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热度 32 wsyokemos 2011-5-4 08:11
今天在科学网看到一新闻,标题为 “ 三位华人学者当选 2011 年美国科学院院 士 ” (副标题 :“ 分别是 谢晓亮、 叶军以及李家洋 ”) 。 在讨论本文的话题之前,先界定一下讨论的范围,这个院士只限 美国科学院(即: national academy of sciences , NAS ) , 其他科学院、工程院不在本文的讨论范围。另外,这个华裔院士,只限大学是在中国大陆读的,且是在新中国解放之后( 1949 年后,台湾称为 “ 沦陷 ” ),因为杨振宁、李政道这样的在 1949 年前毕业的美国科学院院士功劳不能算在我英明的共产党身上,另外像刚当选的 李家洋等外籍院士 (Associate member of NAS) 也不在本文讨论之列,这样几个条件一限制,数以百计的美国华裔院士就只有 5 位了(如有遗漏,请指出),按照当选时间先后为序,分别简述如下: 1. 王晓东 :这个名字,估计科学网的网友大都知道, 2004 年当选为 NAS 院士,是第一位当选的来自中国大陆的留学生,时年仅 41 岁,也是当时最年轻的 NAS 院士, 1984 年本科毕业于北师大, 1991 年毕业于 美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心,主要研究领域为细胞程序性凋亡 (apoptosis) 。现已全职回国,是北京生命科学研究所的前任和现任掌门人。顺便提醒一下北京生命科学研究所与中科院的北京生命科学研究院的区别(参见我的博文: 北京生命科学研究院 vs 北京生命科学研究所 : 李逵 vs 李鬼 ? )。其 个人简历 。 2 . 谢宇 : 2009 年当选, 1982 年本科毕业于上海工业大学(现上海大学), 1989 年博士毕业于 美国威斯康星大学,谢宇教授的研究范围包括社会分层、统计方法、人口学、科学社会学和中国研究,现工作于美国密歇根大学( 科学网博主张有学教授也在该校工作)。其 个人简历 。 3. 朱健康 : 2010 年当选。 1987 年毕业于北京农业大学(现中国农业大学), 1993 年博士毕业于美国普渡大学。主要从事植物抗逆分子生物学等。现工作于美国普渡大学 (Purdue) 。其 个人简历 。 4. 谢晓亮 :新科院士,刚当选没几天, 1984 年本科毕业于北大化学系, 1990 年 博士毕业于 美国 加州大学圣地亚哥分 校 (UCSD) 。主要研究领域为 单分子光谱检测及其在生命科学中的应 用,现工作于 哈佛大学化学与生物 系,值得一提的是,和 谢晓亮同一个系的同事,另外一位更年轻华人女教授庄小威应该也很有希望以后当选(参见我博文: 哈佛大学两位牛教授大 PK: Stephen Elledge vs 庄小威 )。 谢去年在北大组建 北京生物动态光学成像中心,我猜测谢也可能步王晓东之后尘,以后全职来华乖哦你做,倘若如此, 两“晓”相映在京城 ,当为一段佳话。 其 个人简历 。 5. 叶军 :和谢一样,也是新科院士。 1989 年本科毕业于上海交大, 1997 年博士毕业于科罗拉多大学,现为美国商务部下属的 美国国家标准和技术局 (NIST) 研究员 (Fellow), 主要研究时间的精确测量, 据 媒体报道 :“ 2006~2007 年,他的研究小组做成一台世界上最准确——每 7000 万年仅误差 1 秒——的锶原子光钟 (optical atomic clock) ,精度超过了目前存放于美国国家标准和技术局的铯原子钟,并有望取代铯原子钟成为世界新的计时标准。” 其 个人简历 。 小结:这5位牛人有如下共同点: 1) 均为上世纪 80 年代本科毕业; 2 )所毕业的大学均位于京沪; 3 )均在美国知名大学获得博士学位; 4) 均为爷们 ( 不知是否均为纯爷们?! )… ( 等待您来补充! ) 后记: 没有想到这篇博文引起大家热议,再八卦一下王晓东和谢晓亮,我感觉两人很有缘分,除了上述四点共同点之外,还有一些很有意思的地方: 1) 两人的姓:一个姓“王”,一个姓“谢”,很容易让人想起那句著名诗句:“ 旧时 王谢 堂前燕, 飞入寻常百姓家 ”, 当然这两位可不是“ 飞入寻常百姓家”的普通人物。 2) 两人的名字都有一个“晓”字。 3) 更重要是,两人的名字中的最后一个字“东”和“亮”,显然是“西方不亮 东 方 亮 ”,所以看来两人的名字注定 谢晓亮要全职回国了,两人都在京城读的大学,中年功成名就后又衣锦还乡回到京城,这真是相当圆满的一段佳话。 (王守业写于 2011 年 5 月 3 日,引文地址: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=563591do=blogquickforward=1id=440151 )
个人分类: 乱弹杂谈|41151 次阅读|103 个评论
[转载]Chinese Quadruped Robot Takes Its First Steps
chrujun 2011-4-20 21:40
http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/industrial-robots/chinese-quadruped-robot POSTED BY: Erico Guizzo / 星期一, 四月 18, 2011 Share Tweet Is this China's answer to BigDog ? Not quite. This is FROG, or Four-legged Robot for Optimal Gait, a quadruped developed byDr. Wei Wang's team at the Institute of Automation , part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Beijing. FROG is a research platform that Dr. Wang and his PhD students use to develop and test quadruped gait control, gait transition, and other locomotion algorithms. Unlike Boston Dynamics' BigDog , which can walk at a fast pace alongside humans, FROG is a slower-moving machine, a prototype for what Dr. Wang hopes will be the endoskeleton of a robotic triceratops. "I hope it can find entertainment applications in dinosaur museums or expos,"he tells me. FROG-I, the group's first version, is about 1 meter tall, weighs in at 55 kilograms, and uses DC motors. Each leg has two motors, one on the hip and another on the knee -- so 8 actuated degrees of freedom in total. The robot also has one passive compliant prismatic DOF at each toe. Sensing devices include joint angle sensors, 3-axis acceleration sensor, 3-axis gyro sensor, foot-ground contact sensors, and ultrasonic sensors. The robot also carries a pan-tilt camera. An on-board computer running real-time Linux performs sensing and actuator control, and communicates with a host computer through a wireless connection. The control mode relies on position control and current control. Power comes through a tether. Dr. Wang says he decided to build FROG