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FlowJo 2014-9-25 11:49
如何使用FlowJo生成新的参数轴? ------ 衍生参数轴的使用,一个超强的数据呈现工具 在流式实验中,经常我们会遇到这种情况,我只想要呈现FL-2通道的某个区域的数据,而不是显示所有;或者想要将2个参数轴的比例形成一个新的数轴。这种情况下怎么办? 下面要介绍的这个工具叫衍生参数轴derived parameter, 它可以帮你心想事成! (感谢提供数据的@狼同学) 此例中的数据是用Calibur收集的FCS2.0数据,用户想要查看他数据所在的范围,0-700,而不是目前呈现的0-1000. 如果是FCS3.0数据的话,我们可以轻松的利用T按钮来实现参数轴的范围更改。我们之前在博文里有详细介绍过如何操作。 那现在FCS2.0的数据的话,让我们用衍生参数轴这个工具吧。ToolsDerived Parameters 输入参数后,新的参数轴预览,点击ok 回到工作台那里,打开图形窗口,选择你新生成的参数轴为横坐标,我们就得到了想要的阈值0-700.现在数据非常漂亮的呈现在图形中间了。 当然,这个工具另外一个很重要的功能就是可以做参数轴之比。如下图所示,利用工具所提供的加减乘除功能,对2个参数轴进行除法,然后生成一个新的参数轴就可以啦。
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bioysy 2013-2-3 21:41
突然看到这篇文章。对重测序的RIL来进行QTL定位比较感兴趣。作个记号 Plant Cell Rep. 2013 Jan;32(1):103-16. doi: 10.1007/s00299-012-1345-6. Epub 2012 Oct 12. Identification of QTLs associated with tissue culture response through sequencing-based genotyping of RILs derived from 93-11 × Nipponbare in rice (Oryza sativa). Li S, Yan S, Wang AH, Zou G, Huang X, Han B, Qian Q, Tao Y. SourceThe College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, 388 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, 310058, China, sujuanli2001@163.com . Abstract KEY MESSAGE : The performance of callus induction and callus differentiation was evaluated by 9 indices for 140 RILs; 2 major QTLs associated with plant regeneration were identified. In order to investigate the genetic mechanisms of tissue culture response, 140 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from 93-11 (Oryza sativa ssp. indica) × Nipponbare (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica) and a high quality genetic map based on the SNPs generated from deep sequencing of the RIL genomes, were used to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with in vitro tissue culture response (TCR) from mature seed in rice. The performance of callus induction was evaluated by indices of induced-callus color (ICC), induced-callus size (ICS), induced-callus friability (ICF) and callus induction rate (CIR), respectively, and the performance of callus differentiation was evaluated by indices of callus proliferation ability (CPA), callus browning tendency (CBT), callus greening ability (CGA), the average number of regenerated shoots per callus (NRS) and regeneration rate (%, RR), respectively. A total of 25 QTLs, 2 each for ICC, ICS, ICF, CIR and CBA, 3 for CPA, 4 each for CGA, NRS and RR, respectively, were detected and located on 8 rice chromosomes. Significant correlations were observed among the traits of CGA, NRS and RR, and QTLs identified for these three indices were co-located on chromosomes 3 and 7, and the additive effects came from both Nipponbare and 93-11, respectively. The results obtained from this study provide guidance for further fine mapping and gene cloning of the major QTL of TCR and the knowledge of the genes underlying the traits investigated would be very helpful for revealing the molecular bases of tissue culture response. 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Mapping 49 quantitative trait loci at high resolution through sequencing-based genotyping of rice recombinant inbred lines. Wang L, Wang A, Huang X, Zhao Q, Dong G, Qian Q, Sang T, Han B. Theor Appl Genet . 2011 Feb;122(2):327-40. doi: 10.1007/s00122-010-1449-8. Epub 2010 Sep 28.
