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热度 2 qpzeng 2015-8-26 08:59
碳氢链上含有双键的不饱和脂肪酸(多烯脂肪酸)往往对健康有益已经成为人们的共识,而日常服用含有二十碳五烯酸(EPA)、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)等ω-3脂肪酸的“深海鱼油”被认为能防止心脏病、老年痴呆症及其他衰老相关疾病。 以往研究表明,DHA能减少阿尔茨海默病 模型 小鼠大脑中 β-淀粉样蛋白形成的沉积斑,但2011年在人体中开展的临床研究却得出DHA不能缓解轻微至中度阿尔茨海默症状的结论。更有甚者,一项为期5年共有4000名平均年龄72岁老年人参与的最新研究披露, ω-3脂肪酸不能逆转老年认知力下降。 作者对这一结果的解释是,可能与服用的时机及服用的方式有关,比如发病之前的预防性服用以及直接食用海产品而不是补充剂,因为已有大量研究发现平常多吃鱼可以降低视网膜黄斑性退化(AMD)、心血管病和老年痴呆症的发病率。 据作者介绍,他们发现服用高剂量抗氧化剂和矿物质,可以减慢AMD进展速度,这为解释 ω-3脂肪酸的矛盾结论提供了一条有趣的线索。假如把 ω-3脂肪酸仅仅当做抗氧化剂,那么在已服用抗氧化剂配方的患者中再补充抗氧化剂当然看不到差异。 事实上, ω-3脂肪酸也许只能起抗氧化剂的作用,而其抗氧化效果则取决于服用的剂量和吸收的效率。若剂量足够而且吸收充分,它们应该能发挥预防恶化及缓解病情的作用。相反,因个体差异导致的吸收障碍必然影响实验结果,从而得出无效的结论。 目前对阿尔茨海默病的发病机理仍不了解,我们假定 β-淀粉样蛋白的沉积是早老性蛋白硝基化导致错误折叠的结果。假如这个假说能获得证实,那么就能合理地解释 ω-3脂肪酸对 阿尔茨海默病有效而对其他老年病低效甚至无效的研究结论。 蛋白质硝基化是由过氧化亚硝酸根负离子(ONOO - )介导的,而 ONOO - 的形成既需要有一氧化氮(NO),也需要有超氧阴离子( · O - ),两者在慢性炎症下可以大量产生。若此时加入抗氧化剂,就能淬灭 · O - ,使 ONOO - 无法形成,于是蛋白质硝基化被阻断, 早老性蛋白不会出现错误折叠, β-淀粉样蛋白沉积也就不再发生。 至于其他老年性疾病,并不一定涉及 蛋白质硝基化,如心血管病可能只与慢性炎症直接相关,从而导致血管损伤、粥样硬化、血压异常等症状。因此,不仅服用 ω-3脂肪酸无益,而且补充其他抗氧化剂也可能收效甚微。 由此可以得出初步结论, 此研究因在复方中同时使用了 ω-3脂肪酸和抗氧化剂,故得出 ω-3脂肪酸对于防止老年痴呆症认知力下降无效的结论并不具有说服力,有待今后进一步设计甄别实验加以澄清。 附:几篇相关报道 DHA Improves Memory and Cognitive Function in Older Adults, Study Suggests Boosting Mental Performance With Fish Oil? Omega-3 Fatty Acids Don't Improve Heart's Ability to Relax and Efficiently Refill With Blood No benefit of omega-3 supplements for cognitive decline, study shows Date:August 25, 2015 Source:NIH, National Eye Institute (NEI) Summary: While some research suggests that a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids can protect brain health, a large clinical trial found that omega-3 supplements did not slow cognitive decline in older persons. With 4,000 patients followed over a five-year period, the study is one of the largest and longest of its kind. Share: 0 0 19 10 Total shares: 29 FULL STORY NIH study raises doubt about any benefits omega-3 and dietary supplements like these may have for cognitive decline. Credit: Photo courtesy of NEI While some research suggests that a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids can protect brain health, a large clinical trial by researchers at the National Institutes of Health found that omega-3 supplements did not slow cognitive decline in older persons. With 4,000 patients followed over a five-year period, the study is one of the largest and longest of its kind. It was published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association . Contrary to popular belief, we didn't see any benefit of omega-3 supplements for stopping cognitive decline, said Emily Chew, M.D., deputy director of the Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications and deputy clinical director at the National Eye Institute (NEI), part of NIH. Dr. Chew leads the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), which was designed to investigate a combination of nutritional supplements for slowing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a major cause of vision loss among older Americans. That study established that daily high doses of certain antioxidants and minerals -- called the AREDS formulation -- can help slow the progression to advanced AMD. A later study, called AREDS2, tested the addition of omega-3 fatty acids to the AREDS formula. But the omega-3's made no difference. Omega-3 fatty acids are made by marine algae and are concentrated in fish oils; they are believed to be responsible for the health benefits associated with regularly eating fish, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut.* Where studies have surveyed people on their dietary habits and health, they've found that regular consumption of fish is associated with lower rates of AMD, cardiovascular disease, and possibly dementia. We've seen data that eating foods with omega-3 may have a benefit for eye, brain, and heart health, Dr. Chew explained. Omega-3 supplements are available over the counter and often labeled as supporting brain health. A large 2011 study found that omega-3 supplements did not improve the brain health of older patients with preexisting heart disease. With AREDS2, Dr. Chew and her team saw another opportunity to investigate the possible cognitive benefits of omega-3 supplements, she said. All participants had early or intermediate AMD. They were 72 years old on average and 58 percent were female. They were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: 1) Placebo (an inert pill) 2) Omega-3 3) Lutein and zeaxanthin (nutrients found in large amounts in green leafy vegetables) 4) Omega-3 and Lutein/zeaxanthin Because all participants were at risk for worsening of their AMD, they were also offered the original or a modified version of the AREDS formulation (without omega-3 or lutein/zeaxanthin). Participants were given cognitive function tests at the beginning of the study to establish a baseline, then at two and four years later. The tests, all validated and used in previous cognitive function studies, included eight parts designed to test immediate and delayed recall, attention and memory, and processing speed. The cognition scores of each subgroup decreased to a similar extent over time, indicating that no combination of nutritional supplements made a difference. Alzheimer's disease, which is the most common cause of dementia and affects as many as 5.1 million Americans age 65 and older in the U.S., may triple in the next 40 years. Some research has examined the potential benefits of DHA for Alzheimer's. Studies in mice specially bred to have features of the disease found that DHA reduces beta-amyloid plaques, abnormal protein deposits in the brain that are a hallmark of Alzheimer's, although a clinical trial of DHA showed no impact on people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. The AREDS2 data add to our efforts to understand the relationship between dietary components and Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline, said Lenore Launer, Ph.D. senior investigator in the Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Science at the National Institute on Aging. It may be, for example, that the timing of nutrients, or consuming them in a certain dietary pattern, has an impact. More research would be needed to see if dietary patterns or taking the supplements earlier in the development of diseases like Alzheimer's would make a difference. * Other omega-3 fatty acids are found in plant foods such as flaxseed, walnuts, soy products, and canola and soybean oils. Specific omega-3 fatty acids from these sources were not studied. The cognitive function component of AREDS2 was supported by the NEI Intramural Research Program and contracts HHS-N-260-2005-00007-C. Additional research funds were provided by the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements; the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health; the National Institute on Aging; the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Story Source: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by NIH, National Eye Institute (NEI) . Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. Journal Reference : Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2) Research Group. Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Lutein/Zeaxanthin, or other Nutrient Supplementation on Cognitive Function: The AREDS2 Randomized Clinical Trial . JAMA , 2015
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GongChen 2014-6-19 13:09
http://nature.bio1000.com/neuroscience/201406/333.html 期刊名: Nature Communications 日期:2014-06-16 DOI:10.1038/ncomms5159 标签: 星形胶质细胞 GABA 海马齿状回神经元 摘要 : 日前,由宾夕法尼亚州立大学生物系Verne M. Willaman 冠名主任教授陈功博士带领的研究团队,发现星形胶质细胞中高浓度的 GABA是通过其特有的GABA转运体进行释放,导致海马齿状回神经元受到过度的 GABA 抑制作用,从而不能像正常神经细胞一样发放动作电位,从而导致记忆下降。相关文章发表于2014年6月13日的《自然-通讯》杂志上。 日前,由宾夕法尼亚州立大学生物系Verne M. Willaman 冠名主任教授陈功博士带领的研究团队,发现星形胶质细胞中高浓度的 GABA是通过其特有的GABA转运体进行释放,导致海马齿状回神经元受到过度的 GABA 抑制作用,从而不能像正常神经细胞一样发放动作电位。相关文章发表于2014年6月13日的《自然-通讯》杂志上。 近年来失败的临床试验多以淀粉样蛋白作为靶向分子而设计药物。淀粉样蛋白在大脑中形成老年斑,毒杀大脑内神经细胞,现已成为诊断阿尔茨海默氏症的公认标准之一。然而从源头上减少淀粉样蛋白并不能有效地治疗老年痴呆症,需要新思路。“目前,我们实验室和国际上许多其他研究组的研究方向开始转向寻找新的药物靶点,开发诊断和治疗阿尔兹海默病的新方法”,陈功教授解释到。 “最近我们发现,在死于阿尔茨海默氏症的患者大脑中,有异常高浓度的一种抑制性神经递质,”陈教授说。他领导的研究小组发现,神经递质GABA(γ-氨基丁酸)在大脑海马齿状回的应激性星形胶质细胞里有大量聚集。海马齿状回是大脑的核心区域,是通往海马的门户,与大脑学习和记忆密切相关。在健康大脑中,正常星形胶质细胞具有支持神经元并连接大脑血管的功能。“我们的研究表明,阿尔茨海默氏症患者的应激性星形胶质细胞中有着高浓度的GABA,可能是一种新型的生物标志物。我们希望通过进一步的研究,使这一发现能成为阿尔茨海默病的新的诊断工具和进行针对性治疗的新靶点”,陈教授说。 陈功教授的博士后组员吴政博士开发了一种新的实验分析方法来评价正常小鼠和阿尔茨海默病转 基因 模型小鼠(AD 小鼠)大脑中神经递质浓度的差异。我们对AD 小鼠的研究显示,海马内高浓度的GABA 与其学习记忆障碍有明确关联,陈功教授说。他的实验室发现星形胶质细胞中高浓度的 GABA是通过其特有的GABA转运体进行释放,导致海马齿状回神经元受到过度的 GABA 抑制作用,从而不能像正常神经细胞一样发放动作电位。而神经细胞发放正常的动作电位,是学习记忆的重要基础。因此,星形胶质细胞特异性GABA转运体也是该研究中发现的新型药物靶点。 更重要的是,我们通过抑制星形胶质细胞的 GABA 转运体,减少应激性星形胶质细胞的GABA 释放,从而降低AD小鼠脑内的GABA抑制,结果发现AD小鼠的记忆能力增强了。这个结果令我们非常兴奋和鼓舞,因为这或许可以解释为什么以往那些只针对淀粉样蛋白的药物临床试验都以失败而告终。一种可能的解释是,虽然这些药物可以有效地减少淀粉样蛋白的沉积,但淀粉样蛋白可能是阿尔茨海默氏症的诱因,却不一定是终极原因。其触发的一系列下游信号通路的改变,如我们发现的过度GABA 抑制,并不能通过简单的降低淀粉样蛋白而改善。我们认为减少老年痴呆症患者大脑海马内的过度抑制,可能会是一种新型疗法。最终的成功治疗老年痴呆症的方案可能是一种同时作用于几个靶点的鸡尾酒疗法,陈教授总结说。 除了陈功教授,该研究团队还包括来自宾夕法尼亚州立大学的博士后吴政,博士研究生郭梓园和来自埃默里大学的Marla Gearing. 原文摘要: Tonic inhibition in dentate gyrus impairs long-term potentiation and memory in an Alzhiemer’s disease model Zheng Wu, Ziyuan Guo, Marla Gearing Gong Chen Amyloid plaques and tau tangles are common pathological hallmarks for Alzheimer’s disease (AD); however, reducing Aβ production failed to relieve the symptoms of AD patients. Here we report a high GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) content in reactive astrocytes in the dentate gyrus (DG) of a mouse model for AD (5xFAD) that results in increased tonic inhibition and memory deficit. We also confirm in human AD patient brains that dentate astrocytes have a high GABA content, suggesting that high astrocytic GABA level may be a novel biomarker and a potential diagnostic tool for AD. The excessive GABA in 5xFAD astrocytes is released through an astrocyte-specific GABA transporter GAT3/4, and significantly enhances tonic GABA inhibition in dentate granule cells. importantly, reducing tonic inhibition in 5xFAD mice rescues the impairment of long-term potentiation (LTP) and memory deficit. Thus, reducing tonic GABA inhibition in the DG may lead to a novel therapy for AD.
