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yunfeng1990 2013-7-7 01:52
北京正在下雨,电闪雷鸣,而我的心情却是出奇的平静,让这段文字就这么在指尖慢慢地流淌着!!! 备战百余日的GRE考试终于也在今天画上了句号。虽然结果很糟糕,但心情却没有那么糟,反而是出奇的静。 从开学初到现在,从羽绒服到T恤,差不多四个月,我的生活就围绕着今天这个考试不紧不慢的进行着。期间没有参加过任何的班级活动,以致于现在看到那一张张脸都显得那么的陌生而又不知道该怎么打个招呼。 除了每天能见到寝室的几个屌丝,很多同学半年一面都没见到,在他们眼里我是透明的,在我眼里他们是透明的。另外,不仅仅是班级对我来言成了冷酷的冰窖,就是对国科大玉泉路校区也没有给我留下太多的友谊,因为我真的没有足够的勇气去跟他们讲我是哪里的学生。我承认我的自尊,我受不了别人那种鄙视的眼神和冷嘲的目光;我承认我的自负,有时候我就是觉得我特码在某些方面就比你强,你特码就没我牛逼;我也承认我的自私,我活在自己编织的梦里,忽略了大多数人的感受,牺牲了太多与大伙在一起的时光。真诚的向所有的同学和朋友们说一声道歉,不管是那些远在天边的还是近在眼前的;非常感谢你们的关注和支持,不管是那些真实的同学朋友还是那些未曾谋面的粉丝,尤其是写过鼓励信的那些朋友们,谢谢你们的关注! 回忆起这苦逼的半年,很少在凌晨一点之前睡觉,眼睛近视了,体重下降的超标了,身体也没那么健康了(虽然还是一如既往的没有一次感冒或者其他的毛病),其实我毫不吝啬的说我在用绳命对待这个考试。这也是我有史以来最想考好的考试(虽然我知道这个考试就是浮云),高考时候是懵懂的,考研时是极其自信的,这两次都不需要全身心的投入就可以获得还算满意的结果(虽然考研有点意外,但我更认为是个惊喜)。而今天我用行动证明努力和收获有时真特码是正弦函数,当你处在正确的相位时,是成正比的,当你不够或者超过这个区间以后特码就成反比了,有时点背了还能到波谷。我更愿意把原因归结为自己在最后阶段的调整出现了问题而不是付出的还不够,因为我不想把原因归结为智商问题,但实际上我必须承认付出的却是不够,我在英语上没有任何优势可言,因为我所敏感的是有韵律的文言文之类的东西。我从来没有意识到英语的重要性,直到今年;我从来没有想过会走出去,又是直到今年。所以,以前对英语的误解导致了今天必须付出更多的汗水去弥补。出来混迟早要还的!!!我不去崇拜那些英语大神,因为我没有看到他们曾经的付出。 虽然自己勤勤恳恳的付出了四个月,但我明白自己的英语水平在什么位置,四个月确实不太够菜鸟杀鸡,所以愿意承认我花在英语上的总时间还是不够达到一个比较理想的分数。 无数的信息告诉过我这个分数真特码不重要,我也承认是特码不重要。我也知道这个分数可以申哈佛,可以申耶鲁,但我总是不愿意去承认这就是自己的真实水平。我明白自己闪光的地方在哪,我身上确实存在着一些申请人不具备的优势,我也会承认我身上会有一些申请人不具备的特质,这些完全可以弥补分数不足。我也觉得我的PS应该也可以闪爆你们的眼球,让你们会对这个华人小孩留下一些不俗的印象。虽然这都是安慰自己的话,但巧合的是这都是事实。无数的前例告诉我们老米国需要什么学生,但我还是想战胜自己。其实有时候我更多的把GRE考试看做是一次对自己的挑战,也是一次自我救赎。我对于自己的现状并不满意,我想生活的再高傲一些,在普通人中尽量不普通。我还不觉得自己现在多么优秀,有些时候就是想证明你可以的,你特码真的可以的。 无数次告诉自己坚持,不放弃,希望这一次的小失误不会影响接下来的一切。我也会安慰自己说你特码软实力很刚烈了,上天为了平衡众生,必须削弱你的硬实力。可是哥就是不信邪,哥觉得真正的硬实力更能反映自己的水平,而部分软实力是外力,还好老美的观点跟我恰好相反。本想考完以后整个神马贴牛逼一把的,这个操蛋的分数就不丢人现眼了。 最后还要纪录一点小秘密,虽然我学科学,但有些事情是真特么没法解释的。也就是在考前一天发生了一件极其诡异的事情,我的凉鞋的一根带子莫名其妙的断了,断的很彻底也很离谱,早不断晚不断偏偏考前一天晚上断。当时的第一反应是要出事,然后就没敢往下想。 这种敏感还得益于科大四年对道家思想的理解与感悟。 第二天还是穿着这个鞋子来考试了,因为习惯了凉鞋木有鞋子换了。呜呼哉,真的栽了。我不是说这与考试结果有神马联系,也不太愿意承认运气有点背。反正就这样吧! 一段总结,一些回忆,一点成长,一丝进步,一段历程,一些努力。无悔亦无憾,做该做的,生活依然美好,前途依然明朗,云枫依然相信梦在彼岸且不再遥远! 云枫 2013-7-7凌晨 于北京中国科学院大学玉泉路园区四公寓
个人分类: 逆袭之路|3832 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 4 FrankZhao 2013-3-17 13:20
   2012年5月,我参加了新GRE考试,其中Verbal考了一个还算体面的分数(164,94%)。我在整个 备考过程挺刻苦,不过也没付出什么惨绝人寰的努力,我所做的就是备考前期以两三天一遍的速度 刷了10遍新逆序,然后就把这本书放下了。后期的单词备考则是以再要你命三千为主,以两天左右一遍的速度刷了二十遍中文释义,同时认真的看了一遍多一点的完整版新三千,并从中总结了GRE考试中常考的意群,然后做了部分1014练习题和三遍陈圣元填空。由于很懒并且畏难,我的阅读做的很少,陈虎平阅读36套我只做了前一半,GRE国内阅读真题我碰都没有碰。   回顾我的备考经历,我觉得可能 我对单词的掌握起到了比较大的作用 ,而能够做到这一点很大程度上有赖于再要你命三千这本书,它收词精要,释义准确,同时搭配以权威的近义词和反义词,是一本很棒的新GRE备考单词书。   想必大家都知道, 单词的掌握程度很大程度上决定了Verbal部分的成绩 。因此,有很多同学就在单词准备上卯足了劲儿,我听说网上某个G友把红宝中的所有单词在韦氏中的释义都摘了出来,而且还表现的特刻苦特悲壮。恕我直言, 这种努力完完全全用错了地方 。实际上,这种行为是一种赤果果的拖延表现,因为你把非常宝贵的刷单词和做题的时间浪费在单词收集上(这和资料下载成癖是一个道理)。这种编辑收录工作辛苦耗时,即使你使用灵格斯等电子词典来收集, 这种做法只能为你带来虚幻的满足感,同时也让你逃避更有挑战的备考工作 。其次,我觉得对一个缺乏考试经验的人来说,面对一个单词在韦氏中的众多解释,他很难摘出重点。最后,就算好不容易收集完了,也失掉了开始刷这些单词的兴趣和斗志。   有鉴于上述原因,我觉得 单词收集整理这种工作不要自己做 ,不是我不相信你的能力,而是你这样做真心不高效也不必要,比较睿智的做法是找到一本由实战经验丰富、考分又高的牛人为你辑选的核心单词书(如果个别词条不满意你可以小修小补),而这样的书对于老GRE而言就是红宝书,对于新GRE而言,则是陈琦的《新GRE核心词汇考法精析》(再要你命三千),原因如下:   1. 本书主编陈琦是个牛人 。从2004年至今,他参加了十多次GRE考试,平均分700+。同时他不但自己分数高,而且很细心的钻研和总结ETS的备考经验并传授给学生们,他的很多学生也都考的非常好,所以有了传说中的小牛人俱乐部(专门收集GRE高分者的组织)。   2. 本书的选词核心精要 。它们来自陈琦多年的教学和实战经验总结,同时又参考了其周围牛人们的意见予以完善,因此,这种单词收录方式我个人认为是远远优于电脑软件所辑选的所谓高频词汇的。而我自己的备考过程也证明本书选词的精妙。因为我在认真刷了本书之后不但做真题很少碰到生词,就连做Princeton 1014模考练习时都很少遇到单词方面的障碍。   3. 本书的体系编排合理 。书中每一词条都有中英文释义,而英文释义来自权威词典。大部分词条下都配有例句和近义词和反义词,个别词条还会收录派生词。而这其中我最看重的就是它的近反义词,对我个人而言,它们比英文释义还要重要。这是因为,新GRE取消了类反,填空题微调了形式,同时增加了句子同义题(Sentence Equivalence)。我们都知道,对于填空题而言,各种解题技巧说到底不过就是探明了逻辑之后,找同反义的对应。而对句子同义题而言,虽然ETS明确说明答案未必是一对精确对应的同义词,但是整体上,大部分的正确答案都是一对或近或远的同义词,至少它们会在同一个意群中,不然,就很难保证“句子同义”了。由此可见,如果能把三千中近反义词掌握得不错,这两种题基本就可以轻松搞定了。 ~    说了这么多优点,这本书实际上也有个“缺点”,那就是它的篇幅太大了,几乎超过了红宝。不过,其实我们不必因此望而祛步、压力过大。我们第一步所要做的非常简单,就是刷这三千多词条的中文释义,具体的刷词原则在杨鹏《17天搞定GRE单词》中说的很明确,就是每次在单个具体单词上不要花过多时间,但是要反复、及时的刷很多遍。    那么到底要刷多少遍中文释义呢 ?这个要取决于你先前的基础和刷词后对本书单词的掌握程度。一般而言,对单词的中文释义的熟识度至少要达到七八成才可以考虑看英文释义和近反。过早看英文释义并非上策,原因有三:一、在释义中仍然会遇到生词,影响理解;二、严重影响背词速度,导致刷一遍3000的时间延长,两次复习间隔也随之而长;三、造成不必要的心理压力,部分同学在此环节先就败下阵来(整个备考过程一定要对自己娇弱的心理给予适当的呵护)。如果你对单词的中文意思已经掌握的不错了,则可以考虑适度看看英文释义,但不必逐字读完,一眼扫过去过一遍该词的核心特点即可。   此外, 对于本书中的近义词和反义词又该怎么复习呢 ,我个人采用了下面两种方法,供大家参考:   1) 土法 :结合单词的英文释义从头到尾依次刷下去,刷的时候除了要注意那些你完全生疏的单词之外,还要注意那些出乎你意料的词。比如,我看到byzantine的近义词有“ convoluted,intricate,involved,labyrinthine,sophisticated,tangled”,然后我注意到:咦,involved这个词原来也有“复杂的”这个意思,因为从字面上推断,它应该是“卷入的”,然后我就会在单词的左上角做个标记,以后重点识记。我推荐大家这么做的心理学原理是:人脑会对新异刺激有特殊的兴趣和识记意愿,在枯燥乏味的刷过一个又一个意群之后,我们很容易麻木,这时候一个与我们预期不符的单词会使大脑重新小小兴奋,从而加强记忆。   这种方法的好处是一遍刷下来,很多核心单词你相当于过了十几二十遍,因为它们不断在词条本身、其他词的英文释义、其他词的近义词或反义词中出现。缺点是:完整一遍下来至少要半个月。从我个人的经验而言,我最多的时候也就过了不到list,通常而言,每天过两个list就已现疲态。我多次在备考论坛上看到有人抱怨刷不进去近反,也有人因此而废止。   2) 意群法 :即按照一定的意群分类,以3000为单词库,从中搜集归于各个意群下单词,具体进行时,我推荐大家把相反或相对照的意群来一起收集。比如我在做题时发现,简洁与啰嗦这两个意群挺常考的,我就会以laconic或者verbose作为搜索词在3000中查找,查找时不要仅限于一个词条,而是应不断的点“next”,由于3000中的很多单词都同时给出了近反,这样我就能收集到可以归到这两个意群之下的所有单词。类似的,我在考前几天就把大部分常考意群整理出来了。由于我是在本子上整理的,稍后我会上传一些笔记的照片,以期抛砖引玉,相信大家自己做的意群整理会更出色,也更适合自己。 ~    上面啰嗦了这么多我对背单词的一些看法,最后简单谈一下 备考过程中的心理因素 。   首先,要合理利用时间,不要将其浪费在我上面所提到的单词收集或者无谓的资料收集上面。虽然GRE是完全机考,但是如果你像我一样不能控制自己的注意力,总是浪费在微博、豆瓣上的话, 还是尝试一下脱机备考吧 。   其次,由于GRE考试毕竟有些难度,而大部分人在面对困难时最常见的表现就是拖延和逃避,因此 建议大家多留心总结一下自己那些行为实际上拖延的表现,然后把这些行为写在纸上,每天过一遍,每天过一遍,每天过一遍,不然你真的会忘的。 这样,当你突然发现某本小说非常精彩,某部英剧非常迷人时,你会发现真正的原因是你在逃避GRE,所以你这时最该做的就是合上书,关掉Episode,打开三千……   最后,要相信自己。 GRE毕竟是标准化考试,所以只要你掌握了正确的方法,少走弯路,付出适度的努力并坚持下去,就一定能考个不错的成绩 。这里面我要尤其强调坚持,持之以恒是一个人最耀眼的品质,美貌和才华都有可能辜负你,但是坚韧不会,它能百发百中、万无一失地助你实现目标,使你漫长枯索的青春得到回报。在某种程度上我很感谢有GRE这种考试,不然的话,像我这种想要逆袭的屌丝拿什么“超越高富帅,战胜官二代”? ~    我的微博是 @翻滚吧锋哥 ,欢迎大家关注哈。 GRE核心词汇考法精析
个人分类: 英语学习|8259 次阅读|5 个评论
sunbukuan 2013-3-11 00:23
寻找gre阅读答案的小技巧 广告代码: 75134793 发布时间: 2012-08-27,10:44:52 授课方: 一对一 性质: 远程教育 等级: 入门 学时: 单学期 具体位置: 北京 - 海淀 - 中关村 天道留学 tianyi_369@126.com 关闭 发站内短信 发表评论 补充说明 寻找gre阅读答案的小技巧可以帮助人们更快更好地完成gre阅读考试。天道留学老师提醒考生,在gre阅读考试中,虚拟语气可以帮助你。   下面我们来分析下,如何用取非的思想处理GRE阅读考试中的虚拟语气。   (1) 若在文章中看到虚拟语气,考虑直接取非反义理解,迅速把握作者态度。   如下面这句话:   例一:Perhaps, some scientists thought, migrants determine their geographic position on Earth by celestial navigation, almost as human navigators use stars and planets, but this would demand of the animals a fantastic map sense. (选自N0.6题第一套section 1短文章)   这句话看似很长,翻译成为中文的意思是:“有些科学家认为,就像人类采用恒星和行星来定位一样,候鸟或许也是采用天体的导航才得以确定它们所处的地理位置,但这要求这类动物具有令人难以置信的地图感。”中文读过去都让人头疼。其实我们用虚拟语气取非的思想来处理,其要表达的意思就很简单,对前半句话取非,说白了就是前半句话是行不通的,也就是“migrants cannot determine their geographic position on Earth by celestial navigation。”可以知道作者对这种解释持负评价。   我们再来看个例子:   例二:According to natural selection theory, a worker would enhance her fitness—or ability to propagate her genes—by hatching her own eggs in addition to or in place of the queen’s。(选自国内题1993年10月考题section 5短文章)   这句话也是虚拟语气,我们直接取反理解,作者想要表达的就是 “a worker will not enhance her …”   运用这种取非的思想我们可以迅速的把握作者的态度,以及作者想要表达的真实意思。就不用先翻译成绕口的中文,再拼命的思索其中的含义,可以有效地为考试争取时间。   (2) 在题干中看到虚拟语气,大多需要用到取非思想,与之相对应的一种题型是GRE阅读题中常见的一种,叫做“改进型取非题”。看例子之前,先简单解释下什么是“改进型取非题”。很简单,如果题干问“如果一个对象怎样会更好”则是改进型取非题,来看具体的例子:   例:It can be inferred from the passage that the “first theories” of grazer control mentioned in line 3 would have been more convincing if researchers had been able to(选自NO.6第二套section 1长文章),这是一个典型的改进型取非题题干,问的是第三行第一个理论怎样会更好。   逻辑思路:既然是改进,原文肯定说到了它的不好之处或者有unless的句子,我们把造成不好的原因取非,就是所要的答案了。   按照此思路定位原文三行,看到后面有这样一句话“A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested, but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae。”注意看插入语部分的“but did not prove”,这个就是缺点,取非就是“prove”再看五个选项:   (A) observe high phytoplankton numbers under natural lake conditions   (B) discover negative correlations between algae and zooplankton numbers from their field research   (C) understand the central importance of environmental factors in controlling the growth rates of phytoplankton   (D) make verifiable correlations of cause and effect between zooplankton and phytoplankton numbers   (E) invent laboratory techniques that would have allowed them to bypass their field research concerning grazer control   一眼扫过去就只有一个选项在讲证明,就是D中的verifiable。所以答案选D。很快解完此题。   (3) 取非的思路除了可以在虚拟语气中使用,还可以在另一种逻辑关系中使用,就是强对比的关系,也就是GRE阅读题中另一种常考题型“强对比互取非题”,其主要特点是:原文中有强对比的双方,题干只问及其中一方,答案是对另一方叙述的取非;或者题干和原文存在强对比要素,如典型的时间要素,答案也是对原文的叙述取非。   来看个简单的例子,   例:The author suggests that, before the early 1950’s, most historians who studied preindustrial Europe did which of the following(选自NO.6第三套section 4 长文章)   思路:在题干中看到了1950’s,第一反应就是要回原文定位,发现原文只讲到了”in the early 1950’s”并没有”before”,这显然就是时间上一个取非的关系,我们把in the early 1950’s干的事情取个非,就是之前干的事情。答案就很好选了,在此不举出来了。   在gre阅读中的虚拟语气让你更轻松完成考试,提升自己的gre考试成绩。
1569 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 7 Julia87 2012-8-28 12:21
前言:一直想记录从7月10号-8月17号的一段经历,也是一段心路历程,经历的时候有好多东西想写,但舍不得花时间写这些,一直到8月20号回到家,休息了两天才有精力坐下来写点东西,写了删,删了写,总感觉写下的文字表达不了自己内心真实的感受。时至今日,心情也是七拐八拐,不知道拐到了哪里,也不想再捋了,反正我是一直在变的。尊重历史,尊重过去,直接粘贴,呵呵! 在一次聊天中,我的一个非常正派的朋友用四两拨千斤的语气外加非主流的调调对我说:我老爸挂了,去年年底。他这句话让本来很愉悦的聊天一下子变的沉重起来,也让刚刚还在抱怨的我哑口无言,我一时不知道说什么来安慰他,同时我也惊讶于他这种淡定,好像是在说别人的老爸。亲人的生死离别固然是揪心的痛,但是,即使被打击的一蹶不振,用一句很俗的话说:地球不还是照样转吗?人生中的很多无奈,再痛苦也是于事无补,只能学会节制和忘记。并且我知道去年他正申请去美国读博,今年三四月份又经历了等 offer 的煎熬,很欣慰的是他最终拿到了宾州州立的全奖,跟我聊天时也是正焦急地等待签证。 从五月中旬开始我的人生好像一直处在一种逆行的阶段,一直到七月初当我经历了所带来的所有的痛苦后,我才明白这一切的一切只是因为我在追求错误的东西,并且为此迷失了自己,时至今日,我再回头看我所走过的路,曾经的过错如同脉络一样清晰可见的呈现在我眼前。即使我为此遭受了很多痛苦,我也曾后悔过,但我不想责备自己,我总觉的当时的我就是当时的内心、当时的人生境界最正确最真实的体现,我尊重自己的内心, anyway ,这是我人生的一部分。也正是有了这些痛苦,才铸就了现在的我,一个更好的我,用更成熟的眼光看待过去,用更智慧的心态为未来做出选择。 我曾以为无法承受的痛苦原来都是可以一点点吞下去并分解消化的,就像我这个朋友承受了失去父亲的痛苦。有时,很多恐惧真的是不必要的,只管去做就可以了,不必在意一时一意的得失。这一点我也是最近才切身体会到的,也许只有有所历练并有一颗不断参悟的心,才能真正的体会到其中的神奇。这是一种无所畏惧的魄力,也是一种豁然开朗的觉醒。还记得,在高中时我常颇得意地把“生命不能承受之重”这句文邹邹的话写进作文,仿佛看懂了人生似的,现在想想,那时的我还真是年轻啊。现在,我倒觉得米兰·昆德拉写下的“生命不能承受之轻”别有一番道理。 在别人眼里我好像是那种有目标有规划并不断坚持为梦想努力的人,可是我越来越发现自己是那种不到了火烧眉毛就不知道天高地厚的人!当我有所觉醒不再左右摇摆时,内心突然有了一股坚定的力量,我来不及后悔过去的选择,此时离 GRE 还有 39 天,而我连红宝书两遍都没看完,耳边又响起了绮叔那铿锵有力的声音:红宝书看不了 50 遍基本就是裸考。。。而我这不到两遍也是今天 200 明天 300 突然哪天心血来潮背了个 500 拼出来的,根据艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线,这种三天打鱼两天晒网做法几乎和一遍没背差不多。再背红宝书是没有时间了,并且我背单词很慢,一个 G 友让我背《要你命 3000 》,比红宝书的词汇量少了一半多,一天刷 10 个 list , 3 天刷一遍,一个星期刷两遍。单词是基础,我别无选择。背单词过遍数很重要,只有一遍遍看,不断的刺激大脑才能记住,但是我真的没时间过遍数了,只能集中精力逼着自己一遍记住,事实证明这也是不可能的,用了 5 天时间看了一遍《要你命 3000 》(真佩服绮叔给书起了个这么实在的名字,真是差点要了我的命啊),再回头看还是有很多不认识的,那也没时间再背了,于是乎转战更高频词汇 1700 并开始做题。 GRE 被戏称为 Ghost Read English ,果真不假啊!每天十多个小时看这些鬼读的英语,真是看的想吐,感觉再多做一道题就会疯掉。我还是别无选择,时间在流逝,我只能坚持着,坚持着,用时间的有效利用来弥补匆匆流逝的光阴。我终于付出了代价。 人的大脑真是个神奇的东西!经过一段时间的训练,我终于可以轻松的看懂这些长达几行的一句话,并且我开始渐渐地喜欢这些很有逻辑化的表达。其实,本来我就挺喜欢英语。在做题的过程中会反复的遇到以前背过的单词,不断的刺激大脑,经过这种渗透式记忆,再看词汇表,以前不认识的单词也逐渐的认识了,这种成就感让我有了点收获的喜悦。其实,最痛苦的还在后面。 文章看得再懂,在很短的时间内做不完做不对题,一切都是徒劳。提高正确率和做题速度是两个最核心的目标,而我常常是鱼和熊掌不可兼得啊。有了正确率时间不够用,在限制时间能做完了题,错的那个惨不忍睹啊,经常有被从天堂摔进地狱的感觉。阅读理解的文章,抽象逻辑性强句式复杂再加上不认识的单词,常常是读到后面忘了前面的。除了逼着自己记住,增强大脑处理信息的能力,也没有什么办法,就是不断的训练。可能是用脑过度,那段时间头发掉的,心疼的我啊,为了习惯机考(刚开始看电子版明显比纸版慢),我一直是在电脑上准备,很少看纸版的书,刚开始不习惯,眼睛很疼,加上熬夜熬出来地黑眼圈,真是跟大熊猫一样一样滴,后来才慢慢习惯。这个过程很辛苦也很痛苦,我像个蜗牛一样,在那慢慢爬,有喜悦有汗水也有泪水。在这个举步维艰的困顿中走的很慢,走的也很吃力,安静下来可以思考很多东西,回头看自己以前走过的路,反思之所以会这样的原因,也审视周围的人以及我所生存的环境,对生活便有了更深层次的理解。人,是需要通过做事来锻炼自己的。 我一直认为自己是那种能静下心做事且耐得住寂寞的人,并且我韧性比较强。虽然这个过程很孤独也很痛苦,但是我一直相信自己能坚持到最后并努力调整到最佳状态。 在离考试还有十几天的时候,感觉自己收获还是蛮大的,不仅仅是英语方面的。心态比以前稳重了,抗挫折的能力,大脑处理信息的能力,记忆能力都比以前提高了不少,也更加喜欢英语了。深刻的认识到自己以前的坏习惯,懂得了现在的难,才知道以后该怎么做怎么选择了。最重要的是我突然有了股前所未有的学习热情和很强的求知欲。我相信这是最重要的收获,因为内心真正的热爱比任何外界的压力或奖励激发的动力都要持久而真诚。这种对新知识的渴望在我的生命中不断注入新的活力,我愿意不断的去做有难度的事、读有深度的书,让自己的生命更加的丰硕饱满。 其实,中间我也因为自己准备的时间太短不充分想过退考或者推考一个月,即使在离考试还有十天时我仍被模考打击的几乎想放弃,因为我不想再失败或者说我不想前功尽弃。如果我往后推迟一个月或许能很自信的走进考场,但是我心里很清楚,八月底一开学我又要面对好多事,有些是以前的烂摊子有些是新任务,根本不可能像现在这样集中突破英语。或许我只是想要一些鼓励,在距离考试的第十天,我还有最后一次推考机会时,我再次厚着脸皮跟虞老师发 email 说我想推考一个月,当我看到她这次的回复中在 Go for it 后多加了个 anyway ,我知道我没了退路 : ) 一切都如约而至,然后结束,在人生的轨迹上又变的离我愈来愈远,也许会逐渐地模糊。 GRE 真的算不了什么,或许在别人看来我泼墨般的描述很幼稚,我绝不是在强调自己什么,我只是在记录属于自己的一段心路历程,自勉。并且,我觉得我应该引以为戒,如果当初有明确的规划和日积月累的付出,我根本用不着用这么拼命,这种代价反而是一种耻辱。 我相信这仅仅是个开始,也是个觉醒,我把它看做一次重生。真的很感谢陪我走过这段日子的朋友们,真是因为有你们的陪伴和鼓励,让这段生活苦中有乐,孤独却充满了温情。我知道总有一群人和我是一样的,我们是一群为飞跃梦而战的勇士,彼此见证对方的成长,但每个人的都有自己独有的心路历程,这是一段仅属于我的生命感受。 我家院子里的石榴。还有四个月就要走完2012,我愿意用四个月的努力换取最后丰收的喜悦。
个人分类: 生命思考|2146 次阅读|20 个评论
新GRE Verbal 164(Rank:94%)备考经验
热度 2 FrankZhao 2012-6-3 19:31
今年5月27日,我参加了新GRE考试,其中Verbal考了164分,总算没有辜负自己的努力。 我这个经验贴首发 寄托天下 ,大家也可以到哪里去看,排版会稍微好一些,这个帖子还会不定时更新。 由于我多少有些 ADHD ,写起东西来很容易发散,所以我决定以 Q A 的形式来限制自己,同时给大家更多关于经验教训的干货。 预计会从以下几方面来写: 资料篇 单词篇 填空篇 阅读篇 拖延篇 大家如果觉得我这个经验有些用处,请到新浪微博上关注我 @翻滚吧锋哥 ,我会不时发布一些备考资料,并更新我的托福备考进展。 ---------------------------------- 资料篇 新东方俞敏洪GRE词汇串讲-精华版.rar   礼包码:5lbsfop 陈琦GRE单词10Section串讲.rar 礼包码:5lbsxcx 这两个串讲虽然是针对老G的,但是对于新G备考也有助益,而且相信老俞和琦叔是不会介意分享的。 哥上传的所有音频资料都更新了ID3标签加了封面。 单词篇: 哪本单词书最有效率、最具性价比? 老红宝,新逆序(收词同新红宝)、陈琦再要你命 3000 我分别在备考的不同阶段看过。就实际做题以及临场考试而言, 3000 无疑是最具性价比的新 GRE 单词备考书。 背单词的原则是什么? 这一点在杨鹏《 17 天搞定 GRE 单词》中说的很明确——每次在单个具体单词上不要花过多时间,但是要反复、及时的刷很多遍。 3000 中的例句要不要看? 据说 3000 是琦叔选词,然后由其团队中的数人在共同的原则下从字典中搜集相应资料编成的,因而能够感到各部分单词的词条内容质量参差不一,具体到单词的例句这个感受尤其强烈。 如果备考时间不充裕,且极其在乎时间的投入产出比,我觉得可完全不必看,除非你对某个单词的用法极其感兴趣,可以瞄几眼。 如果想在背单词的过程中顺便积累些写作词汇和句型,可以适当关注那些你认为在写作中很可能会用到的单词的例句,前提是一眼扫过去例句可能会为你的作为所用。 补充一点:我觉得在 GRE 作文中是否使用大量 GRE 词汇一定要量力而行,因为既然打算用在写作中,就要确保拼写正确,这样无形中加重了本就不轻的备考负担。另外还应对单词的应用语境有一定把握,不然我觉得会适得其反。 就我自己而言,我极偶尔才会看一眼某个单词的例句,大部分时间我所做的就是Chua、Chua、Chua刷单词的中文释义。 要不要看单词英文释义? 取决于你对单词的掌握程度,如果你对三千中大部分单词较为生疏,那么这个时候上去就看英文释义显然不是上策,原因有三:一、在释义中仍然会遇到生词,影响理解;二、严重影响背词速度,导致刷一遍 3000 的时间延长,两次复习间隔也随之而长;三、造成不必要的心理压力,部分同学在此环节先就败下阵来(整个备考过程一定要对自己娇弱的心理给予适当的呵护)。如果你对单词的中文意思已经掌握的不错了,则可以考虑适度看看英文释义,但不必逐字读完,一眼扫过去过一遍该词的核心特点即可。 要不要看 3000 中的近义词反义词? 一定要!!!但要等到单词的中文释义掌握的不错再开始看。 刷 3000 中的近义词反义词有哪些方式? 有两种方式。 1)土法: 结合单词的英文释义从头到尾依次刷下去,刷的时候除了要注意那些你完全生疏的单词之外,还要注意那些出乎你意料的词。比如,我看到 byzantine 的近义词有“ convoluted , intricate , involved , labyrinthine , sophisticated , tangled ”,然后我注意到:咦, involved 这个词原来也有“复杂的”这个意思,因为从字面上推断,它应该是“卷入的”,然后我就会在单词的左上角做个标记,以后重点识记。我推荐大家这么做的心理学原理是:人脑会对新异刺激有特殊的兴趣和识记意愿,在枯燥乏味的刷过一个又一个意群之后,我们很容易麻木,这时候一个与我们预期不符的单词会使大脑重新小小兴奋,从而加强记忆。 这种方法的好处是一遍刷下来,很多核心单词你相当于过了十几二十遍,因为它们不断在词条本身、其他词的英文释义、其他词的近义词或反义词中出现。缺点是:完整一遍下来至少要半个月。从我个人的经验而言,我最多的时候也就过了不到 list ,通常而言,每天过两个 list 就已现疲态。我多次在论坛上看到有人抱怨刷不进去近反,也有人因此而废止。 2)意群法: 即按照一定的意群分类,以 3000 为单词库,从中搜集归于各个意群下单词,具体进行时,我推荐大家把相反或相对照的意群来一起收集。比如我在做题时发现,简洁与啰嗦这两个意群挺常考的,我就会以 laconic 或者 verbose 作为搜索词在 3000 中查找,查找时不要仅限于一个词条,而是应不断的点“ next ”,由于 3000 中的很多单词都同时给出了近反,这样我就能收集到可以归到这两个意群之下的所有单词。类似的,我在考前几天就把大部分常考意群整理出来了。由于我是在本子上整理的,稍后我会上传一些笔记的照片,以期抛砖引玉,相信大家自己做的意群整理会更出色,也更适合自己。 词汇串讲对背单词有帮助吗?有的话请推荐 很有帮助。以下三个串讲都很好: 1)俞敏洪 GRE 单词串讲 这是老俞在 99 年对于全部单词的串讲,网络上可以找到数个版本,我是在 iPod touch 上以 1.5 倍速(实际显示的是 X2 )听这个串讲的去掉了长段子的精华版,由于老俞的语速一般偏慢,如果常速听这个串讲有一种诡异的催眠效果,但是如果设成 1.5 速或更快一点,就有化腐朽为神奇的效果——老俞变琦叔了。 2)陈琦 10Section 串讲 虽然主要是针对类反的串讲,但是里面根据意群以及主要词根将很多重要单词都串起来了。听的过程中对于那些注定只会在类反中考到的单词可以无视,其他单词还是应该多上心,另外,如果之前没有词根基础的同学也可以在这个串讲中学到不少重要词根。 3)陈琦 GRE 填空词汇考前串讲练习 我听的是论坛上上传的版本,具体是 3 月还是 4 月的录音未知,由于考前时间比较紧张,我还剩了一个多小时的录音没听,只是快速过了几遍其他网友上传的笔记。 这个串讲主要是根据意群划分的,但是对于一些有特点的单词,琦叔补充了一些形近词同根词什么的。串讲结合着对应的七套填空题展开,所以要想取得很好的效果,就应提前将题目做好。但是琦叔对于具体题目的讲解比较简单,就是大概翻译一下,指出空格和文中的对应关系。如果你对个别题目的解释不是很懂,可以标注一下,听完串讲后重点再看看。 我想用手机背单词,你觉得怎么样? 只要能背进去单词,当然什么方式都好。但是对于大部分同学来说,手机不可能是背单词的主战场,只能是一个辅助工具。 具体对于再要你命 3000 来说,有一个不错的多平台 (iOS Android) 手机刷词软件——词汇控。尤其适合入睡前,醒来后,候车,等女友、基友时使用。 这个软件新近升级到 2.0 了,虽然改进了随机背单词重复的问题,但是界面暂时感到不是很适应。 ---------------------------------- 填空篇 填空和阅读有没有特定的复习顺序? 我个人认为是有的,先突破填空对于突破阅读有一定的助益。原因是,大量的填空练习之后,你会对单词的正负性,句子的逻辑、态度,全句的重心等变得特别敏感。而这种敏感在我看来是在阅读中也着重考察的,当然阅读中还要考察很多段落和语篇的理解,但是对于句子的理解真的是重要基础。此外,很多填空句子本身理解起来也有一定的难度,所以做好阅读相当于附带着练了长难句,这一点当然也会对阅读有助益,同时能一定程度的提升阅读速度。 我在备考中把陈圣元的填空中 section78 之前的做了三遍,最后 10 个 section 则只做了一遍。而且我做这个是按照集中突破法来进行的。最多的时候我一天做了 45 个 section ,做到后来已经麻木了,但是几遍下来,基础就打下了。对于填空而言,偶尔全对不重要,最重要的是稳定,不然的话,有时候全对,有时候错四五个其实挺可怕的,因为万一后者发生在考场怎么办? 单词掌握到什么程度就可以做填空了? 这个首先取决于你能拿出的备考时间和你对分数的预期。 我个人觉得至少要掌握到 70% 以上才开始做题,不然有限的题目就被浪费了。陈圣元这本书看着挺厚,实际上去掉答案和解析也就是百十来页。很多填空题能否正确解答就取决于你对选项词、干扰词、正确作答所参照的对应词的舒适度,以及对全句的逻辑关系等的敏感度。如果你一再做错,就容易影响你解题感觉的养成。 如果实在心痒,单词掌握不牢就想做题,那就先反复把 no 题做掉吧,同时不要放过所做过题目当中任何一个重要形容词,抽象动词和名词。 做填空练习的时候要不要限时? 陈圣元在该书使用建议中提到在练习前面 42 个 section 的时候不必限时,后面的 section 则应限时并逐渐缩短时间,最后在 5-6 分钟做完一个 section ( 7 道题)是比较理想的。 我个人认为这个建议是非常有道理的。在不限时的练习时,你最重要的是摸索、体会解题方法,养成你自己的题感。因为别人的方法讲得再天花乱坠你如果你不通过实战体会也是白搭,其实我到现在也没有弄明白什么叫分隔,什么叫粘连,什么小连接。但是题目做多了,总结多了,一眼往过去,正确答案就在那里招手。 在限时的练习中,你要做的首先是把正确率和稳定性控制住,然后就是不择手段、用最快的速度解对题目。 填空题做第二遍及以上的时候有什么要注意的? 这个首先取决于你距离第一次做已经有多长时间。 如果间隔较久,对题目的印象很淡,可以把它当做全新的题目快速做掉,时间就限制在五分钟左右。 如果间隔不久,对题目存在记忆效应,则可以练习不看选项,根据逻辑和句意猜测空格中单词的正负性以及它体现的态度是褒是贬,然后做选。貌似 Princeton Cracking the New GRE 中提到的 POE 方法也大体就是这样,不过我当时没有耐心看。这本书论坛里有,网上也很好找,有兴趣的话可以翻翻看。 就我个人而言,我没怎么研究任何技巧,单词基础打好,然后做题时自己勤总结,正确率就能够提升并稳定下来。我这么说好像有点玄,但是你自己亲自做过一定数量的题目就明白我说的意思,对于任何一种标准化的考试而言,要考一个体面的分数都不是太难的事儿。 我觉得句子同义填空( SE )很简单,就是在选项中选同义词,是这样吗? 如果你做的是 1014 ,这可能是对的,我记得当时做的时候做的很快, 20 个有时就错一两个。但是对于目前能看到的真题( OG 、 PPII )以及我在实际考试中遇到的题目而言,这可能是一种错觉。 没错,很多 SE 题的正确答案就是一对同义词,但是不要忘了它通常还有一对与空格中应填的单词构成反义的词,此外,还有可能会设置一些正确答案的形近词做干扰。这时,如果你不仔细看题干,很有可能就把正确答案的反义词对选出来了。 另外,还有一些 SE 题目,它的正确答案并不是一对精确意义的同义词,而是说这两个单词填上了之后只要能使句子意义大致一致即可。 关于这两种情形,有时间的话我会分别找个例题来说明。大家也可以在做题时自己体会一下。 另外,在新 G 的 SE 题目当中开始考察很多单词在字典中比较靠后的意思了,这实际上就加深了难度。因此,在过三千的时候,看到那些你还算熟识的单词的一些你觉得新鲜的意思的时候,一定要多加留心。 ---------------------------------- 阅读篇 不限时的话,我的阅读正确率不错,练习阅读时一定要限时吗? 不要被不限时的正确率所迷惑,因为时间压力下的表现也是 ETS 的考察要点。 尽量早点限时,这样也能早点把速度提上来,一个人不逼迫自己是不知道自己的潜力的。 限时练习的话要卡在多少分钟之内? 首先,我觉得可以逐渐缩短这个时间,比如,做 36 的话,可以从 22 分钟到 20 分钟到 18 分钟到 16 分钟等。我自己只做了 36 套的前 18 套,后期也只限制到 18 分钟,基本能完成,但是还是感到时间很紧。 限时做阅读的话正确率惨不忍睹怎么办? 限时情况下如果正确率不高也不要气馁,对于这一点我一定要反复强调,在备考中保持昂扬的斗志的话各种有利,但是你也不要不当回事儿,应该认清现实,多做练习。 首先,限时做完题目之后先不要对答案,沉下心来好好分析一下看看那些句子是不管时间多紧都要读的,哪些有个印象、做题时定为即可,在这种没有时间压力的情况下看你是否还会坚持刚才的选择。然后对答案,比较一下自己在时间压力之下和不限时的情况下分别的正确率,然后把每道题目在原文中找到对应,在旁边标记一下这道题考的是什么,比如,是考主旨、对比、 unless 、单词、例子……还是什么。反复练习,就容易找到一个英文段落或语篇中到底哪些才是真正值得你去关注的。同时还要留心正确答案是怎样体现原文中的对应的,逐渐加深对于选项改写的敏感度。另外,分析一下你错误的原因,并做记录。
