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热度 30 caojun 2016-8-12 20:48
授奖仪式,温良剑(右一) 温良剑因为“对中微子研究,特别是对(大亚湾中微子实验)发现theta13非零的原创性贡献”荣获2016年IUPAP青年科学家奖。我是他的博士导师。不过,挫折才是一个人成长最好的导师。 ▌ “老师,我是不是做得很差?” 七年前的一个晚上,半夜十二点,温良剑给我打电话,声音很沮丧,一开口没头没脑就问:“老师,我是不是做得很差?” 当时,他正在一个工厂监制几个容积40吨的有机玻璃存储罐。我心里咯噔了一下,心想是不是出事了?大亚湾中微子实验站现场正急等着这几个罐子,已经拖了一个多月工期,再出什么事儿就会影响到整个实验进度。 按设计,这几个有机玻璃罐外面要包裹5毫米厚的玻璃钢。白天施工时,温良剑很用心地记下了树脂的总用量,晚上回去一算,发现按用量算只有3.5毫米厚,达不到设计指标。树脂凝固后无法再补,要求返工的话,得打掉重来,即便厂长同意,也要影响工期。如果不返工,机械强度不达标,灌入40吨液体闪烁体后,有机玻璃罐有可能破裂。进退两难,纠结到深夜,还是忍不住给我打这个电话。 有人说,在研究工作中没有感到过极度沮丧的不是好博士生。在对自己的能力极限发起挑战时,总会碰壁;而始终呆在心理舒适区,“做自己力所能及的事”,就不会有这种体验。 事实上,让他感到沮丧的并不完全因为这一次困境,而是在半年驻厂期间多次挫折的累积:几乎没有一件事是顺顺当当的。 你有 Productive Anxiety 吗? ▌ 工程的煎熬 本科实习期间,温良剑就完成了两项研究,其中一项出乎我意料地提出了新方法,后来在SCI杂志上发表。开始读研后他也表现出色,大亚湾实验的美方发言人陆锦标教授称赞他是整个合作组中最好的学生。因此,我们让他担任了反射板研制工作的负责人。一般来说,极少让学生承担这样的工程任务,因为做得不好会拖累整个实验,责任带来的压力非常大。 2008年,刚刚开工的大亚湾反应堆中微子实验站 反射板直径4米,由两层1厘米厚的有机玻璃板夹一层薄反射膜构成,是大亚湾实验的独创设计,以前没人用过。对光学反射面的要求非常高,否则探测器的性能将难以捉摸。验证小模型做得很漂亮,一到大尺寸就出了问题。试着用水、喷雾、试各种胶,反射膜怎么都铺不平。平时我们觉得水一样的喷胶,到了反射率99.8%的镜反射膜下,就显出里面颗粒状的内容物,反射面总是皱巴巴的。原计划两周完成试制,结果两个多月内试了七八种方案,没有一个成功。工期一点一点逼近,对谁都是一种煎熬。 最终找到了解决方案,那就是“什么也不用干!”。温良剑发现,反射膜从包装上撕下来时会带上一点静电,只要马上制作,膜会自己吸附到有机玻璃板上。花了两个多月工夫和不少试验材料,却发现最简单的方案没有试,多少让人感到气馁。 生产出前两块板后,顺利地验收到最后,量了一下孔位,发现方位打反了!这是一个难以置信、最不可能出现的低级错误。根据“应通过设计而不是人的细心来防止出错”的原则,我们专门制作了工装送到工厂来确定孔位。就像计算机上的各种插孔一样,设计出来就是插不错的。我带着愤怒和好奇问工厂,你们是怎么做到把孔打错的?原来工厂怕把有机玻璃表面划伤,会增加一道打磨工序,同时也觉得不太可能出错,工装就放在那里当摆设,根本没使用。这两块板只能打掉重做。 反射板的研制后来还碰到了一堆问题,像运输工装不合理造成损坏等。好事多磨,最终反射板高质量地完成,这项创新设计节省了近一半的光电倍增管(价值1千万元),探测器的精度也超过了设计指标。 ▌ 在挫折中成长,在勤奋中领跑 博士毕业后,温良剑留下来做博士后,从探测器研制回到物理研究,很快就成为数据分析的主力。一般大型粒子物理实验开始运行后,常常公布所探测到的第一个事例,告诉国际同行,新研制的探测器可以正常工作。大亚湾国际合作组内有多个物理分析团队,谁能抢到这第一个呢?温良剑很早就摩拳擦掌,所有分析代码都准备好了,就等数据。 现场调试探测器,温良剑 (左一) ,王志民,凌家杰,王喆,钟玮丽 2011年8月15日,大亚湾中微子实验的第一个探测器开始运行。我也满怀期待,在他办公桌边坐了一整天,跟他一起看着数据。正如有经验的人都知道的,真实数据从来跟你所想的不一样,我们根本看不到中微子! 大亚湾近点的每个探测器每天应该看到700个中微子。每个中微子信号由一快一慢两个信号构成,其中慢信号是中子形成的,我们应该在能量8MeV处看见一个干净的峰。实际上看到的是一堆乱糟糟的东西,没有峰,而且比预期多得多。也就是说,我们根据中微子特征挑出来的事例,肯定大部分是假信号,而且不知道是什么东西。 尝试过各种办法后仍未成功,我回到了办公室。刚坐下,温良剑就来了,用发哑的声音问我看过邮件没有。邮件是美国加州理工大学的一个博士后发出的(后来他因对大亚湾实验的贡献获得了美国物理学会普利马科夫奖),附了两张图,他找到了中微子!他加了一个快慢信号的距离要求,去掉了假信号,尽管仍然不知道原因,真正的中微子信号还是显出来了。 我们失去了这个第一。我很清楚这种志在必得却又失去的心情,我也曾经历过,整整一个星期不想说话。受到这次打击后,本来就勤奋的温良剑变得更加拼命。工会组织去十渡玩一天,全中微子组只有他不去;年底全室去聚餐,他也不肯去,说去了一天又没了。这样废寝忘食地工作了两个多月,终于找到那些假信号的来源,发现了它们的特征,并开发出了干净去除它们的分析工具。现在不管谁分析大亚湾数据,采用这个工具去除假信号都是必不可少的第一步。 在接下来工作中,他始终冲在最前面,率先发现问题,率先解决问题,提出了多个有创意的新方法,遥遥领先于合作组内的其它分析小组,分析结果最终被发现中微子新的振荡模式的论文所采用。 人的成长取决于很多因素。这些因素中,不断寻求挑战、直面困难的勇气与毅力,决定一个人能达到的高度。 (本文首发:中国科学院高能物理研究所 微信公众号) PS: 1)“是不是做得很差”的回答,以前有一篇博文我提过:你觉得这件事,换成其他人来做,能不能比你做得更好?其他人,包括我,可能会怎么处理这件事?如果不能,说明是工作本身难。 2)没有达到设计指标的玻璃罐是怎么处理的?“什么也不用干!”认了。玻璃罐的机械强度设计有4倍安全系数。只要有足够的测试,不出其它妖蛾子,2倍足矣。做成后灌满水(50吨)放了几天,没问题就通过。
个人分类: 我的物理|16089 次阅读|31 个评论
[转载]StatPhys25-announcement web
bhwangustc 2012-9-8 14:51
StatPhys25 Announcement Web STATPHYS25, the 25th International Conference on Statistical Physics of the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) is to be held in Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, from July 22 to 26, 2013. Welcome Message In the STATPHYS tradition, starting in Florence, Italy, in 1949, this Conference is aimed at providing a current overview of the general field of Statistical Physics and to foster interaction among all scientists involved in all research topics in this area. The community of research scientists in Statistical Physics meets