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预防老年痴-- 写在全国高血压日和重阳节之间
hucs 2013-10-12 21:50
预防老年痴 -- 写在全国高血压日和重阳节之间 胡春松 年龄八九十, 最怕老年痴。 失聪失语忆, 老人常走失。 孤独和空巢, 外界接触少。 衰老不可治, 走失可防止。 鼓励多活动, 佩带黄标志。 定位有手机, 短信查位置。 爱心联系卡, 平安回到家。 注: 作于南昌大学,2013年10月11日。作者 胡春松:医生 、 诗人 、 在职博士。 每年10月8日是全国高血压日。 今年1 0 月13日是我国 重阳节 。随着老龄化社会的到来,目前我国高血压人群已超2.6亿。其中,老年高血压患者容易罹患老年痴呆症。由此,城市老人走失事件每天都有发生,给家庭带来伤痛和折磨。因此,在重阳节来临之际,加强相关知识的宣传可以帮助减少相关事件的发生。 ---- 相关链接1: 人民网“我的中国梦”征文活动 胡春松作品“新春风·中国梦” ( http://dangjian.people.com.cn/n/2013/0416/c359613-21159028.html) 相关链接2 : 2010 年“放歌鄱阳湖”诗歌大赛:胡春松作品 《鄱阳湖》 ( http://blog.jxcn.cn/u/poyang/186426.html ) 相关链接3: 颂歌与祝福—献给中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛(2012年12月) ( http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-71966-656211.html ) ---- 作者简介: 胡春松,男,江西进贤人,中共党员,南昌大学在职博士,医生,诗人。著有医学专业著作以及诗书 《青春诗语》 (江西高校出版社,2011)、 《青春论语》 (网络版,纸质版待出版)、诗书 《美丽中国》 (待出版)、 《青春私语》 (写作中),是“岭峰体”诗歌提出者和主要代表人物之一,提出并建立了现(当)代诗歌评价的“五美”标准(结构美、意境美、思维美、语言美、韵律美);作品充满理想主义、浪漫主义与现实主义相交织的多重色彩。另有: 科学网博客 (2009.10-), 人民微博 (“颂子”,2013.3-),雅虎博客(2007.6-2009.9) 工作描述 :左手医学,右手诗学。
个人分类: 博士研究|1459 次阅读|0 个评论
Fangjinqin 2013-5-11 16:47
老年痴呆症的福音: 微芯片植入大脑可保存5到10年的记忆 ​ 据英国每日邮报报道,目前,一支美国研究小组认为,一种微芯片能够有助于建立受损大脑组织的记忆,预计未来两年内将植入志愿者大脑。 至关重要的植入器:科学家研究分析海马体,它是大脑形成长期记忆的部分(图中红色部分),可保存大约10年的记忆 记忆地图:美国斯坦福大学进行的一项独立研究建立了老鼠大脑海马体的透明动画 来自南加州大学、维克森林大学的科学家研究分析海马体,这是大脑负责形成长期记忆(大约10年)的部分。他们认为能够计算出人类的记忆如何形成,从而植入芯片帮助局部大脑受损、中风和老年痴呆症患者恢复记忆。 研究人员现已对老鼠和猴子大脑进行了实验,证实大脑信息可通过硅芯片的电信号进行复制。科学家指出,这种微芯片植入器可用于治疗癫痫患者。 这项研究令研究小组非常兴奋,他们认为一种记忆设备可能复制患者5-10年的记忆存储。南加州大学生物医学工程师、神经系统科学家特德-伯杰(Ted Berger)教授指出,我们并不是将某人的记忆返回至大脑,而是通过一个芯片植入器复制大脑记忆。 研究人员聚焦研究海马体,它是大脑深层组织,能够巩固整合短期至长期的记忆内容,他们希望电子芯片植入器能够复制大脑神经信息。维克森林大学生理学和药理学教授罗伯-汉普森强调,我们支持强化巩固海马体的信息,但是出于科学研究角度,这种微芯片能够研究大量的输入和输出记忆内容,从而取代海马体的功能,这样可以忽略海马体。 这种植入芯片有望帮助那些大脑局部伤害或者中风的患者,最终的目标是用于治疗老年痴呆症患者,但这需要更多的工作研究老年痴呆症对大脑构成的多重影响。(悠悠/编译) 更多阅读 英国每日邮报相关报道(英文)
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积极应对老伴的痴呆症, 共享生命欢乐的每一天
热度 77 jitaowang 2013-4-11 15:15
作者 : 王季陶 我和我夫人原来都是复旦大学的教授和博士生导师 ,1998 年 65 岁同年退休 . 她比我小几个月 . 退休一年多她刚好完成最后一名博士生的培养任务 , 就患上老年痴呆症 ( 又称阿尔茨海默病 ,Alzheimerdisease , AD ) . 最初的症状 : 她说 :“ 银行的密码记不住了 .” 要我管钱 . 而原来我根本就不管家中的钱 , 逐步不得已才管起来 . 在这一阶段可以称为 轻度记忆力减退期 , 周围的同事 , 除了很接近的 , 一般还不容易发现 . 她本人也还可以继续 “ 上班 ” 到学校 . 我俩从 51 年起就是交大化学系一年级的同班同学 .52 年院系调整到复旦形成一个约 150 人的大班级 . 她的记忆力是全班同学中是出名的 , 经常在大班级中考前三名的 . 在她担任化学系 “ 物理化学 ” 上百人的大班讲课时 , 每次接连 2 个学时的讲课 , 不需要任何讲稿 . 一支粉笔 , 拉开喉咙 , 像唱戏一样 , 一口气唱到下课 . 当时根本没有电脑和 PPT. 她的上课质量也是系内有名的 . 后来考上 CUSPEA 的出国留学生还专门来向她表示感谢 . 这样退休后的记忆力衰退 , 逐步就被医生诊断为老年痴呆症 . 这是一种中枢神经系统变性病,起病隐袭,病程呈慢性进行性 . 众所周知,美国前总统里根最后也是老年期痴呆症的患者 , 没有很好的方法来治疗 . 但是这是一种慢性病 , 我们也只能始终积极应对 , 希望减缓病情的发展进程 . 按照最近查看百度百科的说法 : 第一阶段(1-3年):为轻度痴呆期。表现为记忆减退,对近事遗忘突出;判断能力下降,病人不能对事件进行分析、思考、判断,难以处理复杂的问题;工作或家务劳动漫不经心,不能独立进行购物、经济事务等,社交困难;尽管仍能做些已熟悉的日常工作,但对新的事物却表现出茫然难解,情感淡漠,偶尔激惹,常有多疑;出现时间定向障碍,对所处的场所和人物能作出定向,对所处地理位置定向困难,复杂结构的视空间能力差;言语词汇少,命名困难。 第二阶段(2-10年):为中度痴呆期。表现为远近记忆严重受损,简单结构的视空间能力下降,时间、地点定向障碍;在处理问题、辨别事物的相似点和差异点方面有严重损害;不能独立进行室外活动,在穿衣、个人卫生以及保持个人仪表方面需要帮助;计算不能;出现各种神经症状,可见失语、失用和失认;情感由淡漠变为急躁不安,常走动不停,可见尿失禁。 第三阶段(8-12年):为重度痴呆期。严重记忆力丧失,仅存片段的记忆;日常生活不能自理,大小便失禁…等. 估计退休以后的10多年应该属于她的病症第一和第二阶段,同时也是我的科研成果的丰收期,我的6-7本“现代热力学”的系列专著基本上都是在这一阶段完成的.我俩退休两三年后,已经成为真正的形影不离,一旦分离她就会迷路丢失.我打电脑,她就坐在我身旁,积极相伴.我到上海北京路(生产资料一条街)买五金材料,她就和我一同去搬回来.我做实验和仪器设备,她也一同帮忙.为了应对她的行动逐步缓慢,我就自己动手配备起我们的“专用车辆”.第一部车约是2008年我在可利用的商品基础上自行设计改装成为两人共骑的四轮(前后各一轮中间两轮的)“双人骑黄鱼车”,我在前面骑并且掌握方向“龙头”,她在后面骑一同出力.学校门卫说:“一天四次(上午进出和下午进出)”,成为复旦的“一道风景线”,在我校的“复旦人”刊物上图文并茂地作过报道(2009,6月总第二期,98-99页).几年后她在后面不能坐稳的情况下,就在2011年底购买了第二辆车:电动残疾人车.我在前面开,她坐在后座的椅子中.尽管后期她已经无法正常用语言表达,大体上还可以说我们共同实现了常规期限的上限 .2007年我到美国参加国际会议时,她也和我一同到美国.2011年我参加贵阳的全国热力学和统计物理会议时她也和我一起.我在台上做大会报告时,就专门请一位主办方的女同学陪伴着她.要求:1.要保持使她能够看到我.2.万一要上厕所时,使用随身带的黑包中高脚痰盂作为便桶(因为当时她已经不能使用蹲坑式厕所). 今年2013年的元旦前后,她突然发生了激烈的生理变化,简直是一天一变,在几天内就基本丧失身体的平衡控制能力.医生作脑CT检查后说:脑萎缩明显,也没有什么药.在我的感觉中,似乎她的病情确实进入了 第三阶段. 现在只能说我一人仍然积极应对.当时一两天前,她还能够一天两次自己上下楼梯,突然就变成只能上不能下的局面.最后一次下楼时,几乎是顺着墙壁的扶手硬摩擦着下来的.这样我就再也不敢让她走下楼了,即使在室内或平地她也很快无法单独行走.于是我就全天(除了有钟点保姆时)陪伴在家中整整一个多月.从元旦到春节一个月内,我先后为她安装了厕所间的马桶扶手,使用了两天,第三天她又不能使用了.加固了洗澡的凳子,自行改装了一个椅子马桶(商品不合用)和一个轮椅,还铺设了到阳台的斜坡,这样让她可以坐在轮椅上推到阳台上晒太阳.过了春节就请了全天24小时的保姆在家一同照顾.目前可以说她的病情比较稳定地进入 第三阶段(8-12年):重度痴呆期. 幸运的是她仍然吃得下,睡得着,面色好.如果再能够这样维持 (8-12年) 那 就心满意足了.如今我俩都是虚龄81岁,谁也不知道:我俩谁的寿命更长.即使她是老年痴呆症的重度痴呆期,仍然不是完全无知.绝大多数情况下虽然她已经不能正确用语言来表达,别人也听不懂她的话.偶尔简单的直觉还能正确表达.例如,看到别人碰到台子时牛奶在碗中晃动,她就会说:“当心!”;看到熟鸡蛋在台面上慢慢滚动时就会用手按住等.我俩坐在一起时,她仍然会面对面地笑容满面,我也积极应对,共同度过生命欢乐的每一天. 附记:去年国际 阿尔茨海默症纪念日 , 电视节目中 ,“ 阿尔茨海默症病人 ” 对记者们的采访 , 对答如流 . 根本看不出是阿尔茨海默症的病人 . 可能是初期 , 更可能仅仅是一般性的老年健忘而已 , 并不是真正的阿尔茨海默症病人 .
