奥秘。其研究成果《热带季节性森林中木质藤本相比树木的水分利用优势》近期在 New Phytologist 上发表。( 点击查看相关报道 ) Water-use advantage for lianas over trees in tropical seasonal forests 2014年5月,国际临界区域生物化学和地下生态研究研讨会( International Symposium on Critical Zone Biochemistry and Belowground Ecological Research)在北京召开,会议报告近期在 New Phytologist 的最新期刊上发表。 Fine-root and mycorrhizal traits help explain ecosystem processes and responses to global change
个人分类: Physical Science|2475 次阅读|0 个评论
又一篇 new phytologist接收
热度 1 zls111 2014-10-16 23:43
这篇是我和马红教授作为通讯作者,如下。等proof出来,我就上传上来。 这个工作是09年我开始做的,后来由li qi同学接着做。 Li Q, Zhang N, Zhang L*, Ma H*:Differential evolution of members of the rhomboid gene family with conservativeand divergent patterns. New Phytologist
个人分类: 读文章笔记|3692 次阅读|4 个评论
热度 2 zls111 2012-4-19 18:28
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04143.x/full Complex evolutionary history and diverse domain organization of SET proteins suggest divergent regulatory interactions j.1469-8137.2012.0414311.x.pdf Liangsheng Zhang 1 , Hong Ma 1,2 Summary • Plants and animals possess very different developmental processes, yet share conserved epigenetic regulatory mechanisms, such as histone modifications. One of the most important forms of histone modification is methylation on lysine residues of the tails, carried out by members of the SET protein family, which are widespread in eukaryotes. • We analyzed molecular evolution by comparative genomics and phylogenetics of the SET genes from plant and animal genomes, grouping SET genes into several subfamilies and uncovering numerous gene duplications, particularly in the Suv, Ash, Trx and E(z) subfamilies. • Domain organizations differ between different subfamilies and between plant and animal SET proteins in some subfamilies, and support the grouping of SET genes into seven main subfamilies, suggesting that SET proteins have acquired distinctive regulatory interactions during evolution. We detected evidence for independent evolution of domain organization in different lineages, including recruitment of new domains following some duplications. • More recent duplications in both vertebrates and land plants are probably the result of whole-genome or segmental duplications. The evolution of the SET gene family shows that gene duplications caused by segmental duplications and other mechanisms have probably contributed to the complexity of epigenetic regulation, providing insights into the evolution of the regulation of chromatin structure.
3457 次阅读|2 个评论

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