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热度 6 halcon 2014-3-31 21:29
上理的复杂性科学研究中心的工作慢慢步入了正轨。虽然研究主力是硕士研究生,生源质量也不比985,211的兄弟院校。但凭借大家的刻苦努力,团结协作。总算出了一点点成果。分别在超网络建模,用户的行为、兴趣等研究方向上进行了一些探索。能拿得出手的东西不多,还望大家轻拍。多谢! PLoS ONE 9(3) e89746 (2014) A Knowledge Generation Model via the Hypernetwork.pdf EPL 106 (2014) 18002 Effects of the distance among multiple spreaders on the spreading.pdf EPL 104 (2013) 28004-offprints Statistical properties of the personal social networks.pdf PhysRevE.85.016118 (2012) Solving the accuracy-diversity dilemma via directed radom walks.pdf PhysRevE.84.037101 (2011) Information filtering via biased heat conduction.pdf 物理学报 2013 62(17) 178901 复杂网络节点重要性排序的研究进展 LiuJG.pdf Physica A 402 (2014) 134-140 Ceiling effect of online user interests for the movies.pdf Physica A 401 (2014) 15-21-Effect of the time window on the heat-conduction info.pdf Physica A 400 (2014) 93–99 A social force evacuation model with the leadership effect.pdf EPJB 86 (2013) 478_Effect of the social influence on topological properties of t.pdf EPJB 85(8) 286 (2012) Heat conduction information filtering via local information.pdf Physica A 392 (2013) 4154-4159 Ranking the spreading influence in complex networks.pdf
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