个人分类: 纪实篇|8319 次阅读|183 个评论
songshuhui 2011-4-17 12:39
“丢掉自己”的病 1906 年,德国医生阿洛依斯•阿尔兹海默(Alois Alzheimer)接到了一个刚刚过世的女病人的大脑标本。这名瘦削而愁苦的女病人五年前被丈夫送到了精神病院。她无法与人正常交谈,答非所问,记忆严 重衰退,时而抑郁,时而躁狂。她反反复复地自言自语:“我丢掉了自己。”在生命的最后阶段,她进入彻底迷茫的痴呆阶段,最终死于败血症。 那时候,人们都认为智力水平衰减是衰老的正常现象。但是这个女人死时只有五十五岁,远远比其他出现痴呆症状的老年人年轻。正是这不寻常的年纪,让阿尔兹海默对她的大脑病理产生了兴趣。 那时,厄恩斯特•徕兹(Ernst Leitz)与卡尔•蔡斯(Carl Zeiss)已将光学显微镜技术大大推进,而著名的神经病理学家弗朗茨•尼斯(Franz Nissl)所发明的尼氏染色法更为科学家们观察神经细胞提供了极大的便利。正是在这样的背景之下,阿尔茨海默将这名患者的大脑样品固定、染色、切片,放 在了显微镜下。 出现在阿尔茨海默面前的,是令人吃惊、异常显著的病理特征:棕色斑块在大脑皮层随处可见,这些斑块表面布满短而弯的线段,仿佛是一块吸铁石上乱七八糟地吸 满大头针。同时,毛线团般的纤维像野草一样充满神经细胞的内部。后来人们意识到,正是这些具有鲜明特点的病变组织,阻止了神经细胞之间的正常交流,并造成 神经细胞大量死亡,大脑萎缩,最终导致阿尔兹海默症的发生——不论它发生在耄耋之年的老者,还是像这位德国妇女一样不幸的中年人身上。 这种疾病,即老年痴呆症,后来就以阿尔茨海默的名字命名。 随着人类社会医疗保健水平的提高,现代人类的平均寿命已经远远超出过去。而更多的长寿者,则意味着患有阿尔兹海默症的人也越来越多。目前全世界有三 千五百万阿尔兹海默症患者。随着人口老龄化的加快,据估计这一数字将在2050年前突破一亿。目前尚没有任何医学手段可以治愈阿尔兹海默症,但是经过许多 科学家的研究,却证实某些生活方式、环境因素与营养状态可以延缓阿尔兹海默症的发病时间。 老年痴呆症与多种语言 2007年时,加拿大的三位科学家就发现了这个有趣的现象。他们从多伦多一所诊所中找来180多名被诊断为痴呆的老年病人,通过对老人与其家人的调查,研究者们将老人划分为两组:那些从很早就开始在日常生活里使用两种语言的病人,与终其一生都主要使用一种语言的病人。 通过比较,他们发现前一种人无论是最初出现症状的平均年龄(根据家人回忆汇报)还是被诊断为老年痴呆症的平均年龄,都要比后一种人高出三到四年。换言之,老年痴呆症的症状在使用双语的人身上出现得更晚。 2010年,加拿大研究者利用蒙特利尔市历史形成的英法双语并存、并拥有大量外来移民者的情况,对使用语言的种类数量与老年痴呆症确诊年龄之间的关 系进行了观察。他们发现使用多种语言的人被诊断患病时的年纪更大,而且使用不同语言的种类越多,这种关联就越明显。有趣的是,在外来移民人群里,说双语与 阿尔兹海默症诊断年纪的关联格外显著。 无独有偶,在以色列的一些研究者对健康老人进行了研究,发现会说多种语言对这些人也有正面的影响。会说的语言越多,老人在各项认知测验上的表现就越 好——与加拿大的研究相似,这一关联在控制了教育、年龄、性别、出生地、移民状态之后依然不变,事实上,老人认知水平与其所说语言的数量之间的关联强过性 别教育等其他的因素。 可是,如果老年痴呆症是由大脑中长出的病变组织所导致,为什么使用语言的数量会对它的发展进程有所影响呢? 存得越多,用得越久 2001年,英国著名杂志《柳叶刀》上发表了一篇令人关注的文章。这篇文章的作者们对209名终年在70-103岁的老人进行了尸检,解剖并观察他 们的大脑。结果发现,在100名生前就被诊断为痴呆的老人脑中,不出意外的,其中2/3都展现出具有老年痴呆症特点的病理特征。但让人吃惊的是,在另外 109名身前认知水平完全正常的老人脑中,也有1/3具有此类病理特征,而且程度也与那些痴呆患者相当。 相似的情况在头部损伤的人群中也屡屡被发现:受到同样脑部伤害的病人,往往展现出不同的认知损伤程度。可见,我们大脑上物理性的损伤与功能性的损伤并不是完全吻合的。 根据这些研究,科学家们提出了一种储备与提取的概念。这一假说认为,我们的大脑就像一个银行账户,而在衰老的过程里我们一点点提空这个银行账户中的 储备。如果储备的金额越大,这个账户就越经用,出现危机的时间就会越晚。而这种储备又可以被分为两种:物理性大脑储备(brain reserve)和功能性认知储备(cognitive reserve)。 大脑储备比较容易理解:体积越大、神经细胞数量越多、神经细胞与细胞之间的链接越多越复杂,大脑就越能抵御衰老过程中神经细胞死亡所带来的负面影响。然而,科学家们认为,大脑的这些特质并不能解释大脑与大脑之间的区别。 事实上,我们在衰老的过程中,大脑也不是仅仅被动地忍受自己的“死亡”过程,而是积极地调动尚存的神经网络来弥补凋亡的神经网络所执行的功能。而大 脑能多好地做出这些弥补,很可能恰恰是决定老人什么时候出现痴呆症状的关键原因。基于这一理念,科学家们提出了一个很难界定的“认知储备”的概念,用来形 容大脑有效性与可塑性的高低。在过去多年的研究里,科学家们确实已经证明那些能够提高大脑认知储备的因素——譬如受教育程度高、在休闲时间参与用脑活动多 以及工作中需要使用脑力——确实与阿尔茨海默症的发病年龄较晚有联系。 多种语言:头脑体操 使用多种语言在建立大脑储备之中有什么作用呢? 直到上世纪六十年代,美国的大多数语言研究者还认为双语环境不利于幼儿的学习与认知,会导致孩子学习语言的速度变慢。然而,当把许多所谓的“混淆因 素”(confounding factor),譬如父母受教育程度、移民背景等加以考虑之后,实际上在双语环境中成长起来的幼儿并不见得学习语言更慢。更重要的是,他们在认知功能上呈 现出很多特殊的优势。 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校的教授贾雷德•戴蒙德(Jared Diamond)在《科学》杂志上发表评论,指出会说多种语言者的大脑的独特优势来自他们日常生活中的独特挑战。 事实上,我们每个人在每一分每一秒都被暴露在一个感觉与信息极度饱和的世界里——我们经常一面面对着工作,耳朵里却听着别人说话,鼻子里闻到背后同事午饭的香气,眼里瞥见走道尽头惊鸿一瞥的美女,而脑子里很可能正不为人察觉地考虑着今天晚饭的问题。 在这种复杂的环境刺激下,一个人若想要保持专注,就必须屏蔽掉绝大多数的“杂信号”,只将自己的精力放在该放的东西身上。而一旦任务转移,人就需要 赶快改变自己关注的重心,为此,很可能将一些先前被屏蔽的环境信号纳入雷达,却把把不再需要专心进行的事情放入屏蔽栏中去。这种屏蔽的能力与有效转移注意 力的能力,在戴蒙得看来,是人脑认知功能的关键。而他认为,使用多种语言的人在日常生活中的不经意间就在不断执行这样的练习。 试想,一名平时生活在英语与汉语环境中、能够使用两种语言的人,在听到英文的时候,就需要屏蔽自己脑中有关中文的区域,专心运用英语。另外,在听到“ai”这个发音的时候,此人也需要迅速作出判断,究竟是恋人深情款款地说“爱”呢,还是这人仅仅在指代自己“I”而已。 按照戴蒙得的逻辑:既然这样的时刻在多语者的一生中数不胜数,就使他们头脑中相当重要的一项功能——执行功能(executive function),得到了很好的训练,给头脑小金库里存入了更多的储备金。当这些人步入老年时,他们的大脑更经得起、也更能积极应对岁月的风蚀。 双语、多语研究从特定的角度揭示了“大脑储备”与“认知储备”对神经发育与衰老的影响。而每一个人既然无法改写衰老的命运,所能做的只是尽量使得自 己的大脑储备更深更广一些。而且,我们不必为错过儿童学习语言的黄金时期捶胸顿足,因为我们的大脑永远有着了不起的可塑性,甚至有研究表明在已经表现出痴 呆症状的老人身上,音乐、智力练习与特定休闲活动仍然能在一定程度上减缓痴呆的进程。“用进废退”、“亡羊补牢犹未晚”这些话,有时候的的确确是对的。 您也可能喜欢: 一周资讯点评21:植物太弱, 僵尸可能不够吃? 同性恋还是异性恋?呱呱落地便注定!【小红猪小分队出品】 人算不如天算 之 电脑中的微型大脑 当我们谈论大脑的时候我们在谈论些什么 关于“孕傻”:40余年的争吵一朝终结? 无觅
个人分类: 医学|1292 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2011-1-5 21:48
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个人分类: 老年健康|3638 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2010-12-18 11:05
长期便秘是老年人智力下降的罪魁祸首,有80%左右的老年便秘者易患老年痴呆症。   正常情况下,人体肠道内的细菌能将没有被消化的蛋白质分解成氨、吲哚、硫化氢和组织胺等有毒物质,这些有毒物质生成后可通过大便排出体外。而便秘患者由于不能正常排出这些有毒物质,久而久之,体内就会大量积累有毒物质。当体内的有毒物质积累到一定程度并超过肝脏的解毒能力时,就会随着血液循环慢慢进入大脑,损害人们的中枢神经系统,成为老年人智力下降的罪魁祸首。尤其是老年人进食量相对减少,消化功能也相对较差,代谢机能呈明显衰退的趋势,因此,老年人长期便秘极易引发老年痴呆症。   老年人便秘一般可分为痉挛性便秘和无力性便秘。痉挛性便秘大多是由于所进食物中含有香料和纤维过量而引发的,这类老年便秘患者应注意多吃些少渣的半流质食物,如牛奶、米粥、蛋汤和软米饭等,能够有效避免或减轻便秘症状。无力性便秘者大多是因为所进食物中脂肪含量不够、缺乏蔬菜水果和饮水不足引发的,这类老年便秘患者应多食用有渣食物,如粗粮、青菜、豆制品和含维生素B1比较多的食物等,以增加身体对纤维的摄入量,促进肠道蠕动,从而缓解便秘症状。易患便秘的老年人,要养成早起空腹饮一杯水、就寝前喝一杯酸奶的好习惯,对预防便秘能起到一定的作用。 http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB0an1r0evyz8lI5I1I00h001000j100300.y constipation AND Dementia 108 documents semantically analyzed 1 2 Top Years Publications 2009 14 2007 8 2010 7 2004 7 2001 7 2006 6 2005 6 2008 5 2003 4 1997 4 2002 3 1999 3 2000 3 1996 3 1994 3 1998 2 1995 2 1991 2 1988 2 1986 2 1 2 1 2 Top Countries Publications USA 34 United Kingdom 8 Japan 7 Netherlands 5 Spain 4 Germany 3 Italy 3 Australia 3 Sweden 2 New Zealand 2 Belgium 1 Czech Republic 1 Taiwan 1 Croatia 1 Turkmenistan 1 Austria 1 Portugal 1 France 1 China 1 Finland 1 1 2 1 2 3 Top Cities Publications Tokyo 4 Nijmegen 4 Rochester, MN, USA 3 Milwaukee 3 London 3 Boston 3 Valladolid 2 Atlanta 2 Auckland, New Zealand 2 Chicago 2 Brussels 1 Heidelberg 1 Spokane 1 Guildford 1 Dresden 1 Naples 1 Prague 1 Ume 1 San Diego 1 Los Angeles 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 Top Journals Publications J Am Med Dir Assoc 4 Eur J Clin Nutr 3 Drug Aging 3 J Clin Psychiat 3 Am J Gastroenterol 3 Am J Geriatr Pharmacother 2 Mayo Clin Proc 2 J Nutr Health Aging 2 Age Ageing 2 Movement Disord 2 Arch Intern Med 2 Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2 J Clin Gastroenterol 2 Nurs Times 2 Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr 2 Rinsho Shinkeigaku 2 Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2 Wien Med Wochenschr 2 J Am Geriatr Soc 2 Rev Med Brux 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 ... 55 Top Terms Publications Constipation 108 Humans 102 Dementia 92 Aged 71 Patients 60 Aged, 80 and over 32 Alzheimer Disease 26 Nursing 24 Nurses 24 Adult 23 Diagnosis 22 Parkinson Disease 22 Depression 20 Middle Aged 20 Nursing Homes 19 Prevalence 17 Comorbidity 17 Evaluation Studies as Topic 17 Risk Factors 17 Pharmaceutical Preparations 17 1 2 3 ... 55 1 2 3 ... 17 Top Authors Publications Van Weel C 3 Koopmans R 3 Van den Hoogen H 3 Kovch C 2 Noonan P 2 Cuellar L 2 De Luis D 2 Aller R 2 Izaola O 2 Terroba M 2 Lyman P 2 Volicer L 2 Lane P 2 Panke J 2 Kiely D 2 Jesudason V 2 Furner S 2 Lhle M 1 Reichmann H 1 Schneider C 1 1 2 3 ... 17
个人分类: 老年健康|2541 次阅读|1 个评论
xupeiyang 2010-12-4 12:17
http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2010/12/241036.shtm 研究显示杀虫剂可能增加罹患老年痴呆症风险 http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB012jamrtwdn90cIyI1I00h001000j100200010 Pesticides AND Alzheimer's disease 199 documents semantically analyzed 1 2 Top Years Publications 1998 23 2007 21 2000 21 2009 14 2001 12 1999 12 1997 12 2008 11 2005 11 2003 11 2004 9 1996 7 2010 6 2006 6 1995 6 2002 5 1994 4 1992 4 1993 2 1991 1 1 2 1 2 Top Countries Publications USA 109 Italy 10 Japan 7 Canada 6 Germany 6 France 6 United Kingdom 6 Spain 5 Hungary 5 Australia 4 Sweden 3 Switzerland 3 Chile 2 Israel 2 Ireland 2 Finland 2 Denmark 1 Czech Republic 1 China 1 Poland 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 Top Cities Publications Springfield, IL, USA 12 Gainesville 10 Los Angeles 10 Chicago 7 Durham 5 Paris 5 Szeged 5 Atlanta 4 Madrid 3 Baltimore 3 New York City 3 Boston 3 Rome 3 Augusta 3 Indianapolis 3 Seattle 3 Omaha 2 Coquimbo, Chile 2 Pisa 2 Ann Arbor 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 ... 7 Top Journals Publications J Clin Psychiat 8 Neurology 7 Ann Ny Acad Sci 6 Brain Res 5 Eur J Pharmacol 5 J Neurochem 4 J Biol Chem 4 J Pharmacol Exp Ther 4 Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 4 Method Find Exp Clin 4 Pharmacotherapy 4 Exp Neurol 3 Neuroscience 3 J Neurosci Res 3 P Natl Acad Sci Usa 3 Life Sci 3 J Neurophysiol 3 Neurochem Int 3 Alz Dis Assoc Dis 3 Drug Aging 3 1 2 3 ... 7 1 2 3 ... 101 Top Terms Publications Alzheimer Disease 189 Humans 133 Animals 108 Cholinesterase Inhibitors 94 Trichlorfon 80 Patients 62 Rats 62 Neurons 61 cholinesterase activity 55 Acetylcholinesterase 53 Cholinesterases 52 Pharmaceutical Preparations 52 acetylcholinesterase activity 49 Cholinesterase 48 Acetylcholinesterase 46 Cholinergic Agents 44 Parkinson Disease 43 Proteins 40 Pesticides 39 Aged 39 1 2 3 ... 101 1 2 3 ... 33 Top Authors Publications Cyrus P 10 Becker R 9 Moriearty P 8 Gulanski B 8 Cummings J 6 Unni L 6 Disterhoft J 5 Rakonczay Z 5 Giacobini E 5 Bieber F 5 Meyer E 4 Papke R 4 Vicari S 4 Kem W 3 Pereira E 3 King M 3 Bernardi G 3 Buccafusco J 3 Jonnala R 3 Ksa P 3 1 2 3 ... 33
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sheep021 2010-10-15 09:49
按:以下是一则2009年的新闻报道,蓝色字体是本博评论。 科研人员发现:猪脑中含有改善老年痴呆症物质 来源:汉网-长江日报 作者:李佳 孙击翔 民间有吃什么补什么的说法,猪脑被普遍认是能补充脑营养的食品,天麻炖猪脑甚至成为子女孝敬老人的一道菜记者昨日获悉, 同济医学院科研人员从猪脑中发现可对抗老年痴呆症的物质,并提取制成药物。   猪脑真的可延缓脑功能衰退吗?华中科技大学同济医学院精神卫生中心负责人陈红辉介绍,这种说法并不科学【 是不科学,但很传统 】。 但他表示,猪脑等生物脑内含有一种名为CNTF(睫状神经营养因子)的物质,对神经再生功能有保护作用,可提取后制成药物用于治疗老年痴呆症 。【 呵呵,有点婊子牌坊式的矛盾心理 】他的这一发现,因刊发在国际权威老年医学杂志《NeurobiologyofAging(衰老神经生物学)》上,获得2008年湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文特等奖。   陈红辉介绍,最出名的老年痴呆症患者要属美国总统里根,他83岁患病后只记得妻子南茜一人。像他一样,许老年痴呆症患者主要表现出记忆衰退,这是由于大脑主管短期记忆的海马区神经功能受到损害。最可疑的罪魁就是碱性成纤维因子,它抑制了神经再生,在老年痴呆症患者脑中被发现显著升高。CNTF可以对抗它。    科研人员发现,猴子等哺乳动物的大脑中含有CNTF。陈红辉介绍,2003年,他与奥地利一家生物医药公司合作,从低廉的猪脑中提取CNTF,合成多肽物质,制成药物,目前已在当地市场销售。   据介绍,尽管实验证明猪脑存在对人类可能有帮助的物质,但直接食用猪脑不能获取这种益处,并可能会增加脂肪和胆固醇的摄入。 【呵呵,切断退路,才有财路嘛!想健脑,买我的药物即可,千万别自己买猪脑吃,否则会吃出病的,高!真高!真不知道西药问世之前,人类都怎么活了, 据说老年痴呆症患者也是一个现代病哦,古时并不多见。科学家们可否解释一下,为什么 直接食用猪脑不能获取这种益处? 另外,千万别拿增加脂肪和胆固醇的摄入来吓唬人,每个人的每顿饭都少不了这玩意儿的摄入,也不在乎多吃一个猪脑吧? 再说了,真要彻底杜绝脂肪和胆固醇的摄入,人还能活吗?】 猪脑中只含有改善老年痴呆症物质吗? 还有别的物质吗? 需要加紧研究哦: 脑源性神经营养因子(brain derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)是1982年德国神经生物学家从猪脑中分离出来的小分子蛋白质 ,因猪、人、小鼠和人类的BDNF具有完全相同的氨基酸编码序列,且与神经生长因子(nerve growth factor,NGF)序列具有惊人的相似性,故被归属为神经生长因子家族成员。BNDF是由120个氨基酸组成的一种碱性蛋白,是神经营养因子家族成员之一,是由神经元的靶细胞分泌,逆向营养神经元,BNDF对神经细胞的生长发育及保护修复有重要作用,其生物学效应主要由二种类型的跨膜糖蛋白介导,一种是高亲和力受体TrKB,另一种是低亲合力神经营养素受体(LNGFR),其中TrKB是信号转导所必需的。TrKB的细胞外配体结合区与BNDF结合后可发生自磷酸化,继而发生一系列底物磷酸化反应,实现从细胞膜到细胞核的信息传递而引起细胞应答效应, TrKB主要表达在脑中。目前BDNF被认为是抗凋亡剂、抗氧化剂和钙通道阻滞剂。
个人分类: 感悟中医|594 次阅读|0 个评论
XUPEIYANG 2010-9-12 15:41