个人分类: 英语学习|11312 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 2 dulizhi95 2012-4-13 13:36
考研,考托福、GRE高效率经验总结 各位,回忆一下学生时代,据说回忆也是一种快乐。 回想一下,人生没有任何成功,唯一的本事就是善于考试,不管周围是多么优秀的同学,我玩闹的时间总比别人多,花在学习上的时间总比别人少,但考起试来照样可以拿高分。所以我的经验绝对是高效率的,而我的整个学生生涯从来不跟同学讨论和交流学习问题。当年高考仅考了个县状元,某次与一朋友谈到省状,朋友认为那差距很大,我的回应是:要省状干什么,他能读任何一所大学,我也能,他绝对是拼命擂功非常辛苦地擂上去的,我是玩玩闹闹,看看小说,就轻松而得。 好了,言归正传,先谈考研。读大学时,喜欢课外阅读,且如饥似渴,也没怎么用功学习,更没想到考研。工作后觉得没劲,又想去学校,这时候连考研考哪几门课都不知道,更不谈考什么内容了。学的也忘得差不多。当年大学的同学绝大部分都在原校读研,想找他们弄点资料。我这人一向害怕求人,再说走到哪里也没在乎过谁,所以还真不知道找谁帮忙。突然想到班上一位女干部,上海人,特能干,当然也特喜欢出风头。找她帮忙准行。于是给其人写了一封长信,将她全面评价和大大恭维了一番。其人非常高兴,立马回信表示全力帮忙。据一男同学后来打电话讲,其人兴奋地将我的吹捧信遍示于其他同学看。当然,给我寄了资料,在此表示万分感谢并致祝福。 我考的是北京某研究机构,结果那年考的又是该机构入学成绩最好的。导师是领导,每年都将最好的录在自己名下。我的下一届和上两界的师兄弟都是清华的(考清华的差一点转到这里来的)。而我上三界的那一位师兄,就是那个著名的千王之王,本科成都科大毕业的。即英国皇家工程院院士,英国某大学副校长,后作为千人回国,又在人事部当主管千人的司长。 那时复习考研,科室里一位长者,女师傅,给科长说她那里需要长期帮忙,叫我去,我去后她不要我做任何事,说:你学习,你学习。不时还做好吃的给我吃。在此表示永远的怀念和感激,并祝健康长寿!她后来也经常跟人说,我在那里总是谈笑玩闹,根本没看到我怎么刻苦学。 后来考托、G,在另一单位,室里另一位也是国内一名校的研究生与我同考,当然,最后两样都比我低。他比我强,现在依然在国外。当时室主任也是私下对人讲这两个研究生的区别,我成天谈笑,他那段时间则要用功的多。我GRE的数学和逻辑都可以轻松拿满分或因疏忽错个吧接近满分。 下面总结一下经验,希望能对准备考试的年轻人有用。 先去买几十份试卷,有全真的,有模拟的。将最近两年的全真试卷锁在柜子里,绝对不看。然后开始按考试的要求做试卷。我的英语词汇量很小,阅读能力那时也不怎么样,所以刚开始做试卷时,分数很低。没关系,而且这个时候绝对不能使用这样的方法:从基础学起,一步一个脚印。那就太没效率,太花时间了。我的方法是:直接针对试卷,几乎不学课本,不学其他资料。每次做完试卷,就对答案,反复揣摩为什么答案是这个而不是那个,用心去揣摩。 就用这样的办法,试卷越做越多,成绩直线上升。最后接近考试时,将柜子里的那几份试卷拿出来,我称这几份试卷为“没被污染的干净”试卷,因为它们是最近两年的,复习资料、模拟试卷都没有涉及这些题。若是这几份试卷拿了高分,进考场我就非常自信,肯定是高分,没有疑问。 我的整个学生生涯基本上都是类似的,只要我重视的考试,无论基础如何、用功如何,必然高分。这与那些只要稍微复杂一点难一点的考试就弄不动、却也能混上授们导们的平庸之辈,那可是大不一样。 呵呵,雕虫小技也!各位见笑。
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热度 2 ssg334 2011-11-5 11:50
近日总有人问及:准备出国读书,苦于英语考试的准备,应该先考哪一门?我想这是一个见仁见智的问题,每一个人的准备套路都是不同的。如果要给出绝对的答案,那就是:英语能力足够强,可以无视任何考试。这个答案几近笑谈,试问一个在国内成长,又刻苦学习science的人,如何做到“足够强”;即便是做到了,那也是从小日积月累的成果,现在去追求,为时已晚。 先分析一下出国考试的类型。准备出国进入Graduate Program(研究生课程,包括Master和Ph.D等学位)的学习基础科学的同学,考试大抵只有GRE,TOEFL和IELTS了。SAT是美国本科入学要求考的,GMAT和托业与基础科学关联不大。大部分同学心仪的“留学圣地”是米国,所以GRE和TOEFL成为了考试必选。问题正出于此:GRE和TOEFL,孰先孰后呢? GRE被称为美国研究生入学考试,是面向全球想在美国上学的同学的。所以无论是美国公民,还是外国人,申请时一般都需要提供这个成绩。换言之,GRE不是一门语言考试,它的默认考生群体是英语语言关已过的,具有独立逻辑思考能力的本科生(或以上)。如果把GRE看做美国学生的逻辑阅读,逻辑运算和逻辑论述考试,会更为贴切。TOEFL考试是针对英语非母语的想去北美(现在出北美外的很多国家也承认这项成绩了)留学的学生,无论是进入undergraduate还是graduate课程都需要。TOEFL考试分为听说读写四部分,是实实在在的语言考试,所以相对简单。 很多学生考虑到要提高语言能力,所以先考TOEFL,成绩满意后,在准备GRE考试。这是一个很大众化的套路,因为TOEFL考试可以反复去考,最后选择自己满意的最好成绩,而GRE考试的每一次成绩都会被ETS考试中心记录在案,在申请时会一并发给申请的院校,如果有很低的成绩,会很受影响。这种复习套路,适合从高中起就准备留学的,有高瞻远瞩的同学;或是上本科开始,就坚定远赴重洋的同学。但是,TOEFL成绩的有效期是2年,而GRE的有效期是5年,对于决心一次成功的同学,先考TOEFL会缩短它的使用寿命。 那么,对于已是大三,想毕业后直接出国的人,如何取舍?还是那句话,英语能力足够好,可以无视任何考试。对于像我辈这样的普通人,我建议是先考GRE。GRE的基本要求是英语不构成阻碍,也就是说,一篇阅读,抑或一句话,你都没有看懂,或是一知半解,就不要谈逻辑化分析了。带到中国这片特色鲜明的热土,这个要求演变成了:词汇超过25000,开始练题备考。这是亘古不变的真理,当词汇量足够大,理解了熟词僻意和近义反义,有什么是你看不懂的?也许文章逻辑复杂,含义晦涩,但字面意思的充分理解也做到了一大半的胜利。所以,准备GRE词汇是需要很长的时间的,从大三算起,也至少要用4个月时间刻苦努力。GRE复习方式自成体系,因此在复习过程中夹杂其他考试的备考万万不可取,最好在准备完词汇后一鼓作气,复习、考完这门考试。接下来的TOEFL,估计也就是练习听力,口语,熟悉题型,无需多言。 去英国和英联邦国家留学,今年炒的火热,这就面临了IELTS考试。个人以为,在GRE和TOEFL的基础上,只需要看看真题,就没有什么问题了。如果只准备这一项考试,按照听说读写的复习套路来,最后做一本真题,就very OK了。但是,IELTS作为语言考试,却是这些考试中最不能代表语言能力的,如果得了高分就认为出国后语言不成问题,将来会很失望的。
4729 次阅读|2 个评论
FrankZhao 2011-8-16 16:50
说明: 坦白说,新东方的关于GRE的课程中,作文部分的讲解是非常烂的。因为我其他部分也没怎么听新东方的课程,所以目前还不能做出GRE作文是新东方讲的最差的课程这一论断。 由于对于GRE作文比较打怵,所以我搜集并倾听了多位新东方老师的作文的网络课程: 唐静我听的是网友录音,简直是在骗钱; 张雷冬的argument课程讲的一般,但是我觉得还不如自己踏踏实实解读一遍官方指导(OG)更有收获; 韦晓亮的课程貌似比较有名,但是整个停下来还是觉得特别陈腐,收获很小; 相对而言,修锐同学的作文课程算是其中讲的最好的了,主要是他给人的感觉不浮躁,有些细节部分也可以看到他花了心思。因此,我特地转载了他的作文讲义,原文来源于太傻,格式和内容都比较混乱,我由于有完美主义情结,所以做了适当修正。 Analysis of an issue Issue 题目的分类方法: 题材 题目表述的抽象程度 核心思想 文章的论证结构 Issue preparing steps 找题目主题词确定主题分类;找主题限定词启发论证思路 Free writing / Brain storming (列每类主题大提纲); 针对具体题目提炼细节提纲 Example : Category C (+) Benefits of technology improvement: makes our lives more efficient; improves our living standard; frees people from repetitive and boring works; (-) Harmful effects of technology improvement: Traffic jam, pollution, accidents; impairs personal privacy; adversely affects quality of living; unemployment the alienation of family and friends unstable and unsafe Basic structure of a whole essay: 开头段 introductory paragraph; 2-3 句 正文段 body paragraphs; 2-4 段,每段 4-10 句 结尾段 conclusion; 2-3 句 Basic structure of an outline: Intro: Core statement; Body: Topic sentences Reasoning/ Explanation Example Conclusion: Conclusion sentence 抽象类题目和具体类题目 : 抽象类题目的应对策略:以偏概全,列举典型情况 How to write the introductory paragraph Basic requirement: Brevity 全文核心: Core statement (position) Core statement 的位置: End focus 不好的开头写法 : 以问句结束开头; 空洞,模糊的开头; 常用开头写法 : B+P: Background + Position, 背景 + 立场 C+P: Controversy + Position, 矛盾 + 立场 Examples: 11, 25, 26, 31, 41, 99, 103, 112, 131, 164, 190 Q+A+P ; Question + Answer + Position, 问题 + 回答 + 立场 Examples: 36, 49, 114, 121, 127, 183,184 E+P ; Example + Position, 例子 + 立场 Examples: 118. "Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress." Paul Ehrlich, a chemist, discovered a drug to treat those afflicted with syphilis. It was named “Formula 606”, because the first 605 tests were mistakes. The lesson we can draw from this story is clear and simple: discovery or progress is often born in mistakes. P+E ; Position + Explanation, 立场 + 概述理由(提纲型开头) Examples: 17, 136, 196 O+P ; Old-saying + Position, 格言 + 立场 开头常用词汇 : 表示正评价,同意作者观点 动词: share in common, justify, vindicate 名词: agreement with, compatibility with, harmony with, in favor of 形容词: appropriate, proper, apt, suitable, justifiable, reasonable 表示作者的观点偏颇 overestimate, overemphasize, overstate underestimate, undervalue, oversimplify neglect, overlook, ignore unnecessarily, unfairly 表示负评价,不同意作者观点 形容词: inappropriate, improper, unapt, unsuitable, unjustifiable, unreasonable 动词: contradict, oppose, argue against, disapprove 名词: contradiction, discord, disharmony, friction 表示争论,悬而未决 让步: concede, admit, grant 尚未有定论: at stake, in question, at risk, at issue 表示某人有某观点 in sb ’ s viewpoint/ point of view/ standpoint/ position from sb ’ s view/ angle/ perspective to sb ’ s mind, for sb ’ s part, as far as sb is concerned 引述他人描述 according to 关于 When it comes to As for As to With respect to In respect of With regard to 他人观点 idea, concept, opinion, theory, issue 正文结构类型 直线型(完全赞成 / 完全反对) 有倾向观点 平衡结构 没有本质区别,就在于正面与负面论证所占比例 Basic structure of a body paragraph: Topic Sentence 主题句 Explanation / Reasoning (why) Example 举具体例证 反证句 反证句的原因分析 反证句例证 Conclusion 段落总结句 How to use an example To give an example and its definition Illustrations 主题句的语言问题 位置:正文段第一句; 尽量使用后置修饰语; One reason in one paragraph; Coherence with the core statement 引导主题句的标志语言 并列: On the one hand / on the other (hand); For one thing / for another (thing); In one sense / in another (sense); In the first place / in the second place To begin with First of all 递进: Further / furthermore; Moreover, besides, what is more, In addition, additionally, also, still Not only…but (also) 转折: It is true, it is correct, of course; No doubt, undoubtedly, surely; Do, may, seem, appear, sound; Admittedly/ Granted, granted that; Concede, admit, acknowledge + However, but, yet, nonetheless, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand 反证句的写法 Unless A, B; If not A, then B (negative effect) cannot, do not, fail to do, misconceive, misinterpret, misevaluate 结尾段的语言 in conclusion, to sum up; in summary, in sum; all in all, on the whole, overall; simply put ( in one word); obviously, understandably, accordingly; Basic structure of a conclusion paragraph: Reprise of the core statement (paraphrase) Explanation 反证 针对不同题目类型的论证结构 比较型 Comparison; 推理型 Reasoning; 问题解决型 Solution; 观点型 Claim 比较型论证 Comparison 题目标志语言: More than, less than, better than, worse than; A rather than B (AB); Instead of B, A (AB); Prefer A to B (AB) 审题要点: 通过主题词确定 A 、 B 双方; 看清题目倾向 基本论证思路: 分别分析 A 和 B 的正负优劣 做出自己的比较判断 Example: issue 227 A: existing social problems (+) Why: immediate: The solving of some existing problems is urgent and critical for the survival of a society. (-) Why: Overemphasis of some existing problems could cause harmful effects. B: long term research (+) Why: help future generation: The investment for long-term research is of great importance for the development of a society in the long run. (-) Why: controversial, unclear: The consequences of some research are unclear. 推理型论证 Reasoning 题目标志语言: Because (of), since, for; Thus, hence, therefore; Conclude, conclusion, conclusive; Consequent (ly), consequence; Result in / from, lead to, lie in; 审题要点: 分清论据和结论; 看清推理关系 基本论证思路: (+) 分析 A → B 的合理之处; (-) 釜底抽薪,直接质疑论据( A 不成立); 拆桥,质疑推理关系; 指出如果过分夸大 B 的不良后果 Example : A, 101, 222 (+) Why: The extinction of some species has nothing to do with human activities. The protection of some species is beyond human capability. Some urgent problems of human society may have higher priority than to save endangered species, and need greater cost in money and jobs. (-) 釜底抽薪,直接质疑论据( A 不成立); Some extinctions are caused by human activities, directly or indirectly. Human activities → pollution → ecological balance → climate → survival of human and other species 拆桥,质疑推理关系; Although some species became naturally extinct, human society still has the responsibility to save those species. 指出如果过分夸大 B 的不良后果 Some species possess great value to human race, some of which are not realized by human yet. 问题解决型论证 Solution 题目标志语言: The way to …, should, through, by 审题要点: 找出题目要解决的问题; 找出 topic solution 基本论证思路: (+) 分析 topic solution 的合理之处; (-) 指出 topic solution 的局限性、不合理之处; 给出 other solutions Example : B, 230 (+) Why: Youth make up a great proportion in the general population. Fashion culture is best rep resented by the trends of youth. (-) Other solutions Mainstream culture: adults, seniors: Adults and seniors are the primary producer of fortune, and are also the primary consumer of mainstream culture. Example 2: B, 234, 52 Characteristics of American society: Business society: The business of American is to do business Racial diversification WASP: White Anglo-Saxon Person (Puritan); Afro-American; Hispanic; Asian-American American history 观点型论证 Claim 题目标志: 仅一句话,且为判断句 没有出现前三种题目的标志词汇 基本论证思路: (+) 分析题目观点的合理之处; 分析作者得出此观点的理由,欲擒故纵 (-) 分析题目观点本身不合理之处,有条件时当作推理型题目论证: 釜底抽薪,直接质疑理由; 拆桥,质疑推理关系; 指出题目观点在某些场合的不良后果 Example : B, 232 (+) Why (or under what circumstances) would public expect political leaders to withhold information? Benefits: Authority Necessity: To avoid unnecessary disturbance or panic (-) 指出如果过分夸大 B 的不良后果 Extreme information → extreme power → corruption, autarchy Example : B, 40 (+) Reason: Why would media and society expect an individual to speak for a particular group? Benefits: political and economical Necessity: cost (-) 指出观点本身的缺陷: Since every one could have more than one identification, it is unreasonable to expect any individual to speak for any single particular group. Also, individual opinion usually could not represent the view of an entire group. B, 69 (+) Special social and historical circumstance and demands are fundamental condition for the creation of a great leader. (-) Other solutions For a leader to be successful, many other essential characteristics are needed. Knowledge: → broad vision → great target Justice courage, broad-mindedness, organization skills B, 73, 136, 142, 116 Individual responsibility: Material Spiritual Intellectual C, 68 Family patterns: Extended family Nuclear family Single family / divorced family DINK (-) Some aspects of social customs and ethics are not changed along with technology improvements. C, 129 (+) Benefits of eco-tourism: To raise the fund for environmental protection Publication (-) Drawbacks of topic solution: Large scale development of tourism could cause harmful effects. Constructions Pollution (-) Other solutions Government funding Social institutions 写作语言问题 Basic requirement: Variety 词汇多样性: 避免重复,同义词近义词替换原则; Significant, radical, critical, essential, fundamental, cardinal; of great importance 尽量使用具体词汇专用词汇原则,避免使用抽象通用词汇; 注意词汇的搭配 句式结构:常用句式变化 双重否定句; 同位语; 后置修饰语 用于正文段主题句 用于修改文章 插入语; 表示论证的前提条件: if (it occurs) at all; if (there is) any; if (sth is indeed) necessary; if ever The government should make, if any, restrictions on the arts. 表示递进推理: if so 表示取非: if not 被动句; 三大重点句型: 让步语气; 倒装句; 强调句 语言注意事项 尽量使用非人称主语原则; 形式主语: It is widely claimed that… There be: There is a controversy over … 第三人称泛指 : Unless one person undertakes more than he possibly can do, he will never do all he can do. 词义替换原则 ; 避免使用极端词汇原则; 最高级词汇 : 频率最高级: always, never, no, all the time, forever, by all means 顺序最高级: first, paramount, supreme 唯一性词汇: only, unique, exclusive, sole (ly) 感情色彩词汇: 过分肯定词汇: perfect, outstanding, extreme, absolute, total, complete, thorough 过分贬低词汇: reproach, condemn, curse , ironically, surprisingly 长短句结合原则; 体会练习句型演变 D 题库:理性与感性 Rational: Objective, reason, logic, rational, plan, discover, invent Emotional: Subjective, Passion, Emotion, Inclination: bias, prejudice, desire, hope, Intuition, Hunch, Creation Rational and emotional: Natural science Business Jurisprudence D, 196 (-) Some important discoveries are based on laborious works, not accidental. Absolutely, Edison knew thousands more ways of making a bulb that would not light than you and me know. F, 48 (+) Benefits: A shortcut to become famous quickly: to upset old authority Necessity: Some theories will become out of date; Some theories have inherent drawbacks (-) 指出如果过分夸大题目观点的不良后果 The primary goal: Development and Progress; Avoid vicious challenge F , 241 (+) Why: Disobedience of law is a sublime virtue under certain circumstances; (-) Problems of topic solution How to define just and unjust? People may have different criterion in their judgment. may result in social disturbance and chaos (-) Other solutions Legislation Amendment Mass media Issue preparing strategies 1. 复习课上所讲内容,把握文章结构,论证过程,论证语言,整理文章基本结构语言; 2. 熟读题目; 3. 列提纲:分类题库大提纲和具体题目细节提纲; 4. 全文练习; 5. 修改文章: self-correction, peer-correction 6. 模考; 7. 考前 2-3 天:把提纲、模板全部过一遍; 8. 改最后一遍文章 9. 广泛阅读