for two reasons. First, because a year ago he received a triceratops sculpture from a Chinese film director, who had recently worked on a computer animated movie about dinosaurs and suggested that Dr. Wang should design a walking triceratops robot. The second reason is that Dr. Wang's daughter and her kindergarten friends are constantly asking him to built robotic animals. Iask Dr. Wang if he plans to make the robot capable of moving faster -- and then perhaps challenge BigDog for a race? "BigDog is marvelous,"he says. "BigDog is hydraulic and our robot uses DC motors -- I don't think our robot could have so high capabilities." But he adds that this is "only preliminary research"and his group plans to improve FROGif they have enough resources in the future. So who knows -- maybe Dr. Wang's daughter will ask him to build a Velociraptor next time? Images and video: Institute of Automation/Chinese Academy of Sciences
个人分类: 地球物理及仪器|2981 次阅读|0 个评论
What's in a name?
热度 1 zuojun 2011-2-5 08:28
I have struggled with my name ever since I came to the U.S. Why? Most non-Chinese cannot pronounce it, and machine on the other end of the telephone thought I was fooling around when I answered my last name is "YU." Actually, my name is not bad as some others. One came to my mind is "Rui." It's the last name of a colleague. I wonder whether or not she quit research because no one could cite her papers correctly during a presentation. Now, I "met" a student whose first name is "Rui." If I were her,or him, I would find myself a nice nickname before going abroad.
个人分类: From the U.S.|2052 次阅读|1 个评论
Reasons Chinese prefer to submit their English paper abroad
waterlilyqd 2010-9-30 22:35
I personally think that people don't want to submit their high quality papers toChinese journals for the following several reasons: One, most Chinese journals are not Science Citation Index(SCI) -included; Two, mostSCI Chinese journals have low impact factors; Three, too many people submit their papers to the limited Chinese journals and thus the publication period is usually very long; Four, most Chinese journals chargepublication fees; Five, many Chinese editors or editorial boardare indifferent or have slow responseto the authors' consultation or inquirements; Five, some (including the researhcers and the sci-techevaluation officer) take it for granted that foreign journals are in higher quality just as theforeign moon is brighter.
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|2990 次阅读|0 个评论
Grand performance of Swan Lake by Chinese
zuojun 2010-9-29 01:57
No word can describe such a performance. Just watch it and feel it: Great Chinese State Circus Swan Lake
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2857 次阅读|0 个评论
三论“Chinese journal”
Bobby 2010-9-17 05:38
《纠缠两个英语问题》 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=363404 《 Chinese journal 是 中国期刊 还是 中文期刊 ? 》 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=361374 语言这东西,总不如数学那般精确。之所以不厌其烦咬文嚼字,是为了避免歧义,更精确地来理解和表达。 前文说过, Chinese journal 是中文期刊,但也可将 Chinese journal 理解为中国期刊或中华期刊,具有歧义。原因是 journal 本身既可根据国别 / 地区划分,也可根据语言划分。 一般而言, Chinese journal 表示中文期刊,要表示中国期刊,可用 China journal 或 Chinas journal 较为精确。 Chinese journal 可译为中国期刊或中华期刊,中国人明确其中细微含义,但外国人则没有那么敏感。如国内 Chinese Journal of 就有两译:中国杂志或中华杂志。 中文期刊还有比 Chinese journal 更明确的说法: Chinese-language journal 。
个人分类: 科学感想|3576 次阅读|1 个评论
Bobby 2010-9-15 18:25