every three years at the STATPHYS Conferences, organized under the sponsorship of the IUPAP. These are the largest general meetings in Statistical Physics and the occasion when both the latest advances of this science in its traditional domain and new developing trends in other related fields are examined. Recent STATPHYS meetings were held at Cairns, Australia (2010), Genova, Italy (2007), Bangalore, India (2004), Cancun, Mexico (2001), Paris, France (1998), Xiamen, China (1995), Berlin, Germany (1992), and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1989). The organizers have provided assurance that STATPHYS25 will be conducted in accordance with IUPAP principles as stated in the ICSU-Document "Universality of Science" (sixth edition, 1989) regarding the free circulation of scientists for international purposes. In particular, no bona fide scientist will be excluded from participation on the grounds of national origin, nationality, or political consideration unrelated to science. Topics 11 . General and mathematical aspects of statistical physics thermodynamics, rigorous results, exact solutions, random matrices, stochastic field theory, information theory, optimizations, etc. 2. Phase transitions and critical phenomena equilibrium and nonequilibrium 3. Nonequilibrium processes driven systems, transport theory, relaxation and response dynamics, random processes, anomalous diffusion, fluctuation theorems, large deviations, etc. 4. Soft matter polymers, gels, liquid crystals, microemulsions, foams, membranes, colloids, granular materials, etc. 5. Fluids and interfacial phenomena molecular and ionic fluids, metastable liquids, hydrodynamic instabilities, turbulence, growth processes, wetting, surface effects, films, crystals, confined systems, etc. 6. Nonlinear dynamics dynamical systems, chaos (classical and quantum), pattern formation, chemical reactions, etc. 7. Quantum systems strongly correlated electrons, cold atoms, graphene, soft quantum matter, mesoscopic quantum phenomena, fractional quantum Hall effect, low dimensional quantum field theory, quantum phase transitions, quantum information and entanglement, etc. 8. Disordered and glassy systems percolation, spin glasses, structural glasses, jamming, glass transition, algorithmic problems, SAT, etc. 9. Biophysics and biologically motivated problems molecular motors, dynamics at the scale of the cell, spatio-temporal organization in biological systems, biological membranes, biopolymer folding, genomics, biological networks, evolution models, evolutionary game theory, etc. 110. Interdisciplinary topics in statistical physics networks and graphs, applied networks, econophysics, social phenomena, traffic flow, etc. Conference Venue STATPHYS25 will take place in Seoul, Korea, within the campus of Seoul National University Seoul National University Address: Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea, Tel: (I-Office) + 82-2-880-4447, Fax: +82-2-880-4449, Website: http://en.snu.ac.kr/ Organizing Committee Chair Doochul Kim Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Korea Vice-Chair Hyunggyu Park Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Korea Moo Young Choi Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Korea Seunghwan Kim Department of Physics, Postech, Korea Youngah Park Department of Physics, Myongji University, Korea