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如何作“雷达图(或蜘蛛网图)”之R(或 Rstudio)应用篇
meiweipingg 2016-7-1 13:15
#以5个变量(即雷达图的5个坐标轴,如某种鱼的5种饵料贡献率 part1 to part5)数据为例, #第一步:设置各个变量的取值范围(即最小值和最大值,相当于二维图的x轴和y轴的取值范围),代码如下 maxmin - data.frame( part1=c(50, 0), part2=c(50, 0), part3=c(50, 0), part4=c(50, 0), part5=c(50, 0)) #取值范围为 先最大值 后最小值,即上述c(100,0) #第二步:设置准备绘图的指标类型的数据,如 A 种鱼的5种饵料贡献率 dat.A- data.frame( part1=50, part2=20, part3=15, part4=10, part5=5) #第三步:把数据集 maxmin 和 dat.A 组合成为新的数据集,命名为dat.A2 dat.A2-rbind(maxmin,dat.A) #第四步: 绘图 #如何没有安装套件的话,请先安装fmsb套件,代码为 install.packages('fmsb') library(fmsb) radarchart(dat.A2, axistype=0, seg=5,centerzero = TRUE) #seg的取值表示将各轴分成几段,centerzero表示蜘蛛网图中心点为最小值点,axistype为0表示不绘制各坐标轴标签 #然后,在 Plots栏→Export→Metafile→Copy Plot→粘贴到PowerPoint中进行编辑后,另存为 .tiff或.jpg文件就OK了,写论文用起来也方便 #---------------------------------------------------------- #补充,如果要在一个蜘蛛网图中绘制多个指标类型,如 A种鱼 和 B种鱼 的5种饵料贡献率,代码如下: dat.AB - data.frame( part1=c(50,20), part2=c(20,40), part3=c(15,20), part4=c(10,12), part5=c(5,8)) dat.AB2-rbind(maxmin,dat.AB) radarchart(dat.AB2, axistype=0, seg=5,centerzero = TRUE) #以上,参考链接 http://www.inside-r.org/packages/cran/fmsb/docs/radarchart 链接原文材料如下 radarchart {fmsb} Drawing radar chart (a.k.a. spider plot) Package: fmsb Version: 0.5.2 Description Drawing the radar chart with several lines from a data frame, which must be composed of more than 3 variables as axes and the rows indicate cases as series. Usage radarchart(df, axistype, seg, pty, pcol, plty, plwd, pdensity, pangle, pfcol, cglty, cglwd, cglcol, axislabcol, title, maxmin, na.itp, centerzero, vlabels, vlcex, caxislabels, calcex, paxislabels, palcex, ...) Arguments df The data frame to be used to draw radarchart. If maxmin is TRUE, this must include maximum values as row 1 and minimum values as row 2 for each variables, and actual data should be given as row 3 and lower rows. The number of columns (variables) must be more than 2. axistype The type of axes, specified by any of 0:5. 0 means no axis label. 1 means center axis label only. 2 means around-the-chart label only. 3 means both center and around-the-chart (peripheral) labels. 4 is *.** format of 1, 5 is *.** format of 3. Default is 0. seg The number of segments for each axis (default 4). pty A vector to specify point symbol: Default 16 (closed circle), if you don't plot data points, it should be 32. This is repeatedly used for data series. pcol A vector of color codes for plot data: Default 1:8, which are repeatedly used. plty A vector of line types for plot data: Default 1:6, which are repeatedly used. plwd A vector of line widths for plot data: Default 1, which is repeatedly used. pdensity A vector of filling density of polygons: Default NULL, which is repeatedly used. pangle A vector of the angles of lines used as filling polygons: Default 45, which is repeatedly used. pfcol A vector of color codes for filling polygons: Default NA, which is repeatedly usd. cglty Line type for radar grids: Default 3, which means dotted line. cglwd Line width for radar grids: Default 1, which means thinnest line. cglcol Line color for radar grids: Default navy axislabcol Color of axis label and numbers: Default blue title if any, title should be typed. maxmin Logical. If true, data frame includes possible maximum values as row 1 and possible minimum values as row 2. If false, the maximum and minimum values for each axis will be calculated as actual maximum and minimum of the data. Default TRUE. na.itp Logical. If true, items with NA values are interpolated from nearest neighbor items and connect them. If false, items with NA are treated as the origin (but not pointed, only connected with lines). Default FALSE. centerzero Logical. If true, this function draws charts with scaling originated from (0,0). If false, charts originated from (1/segments). Default FALSE. vlabels Character vector for the names for variables. If NULL, the names of the variables as colnames(df) are used. Default NULL. vlcex Font size magnification for vlabels. If NULL, the font size is fixed at text()'s default. Default NULL. caxislabels Character vector for center axis labels, overwriting values specified in axistype option. If NULL, the values specified by axistype option are used. Default is NULL. calcex Font size magnification for caxislabels. If NULL, the font size is fixed at text()'s default. Default NULL. paxislabels Character vector for around-the-chart (peripheral) labels, overwriting values specified in axistype option. If NULL, the values specified by axistype option are used. Default is NULL. palcex Font size magnification for paxislabels. If NULL, the font size is fixed at text()'s default. Default NULL .... Miscellaneous arguments to be given for plot.default(). Values No value is returned. Examples # Data must be given as the data frame, where the first cases show maximum. maxmin - data.frame ( total= c ( 5 , 1 ) , phys= c ( 15 , 3 ) , psycho= c ( 3 , 0 ) , social= c ( 5 , 1 ) , env= c ( 5 , 1 ) ) # data for radarchart function version 1 series, minimum value must be omitted from above. RNGkind ( Mersenne-Twister ) set.seed ( 123 ) dat - data.frame ( total= runif ( 3 , 1 , 5 ) , phys= rnorm ( 3 , 10 , 2 ) , psycho= c ( 0.5 , NA , 3 ) , social= runif ( 3 , 1 , 5 ) , env= c ( 5 , 2.5 , 4 ) ) dat - rbind ( maxmin , dat ) op - par ( mar = c ( 1 , 2 , 2 , 1 ) , mfrow= c ( 2 , 2 ) ) radarchart ( dat , axistype= 1 , seg= 5 , plty= 1 , vlabels= c ( Total \n QOL , Physical \n aspects , Phychological \n aspects , Social \n aspects , Environmental \n aspects ) , title = (axis=1, 5 segments, with specified vlabels) , vlcex= 0.5 ) radarchart ( dat , axistype= 2 , pcol= topo.colors ( 3 ) , plty= 1 , pdensity= c ( 5 , 10 , 30 ) , pangle= c ( 10 , 45 , 120 ) , pfcol= topo.colors ( 3 ) , title = (topo.colors, fill, axis=2) ) radarchart ( dat , axistype= 3 , pty= 32 , plty= 1 , axislabcol= grey , na.itp= FALSE , title = (no points, axis=3, na.itp=FALSE) ) radarchart ( dat , axistype= 1 , plwd= 1 : 5 , pcol= 1 , centerzero= TRUE , seg= 4 , caxislabels= c ( worst , , , , best ) , title = (use lty and lwd but b/w, axis=1, \n centerzero=TRUE, with centerlabels) ) par ( op ) Author(s) Minato Nakazawa minato-nakazawa@umin.net http://minato.sip21c.org/ Documentation reproduced from package fmsb, version 0.5.2. License: GPL (= 2)
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