http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2010/9/237369.shtm 厦门大学生物医学研究院 张云武 教授和 许华曦 教授所领导的福建省神经退行性疾病及衰老研究重点实验室团队,最新鉴定出一个可以抑制老年痴呆症发病的小鼠新基因。这项成果目前已被《人类分子遗传学》( Human Molecular Genetics )接受并提前在网上发表。 http://hmg.oxfordjournals.org/content/19/19/3835.abstract?sid=d32374f2-3e48-4b71-94ed-14aee3383ad5 Title: A functional mouse retroposed gene Rps23r1 reduces Alzheimer's beta-amyloid levels and tau phosphorylation . PMID: 19914182 Related Articles Authors: Zhang, Y , et.al. Journal: Neuron , Vol. 64 (3): 328-40 , 2009 Snippet: Here, we identify a mouse gene Rps23r1 that originated through retroposition of ribosomal protein S23. Affiliation: Institute for Biomedical Research, Xiamen University, Xiamen , China . http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB09o7ocq82oxxsIjI1I00h001000j100500001002000001200301011000606 983 documents semantically analyzed Top Years Publications 2009 508 2008 176 2007 89 2006 76 2005 31 2010 26 2004 22 2002 14 2001 10 2003 9 1995 5 1999 4 2000 4 1996 3 1998 3 1994 1 1993 1 1980 1 1 2 Top Countries Publications USA 314 Japan 76 China 69 Germany 61 Spain 59 United Kingdom 51 Italy 31 Canada 28 Australia 26 Sweden 23 South Korea 21 Switzerland 18 Belgium 18 France 17 Israel 15 Netherlands 13 Russia 9 Portugal 8 Chile 8 Slovakia 8 1 2 1 2 3 ... 14 Top Cities Publications New York City 44 Madrid 43 Wuhan 33 Irvine 25 London 20 Baltimore 18 Seoul, South Korea 16 Los Angeles 15 Beijing, China 13 Sydney 12 Tokyo 12 Leipzig 10 Barcelona 9 Cambridge 9 Huddinge 9 Boston 9 Chicago 8 Leuven 8 Montreal 8 Bratislava 8 1 2 3 ... 14 1 2 3 ... 16 Top Journals Publications J Alzheimers Dis 71 J Neurosci 40 J Neurochem 35 J Biol Chem 31 Curr Alzheimer Res 29 Biochem Biophys Res Commun 24 Acta Neuropathol 23 Neurobiol Dis 21 Neurobiol Aging 21 Neurosci Lett 20 Febs Lett 20 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 17 J Med Chem 13 Am J Pathol 12 J Neurosci Res 11 Neuroscience 11 J Cell Mol Med 11 Brain Res 11 Eur J Neurosci 11 Biochim Biophys Acta 10 1 2 3 ... 16 1 2 3 ... 250 Top Authors Publications Avila J 23 Iqbal K 20 Wang J 16 Grundkeiqbal I 16 La Ferla F 15 Hernandez F 13 Oddo S 10 Wang Q 10 Goetz J 10 Takashima A 10 Gong C 9 Liu F 9 Perry G 9 Lucas J 8 Novk M 8 Li H 6 Ishiguro K 6 Perez M 6 Dickson D 5 Tian Q 5 1 2 3 ... 250 1 2 3 ... 274 Top Terms Publications Alzheimer Disease 853 Humans 692 Animals 672 Proteins 636 tau Proteins 593 Phosphorylation 525 Mice 445 Amyloid beta-Protein 429 phosphorylation 412 Neurons 408 hyperphosphorylation 342 Neurofibrillary Tangles 305 Phosphotransferases 288 Brain 269 tau protein binding 268 Mice, Transgenic 266 Pathology 260 Amyloid beta A4 protein 259 Transgenes 238 Senile Plaques 223 1 2 3 ... 274
个人分类: 基因组学|3809 次阅读|0 个评论
gl6866 2010-4-24 23:54
人上了四十岁以后,一定要多观察自己的脚,而年轻人也一定要多观察自己爹娘的脚,看看是不是有了痴呆线。如果有的话,就赶紧划拉他们脚上的小脑反射区。 最近几年,我遇到的得老年痴呆的人明显比前几年多。很多中年人到我这儿瞧病,都抱怨说,父母得了老年痴呆,像个傻小孩儿,脾气不小,还经常瞎胡闹,做儿女的简直是哭笑不得,都没办法了。还有的老年人得了老年痴呆,连家都找不着,做儿女的就满大街找爹找妈。 而且,我发现这个病有低龄化的趋势。很多人都说,这个病又没有前兆,总是得了以后才弄得家人措手不及。 其实,老年痴呆是可以提前发现的,而且可以通过做足部的反射区来防治。 有一年春节,我去哥哥家拜年,他家亲家母正好也过来了。闲聊的时候,我就给他们瞧瞧病。我看见他亲家的大脚趾外侧,也就是挨着二脚趾的那个地方有一条棱线。我说:“你要注意啊,你有老年痴呆的倾向。”她非常吃惊,说:“我妈就老年痴呆,我是不是有遗传啊?”我说:“你小脑有问题”,果然,我刚一摸她大脚趾根部的小脑反射区,她就嚷嚷说太疼了。 其实,她脚上的那条棱线就是痴呆线,严重的会形成一块硬皮,像茧子似的。好多女同志会说我这是穿高跟鞋穿的,男同志说我那个皮鞋有点紧。这些都没关系,如果你发现大脚趾外侧有这么一条茧子了,再摸摸你脚下的小脑反射区,要是疼的话,那就要注意了,这是痴呆症的前兆。 按揉小脑脑干反射区就能防治老年痴呆。 人上了四十岁以后,你一定要多观察自己的脚,而年轻人回家也一定要多看看自己爹娘的脚。年轻人,如果发现爸妈脚上有这个棱了,一定要常回家给他们做一做。方法很简单,就是在大脚趾根部的小脑脑干反射区,从脚趾缝往外推,用我教您的补泻一步法,顺着推,每天100 下,坚持两个月。就算从现在开始两个月天天做,也比父母痴呆了以后你 找不着他强。老年人自己也可以每天晚上泡完脚后搬起脚做它100 来下。不出两个来月,这个棱就消失了,这时,你的小脑就激活了。 在天津,有个著名话剧演员的夫人,原来是位医术高明的儿科大夫。她的八十大寿过得非常隆重,但八十岁零七天时就痴呆了。她姑娘从此有钱再也不敢让母亲拿着,怕丢了,只按月给她五百块钱零花。但是,每次拿完钱母亲都不高兴。有一次,姑娘给完钱,老人一下子就爆发了,说:“我得跟你谈谈,你们不能这样对待我。”她姑娘说:“怎么了?”老人说:“我的工资好多,你就给我五张。”姑娘听完哭也不是,笑也不是,只好换了五十张十块的给她。老人拿着钱就满意了,说:“我的工资就是这么多。”这件事听着可笑,想着可悲。 所以,您学了我教给您的方法,一定要付诸实践,千万别让自己的父母走到这一步。 在这里,我想跟所有的子女们说,孝敬父母一定要从观察父母的脚开始。现在每个星期花点时间摸摸父母的脚,不要等到你有一天满大街都找不到他的时候再到处找后悔药吃。
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chemicalbond 2010-4-24 22:58
本来想利用一下周末把以前博客上的一些文章给整理一下,重新贴上来。不过,在我敲标题的时候,原来的文章题目自动显示出来了,我于是想起了GOOGLE, 一查,网上已经有人给转载了。那就省点时间,直接出口转内销吧。 下面的这位老兄虽然说是转载,也没有说明文章来源与作者,显然是没有经过学术道德的训练。 http://www.antpedia.com/?uid-566-action-viewspace-itemid-59909 【倒是给他做广告了 :-)】 【注:原始文章可以从通过搜索题目在 GOOGLE CACHE 中找到,直接复制的文章有些格式问题,这里做了适当修改。 】 在美国 化学与工程杂志 上看到两个关于CO2实验的新闻。【1】 本文第一部分主要是编译这个新闻报道的部分内容,附加上一点点个人对普通化学的认识。 这两个实验看上去确实是非常的巧妙,利用CO2溶解于水之后的弱酸性,便可以巧妙地调控溶剂的亲水性和疏水性。这种最新的有用的实验应该是非常好的化学教学材料,化学老师们一定不要错过。 第一个实验中,【2】 N,N,N'-tributyl pentamidine 【R-C(NR2)=NR, R=丁基,这里简写为TBPA】是一种有机溶剂,它和己烷一样不溶解于水,都可以用来提炼豆油(不溶于水)。不过,和纯粹的碳氢化合物己烷(C6H14)不同,amidine 类(脒, http://baike.baidu.com/view/880678.htm )有机物具有一定的碱性,含有孤对电子的那个氮原子在酸溶液中容易质子化。在体系中加入二氧化碳与水,就是碳酸了,碳酸电离出来的质子就会和脒基上的氮原子结合,这样就形成了盐溶液了,整个体系就可以溶解于水中;要是把二氧化碳去掉,原有的酸碱平衡被打破了,TBPA又成了中性的有机分子,由于不溶于水,就可以分离出来,继续利用,有点象是化学反应中的催化剂。 也就是说,整个过程之后,豆油,TBPA和水三者都分开了。TBPA替代了己烷也免去蒸馏的过程,确实是够绿色的。 第二个实验的原理很相似。【3】为了把溶解于水的有机物分开,传统的方法是加入大量的盐(NaCl)较低有机物的溶解度。而现在报道的方法是在有机物和水的溶液中加入中性的diamine 【R2N-(CH2)4-NR2】, 然后加入二氧化碳,同上,酸碱(碳酸和有机胺)反应产生了盐溶液,有机物(上面图示的是4-氢呋喃)的溶解度降低,就可以先分离出去。 在写完上面那些内容之后,忽然想起了近年热传的一系列具有治疗 老年痴呆症 潜力的分子含有的官能团(药物研发中称那个最重要的官能团为WAR-HEAD),它和上面提起的脒分子很象。那些分子在实验中被发现有很高的生物活性,能够抑制一种叫做 BACE1的 蛋白 酶的活性. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BACE 现有假说和一些动物实验结果认为,如果抑制了BACE1的活性,就可能在临床上治疗老年痴呆症 。【4】 下面图示为一个最近发表的小分子药物专利 http://www.freepatentsonline.com/7452885.pdf 及有关的晶体结构 http://www.pdb.org/pdb/explore/explore.do?structureId=3INF 那个结构非常有趣,它显示小分子和蛋白酶的关键作用就是2个带一点正电荷的氮原子和2个带负电的天冬氨酸残基(ASP)上的 CO2 - 之间形成的氢键。弱酸和弱碱形成稳定的盐桥,【这一点在本质上和前面的实验利用CO2的性质分离不同溶解度的物质是相同的】从而抑制着BACE1水解APP 蛋白产生多肽beta-amolid, 而过多的beta-amolid在大脑内可能集聚而致病。不过,这类小分子药物先导化合物距离成为病人能用的药物还有漫长的道路要走。 参考资料: 【1】 http://pubs.acs.org/cen/news/88/i11/8811news4.html 【2】 http://www.rsc.org/publishing/journals/GC/article.asp?doi=b926885e (Green Chem, DOI:10.1039/b926885e) A solvent having switchable hydrophilicity 【3】 http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/123300974/abstract?CRETRY=1SRETRY=0 ( ChemSusChem, DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201000001) Switchable Water: Aqueous Solutions of Switchable Ionic Strength 【4】 http://www.alz.org/alzheimers_disease_what_is_alzheimers.asp
个人分类: 科普与新知|4000 次阅读|0 个评论
Pre AD
马红孺 2010-4-10 13:23
个人分类: 胡言乱语|3911 次阅读|1 个评论
华明 2010-3-28 04:19
本文的题目有点怪异,我也是写完了第一部分才想到第二部分,凑合一下勉强算篇文章。【如果是沿着SCI计量学的思维,大概该分成两篇才合算。】 在美国化学与工程杂志上看到两个关于CO2实验的新闻。【1】 本文第一部分主要是编译这个新闻报道的部分内容,附加上一点点个人对普通化学的认识。 这两个实验看上去确实是非常的巧妙,利用CO2溶解于水之后的弱酸性,便可以巧妙地调控溶剂的亲水性和疏水性。这种最新的有用的实验应该是非常好的化学教学材料,化学老师们一定不要错过。 第一个实验中,【2】 N,N,N'-tributyl pentamidine 【R-C(NR2)=NR, R=丁基, 这里简写为TBPA】是一种有机溶剂,它和己烷一样不溶解于水,都可以用来提炼豆油(不溶于水)。不过,和纯粹的碳氢化合物己烷(C6H14)不同,amidine 类(脒, http://baike.baidu.com/view/880678.htm )有机物具有一定的碱性,含有孤对电子的那个氮原子在酸溶液中容易质子化。在体系中加入二氧化碳与水,就是碳酸了,碳酸电离出来的质子就会和脒基上的氮原子结合,这样就形成了盐溶液了,整个体系就可以溶解于水中;要是把二氧化碳去掉,原有的酸碱平衡被打破了,TBPA又成了中性的有机分子,由于不溶于水,就可以分离出来,继续利用,有点象是化学反应中的催化剂。 也就是说,整个过程之后,豆油,TBPA和水三者都分开了。TBPA替代了己烷也免去蒸馏的过程,确实是够绿色的。 第二个实验的原理很相似。【3】为了把溶解于水的有机物分开,传统的方法是加入大量的盐(NaCl)较低有机物的溶解度。而现在报道的方法是在有机物和水的溶液中加入中性的diamine 【R2N-(CH2)4-NR2】, 然后加入二氧化碳,同上,酸碱(碳酸和有机胺)反应产生了盐溶液,有机物(上面图示的是4-氢呋喃)的溶解度降低,就可以先分离出去。 在写完上面那些内容之后,忽然想起了近年热传的一系列具有治疗老年痴呆症潜力的分子含有的官能团(药物研发中称那个最重要的官能团为WAR-HEAR),它和上面提起的脒分子很象。那些分子在实验中被发现有很高的生物活性,能够抑制一种叫做BACE1的蛋白酶的活性. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BACE 现有假说和一些动物实验结果认为,如果抑制了BACE1的活性,就可能在临床上治疗老年痴呆症 。【4】 下面图示为一个最近发表的小分子药物专利 http://www.freepatentsonline.com/7452885.pdf 及有关的晶体结构 http://www.pdb.org/pdb/explore/explore.do?structureId=3INF 那个结构非常有趣,它显示小分子和蛋白酶的关键作用就是2个带一点正电荷的氮原子和2个带负电的天冬氨酸残基(ASP)上的 CO2 - 之间形成的氢键。弱酸和弱碱形成稳定的盐桥,【这一点在本质上和前面的实验利用CO2的性质分离不同溶解度的物质是相同的】从而抑制着BACE1水解APP蛋白产生多肽beta-amolid, 而过多的beta-amolid在大脑内可能集聚而致病。不过,这类小分子药物先导化合物距离成为病人能用的药物还有漫长的道路要走。 参考资料: 【1】 http://pubs.acs.org/cen/news/88/i11/8811news4.html 【2】 http://www.rsc.org/publishing/journals/GC/article.asp?doi=b926885e (Green Chem, DOI:10.1039/b926885e) A solvent having switchable hydrophilicity 【3】 http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/123300974/abstract?CRETRY=1SRETRY=0 ( ChemSusChem, DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201000001) Switchable Water: Aqueous Solutions of Switchable Ionic Strength 【4】 http://www.alz.org/alzheimers_disease_what_is_alzheimers.asp
个人分类: 科普与新知|595 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2010-1-24 19:06
http://arrowsmith.psych.uic.edu/cgi-bin/arrowsmith_uic/umls.cgi?task=filterID=8256 Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature Semantic Filters This filter can be used to focus your search on B-terms that belong to certain semantic categories by selecting them below. You may also expand categories by clicking on the corresponding + button, and select from the subcategories. Activities Behaviors Anatomy Chemicals Drugs Concepts Ideas Devices Disorders Genes Molecular Sequences, and Gene Protein Names Geographic Areas Living Beings Objects Occupations Organizations Phenomena Physiology Procedures Keep B-terms that do not exist in the medical thesaurus Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature A-query: CLU OR PICALM C-query: Alzheimer's disease The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 67 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here . The results of this search are saved under id # 8256 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 360 terms on the current B-list ( 95 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin. To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms. Rank Prob B-term 10.98wnt 20.98caspase 30.97estrogen receptor alpha 40.97differentially expressed gene 50.96clusterin 60.96statin 70.96ap180 80.96bax 90.95apoe 100.95parkin 110.95paraoxonase 120.94nf kappab 130.94stat3 140.94smad2 150.94chaperone 160.94ikappab 170.94apolipoprotein e 180.93abeta 190.93c1q 200.93megalin 210.93homeobox gene 220.93cdna library 230.93bcl-2 240.93egr-1 250.93candidate gene 260.92galanin 270.91pten 280.91cjd 290.91c1qb 300.90genome wide 310.89erk 320.89nurr1 330.89metallothionein 340.89apoj 350.89smac 360.88tnfalpha 370.88calpain 380.87han 390.86tgf beta1 400.86estrogen receptor 410.85apolipoprotein a i 420.85apoptotic gene 430.85hdl 440.85p53 tumor suppressor 450.85apolipoprotein a 460.84n cadherin 470.84leptin 480.82th1 490.82cd34 500.82transcription factor 510.81hif-1alpha 520.80vitronectin 530.80b myb 