Secretary Byungnam Kahng Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Korea Local Organizing Committee Chair   Byungnam Kahng Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Korea Members Kwang-Il Goh Department of Physics, Korea University, Korea Meesoon Ha Department of Physics Education, Chosun University, Korea Dong-Uk Hwang Division of Computational Sciences in Mathematics, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Korea Hawoong Jeong Department of Physics, KAIST, Korea Beom Jun Kim Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Hyungtae Kook Department of Physics, Kyungwon University, Korea Nam-Kyung Lee Department of Physics, Sejong University, Korea Deok-Sun Lee Department of Natural Medical Sciences and Department of Physics, Inha University, Korea Jae Dong Noh Department of Physics, University of Seoul, Korea Hyuk Kyu Pak Department of Physics, Pusan National University, Korea Su-Chan Park Department of Physics, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea Juyeon Yi Deparmtent of Physics, Pusan National University, Korea Soon-Hyung Yook Department of Physics, Kyunghee University, Korea Steering Committee Chair Stefano Ruffo Dipartimento di Energetica, Università di Firenze, Italy Denis Bernard Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, cole Normale Supérieure, France Hans Werner Diehl Fakultt für Physik, Universitt Duisburg-Essen, Germany Fabian H.L. Essler Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, UK Hans J. Herrmann Computational Physics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland Byungnam Kahng Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Korea Doochul Kim Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Korea Michael Lssig Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universitt zu Kln, Germany Lu Yu Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Hidetoshi Nishimori Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Hyunggyu Park Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Korea Itamar Procaccia Department of Chemical Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Boris I. Shraiman Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Henk van Beijeren Institute of Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Royce Zia Department of Physics, Virginia Tech, USA IUPAP C3 Commission Chair Stefano Ruffo Dipartimento di Energetica, Università di Firenze, Italy Vice Chair Lu Yu Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Secretary Hans Werner Diehl Fakultt für Physik, Universitt Duisburg-Essen, Germany Members Paul Woafo Laboratory of Modeling and Simulations in Engineering and Biological Physics, University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon Jean-Francois Joanny Physicochimie Curie, Institut Curie, France Rahul Pandit Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, India Mohammad Reza Ejtehadi Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Iran Itamar Procaccia Department of Chemical Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Masaki Sano Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan Henk van Beijeren Institute of Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Maxi San Miguel IFISC, Campus Universitat Illes Balears, Spain Hans J. Herrmann Computational Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Julia M. Yeomans Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, UK Beate Schmittmann Department of Physics, Virginia Tech, USA International Advisory Committee A. AHARONY Beer Sheva, Israel K.E. GUBBINS Raleigh, USA F. RITORT Barcelona, Spain G. AHLERS Santa Barbara, USA S. HAVLIN Ramat-Gan, Israel A. ROBLEDO Mexico DF, Mexico M. AIZENMAN Princeton, USA H.J. HILHORST Orsay, France T. SASAMOTO Chiba, Japan A.