个人分类: QTL精细定位|5219 次阅读|0 个评论
Ripal 2012-12-16 10:42
成熟精子中RNA 的发现让科学家意识到精子不仅仅是运输父源DNA的载体,过去的研究已证实成熟精子所携带的一些miRNA能够影响早期胚胎发育及后代的性状。然而,目前尚不清楚成熟精子中是否还携带除miRNA之外其他种类的小RNA;对各种小RNA的生成及在成熟精子中的富集过程也知之甚少。 动物所段恩奎、韩春生和周琪三个实验室合作,从小鼠附睾尾分离得到高纯度的成熟精子,通过对其中的小分子RNA (18-40 nt) 深度测序结果分析,发现成熟精子中大量存在一类来源于tRNA的小分子RNA。这类小RNA的长度主要富集于29-34nt,类似但不同于睾丸中的piRNA;序列分析发现这类小RNA均来源于成熟tRNA的5’端序列。基于这类小RNA在成熟精子中的高富集性及其tRNA来源,将其命名为mse-tsRNAs (mature-sperm-enriched tRNA derived small RNAs)。mse-tsRNAs的含量占小鼠精子小RNA测序reads总量的67.54%;相比之下,精子中所有miRNA的总和仅占4.61%。mse-tsRNAs的表达量是从生精的晚期或离开睾丸(在附睾中)时开始迅速上升,提示这一时期存在特异的蛋白负责其剪切及富集。在成熟精子中,mse-tsRNAs 在精子头部富集,说明其能够在受精时进入卵细胞。 由于tRNA在进化上高度保守,tRNA来源的mse-tsRNAs 也在脊椎动物中呈高度保守,提示他们可能作为一种古老的父源信息在受精时传递给卵细胞。研究mse-tsRNA的生成/富集机制及其生物学功能将是下一步最为重要的工作。 本项研究的第一作者为彭洪英(博士后)和侍骏超(本科实习生),通讯作者是段恩奎和陈琦,该课题得到科技部、自然科学基金委和中国科学院的资助。文章于10月9日在 Cell Research 杂志在线发表。 相关链接:Hongying Peng, Junchao Shi, Ying Zhang, He Zhang, Shangying Liao, Wei Li, Li Lei, Chunsheng Han, Lina Ning, Yujing Cao, Qi Zhou, Qi Chen, Enkui Duan.2012. A novel class of tRNA-derived small RNAs extremely enriched in mature mouse sperm. Cell Research . doi: 10.1038/cr.2012.141 ( 原文链接 ) 提示: 成熟精子中RNA 的发现让科学家意识到精子不仅仅是运输父源DNA的载体,过去的研究已证实成熟精子所携带的一些miRNA能够影响早期胚胎发育及后代的性状。最近感兴趣父源对后代行为的影响,所以倾向于认为成熟精子中的miRNA进入卵细胞,进而在胚胎的发育以及后代的行为上发挥了重要的作用。所以准备检测后代大脑内相关区域的miRNA表达,期待寻找到新的miRNA!
2526 次阅读|0 个评论
热力学第二定律 离散量子反馈控制
h123456 2012-9-22 14:28
arXiv:0710.0956v3 28 Feb 2008 Second Law of Thermodynamics with Discrete Quantum Feedback Control Takahiro Sagawa1 and Masahito Ueda1,2 1Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8551, Japan 2ERATO Macroscopic Quantum Control Project, JST, 2-11-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan (Dated: February 28, 2008) A new thermodynamic inequality is derived which leads to the maximum work that can be extracted from multi-heat baths with the assistance of discrete quantum feedback control. The maximum work is determined by the free-energy difference and a generalized mutual information content between the thermodynamic system and the feedback controller. This maximum work can exceed that in conventional thermodynamics and, in the case of a heat cycle with two heat baths, the heat efficiency can be greater than that of the Carnot cycle. The consistency of our results with the second law of thermodynamics is ensured by the fact that work is needed for information processing of the feedback controller. PACS numbers: 03.67.-a,05.70.Ln,05.30.-d,03.65.Ta Among a large number of studies conducted on the relationship between thermodynamics and information processing , particularly provoking is the work by Szilard who argued that positive work Wext can be extracted from an isothermal cycle if Maxwell’s demon plays the role of a feedback controller . It is now well understood that the role of the demon does not contradict the second law of thermodynamics, because the initialization of the demon’s memory entails heat dissipation . We note that, in the case of an isothermal process, the second law of thermodynamics can be expressed as Wext ≤ −FS, (1) where FS is the difference in the Helmholtz free energy between the initial and final thermodynamic equilibrium states. In a different context, quantum feedback control has attracted considerable attention for controlling and stabilizing a quantum system . It can be applied, for example, to squeezing an electromagnetic field , spin squeezing , and stabilizing macroscopic coherence . While the theoretical framework of quantum feedback