540.79hydrocephalus 550.78pro apoptotic gene 560.77cdna 570.77ldl 580.76antiapoptotic gene 590.75gene associated 600.74heat shock protein 610.72apolipoprotein c 620.72cytokine 630.71gene family 640.71platelet activation 650.71tgf beta 660.67hdl cholesterol level 670.67nf 680.67novel gene 690.65isoform 700.65hsp70 710.65c fos 720.64serial analysis gene 730.63gene symbol 740.63lipoprotein receptor gene 750.63protein kinase 760.63hsp27 770.62reduced expression 780.61promoter 790.61cadherin 800.60pick 810.58apo 820.56dft 830.55transglutaminase 840.51abl 850.50gene human chromosome 860.49lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase 870.48src 880.48cpg 890.46olfactory 900.45p2y 910.44senescence 920.43myelin basic protein 930.43gene involved 940.42glucocorticoid receptor 950.42gene expressed 960.42amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 970.41gene apolipoprotein 980.41interleukin 990.403'-untranslated region 1000.38afm 1010.37channel gene 1020.36gene encode a 1030.35proteoglycan 1040.35apolipoprotein f g 1050.35cell cycle progression 1060.35trail 1070.34glutathione s transferase 1080.34associated protein 1090.33proteolysis 1100.33genomic 1110.32fibroblast growth factor 1120.31ornithine decarboxylase 1130.31new gene 1140.31homodimer 1150.31tumor necrosis factor 1160.31receptor gene 1170.30analysis gene 1180.30tumor suppressor 1190.30domain 1200.30gst 1210.29p53 1220.28p21 1230.28topoisomerase 1240.27retinal degeneration 1250.27sh 1260.26myc 1270.26fc 1280.25repressor 1290.24fas 1300.24map 1310.24acyltransferase 1320.24beta1 1330.24c9 1340.23protease 1350.23phospholipase 1360.23androgen receptor 1370.23hip 1380.23raby 1390.23hnk-1 1400.21bb 1410.21retinoic acid induced 1420.20cholesterol 1430.20lipoprotein lipase 1440.19kinase 1450.18rt 1460.17cholesterol acyltransferase gene 1470.16pcr 1480.16gene human 1490.15integrin beta 1500.15gene transfer 1510.15ligand 1520.15epidermal growth factor 1530.14fos 1540.14gene a 1550.14programmed cell death 1560.12ms 1570.12iron 1580.11spatial 1590.11islet 1600.11inositol 1610.11twin 1620.11complement component 1630.10hiv 1640.10gh 1650.09diabetes mellitus 1660.08pro 1670.08conductance 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3090.00men 3100.00phosphate 3110.00fish 3120.00base 3130.00total 3140.00l m 3150.00calm 3160.00cyst 3170.00dog 3180.00coat 3190.00male 3200.00line 3210.00spp 3220.00mis 3230.00fate 3240.00secretion 3250.00est 3260.00skin 3270.00ac 3280.00ph 3290.00minor 3300.00elongated 3310.00santa 3320.00pi 3330.00red 3340.00membrane 3350.00sp 3360.00ectopic 3370.00b 3380.00mode 3390.00phase 3400.00modification 3410.00area 3420.00iv 3430.00benign 3440.00tube 3450.00large 3460.00wave 3470.00mid 3480.00group 3490.00man 3500.00past 3510.00face 3520.00low 3530.00t 3540.00delta 3550.00cell 3560.00time 3570.00i 3580.00neo 3590.00disorganization 3600.00pre Restrict by semantic categories? job id # 8256 started Sun Jan 24 08:29:11 2010 Max_citations: 50000 Stoplist: /var/www/html/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed Ngram_max: 3 8256 Search ARROWSMITH A A_query_raw: CLU AND PICALMSun Jan 24 08:30:08 2010 A query = CLU AND PICALM started Sun Jan 24 08:30:08 2010 A query resulted in 3 titles 8256 Search ARROWSMITH C 8256 Select from History ARROWSMITH C C_query_raw: CLU AND PICALM Sun Jan 24 08:30:29 2010 C: CLU AND PICALM 3 A: pubmed_query_A 3 AC: ( CLU AND PICALM ) AND ( CLU AND PICALM ) 3 8256 Search ARROWSMITH A A_query_raw: CLU OR PICALMSun Jan 24 08:30:55 2010 A query = CLU OR PICALM started Sun Jan 24 08:30:55 2010 A query resulted in 937 titles 8256 Search ARROWSMITH C C_query_raw: Alzheimer's disease Sun Jan 24 08:31:10 2010 C: Alzheimer's disease 68994 A: pubmed_query_A 937 AC: ( CLU OR PICALM ) AND ( Alzheimer's disease ) 67 C query = Alzheimer's disease started Sun Jan 24 08:31:10 2010 C query resulted in 50000 titles A AND C query resulted in 67 titles 3744 B-terms ready on Sun Jan 24 08:34:32 2010 Sem_filter: Genes Molecular Sequences, and Gene Protein Names 360 B-terms left after filter executed Sun Jan 24 08:40:07 2010 B-list on Sun Jan 24 08:41:21 2010 1 wnt 2 caspase 3 estrogen receptor alpha 4 differentially expressed gene 5 clusterin 6 statin 7 ap180 8 bax 9 apoe 10 parkin 11 paraoxonase 12 nf kappab 13 stat3 14 smad2 15 chaperone 16 ikappab 17 apolipoprotein e 18 abeta 19 c1q 20 megalin 21 homeobox gene 22 cdna library 23 bcl-2 24 egr-1 25 candidate gene 26 galanin 27 pten 28 cjd 29 c1qb 30 genome wide 31 erk 32 nurr1 33 metallothionein 34 apoj 35 smac 36 tnfalpha 37 calpain 38 han 39 tgf beta1 40 estrogen receptor 41 apolipoprotein a i 42 apoptotic gene 43 hdl 44 p53 tumor suppressor 45 apolipoprotein a 46 n cadherin 47 leptin 48 th1 49 cd34 50 transcription factor 51 hif-1alpha 52 vitronectin 53 b myb 54 hydrocephalus 55 pro apoptotic gene 56 cdna 57 ldl 58 antiapoptotic gene 59 gene associated 60 heat shock protein 61 apolipoprotein c 62 cytokine 63 gene family 64 platelet activation 65 tgf beta 66 hdl cholesterol level 67 nf 68 novel gene 69 isoform 70 hsp70 71 c fos 72 serial analysis gene 73 gene symbol 74 lipoprotein receptor gene 75 protein kinase 76 hsp27 77 reduced expression 78 promoter 79 cadherin 80 pick 81 apo 82 dft 83 transglutaminase 84 abl 85 gene human chromosome 86 lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase 87 src 88 cpg 89 olfactory 90 p2y 91 senescence 92 myelin basic protein 93 gene involved 94 glucocorticoid receptor 95 gene expressed Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature AB literature B-term BC literature CLU OR PICALM bax Alzheimer's disease 1: Interleukin-6 affects cell death escaping mechanisms acting on Bax- Ku70- Clu sterin interactions in human colon cancer progression.2009 Add to clipboard 2: Clu sterin inhibits apoptosis by interacting with activated Bax. 2005 Add to clipboard 3: Chronic beta-adrenoreceptor stimulation in vivo decreased Bcl-2 and increased Bax expression but did not activate apoptotic pathways in mouse heart.2004 Add to clipboard 1: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from mild cognitive impairment patients show deregulation of Bax and Sod1 mRNAs.2009 Add to clipboard 2: Age-related differences in NFkappaB translocation and Bcl-2 /Bax ratio caused by TNFalpha and Abeta42 promote survival in middle-age neurons and death in old neurons.2008 Add to clipboard 3: 2007 Add to clipboard 4: Puma is a dominant regulator of oxidative stress induced Bax activation and neuronal apoptosis.2007 Add to clipboard 5: Alzheimer's amyloid beta-peptide (1-42) induces cell death in human neuroblastoma via bax/ bcl-2 ratio increase: an intriguing role for methionine 35.2006 Add to clipboard 6: 2006 Add to clipboard 7: Fragment 31-35 of beta-amyloid peptide induces neurodegeneration in rat cerebellar granule cells via bax gene expression and caspase-3 activation. A crucial role for the redox state of methionine-35 residue.2006 Add to clipboard 8: Induction of Bcl-2 and Bax was related to hyperphosphorylation of tau and neuronal death induced by okadaic acid in rat brain.2005 Add to clipboard 9: Blockade of ionotropic glutamate receptors produces neuronal apoptosis through the Bax- cytochrome C-caspase pathway: the causative role of Ca2+ deficiency.2003 Add to clipboard 10: 2003 Add to clipboard 11: Atypical antipsychotics attenuate neurotoxicity of beta-amyloid(25-35) by modulating Bax and Bcl-X(l/s) expression and localization.2003 Add to clipboard 12: Selective cytotoxicity of intracellular amyloid beta peptide1-42 through p53 and Bax in cultured primary human neurons.2002 Add to clipboard 13: Co-involvement of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum in regulation of apoptosis: changes in cytochrome c, Bcl-2 and Bax in the hippocampus of aluminum-treated rabbits.2001 Add to clipboard 14: GDNF protects against aluminum-induced apoptosis in rabbits by upregulating Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL and inhibiting mitochondrial Bax translocation.2001 Add to clipboard 15: Expression of apoptosis related proteins: RAIDD, ZIP kinase, Bim/BOD, p21, Bax, Bcl-2 and NF-kappaB in brains of patients with Down syndrome.2001 Add to clipboard 16: Amyloid beta-induced neuronal death is bax- dependent but caspase-independent.2000 Add to clipboard 17: E2F1 mediates death of B-amyloid-treated cortical neurons in a manner independent of p53 and dependent on Bax and caspase 3.2000 Add to clipboard 18: Differential distribution of presenilin-1, Bax, and Bcl-X(L) in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia.1999 Add to clipboard 19: Age-related hippocampal changes in Bcl-2 :Bax ratio, oxidative stress, redox-active iron and apoptosis associated with aluminum-induced neurodegeneration: increased susceptibility with aging.1999 Add to clipboard 20: Alteration of proteins regulating apoptosis, Bcl-2, Bcl-x, Bax, Bak, Bad, ICH-1 and CPP32, in Alzheimer's disease .1998 Add to clipboard 21: Bcl-2 and Bax protein expression in Alzheimer's disease .1998 Add to clipboard 22: Bax expression in mammalian neurons undergoing apoptosis, and in Alzheimer's disease hippocampus.1997 Add to clipboard http://news.sciencenet.cn//htmlnews/2010/1/227529.shtm 科学家发现阿尔茨海默氏症相关基因 为潜在治疗和基因筛选开辟新领域 科学家发现了两种阿尔茨海默氏症相关基因。 大量资金的投入终于在对阿尔茨海默氏症的研究中取得了突破。在这项最大型的研究中,科学家发现了两个能够增加人体向最常见形式的阿尔茨海默氏症发展的基因。研究人员指出,这项国际研究在了解阿尔茨海默氏症的发展趋势方面取得了进展,并为潜在治疗和基因筛选的进一步研究开辟了新的领域。 全球有数百万人饱受阿尔茨海默氏症之苦,仅在英国就大约有417000人罹患此病。阿尔茨海默氏症最初由德国精神病学家阿诺斯阿尔茨海默所定义,是一种影响大脑的身体疾病。在致病过程中,类淀粉斑和神经纤维在脑结构中发展,导致脑细胞死亡。阿尔茨海默氏症患者的大脑中同时还缺少某些重要的化学物质。这些化学物质参与了大脑内信息的传输。 这项研究对16000人的脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)进行了为期两年的分析,结果显示,CLU和PICALM基因在阿尔茨海默氏症发展风险中发挥了直接作用。之前,只有一种基因APOE4被确认为潜在风险因素。 该研究成果的主要作者、英国加的夫市医学研究理事会新旗舰研究中心的Julie Williams博士说:这项研究改变了我们对于最普遍形式的阿尔茨海默氏症的可能成因的了解,并且为发现治疗方法提供了新的导向。如果能够战胜这两种基因的有害影响,我们估计将减少20%的人罹患阿尔茨海默氏症的可能性。 医学研究理事会首席执行官LeszekBorysiewicz说:为神经变性疾病进行资助是我们的优先工作项目,并且医学研究理事会对该创新研究领域的投资对揭示出阿尔茨海默氏症之谜是非常关键的。这项研究在阿尔茨海默氏症的诊断道路上迈出了一大步,并且使很多受此病折磨的人的生活得到了改善。阿尔茨海默氏症研究信托基金的开发总监Marie Janson博士补充说:这些空前的发现是资助者和科学家等共同合作的结果。 《科学时报》 (2010-1-22 A4 国际) 更多阅读 英法科学家发现老年痴呆症相关三个基因 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2009/9/223102.shtm 英法科学家发现老年痴呆症相关三个基因 这是16年来首次找到老年痴呆症与基因有关联的新证据 英国和法国的研究人员发现了与阿尔茨海默症(俗称老年痴呆症)有关的3个基因。 