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Guchangjun 2019-3-20 20:46
之前跟老师交流,我总是给一堆图表,一堆废话,老师说,你得搞明白哪些是错分的点?这些错分点来自什么?分别是什么类型?错分成什么了?不搞清楚这些,你瞎鼓捣一通也是浪费时间,看运气。我觉得,嗯,非常有道理,其实我也明白,但是怎么找出错分点呢?我表示比较头疼,今天终于想明白了: 精度验证的本质也是用一批独立的点去验证已经分类的图像,通过混淆矩阵来检验哪些分对了,哪些分错了,总体分类精度是多少。这样一来,找出错分点就容易了,验证点我都给了土地覆被类型的label,然后我在用这些点提取已分类图像上的土地覆被类型,然后以CSV文件导出,并保证验证点都有一个独立的ID,这样我可以溯源,这些点的经纬度、来源(照片、google earth还是样方?),然后再去TM影响或者Google Earth去对,到底哪里出了问题?
4393 次阅读|0 个评论
Guchangjun 2019-3-20 15:36
之前处理一批数据,是野外采集的验证点,想在GEE中完成监督分类。GEE提供的方法包括两个,一个是上传table和导入Fusion table,我使用的是Fusion table,需要对fusion table进行转换,包括格式转换以及土地覆被类型点的转换,主要用到了ee.FeactureCollection.remap函数,将对应的土地覆被类型点进行转换(remap后的覆被类型应该是从0开始,可以看remap函数介绍)。有一点需要注意,土地覆被类型点的经纬度坐标需要用longitude和latitude,如果用x,y会导致提取不出点所在的经纬度信息(strange~)。 fusiontable确实比较好用,但是不幸的是,到今年年底就要停止服务了(sad~)。如果不用fusiontable,用table upload也是可以的:将土地覆被类型点在ArcGIS中展示为shp文件,然后上传shp就搞定了,需要用到的依然是ee.FeactureCollection()函数,举个例子: var referenceData = ee.FeatureCollection(users/****/Trainingdata); var water = referenceData.filter(ee.Filter.eq(landcover,1)) //完成了对于验证点的调用
8399 次阅读|0 个评论
White Paper of NLP Engine
liwei999 2015-7-14 02:41
Technology white paper is a tricky business. It is like a product commercial so the chief technology architect needs to highlight the strength and competitive advantages using layman's language. On the other hand, as scientist, the chief architect is supposed to set a proper tone in the presentation, using objective language rather than subjective language widely adopted in the commercials. Steve Jobs can overwhelm his audiences with the extremely emotional terms such as amazing/unbelievable/incredible/miracle/magic, but a scientist cannot do so in a white paper even if he firmly believes in his tochnology being suprior. Furthermore, most companies need a white paper to be convincing without revealing details and secret srouces. That is why I try not to write white papers per se. 【置顶:立委科学网博客NLP博文一览(定期更新版)】
个人分类: 立委科普|13 次阅读|0 个评论
TUCF 2014-8-30 23:05
mac osx10.9 chrome 使用 GoAgentX-v2.3.6.dmg 部署 google app engine tucfzju@gmail.com gg12 tucfzju|tucfzju1|tucfzju2|...|tucfzju9 goagent文件夹一同放在/Applications/下 goagent.zip (要修改 proxy.ini 中的 app id) 使用 goagentmac.dmg 启动 ( 进入Contents文件夹之后,点击选择Info.plist编辑,找到下图中的关键词,编辑改成GoAgentPath /Applications/goagent/local/proxy.py ) chrome 中安装 swichySharp扩展插件 导入设置文件即可 (8087) 参考 http://runbing.me/archives/goagent-tutorial-mac-os.html http://www.guokr.com/blog/436937/
个人分类: 随笔记录|0 个评论
ArcGIS Engine 二次开发:ArcGIS version not specified.