control as a stochastic dynamic system is well developed, the possible thermodynamic gain of quantum feedback control has yet to be fully understood. In this Letter, we derive a new thermodynamic inequality which sets the fundamental limit on the work that can be extracted from multi-heat baths with discrete quantum feedback control , consisting of quantum measurement and a mechanical operation depending on the measurement outcome. The maximum work is characterized by a generalized mutual information content between the thermodynamic system and the feedback controller. We shall refer to this as the QC-mutual information content, where QC indicates that the measured system is quantal and that the measurement outcome is classical. The QC-mutual information content reduces to the classical mutual information content in the case of classical measurement. In the absence of feedback control, the new inequality (12) reduces to the Clausius inequality. In the case of an isothermal process, its upper bound exceeds that of inequality (1) by an amount proportional to the QC-mutual information content. We consider a thermodynamic process for system S which can contact heat baths B1, B2, · · · , Bn at respective temperatures T1, T2, · · · , Tn. We assume that system S is in thermodynamic equilibrium in the initial and final states. For simplicity, we also assume that the initial and final temperature of S is given by T ≡ (kB )−1. This can be realized by contacting S with, for example, B1 in the preparation of the initial state and during equilibration to the final state; in this case T = T1. We do not, however, assume that the system is in thermodynamic equilibrium between the initial and final states. We assume that system S and heat baths Bm are as a whole isolated and that they only come into contact with some external mechanical systems and the feedback controller. Apart from the feedback controller, the total Hamiltonian can be written as ˆH (t) = ˆH S(t) + Xn m=1 ( ˆH SBm(t) + ˆHBm), (2) where ˆH SBm(t) is the interaction Hamiltonian between system S and heat bath Bm. The Hamiltonian ˆH S(t) describes a mechanical operation on S through such external parameters as an applied magnetic field or volume of the gas, and the Hamiltonian ˆH SBm(t) describes, for example, the attachment (detachment) of an adiabatic wall or Bm to (from) S. We consider a time evolution from ti to tf , assume ˆH SBm(ti) = ˆH SBm(tf ) = 0 for all m, and write ˆH S(ti) = ˆH S i and ˆH S(tf ) = ˆH S f . The time 2 evolution of the total system with discrete quantum feedback control can be divided into the following five stages: Stage 1 (Initial state) At time ti, the initial state of S and that of Bm are in thermodynamic equilibrium at temperatures T and Tm, respectively. We assume that the density operator of the entire state is given by the canonical distribution ˆi = exp(− ˆHS i ) ZS i ⊗ exp(− 1 ˆH B1 ) ZB1 ⊗· · ·⊗ exp(− n ˆH Bn) ZBn , (3) where m ≡ (kBTm)−1 (m = 1, 2, · · · , n), ZS i ≡ tr{exp(− ˆH S i )}, and ZBm ≡ tr{exp(− m ˆH Bm)}. We denote the Helmholtz free energy of system S as FS i ≡ −kBT lnZS i . Stage 2 (Unitary evolution) From ti to t1, the entire system undergoes unitary evolution ˆUi = Texp R t1 ti ˆH (t)dt/i~  . Stage 3 (Measurement ) From t1 to t2, the feedback controller performs quantum measurement on S described by measurement operators { ˆMk} and obtains each outcome k with probability pk. Let X be the set of outcomes k’s, and {ˆDk} be POVM as