个人分类: 英文写作|3572 次阅读|0 个评论
GRE作文——Issue 核心关键词的搭配
FrankZhao 2011-8-16 16:40
说明: 为了备考GRE的作文,我一直比较用心,因为写作一直是我的弱项。经过一段时间的学习和训练,我觉得自己在GRE写作所要求的逻辑性和辩证性商有了提高,但是语言还是比较弱,有些思想虽然勉强可以表述,但是所用的语言和搭配常常不够地道,因此,我特地从GRE的issue题库中提取了一些关键词,并查找了这些关键词在牛津英语搭配词典上的内容,集合起来贴在下面。 Issue 核心关键词的搭配 竞争;合作 历史 传统;习俗;伦理学 科学的;发现 艺术;原创性;创造性 革新;保守的; 文化;认同;统一性 平衡 进展;进步; 成功;发展 英雄;领导者 社会;政府;民主 环境;科技;政治学 想象力;经验 智力;合理的 情绪,情感 沟通,交流 一致性;个体 实用性 理想的,媒体 竞争 competition noun 1 event in which people try to win sth ADJ. international, national | knock-out | dancing, piano, sporting, etc. VERB + COMPETITION win She won an international dancing competition . | lose | have, hold, stage We're going to have a competition to see who can swim the furthest. | enter, take part in | withdraw from COMPETITION + VERB take place | be open to sb The competition is open to all readers of the magazine PREP. in a/the ~ I won the car in a competition. | ~ between a competition between the best teams in the country | ~ for a competition for the best chef 2 trying to achieve the same thing/gain an advantage ADJ. cut-throat, fierce, intense, keen, serious, severe, stiff, strong, tough intense competition for the contract | direct Public transport is run in direct competition with the private sector. | fair, free, healthy, open | domestic | foreign, global, international, overseas | economic VERB + COMPETITION be up against, face | go into to go into competition with British Telecom | beat off, fight off to fight off competition from foreign firms PREP. against ~ They won the order against fierce international competition. | in ~ with We are in competition with some very large companies. | in the face of ~ The gas companies are having to lay off staff in the face of stiff competition from oil. | ~ among/between There is a lot of competition between rival airlines. | ~ for, ~ from We face strong competition from other countries. 合作 cooperation noun ADJ. close | full | greater, increased | active | effective | international, local | mutual a society founded on mutual cooperation and shared prosperity | cultural, economic, military, political, social, technical VERB + COOPERATION need, require | ask for, call for, demand, seek She called for closer cooperation on drugs control. They are seeking the cooperation of senior medical staff. | enlist, get We are hoping to enlist the cooperation of women's groups. | give (sb), offer (sb) | encourage, promote promoting cooperation between universities and industry | ensure PREP. in ~ with The film was made in cooperation with the Sports Council. | with/without sb's ~ With the cooperation of the public, the police may be able to catch this man. | ~ among increased technical cooperation among large companies | ~ between political cooperation between the two groups | ~ from You will need a bit of cooperation from your family. | ~ in We asked for their cooperation in the collection of data. | ~ on They offered their cooperation on the project. | ~ with We should like to thank you for your cooperation with us. PHRASES a lack of cooperation, a need for cooperation There is a need for greater economic cooperation. 团队合作 teamwork noun ADJ. effective, good VERB + TEAMWORK emphasize, encourage The company says the aim is to encourage teamwork. PREP. through ~ achieving our success through effective teamwork 历史 history noun 1 the past, especially as a subject of study ADJ. contemporary, early, recent the early history of the trade union movement things that happened in recent history | ancient, medieval, modern | local | family | British, world, etc. | official the official history of the Labour Party | recorded The debate about the origins of the universe has been going on throughout recorded history. | oral Oral history enables us to take account of those many aspects of history that are not recorded in documents. | art, church, cultural, economic, human, literary, military, political, social, etc. QUANT. piece She created a piece of history by winning her fourth title. VERB + HISTORY be steeped in a building that is steeped in history | go down in, make, pass into He will go down in history as a wise adviser and a kind man. He made history by being the first man to walk on the moon. | trace The regiment traces its history back to 1803. | distort, rewrite her attempt to rewrite history with herself in the role of heroine HISTORY + VERB go back (to) … The town's history goes back to Roman times. | reveal sth, show sth History shows that New Zealand are almost unbeatable by British teams on their own turf. | repeat itself Years later, family history repeated itself with Eve's daughters. HISTORY + NOUN book (figurative) She has earned her place in the history books. PREP. during sth's ~ The country has suffered several invasions during its history. | in (sth's) ~ the most extraordinary royal meeting in history the best player in the sport's history | throughout ~ There have been conflicts such as this throughout history . PHRASES change the course of history events that could change the course of history | a period of history This is a fascinating period of history. | the rest is history (= the rest of the story does not need to be told because it is well-known), a sense of history a people with no sense of history | a slice of history The team grabbed a slice of history here today (= achieved sth that will be remembered) . Note at SUBJECT (for more verbs and nouns) 2 facts about sb/sth's life/existence in the past ADJ. chequered, colourful, fascinating, interesting, rich The city has a rich and colourful history. | long She has a long history of mental illness. | previous, subsequent | case She familiarized herself with the case history of her new patient. | employment, family, life, medical, personal, sexual The doctor will need some details of your medical history. I know nothing about his personal history. VERB + HISTORY have PREP. ~ of a history of heart disease in the family 3 sth in the past that is no longer important ADJ. past They had an affair once, but that's past history now. 当代 contemporary adj. 1 belonging to the same time as sb/sth else VERBS be ADV. strictly She used only strictly contemporary documents to research the book. | almost, nearly | broadly, roughly a period broadly contemporary with the Shang dynasty PREP. with a composer contemporary with Beethoven 2 modern VERBS be ADV. very His work is very contemporary. 传统 tradition noun ADJ. age-old, ancient, archaic, centuries-old, deep-rooted , enduring, living, long/ long-established , old, time-honoured, unbroken, well-established | distinguished, fine, great, honourable | cherished , hallowed | dominant, powerful , strong | ancestral, family | local, national, native | folk, popular | oral | Catholic, Christian, pagan, etc. | Eastern, English, European, etc. | 19th-century, classical, medieval, modernist, etc. | academic , artistic, cultural, ideological, literary, military, musical, philosophical, political, religious, sociological, sporting, teaching, theatrical This region has a great sporting tradition. | democratic , liberal , radical, revolutionary VERB + TRADITION have | cherish , continue, follow (in), keep alive, maintain, preserve, uphold Following in the Hitchcock tradition, he always appears in the films he directs. Villagers get together every year to keep this age-old tradition alive. | hand down an oral tradition handed down from generation to generation | break (with), go against He broke with the family tradition and did not go down the mines. | establish, start | revive TRADITION + VERB continue, die hard, survive Old habits and traditions die hard. PREP. according to (a/the) ~ According to tradition , a tree grew on the spot where the king was killed. | by ~ By tradition , nobody interrupts an MP's maiden speech. | in (a/the) ~ In time-honoured tradition , a bottle of champagne was smashed on the ship. He's a politician in the tradition of (= similar in style to) Kennedy. PHRASES a departure from tradition In a departure from tradition , the bride wore a red dress. | in the best traditions of sth The building was constructed in the best traditions of medieval church architecture. | respect for tradition I acquired lasting respect for tradition and veneration for the past. 习俗 custom noun ADJ. accepted, age-old, ancient, established, old, traditional | quaint | local | social VERB + CUSTOM follow, observe, respect They still follow the custom of pinning money to the bride's dress. | maintain, preserve, revive CUSTOM + VERB die out, disappear The custom died out in the nineteenth century. | prevail, survive These customs still prevail in remote areas. PREP. according to a/the ~, in accordance with (a/the) ~ They poured wine round the trees in accordance with local custom. | through ~ The rules have grown up through custom and are not laid down by law. | ~ of PHRASES as is/was the custom People threw coins onto the stage, as was the custom. loyalty noun ADJ. absolute, complete, total, undivided, unswerving He showed unswerving loyalty to his friends. | fierce, great, intense, strong, tremendous | conflicting, divided Rows with one's in-laws often create divided loyalties. | primary, prime His prime loyalty was to his family. | family, filial, group, personal, tribal | local, national, regional | religious | party, political | brand, customer VERB + LOYALTY command, inspire, win He inspires great loyalty from all his employees. | feel, have | display, express, prove, show | pledge, swear They pledged their loyalty to the king. | transfer Some party members found it hard to transfer their loyalty to the new leader. | expect LOYALTY + VERB be, lie, remain His loyalties lay with people from the same background as himself. LOYALTY + NOUN oath PREP. out of ~ She stayed on at the school out of loyalty to her students. | ~ among The village is the object of fierce loyalty among its inhabitants. | ~ for Mass advertising creates brand loyalty for a product. | ~ from The company expects loyalty from its employees. | ~ to men whose loyalty is to their political careers | ~ towards The team members felt tremendous loyalty towards one another. PHRASES a conflict of loyalties, an oath/a pledge of loyalty, a sense of loyalty 伦理学 ethics noun ADJ. personal She resigned over an issue of personal ethics. | Christian | business, medical, professional The study was approved by the medical ethics committee. PHRASES a code of ethics There should be a code of business ethics which indicates how clients are to be served. | a matter/question of ethics. It's the committee's job to decide on matters of ethics. 科学的 scientific adj. VERBS be, look, seem ADV. highly It all looks highly scientific! | truly | purely Her curiosity was purely scientific. | not very His approach was not very scientific. 发现 discovery noun ADJ. amazing, big, exciting, great, important, major, remarkable, significant, startling, surprising, unexpected potentially the biggest archaeological discovery in Norway for fifty years | awful, chilling, grim, terrible the awful discovery that he had been deceiving her | latest, new, recent | accidental, chance All these were chance discoveries made by scientists engaged in other investigations. | archaeological, medical, scientific | personal The story tells of a man's journey of personal discovery up an African river. VERB + DISCOVERY make New scientific discoveries are being made all the time. | lead to Their work led to some important medical discoveries. | await There may be many unexpected treasures awaiting discovery. PREP. ~ by a discovery by a French scientist | ~ of the discovery of oil in the North Sea PHRASES a process of discovery, a journey/voyage of discovery (figurative) To tour Sri Lanka is to take a voyage of discovery through a land of endless variety. 艺术 art noun 1 paintings, drawings, etc. ADJ. great, high | abstract, avant-garde, commercial, conceptual, figurative, fine, graphic, performance, pop/popular, sacred, visual | contemporary, modern VERB + ART create, produce one of the greatest works of art ever produced ART + NOUN gallery | collector, critic, dealer, historian, lover | treasure, work (also artwork ) | college, school | form Cinema became accepted as an art form. | history | market | world Many people from the art world attended the painter's funeral. 2 the arts: art, music, theatre, literature, etc. ADJ. creative, decorative, dramatic, performing, plastic, visual PHRASES arts and crafts an exhibition of Peruvian arts and crafts | funding for the arts, a patron of the arts, sponsorship of the arts 3 arts not sciences ART + NOUN subject | degree PHRASES arts and sciences 4 ability/skill VERB + ART master, perfect I've never mastered the art of making bread. PREP. ~ of Television has ruined the art of conversation. PHRASES get sth down to a fine art (= learn to do it very well) She's got the business of buying Christmas presents down to a fine art. Note at ART 原创性 originality noun ADJ. great, startling, striking VERB + ORIGINALITY have | display, show | be lacking in, lack ORIGINALITY + VERB lie in sth His originality as a painter lies in his representation of light. PREP. ~ in The government has shown great originality in its foreign policy. PHRASES a spark of originality 创造性 creativity noun ADJ. great | artistic, musical VERB + CREATIVITY develop, encourage, stimulate A good teacher can encourage artistic creativity. | inhibit, stifle This rigid approach stifles creativity. PREP. ~ in This exercise encourages creativity in the use of language. PHRASES scope for creativity My job does not give me much scope for creativity. 