一、 Chinese 和 China 在某些场合微妙的政治涵义。 China 指中国(中华人民共和国),一般涉及国家、政府或政权时用 China 。而指华人、中国人、中华民族、中文时用 Chinese 。大家试比较中国台湾省目前用 Chinese Taipei 或 Chinese TaiBei ,而不用 China Taipei 或 China TaiBei ,但一般的外国人并不去分辨这些个,一般人在多数情况下其实并不觉得 Chinese Taipei 或 China Taipei 有多大区别。这也是台独派人士仍然执意要将 Chinese Taipei 名称改为 Taiwan 的原因吧。一般而言, Chinese journal 是中文期刊,但外国人仍然可能将 Chinese journal 理解为中国期刊。 再来看别外一个例子。英国全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,是由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成的联合王国( The United Kingdom, consisting of Great Britain (England, Wales, and Scotland ) and Northern Ireland )。由于历史和民族等原因,由英格兰、北爱尔兰、威尔士、苏格兰四国组成联合王国,首都仍在英格兰首都伦敦,主体还是英格兰,所以习惯上称英国(本来英国专指英格兰 England ),但这是不恰当的。但如果你到英国,你用 England 指 UK ,用 English 指英国(人)的,则会犯政治错误,苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰人也会不高兴。 二、 Chinese journal finds 31% of submissions plagiarized 中,报刊文章标题习惯于省略句首不定冠词 A ,而且后面动词为第三人称单数,说明 Chinese journal 是指一种中国期刊或 某中国期刊。如果单纯语法上或表层句意上讲,并没有什么可以过份解读的。但是,如果从深层含义来看,不能不说《自然》编辑的刻意丑诋中国期刊的含义。( A ) Chinese journal 是一种中国期刊, Chinese journals 是多种中国期刊, All Chinese journals 是全部中国期刊,似乎只是量的不同,但一种中国期刊稿件有 31% 的剽窃率仍然让人感觉有较多的联想和恶意在里面。比如,一个人盗抢,报刊上文章刻意用一个黑人盗抢他人财物(在美国种族歧途背景下)或一个河南人盗抢他人财物(在中国地域歧视的背景下)作标题,就不能不说有歹意在其中。由于意识形态和制度的原因,中国在外界的印像显然是不佳的,要不然,政府也不会耗资 450 亿来洗清中国的负面形象。在学术界你说中国人的文章剽窃,在工业界你说中国制造问题丛丛,在经济界你说中国经济要崩溃,在环境资源界你说中国消耗了世界多大份额的资源制造了多严重的污染,在政治界你说中国政府很快就要垮台,这些是很对外国人胃口的。
个人分类: 科学感想|2840 次阅读|0 个评论
Chinese Can Never Win Strength Games
shxzhang 2010-6-26 23:14
Rodfisher Eastman FIFA sent many of the Chinese funs again into daydreams of something like victories in world football games. Beyond daydreams, Chinese can never win strength games, and football is primarily a strength game, with its players running all the time and all over the ground, like wild beasts, not only of wild forces, but also of wild glories. Chinese can never win football games. It is a truth generally acknowledged to the modern world that human beings evolved from lower mammal animals, apes or their like. From the lowest mammal to the most evolved human race, evolution occurred in somewhat a sequential way, and there was and is actually a sequence of evolution. The lowest mammal and the most evolved Chinese make the two extremes of the sequence of evolution; and between the two extremes, there were and are higher mammals, beings of the genus homo behind the species homo sapiens, and beings of the species homo sapiens behind the Chinese. The closer to the lowest extreme, the more physical affinities the beings have to the lowest; and the remoter from the lowest, the less physical affinities to the lowest. The body hairs of the beings of the species homo sapiens closer to the lowest extreme, for example, are longer, fatter, thicker and covering more areas, and those of the beings remoter are shorter, slimmer, thinner and covering less areas. And the closer to the lowest extreme, the better physical faculties the beings have; and the remoter from the lowest, the worse physical faculties the beings have. And, by the way, the closer to the lowest extreme, the worse mental faculties the beings have; and the remoter from the lowest, the better mental faculties the beings have. Lower mammals can eat raw crude plants, human beings closer to the lowest extreme of the evolution sequence can eat raw vegetables and half-cooked beefs, but raw and uncooked things can only bring stomach problems to the Chinese who has been taking well-cooked refined foods for thousands of years. Lower mammals have better digestion than higher ones. Lower mammals can run faster and longer than human beings and human beings closer to the lowest can run faster and longer than those remoter from the lowest. Lower mammals have better physical strength than higher ones. Actually raw crude foods, if well digested, bring more physical strength, wild physical strength. Chinese can never win strength games, because they are too much evolved and because too much evolution deprived them of wild physical strength necessary to strength games. The games that Chinese can win are games of art and wisdom. As an inevitable result of evolution, Chinese excel, not in physical faculties, but in mental faculties, not in physical forces, but in mental powers.
