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热度 4 Synthon 2012-5-14 08:47
第一次听说智能催化剂(intelligent catalyst)是2010年参加Gordon Conference的时候听田中的报告,当时还没有入环境催化的门,但是听完报告,感觉叹为观止,非常神奇的设计。丰田公司和大发公司在这方面也发表了多篇文章,包括Nature,从机理和应用两个方面报道这个催化剂。 但是日前看见一篇JACS文章,号称不同意他们的Nature文章,但是我看完之后,也没搞明白他们想反驳的究竟是什么。贴上来,请大家帮我看一看。。。 Self-Regeneration of Pd–LaFeO 3 Catalysts: New Insight from Atomic-Resolution Electron Microscopy J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011 , 133 (45), pp 18090–18093 DOI: 10.1021/ja2082284 Publication Date (Web): October 18, 2011 Aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy was used to study atomic-scale processes in Pd–LaFeO 3 catalysts. Clear evidence for diffusion of Pd into LaFeO 3 and out of LaFe 0.95 Pd 0.05 O 3−δ under high-temperature oxidizing and reducing conditions, respectively, was found, but the extent to which these processes occurred was quite limited. These observations cast doubt that such phenomena play a significant role in a postulated mechanism of self-regeneration of this system as an automotive exhaust-gas catalyst. 大发公司关于intelligent catalyst的介绍: http://www.daihatsu.com/news/n2002/02071101/
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