defined by ˆD k ≡ ˆM † k ˆM k; we then have pk = tr(ˆDk ˆ). We denote the pre-measurement density operator of the entire system as ˆ1, the post-measurement density operator with outcome k as ˆ(k) 2 ≡ ˆMk ˆ ˆM † k/pk, and define ˆ2 ≡ P k pk ˆ(k) 2 . Note that our scheme can be applied not only to a quantum measurement, but also to a classical measurement which can be described by setting = 0 for all k. Stage 4 (Feedback control ) From t2 to t3, the feedback controller performs a mechanical operation on S depending on outcome k. Let ˆUk be the corresponding unitary operator on the entire system, and ˆ(k) 3 ≡ ˆUk ˆ(k) 2 ˆU † k be the density operator of the entire system at t3 corresponding to outcome k. We define ˆ3 ≡ P k pk ˆ(k) 3 . Note that the feedback control is characterized by { ˆM k} and {ˆUk}. Stage 5 (Equilibration and final state) From t3 to tf , the entire system evolves according to unitary operator ˆU f which is independent of outcome k. We assume that by tf system S and heat bath Bm will have reached thermodynamic equilibrium at temperatures T and Tm, respectively. We denote as ˆf the density operator of the final state of the entire system, which is related to the initial state as ˆf = E(ˆi) ≡ X k ˆUf ˆU k ˆMkˆUi ˆiˆU † i ˆM † k ˆU † k ˆU † f . (4) We emphasize that ˆf need not equal the rigorous canonical distribution ˆcan f , as given by ˆcan f = exp(− ˆH S f ) ZS f ⊗ exp(− 1 ˆH B1 ) ZB1 ⊗· · ·⊗ exp(− n ˆHBn) ZBn , (5) where ZS f ≡ tr{exp(− ˆHS f )}. We only assume that the final state is in thermodynamic equilibrium from a macroscopic point of view . We will proceed to our main analysis. The difference in the von Neumann entropy between the initial and final states can be bounded from the foregoing analysis as follows: S(ˆi) − S(ˆf ) =S(ˆ1) − S(ˆ3) ≤S(ˆ1) − X k pkS(ˆ(k) 3 ) =S(ˆ1) − X k pkS(ˆ(k) 2 ) =S(ˆ1) + X k tr q ˆD k1 q ˆD k ln p ˆD k ˆ1 p ˆD k pk ! =S(ˆ1) + H({pk}) + X k tr( q ˆD k1 q ˆD k ln q ˆDk 1 q ˆD k), (6) where S(ˆ) ≡ −tr(ˆ ln ˆ) is the von Neumann entropy and H({pk}) ≡ − P k∈X pk ln pk is the Shannon information content. Note that in deriving the inequality (6), we used the convexity of the von Neumann entropy, i.e. S( P k pk ˆ(k) 3 ) ≥ P k pkS(ˆ(k) 3 ). Defining notations ˜H (ˆ1,X) ≡ − P k tr( p ˆD k ˆ1 p ˆD k ln p ˆD k ˆ1 p ˆD k) and I(ˆ1 :X) ≡ S(ˆ1) + H({pk}) − ˜H (ˆ1,X), (7) we obtain S(ˆi) − S(ˆf ) ≤ I(ˆ1 :X). (8) We refer to I(ˆ1 : X) as the QC-mutual information content which describes the information about the measured system that has been obtained by measurement. As shown later, I(ˆ1 :X) satisfies 0 ≤ I(ˆ1 :X) ≤ H({pk}). (9) We note that I(ˆ1 : X) = 0 holds for all state ˆ1 if and only if ˆDk is proportional to the identity operator for all k, which means that we cannot obtain any information about the system by this measurement. On the other hand, I(ˆ1 : X) = H({pk}) holds if and only if ˆDk is the projection operator satisfying = 0 for all k, which means that the measurement on state ˆ1 is classical and error-free. In the case of classical measurement (i.e. = 0 for all k), I(ˆ1 : X) reduces to the classical mutual information content. In fact, we can write I(ˆ1 : X) in this case as I(ˆ1 : X) = − P i qi ln qi − P k,i qip(k|i) ln p(k|i), where ˆ1 ≡ P i qi| iih i| is the spectrum decomposition of the measured state, and p(k|i) ≡ h i|ˆDk| ii can be interpreted as the conditional probability of obtaining outcome k under the condition that the measured state is | ii. 3 I(ˆ1 : X) can be written as