-L. BARABASI Boston, USA C.-K. HU Taipei, Taiwan S. SASTRY Bangalore, India M.C. BARBOSA Porto Alegre, Brasil C. JARZYNSKI College Park, USA F. SCHMID Mainz, Germany M. BARMA Mumbai, India M.H. JENSEN Copenhagen, Denmark E.D. SIGGIA New York, USA R.P. BEHRINGER Durham, USA H. JEONG Daejeon, Korea Y. Sinai Princeton, USA W. BIALEK Princeton, USA Y. KAFRI Haifa, Israel G. SLADE Vancouver, Canada K. BINDER Mainz, Germany B. KAHNG Seoul, Korea H. SPOHN Munchen, Germany G. BIROLI Saclay, France I. KANTER Ramat-Gan, Israel H.E. STANLEY Boston, USA L. BOCQUET Lyon, France M.W. KIM Daejeon, Korea S. STRINGARI Trento, Italy J. CARDY Oxford, UK V.E. KRAVTSOV Trieste, Italy B. TADIC Ljubljana, Slovenia M.E. CATES Edinburgh, UK J. KRUG Koln, Germany H. TAKAYASU Tokyo, Japan C. CHAMON Boston, USA A. KUPIAINEN Helsinki, Finland L.-H. TANG Hong Kong, China S. CILIBERTO Lyon, France D. LANGEVIN Orsay, France P. TARAZONA Madrid, Spain M.G. COSENZA Merida, Venezuela J.L. LEBOWITZ Piscataway, USA M.M. TELO da GAMA Lisbon, Portugal L.F. CUGLIANDOLO Paris, France Y. LEVIN Porto Alegre, Brasil E. TIRAPEGUI Santiago, Chile C. DASGUPTA Bangalore, India R. LIPOWSKY Potsdam, Germany L.A. TURSKI Warsaw, Poland J. de GIER Melbourne, Australia R.N. MANTEGNA Palermo, Italy W. van SAARLOOS Leiden, Netherlands T. DEGUCHI Tokyo, Japan D. MARENDUZZO Edinburgh, UK A. VESPIGNANI Bloomington, USA B. DERRIDA Paris, France J. MARRO Granada, Spain B.-H. Wang Hefei, China D. DHAR Mumbai, India M. MEZARD Orsay, France J.-S. WANG Singapore, Singapore R. DICKMAN Belo Horizonte, Brasil G. MUSSARDO Trieste, Italy H.S. WIO Santander, Spain J.-P. ECKMANN Geneva, Switzerland B. NIENHUIS Amsterdam, Netherlands T. XIANG Beijing, China R. EVANS Bristol, UK P.A. PEARCE Melbourne, Australia A.P. YOUNG Santa Cruz, USA G. FALKOVICH Rehovot, Israel L. PIETRONERO Roma, Italy K.Y.M. WONG Hong Kong, CHina P.J. FORRESTER Melbourne, Australia M. PARRINELLO Lugano, Switzerland D.H. ZANETTE Bariloche, Argentina D. FRENKEL Cambridge, UK L.P. PITAEVSKII Trento, Italy R. ZECCHINA Torino, Italy E. FREY Munchen, Germany V.L. POKROVSKI College Station, USA H. ZHOU Beijing, China P. GASPARD Brussels, Belgium H.A. POSCH Wien, Austria A. Zippelius Goettingen, Germany R. GOLESTANIAN Oxford, UK V.B. PRIEZZHEV Dubna, Russia T.S. GRIGERA La Plata, Argentina Z. RACZ Budapest, Hungary Conference Secretariat PEOPLE-X Inc., 1F Haeoreum Bldg., 748-5 Yeocksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-925, Korea Tel +82-2-566-6031, 6033 Fax +82-2-566-6087 statphys25@statphys25.org National Advisory Committee Changrim Ahn Ewha Woman's University Mahn Won Kim KAIST Je-Geun Park Seoul National University Yun Kyu Bang Chonnam National University Sangrak Kim Kyonggi University Jeong-Man Park Catholic University Min-Chul Cha Hanyang University Sang-Yoon Kim Kangwon Nationl University Kwon Park KIAS Iksoo Chang Pusan National University Seyong Kim Sejong University Young-Jai Park Sogang University Kee