yewenjing 2014-5-23 09:16
ArcGIS10:ArcGIS version not specified. You must call RuntimeManager.Bind before creating any ArcGIS 今天将ArcGIS系列的软件从ArcGIS9.3.1升级到ArcGIS10,然后就使用VS创建一个简单的AE应用程序,然后拖放一个toolbar、LicenseControl以及MapControl控件。 接着编译应用程序,编译成功。 点击运行时,出现如下错误: ArcGIS version not specified. You must call RuntimeManager.Bind before creating any ArcGIS components. 问题解决方案: 在program.cs中添加如下代码 ESRI.ArcGIS.RuntimeManager.Bind(ESRI.ArcGIS.ProductCode. EngineOrDesktop ); (注意,这里的代码不是 ESRI.ArcGIS.RuntimeManager.Bind(ESRI.ArcGIS.ProductCode. Engine );一定要有OrDesktop) 这里还需要添加一个Reference:ESRI.ArcGIS.Version(这步个人没做,不清楚什么意思) 完整的参考代码如下所示: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 { static class Program { /// summary /// The main entry point for the application. /// /summary static void Main() { ESRI.ArcGIS.RuntimeManager.Bind(ESRI.ArcGIS.ProductCode.EngineOrDesktop); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new Form1()); } } }
个人分类: AE二次开发|5585 次阅读|0 个评论
ConcGram 1.0 A phraseological search engine
carldy 2013-9-27 10:19
Reading note: ConcGram 1.0 A phraseological search engine Chris Greaves The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Studies in Corpus Linguistics Software 1 2009. ConcGram 1.0 is a corpus linguistics software package which is specifically designed to find all the co-occurrences of words in a text or corpus irrespective of variation. The software finds the co-occurrences fully automatically, in other words, the user inputs no prior search commands. These co-occurrences are termed ‘concgrams’ and include instances of both constituency variation (increase in expenditure, increase in the share of public expenditure) and positional variation (expenditure would inevitably increase). ConcGram 1.0 is therefore uniquely suited to uncovering the full phraseological profile of a text or corpus. In addition to this principal function, ConcGram 1.0 allows the user to nominate concgram searches, and it also has the more traditional functions associated with corpus linguistics software. The software comes with a detailed online manual in a PDF file, which explains all of the functions and includes a user-friendly tutorial. In addition, the manual includes a discussion of the theoretical issues underpinning the development of the software and the implications of concgramming for the study of phraseology (Why Concgram? by Martin Warren). The software has a wide range of applications in the fields of Corpus Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Lexicology, Lexicography, Pragmatics and Semantics. Table of contents Acknowledgement Introduction Chapter 1. ConcGram List Builder Chapter 2. Selecting a text or corpus to interrogate Chapter 3. Getting started with ConcGram Chapter 4. Managing the lists Chapter 5. Using the Configuration List Boxes Chapter 6. Automatic searches from specified words Chapter 7. Statistical tests Chapter 8. User nominated searches with ConcGram Appendix. ConcGram Tutorial Here enclosed the mannual of ConcGram: concgrammanual.pdf Good information for this software from PolyU, HK: http://www.engl.polyu.edu.hk/Research_Resources.php We can use it free online.
个人分类: 语言学探讨 Linguistics|6340 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Crooke's radiometer/ light mill / solar engine 中国购买信息
chnfirst 2013-9-24 13:38
http://pierrelaurentcassiere.com/en-pulse.html Pulse Expanded cinema/sound installation, dimensions site specific, 2010 (Crookes radiometer, light bulb, laser, electronics, amplifier, low-frequency transducers) The fragile and silent spinning motion of a Crookes radiometer* produces powerful vibrations through the architecture. A slowly flicking bulb causes the motion of the light-mill, which wings alternatively obstruct a light ray pointed on a photo sensor. Once amplified, the signal is directly transmitted to low-frequency transducers, integrated in different architectural elements, to make the vibrating response of the room synchronized with the mill shadow movement. Cinema optical sound technique allows to transform the mill motion into an audio signal. The beat frequency is related to the rotation speed of the radiometer (video demo) * The radiometer is a light mill which was invented in 1875 by the English physicist and chemist Sir William Crookes (1832-1919). Among other discoveries, the scientist also invented the Crookes' tube, ancestor of the cathode ray tube. Along with his purelly scientific researches, he worked on mediums and paranormal phenomenon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cey-JBeHrww The Crookes radiometer, also known as the light mill or solar engine, consists of an airtight glass bulb, containing a partial vacuum. http://www.alibaba.com/product-gs/941791060/Oval_Hanging_Radiometer.html Offline Contact Supplier Place Order Not exactly what you want? Post a quick Buying Request! Verified Supplier - Zhejiang Huamao International Co., Ltd. Business type: Trading Company Onsite operations checked and legal status confirmed Contact Details Company Profile See larger image Mr. Michael ZhengDepartment:SalesJob Title:Manager Contact Supplier Offline Telephone:86-574-87715596Mobile Phone:13967839938Fax:86-574-87970901-596Address:17-18F., Hengfu Building 1,No.828 Fuming Road, Jiangdong , Ningbo, China Zip:315140Country/Region:China (Mainland)Province/State:ZhejiangCity:NINGBO
个人分类: 生活点滴|0 个评论
[转载]部署ArcGIS Engine程序
izkee 2010-7-8 15:33