革新 innovation noun 1 introduction of new ideas ADJ. constant, continuous | successful | cultural, educational, industrial, scientific, technical, technological | design, policy, product industries where constant product innovation is a criterion for survival VERB + INNOVATION encourage, facilitate, foster, stimulate | stifle Too strict a regulatory system will stifle innovation. INNOVATION + VERB occur Technical innovation may occur directly in the factory. INNOVATION + NOUN process PREP. ~ in innovation in engineering PHRASES scope for innovation 2 new idea ADJ. great, major, important, significant | successful | welcome | interesting | latest, new | recent | scientific, technical, technological VERB + INNOVATION come up with She believed she had come up with one of the greatest innovations of modern times. | introduce Many innovations were introduced by the 1919 Act. | design, develop technological innovations designed to save energy INNOVATION + VERB occur PREP. ~ by Mathematical astronomy was the great innovation by the Greeks of the 5th century BC. | ~ in innovations in machinery and instruments 保守的 conservative adj. VERBS be | become | remain ADV. deeply, extremely, highly, profoundly, very | increasingly | largely, predominantly | fairly, rather, relatively | basically, essentially She takes a basically conservative view of society. | generally | innately, instinctively, naturally the army's innately conservative values | notoriously Banks are notoriously conservative about their dealings with clients. | traditionally a traditionally conservative profession | culturally, morally, politically, socially the culturally conservative world of commerce and industry conservative noun ADJ. diehard, dyed-in-the-wool, hardline, staunch | right-wing | back-bench disagreement among back-bench Conservatives | senior Senior Conservatives are opposed to the change. | political 文化 culture noun 1 customs/ideas/beliefs ADJ. ancient | primitive | dominant | alien, foreign | indigenous, native | local, national | traditional | African, black, Greek, Western, world, etc. These ideas have always been central to Western culture. | rural, urban | mainstream | underground | wider Prisoners are isolated from the wider culture of society at large. | bourgeois, working-class, etc. | street, youth As young people started to have more money, a significant youth culture developed. | dance, drug, football, etc. | academic, business, company, corporate, intellectual, legal, political, professional, religious, scientific, etc. the political culture of the United States | capitalist, computer, consumer, enterprise, materialistic , etc. the development of the enterprise culture in Britain VERB + CULTURE assimilate (sb into) The Romans gradually assimilated the culture of the people they had conquered. Newcomers to the company are soon assimilated into the culture. | create, develop, foster, produce The new director is trying to foster a culture of open communication within the company. CULTURE + VERB develop CULTURE + NOUN group a country containing many language and culture groups | shock She experienced great culture shock when she first came to Europe. PREP. in a/the ~ In some cultures children have an important place. | ~ of The social security system has been accused of producing a culture of dependency. 2 art/literature/music, etc ADJ. contemporary, modern | mass, pop, popular | folk | high | wide | literary, oral Jokes are an important part of our popular, oral culture. PREP. a man/woman of culture She is a woman of wide culture. 认同,同一性 identity noun ADJ. true | assumed, false He was discovered living under an assumed identity in South America. | mistaken This is obviously a case of mistaken identity. | new | common, corporate, cultural, national, personal, political, racial, sexual VERB + IDENTITY create, develop, establish, forge They are still struggling to establish their identity as a political party. The company forged its own identity by producing specialist vehicles. | give sb/sth He felt that having a job gave him an identity. | maintain, preserve Many minority groups are struggling to maintain their cultural identity. | lose | change He changed his identity and moved abroad on his release from prison. | assume She was given a false passport and assumed a new identity. | disclose, reveal He refused to reveal the identity of his client. | discover, find out | guess It was easy to guess the identity of the thief. | conceal, hide, keep secret, protect Her voice was disguised to conceal her identity. IDENTITY + NOUN bracelet, tag | card, documents, papers | code | parade The victim picked out her attacker in an identity parade. | crisis The country suffered from an identity crisis for years after the civil war. PREP. ~ as Scotland has never lost its identity as a separate nation. PHRASES proof of identity The police officer asked him for proof of identity. | a search for identity His search for his cultural identity took him to where his parents were born. | a sense of identity 成功 success noun 1 good results ADJ. considerable, conspicuous, enormous, great, notable, overwhelming, phenomenal, remarkable, spectacular, tremendous, unprecedented | limited, moderate, modest The campaign to stop drink-driving had only limited success. | popular, public | early, initial | immediate | long-term, short-term | business, commercial, economic, financial | academic, educational, electoral, literary, military, etc. | international The company's excellent marketing has resulted in enormous international success. QUANT. amount, degree Initially, the venture enjoyed a fair amount of success. VERB + SUCCESS achieve, enjoy, have, notch up She had little success in getting new customers. He is keen to notch up yet another success. | bring A change of management failed to bring success. | end in, lead to, result in The year-long fight for a pay rise ended in success. | ensure, guarantee We can't guarantee immediate success. | be vital to Your contribution was vital to the success of the concert. SUCCESS + VERB come Success didn't come overnight? She struggled for years before making any money. | lie (in sth) Much of his success lies in his skill in handling staff. | depend on sth The success or failure of the project depends on how committed the managers are. SUCCESS + NOUN rate The operation has a success rate of over 80%. | story The company has been one of the success stories of the past decade. PREP. without ~ She tried to persuade them without success. | ~ in I've had some success in getting rid of the weeds. | ~ with the secret of his success with women PHRASES a chance/hope of success What are our chances of success? We're trying to get him to sponsor us, but there's not much hope of success. | confident of success She had worked hard and was confident of success. | the key to success, a lack of success, the secret of (sb's) success, a symbol of (sb's) success 2 sth that achieves its aim ADJ. big, complete, considerable, conspicuous, enormous, great, huge, major, notable, outstanding, phenomenal, popular, real, remarkable, resounding, roaring, runaway, spectacular, total, tremendous, unprecedented, unqualified The band's new album has been a runaway success. | modest, qualified | business, commercial, economic, popular The book proved a major commercial success. | international | immediate VERB + SUCCESS be, prove | have We had one or two outstanding successes. | judge sth The event was judged a success by its organizers. | make She's made a real success of that job. PHRASES wish sb (every) success We are sad to see Hiroko go, and wish her every success in the future. 平衡 balance noun 1 even combination/distribution ADJ. correct, equal, even, exact, ideal, necessary, optimum, perfect, proper, right With children, it is important to achieve the right balance between love and discipline. | comfortable, equitable, excellent, good, happy, harmonious, healthy a healthy balance of foods | acceptable, adequate, appropriate, fair, reasonable, sensible How do you find an acceptable balance between closeness and distance in a relationship? | careful, delicate, fine, subtle Being a good boss requires a fine balance between kindness and authority. | fragile, precarious, uneasy | overall It is the overall balance of the diet that is important. | ecological, natural Pulling up all the plants will disturb the natural balance of the pond. | hormonal, nutritional | ethnic, gender, social There is an even gender balance amongst staff and students (= equal numbers of men and women) . VERB + BALANCE require | seek | achieve, create, find, strike We need to strike a balance between these conflicting interests. | keep, maintain, sustain You have to maintain a balance in your life or else you'll go crazy. | disturb, upset Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island. | redress, restore | affect | alter, change, shift BALANCE + VERB change, shift PREP. on ~ (= after considering all the information) On balance, the company has had a successful year. | in ~ It is important to keep the different aspects of your life in balance. | ~ between the balance between academic and practical work | ~ of the balance of animals and plants in the environment PHRASES the balance of nature 2 division of power/influence ADJ. changing, shifting | military, political VERB + BALANCE hold to hold the balance of power (= to be in a position where your support would be just enough to give overall power to one group or another) | affect | change, shift | swing, tilt, tip (= to influence a result/decision) In an interview, smart presentation can tip the balance in your favour. BALANCE + VERB change, shift PHRASES the balance of advantage The balance of advantage has shifted from the unions to employers. | the balance of forces/power the changing balance of power between the working and middle class | checks and balances Democracy depends on a system of checks and balances. 3 of the body ADJ. excellent, good | poor VERB + BALANCE have Gymnasts have excellent balance. | affect Tightness in one set of muscles will affect your whole balance. | keep I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates. | lose She lost her balance and fell. | recover, regain | knock sb off, throw sb off The sudden movement threw him off balance. PREP. off ~ PHRASES a sense of balance Cats have a very good sense of balance. 4 money ADJ. account, bank | cash, money | credit, favourable, healthy, positive | debit, negative | cleared, net Interest is calculated on the daily cleared balance and paid direct to your account. | opening | final, outstanding | trade VERB + BALANCE have Everyone likes to have a healthy bank balance. | ask for, request He asked the cashier for the balance of his current account. | check I'll need to check my bank balance before I spend so much money. | show | achieve | be due The final balance is due six weeks before departure. | pay I'll pay the balance later. | use The balance of the proceeds will be used for new equipment. | bring forward, carry forward the balance brought forward from the previous year BALANCE + NOUN sheet the company's balance sheet PHRASES the balance of payments (= the difference between the amount of money coming into and going out of a country), the balance of trade (= the difference in value between imports and exports) balance verb 1 keep steady ADV. carefully, precariously PREP. on He balanced the glasses carefully on the tray. 2 compare two things; give them equal value VERB + BALANCE have to, need to | seek to, try to The plan seeks to balance two important objectives. | manage to PREP. against We have to balance the risks of the new strategy against the possible benefits. | with She tries to balance the needs of her children with those of her employer. 进展 advance noun 1 forward movement ADJ. rapid | Allied, British, German, etc. VERB + ADVANCE make The regiment made an advance on the enemy lines. | order The general ordered an advance to the front line. | halt, resist, stop PREP. on ~ the advance on Leningrad | to ~, towards ~ the Russian advance towards Berlin 2 development ADJ. big, considerable, dramatic, enormous, great, spectacular, substantial, tremendous | important, major, notable, remarkable, significant | rapid, steady rapid advances in science and technology | recent | economic, educational, medical, political, scientific, social, technical, technological | theoretical VERB + ADVANCE make We need more money if we are to make any further advances in this area of science. PREP. in ~ two major advances in orthopaedic medicine | on ~ an advance on the existing techniques | towards ~ an advance towards a better understanding of God 3 money ADJ. large | cash VERB + ADVANCE give, pay The publishers have paid me an advance. | get, receive PREP. ~ of an advance of £ 10,000 | ~ on He was paid £ 5,000 as an advance on royalties. 4 advances: sexual ADJ. amorous, sexual VERB + ADVANCE make He made amorous advances to one of his students. PREP. ~ to advance verb 1 move forward ADV. quickly, rapidly | cautiously, slowly PREP. from advancing from the south | into The troops advanced into central Europe. | on/upon The army advanced on the capital. | towards He advanced towards me in aggressive style. 2 develop ADV. considerably, greatly, significantly | rapidly PREP. beyond Society needs to advance beyond prejudice and superstition. 进步 progress noun 1 movement forwards ADJ. considerable, dramatic, encouraging, excellent, genuine, good, great, impressive, real, remarkable, significant, substantial | fast, rapid, swift | inexorable | slow, stately We watched the ship's stately progress out of the harbour. | satisfactory, steady | further | academic, educational VERB + PROGRESS achieve, make | assess, chart, check (on), evaluate, monitor, observe, review, trace, track, watch Regular tests enable the teacher to monitor the progress of each child. | block, hamper, hinder, impede, obstruct, slow (down) | halt, stop | accelerate, facilitate PROGRESS + NOUN report PREP. in ~ There was a cricket match in progress. | ~ from … to … The book traced his steady progress from petty theft to serious crime. | ~ in He's making good progress in maths. | ~ on How much progress have the builders made on the extension? | ~ towards Who can halt Woods' inexorable progress towards yet another championship? | ~ with She's making steady progress with her thesis. PHRASES a lack of progress I was frustrated by my apparent lack of progress when I started the violin. | a rate of progress At the present rate of progress we won't be finished before July. | work in progress I have one file for completed work and one for work in progress. 2 improvement in society ADJ. economic, evolutionary, industrial, medical, scientific, social, technical, technological | human VERB + PROGRESS hold back PHRASES the march of progress the onward march of technological progress progress verb ADV. satisfactorily, smoothly, well The talks are progressing very well. | further He felt he still needed to progress further in his learning. | rapidly progressing rapidly in his chosen career | slowly The work is progressing quite slowly. | steadily VERB + PROGRESS fail to PREP. beyond Samir failed to progress beyond this first step on the ladder. | from, through allowing students to progress through the stages of the course | to She soon progressed from the basics to more difficult work. | towards slowly progressing towards a new kind of art | up his ambition to progress up the career ladder | with They are keen to progress with the scheme. 发展 development noun 1 developing sth ADJ. full School should encourage the full development of a student's talents. | gradual | rapid | sustainable | healthy | commercial, economic, industrial | evolutionary, historical | regional | rural, suburban, urban | human | educational, emotional, intellectual, linguistic, personal, physical, psychological, sexual, social, spiritual | software | child | property VERB + DEVELOPMENT aid, allow, assist, encourage, enhance, facilitate, favour, foster, permit, promote, stimulate, support Education stimulates the stage in the development of Anglo-Irish relations | a stage of development This is a perfectly normal stage of development. 