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来自心怿的诗 (128)
biqiao 2012-5-1 21:18
萍萍叹了一口气:“你还恨我吗?” 我摇摇头,连我自己也不知这代表什么? 便指着 悬 挂在湖面半天上的人造月亮 说 : “ 月亮知道我的心。" 萍萍沉默片晌,缓缓地说: “ 对不起,我误会你了。你 的心灵交换同 冥思 党接触上 了吗 ? ” 我侧头望向她,刚好和她明亮的眼神 相 遇。看来她已经 猜到了 冥思 党 的事了, 但 这 高度机密的事, 她 知道了 绝 无好 处 ,所以便冷冷地截断 她说 : “ 这 不是 谈论 公事 的适宜时刻吧!” 萍萍呆一呆,再次发现我已脱离她的控制,桥杰再不是那苦苦哀求她留下的旧日 夫君,某 种 新已 经 出 现 了。 她避开我的目光,望着窗外,胸口急速地起伏,情绪不由自主地波动 。 换 了是桥杰,他一定会乘虚而入, 体 贴 入微, 猜度她心中的想法 , 但 我是 罗 曼洛 兰 , 现在我要留下一 些 心力,好 尽快 去和冥思 党周旋,因 为 心 灵 感 应 的直 觉 告 诉 我,他 们 的存在不是 对 我没有影 响 的。 萍萍 似乎感 应 到了我的思 虑 , 很快恢复 了 冷静。 她指着远方,说道: “ 城 中 纪念 广场 博物馆大门台阶上 经常坐满冥思的人们 ,据说冥思 党 的传播就是 从 那 里 开始的 。 ” 我顺着她的指引极目远眺,想象人们初遇怡飞姑娘时的情景。 萍萍道: “ 从古至今,宗教都是由社会的 不 满 开始 的 , 因 为 只有在不满足的人们 那 里,神才 能展示永恒的 天国。 ” Ping Ping sigh: “Do you still hate me?" I shake my head, even myself don't know what this means? Then I Point to the artificial moon hanging on half sky on the lake face to say: "The Moon knows my heart. “ Ping Ping is silent moment, says slowly: “sorry, I misunderstood you. Your soul thinking wave has contacted with meditation party members?" My head look at her, and just meet her bright eyes. It seems that she has guessed meditation party thing, but it is highly secret, there is no benefits for she know it, so I coldly truncate her to say: "This is not a business for the moment!" Ping Ping stays, and again finds that me out of her control; Chau Jie is not the same husband begging her to stay, something new has appeared. She avoid my gaze, looking out of the window, the chest rapidly wave and can't help emotional fluctuations. If I am Chau Jie, he will take advantage of a weak point, take to her bosom, guesses her thought in the heart. But I'm Luoman Lorrain, now I want to leave a soul force, and communicate with meditation party for a contact, because my soul thinking wave direct tell me that their existence affect me. She seems to feel my thinking, and soon recovered calm. She point to the distance, says: "The Memorial Museum steps often sit full meditation people, It is said the beginning is allegedly meditation party communication is from here." I followed her direct gaze into the distance, I imagine people met the overfly girl at the scene. Ping Ping says: "Since ancient times, religion is by the society at the bottom, only in the meet the people there, God is the kingdom of heaven."
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