个人分类: 詩文偶得|3674 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Chinese Premier Offers a Tribute to a Reformer
panfq 2010-5-7 06:05
Chinese Premier Offers a Tribute to a Reformer Xinhua, via Kyodo News Deng Xiaoping, left, and Hu Yaobang in 1981. Mr. Hu's death 21 years ago helped inspire the pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square. A tribute to Mr. Hu was printed Thursday in China. var wImage = $('wideImage').getElementsByTagName("img") .getAttribute('src'); $('wideImage').getElementsByTagName("img") .setAttribute('src',"http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/global/backgrounds/transparentBG.gif"); var filter = "progId:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='"+wImage+"', sizingMethod='scale' )"; $('wideImage').getElementsByTagName("img") .style.filter = filter; By SHARON LaFRANIERE Published: April 15, 2010 BEIJING He was the reformist party leader whose death 21 years ago helped inspire the pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square. To a large extent, both the protests and the leader the former Communist Party general secretary Hu Yaobang have been missing from China s official political lexicon ever since. Related Document: Article by Prime Minister Wen Jiabao (pdf) So tens of thousands of Chinese took note on Thursday when a long and emotional tribute to Mr. Hu written by Prime Minister Wen Jiabao was published Thursday in Renmin Ribao, the Communist Partys official newspaper, otherwise known as Peoples Daily. After all these years, finally someone is willing to say the right thing, wrote a reader, one of more than 20,000 who posted comments on the article on the Chinese news portal Sina.com . That observation may be a trifle dated: since 2005, Communist Party leaders have been rehabilitating the image of Mr. Hu, who was forced out as Communist Party general secretary in 1987, two years before the Tiananmen demonstrations. Still, Mr. Wens flattering and public remembrance splashed not just on the pages of Peoples Daily, but on a clutch of popular national Web sites appeared to some experts to nod not just to Mr. Hus legacy as a man of the people, but perhaps to the partys now-quiescent band of liberals. Mr. Hu helped inaugurate Chinas early market-oriented economic changes, promoted many people purged under Mao and pushed political liberalization as a vital component of economic reform. Once viewed as the most likely successor to Deng Xiaoping as Chinas leader, he was forced out of power by party conservatives who claimed his bourgeois leanings threatened the countrys stability. Mr. Wens essay deals with none of that. Instead, he described a 1986 trip with Mr. Hu, then 70, to an impoverished region. He recalled Mr. Hus work ethic, stoicism and determination to pierce the pleasing facades created by lower-level officials and grasp the true conditions of the people. The greatest danger for those who assume leadership is to be removed from reality, he quoted Mr. Hu as saying. Analysts poring over that and other parts of Mr. Wens text were divided over their meaning. Some suggested it was an opening salvo in the political jockeying to choose Chinas next generation of leaders, who will take office in 2012. Others saw in the essay a veiled jab at Chinas current ruling elite, which has come under increasing fire for economic policies that, in some minds, favor the rich over average people. The article could also be viewed as a calculated effort by Chinas leadership to placate intellectuals, journalists and some retired party officials who still regard Mr. Hu as a reformist unjustly shunted aside by more risk-averse bureaucrats. This is an attempt to co-opt those elements of the party and the party leadership who may be discontented with the pace of political reform, said David Shambaugh , a George Washington University scholar who has written extensively on Chinese politics. It is not a shot across the bow at anybody. Zhan Jiang, a journalism professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University, said that by paying tribute to the well-liked Mr. Hu, the party might hope to enhance its image and derive some moral resources for itself. Analysts agreed that Mr. Wens eulogy was certainly screened and approved by the partys top hierarchy. What to say about Mr. Hu has been an issue within the party since he lost his position as the partys leader in 1987. Although his support for economic and political reforms won him popularity, his ousting and the fact that pro-democracy activists seized on his death in 1989 as an opportunity to demonstrate kept Mr. Hus name out of the public domain for years afterward. President Hu Jintao took the first steps in elevating the official memory of Hu Yaobang in 2005, when the party organized memorial services and a seminar to discuss his legacy. Hu Jintao and Hu Yaobang, who are not related, both considered the Communist Youth League, an important body within the ruling apparatus, to be their power base, and the move was seen as an attempt by the president to solidify support for his leadership. But those