Joo Chang KAIST Soo Yong Kim KAIST Gyung Moo Shim Chungnam National University Han-Yong Choi Sungkyunkwan University Yong Baek Kim KIAS Kwang-Sup Soh Seoul National University Je-Young Choi Younngdong University Youngtae Kim Ajou University Young-Woo Son KIAS Jungzae Choi Keimyung University Yup Kim Kyunghee University Wokyung Sung Postech Mu-Yong Choi Sungkyunkwan University Hyearn-Maw Koo Chungnam National University Chung In Um Emeritus, Korea University Tae-Soo Chon Pusan National University Chulan Kwon Myongji University S.-R. Eric Yang Korea University Jean Soo Chung Chungbuk National University Kyung-Hoon Kwon KBSI Han Woong Yeom Postech Kyu-Kwang Han Pai Chai University Sook-Il Kwon Emeritus, Seoul National University Kyu Hwang Yeon Chungbuk National University Seung Kee Han Chungbuk National University Eok Kyun Lee KAIST Sang-Hoon Yi Inje University Jongbae Hong Postech Hu-Jong Lee Postech Byung-Gook Yoon Ulsan University Changbong Hyeon KIAS Hyun Cheol Lee Sogang University Jaejun Yu Seoul National University Jisoon Ihm Seoul National University Jae-Woo Lee Inha University Peter Fulde ex officio, President of APCTP Hyeong-Chai Jeong Sejong University Jooyoung Lee KIAS Taeyoung Ha ex officio, Acting Director of NIMS Woo Hyung Kang Emeritus, Korea University Jysoo Lee KISTI Dae-Im Kang ex officio, President of Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science Zheong Gou Khim Seoul National University Kong-Ju-Bock Lee Ehwa Woman's University Jae Hyun Kim ex officio, President of Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology Bongsoo Kim Changwon National University Koo-Chul Lee Emeritus, Seoul National University Myung-Hwan Kim ex officio, Dean of College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University Chang Sub Kim Chonnam National University Kyoung Jin Lee Korea University Myeun Kwon ex officio, President of National Fusion Research Institute Chilmin Kim Sogang University Sang Bub Lee Kyungpook National University Duckhwan Lee ex officio, President of the Korean Chemical Society Chul Koo Kim Yonsei University Seung Joo Lee Emeritus, Dongguk University Ki Bong Lee ex officio, Chair of the Condensed Matter Physics Division of the KPS In-Mook Kim Korea University Soon Chil Lee KAIST Seung Jong Lee ex officio, President of National Research Foundation of Korea Jae Hwa Kim Gangneung-Wonju National University Sung Jong Lee Suwon University Se-Jung Oh ex officio, President of Institute for Basic Science Jai Sam Kim Postech Byung Il Min Postech Joon Taik Park ex officio, President of the Korea Basic Science Institute Jin Min Kim Soongsil University Hie Tae Moon KAIST Sung-Chul Shin ex officio, President of the Korean Physical Society Jong Jean Kim Emeritus, KAIST Kyungsun Moon Yonsei University Dong Youp Suh ex officio, President of the Korean Mathemetical Society Ki Sik Kim Inha University Tae Won Noh Seoul National University Jeong Weon Wu ex officio, Chair of the Applied Physics Division of the KPS Kyungsik Kim Pukyong National University Suhk Kun Oh Chungbuk National University The Boltzmann Medal The Boltzmann Medal was instituted by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Commission on Statistical Physics to honour outstanding achievements in Statistical Physics. The next award will be awarded during the STATPHYS25 meeting. The award, consisting of a gilded