2 new event/idea ADJ. exciting, important, major, radical, remarkable, significant, striking | the latest, new, recent | logical The move from TV to film was a logical development in her career. | unexpected | welcome | political, scientific, technical, technological DEVELOPMENT + VERB occur, take place the significant developments taking place in the health service PREP. ~ in new developments in film-making 3 new buildings ADJ. housing, property | development of rational thinking. A group of experts has been brought together to support the develop business, commercial | ribbon | accelerate, speed up Ribbon developments (= lines of Environmental factors can buildings) extended along the mai n accelerate the development of road . certain cancers. | arrest, discourage, halt, hinder, inhibit, prevent, restrict, retard, slow Too much emphasis o n memorizing facts can inhibit th e development of creative thinking . | finance The company went dee p into debt to finance th e development of the engine. | monitor, oversee A UN team i s monitoring the development o f the peace process. | trace In th e opening chapter, the author trace s the development of judo from it s ancient roots . DEVELOPMENT + VERB occur, take place DEVELOPMENT + NOUN initiative, plan, programme, project, scheme | aid, assistance | work The invention requires more development work to make it viable. | process the lengthy development process of a new model of car | budget, capital, fund, grant | costs, expenditure PREP. during ~ Cell divisions during development occur in a fixed sequence. | in ~ A more powerful version of this electric bus in currently in development. | under ~ The new vaccine is still under development. PHRASES research and development I do quite a lot of research and development work in my job. | a stage in the development of sth an important 英雄 hero noun ADJ. big, great He was one of the great football heroes of his day. | real | all-time Einstein is the all-time hero of many scientists. | unsung She was an unsung hero of the British film industry. | reluctant, unlikely | brave, gallant The song remembers the brave heroes who died for their country. | romantic, tragic Being short and overweight, he was an unlikely romantic hero. | square-jawed, swashbuckling Tired of playing the square-jawed hero, he sought out more challenging roles. | all-conquering, conquering In his war stories he portrayed himself as the all-conquering hero. He returned home from the tournament a conquering hero. | fallen a fallen hero trying to regain his position | cult James Dean was a cult hero of the fifties. | folk, local, national, popular | fictional, legendary, mythical | eponymous Don Quixote, the eponymous hero of the novel by Cervantes | boyhood, childhood Bugs Bunny was one of my childhood heroes. | proletarian, working-class | military | celluloid | musical In this album she pays tribute to her musical heroes. | film, football, guitar, sporting, war Jimi Hendrix was her guitar hero. VERB + HERO be hailed (as) He was hailed as a hero after the rescue. | become, make sb into, turn sb into The fight to save the forest turned him into a local hero. | die He died a national hero. PREP. ~ to He was a hero to all his schoolmates. PHRASES be no hero John was no hero?he stood back as his friends approached the two armed border guards. | give sb/receive a hero's welcome, hero of the hour Everyone played brilliantly, but Jones was the hero of the hour. | (die) a hero's death 领导者 leader noun 1 person who is in charge of sth ADJ. born, natural | charismatic, effective, good, great, inspiring, inspired, visionary | undisputed | powerful, strong | weak | deputy | former | joint | local, national | opposition, parliamentary, party | Conservative, Labour, etc. | military, political, religious, spiritual | gang, guerrilla, nationalist, rebel | group, project, squadron, team Discuss any problems with your team leader. | business, church, civic, community, council, government, strike, student, (trade) union, youth Business leaders have been in talks with the government. | miners', teachers', etc. VERB + LEADER be appointed, become, be elected | appoint (sb), appoint sb as, choose (sb as), elect (sb), elect sb as, nominate (sb), nominate sb as PHRASES a leader of the Opposition 2 person/team that is best or in first place ADJ. undisputed | brand, market, world The company is a world leader in electrical goods. | championship, league, tournament VERB + LEADER overtake aiming to overtake the market leaders within two years PREP. behind the ~ ten points behind league leaders Manchester United | ~ in the undisputed leader in her field 社会 society noun 1 people who have shared customs and laws ADJ. wider the position of women within the family and the wider society | contemporary, modern | traditional | advanced the division of labour in an advanced capitalist society | primitive | egalitarian, free, just, open | closed | civilized, humane | affluent the consumerist values of the affluent society | consumer, consumerist | throwaway Our throwaway society must be encouraged to recycle. | permissive | multicultural, multiracial, pluralistic | divided, stratified Years of high unemployment have left society deeply divided. | civil the relationship between the state and civil society | secular | human a theory on the basis of human society | class | classless | tribal | matriarchal, patriarchal | bourgeois | capitalist, democratic, feudal, socialist, etc. | industrial, post-industrial, pre-industrial | agricultural, technological | Western | rural, urban, village | polite Such language would not be used in polite society. VERB + SOCIETY build, create, shape the struggle to build a just society | permeate, pervade the greed that pervades modern society | fit into Prisoners often have problems fitting into society on their release. | polarize SOCIETY + VERB be based on sth a society based on social justice PREP. in/within (a) ~ the role of television in modern Western society PHRASES a cross-section of society The clinic deals with a wide cross-section of society | the fabric of society The civil war tore apart the fabric of society. | the higher/top echelons of society Officers were drawn largely from the top echelons of society. | a level/rank/stratum of society Child cruelty exists at all levels of society. | a member of society welfare reforms to protect the most vulnerable members of society | an outcast from/of society She devoted herself to helping the outcasts of society. | the backbone/a bulwark/a pillar of society One of the pillars of society must be that everyone has access to the legal system. He considered himself to be a pillar of society. | your place/rank in society A person's job is one of the factors that determines their place in society. | the rest of society He felt isolated from the rest of society. | a section/sector/segment of society Every section of society must have access to education. | society as a whole The research examines minorities and their relation to society as a whole. | society at large Health standards have risen in society at large. | the structure of a society the class structure of British society 2 organization formed for a particular purpose ADJ. secret | debating, dramatic, historical, horticultural, law, medical, musical, religious, etc. VERB + SOCIETY belong to She belongs to the historical society. | become a member of, join | create, establish, form, found, set up, start PREP. in a/the ~ She was active in the Society for Women's Suffrage. | ~ for a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals | ~ of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Note at ORGANIZATION 民主的 democratic adj. 1 favouring/practising democracy VERBS be | become | remain There have been major changes in the constitution, but the system remains democratic. ADV. genuinely, truly | fully, thoroughly a fully democratic society | fairly, quite, reasonably They have a fairly democratic form of government. | dangerously In 1776 these were considered dangerously democratic principles. 2 being fair to different sides VERBS be, seem ADV. extremely, very | fairly, quite, reasonably I think it was a reasonably democratic decision. 民主 democracy noun ADJ. genuine, true | political | constitutional, parliamentary | multi-party | Western VERB + DEMOCRACY believe in, support people who believe in true democracy | fight for | establish | restore The military regime has promised to restore democracy soon. PREP. in a/the ~ We live in a multi-party democracy. PHRASES pro-democracy a pro-democracy demonstration in the capital | the road to democracy the need to overcome political apathy and advance on the road to democracy | the spread of democracy 环境 environment noun 1 conditions of the place where you are ADJ. immediate Cold-blooded animals depend on the temperature of their immediate environment. | alien, new, unfamiliar | changing | protected, safe, secure, stable | friendly | pleasant | clean, healthy | stimulating | favourable This period provided a favourable environment for the spread of communism. | uncertain, unstable | dangerous | noisy | competitive | hostile | extreme, harsh | fragile Walkers can unwittingly damage the fragile environment in which the birds live. | rural, urban | arid, cold, warm | aquatic, coastal, forest, mountain | domestic, family, home Children learn best in their home environment. | physical | cultural, emotional, social | office, work, working, workplace A comfortable working environment will increase productivity. | classroom, educational, learning, school, teaching, training | economic, financial Investors are showing more caution in the current economic environment. | political | business, commercial, corporate She now had to transfer her design skills to a commercial environment. | professional VERB + ENVIRONMENT create, provide parents who strive to provide a stimulating environment for their children to grow up in | adapt to creatures that have adapted to hostile desert environments | improve | explore The cat walked round, exploring its new environment. PREP. in an/the ~ people working in increasingly competitive environments 2 the environment the natural world ADJ. natural | global, world | local VERB + ENVIRONMENT preserve, protect, safeguard The government should do more to protect the environment. | clean spokesman, spokeswoman | policy | conference | protection | issues PREP. in the ~ the amount of carbon in the environment PHRASES conservation/protection of the environment, damage to the environment farming methods that minimize damage to the environment | harmful to the environment The label identifies the products that are least harmful to the environment. | pollution of the environment up, improve | have an impact on factors that have a huge impact on the environment | damage, harm, pollute industries which damage the environment ENVIRONMENT + NOUN agency, committee, department, group, ministry | minister, official, 科技 technology noun ADJ. current, existing, present-day | emerging, the latest, modern, new small businesses that are involved with emerging technologies | basic, low | advanced, complex, high, leading-edge, sophisticated, state-of-the-art, up-to-date, white-hot | alternative, innovative a car based on alternative technology | efficient | communication/communications, computer, digital, energy, information, management, manufacturing, nuclear, production, software, telecommunications | educational, environmental, medical, military VERB + TECHNOLOGY have We now have the technologies to transplant limbs. | adopt, apply, employ, exploit, introduce, take advantage of, use exploiting existing technologies more fully | create, develop, improve | be based on a car engine based on technology developed for aeroplanes | invest in The company is investing heavily in new technologies. TECHNOLOGY + VERB develop Telecommunications technology is developing fast. | allow sth, enable sth This technology enables computers to read handwriting. PREP. ~ for the technology for the extraction of iron ore PHRASES advances in technology recent advances in medical technology | the impact of (a) technology, science and technology 政治学 politics noun 1 work/ideas connected with getting/using power ADJ. county, local She was active in local politics for many years. | domestic, internal, national the country's internal politics the internal politics of the legal profession | global, international, world | democratic, electoral, multiparty, parliamentary, party | contemporary, modern | mainstream | practical He argued that it was not practical politics to abolish private schools. | power They took the view that Casper was playing power politics with their jobs at stake. | consensus Consensus politics places a high value on existing political institutions. | conviction | cultural, gender, sexual | office VERB + POLITICS enter, go into They went into politics in the hope of changing society. | abandon, retire from He abandoned politics and went into business. | be interested in | be active in, be engaged in, be/get immersed in, be/get involved in, engage in, participate in | dabble in, play (informal) | get embroiled in | interfere in, intervene in, meddle in As a churchman, he was accused of meddling in politics. | dominate the issues which have dominated Irish politics | reshape reforms that are intended to reshape Italian politics POLITICS + VERB dominate sth In their world politics dominates everything. PHRASES the world of politics 2 political beliefs ADJ. extreme, radical His manners were as mild as his politics were extreme. | left-wing, right-wing | sectarian | working-class | feminist VERB + POLITICS discuss, talk (about) (informal) Let's not talk politics now. 3 study of government ADJ. comparative Note at SUBJECT (for verbs and nouns) 想象力 imagination noun ADJ. great | active, creative, fertile, vivid | fevered, overactive, overheated It's just a product of your fevered imagination! | collective, popular, public a popular hero who inspired the collective imagination | visual I was no good at art?I have a very poor visual imagination. | historical, literary It requires a strong effort of historical imagination to understand the Roman attitude to death. | human the powers of the human imagination VERB + IMAGINATION have | show | lack Today's pop music lacks imagination. | require, take It does not take great imagination to guess what happened next. | use I haven't got a picture of this so you'll just have to use your imagination. | capture, captivate, catch, excite, fire, inspire, seize, stimulate, stir Victorian writers fired the popular imagination with their tales of adventure. | grip, hold Dinosaurs caught and have held the imagination of us all because they seem like dragons. | stretch, tax | defy The scale of the disaster defied imagination (= was greater than you could imagine) . | leave sth to As for their reaction, I'll leave that to your imagination! IMAGINATION + VERB conjure sth up His imagination conjured up a vision of the normal family life he had never had. | run away with you, run riot/wild PREP. beyond (your) ~ misery that is beyond most people's imagination | in the/your ~ Nobody hates you?it's all in your imagination! | with/without ~ He was totally without imagination. PHRASES a lack of imagination, a figment/product of sb's imagination The figure vanished as silently as if it had simply been a figment of her imagination. | not by any/by no stretch of the imagination Not by any stretch of the imagination could she be called beautiful (= she was definitely not beautiful in any way) . | only your imagination Is it only my imagination or have you lost weight? | with a little imagination With a little imagination you can create a delicious meal from yesterday's leftovers. 