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What Do We Want Most?
热度 1 lele6314 2016-1-18 21:37
There are so many indexes used to measure how much stuff or wealth we have, GNP(first proposed by Robert Kennedy in1968 ), GDP, and deposit number for instance. There are, however, scarce of index which could evaluate our happiness or wellbeing. That is a huge pity. Because according to a research from Diecer and Scollon(2003) , the most profoundly important things ratings worldwide is: happiness comes in the first as 8 point, while love and health are nearly the same for about 7.9 point, and wealth, being talked for the most in this materialistic and realistic world,come in the fourth reaching about only 6.8 point. From the result we know that money is not as significant as we all considered. The first rating is happiness, then love and health. We want happiness for ourselves, for our family and for ourfriends. Happiness makes us feel pleasant and exhilarating. And we all have the need to love others and be loved. Also, only do we have a healthy body can we live out a full life. We have to admit that money is important. But if you already have a lot of money, the increase of your wealth cannot make you feel happier. In fact, there five simple way which can help us become happier. First is to connect with others since human beings are social animals. Kelly Mcgonigal , a charming health psychologist from PARC, saidin her famous TED in 2013, human will produce oxytocin which is a kind of neurohormone which can make us feel exhilarating when cuddling with people. Second, to be active . Gaining vigor and passion to do things. Third is to take notice ,take care about neighbors in your community, students in your class, and yourcolleagues in your company. In the process of caring, your body will create the resilience against stress according to Mcgonigal(2013) , which could decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension to a great extent. Fourthis to keep learning . We are now in a world of knowledge explosion. Every seven years the gross knowledge will double. We must keep learning all the time not justto keep pace with this swift running world, just to attain a sense of achievement. You can learn anything you want, the cooking method of dishes, anew language, even the childhood instrument, all of them is ok, not only restricted in the history Roman empire, the origin of consciousness, or the essence of capitalism. And the last one is not the least important one, to give . If you give two persons 100 RMB each and ask one of them to spend for himself or herself, the other to spend for others. Next day when you evaluate their welfare degree, the winner must be the one who spend money for others. The five methods above will not cost you alot, and neither cost resources on the planet, but they can improve your Happy Index greatly. Why not do it from now on? At last, I'd like to end my first formal English blog with words from a preacher on the eve of his death. I know there were challenges ahead, or maybe troubles ahead, but I fear no one. I don't care. I have been to the mountain top, and I have seen the promise land. —— Martin Luther King
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iPhone photography: The ultimate guide
cughy 2013-7-15 11:43
​ http://www.imore.com/iphone-photography-ultimate-guide
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[转载]"I am sorry to inform you" or how to deal with rejection
albumns 2012-12-21 22:38
[转载]"I am sorry to inform you" or how to deal with rejection
So, you're shocked and hurt, then furious, then at total despair. Now - once you're done making faces and literally expressing your emotions what do you do? One of the ultimate goals of each scientist is to publish their scientific ideas and discoveries, to contribute to the scientific community's knowledge. However, on the path to the aimed publication there are commonly two main roadblocks: an editor and a few referees acting as judges. Today, the accepted/rejected ratio is low (1/3) and can get even lower as you step up the impact factor ladder (@Nature it can get as low as 1/100!). Looking at these statistics and with the "publish or perish" looming overhead, a scientist might ponder how to deal with the blow of a rejection, especially if he/she are past the first and the second ones? The Prof. Lynn Margulis story Early in her scientific career, late Prof. Lynn (Sagan) Margulis (1938-2011) had many of her scientific papers rejected, more than any researcher would consider as an ok number. Her ground breaking endosymbiotic theory paper, which suggested that eukaryotic organelles have evolved from the symbiosis between multiple prokaryotic organisms, has been rejected by no less than 15 journals, until it was finally accepted by the Journal of Theoretical Biology. Prof. Margulis kept submitting her revolutionary paper again and again because she knew she's right and believed in her hypothesis. Keep your emotions at bay Let's face it – most scientists believe in their data and assumptions and thus expect that their paper will be accepted with only minor revisions at worst case. Thus, when the letter from the editors hits your email with the negative