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jysjkx 2013-1-1 20:21
第二届教育、认知和神经科学拉丁美洲学校(The 2nd Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences)将于2012年3月5-16日,在Calafate, Patagonia Argentina举行。现欢迎致力于探索认知、大脑、学习和教育的研究生、博士后、研究者报名参加。报名截止时间:2011年9月15日,培训学校将为入选的学员提供所有的旅行和食宿费用。 提交申请、注册地址: http://www.laschool4education.com 详情参见:Call for Applications 更多详情参见: www.laschool4education.com The 2nd Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences Funded by the James S. McDonnell Foundation Calafate, Patagonia Argentina 5-16 March, 2012 http://www.laschool4education.com/ Faculty: Andrea Moro, Bruce McCandliss, Constance Scharff, David Klahr, David Yaron, Diego Golombek, Elizabeth Brannon, Elizabeth Spelke, Gergely Csibra, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Hal Pashler, Helen Neville, Henry "Roddy" Roediger III, Jacques Mehler, Jan Born, John Bruer, Jorge Moll, Joshua Tenenbaum, Kathleen McDermott, Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, Laura Shulz, Manuel Carreiras, Marcela Pe?a, Mariano Sigman, Marina Nespor, Miguel Brechner Frey, Mike Shadlen, Mitchell Nathan, Nora Newcombe, Pierre Pica, Rebecca Saxe, Sidarta Ribeiro, Silvia Bunge, Stanislas Dehaene, Stella Vosniadou, Susan Fitzpatrick, Usha Goswami Candidates should register at http://www.laschool4education.com . Applications will remain open until September 15, 2011. The school will be held in Calafate, one of the most beautiful places in Patagonia, Argentina, http://www.hotelaltocalafate.com.ar . The goal of our School is to critically examine research findings that are potentially relevant to the development and implementation of effective educational practices. We hope that the School will foster a new generation of rigorous researchers with broad knowledge in neuroscience, able to operate at the interface between education and science. The school will cover all travel, board and lodging expenses for the selected candidates.
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热度 1 nanohandsome 2012-5-28 13:52
个人分类: 科学研究|5143 次阅读|2 个评论

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