在ArcGIS Engine程序开发完成以后,可以使用打包工具把开发完成的程序打包成安装程序,下面使用vs2005 进行ArcGIS Engine程序的打包。首先要保证计算机上装有ArcGIS EngineRuntime及licence 1、打开MapViewer(即要打包的 程序)解决方案,在该解决方案中添加安装项目,选择文件添加新建项目 2、在弹出的对话框中选择: 选择项目类型:其他项目类型安装和部署 选择模板:安装项目 设置安装项目的名称和存放路径,点击确定 3、添加安装项目后的界面,在解决方案管理器窗口中添加了一个setup1项目。 4、向应用程序文件夹中添加项目输出。右键单击应用程序文件夹添加项目输出。 5、在弹出的对话框中选中主输出,单击确定按钮。 6、此时在应用程序文件夹中会出现一些ESRI的程序集和一个名为主输出来自**的输出项。 7、由于ArcGIS Engine Runtime中已经包含了相关的程序集,所以在安装程序中需要将这些程序集 排除,在解决方案资源管理器中,选中检测到的依赖项下面的和ERSI相关的程序集,右键选择排除。 8、排除后。 9、此时,还可以向应用程序文件夹中添加我们需要的其他文件或者程序集。下面为我们的程序添加开始菜单中的程序快捷方式:右键用户的程序快捷菜单,选择创建用户的程序菜单的快捷方式,在属性窗口中位出现的快捷方式更名和改相关属性。 10、下面为程序添加用户桌面的快捷方式:右键用户桌面,选择创建用户桌面的快捷方式,在属性窗口中为出现的快捷方式更改名称和相关属性。 11、这样我们就完成了对安装项目的配置,接下来生成安装项目,在解决方案资源管理器中右键单击安装项目的图标,选择生成。生成成功后会在指定的生成目录下面产生一个setup.exe文件和setup.cab文件,最终用户只要双击setup.exe文件即可以开始安装。
个人分类: ArcGIS Engine|5184 次阅读|2 个评论
The inevitable outcome of China and Google: The best of both worlds
baijiab 2010-5-2 10:11
The inevitable outcome of China and Google: The best of both worlds By Yonghe Zhang 1939 Germany in three years, had occupied most of Europe, North Africa, East Asia and the Pacific Islands . But five years later, when the Red Army approaching Berlin , Hitler and his girlfriend Eva Bo Braun committed suicide after their marriage. If Hitler could speak, he would say that Germany failed mainly because he did not have a powerful Google search engine and could not grasp and consolidate and develop the broad front. If you want to ask what is the main cause of the rapid rise of Japan 's postwar economy. Japanese interpretation is also because no powerful Google search engine, and can only stop at nothing toget from us a wealth of information on scientific and technical information. However, China 's economic rise does not rely on the powerful Google search engine, but by the introduction of off-the-shelf technology of capitalism. Has been basically completed at present the large scale of the introduction of capitalism, the economy enters a normal improvement and development. This will require powerful Google search engine. If we let Google out of China , the consequences are disastrous. There are only two or three backward countries include the North Korean dont allow Google to enter their markets. The effectiveness of Google in particular its rich part of the integrity of science and technology is unmatched by any Web search engine. Some nationalists to flatter Baidu and attack Google to indicate they are Patriots, doubtful ! At least they are not a real scholar 。 They might want to close the door, get rid of the capitalist reforms, back to catch Revolution, promoting production! old cage! With China's reform and opening up, Google has also been introduced, but has been filter-censored, which not only weakened the effectiveness of Google search engine, also hurt Google's universal values, and therefore is condemned in the West. Some say Google out of China because of the pressure from the US government, No, the US government has no right to interfere in the ideological, Google can ignore the US government, but Google can not ignore the strong public opinion - the pressure of civil rights. It was also said that civil rights is political. I said, not exactly on! Because Americans don't have politics beef. The author believes, Google only expectation is that the Chinese Government's political truth space for development. Therefore, China and Google both sides worked out a promising solution scenario, it is built on both sides to fully understand the universal value and on the basis of their own interests. This is the Chinese use the full power of Google search without review filtering engine: http://www.google.com.hk Google does not exit China . But get a universal value and economic interests of bright future. China did not lose Google, to protect China 's sustained economic development, but also creates a promotion of one country two systems model of the scientific development concept.
个人分类: 哲学观点|826 次阅读|2 个评论
bjfuzhao 2009-9-19 04:05
B. Croft, D. Metzler, and T. Strohman, Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice. Addison Wesley, February 2009. 你可以到 http://www.pearsonhighered.com/croft1epreview/ 下载目录和其中两章。 C. Manning, P. Raghavan, and H. Schtze , Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press, 2008.你可以到 http://nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book/information-retrieval-book.html 下载。 Baeza-Yates, R. B. Ribeiro-Neto. eds. Modern Information Retrieval. ACM Press, 1999 李晓明,闫宏飞,王继民,搜索引擎-原理、技术与系统,科学出版社 这学期教搜索引擎的课,暑假里读了一些相关教材和书,感觉这四本书还相当不错。不过什么书都需要有耐心读,而且还要不停的回头读,才能有所收获。
个人分类: 搜索引擎|5450 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 sunon77 2009-1-20 02:07
Physics In the time of semantic web, people are no longer satisfied with just finding something. You need a ‘librarian’ who can help you to organize what you try to find. Such as, Categorizing journal papers in some well-established topics, the authors who are usually the expert in this field, and Journals which usually cover the cutting-edge research about this problem. Furthermore, it is really time-consuming and inconvenient for us to check all those journals one by one. We need a search engine which could cover APS journals, European Physics Journals and UK IOP journals. Even with ArXiv, ScienceDirect and SCOPUS, semantic web searching is still a welcomed gadget for physicists. The SCITopia is right choice for physicists: http://www.scitopia.org Fig. 1 website of SCITopia Biology Just like Physics Review serial for physicists, PubMed is the most important source for biologists. So GoPubMed is the right choice for biologists. Fig. 2 website of GoPubMed
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|6081 次阅读|8 个评论

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