据英国广播公司报道,这是16年来研究人员首次找到阿尔茨海默症与基因有关联的新证据。过去唯一找到的和一般老年痴呆症有关的基因APOE4一直是研究的焦点。 在最新的研究中,英法科学家对两万人的染色体样本进行了分析,发现了CR1、CLU和PICALM三个基因与阿尔茨海默症之间的关系。 报道称,CLU和PICALM基因都有保护大脑的功能。研究人员说,如果基因有变异,不仅可能失去保护大脑的功能,甚至保护者还有可能成为攻击者。 这项研究成果发表在最新出版的《自然遗传学》杂志上。它将促使科学家重新审视现在的有关阿尔茨海默症病因的理论。此外,研究成果还有助于医学界研发新的诊断、治疗手段。 英国阿尔茨海默研究基金会将这项新发现称为向前迈出了一大步。 据估计,全世界共有3000万阿尔茨海默症患者。而这一数字还将继续增长。 更多阅读 《自然遗传学》发表论文摘要(英文) http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v41/n10/abs/ng.440.html Nature Genetics 41 , 1088 - 1093 (2009) Published online: 6 September 2009 | Corrected online: 28 September 2009 | :10.1038/ng.440 :10.1038/ng.440 There is an Erratum (October 2009) associated with this Letter. Genome-wide association study identifies variants at CLU and PICALM associated with Alzheimer's disease Denise Harold 1 , 45 , Richard Abraham 1 , 45 , Paul Hollingworth 1 , 45 , Rebecca Sims 1 , Amy Gerrish 1 , Marian L Hamshere 1 , Jaspreet Singh Pahwa 1 , Valentina Moskvina 1 , Kimberley Dowzell 1 , Amy Williams 1 , Nicola Jones 1 , Charlene Thomas 1 , Alexandra Stretton 1 , Angharad R Morgan 1 , Simon Lovestone 2 , John Powell 3 , Petroula Proitsi 3 , Michelle K Lupton 3 , Carol Brayne 4 , David C Rubinsztein 5 , Michael Gill 6 , Brian Lawlor 6 , Aoibhinn Lynch 6 , Kevin Morgan 7 , Kristelle S Brown 7 , Peter A Passmore 8 , David Craig 8 , Bernadette McGuinness 8 , Stephen Todd 8 , Clive Holmes 9 , David Mann 10 , A David Smith 11 , Seth Love 12 , Patrick G Kehoe 12 , John Hardy 13 , Simon Mead 14 , Nick Fox 15 , Martin Rossor 15 , John Collinge 14 , Wolfgang Maier 16 , Frank Jessen 16 , Britta Schrmann 16 , Hendrik van den Bussche 17 , Isabella Heuser 18 , Johannes Kornhuber 19 , Jens Wiltfang 20 , Martin Dichgans 21 , 22 , Lutz Frlich 23 , Harald Hampel 24 , 25 , Michael Hll 26 , Dan Rujescu 25 , Alison M Goate 27 , John S K Kauwe 28 , Carlos Cruchaga 27 , Petra Nowotny 27 , John C Morris 27 , Kevin Mayo 27 , Kristel Sleegers 29 , 30 , Karolien Bettens 29 , 30 , Sebastiaan Engelborghs 30 , 31 , Peter P De Deyn 30 , 31 , Christine Van Broeckhoven 29 , 30 , Gill Livingston 32 , Nicholas J Bass 32 , Hugh Gurling 32 , Andrew McQuillin 32 , Rhian Gwilliam 33 , Panagiotis Deloukas 33 , Ammar Al-Chalabi 34 , Christopher E Shaw 34 , Magda Tsolaki 35 , Andrew B Singleton 36 , Rita Guerreiro 36 , Thomas W Mhleisen 37 , 38 , Markus M Nthen 37 , 38 , Susanne Moebus 39 , Karl-Heinz Jckel 39 , Norman Klopp 40 , H-Erich Wichmann 40 , 41 , 42 , Minerva M Carrasquillo 43 , V Shane Pankratz 44 , Steven G Younkin 43 , Peter A Holmans 1 , Michael O'Donovan 1 , Michael J Owen 1 Julie Williams 1 Top of page We undertook a two-stage genome-wide association study (GWAS) of Alzheimer's disease (AD) involving over 16,000 individuals, the most powerful AD GWAS to date. In stage 1 (3,941 cases and 7,848 controls), we replicated the established association with the apolipoprotein E ( APOE ) locus (most significant SNP, rs2075650, P = 1.8 10 -157 ) and observed genome-wide significant association with SNPs at two loci not previously associated with the disease: at the CLU (also known as APOJ ) gene (rs11136000, P = 1.4 10 -9 ) and 5' to the PICALM gene (rs3851179, P = 1.9 10 -8 ). These associations were replicated in stage 2 (2,023 cases and 2,340 controls), producing compelling evidence for association with Alzheimer's disease in the combined dataset (rs11136000, P = 8.5 10 -10 , odds ratio = 0.86; rs3851179, P = 1.3 10 -9 , odds ratio = 0.86). Top of page Medical Research Council (MRC) Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Department of Psychological Medicine and Neurology, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK. National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health at the South London and Maudsley National Health Service Foundation Trust and Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London, UK. Department of Neuroscience, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London, UK. Institute of Public Health, St. James Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. Mercer's Institute for Research on Aging, St. James Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. Institute of Genetics, Queen's Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK. Ageing Group, Centre for Public Health, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, UK. Division of Clinical Neurosciences, School of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK. Clinical Neuroscience Research Group, Greater Manchester Neurosciences Centre, University of Manchester, Salford, UK. Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK. Dementia Research Group, University of Bristol Institute of Clinical Neurosciences, Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, UK. Department of Molecular Neuroscience and Reta Lilla Weston Laboratories, Institute of Neurology, London, UK. MRC Prion Unit, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK. Dementia Research Centre, Department of Neurodegenerative Diseases, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK. Department of Psychiatry, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Institute of Primary Medical Care, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany. Department of Psychiatry, Charit Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany. Landschaftsverband Rheinland-Hospital Essen, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany. Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research, Klinikum der Universitt Mnchen, Munich, Germany. Department of Neurology, Klinikum der Universitt Mnchen, Munich, Germany. Department of Geriatric Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany. Discipline of Psychiatry, School of Medicine and Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, Laboratory of Neuroimaging Biomarker Research, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Alzheimer Memorial Center and Geriatric Psychiatry Branch, Department of Psychiatry, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany. Centre for Geriatric Medicine and Section of Gerontopsychiatry and Neuropsychology, Medical School, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. Departments of Psychiatry, Neurology and Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Department of Biology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. Neurodegenerative Brain Diseases Group, Department of Molecular Genetics, VIB, Antwerpen, Belgium. Institute Born-Bunge and University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium. Memory Clinic and Department of Neurology, Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen Middelheim, Antwerpen, Belgium. Department of Mental Health Sciences, University College London, London, UK. The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. MRC Centre for Neurodegeneration Research, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, King's College London, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK. Third Department of Neurology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece. Laboratory of Neurogenetics, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Department of Genomics, Life Brain Center, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Institute for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, University Hospital of Essen, University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany. Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany. Institute of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt, Munich, Germany. Klinikum Grosshadern, Munich, Germany. Department of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Jacksonville, Florida, USA. Division of Biomedical Statistics and Informatics, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota, USA. These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence to: Julie Williams 1 e-mail: williamsj@cardiff.ac.uk Correspondence to: Michael J Owen 1 e-mail: owenmj@cardiff.ac.uk * NOTE: In the version of this article initially published, the name of the first author of reference 12 was stated incorrectly in the reference list. The correct reference is: Lambert, J.-C. et al. Genome-wide association study identifies variants at CLU and CR1 associated with Alzheimer's disease. Nat. Genet. advance online publication, doi:10.1038/ng.439 (6 September 2009). The error has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article. MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS These links to content published by NPG are automatically generated. REVIEWS Thirty years of Alzheimer's disease genetics: the implications of systematic meta-analyses Nature Reviews Neuroscience Review (01 Oct 2008) See all 4 matches for Reviews NEWS AND VIEWS Alzheimer?s disease beyond APOE Nature Genetics News and Views (01 Oct 2009) RESEARCH Genome-wide association study identifies variants at CLU and CR1 associated with Alzheimer's disease Nature Genetics Letter (01 Oct 2009) Genetic variation in PCDH11X is associated with susceptibility to late-onset Alzheimer's disease Nature Genetics Letter (01 Feb 2009) Twenty bone-mineral-density loci identified by large-scale meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies Nature Genetics Article (01 Nov 2009) See all 53 matches for Research
个人分类: 神经科学|4441 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2009-9-22 09:41
http://news.xinhuanet.com/health/2009-09/22/content_12093908.htm 报告称全球超过3500万人患有老年痴呆症 2009年09月22日 08:05:45  来源: 新华网 【字号 大 中 小 】   【 留言 】   【 打印 】   【 关闭 】 【Email推荐: 】 新华网北京9月21日电 阿尔茨海默氏症国际联合会21日公布的最新报告显示,目前全球老年痴呆症患者已经超过3500万。随着全球人口的老龄化,这种大脑退行性疾病已成为公共卫生领域面临的最大挑战之一。 这份《世界阿尔茨海默氏症报告》说,尽管在老年痴呆症的医学研究领域取得了一些突破,但随着人口的老龄化,预计每过20年,全球老年痴呆症患者人数就会翻一番。 到2050年,全球将有1.15亿人将受到这种疾病的困扰。 报告说,虽然衰老是导致出现老年痴呆症的主要原因,但肥胖、糖尿病、高胆固醇等也是诱发这种疾病不可忽视的因素。人们不应盲目地把老年痴呆症看作自然衰老过程的一部分,而应正确认识这种疾病,并积极预防或减缓病程。 阿尔茨海默氏症国际联合会是70多个国家阿尔茨海默氏症协会或研究机构的联络组织。该组织在报告中呼吁世界卫生组织将老年痴呆症列为最应优先关注的健康问题之一,以督促各国政府更加重视在这一疾病研究领域的投入。 老年痴呆症最常见的类型就是早老性痴呆症(即阿尔茨海默氏症),目前还没有有效的治愈疗法,现有的一些药物只能缓解症状。老年痴呆症的临床症状表现为认知、记忆和语言功能出现障碍等。医学界目前认为,老年痴呆症可能是由于大脑内贝塔淀粉样蛋白异常堆积引起的。
个人分类: 老年健康|2284 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2009-9-9 14:57