政府 government noun 1 people in control of a country ADJ. central, federal, local, national, provincial, regional | Communist, Conservative, Labour, etc. the country's new Communist government | left-wing, right-wing | coalition | minority The socialists won 42% of the seats and formed a minority government. | caretaker, interim, transitional The president dissolved the assembly and swore in an interim government. | military | puppet | French, Western, etc. The report on world poverty calls for urgent action from Western governments. VERB + GOVERNMENT elect The present government was elected last year. | form A nre government was formed in September of that year. | install A puppet government was installed as the occupying forces withdrew. | swear in | head, run a new government headed by a former military leader | bring down, destabilize, oust, overthrow, topple This crisis could bring down the British government. The group aims to overthrow the military government. GOVERNMENT + VERB come to power | take office On May 23 a coalition government took office. | fall, resign a national emergency that could cause the government to fall | announce sth The government announced the cancellation of the dam project. | introduce sth, launch sth GOVERNMENT + NOUN agency, body, department | funds, money | aid, assistance, backing, funding, grant, subsidy, support | expenditure, spending | cuts The hospital has been hit by government cuts. | control | intervention, involvement calls for government intervention in the dispute | minister, official, representative, spokesman | sources According to government sources, two people died in the incident. | figures, statistics | post | reshuffle The former minister was relieved of his post in last month's extensive government reshuffle. | decisions, legislation, measures, plans, policy, proposals | report | propaganda PREP. in ~ a problem facing whichever party is in government | under a/the ~ measures that were introduced under the last government PHRASES a change of government It is time we had a change of government. | the government of the day This was a decision taken by the government of the day. | a member of a government The prime minister has been meeting members of the French government. 2 act of governing ADJ. democratic, representative | firm, good, strong We need strong government to take the country through this crisis. | weak 经验 experience noun 1 knowledge/skill got from seeing/doing sth ADJ. considerable, long, wide | good, invaluable, relevant, unrivalled, valuable She didn't get paid much but it was all good experience. Both candidates for the presidency were short of relevant experience. Rolls Royce's unrivalled experience in high technology manufacturing | previous Do you have any previous experience of this type of work? | direct, first-hand, hands-on, practical the importance of hands-on experience as well as academic training | professional, work VERB + EXPERIENCE have | lack | gain, get | broaden She wanted to broaden her experience in international affairs. PREP. ~ of She has considerable professional experience of translation. PHRASES a lack of experience, a wealth of experience The veteran goalkeeper will bring a wealth of experience to the team. 2 the things that have happened to you ADJ. past We're in for a difficult couple of weeks, if past experience is anything to go by. | direct, first-hand, hands-on, personal | subjective Experience is subjective and very hard to measure. | vicarious I love reading: I have an insatiable appetite for vicarious experience. | common, shared his peers, with whom he shares the common experience of being black in a white society | common It is a matter of common experience that disorder will increase if things are left to themselves. | everyday Choose illustrative examples from the children's everyday experience. | human There are few areas of human experience that have not been written about. | sensory VERB + EXPERIENCE have | share | draw on, learn by/from/through In her book, she draws on her first-hand experience of mental illness. We all learn by experience. | be based on The book is based on personal experience. EXPERIENCE + VERB suggest sth, teach (sb) sth Experience has taught me that life can be very unfair. PREP. by/from ~ We know from experience that hot objects are painful to touch. | in sb's ~ In my experience, very few people really understand the problem. | ~ of He has direct experience of poverty. 3 event/activity that affects you ADJ. enjoyable, exhilarating, good, interesting, liberating, pleasant, rewarding, unforgettable, valuable | bad, harrowing, painful, traumatic, unnerving, unsettling I had a bad experience with fireworks once. | hair-raising, nerve-racking a hair-raising experience of white-water rafting | humbling, salutary, sobering | personal, subjective | common, shared The use of drama can motivate students by allowing them to share a common experience. | common It is a common experience to feel that an author writes well, without being able to say why. | real-life | past | childhood, early, formative Early experiences shape the way we face up to and deal with crises in later life. | educational, learning | mystical, religious, visionary | psychic | sexual | near-death VERB + EXPERIENCE enjoy, go through, have, undergo She has been through a very traumatic experience. I think you will enjoy the experience of taking part in the show. | come through, get over It could take him years to get over this experience. | describe, recount, talk about | share, swap Does anyone have any experiences?good or bad?that they would like to share with the group? | relive Reliving past experiences can release powerful feelings that have been pent up too long. | be based on The novel is based on his experiences in the war. PHRASES quite an experience It was quite an experience being involved in making a television programme. experience verb ADV. actually | directly, first-hand He hadn't directly experienced the fighting in the city. people who have actually experienced these problems first-hand | subjectively 智力 intelligence noun 1 ability to understand ADJ. acute, considerable, great, high a writer with an acute intelligence This essay shows considerable intelligence. | quick | average, normal | limited, low | innate, native | human | artificial Computer scientists study artificial intelligence. VERB + INTELLIGENCE have At least he had the intelligence to turn off the gas. | demonstrate, show | use INTELLIGENCE + NOUN test 2 information ADJ. secret We've obtained secret intelligence about enemy plans. | reliable | military Military intelligence is gathered using sophisticated technology. | criminal VERB + INTELLIGENCE collect, gather INTELLIGENCE + NOUN agency, service He works for the French intelligence service. | officer | gathering His unit was responsible for intelligence gathering in North Africa. | report | operation 合理的 reasonable adj. VERBS appear, be, seem, sound | consider sth, judge sth, regard sth as, think sth ADV. eminently, extremely, very | entirely, perfectly, utterly The police apparently thought this explanation perfectly reasonable. | fairly, quite | enough Her request sounded reasonable enough to me. | apparently 情绪,情感 emotion noun ADJ. deep, extreme, intense, overwhelming, powerful, profound, strong, violent | complex | conflicting, contradictory, mixed, tangled She felt torn by conflicting emotions. | destructive, negative Counselling can teach people to handle negative emotions such as fear and anger. | positive | inner, innermost | painful | fragile The nurse was handling his fragile emotions very carefully. | raw a moving performance full of raw emotion | pent-up, suppressed Years of pent-up emotion came out as he sobbed. | human Fear is a normal human emotion. QUANT. flicker, hint, trace There wasn't a hint of emotion in his eyes. | flood, rush, surge, wave She felt a sudden rush of emotion at the thought of seeing him again. | display She could not cope with such public displays of emotion. VERB + EMOTION experience, feel the emotions that we experience as children He felt no emotion as she left. | be choked with, be filled with, be overcome with Her voice was choked with emotion. | be devoid of, be drained of | display, express, show Drama can help children to express their emotions. The woman's face showed no emotion. | release Releasing these emotions is part of the healing process. | betray | shake with, tremble with She realized she was shaking all over with emotion. | bottle up, control, hide, stifle, suppress | cope with, deal with, handle | confront Counsellors encourage victims of crime to confront their emotions. | arouse, provoke, stir (up) an incident that has aroused strong emotions locally | be charged with, be full of a speech that was charged with emotion PREP. with/without ~ She spoke with deep emotion. PHRASES depth/intensity of emotion The film has a surprising depth of emotion for a comedy. | a gamut/range of emotions Her performance in the play covered the whole gamut of emotions. 沟通,交流 communication noun 1 act of communicating ADJ. effective, good Good communication is important for business. | poor | direct | open | two-way | interpersonal | regular | electronic, non-verbal, verbal, written | business VERB + COMMUNICATION have I haven't had any communication with him for several years. | establish | facilitate, improve | prevent measures which prevented the prisoners' communication with the outside world COMMUNICATION + VERB break down Communication between the two sides has broken down. COMMUNICATION + NOUN skills | breakdown PREP. in ~ with We are in regular communication with the kidnappers. | ~ between to establish direct communication between the lookout towers | ~ by communication by letter | ~ with We need better communication with clients. PHRASES a breakdown in communication(s), channels/lines of communication to keep open the channels of communication | a lack of communication, a means/method/system of communication Letters are their only means of communication. 2 communications: systems for sending information ADJ. good | online | global, international | mass | radio, rail, road, telephone VERB + COMMUNICATION have | cut off, disrupt COMMUNICATION + NOUN centre, links, network, satellite, system, technology PREP. ~ between They tried to disrupt communications between the two headquarters. | ~ with Paris has good rail communications with other major cities. 3 message ADJ. formal, official VERB + COMMUNICATION receive | send PREP. ~ about He received an official communication about the reorganization of the Ministry. | ~ from, ~ to a communication from the officer to the general 一致性 conformity noun ADJ. complete | strict | outward a society of outward religious conformity | political, religious, sexual, social QUANT. degree VERB + CONFORMITY achieve, bring sth into, ensure to bring national laws into conformity with European laws PREP. in ~ with The procedure is in strict conformity with standard international practices. | ~ between to achieve conformity between all the schemes | ~ to conformity to the accepted standards | ~ with We work to ensure conformity with the customer's wishes. 个体 individual noun ADJ. outstanding, talented | key | powerful | creative | average, ordinary Their research shows that the average individual watches around three and a half hours of television per day. | private He was carrying out his functions as a trustee in the course of his business, rather than as a private individual. | single | particular, certain The motives influencing a particular individual may change from time to time. | autonomous, independent His philosophy is about becoming aware of oneself as an autonomous individual. | isolated Society does not consist of isolated individuals, but people in a network of relationships. | unique She saw the artist as a unique individual, possessing a heightened awareness of reality. | like-minded a group of like-minded individuals | named The book recommends that you sign ‘Yours sincerely’ if you are send | qualified We welcome applications from suitably qualified individuals. | human We know that all human individuals are unique. VERB + INDIVIDUAL treat sb as Th e teacher should treat each pupil a s an individual . INDIVIDUAL + VERB vary Althoug h individuals vary widely, the bone s of the average female skeleton ar e smaller and lighter than the male . INDIVIDUAL + NOUN level His writing s are concerned with religiou s phenomena at the individual level . PHRASES any/no/one individual No single individual had done s o much for the development of th e motor vehicle. | concern for the individual, the freedom of the individual the issue of th e freedom of the individual versu s the intervention of the state | a group of individuals She ha d taken a group of individuals an d made them into a superb team. | the individual concerned It's u p to the individual concerned t o contact the police. | the needs of the individual Each course has t o be tailored to the needs of th e individual. | respect for the individual, vary from individual to individual Eating habits ar e bound to vary from individual t o individual . 实用的 pragmatic adj. VERBS be, seem | become ADV. highly, very | entirely, purely, utterly | essentially, largely Our approach is essentially pragmatic. | quite, rather PREP. about They're pragmatic about the spending cuts. 理想的 ideal adj. VERBS be, look, seem, sound | make sth The hotel's size makes it ideal for large conferences. | consider sth ADV. absolutely | almost | less than Language learning often takes place in a less than ideal environment. PREP. for The houses are absolutely ideal for families with young children. ideal noun ADJ. high, lofty, noble Sam was a real leader who had high moral ideals. | unattainable This is not an unattainable ideal. | aesthetic, artistic, ethical, moral, political | democratic, liberal, revolutionary, socialist VERB + IDEAL be committed to, be devoted to, believe in, cling to, espouse, have, support They still clung to the old ideals. | pursue, strive for | achieve, attain, be true to, conform to, live up to A journalist should always live up to the ideals of truth, decency, and justice. | fall short of This agreement falls far short of the ideal. | abandon, betray She was accused of betraying her political ideals. | embody, reflect the democratic ideals embodied in the charter 媒体 media noun ADJ. audio-visual, broadcast, broadcasting, electronic, mass, news, print, visual The event was widely covered by the mass media | foreign, international, local, national | mainstream, official, popular MEDIA + VERB report sth The local media reported rioting across the country. MEDIA + NOUN attention, coverage, interest, publicity, reporting There was a lot of media coverage of the wedding. | campaign | report | event Sport has been turned into a series of media events. | blitz, circus, hype The company is anxious to play down the media hype. | spotlight | image She's very different from her media image. | bias | blackout, censorship | freedom | relations | baron, magnate, mogul, person, pundit, tycoon | conglomerate, empire, group, interests, organization, outlet | awareness, studies PREP. through/via the ~ propaganda through the media PHRASES access to the media, the role of the media