actions were fairly modest, and they transpired only after a tense debate within the partys Politburo over whether public commemoration of Mr. Hu would reopen the wounds of 1989, Chinese party officials have said. Mr. Shambaugh argued that Chinas leaders, while now honoring Mr. Hus populist instincts, still ignored major parts of his legacy, including his comparatively liberal policy toward Tibet. Yang Jisheng, 70, a former senior writer with the state-run news agency Xinhua and an author on Chinese politics, said Mr. Wens article was a step forward, but no harbinger of change. I do not hold out too much hope, he said. It is not a comprehensive review of Mr. Hus career, which might have carried a more political message. Jonathan Ansfield contributed reporting, and Li Bibo contributed research. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/16/world/asia/16china.html
个人分类: 科学与技术|36 次阅读|0 个评论
Celebrating the Year of Tiger in Hawaii
zuojun 2010-2-15 08:11
I have always taken Chinese New Year seriously because I have pure Chinese blood Celebrating Chinese New Year in U.S. may be difficult because the Chinese New Years Day does not always fall on a weekend. This is my lucky year for many reasons. First of all, the Chinese New Year is on Sunday. Second, this weekend happens to be a long (three-day) weekend. Third, I managed to submit a proposal just before the weekend. I was ready to party! I wanted to take full advantage of the long weekend, so I contacted some old and new friends and made arrangements for each of the three days! On Saturday, I met my old friend, Jenny, for lunch. Our sons used to attend Chinese school together. Now both young men are juniors, so we had a lot to chat about SAT and college. For dinner, I didnt want to cook too much, but I wanted it to be authentic Chinese meal, fit for Chinese New Years Eve. I decided to make a dish that can be enjoyed without having additional rice (which would be too ordinary). The dish is called Pearl meat balls. It can be any kind of meat balls, but roll each ball over pre-soaked mochi (sweet) rice before putting them on a plate. Steam the meat balls for 20-25 minutes, making sure the water was sufficient. (I did smell some burning doing the second batch, because I didnt add enough water.) Since I dont like too much meat, my version of meat balls is always half-and-half: half meat and half medium-firm tofu, with finely chopped ginger roots, green onions, pre-soaked dried mushroom and canned water chestnuts. They taste even better with some chill sauces. I know it does not sound much for people living in China, but it was a good effort on my part, from shopping for the ingredients to serving. Sunday was supposed to be easy, since I made a reservation for three families to have dinner at the Chins. We have been celebrating Chinese New Year for many years now. Here is the menu for tonights dinner: 1) Crispy chicken (whole) 2) Green tea smoked duck (half) 3) Walnut shrimp without mayonnaise 4) Salt and peppered shrimp 5) Beef with broccoli (keep it for Ali) 6) Sizzling filet of beef with black pepper sauce 7) Chinese broccoli with dry baby fish 8) Ma Po tofu 9) Assorted pan fried crispy noodle Instead, I worked hard on Sunday, too. I was doing a little cleaning in the kitchen, when the young master gently asked for home-made crepe. We called it egg-pancake, which was made by my beloved grandma when we were young, using eggs, milk (or water), flour, and sugar (or green onion and salt). The time-consuming part is to prepare the batter. I had not made crepes for a long time, but granted his wish, because its a special day. Tomorrow will be exciting, because I am to meet three other moms for lunch, two of them I never met. As a parent, I realized long ago that I dont always get to choose my friends any more. There were times that two moms got along very well, but the two kids did not. This time, I am meeting these moms because their sons are my sons friends. It should be fun!
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|3495 次阅读|1 个评论
annehuang 2010-2-4 08:49
中国男生娘娘腔!?可能很多男生会跳出来跟小编大吵了。但看着电视上越来越多性别不明、男女不清的偶像,真是让人不得不担忧起来。最近一名教授就出书立作,证明中国男生的成长环境,的确很可能把他们变成娘娘腔 中国男生越来越娘娘腔吗?   Chinese boys between the ages of 7 and 17 are 2.54 cm shorter than Japanese boys.Chinese boys are getting physically weaker.Chinese boys are now emotionally more vulnerable than girls。   7至17岁中国男生比同年龄的日本男生矮2.54厘米;中国男生体质越来越弱;中国男生在情感上比女生更容易受伤。   The above are all claims made by a new book, Save the Boys, that has onesimple warning for Chinese society: our boys are becoming more girly. Acombination of popular culture and an education system that in hibits masculine development is to blame, it adds。   以上这些言论都出自新书《救救男孩子们》该书警告中国社会:我们的男孩正在变得越来越娘娘腔。混合的流行文化和我们的教育体系正在扼杀男生们男子气概的发展。    Un-equal education    不公平的教育   We have talked so much about equal education for men and women in the past decades, says Sun Yunxiao, author of the book and a professor at China's Teenager Research Center, but we neglected the fact that boysand girls should be educated differently at school。   