I(ˆ1 : X) = ({ˆ(k) 2 }) − Smeas, where ({ˆ(k) 2 }) ≡ S(ˆ2) − P k∈X pkS(ˆ(k) 2 ) is the Holevo  quantity which sets the Holevo bound , and Smeas ≡ S(ˆ2) − S(ˆ1) is the difference in the von Neumann entropy between the pre-measurement and post-measurement states. If Smeas = 0 holds, that is, if the measurement process does not disturb the measured system, then I(ˆ1 :X) reduces to the Holevo  quantity; in this case, the upper bound of the entropy reduction with discrete quantum feedback control is given by the distinguishability of post-measurement states {ˆ(k) 2 }. Nielsen et al. have derived inequality S(ˆi) − S(ˆf ) ≤ S(ˆi, E) , where S(ˆi, E) is the entropy exchange which depends on entire process E, including the feedback process. In contrast, our inequality (8) is bounded by I(ˆ1 :X) which does not depend on the feedback process, but only depends on pre-measurement state ˆ1 and POVM {ˆDk}, namely, on the information gain by the measurement alone. It follows from inequality (8) and Klein’s inequality that S(ˆi) ≤ −tr(ˆf ln ˆcan f ) + I(ˆ1 :X). (10) Substituting Eqs. (3) and (5) into inequality (10), we have (ES i −ES f )+ Xn m=1 T Tm (EBm i −EBm f )≤FS i −FS f +kBT I(ˆ1 :X), (11) where ES i ≡ tr( ˆH S i ˆi), ES f ≡ tr( ˆH S f f ), EBm i ≡ tr( ˆH Bm ˆi), and EBm f ≡ tr( ˆH Bm ˆf ). Defining the difference in the internal energy between the initial and final states of system S as US ≡ ES f − ES i , the heat exchange between system S and heat bath Bm as Qm ≡ EBm i − EBm f , and the difference in the Helmholtz free energy of system S as FS ≡ FS f − FS i , we obtain − US + Xn m=1 T Tm Qm ≤ −FS + kBT I(ˆ1 :X). (12) This is the main result of this Letter. Inequality (12) represents the second law of thermodynamics in the presence of a discrete quantum feedback control, where the effect of the feedback control is described by the last term. For a thermodynamic heat cycle in which I(ˆ1 : X) = 0, US = 0, and FS = 0 hold, inequality (12) reduces to the Clausius inequality Xn m=1 Qm Tm ≤ 0. (13) The equality in (12) holds if and only if ˆ(k) 3 is independent of measurement outcome k (i.e. the feedback control is perfect), and ˆf coincides with ˆcan f . We will discuss two important cases for inequality. Let us first consider a situation in which the system undergoes an isothermal process in contact with single heat bath B at temperature T . In this case, (12) reduces to Wext ≤ −FS + kBT I(ˆ1 :X), (14) Pwhere the first law of thermodynamics, Wext = n m=1 Qm − US, is used. Inequality (14) implies that we can extract work greater than −FS from a single heat bath with feedback control, but that we cannot extract work larger than −FS+kBT I(ˆ1 :X). If we do not get any information, (14) reduces to (1). On the other hand, in the case of classical and error-free measurement, (14) becomes Wext ≤ −FS + kBTH({pk}). The upper bound of inequality (14) can be achieved with the Szilard engine which is described as follows. A molecule is initially in thermal equilibrium in a box in contact with a heat bath at temperature T . We quasi-statically partition the box into two smaller boxes of equal volume, and perform a measurement on the system to find out in which box the molecule is. When the molecule is found in the right one, we remove the left one and move the right one to the left position, which is the feedback control. We then expand the box quasistatically and isothermally so that the final state of the entire system returns to the initial state from a