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(GRE写作必读)领略GRE作文思维发散的艺术(by Dincyfeng)
FrankZhao 2011-8-16 16:10
说明: 本文作者是太傻的作文版主Dincyfeng,性别不明,但是行文十分犀利,这篇对于改革前的GREissue写作的解析十分到位,目前GRE虽已进行了改革,但是作文部分的考察重点并没有变,只是通过题目前边的指导语对于写作的大体方向进行了限定。所以这篇文章对于新G的issue写作仍然有启发。 领略 GRE 作文思维发散的艺术 —— 兼谈 issue 十大破题策略 本篇文章包含 十大破题策略十八种破题方法 超过 30 个题目匠心独运的解读 一万六千字的倾心奉献 一直以来我都对 GRE 作文有着浓厚的兴趣,其最大的原因恐怕就在于 GRE 作文不同于之前经历的任何一种形式的考试,它的魅力在于有着充分的发散空间,可以自由挥霍。每一道题都可以是一片天空:揣度作者的态度;体会题目中字里行间的意思和那些意犹未尽的暗示;亦或对题目的本质刨根问底;都是一种很有意思的经历。在这里和大家分享一下 记得刚开始准备作文的时候,基本上就是按照参考书的提纲写的,然而随着对 AW 理解的深入,特别是看过市面上绝大部分参考书之后,觉得市面上的很多破题方式过于功利,虽然我承认这些破题方式非常的快捷有效,但是我一直觉得 GRE 作文的发散性不限于此。那个时候刚好也受到 kizen 前辈的那句 “ 只有 ETS 的要求才是王道 ” 的启发,于是毅然决然抛弃掉了所有的参考书,另起炉灶自己写自己的。不破不立,在扔掉参考书自己去思考这些 AW 论题的时候,才发现自己得到的比失去的要多。由于脱离了参考书的束缚, 相信会带来很多令人耳目一新的东西 。 先来回顾一下传统的破题方式 一般的来说破题无外乎三种方式,赞同 affirmative ,反对 negative ,中立 eclectic 1.affirmative 模式-对所给出的题目持完全支持的态度,论证题目中所包含的命题合理的原因。 2.Negative 模式-对所给的题目持完全否定的态度,论证题目中所包含的命题不合理的原因。 第三种中立 eclectic 即是介于这两者之间,采取折中态度,同时论述命题的合理和不合理性。 ETS 在的要求里明确强调过对于 complexity 的重视,于是乎对于每一道题站在中间确实是一种非常不错的选择。两边的利弊都考虑充分,即在字数上有了保障,也对于问题的复杂性有了论述,而中立的观点又分成了两种小的模式,大正小负以及大负小正,简单的讲就是赞成的理由多一些或者是反对的理由多一些。 个人认为单纯的这样分类过于粗略,太抽象以至于所有的发散思维都可以归类到这样的三种。虽然我也承认,就按照中立的写法,把两边论述清楚, 5 分甚至 6 分都是没问题的, 但是这样写未免有点太模式化, issue 作为一个辩题,不是只有赞同或者反对这么简单的态度,立场可以复杂化,选取的角度也可以很多样的。 一.传统正负立场的的稍稍改进 写提纲的时候,一个很快捷的方式就是按照 issue5.5 的 “ 正 ” 、 “ 反 ” 、 “ 正 / 反 / 合 ” 的方式来写,每篇文章顺着固定的 让步赞同 —— 转折提反对来写。那么这种正负立场稍稍改变一下说法,就可以显得不那么的模式化。 下面具体说一下: ( 1 )承认题目有价值的部分,同时说明题目需要注意的问题或者是负面影响 (大正小负) 这种破题大多数比较适用于建议类话题,典型的题目就是 issue11 11"All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems." 开头主题句: I contend that to some extent it is of essence to develop such a university while some relevant problems and negative influences shall never be overlooked. 中间段落: 世界性大学是很好的建议。因为 1. 世界性大学可以促进各国之间青年的交流。而这些青少年是未来的主心骨 2. 很多问题牵涉到多国利益,旨在解决国际问题的世界大学是有效的 3. 然而负面影响不可以忽略。大学的意识形态,教授材料,语言等等都是要考虑的。 这样的写法实际上是对题目的一个积极的回应,努力的提出改进措施。 ( 2 )在一个层次上肯定题目,在更高的层面上否定 (大负小正) 这种写法的精妙之处在于,让读者接受了你的之前的观点之后,笔锋一转,抬高角度让读者又抛弃掉之前的观点。 99"In any realm of life—whether academic, social, business, or political—the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options." 这道题可以先承认务实的重要性,在生活的各个领域这确实可以保证最基本的生存 接着可以说,然而人的需求不仅仅限于基本的生存,在满足的基本的生存需求之后,需要满足更高层次的需求(成就感,梦想),理想主义就是这更高层次需求的一个代表。 这样的破题引入了一个人的需求的层次概念,站在更高的角度去否定之前的层次 再说一个艺术类题目 131 ,这道题我的破题方式会比较罕见 131"The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society." 1. 人是一种社会动物,不可能和环境完全隔绝,因此艺术作品确实不可避免的参杂流行的脉动。然而同时每个人看待社会趋势又是带进了自己的主观色彩的,因此在有色滤镜后,不可能真实的反映这些脉动。比如说贝多芬的 “hero” 原本是赞颂拿破仑的伟大,但是社会的实际脉动是什么呢?拿破仑自甘堕落建立皇权,内忧外患。如果从贝多芬的艺术去了解当时的脉动是不准确的。 2. 诚然,从一个时代的某一件代表作品是不能真实的反映社会的脉动的,然而如果把一个时代所有的代表作品综合起来看,艺术是可以真实的反映时代脉动的,因为在众多的代表作品中总结出来的趋势避免了个人主观色彩。比如从莎士比亚的悲剧中感受到的可能只是命运的无奈,从达芬奇的 Mona Lisa 感受含而不露的神秘微笑,然而纵观这一个时代的代表艺术作品,都可以表现出对于宗教、封建束缚的反抗和对人文思想的启蒙,这个时代在历史上就称作为 “ 文艺复兴时代 ” 3. 即便是当代社会,艺术看起来更加多样性,似乎很难有一个趋势。然而多样性本身也是当代社会主题的一个特征。艺术的交融更多反映了世界更重视交融的趋势;流行艺术的节奏加快反映了社会的节奏同样越来越快 我在写这道题的时候,一直在找寻不同于平衡观点而又可以兼顾 issue 复杂性的立场,于是我先写艺术是不可以揭示脉动的,接着笔锋一转,引入了 “ 单个艺术作品 ” 和 “ 同时代所有的代表作品 ” 的不同层次,在更高层次上抛弃之前的观点,论证艺术是可以揭示社会脉动的。 这样写可以写出辩题的一个 “turn” ,而且不同于一般的否定之前的观点的方式,令人耳目一新。 同样是大负小正,也可以承认作者的观点,然后站在作者的角度指出其漏洞和忽略的情况 ( 184 ) 184"It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data." 作者的这个观点自然有其合理之处,先有数据再有理论符合人类认知的基本定律。 接着从作者的论点出发,如果没有数据的时候不能去得出结论,是不是就意味着认知停滞?作者的观点是一种消极的暗示。这个地方就是题设忽略的情况,没有数据的时候的一些假设和猜想正是通向真理的有效途径。 顺着题目继续说,要有足够的数据才能有结论,实际上很多时候数据是否足够是不得而知的,这便是题目的又一个漏洞。 那么这里的反对观点就是对作者漏洞进行攻击,正是体现思维复杂性和深度的好机会。 ( 3 )融合对立选项 (平衡观点) 很多题目总是会列出两个 item ,接受一个抛弃另一个,这个时候可以把找寻题设中两个认为对立的 item 之间的联系,指出两者是共存的 先说 144 144"It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value." 这个题目其实写成一般的平衡观点就是艺术家重要,同时说批评家同样重要,然后平衡一下 然而完全可以把相同的论述理由贯上不同的论点,说作者人为的把这两者的作用给分开了,实际上创作者和评价者合作起来才让我们对艺术有了更深刻的了解。从三个方面来说明这两者的结合。 1. 艺术品本身实际上就有很深刻的内涵和永恒的价值,同时批评家可以让大家明白艺术品的价值在哪里 2. 那些流传远久有永恒价值的艺术都是批评家们帮助筛选出来的 3. 批评家可以给艺术家一些有益的反馈 同样的三个理由完全可以写成一边倒的方式,也可以质疑题目的 either … or 的选择。 201"The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas—not to prepare them for a specific job." 这道题典型的破题方式便是强调这两者并不是对立的,教育的目标应该同时兼有二者。 二.前提论述(比如阐明某一领域的特征),在这个方向上拓展 (政治,法律) 这种方式尤其适合政治类和法律类,在定义了某一个领域的特征之后,相当于圈定了讨论的范围,接下来的论述方向就变得明确了许多。 先说说法律类的 180 180"Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated." 首先可以论述一下法律的本质作为前提 法律的本质决定了法律是不可能完善的。法律是为那些大多数人的利益制定的,迎合的是大多数的利益,保障的是相对的公平而不是绝对的公平。只有在问题引起损失并且引起足够的重视才可能被立法。这就决定了法律是一个 remedy 而不是 precaution 这样的本质决定了法律的不完善性,还是有很多漏洞可以钻的。 有了法律不完善的这个前提,论述 Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system 的原因不是因为道德不能被立法,就变得容易了许多: 很多问题的产生只是因为法律规定不完善,特别是在新成立的领域里面比如网络商业,法律还没有健全,毕竟法律的发展总是落后于科学发展的。 政治类也可以用类似的方法,比如在涉及到政 府应该注重长线还是短线的时候( 56 ) 56"Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future." 可以这么写前提: 个人都是为自己的眼前利益去奋斗的,如果没有一个政 府的领导,很容易造成混乱,而政 府的作用在于,可以比一般的个体更能够全面的,长远的看社会发展,政 府的使命和作用决定了它不可以急功近利,鼠目寸光的解决社会问题。 然后就可以过渡到政 府应该长远的看待社会问题。 这样的前提论述的好处在于,给后文奠定了基础,在衔接上也显得更为自然,而且也是非常有利于反映对题目涉及领域的理解深度的。 同样的,很多领域的本质可以多思考一下,在考试中亦可作为 “ 段子 ” 使用,特别是在分领域写的时候,显得对很多领域有着深刻的了解,是一种不错的方法。 比如在论述科学的本质的时候可以写,科学的作用是探索未知世界,满足对于求知的欲望,消除对于未知的恐惧。在写到很多科学和投资利益的关系或者是关注科学家领域的时候同样可以用到。 三.分解题目,个个击破 ( 1 )将题目分离成几个独立的论断 这是一种在西方的文章中经常出现的思路,在 GRE 阅读中也体现的很明显,灵感来自于 NO.9 里有一篇文章曾经这么写 The specifically feminist part of Saint-Simonianism has, however, been less studied than the group’s contribution to early socialism. This is regrettable on two accounts. 接着列举这两个方面是如何的 regrettable 北美范文中也经常出现类似的写法,值得学习。 159"The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds." 北美的开头: This statement actually consists of a series of three related claims: (1) machines are tools of human minds; (2) human minds will always be superior to machines: and (3) it is because machines are human tools that human minds will always be superior to machines. While I concede the first claim, whether I agree with the other two claims depends partly on how one defines “superiority”, and partly on how willing one is to humble oneself to the unknown future scenarios. 这种写法的好处在于, 通过分解题目,向考官展示了你对于这个题目关键点的掌握,对于命题的深刻理解。把一个题目分拆成三个,也易于结构的控制,使得框架非常的清晰,考官从分拆题目中也可以容易的把握你整体文章的方向。同时多个命题的论述在字数上也可以得到较好的保障。 当然这样的分解题目最好还是在开头提出来,要让考官对你的结构走向和预期讨论的范围一步了然。同时开头分解题目也可以对自己全局的思路做一个提纲的作用。 ( 2 )分析题目中的分论点的逻辑联系 这种方法比较适合于题目中带有直接或者间接的因果关系的部分。一个题目出来可以承认这个题目给出的原因,然后对于原因推出结果这个逻辑过程进行讨论。 7 、 "The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records." 其实可以分解成一个原因( The video camera provides an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life )和一个因果关系( so it has become a more important form of documentation than written records. ),题目暗示了一个因果关系,可以肯定这个原因,而不承认 video camera 的精确性导致了更为重要性。 这种方法算是分解题目的一种,只是重点在于对这个题目中的逻辑关系的论述。 实际上这是从 argument 中学到的一招,稍稍了解过 argument 的都知道,因果关系不成立是一类重要的逻辑错误。那么逻辑都是相通的, issue 中同样可以去否认提干中的逻辑关系,这也属于 qualify 题目的一部分, reject 另外一部分。 ( 3 )关键词分离写 ( 88 、 7 ) 这种方式在于分拆题目中的两个或者两个以上的关键评价标准或者对象 比如说 88 题 88"Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics." 以前一直认为这道题只能去论述科技和传统道德的影响关系,当破题已经山穷水尽,只能依靠论证、文笔取胜的时候,突然发现,其实完全可以把 customs 和 ethics 拆开分别论述。找出这两个 item 的有区分的地方,分离来写,既可以体现对于题目理解的精细程度,同时也可以体现 issue 的复杂性,避免了笼统论述的含糊。 大致立意如下: 1.customs 是可以被科技改变的,比如很多典礼和文化还有迷信都因为科学的进步而废除了,还是有很多传统被赋予了新的含义。 2. 但是 ethics 是很难被科技改变的,无论科技怎么变,道德是数千年以来人类共同承认的东西,是不会随着科技的发展而改变的,反过来是道德影响科技的发展 这样的破题避免了和大多数人同一个立意然后完全拼论证的境地,另辟蹊径。 同样的,上面说过的第 7 题也可以用同样的方式来破题 7 、 "The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records." 这道题目其实有两个关键点,一个在于题目设定的逻辑关系(因果),另一个是题目给的判断 video 重要性的判断标准。那么完全可以从题目给的两个标准入手,一个是 accurate ,一个是 convincing ,分别论述 1. 摄影在 accurate 方面是有优势的。通过图像的再现,对于特定事件的细节都可以包含。 2. 然而摄影并不能作为一种 convincing 工具。因为摄影的片面性,很容易会造成曲解之类。而 written records 就可以解决这个问题。 这个破题方式的要点在于对关键词的分拆,最好要写出两个方面的差别,这样写的更为有层次感一些。如果两个 item 写出了同一个观点,那分开写反而会显得冗余。 四.抽象题目具体化 ( 136 、 212 、 37 、 25 ) 抽象化题目一向是题库中公认的最难以对付的一类话题,在韦小亮的大讲堂中的分类大多数属于 “ 行为类 ” 。这个分类还算颇有道理的,毕竟抽象类题目和个人的行为及判断标准联系不少。 个人认为,抽象类题目最难的地方在于,找不到一个有效的论述点。因为抽象类题目通常涵盖的概念非常的宽泛,甚至定义了关键词之后由于判断标准的无法准确建立整个话题仍然很难做到精细论证。这个时候不妨化抽象为具体,从更容易接触的地方来写这些话题。 然而就算是知道要把抽象题目具体化,如何具体化还是一个很需要讲究的话题。具体化的细节之间最好要有一定的层次和逻辑联系,防止零散的抽象化影响整体文章的逻辑联系。 由于抽象题目很难有一个通法,这里就多举几个例子,并且涵盖历史上著名的高频 136 、 212 先从 136 开始说起 136"The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare." 很容易发现,题目短的比题目长的更为难写,毕竟找到的切题点和发散点要更难,更需要自己的进一步具体加工化。 这一题记得 telsochina 老师有一种很不错的破题方法。在这里引用一下 通过对于一些极端的个例来讨论这个话题 “In this essay, I would argument that we human beings always have choices if we think twice about our situations and count on the support and help of our family and society to explore various On the other hand, efforts can be made to improve the situation at societal level when choice is indeed limited for individuals. The three extreme scenarios in our life may be used to illustrate my perspective: divorce, abortion and suicide.” 从看似最没有选择的三种情况出发,来论述即便是最极端的情况也是有选择的,进而可以推断在一般情况下同样有很多选择。从立场的选取来说,属于先主动的将自己放在一个论述的不利位置(看似最没有选择的三种情况),然后绝处逢生,令人拍案叫绝。 文章没有笼统的论述选择的存在性,而是将这一论述过程带进了具体的事例中,比如在 divorce 这种情况下,给出了 seeing a marriage counselor , seek help from their friends and families who know them well 这些选择的措施,令人信服。 文章的另一大亮点在于, 事例虽然选取的较为 “ 极端 ” ,但是却是社会上非常普遍和容易理解的情况,非常具有代表性。这也是抽象题目具体化需要注意的一点,虽然说是需要在个案分析中讨论题目,然而事例的选取要做到有信服力,就同时要兼顾普遍性和代表性 。 这一题的具体化也可以有另外的一些方式,这里我给出两种 比如从人的需求层面来说,分层次来论述 由 Maslow 心理学家的人的需求理论,人的需求是分为一个金字塔的,在满足了最基本的需求之后,才能继续追求更高层次的需求。而选择需求是属于一种较高层次的需求 那么从需求层次的最底层来看,人最基本的需求便是 “ 生理需求 ” ,也就是吃饭,睡觉这些维持生存的东西,在这个层面上,人是无力去追求所谓的 “ 选择 ” 的,因为生存是唯一的选择。所以一无所长而又好逸恶劳的人想要维持生机,犯罪作为他们的选择也就不足为奇。放眼自然界中,动物们为了生存常常没有选择,比如候鸟的迁徙。这些都说明,在满足最低层次的生存需求之前,谈论选择没有意义的。 在满足了基本的生存需求,安全需求,配偶需求之后,人们的选择开始多了起来。因为手上富余的资源更为丰富,人们可以选择求知,可以选择不同的工作方式。人和动物比较起来之所以不同,就是因为人类已经在更高的层次上有了选择的需求和权利。可以在不同的标准之上选择。 这样的具体化也算是借鉴了之前 “ 在一个层次上肯定,在更高层次上否定 ” 的破题方式。把层次分开讨论,也算是具体化的另一种方式。同样也选取了一些容易理解的,比较普遍的现象,更容易理解。引入了 “ 人的需求 ” 理论,从低层次到高层次逐一讨论,也显得条理性非常强。 同样的思路,同样的分层形式,我再用另外一种方式来破这道题。 这次选取的层面是: choice at different levels 从个人层面来讲,选择当然是多种多样的,从小到大人们面临的问题不是没有选择,而是选择过多。社会提供了一个内容丰富的舞台,在维持基本需求的情况下,自由选择是人们的一种基本权利,也是人类平等和民主进步的必然选择。 从社会层面来讲, Especially for those governments who set the ultimate goal of earning the welfare of all the citizens. 在涉及到国家利益的时候,通常是没有什么选择的。历史上充斥着不断的战争,那都是在利益纠纷的时候没有选择作出的最后决定。因为国家的主权不容许侵犯,人民的利益不容许亵渎。在这样的一个原则之下一个国家作出的选择通常是那个让民众利益最大化的选择,而秉承 “ 自由选择 ” 理念无视民众利益的政 府终将走向灭亡。 这个破题方式在 “ 社会层面 ” 的论述时其实有一点偷换概念,把范围限定在了 “ 把为人民谋取最大利益作为目标的政 府 ” ,但是仍然无碍于这篇文章在层次上将这道抽象题目成功的具体化,而且写出了每个层次的精髓。 花了这么多精力用三种破题方式去论述 136 ,只是想说,对于抽象题目,具体化的选取是很有讲究的。同样的,用类似的方式也可以使用在其他的抽象题目上。 212"If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable." 这道题上面的方法仍然适用,比如说刚刚讲的 at different levels 同样是一种很有效的破题方式 同样是从个人层面出发和社会层面出发,选取事例,这样的论述也更为有针对性和代表性。比如说从个人角度可以说对于经济利益的追求等等。从社会角度可以说环境污染和持续发展的权衡等等,这里就不再多讲了。 抽象题目除了分层次讲,同样也可以分为不同的抽象领域具体分析。这里略略的讲一下 37"In most societies, competition generally has more of a negative than a positive effect." 同样的,仅仅笼统的讲竞争和合作是很难讲清楚的,一个不错的解题思路是分为各个领域去破题,比如说在政治领域,经济领域,教育领域,科技领域等等 这样的横向展开将在后文详细论述。 再说一道题 25"Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction—in other words, to make things as simple as possible." 事情更为复杂,这是很难论述的,那么不妨分拆一下 从知识体系来说,是越来越复杂,从日常生活中的感受讲,是越来越简单。 1. 现在的研究学习的是前人的基础上的,所以人类知识的体系最终走向的是越来越复杂,比如古希腊的顶尖数学家们研究的几何只是现在中学生的普通作业题。几个世纪前 Newton 的经典力学现在也只是我们 college students 的课堂教学内容。相信不久之后,现在获得诺贝尔( Nobel )奖的成果也只是学生们日常的作业题。 2. 然而从我们生活感知的角度讲,却是变的越来越简单。一个手机现在已经包含了 MP3, game player, mobile 等等功能,让我们使用的方便。交通上也是一样。 抽象题目的论述先到这里。 五.定义法 这种方法是一个非常有用也非常体现思维深度的方法。最常用的有两种 ( 1 )对于关键词的定义 ( 17 、 159 、 127 、 64 ) 很多文章的 key point 就在于如何定义关键词,题目给出的概念不够明晰的时候,可以有不同的理解,而不同的理解就可以有不同的方向破题,最有代表性的就是 127 了 127"Facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions." 这道题的一个很好的破题方式就是,根据 “fact” 的不同定义来讨论话题,怎么去理解 “fact” 决定了 fact 能不能被改变。 1. 如果 fact 作为一种自然客观规律,这样的 fact 是我们无法改变的,比如所有的生物终将死亡。时间是不能倒退的,这些是我们通过亲身感受可以感知到的,无论怎么努力,这些事实是不可能改变的。 2. 如果把 fact 理解为记录的史实,那么 fact 是有可能改变的。诚然发生过的事情不可以改变,但是历史本来就不可能完全真实的记录已经发生的事实。这样的情况下 “fact” 很多时候都是被改变的。 3. 如果把 fact 理解为人类发现的定律,这些 fact 同样是可以改变得,比如日心说,比如 Newton 的经典力学 之前提到的 159 题 159"The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds." 要深入的讨论,对于 superior 的定义就是很必要的,这个词的不同定义导致的就是不同的结论。 If the concept "superior" means calculating math problems at a faster speed, storing information in larger space and simulating results in a more accurate mode, it is unexceptionable that machines are superior to human. If the concept “superior” turns to other facets like analytical thinking, innovative solutions and emotional expression, of cause human beings would have inborn advantage. 再比如一些很模糊的关键词的地方就更加需要定义 64"Many people know how to attain success, but few know how to make the best use of it." 如果仅仅将 success 作为一个笼统的概念来论述,那么这个题目的论述会很抽象,因为你所默认的 success 和考官理解的 success 不一定一样,甚至是很可能不一样。毕竟每个人的价值观差异巨大,更不用说还要加上文化上的差距了。 那么对于笼统抽象的题目,将题目最关键的词 success 做一个限定,接下来的讨论就会顺畅的多,考官也会很容易抓住你的讨论前提,这样你的文章将会更容易被读懂,交流障碍小,自然会留下一个更好的印象。 从这个题目来说,可以将成功更为细节化定义,比如对于一个运动员来说,参加一次奥运会就是一种成功;对于商业精英来说,尽可能的盈利就是成功;对于政治家来说,构建和谐社会就是一种成功。细节化定义之后再来讨论 how to make the best use of it 就变得容易的多了。 定义法在 GRE 作文中的破题中占着很重要的地位,其中的一个巨大的好处就是,明晰了讨论的范围,使得讨论的思路非常的清晰。很多话题如果仅仅笼统的说,很容易造成例子和所讨论的对象不能精确的匹配。 实际上 GRE 的作文话题涵盖的范围很是广泛的,就算是在单个的话题中一个概念的涵盖也可以很宽泛的。就一个大话题泛泛而谈容易造成思维的不缜密,也很难把问题写的深刻细致。与其泛泛而谈,不如抓住一个方面或者一个定义把话题论述深刻论述清晰。定义法就提供了一个很好的基础,和前提论述的方法类似的好处,在一开始就定下基调。防止在论证段中突然来一句 “ 我这里的讨论范围是 XXX” ,这样未免显得有些突兀。 ( 2 )对题目暗示的场景进行定义 每一个 issue 题目都有着特定的感情、语气,有着自己的推理过程和结论。顺着作者得到这些结论的思路,就会对题目有一个更为全面的认识。 这个方式其实跟之前的前提论述有点相像,都是定义讨论的前提,可以作为让步段中对于作者观点的延伸,亦或作为衔接转折观点的基础。 比如上文中提到过的 issue56 题 56"Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future." 拿到这道题,可以先从作者的角度来想想这个题目暗示的场景。问两个问题: 1. 为什么作者要摒弃掉解决未来问题的机会而不是两者兼顾呢? 2. 题目的主题对象是 government ,从这个主题对象的特征我们可以 infer 出什么? 回答这两个问题,就可以说抓住了作者的思路了。作者在这里假定了一个没有说出的前提,那就是: 社会资源是稀缺的,不足以同时解决社会的近期问题和长远问题,所以取舍是必要的 ,这也是为什么作者摒弃了长远问题。同时作者也隐藏了另外一层意思: a government of the people, by the people and for the people should try to maximize the benefit of its citizens. 这就是政 府应该起到的作用 ,也就是为什么作者的论述主体是 “government” 。 那么在写这道题的时候,就可以在让步段的论述中定义一个场景:社会资源是稀缺的,没有办法同时解决近期问题和长远问题。必须在这两者之间作出选择。 接着在这个场景下论述:而短期问题常常是危及生存的,作者基于这样的考虑将有限的资源放在解决短线问题上,是一个不错的选择。 在接下来的反方向论证中,又可以定义另外一个场景:一个源自人民,一切为了人民的政 府应该从大局出发,考虑所有人的利益最大化,因为这才是作者所说的 “ 政 府 ” 的职责所在。 接着在这个场景下论述:政 府的职责决定了在处理问题的时候要以大局为重,不能鼠目寸光,仅仅顾及眼前的利益。 这样的场景定义充分展现了你对于这个 issue 题目的来源,背后的隐含暗示的理解,同时在定义的场景下论述也把题目的观点和自己的观点衔接的更加自然。 再说一个 issue11 11"All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems." 和 56 题同样的,可以想想文中的一下暗示的场景 1. 这些问题一般的大学为什么解决不了?为什么世界性大学可以解决? 2. 为什么是建立大学的方式,而不是其他的方式 ? 答案就是题目隐含的一些场景: 1. 很多问题单单靠一个国家是解决不了的,必须依靠多个国家的合作,合作中需要一些理念或者说智力支持,这是世界性大学才能解决的 2. 大学是优秀青年进修的场所,是各个国家未来的主心骨( backbone ),影响着未来各国对于合作的的理解。大学就是一种灌输合作理念很有效的方式 那么在写赞同这个题目的观点的时候, 从题目中 infer 出场景并进行定义,然后推广和细化讨论分析。这就是思维发散的又一种有效的方式。而且从题目出发,紧扣题目,也不容易偏离方向。 六.质疑题目的前提假设 ( 190 、 17 ) ( 1 )质疑价值观 这种破题方式需要对题目所隐含的前提或者说道德参考标准或者说语气有一个充分的认识。 