该书作者孙云晓(音)是中国青少年研究中的教授,他说:在过去的几十年里,我们谈论了太多关于男女要受平等教育的问题,但我们忽略了男生和女生其实在学校里应该接受区别教育。   Sun'sbook reveals how China's education system, which centers on exams, is amajor disadvantage for the growth of boys. Boys have to stop beingboys in schools; they have to sit still and be obedient. Boys with poor performances in exams feel discouraged by their educators and this hasa negative impact in their self-esteem, says Sun。   孙先生的书探讨了中国的教育制度过于集中于考试,是阻碍男生成长的主要不利因素。男生们在学校里都不能当男生了!他们必须乖乖坐着、好好表现。在考试中表现不好的男生得不到老师的鼓励,这对于他们自信心的成长是不利的。   According to Save the Boys, the traditional Chinese method of 'caged breeding'raises a child like a little emperor and doesn't encouragein dependence. Further more, the frequent absence of a father figure andthe over protection of the mother is another factor that makes Chinese boys more feminine。   《救救男孩子们》一书中还提到,传统中国式的圈养教育把孩子当做小皇帝养,并且不鼓励孩子独立。更进一步,父亲形象的经常缺失、以及母亲的过分保护都使得中国的男生越来越女性化。   Addin China's lack of male educators and the book has a strong argument: Chinese boys are developing in a predominately female environment。   书中还有一个强烈的观点:中国的早期教育缺少男性老师,因而中国男生是在一个女性掌控的环境中成长起来的。    Pop culture influences    流行文化的影响   The book also leaves blame for the change in Chinas males on the doorstep of Chinese popular culture. In recent years the pop culture industry,especially TV talent shows, has produced icons (Li Yuchun, for example)that blur the man/woman divide。   书中同时还认为中国流行文化改变了男性的形象。在近年来的流行文化工业中,特别是电视真人秀节目,制造了很多模糊男女差别的角色。   According to the Save the Boys, when Chinese boys grow up they imitate these gender-ambiguous pop culture influences instead of trying to take on more traditional male roles。   该书认为,在中国男孩的成长过程中,他们会模仿这些性别模糊的偶像、受流行文化的影响,而不是试着扮演更多传统的男性角色。   What will create these masculine men that Save the Boys is looking for?Sun writes on his blog, In order to have Chinese boys grow up to bereal men, they need to participate in sports。   那么到哪里去寻找《救救男孩子们》书中所期待的真男人呢?孙先生在他的博客里写道:为了使中国的男生们变成真正的男人,他们应该多运动。    The Save the Boys debate    关于救救男孩的争论   Sun's book has spurred arguments around the country about young Chinese boys' development.Professor Yuan Jun from Shanghai Normal University's Psychologydepartment is one of the loudest voices against Professor Suns theory。Although gender-neutral men often win talent shows, it doesn't meanboys will imitate their behaviors. These men are just a few of theicons that young boys see。   孙先生的书在国内引起了关于男生成长的诸多讨论。来自上海师范大学的袁军(音)教授就非常反对本书的理论。尽管中性的男人经常赢得真人秀,但并不代表其他男生就会去模仿他们的行为。这些偶像仅仅是小部分。   LiWendao, the other author of Save the Boys, counters this theorysaying that, the feminine men on TV do not influence grown-ups verymuch, but they cause severe confusions and even damage to children。   《救救男孩子们》的另一位作者李文道(音)反驳说:电视里女性化的男子并不会太多地影响成年人,但是他们却能给孩子带来严重的误导、甚至伤害。   Feministsentering into the debate question the root of the book's argument. In asociety where men and women are seen as equals, they question if it isnecessary to teach boys to behave like 'boys' and girls to behave like'girls.' Even if the book's claims are true, does this mean boys reallyneed to be 'saved?'   女权主义者也加入了讨论。他们认为在一个男女平等的社会里,是不是有必要教男生更像男生、女生更像女生。即便书里讲的都是真的,但男孩子们就真的到了要被拯救的地步吗?   There are some however who go further. Netizen Zi Le Shang comments thatChina will soon become second only to Thailand in producing ladyboys.Not even Save the Boys goes this far。   有的人更加极端。网友资乐商(音)评论道中国很快就会变成继泰国之后,第二大人妖产地。即便是原书都没有走这么远。 from: http://e.iciba.com/space-88-do-blog-id-1082168.html?from=slpop
个人分类: 生活点滴|1830 次阅读|0 个评论
twsliu 2010-1-31 18:20
能从这些资料里读到什么?请同仁发表意见。 能够想象吗? 在轰轰烈烈的文化大革命中,革命战斗队中的一位年轻的科学工作者找来各种各样的封资修中医药古籍资料,不断地翻呀翻呀,找到葛洪的一句话!
个人分类: 未分类|4045 次阅读|1 个评论
Five lessons that Americans should learn from China
何毓琦 2009-11-16 02:02
For new readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” , please read my 公告 栏 first. On the eve of the visit of President Obama to China, The 11/23/09 ( This is not a misprint. See reply to comment #2 below) issue of the Time magazine has a feature article with the above title. The lessons are: 1. Have ambitious goals 2. Education is important 3. Take care of your elders 4. Save more 5. Take the long view These may be second nature to Chinese citizens by culture or by necessity but are well worth repeating and apply to everyone in the world.
个人分类: 生活点滴|5996 次阅读|5 个评论
entomology 2009-10-8 21:15
如题。 我总有这样的疑惑:这两个奖是为西方的政治服务的?谁能解惑? 给出几个国家例子( 注:没有逐个核实是否与政治有关,仅统计一下表面数据 ): source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nobel_laureates_by_country#Russia Poland:波兰:12位获奖者,其中文学奖5个,和平奖1个 Wis?awa Szymborska , Literature, 1996 Joseph Rotblat *, Peace, 1995 Georges Charpak *, Physics, 1992 Lech Wa??sa , Peace, 1983 Roald Hoffmann *, Chemistry, 1981 Czes?aw Mi?osz , Literature, 1980 Isaac Bashevis Singer *, Literature, 1978 Tadeus Reichstein *, Physiology or Medicine, 1950 W?adys?aw Reymont , Literature, 1924 Marie Sk?odowska-Curie *, Chemistry, 1911 Henryk Sienkiewicz , Literature, 1905 Marie Sk?odowska-Curie *, Physics, 1903 Russia 俄罗斯:23位,其中文学奖5个,和平奖1个 Leonid Hurwicz *, Economics, 2007 Alexei A. Abrikosov , Physics, 2003 Vitaly Ginzburg , Physics, 2003 Zhores I. Alferov , Physics, 2000 Mikhail Gorbachev , Peace, 1990 Iosif