http://www.sciencenet.cn/htmlpaper/20099895997607248.shtm 发现老年痴呆症相关三个基因 英国和法国的研究人员发现了与阿尔茨海默症(俗称老年痴呆症)有关的3个基因。 据英国广播公司报道,这是16年来研究人员首次找到阿尔茨海默症与基因有关联的新证据。过去唯一找到的和一般老年痴呆症有关的基因APOE4一直是研究的焦点。 在最新的研究中,英法科学家对两万人的染色体样本进行了分析,发现了CR1、CLU和PICALM三个基因与阿尔茨海默症之间的关系。 报道称,CLU和PICALM基因都有保护大脑的功能。研究人员说,如果基因有变异,不仅可能失去保护大脑的功能,甚至保护者还有可能成为攻击者。 这项研究成果发表在最新出版的《自然遗传学》杂志上。它将促使科学家重新审视现在的有关阿尔茨海默症病因的理论。此外,研究成果还有助于医学界研发新的诊断、治疗手段。 英国阿尔茨海默研究基金会将这项新发现称为向前迈出了一大步。 据估计,全世界共有3000万阿尔茨海默症患者。而这一数字还将继续增长。 http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/ng.440.html Nature Genetics Published online: 6 September 2009 | :10.1038/ng.440 :10.1038/ng.440 Genome-wide association study identifies variants at CLU and PICALM associated with Alzheimer's disease Denise Harold 1 , 45 , Richard Abraham 1 , 45 , Paul Hollingworth 1 , 45 , Rebecca Sims 1 , Amy Gerrish 1 , Marian L Hamshere 1 , Jaspreet Singh Pahwa 1 , Valentina Moskvina 1 , Kimberley Dowzell 1 , Amy Williams 1 , Nicola Jones 1 , Charlene Thomas 1 , Alexandra Stretton 1 , Angharad R Morgan 1 , Simon Lovestone 2 , John Powell 3 , Petroula Proitsi 3 , Michelle K Lupton 3 , Carol Brayne 4 , David C Rubinsztein 5 , Michael Gill 6 , Brian Lawlor 6 , Aoibhinn Lynch 6 , Kevin Morgan 7 , Kristelle S Brown 7 , Peter A Passmore 8 , David Craig 8 , Bernadette McGuinness 8 , Stephen Todd 8 , Clive Holmes 9 , David Mann 10 , A David Smith 11 , Seth Love 12 , Patrick G Kehoe 12 , John Hardy 13 , Simon Mead 14 , Nick Fox 15 , Martin Rossor 15 , John Collinge 14 , Wolfgang Maier 16 , Frank Jessen 16 , Britta Schrmann 16 , Hendrik van den Bussche 17 , Isabella Heuser 18 , Johannes Kornhuber 19 , Jens Wiltfang 20 , Martin Dichgans 21 , 22 , Lutz Frlich 23 , Harald Hampel 24 , 25 , Michael Hll 26 , Dan Rujescu 25 , Alison M Goate 27 , John S K Kauwe 28 , Carlos Cruchaga 27 , Petra Nowotny 27 , John C Morris 27 , Kevin Mayo 27 , Kristel Sleegers 29 , 30 , Karolien Bettens 29 , 30 , Sebastiaan Engelborghs 30 , 31 , Peter P De Deyn 30 , 31 , Christine Van Broeckhoven 29 , 30 , Gill Livingston 32 , Nicholas J Bass 32 , Hugh Gurling 32 , Andrew McQuillin 32 , Rhian Gwilliam 33 , Panagiotis Deloukas 33 , Ammar Al-Chalabi 34 , Christopher E Shaw 34 , Magda Tsolaki 35 , Andrew B Singleton 36 , Rita Guerreiro 36 , Thomas W Mhleisen 37 , 38 , Markus M Nthen 37 , 38 , Susanne Moebus 39 , Karl-Heinz Jckel 39 , Norman Klopp 40 , H-Erich Wichmann 40 , 41 , 42 , Minerva M Carrasquillo 43 , V Shane Pankratz 44 , Steven G Younkin 43 , Peter A Holmans 1 , Michael O'Donovan 1 , Michael J Owen 1 Julie Williams 1 We undertook a two-stage genome-wide association study (GWAS) of Alzheimer's disease (AD) involving over 16,000 individuals, the most powerful AD GWAS to date. In stage 1 (3,941 cases and 7,848 controls), we replicated the established association with the apolipoprotein E ( APOE ) locus (most significant SNP, rs2075650, P = 1.8 10 -157 ) and observed genome-wide significant association with SNPs at two loci not previously associated with the disease: at the CLU (also known as APOJ ) gene (rs11136000, P = 1.4 10 -9 ) and 5' to the PICALM gene (rs3851179, P = 1.9 10 -8 ). These associations were replicated in stage 2 (2,023 cases and 2,340 controls), producing compelling evidence for association with Alzheimer's disease in the combined dataset (rs11136000, P = 8.5 10 -10 , odds ratio = 0.86; rs3851179, P = 1.3 10 -9 , odds ratio = 0.86). Top of page Medical Research Council (MRC) Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Department of Psychological Medicine and Neurology, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK. National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health at the South London and Maudsley National Health Service Foundation Trust and Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London, UK. Department of Neuroscience, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London, UK. Institute of Public Health, St. James Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. Mercer's Institute for Research on Aging, St. James Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. Institute of Genetics, Queen's Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK. Ageing Group, Centre for Public Health, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, UK. Division of Clinical Neurosciences, School of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK. Clinical Neuroscience Research Group, Greater Manchester Neurosciences Centre, University of Manchester, Salford, UK. Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK. Dementia Research Group, University of Bristol Institute of Clinical Neurosciences, Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, UK. Department of Molecular Neuroscience and Reta Lilla Weston Laboratories, Institute of Neurology, London, UK. MRC Prion Unit, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK. Dementia Research Centre, Department of Neurodegenerative Diseases, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK. Department of Psychiatry, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Institute of Primary Medical Care, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany. Department of Psychiatry, Charit Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany. Landschaftsverband Rheinland-Hospital Essen, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany. Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research, Klinikum der Universitt Mnchen, Munich, Germany. Department of Neurology, Klinikum der Universitt Mnchen, Munich, Germany. Department of Geriatric Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany. Discipline of Psychiatry, School of Medicine and Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, Laboratory of Neuroimaging Biomarker Research, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Alzheimer Memorial Center and Geriatric Psychiatry Branch, Department of Psychiatry, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany. Centre for Geriatric Medicine and Section of Gerontopsychiatry and Neuropsychology, Medical School, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. Departments of Psychiatry, Neurology and Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Department of Biology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. Neurodegenerative Brain Diseases Group, Department of Molecular Genetics, VIB, Antwerpen, Belgium. Institute Born-Bunge and University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium. Memory Clinic and Department of Neurology, Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen Middelheim, Antwerpen, Belgium. Department of Mental Health Sciences, University College London, London, UK. The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. MRC Centre for Neurodegeneration Research, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, King's College London, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK. Third Department of Neurology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece. Laboratory of Neurogenetics, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Department of Genomics, Life Brain Center, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Institute for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, University Hospital of Essen, University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany. Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany. Institute of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt, Munich, Germany. Klinikum Grosshadern, Munich, Germany. Department of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Jacksonville, Florida, USA. Division of Biomedical Statistics and Informatics, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota, USA. These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence to: Julie Williams 1 e-mail: williamsj@cardiff.ac.uk Correspondence to: Michael J Owen 1 e-mail: owenmj@cardiff.ac.uk 原文请见: Genome-wide association study identifies variants 信息分析平台: http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/2?WEB016o3080s6rvr5I2fI1I00d000j10040001rl 相关文献计量分析结果(43 documents analyzed) Top Years Publications 2000 6 2005 5 1996 5 1994 4 1998 3 1995 3 1992 3 2006 2 2004 2 2002 2 1999 2 2009 1 2008 1 2001 1 1993 1 1991 1 1990 1 Top Countries Publications USA 26 Japan 6 Canada 3 Switzerland 2 Sweden 2 Spain 2 Austria 1 1 2 Top Cities Publications Los Angeles 8 New York 4 St. Louis 3 Tokyo 3 Gothenburg 2 Boston 2 Montreal 2 Lausanne 1 Minneapolis 1 Sun City 1 Graz 1 Majadahonda 1 Fukuoka 1 Cleveland 1 New Haven 1 San Francisco 1 Chicago 1 Kyoto 1 Geneva 1 Sapporo 1 1 2 1 2 Top Journals Publications J Biol Chem 3 Brain Res 3 Acta Neuropathol 3 Neurobiol Aging 2 P Natl Acad Sci Usa 2 Microsc Res Techniq 2 Ann Ny Acad Sci 2 Exp Neurol 2 Neurochem Int 1 Alz Dis Assoc Dis 1 Brain Pathol 1 Neurotox Res 1 Eur J Cell Biol 1 Subcell Biochem 1 J Mol Neurosci 1 Neurobiol Dis 1 J Gastrointest Surg 1 Am J Pathol 1 Brit J Ophthalmol 1 Nippon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi 1 1 2 1 2 3 ... 9 Top Authors Publications Finch C 7 Oda T 4 Johnson S 4 Pasinetti G 4 Ghiso J 3 Frangione B 3 Holtzman D 3 Matsubara E 3 Rozovsky I 3 Choi-Miura N 3 Blennow K 2 Davidsson P 2 Calero M 2 Rostagno A 2 Parsadanian M 2 Zlokovic B 2 Wisniewski K 2 Morgan T 2 Osterburg H 2 Poirier J 2 1 2 3 ... 9 1 2 3 ... 34 Top Terms Publications Alzheimer Disease 43 Clusterin 40 Humans 38 Glycoproteins 38 Molecular Chaperones 38 Proteins 28 Apolipoproteins 23 lipid transporter activity 23 Senile Plaques 19 Animals 18 Amyloid beta-Protein 18 Brain 16 Apolipoproteins E 16 Immunohistochemistry 15 Aged 14 Nerve Tissue Proteins 13 apolipoprotein j 13 Neurons 12 Peptides 12 clusterin 12 1 2 3 ... 34 Top Terms Publications apolipoprotein E receptor activity 12 Tissues 11 Mice 11 apoj 11 apolipoprotein E binding 10 Hippocampus 9 RNA, Messenger 9 apoe 9 pathogenesis 8 Patients 8 Aged, 80 and over 8 hippocampus development 7 Gene Expression 7 Genes 7 cerebrospinal fluid secretion 7 Antibodies 7 antigen binding 7 Neurites 7 neuron projection 7 apolipoprotein e 7 1 2 3 4 ... 