response, count to 10 and breathe deep. The decision might be frustrating and enraging, but remember that in most cases the decision is not a personal but a professional one (and in many cases the reviewers' comments improve the next versions of the manuscript). Keep an open mind When first receiving a rejection letter, whether the paper was rejected at the editor's or at the reviewer's door, it is better to read the letter again when you're passed the anger/frustration/disappointment stage. Looking at the critics from a professional perspective will enable you to open up to the comments and see their role in improving your manuscript. Read the critical comments and for each comment answer the following questions: Is this comment correct and relevant? Have the referee got to the bottom of the experiment/claim? How much weight this comment has on the overall rejection decision? Assuming this comment is correct and in place, can I supply data/claim to defer it? Once you outlined the major rejections it is time to evaluate how much improvements the manuscript requires. You might want to get the advice of a colleague, which will look at the manuscript objectively (it is best to consult with a colleague before submitting the manuscript). Keep your team posted Assuming this work is done by your students (and other collaborating students), best you update them on the current status of the work by forwarding them the rejection letter. Sharing this will both give them a sense of appreciation and involvement, and in addition it will give them a glimpse of what is expected of them (assuming the comments are reasonable and correct). If your work involves a collaboration, it might be worthwhile meeting everyone over coffee and discussing the rejection letter, the implications, suggestion for improved experiments and deciding who's doing what. You might even consider asking a new collaborator to come along and generate data that will strengthen the manuscript and your claims, and your co-authors should be updated on this step as well. Should I write a rebuttal letter? Every rejection can be appealed by a rebuttal letter to the editor. Consider that such letter is often rejected. Even so, if you feel that some of the comments you received are not relevant, or that the experiments that were required shift your focus off the manuscript topic, you might want to consider a rebuttal letter. Notice that if the same line of comments is common to all or most of the reviewers, then you might want to reconsider whether your own assessment is correct. You may also choose to share you rejection letter on this Paper Rejection Repository so that others may learn from your experience. You can browse this repository to get an idea on policies of various journals for rejection of manuscripts, and read the comments of reviewers on the work of other researchers. Should I consider a different set of suggested reviewers? When submitting a manuscript to a journal you will need to supply several names of reviewers. Eventually it is hard to know whether the comments you received in the rejection letter are from your own selected reviewers or from the editor's pick. You can, however, analyze the comments nature and determine which niche it fits in. For example, let's say you supplied the names of a cell biologist, a geneticist and a biochemist to the journal and on scrutinizing the rejection comments you see that many comments refer to your "poorly performed and misanalysis of confocal results…". From such a comment you will know that a cell biologist specializing in confocal microscopy was one of the judges and that next time you submit your manuscript you might consider choosing a cell biologist with a slightly different background (assuming the comment is petty and is not justified). Here are a few more suggestions for dealing with rejection by Dr. Ron Milo @ The Weizmann Institute of Science. Did you experience a very harsh rejection letter? Or maybe a rejection letter that improved your manuscript? Please share with us and the readers.
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proximate cause 和 ultimate cause: 近因,远因,终极因?
dxd 2012-5-20 06:16
Proximate cause 和 ultimate cause,字面上可译为“近因”和“终极因”,最近带实验课的时候才接触到。其实当年自己也学过相关的概念,但没有记住这两个名词。 在生物学中谈到某个性状出现的原因时,“近因”一般指此时此刻环境、生理、生化等层次上的直接原因。例如问,亲鸟为什么给幼鸟喂食?这时可以回答:因为幼鸟张着大嘴(喙)并且发出讨食的叫声,而且幼鸟的嘴有鲜黄色的边缘,这些信号都通过亲鸟的视觉和听觉对其大脑造成了刺激,促使其作出了喂食的决定。当然,还可以辅之以更多的生理学和神经学上的细节。 而后者,也就是“终极因”,一般指该性状在其进化历史上的选择优势。比如在上例当中,其“终极因”可以这样解释:那些对幼鸟的这些刺激不产生喂食反应的个体,其后代成活率相对较小,而能够保持喂食行为的个体,其后代成活率相对较高,并且也遗传了该行为。因此在进化的历程中,具有喂食行为的个体占了上风,并最终被保留了下来。 话到这里还没完。较真的同学可能会问:“一个性状,比如这个喂食行为,到底如何进化出来的呢?上面这个解释明显还不够‘终极’嘛!” 这个问题很要命,但又表述得不太恰当。要我说,其实没有什么东西是“进化出来”的。通常我们所提到的“进化”,都只是用来解释某个性状为什么能被保留,或者为什么会被淘汰,而并不能解释它是如何从无到有出现的。一个新性状的出现,说到底应该是遗传学以及发育学的问题,有时候还涉及到生物个体(或基因/基因组)之间、以及个体与环境(遗传物质与微环境)之间的相互作用。这往往并非一个线性过程,而且每一个性状可能都有各不相同的起源,现在还无法用一个既普适、又准确的理论来概括。 而这些遗传及发育层面上的过程,最终还是要符合更底层的物理、化学规律。不符合理化规律的“性状”,是不会“进化出来”的。即使短暂出现,也不能作为一个稳态而维持,匡论接受进化力量的塑造和筛选。 有人认为,只有走入这些更底层的物理学以及化学过程,才谈得上所谓的“终极因”。我认为,系统动力学中的“稳态”这一概念,就是搭在物理世界与生命世界之间的一座桥梁,可以作为奠基在进化解释之下的、进一步的原因。 当然了,也许没有什么是“终极”的原因。人类对自然界的认识总会不停地进步,也就总会从一个层面上的“终极因”,跳往下一个层面上的“终极因”。从这个意义上讲,在生物学中,将ultimate cause译为“远因”即可,而目前也确实是这么翻译的。
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