Aleksandrovich Brodsky *, Literature, 1987 Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa , Physics, 1978 Ilya Prigogine *, Chemistry, 1977 Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov , Peace, 1975 Leonid Kantorovich , Economics, 1975 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn , Literature, 1970 Michail Sholokhov , Literature, 1965 Nicolay G. Basov , Physics, 1964 Aleksandr M. Prokhorov , Australia , Physics, 1964 Lev Landau , Physics, 1962 Boris Pasternak , Literature, 1958 (forced to decline) Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov , Physics, 1958 Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm , Physics, 1958 Ilya Mikhailovich Frank , Physics, 1958 Nikolay Semyonov , Chemistry, 1956 Ivan Bunin *, Literature, 1933 Ilya Mechnikov , Physiology or Medicine, 1908 Ivan Pavlov , Physiology or Medicine, 1904 Romania 罗马尼亚:3位,其中文学奖1位,和平奖1位 Herta Mller *, Literature, 2009 Elie Wiesel *, Peace, 1986 George E. Palade *, Physiology or Medicine, 1974 Iran 伊朗:2位,其中文学奖1位,和平奖1位 Doris Lessing *, Literature, 2007 Shirin Ebadi , Peace, 2003
个人分类: 扯闲皮儿 Babble Chat|3440 次阅读|0 个评论
entomology 2009-10-6 19:54
O(_)O~把去年的题目拿来重新用了。 http://news.ifeng.com/world/200910/1006_16_1377662.shtml 一名华人科学家以及两名美国科学家获得2009年诺贝尔物理学奖 华人科学家高锟 新华网斯德哥尔摩10月6日电 瑞典皇家科学院6日宣布,将2009年诺贝尔物理学奖授予英国华裔科学家高锟以及美国科学家威拉德博伊尔和乔治史密斯。 瑞典皇家科学院说,高锟在有关光在纤维中的传输以用于光学通信方面取得了突破性成就,他将获得今年物理学奖一半的奖金,共500万瑞典克朗(约合70万美元);博伊尔和史密斯发明了半导体成像器件电荷耦合器件(CCD)图像传感器,将分享今年物理学奖另一半奖金。 高锟1933年出生于中国上海,曾任香港中文大学校长。博伊尔1924年出生于加拿大阿默斯特,史密斯1930年出生于美国纽约,1969年博伊尔和史密斯在贝尔实验室工作时发明了CCD图像传感器。 与去年相同,今年诺贝尔奖每项奖金仍为 1000 万瑞典克朗(约合140万美元)。按照传统,2009年诺贝尔奖颁奖仪式依然将在今年12月10日诺贝尔逝世纪念日这一天举行。除和平奖颁奖仪式在挪威首都奥斯陆举行以外,生理学或医学奖、物理学奖、化学奖、文学奖和经济学奖都将在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩举行。 中国香港科学家高锟将获得一半的奖金,博伊尔和乔治-史密斯将分享剩下的一半奖金。
个人分类: 扯闲皮儿 Babble Chat|3061 次阅读|1 个评论
Michael Moore’s Movie “SiCKO” and US Health Care Reform
zuojun 2009-10-3 14:48
This is how Moore opened SiCKO. A young man had a deep cut that required stitches; since he had no insurance, he stitched together his cut himself. (I had to close my eyes, because I could not stand watching him.) A middle-aged man accidentally sawed off two finger tips of his left hand, and was given a price tag of reconnecting each one: the middle finger $60,000, and the ring finger $12,000. (You wonder HOW the hospital decided the middle finger was five times more important than the ring finger! I can think of only one reason: you need the middle finger to gesture the f-word.) Things got worse: someones young husband died of cancer because he was not allowed to receive certain treatments by the decision of the medical board; some mother lost her little girl because her insurance company insisted that her daughter be treated at a specific hospital in order to be covered by her insurance They are all Americans, citizens of one of the richest countries in the world! Why should we care about US health care system, since this is Chinese sciencenet? I think we can learn something from other countries, because sooner or later China will have to reform its own health care system. I visit China on average once a year for the last 10 years, and I heard one sad medical incident after another, not in the news but from my close friends. Yes, their loved ones died because of poor hospital care or careless medical incidents For someone like me who never worried about hospital visit as a child thanks to my mothers job, its hard to comprehend that my mother is now saving all she can because she is concerned about her ability to pay in case of medical emergency. She is better off than most Chinese, because her medical expenses are 80% covered. However, the 20% is such a burden that she doesnt know if she will have enough saving for the 20%x(unknown medical bills). If a retired medical school professor like her has to worry about health care, what about the average Chinese? p.s. The US health care system I have been using just before my sons birth is the so-called HMO (health maintenance organization), the very system criticized by Michael Moores movie, SiCKO. Do I like HMO? I think I am 85% satisfied with its service. However, I have heard incidents from friends, and horrible ones in the news. If you put the worst cases into a movie, as Moore did, the viewers are going to be shocked and scared, as I was. However, there is hope, even for Americans. To find out the answers, please watch SiCKO.
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|4182 次阅读|1 个评论
Museum of Chinese Americans (MOCA) in New York City
何毓琦 2009-9-30 21:39
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends”please read my 公告 栏 first. The NY Times has been covering the MOCA this month. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/30/nyregion/30chinese.html http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/22/arts/design/22museum.html They are well worth reading. I plan to visit it next time I am in New York. However, if NYT is currently blocked in China, then tell me and I'll try to post them here (there is nothing controversal or politically incorrect in these articles).