34 Top Terms Publications Up-Regulation 6 Mice, Transgenic 6 Cerebrospinal Fluid 6 Peptide Fragments 6 Middle Aged 6 Blotting, Western 6 Brain Chemistry 6 Neurofibrillary Tangles 6 Lipoproteins 6 Astrocytes 6 Amyloid 6 Membranes 5 membrane 5 Rats 5 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay 5 Neuroglia 5 Complement Membrane Attack Complex 5 catabolic process 5 Adult 5 Metabolism 5 1 2 3 4 5 ... 34 Top Terms Publications metabolic process 5 Antibodies, Monoclonal 5 Oxidative Stress 5 Oxides 5 Lipids 5 Cerebral Cortex 5 Amyloid beta-Protein Precursor 5 sgp-2 5 Serum 5 Sulfates 5 gene expression 4 Population Groups 4 Dementia 4 Complement System Proteins 4 Microscopy 4 Cells, Cultured 4 Alleles 4 Amino Acids 4 Base Sequence 4 Microglia 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 34 知识发现平台: http://arrowsmith.psych.uic.edu/cgi-bin/arrowsmith_uic/edit_b.cgi?refresh=TID=4780 Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature A-query: Alzheimer Disease C-query: PICALM The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 1 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here . The results of this search are saved under id # 4780 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 191 terms on the current B-list ( 20 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin. To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms. Rank Prob B-term 10.99caspase 20.99clathrin assembly protein 30.99alternative splicing 40.99clathrin assembly 50.98ap180 60.97clathrin 70.97expression profiling 80.97gene expression profiling 90.94genome wide 100.93calpain 110.93protein ap180 120.85associated alzheimer disease 130.84wide association study 140.81cdna 150.76genome wide association 160.75clathrin mediated 170.74genetic susceptibility 180.73associated alzheimer 190.69upregulation 200.66overexpression 210.64association study 220.55endocytic 230.21mouse model 240.15ethnic difference 250.15protein family 260.10splicing 270.09nucleation 280.06hybridisation 290.06iron metabolism 300.04ethnic 310.04molecular signature 320.03association study identify 330.03alzheimer disease 340.02mutation 350.02alzheimer 360.02gene expression 370.01encoding a 380.01cleavage 390.01trafficking 400.00assembly 410.00endocytosis 420.00inositol 430.00coated pits 440.00encode a 450.00knee 460.00potential role 470.00genomic 480.00protein rat 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1090.00suggest 1100.00leukemia 1110.00polypeptide 1120.00fusion 1130.00cat 1140.00calm 1150.00reveal 1160.00deletion 1170.00p2 1180.00binding 1190.00aberration 1200.00lattice 1210.00role 1220.00depletion 1230.00lymphoid myeloid 1240.00interactor 1250.00sex 1260.00fish 1270.00alternative 1280.00localization 1290.00expression functional 1300.00protein alter 1310.00disease 1320.00coat 1330.00neuropathy 1340.00line 1350.00interaction 1360.00expressed 1370.00metabolism 1380.00alter subcellular 1390.00subcellular 1400.00minor 1410.00identify 1420.00alter subcellular localization 1430.00alter 1440.00coexpression 1450.00comp 1460.00liver 1470.00organization 1480.00membrane 1490.00rare 1500.00wide 1510.00subtype specific 1520.00study 1530.00specific 1540.00myeloid 1550.00simultaneous 1560.00traffic 1570.00free 1580.00transformation 1590.00property 1600.00acute 1610.00involve 1620.00evidence 1630.00rat 1640.00conserved 1650.00regulatory mechanism 1660.00metabolism abnormality 1670.00reconstitution 1680.00comparative 1690.00lymphoma 1700.00cell 1710.00coated 1720.00responsible 1730.00characteristic a 1740.00multi 1750.00infant 1760.00child 1770.00purified 1780.00rat liver 1790.00effect 1800.00new 1810.00mediated 1820.00associated 1830.00suggest a potential 1840.00result 1850.00produced 1860.00rare event 1870.00characterisation 1880.00unusual 1890.00characteristic 1900.00influence 1910.00directing Restrict by semantic categories? 发现的新知识单元: job id # 4780 started Wed Sep 9 05:21:34 2009 Max_citations: 50000 Stoplist: /var/www/html/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed Ngram_max: 3 4780 Search ARROWSMITH A A_query_raw: Alzheimer Disease Wed Sep 9 05:22:05 2009 A query = Alzheimer Disease started Wed Sep 9 05:22:05 2009 A query resulted in 50000 titles 4780 Search ARROWSMITH C C_query_raw: PICALM Wed Sep 9 05:22:18 2009 C: PICALM 27 A: pubmed_query_A 50928 AC: ( Alzheimer Disease ) AND ( PICALM ) 1 C query = PICALM started Wed Sep 9 05:22:18 2009 C query resulted in 27 titles A AND C query resulted in 1 titles 191 B-terms ready on Wed Sep 9 05:24:57 2009 B-list on Wed Sep 9 05:27:33 2009 1 caspase 2 clathrin assembly protein 3 alternative splicing 4 clathrin assembly 5 ap180 6 clathrin 7 expression profiling 8 gene expression profiling 9 genome wide 10 calpain 11 protein ap180 12 associated alzheimer disease 13 wide association study 14 cdna 15 genome wide association 16 clathrin mediated 17 genetic susceptibility 18 associated alzheimer 19 upregulation 20 overexpression 21 association study 22 endocytic 23 mouse model 24 ethnic difference 25 protein family 26 splicing 27 nucleation 28 hybridisation 29 iron metabolism 30 ethnic 31 molecular signature 32 association study identify 33 alzheimer disease 34 mutation 35 alzheimer 36 gene expression 37 encoding a 38 cleavage 39 trafficking 40 assembly 41 endocytosis 42 inositol 43 coated pits 44 encode a 45 knee 46 potential role 47 genomic 48 protein rat 49 neuronal 50 gene 51 11q23 52 gst 53 signature 54 subcellular localization 55 chromosomal inversion 56 expression 57 genetic 58 truncated 59 molecular 60 stem cell 61 hematopoietic 62 auditory 63 event 64 encoding 65 family 66 novel 67 profiling 68 susceptibility 69 mouse 70 chromosomal 71 mice 72 abnormality 73 purification 74 lymphoid 75 variant 76 role truncated 77 potential 78 cell free 79 impact 80 protein 81 e coli 82 osteoarthritis 83 difference 84 phospholipid 85 member 86 regulator 87 stem 88 inositol phospholipid 89 model 90 monocytic 91 iron 92 suggest a 93 association 94 structural organization 95 functional 96 inversion 97 genome 98 structural 99 coli 100 nucleocytoplasmic 101 formation 102 fusion protein 103 regulatory 104 wild 105 mechanism 106 subtype 107 protein localization 108 cell line 109 suggest 110 leukemia 111 polypeptide 112 fusion 113 cat 114 calm 115 reveal 116 deletion 117 p2 118 binding 119 aberration 120 lattice 121 role 122 depletion 123 lymphoid myeloid 124 interactor 125 sex 126 fish 127 alternative 128 localization 129 expression functional 130 protein alter 131 disease 132 coat 133 neuropathy 134 line 135 interaction 136 expressed 137 metabolism 138 alter subcellular 139 subcellular 140 minor 141 identify 142 alter subcellular localization 143 alter 144 coexpression 145 comp 146 liver 147 organization 148 membrane 149 rare 150 wide 151 subtype specific 152 study 153 specific 154 myeloid 155 simultaneous 156 traffic 157 free 158 transformation 159 property 160 acute 161 involve 162 evidence 163 rat 164 conserved 165 regulatory mechanism 166 metabolism abnormality 167 reconstitution 168 comparative 169 lymphoma 170 cell 171 coated 172 responsible 173 characteristic a 174 multi 175 infant 176 child 177 purified 178 rat liver 179 effect 180 new 181 mediated 182 associated 183 suggest a potential 184 result 185 produced 186 rare event 187 characterisation 188 unusual 189 characteristic 190 influence 191 directing 通过知识发现选择新的研究课题: 1. 老年痴呆症与白血病的研究 2. 白血病与 PICALM 基因的研究 Alzheimer Disease leukemia PICALM Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature AB literature B-term BC literature Alzheimer Disease leukemia PICALM 1: 2005 Add to clipboard 2: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia presenting with symptomatic central nervous system involvement.2002 Add to clipboard 3: Expression of the cytokine leukemia inhibitory factor and pro-apoptotic insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 in Alzheimer's disease.2002 Add to clipboard 4: Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia -associated antigen 1 in human brain tissues.1999 Add to clipboard 5: Expression of adult T cell leukemia -derived factor in human brain and peripheral nerve tissues.1998 Add to clipboard 6: A monoclonal antibody to common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (neutral endopeptidase) immunostains senile plaques in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.1991 Add to clipboard 1: The CALM-AF10 fusion is a rare event in acute megakaryoblastic leukemia .2007 Add to clipboard 2: Acute monocytic leukemia with coexpression of minor BCR-ABL1 and PICALM -MLLT10 fusion genes along with overexpression of HOXA9.2006 Add to clipboard 3: Acute myeloid leukemia is propagated by a leukemic stem cell with lymphoid characteristics in a mouse model of CALM/AF10-positive leukemia .2006 Add to clipboard 4: Effect of clathrin assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia protein depletion on clathrin coat formation.2005 Add to clipboard 5: A novel chromosomal inversion at 11q23 in infant acute myeloid leukemia fuses MLL to CALM, a gene that encodes a clathrin assembly protein.2003 Add to clipboard 6: Clathrin assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia (CALM) protein: localization in endocytic-coated pits, interactions with clathrin, and the impact of overexpression on clathrin-mediated traffic.1999 Add to clipboard
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Medicine 2009-1-12 09:55
三大权威组织携手白云山和黄中药 约700万人的老年痴呆症人群,有望在今后五年内降低一个百分点。上周,中国老年性痴呆协会、中华中医药学会、中国中医药产学研联盟、白云山和黄中药等共同启动首个防治老年痴呆症健康工程,并发表《中国防治老年痴呆症联合宣言》,提出要在未来5年内减少老年痴呆症发病150万人。 专家认为,中医药在防治老年痴呆症方面有着自己的优势和成功经验,如果联合产学研等各方力量,在老年痴呆症治疗市场,中医药有望与西药媲美。 首个老年痴呆症防治宣言 据中国老年性痴呆协会主席、北京大学医学院教授王荫华介绍,目前全世界约有2600万人患老年痴呆症,而我国老年痴呆症患者就约占了四分之一,达600-700万人,发病率为5%以上。中国老年保健协会进行的调研发现,在上海等发达城市,发病率正以每年1.4%的速度上升。 发病率很高,但就诊率却很低。中国中医药产学研联盟秘书长、广药集团董事副总经理、广州白云山和记黄埔中药有限公司总经理李楚源表示,随着我国人口老年化的到来,老年痴呆症的发病率也在增加,已成为继心脑血管疾病和癌症之后威胁老人健康的第四大杀手。这也是《联合宣言》在此时发表的紧迫性。 根据《联合宣言》,未来五年内,要降低老年痴呆症发病率1个百分点,由现在的5%到2013年4%。届时中国老年人口为1.5亿(2013年中国人口约为15亿,65岁以上老人约占10%左右),将减少老年痴呆症发病人数150万人。 中药治疗有望媲美西药 有专家指出,目前在防治老年痴呆症市场仍以西药治疗为主,但近年来随着我国医学、药学界特别是中医药界同行的摸索,已慢慢积累出一套防治老年痴呆症的经验和技术。中医药防治老年痴呆完全有可能也有优势。 事实上,白云山和黄中药经过五年攻关,通过对复方丹参片进行二次开发,就发现复方丹参片具有治疗血管性痴呆的新用途。目前,复方丹参片已经获得防治老年痴呆症专利,治疗效果可与进口药安理申媲美。上周,中国老年性痴呆协会就向白云山和黄中药授牌,为防治老年痴呆症健康基地。 李楚源表示,白云山和黄计划每年投入2000万元,未来5年内投入1亿元资金,将全国老年痴呆症发病率在现有水平上降低一个百分点。该款项主要用于复方丹参片的继续开发,以及在全国范围内建立防治老年痴呆症健康之家。
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