macroscopic point of view. During the entire process, we obtain ln 2 of information and extract kBT ln 2 of work from the system. We next consider a heat cycle which contacts two heat baths: BH at temperature TH and BL at TL with TH TL. We assume that ˆHS i = ˆH S f , US = 0, and FS = 0. Noting that Wext = QH + QL, we can obtain Wext ≤  1 − TL TH  QH + kBTLI(ˆ1 :X). (15) Without a feedback control, (15) shows that the upper bound for the efficiency of heat cycles is given by that of the Carnot cycle: Wext/QH ≤ 1 − TL/TH. With feedback control, (15) implies that the upper bound for the efficiency of heat cycles becomes larger than that of the Carnot cycle. The upper bound of (15) can be achieved by performing a Szilard-type operation during the isothermal process of the one-molecule Carnot cycle; if we perform the measurement and feedback with ln 2 of information in the same scheme as the Szilard engine during the isothermal process at temperature TH, the work that can be extracted is given by Wext = (1 − TL/TH)(QH − kBTH ln 2) + kBTH ln 2 = (1 − TL/TH)QH + kBTL ln 2. Note that we can reach the same bound by performing the Szilard-type operation during the isothermal process at temperature TL. We now prove inequality (9). For simplicity of notation, we consider a quantum system denoted as Q in general, instead of S and Bm’s. The measured state 4 of system Q is written as ˆ, and POVM as {ˆDk}k∈X. We introduce auxiliary system R which is spanned by orthonormal basis {|ki}k∈X, and define two states ˆ1 and ˆ2 of Q + R as ˆ1 ≡ P k √ˆˆDk√ˆ ⊗ |kihk| and ˆ2 ≡ P k p ˆD k ˆ p ˆD k ⊗ |kihk|. It can be shown that tr(√ˆˆD k√ˆ) = tr( p ˆD k ˆ p ˆD k) = pk, trR(ˆ1) = ˆ, and trQ(ˆ1) = P k pk|kihk| ≡ ˆR. Defining ˆ(k) 1 ≡ √ˆˆDk√ˆ/pk, ˆ(k) 2 ≡ p ˆD k ˆ p ˆD k/pk and ˆ′ P ≡ k pkˆ(k) 2 , we have S(ˆ2) = X k pkS q ˆD k ˆ q ˆD k ⊗ |kihk|/pk  + H({pk}) = X k pkS(ˆ(k) 2 ) + H({pk}) = ˜H (ˆ,X). (16) Since S(ˆL†ˆL) = S(ˆL ˆL †) holds for any linear operator ˆ L, we have S(ˆ 2) = P k pkS(ˆ(k) 2 ) + H({pk}) = P k pkS(ˆ(k) 1 ) + H({pk}) = S(ˆ1). Therefore ˜H (ˆ,X) = S(ˆ1) ≤ S(ˆ) + S(ˆR) = S(ˆ) + H({pk}), (17) which implies I(ˆ:X) ≥ 0. The equality in (17) holds for all ˆ if and only if ˆ1 can be written as tensor product ˆ ⊗ ˆR for all ˆ: that is, ˆDk is proportional to the identity operator for all k. We will next show that I(ˆ : X) ≤ H({pk}). We make spectral decompositions as ˆ = P i qi| iih i| and ˆ′ = P j rj | ′ j ih ′ j |, where rj = P i qidij , and define dij ≡ P k |h i| p ˆD k| ′ j i|2, where P i dij = 1 for all j and P j dij = 1 for all i. It follows from the convexity of −x ln x that S(ˆ) = − P i qi ln qi ≤ − P j rj ln rj = S(ˆ′). Therefore, H({pk}) − I(ˆ:X) = ˜H (ˆ,X) − S(ˆ) = H({pk}) + X k pkS(ˆ(k) 2 ) − S(ˆ) ≥ H({pk}) + X k pkS(ˆ(k) 2 ) − S(ˆ′) ≥ 0. (18) It can be shown that the left-hand side is equal to zero for all ˆ if and only if ˆDk is a projection operator satisfying = 0 for all k. Our results do not contradict the second law of thermodynamics, because there exists an energy cost for information processing of the feedback controller . Our results are independent of the state of the feedback controller, be it in thermodynamic equilibrium or not, because the feedback control is solely characterized by { ˆMk} and { ˆUk}. In conclusion, we have extended the second law of thermodynamics to a situation in which a general thermodynamic process is accompanied by discrete quantum feedback control. 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