medal, honours outstanding achievements in statistical physics. The recipient should be a scientist who has not received the Boltzmann Medal or Nobel Prize before. Nominations for the award should be sent to Stefano Ruffo (stefano.ruffo@unifi.it), the Chairman of the C3 Commission of the IUPAP, before September 1st, 2012. The nominations must be accompanied by a description of the work of the nominee consisting of at least one and no more than two typed pages, including a list of no more than a dozen key publications by the nominee. Nominations for a joint award to two scientists, preferably for related work, are acceptable. Previous winners of the Boltzmann Medal are: 1975 K.G. Wilson 1977 R. Kubo 1980 R.J. Baxter 1983 M.E. Fisher 1986 D. Ruelle and Y. Sinai 1989 L.P. Kadanoff 1992 J. Lebowitz and G. Parisi 1995 S.F. Edwards 1998 E. Lieb and B. Widom 2001 Berni J. Alder and Kyozi Kawasaki 2004 E. G. D. Cohen and H. E. Stanley 2007 Kurt Binder and Giovanni Gallavotti 2010 John Cardy and Bernard Derrida Young Scientist Award in Statistical Physics The Young Scientist Award in Statistical Physics has recently been established by the C3 Commission on Statistical Physics of the IUPAP. The Prize is aimed at recognizing outstanding achievements of scientists at early stages of their career in the broad field of Statistical Physics. Details of nomination procedure will be announced shortly. Previous winners of the Young Scientist Award are: 2007 Giulio Biroli and Tomohiro Sasamoto 2010 Davide Marenduzzo Satellite Meetings The 7th Cross-Strait Conference on Statistical Physics, 2013 (CSCSP7) Period: July 28 - 31, 2013 Venue: Qufu, Shandong, China website: to be announced · Organizers: Bing-Hong Wang (USTC) Xiaos-Song Chen (Vice Director , Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science) Xiang-Mu Kong (Physics School, Qufu Normal University, Shandong) Chin-Kun HU (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan) Contact: Professor B.-H. Wang (USTC) E-mail: bhwang@ustc.edu.cn Synopsis and scope: TBA List of invited speakers: TBA Beijing Satellite Meeting on "Non-Equilibrium Phenomena, Spin Glasses, and Algorithms" Period: July 29-31, 2013 Venue: Beijing, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China website: to be announced · Organizers: Fei Liu (Beihang University) E-mail: feiliu@buaa.edu.cn Lamberto Rondoni (Turin Polytechnical University) Email: rondoni@calvino.polito.it Leihan Tang (Beijing Computational Science Research Center) Haijun Zhou (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science) E-mail: zhouhj@itp.ac.cn Synopsis and Scope Complex systems and non-equilibrium phenomena are very active subfields of statistical physics research. This workshop will serve as a meeting point for researchers working on non-equilibrium physics (fluctuation relations, glassy dynamics and jamming, ...) and spin glasses and algorithms (message-passing procedures, inference, stochastic search processes, ...). It also aims at stimulating communications and exchanges between Chinese statistical physics workers and international experts. StatPhysHK: Statistical Physics and Computational Neuroscience Period: July 17-19, 2013 Venue: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong website: http://ias.ust.hk/program/201307/index.html
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