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热度 1 conjugate 2012-7-21 09:47
在2012年7月17号出版的黑客攻击专业杂志 - Hakin9 Extra- 《量子计算》 专刊 36-57 中全文刊登了 “ 变值双路干涉系统 - 利用模拟实验系统揭示量子干涉和波粒二重性的秘密 ”的研究文章。 该文描述了变值双路干涉展示系统的体系结构和基本的要求,同时提供了一个针对单个0-1函数和基本参数的在线系统: http://vdps.sinaapp.com/single/ 该演示系统能够提供总共7680种不同组合的参数配置,以方便对量子干涉之谜感兴趣的探索者,在辅助系统的支持下进行细致深入地探究。 免费下载 文章首页网址: Variant Double-Path Simulation – Resolving Mysteries and Wave-Particle Paradoxes in Quantum Interactions Abstract – It is a top intelligent challenge to explain quantum behaviors consistently using experimental evidences. Wave-particle paradoxes forced this type of formal discussions and historical Bohr-Einstein debates without a common solution from 1900s and still an open question in modern quantum foundation. Using advanced variant logic and measurement construction, it is feasible to identify complex quantum interactions under multiple/conditional probability into a series of symmetry/anti-symmetry and synchronous/asynchronous conditions. In addition to theoretical analysis and explorations, an online prototype http://vdps.sinaapp.com/single/ focus on simulation of single function has established to illustrate controllable combinations among possible parameters to generate interactive results with a total of 7680 configurations. Main principles and architectures of the simulation prototype discussed and key and modules are illustrated. Sample interactive results from two polarized/separated paths and either double path for particles or double path for waves are organized into four groups of results for both single functions and global matrix representations .
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