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热度 3 huangfuqiang 2012-4-2 22:16
何为智能(Intelligence)?简单讲就是一种决策能力。谁可以有智能?生物可以有,就是生物智能,或者称谓为自然智能;具有人工生命的人造物可以有智能,可以称之为人工智能,是人赋予主体的决策能力,是仿生的或者说是仿自然的,这也是人类努力延展的能力。然而后者一直并不理想。自然智能是生物主体或生物群主体自我组织的、自主生成的,有非常复杂的背景交互过程,是情境化的,智能生成论是迎合达尔文与孟德尔的。人类模拟自然智能为非生物主体或非生物主体群设计智能,这是仿生的。仿生的目的是要解决棘手问题,而且这类问题具有自然智能情境的极大相似性,引入仿生智能,可以达到问题解决的相对优化状态,使仿生智能系统更具有优化的决策能力与自组织能力。仿生智能优化算法,也可称之为软计算方法,现在所取得的成果都基于浅显的形式化建构,并没有深入到待仿生物或生物群的本质抽象,原因很简单,因为,生物智能本质我们并没有搞清楚,即使将来搞清楚了,如何表达?如何抽象?也是一个复杂的具有交叉性的科学与工程问题。仿生智能的理论基础现在明显薄弱,数理的精确性与自然智能的灵活性如何沟通,这是一个永恒的命题,概率、统计、模糊、逻辑、推理、验证等齐上阵,也才这样。认知系统科学与哲学的发展会起到极大的推动作用,综合性、复杂性、网络性、抽象性等,有时思考的会蒙头转向,不知所措。现在简单应用(形式简单)如火如荼,大量制造,复杂度问题乱象丛生。 以下来自维基百科: Self-Organizing Networks are commonly divided into three subareas: Self-configuration Self-configuration strives towards the 'plug-and-play' paradigm in the way that new base stations shall automatically be configured and integrated into the network. This means both connectivity establishment, and download of configuration parameters and software. Self-optimisation The base station parameters can be regularly adjusted, based on both base station and mobile station observations. One of the first SON features establishes neighbor relations automatically (ANR), while others optimize random access parameters or mobility robustness in terms of handover oscillations. Self-healing When some nodes in the network becomes inoperative, self-healing mechanisms aims at reducing the impacts from the failure, for example by adjusting parameters and algorithms in adjacent cells so that other nodes can support the users that were supported by the failing node.
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