个人分类: 生活点滴|4662 次阅读|0 个评论
YANG Fumin:Chinese SLR Network
jlpemail 2008-11-13 16:48
YANG Fumin : Chinese SLR Network http://www.gfy.ku.dk/~iag/prchina03/PROGRESS% 20IN %20SLR%20AND%20VLBI%20ACTIVITIES% 20IN %20CHINA.htm PROGRESS IN SLR AND VLBI ACTIVITIES IN CHINA YANG Fumin and HONG Xiaoyu Shanghai Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nandan Road , Shanghai 200030, China yangfm @ center.shao.ac.cn The Chinese SLR Network consists of 5 fixed stations located in Shanghai , Changchun , Beijing , Wuhan and Kunming and 2 Mobile systems, namely CTLRS and CROS (Yang, 2001). The characteristics of the Chinese SLR stations are listed in Table 1. The active-passive mode-locked Nd:YAG lasers (100 mj, 200 ps) are used in Changchun , Beijing and Kunming , and the SFUR mode-locked Nd:YAG lasers (30 mj, 50 ps) are adopted in Shanghai , Wuhan , CTLRS and TROS. Except CTLRS, all stations are equipped with C-SPAD receivers, which have some advantages: single photon sensitivity, large dynamic range for return signals, low time jitter, compact and rugged design. All stations have the HP 58503A GPS time and frequency receivers. Most of above-mentioned instrumentation were supported by the national project ??the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China?? and installed at the stations since 1997. The single-shot ranging precision for Lageos for Shanghai , Changchun , Beijing and Wuhan is about 12 - 20 mm , and 20 - 30 mm for Kunming and the mobile systems. Shanghai Station developed a multi-satellite alternate tracking and control system and can easily switch tracking of space objects within 20 seconds. The Shanghai Station has daylight tracking capability (Yang, 1999). Table 1. Characteristics of the Chinese SLR Stations (2002) City Shanghai Changchun Beijing Wuhan Kunming CTLRS TROS Station ID 7837 7237 7249 7231 7820 * ** Aperture of receiving telescope 60 cm 60 cm 60 cm 60 cm 120 cm 35 cm 38 cm Aperture of transmitter 15 cm 15 cm 16 cm 10 cm 120 cm 10 cm 10 cm Pulse energy (532 nm) 30 mJ 50 ?? 100 mJ 50 ?? 100 mJ 30 mJ 100 ?? 150 mJ 30 mJ 30 mJ Pulse width 50 ps 200 ps 200 ps 50 ps 200 ps 50 ps 50 ps Repetition rate 4 ?? 8 Hz 4 ?? 10 Hz 4 ?? 10 Hz 4 ?? 8 Hz 4 ?? 5 Hz 4 ?? 8 Hz 4 ?? 10 Hz Type of receiver SPAD SPAD SPAD SPAD MCP-PMT MCP-PMT SPAD MCP-PMT SPAD (to be continued) City Shanghai Changchun Beijing Wuhan Kunming CTLRS TROS Time interval unit HP5370B HP5370B SR620 SR620 SR620 SR620 SR620 Frequency standard HP 58503A HP 58503A HP 58503A HP 58503A HP 58503A HP 58503A HP 58503A Ranging precision 1 ?? 2 cm 1 ?? 2 cm 1 ?? 2 cm 1 ?? 2 cm 2 ?? 3 cm 2 ?? 3 cm 2 ?? 3 cm Operation Since 1983 Since 1992 Since 1994 Since 1988 Since 1998 Since 2000 Since 2000 Note: 7837 Shanghai Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences 7237 Changchun Satellite Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences 7249 Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping ( Beijing ) 7231 Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences ( Wuhan ) and Institute of Seismology , the State Bureau of Seismology ( Wuhan ) 7820 Yunnan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences( Kunming ) CTLRS Xi??an Institute of Surveying and Mapping TROS Institute of Seismology, the State Bureau of Seismology ( Wuhan ) The satellite laser ranging experiment with sub-centimeter single-shot precision was carried out at Shanghai Observatory in collaboration with the Czech Technical University . A portable Pico Event Timer and independent data acquisition and processing software package was brought to Shanghai and was operated in parallel to the existed SLR system and has tracked 10 passes satellites which have better distribution of retroreflectors with 7 - 8 mm single shot precision during August 16 - 22, 2001. No obvious biases were detected in the experiment. Changchun Station has good weather and has achieved the requirements of a standard station both in data quality and quantity as issued by ILRS. The system biases for most of the stations are of serious concern, thus the calibration techniques and local surveys are carefully investigated. The mobile system TROS was moved to Urumqi , the biggest city in the northwest border and had tracked 44 passes of Lageos from April 23 to June 5, 2001. Afterwards, the TROS was moved to Lhasa , Tibet in June 2001, and left in January 2002. It had obtained 102 passes from Lageos and 129 passes from other satellites. The operation center and data center for the Chinese SLR Network have been set up at Shanghai Observatory. For almost twenty years, the Shanghai Observatory has pursued the high precision processing of SLR data for many geodetic and geophysical investigations. Shanghai Observatory developed the software package SHORDE (Shanghai ORbit DEtermination), which has been used for the analysis of SLR data since 1982. Since September 1999, Shanghai Observatory has published the Lageos data analysis report for the global stations every week at web site: http://center.shao.ac.cn/APSG/Newsletter/index.htm Shanghai Observatory is acting as an associate analysis center within the ILRS (Feng, 2000). There is a new cooperation agreement between the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences and San Juan Observatory , Argentina . A new fixed SLR station will be installed at San Juan Observatory by 2003. The plan is supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology , China . The characteristics of the SLR system will be the same as the Beijing Station.
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