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[转载]智能手机变3D扫描仪 预计明年发售
alaclp 2015-11-9 00:23
【 科技 讯】10月17日消息,智能 手机 的拍照品质如今都已经非常强大,但与此同时,各种新奇的小配件依然能为我们的 手机 带来许多贴心小功能。最近,众筹平台Kickstarter上就出现了一部名为Bevel的小装置,它的作用是将手机变成一部3D扫描仪。   Bevel在使用时需要插入手机的耳机插孔,它会将摄像头的拍摄能力与自身发射的激光(对人眼无害)相结合,来对物体进行三维扫描。完成之后,你能够以三维角度浏览扫描图像,将其转换为GIF 图片 ,与好友分享,或是发送到社交媒体。当然,你还可以利用3D打印机将该模型数据制作成新的实体。   Bevel配套的应用程序兼Android和iOS平台,其本身需要通过USB接口充电,续航据称可达一天。在工作当中,它还会从你的手机当中获取少量电源,但不会对手机续航产生明显影响。   这款设备目前尚处于众筹阶段,售价49美元(约合人民币314元),预计明年3月份发货。 来源:http://www.kejixun.com/article/201510/129389.html
个人分类: 立体视觉|775 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 4 charlesqwu 2012-5-14 12:39
人为什么长两只眼睛? Why do human beings have two eyes in each of us? If you search “why two eyes” in English and/or Chinese, you will see that this question has been asked and answered on many websites. The most frequently offered answer to this question is like this: “Two eyes provide us with stereo vision (namely, stereopsis) and depth perception - 3 dimensional view.” For example, see the following websites: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080726090341AAFSuxa (English) http://ks.cn.yahoo.com/question/269090.html (Chinese) However, this answer is wrong! First of all, humans are mammals; and many mammals have two eyes yet do not possess stereo vision at all – therefore, it is difficult to image that the evolution of two eyes is for stereo vision in the first place. Secondly, about 10% of us (human beings) are stereo-blind even though they do have two eyes. Again, it is difficult to image that 10% of us have two eyes yet have already lost the initial evolutionary purpose of having two eyes. So, why did human beings (or any animals like us in this respect) evolve with two eyes? I would like to hear whether anyone here has thought or read about this question. Normal two eyes and squints / strabismus (who most likely are stereo-blind)
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