谨慎使用, 以免走火入魔 这种破题方式的灵感同样来自于 argument , argument 中最需要练习的就是将作者的前提拎出来,然后当作靶子大肆攻击一番,然而值得注意的是 ETS 也明确过 issue 和 argument 要求是不一样的,所以 issue 质疑前提假设的时候也需要稍稍改变一下角度,写的和 argument 一样的话后果会比较严重 。 具体的说, argument 更多的注重批驳前提的逻辑错误,更多的有一点咬文嚼字的味道,具有非常强的客观性。而 issue 中质疑前提是一种对题目所隐含的价值观的质疑,仍然带有很浓烈的主观色彩。掌握了这一点,才是对质疑题目前提假设更好的把握。 和前面的定义题目场景方式有一点类似,也是需要挖掘作者的暗示和前提假设,但是这个地方是从道德标准或者说是价值观来入手更多一点 举个例子: 17"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws." 如果我来写,上来就会质疑这道题的一个隐含前提:作者不合理的假定法律是可以分为正义和不正义的 题目实际上把法律和正义的概念混为一谈了,法律的本质决定了法律是不可能代表正义的。法律是为那些大多数人的利益制定的,迎合的是大多数的利益,保障的是相对的公平而不是绝对的公平。只有在问题引起损失并且引起足够的重视才可能被立法。这就决定了法律是一个 remedy 而不是 precaution 这样的本质决定了法律的不完善性,不能和正义混为一谈。 推翻了这一条之后,就可以接着写,法律是必须要遵守的,无论合理不合理。 这样破题在推翻了题设前提之后,需要自己另外再建立一套前提,在这个先破后立的过程中展现自己立论的技巧,不失为一种妙招。 再举个例子 190"As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the art 这个地方作者也有两个很不合理的前提, 1. 只要社会中有人在饿肚子,就不应该去支持艺术。换言之,要完全消除了饥饿,贫困之后,才能继续支持艺术。 2. 作者错误的假定,支持艺术就不能得到资源的回报,不能对物质生活产生贡献 然而常识告诉我们饥饿,贫困是一个世界性难题,就算倾尽全部社会资源也不一定可以达到目的,如果非要先解决贫困问题,艺术很可能永远也发展不起来;而艺术很多时候是可以和物质互相促进繁荣的,比如一个好莱坞就可以解决大量的人口就业问题,同样可以缓解社会的饥饿贫困。 这一题使用质疑前提比 17 题就更为容易一点,因为这个地方作者的前提假设更为混乱。这样写也更为针对题目,并且也比较显示思考的深度。 需要指出的是,这种破题方式适用的地方并不是太多,因为题库中有明显的不合理前提的题目也并不多,只是在一些偶然场合也许会起到奇效。 ( 2 )攻击绝对语气 很多题目喜欢用 any 这个词语,这个词上其实就可以大做文章了。这个词其实很不好的暗示了一种绝对的立场,而绝对化的立场在讲究立场合理的 issue 中是不搭调的。 212 - "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable." 开头就可以攻击 by using the word "any" the author's ground may be absolute to some extent since in many cases the cost of the mean should weigh against the value of goal before making final judgment. 接着引出下文段落,重点写这里所说的 cost-benefit analysis ,独成一段。 还有很多题目喜欢用 only 这个词,一样的攻击,比如 issue138 138"Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress." 从 only 出发,得到两个立意: 1. 这个地方用了 only ,实际上是一种很不好的暗示,只有通过犯错误才能进步,而完全忽略了人们对于总结经验中所取得的进步。 2. 同时 only 也似乎在错误的鼓励人们去犯错误,而仅仅通过犯错误是不会得到进步的 七.步步逼近,直探核心 这是所有的破题方式中最抽象的一种,需要对每个话题的讨论构架,争论焦点有充分的认识。实际上这种方法不仅仅可以用来破题,更多的可以用来拓展对题目的认识。 这种方法说白一点,就是一步一步缩小讨论的范围,找到争论的焦点位置。把握了这一点,那么题目向左走向右走就可以任意决定了。 下面举例子说明一下 还是刚才前面举例过的 131 题,顺便说一下我是如何想到这样的破题方式的 131"The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society." 按照一般的正负观点,向左走向右走都是可以的 而如果是向左走,大概可以是这样的观点:人是一种社会动物,不可能和环境完全隔绝,艺术作品不可避免的参杂流行的脉动。尽管这些艺术作品代表的都是个人的对于社会脉动的理解,然而这样的理解中或多或少的会反映出来这些脉动。 如果是向右走,大概可以这样反驳:诚然人是一种社会动物,不可能和环境完全隔绝,因此艺术作品不可避免的参杂流行的脉动。然而同时每个人看待社会趋势又是带进了自己的主观色彩的,因此在有色滤镜后,不可能真实的反映这些脉动。另外艺术同样也可以作为一种自娱,完全可以和社会没有关系。 对比一下就可以发现,两边都承认的一个讨论基础是:人是一种社会动物,不可能和环境完全隔绝,因此艺术作品不可避免的参杂流行的脉动。然而同时每个人看待社会趋势又是带进了自己的主观色彩的 双方争议的焦点是:究竟这样带着有色滤镜之后的艺术作品能否反映社会的脉动 这个地方就是题目的核心了,带着这个核心去思考问题,一个很有意思的情况是,反方的观点可以被正方拿过来使用,正方的观点可以被反方拿过来使用。因为核心部分是两边都承认的,顺着题目的核心来利用相反观点的例子也成为可能。 继续往下深入,反方说带着有色滤镜的艺术作品不能反映社会的脉动的原因是这些艺术作品会曲解社会的脉动,同时也完全有可能是自娱自乐,比如莎士比亚的悲剧中就很难找到一个时代的特征观点。那么正方就刚好可以利用这一焦点,避重就轻,承认单个的艺术作品不能反映社会的脉动,也承认莎翁的作品不能反映时代的观点,但是每一件艺术品可以反映一部分脉动,因此如果审视一个时代有代表性的作品,就完全可以体会到社会的脉动。把反方的例子进行拓展:比如从莎士比亚的悲剧中感受到的可能只是命运的无奈,从达芬奇的 Mona Lisa 感受含而不露的神秘微笑,然而纵观这一个时代的代表艺术作品,都可以表现出对于宗教、封建束缚的反抗和对人文思想的启蒙,这个时代在历史上就称作为 “ 文艺复兴时代 ” 。 至此,这个话题从核心问题出发,统一了两边的观点,这个时候向左走向右走就比较随意了。 再举一个例子 70"In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership." 这个题目向左走,就是革新可以带来成功;向右走,就是保持原来的班子可以成功 双方争论的焦点在于,新的领导层能不能比老的领导层更为成功 掌握了这个题目的核心,反方的观点也可以被正方利用 比如说反方也许会说老的领导层留下了很多宝贵的经验财富,良好的运作方式等等,那么正方就可以接着这个观点说,因为原来的领导层已经做的很好,想继续进步就没有以前那么容易了。同时新的领导层继承了原来的良好运作方式,更容易在已经有的基础上作出新改良,从而比原来更成功。 这样的探究题目的核心不是很适合在实际构架中运用,但是可以作为吃透题目的一种思维方式。 八.横向展开 ( 186 、 164 、 36 ) 横向展开,说的简单一点,就是常说的分情况讨论。也是一种指出题目在一些时候成立,另一些时候不成立的有效方法。 ( 1 )具体的领域展开 先讲讲适用场合 这就是常说的分领域讨论了,在题库中如果多留意的话,经常会看到有一些题目喜欢把领域列出来,比如说 issue99 和 issue70 99"In any realm of life—whether academic, social, business, or political—the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options." 70"In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership." 实际上这样的列出其实就是一种明显的提示:这个问题需要考虑不同的领域! 还有很多题目,带有 any field 或者 any profession 这样的字眼,其立场是很绝对的,这个时候也是使用分领域破题的大好机会。比如 87"In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries." 165"In any given field, the leading voices come from people who are motivated not by conviction but by the desire to present opinions and ideas that differ from those held by the majority." 这类题目的破题倒不是很难,甚至属于题库中最简单的部分,毕竟都把领域分好了,无论是凑字数还是整合构架都是很容易的部分。 这种方式同样也可以推广到其他的题目中去。 比如和上述提到的题目相近的题材也是可以借鉴的。比如说 issue164 164"Sometimes imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can approach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes." 和上面说的 issue87 题其实是非常相像的,这个时候完全可以把 87 的思路拿来直接使用。分领域说明不同情况有不同结论。 这种方式需要注意的问题: 1. 很难写出除了并列以外更深层次的逻辑,仅仅是几个段落的零落容易使得构架松散,建议段首多使用一些逻辑连接词,比如 when it turns to the realm of…../In considering the field of…/When it comes to … 等等 2. 尽量写出每个领域独特的地方,如果两个领域用了同样一个理由,那不如合成一段来写,否则会显得非常的冗余。尽量写出分领域的特点也可以体现对各个场景的深刻理解。 ( 2 )抽象领域的展开 和上面具体领域展开不同的是,这样的展开仅仅是在不同的角度去考虑问题,多视角的考虑问题比单纯的具体领域展开要更为体现思维的复杂性和深刻性,两者相较而言,更推荐这种方式。 比较典型的是 issue121 121"At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species." 这道题可以从不同的角度来分拆题目 比如说从良知的角度来展开,尽管很多物种是由于自然的原因灭绝的,然而人类对于自然环境的破坏是不可否认的,需要对人类自身发展引起的后果承担一定的责任 从经济学的角度来看( cost-benefit analysis ),人类如果 make extraordinary efforts ,会严重损害人类自身的生活质量,甚至威胁到部分人的生存,这样的代价未免太大 从生物科学的角度来讲,要救助那些物种会带来什么样子的后果同样不得而知,大自然作为一个 intricate matrix of interdependent relationship. 我们的很多保护举动实际上却成为了加速灭亡其他动物的行经。 同时也需要关注每个论述角度之间的逻辑联系,尽量做到衔接自然 其他的题目也可以靠类似的思路展开,这里不再详述。 九.纵向展开 ( 112 、 51 、 170 、 153 ) 顾名思义,就是按照时间轴来展开,跟分情况讨论有些相像,但在段落逻辑联系之间联系要强一些。 ( 1 )分阶段讨论 在教育类领域应用较多一点,最典型的应用就是 issue51 和 issue112 51"Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student." 教育是否应该去满足学生的兴趣和需求这个话题可以从教育的各个阶段的性质着手,在初级阶段,应该有一个全面的课程。而在大学阶段,满足需求和兴趣就显得重要了 具体的说 For primary and secondary school students it is more imperative to adopt a national curriculum which ensures the comprehensive coverage of important subjects. At the nascent stage of education a broad foundation is required for subsequent advances in any particular field. Moreover most students might not be qualified to make their own decisions about their needs and where lays their greatest potential. However at college level education aimed at satisfying the needs and interests of every student has become necessary. Since college students have turned to be well-informed and responsible adults, education should be designed to help individuals to develop their own strengths and achieve their goals. 实际上这也是一种变相的具体问题具体分析的形式,体现了对于 issue 复杂性的理解。 再来一个 112 112"Some educational systems emphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions." 和 51 类似的,破题时可以说需要 case-by-case analysis 先定义题目中的两个关键词 Reasoning and logical thinking refers to deduction, inference that forges people's professional skills and generates practicality while emotions comprises sentiments, personalities that endow us thousands of subtle feelings. 然后分阶段论述: 1. 在初级的教育阶段,进行 emotional exploration 是更为必要的,这个时候要教会学生怎么做人,怎么控制和表达情感。 2. 而在高等教育阶段, logical thinking and reasoning 的教育就更为重要了。作为一个成年人、社会人,不仅是要为自己负责,还要为家庭,社会负责。培养对应的工作技能就变得尤为重要。 涉及到教育类的题目这样的方法很多都是很适用的,毕竟初等教育的目标和高等教育的目标有着很大的差别。 分阶段写需要注意的问题:需要明确写出各个阶段的显著特点和题设条件在各个阶段为什么不完全适用的原因 ( 2 )短期和长远 这种方式也是从时间上来划分,灵感来自于之前的 issue56 题 56"Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future." 实际上其他的题目完全可以借鉴这道题的思想,既要考虑短期问题,也要考虑长远利益。 举两个例子 33"Creating an appealing image has become more important in contemporary society than is the reality or truth behind that image." 这道题的破题其实很简单,承认题目在短期的事务中是非常的有作用的,然而在长期的利益考虑下,对于内涵的关注的重要性仍然不可以忽视。 另外一个例子 109"The purpose of many advertisements is to make consumers want to buy a product so that they will 'be like' the person in the ad. This practice is effective because it not only sells products but also helps people feel better about themselves." 同样可以在短期和长期这两个限度之内讨论这个问题。和 issue33 非常相似,这里不作详述。 十.评价题目的价值 ( 138 、 114 、 212 、 17 ) 淘完了题目的前提,定义完了题目的场景,再把题目分解来分解去,还是觉得不爽的话就把题目的价值也拿来评头论足吧。 这种方式的灵感同样来自于 GRE 阅读,在 NO.7 中有一篇文章是这么写的(略微改动): Freyre and Tannenbaum explains why the treatment of Black slaves was more severe there than in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies of South America. But this cannot be the whole explanation since it is merely negative, based on a lack of something. 在钱坤强的 “issue100“ 篇中, issue138 ( Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress )有一句话这么写的: The argument is merely negative, based on the act of being erroneous and even being fallacious. 北美范文中,同样有类似的方法: 17"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws." 开头中这样写道: it recommends an ineffective and potentially harmful means of legal reform. 将这种方法举一反三,同样可以给很多题目新的立意 114"Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity." 这个地方对于题目给出一个整体价值的评价,可以这么写: 题目所说的论断太过于消极,完全忽视了人类在人性进步上所作出的努力,同时也忽视了科技在改变人类文明方面作出的巨大影响 至此文章正文结束,下面进入一些说明备注部分 对于每一种方法,都是一种发散的角度,可以选取其中的某几种然后进行加工。或者获得一个对题目更全面的了解,都是可以的。 下面来讲讲我的思路灵感来源 很多灵感在正文中已经写过,或来自于 GRE 阅读,或来自于北美范文,这些都是原汁原味的西方博学之士呕心沥血之作,从中细细品位,可以尝出很多不一样的滋味。 还有一些破题灵感源自和同学的讨论,也正如 ETS 颁布的 AW 的 intro 中建议的那样,你可以和同伴讨论,获得思路。 当然更多的来自自己平时生活中的经历感悟,比如说读过辛普森杀妻案的时候,我开始对西方的司法制度有所了解,也从中感悟出对于法律本质的见解。西方人对于法律和正义也是作为两个分开的概念,所以也不奇怪北美范文为什么一开头就把 issue17 骂的狗血淋头了。 再比如我曾经涉猎过外国美术史,所以稍稍的对于艺术有一些浅显的感悟。很多时候艺术跟宗教、政治的关联(特别是中世纪)是非常大的,那些文艺复兴中代表性的艺术作品合在一起代表的社会脉动启发了我,于是就想起了 issue131 那道艺术高频题中文艺复兴的例子。 GRE 作文破题的难度难在,题库中 244 道题领域涵盖范围之广,发散度之大,都是在传统中国文化教育中没有经历过的。从教育、艺术、文化、到跨领域的结合,在以高考为导向的教育中经常处于忽略的位置(尤其是理科生)。而在 GRE 作文中,可以说是打开了一个窗口,去想这些以前从来没有想过的问题。
个人分类: 英文写作|3112 次阅读|0 个评论
FrankZhao 2011-8-16 15:40
说明: 改革后的GRE在作文方面的一个重要变化是由原来统一的指导语变为了几大类指导语,其实这些指导语原本就应该是针对不同类型的题目进行回应时的建议性的解题思路。在平日的作文备考中循着这样的指导语进行准备有助于达到GRE作文所要求的“评判性思考,逻辑性写作(critical thinking, logical writing)”的目的。即使是不必参加考试的朋友,在看到一篇论说文后,也可以按照以下思路对其进行检视和深入思考。 指导语 1 Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. 指导语:文章中讨论你是在多大程度上同意或者不同意题目的论点,并解释你选取这一立场的原因。在发展及支持你的论点时,你应该考虑那些使得论点成立或者不成立的方面,并解释你的这些考虑是如何使其形成你所持有的观点的。 54 题。 指导语 2 Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position. 讨论你在多大程度上同意或者不同意题目中的观点,在发展和支持你的立场时,确保使用那些最具说服力的原因和 / 或例证来挑战你所持有的立场。 24 题 指导语 3 Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position. 讨论你在多大程度上同意或者不同意题中的建议并解释你持有这一立场的理由。在发展和支持你的立场时,请描述一些具体的情形,此时采纳该建议会具有优势 / 劣势,并解释这些例子(你所列举的情形)是如何塑造了你当前持有的立场的。 24 题 指导语 4 Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based. 讨论你在多大程度上同意或者不同意题中的论断以及论断所依据的理由。 19 题 指导语 5 Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented. 讨论那一种视角 / 观点与你的论点更为一致,解释你所选择观点的原因。在发展和支持你的论点的过程中,你应该对题中所呈现的多种视角都与以考察和解决。 15 题 指导语 6 Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position. 讨论你对题中政策的观点,并解释你持有这一观点 / 立场的理由。在发展和支持你的立场时,请考虑实施这一政策的可能后果,并解释这些潜在后果是如何影响 / 塑造了你的立场。 12 题
个人分类: 英文写作|6145 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 5 weiqiang037 2011-7-24 09:25
接上回:(《 孙悟空写给白骨精的情书 》)据说孙先生在接到小白委婉的拒绝信后,开始痛定思痛,做出了一个重大而艰难的决定:考研!小白告诉小唐这个消息后,他异常激动,连夜写了封鼓励信用EMS寄出。在征得主人同意的前提下,特转载于此! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 悟空:   听说你又要考研了,你总是一会儿一个想法。上次,在王母娘娘的蟠桃宴上,我碰到你的时候,你不是说你不考研吗?还说考研这种恶俗的事情你不会做,弄得在场的几个刚刚考上研的仙童很没面子。看你又变卦了不是?   不过,师父听说你要考,还是很高兴的,毕竟又上了一个档次,对你的发展只有好处没有坏处。你也看到了,现在西天这边大家都在考研,你能认清形势,师父替你高兴。   按理说,凭你在取经路上的贡献,应该是能保的,都是你跟上面的关系处不好。当时,上面给我们取经小组一共两个保研名额,我想就按贡献大小给你和八戒。报上去后,上面对你的意见大得很,尤其是东海龙王意见最大,说你当年借了他的定海神针,现在还不还。光这一条我就没有发言权。你说,现在取经结束都已有300年,你还拿那个棒子有什么用?就是有用需要续借,总得打个招呼嘛。你不打招呼,人家怎么知道你要用,给人家打个招呼,人家肯定会让你续借的嘛。有借有还,再借不难。   好了,又扯远了。还是说你保研的事,龙王后来上下活动了一下,最后,你的名额就给了白龙马,虽然你没保上有点遗憾,但给白龙马也算是落到我们小组内,况且白龙马没有功劳也有苦劳,给了也就给了。   再说八戒,人家上面关系处理得好,报上去后,基本没怎么讨论就通过了,面试也放得很松。八戒的导师也不错,是文殊菩萨。现在,人间也重视教育,所以,文殊菩萨的香火很旺,经费自然就多,今年报她那儿的人最多。你什么都好,就是在神际关系上处理不好,八戒这一点就比你强。   你看,同是一个师父带出来的,人家八戒现在都是研究生毕业,开始带研究生(听说今年扩招,可能比较好考,你要不就考八戒那里)。而你现在才准备考,唉!   我也给你介绍一下我最近的研究情况吧。这也是我给你写信的主要目的。其实,我就需要你这样的学生,保过来的几个动手能力太差,还不听话,就知道月底向我要工钱。最近,我刚申请了博士点,从明年起就可以带博士,你要是考这里,我给你一个直博的名额,省得你到时候再考博。最近,我主要研究的课题是“佛界是否应该顺应人间宗教市场的崇拜趋势”。你已经很久没来西天,你不知道我这个课题还是很热的,如来很重视,上次开会,如来还问我课题的进展情况。   我不是刚才跟你说了,人间现在重视教育,你看文殊的身价上去了,重视经济,道教的财神爷人气就很旺,所以,现在佛界也对这个问题重视起来,形成了以观音为首的“保守派”和以108罗汉为首的“革新派”之争。“保守派”认为,佛界应该重修行参悟,不要盲从人间崇拜的大流,应该引导众生慈悲向善,不是一味地迎合大众的口味。“革新派”认为,佛界应该讲市场规律,如果人们都不信佛,我们从哪里来供奉,从哪里来香火?所以,如来给我拨了些经费,让我成立一个课题组,对这个问题进行调研。   我是同意“革新派”的(听口气,如来也是向着革新派),时代不同了,佛界也要与时倶进嘛。最近,我也取得了一些研究成果,我认为应该设新四大菩萨——“吉托菩萨”(主管GRE、TOLLF考试)、“亨通菩萨”(司官运)、“济财菩萨”(相当于财神爷)和“高就菩萨”(主管就业)。   我又扯远了,好了,悟空,废话我也不多说了,还是希望你能考我这里。你聪明,又肯动,我这个课题还得多往人间跑,我觉得你合适,你要是愿意的话,过两天来我这里,我给你画画重点,专业课的题是我出的。至于公共课,出题的几个罗汉我都很熟,帮你打听一下“重点”也可以,免得你报什么“冲刺班”,还不是他们几个在那里讲?好了,废话我不多说了,你好好考虑一下吧。   祝你考研成功!
3184 次阅读|9 个评论
agostic01 2011-6-24 06:58
高考之后填志愿——给大学毕业后想出国的建议 by agostic (版权所有,转载请勿去掉作者) 前几天要写这个话题了。不料,没写完,也没存盘,半夜,计算机自动重新启动,写的东西都没有了。泄气了啊。考虑到,高考成绩马上公榜,还是简单再写写,权且当作应付的吧。 1、如果要出国,你该去哪地方的大学就读? 首选地:北京、上海,这两个地方是出国最多,参加各种出国培训班(托福和GRE)最方便的地方。出国人多,气氛好,信息丰富,互相激励。如果在出国少的地方就读大学,你一个人在准备出国的英语,行单影孤,很容易泄气,影响准备和成绩。 除了北京、上海之外,可以考虑出国的地方有武汉、广州、杭州、西安,等各大城市。对于是否应该留在福建省内就读,比如厦大和福州的大学,个人认为你身为福建人,视野和学识是要进一步开阔,如果要走出国之路,最好到外省去体验,为走得更远做准备。 2、该报考什么样的大学? 在中国,除了几所所谓“名校”(北大清华复旦科大交大等),别的大学在美国人眼里差别不大。如果你的成绩不足以进入这些“名校”,不如报考北京上海的一般院校,行地利之便,准备出国之路。只要你有个本科(4年制)的文凭,这就足够了出国的一个基本的条件要求。要知道,美国大学好几千所,并不是所有大学都有名,也不是无名的大学毕业出来的学生就没出息,他们照样到美国一流大学读研究生(博士硕士)。所谓“英雄不问出处”就是这个道理。 学校好坏是相对的,你的好坏是决定你能否出国。 3、该报考什么专业? 这个事关重要,要一分为二来说:有钱人vs 穷人。 如果是你家里有钱(比如能够拿出50万让你出国留学读研),那么你可以选热门专业(也是你兴趣的方向),比如经济类的金融,会计,管理,精算,等。这些专业出国容易,但奖学金难拿,只要你有好的GPA(大学成绩平均分3.0/4.0(经常得要求3.5以上),对于美国牛校;一般学校只需要3.0就满足要求),考好的托福和GMAT(经济类的要求),足够的资金保障,就可以申请出国,成功率是很高的。 如果你家里财力有限,也就是说没有钱,也照样能够出国留学(我本人就是这种情况),那么你不但要有好的成绩(GPA,GRE和托福),还得考虑专业问题。这种情况下,选专业要考虑理工科,理科有:物理、化学、生物(不建议生物),工科:电子工程、计算机、土木、建筑、生物工程、自动化、材料、机械、化工,等等。这类理工科申请出国的时候,可以直接从大学毕业申请博士项目,容易拿到奖学金,出国容易得多,不过竞争也很激烈。 4、进入大学之后,要想出国,你该怎么规划4年? 从大一开始,你就得利用课外时间准备英语(听、说、读、写)能力的提高,准备托福和GRE考试所需要的词汇(网上有各种词汇手册,也可以从书店买到),要扩大英语阅读量和语言能力的提高。同时,要尽量保障各科学业成绩80分,否则出国希望变得很小。英语能力的准备要尽量避免低水平重复,没有方法和难度的突破,总是提高不上来,会泄气。网络方便,网上各种视听阅读资料很多,要会查找、积累和消化,才能提高。做有心人之人,做笨鸟先飞的打算,才能有备无患。 到了大二、大三,尽量去参加托福和GRE培训班,获得这些考试的经验和提高。同时,在学业方面,不但要保持好的成绩,还得尽量参与科研(理工科)和社会实践(文科,实习),一方面是提高自己的经验和能力,也是为了将来申请出国需要的推荐信(3封)有所作为。更重要的是在这些实践过程中,发现自己的兴趣和特长,为今后的发展选择方向和打下专业的实践基础经验。 同时,还得考虑自己的简历(resume)上能有什么值得写的内容:成绩、奖项、研究(或者工作)经历、文章(或者活动组织能力),等等。 成绩之外的能力不可忽视,否则会被认为是书呆子,反而对申请出国不利。要给人有一种感觉,你不但成绩好,还有能力做好专业要求,并有组织能力,团队精神、语言口才交流没问题,甚至还得有仁爱的素质要求(一些人文要求),有回报社会的意识(指望你以后给学校捐款)。 这些事情综合起来,也是为了在写personal statement的时候能够有话说,写出真正是自己的东西,而不是去模仿抄袭别人玩过的模式,才能写出更好地有说服力的内容。 到了4年级秋季,基本上要在11月份之前,考完所要的托福和GRE(GMAT)获得满意的成绩(如果不好,可以重考,所以要提前准备好)。要把学校3年来的成绩单弄好(中英文,学校信封封好,盖章),写好简历(resume),个人自述personal statement,准备好申请费(每所大学都需要申请费,个别不需要的,很少),就可以在网上申请了(自己做即可,不需要所谓的中介,那是骗钱的)。 除了以上内容,会根据问题和情况,添加内容,以【补】的形式给出。 【补1】: 在中国上了大学之后,如果不想上了,能否转学出国留学? 答案是:肯定的,而且很容易,但是有条件的。 如果你不在乎要留学的学校的好坏,美国有各种大学等着你来留学。只不过,入门的门槛很低,毕业的门槛和要求却不是能够混混就能做得到的。 要想转学,首先也是离不开英语能力的要求。最好在准备要转学之前,考个托福成绩,一般的美国大学(都不差),要求托福低的有80分以下,再低的情况,即使能留学,恐怕英语能力也不足以应付上课和作业的要求。有不少大学要求托福成绩超过90分,甚至更高。 此外,尽量在国内上完一年(最多2年)大学,并把成绩单做成中英文和课程的简介(内容和教材简述),这样可以把国内的学分一起转,省去时间和金钱(美国大学毕业只要修足够的学分和专业要求,即可毕业)。在申请转学的时候,也需要准备申请的essay,推荐信,申请费,等要求。 转学美国大学本科,一般情况下,很难拿到奖学金,即使有,也是杯水车薪,根本满足不了大学各种费用的要求。在大学期间,你不能到校外打工(除非是去中餐馆),只能在校内打工on-campus job,part time job(每周最多20小时),不足以支付各种费用。如果你能够找到实习intern,夏天是可以全职去打工。
个人分类: 高等教育|169 次阅读|0 个评论
FrankZhao 2011-5-1 12:45
Argument 题库中出现的指导语 说明: 改革后的GRE在作文方面的一个重要变化是由原来统一的指导语变为了几大类指导语,其实这些指导语原本就应该是针对不同类型的题目进行回应时的建议性的解题思路。在平日的作文备考中循着这样的指导语进行准备有助于达到GRE作文所要求的“评判性思考,逻辑性写作(critical thinking, logical writing)”的目的。即使是不必参加考试的朋友,在看到一篇论说文后,也可以按照以下思路对其进行检视和深入思考。 Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument. 写一篇回应,讨论还需要何种具体的证据才能更好的评估上面的论证,并解释这个证据是如何强化 / 削弱这篇文章的论证的。 Write a response in which you discuss one or more alternative explanations that could rival the proposed explanation and explain how your explanation(s) can plausibly account for the facts presented in the argument. 写一篇回应,在其中讨论一个或数个可以和文中的解释相竞争的他种解释(原因),并说明你提出的解释是如何可信的解释和说明文中呈现的事实的。 Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation. 写一篇回应,在其中讨论还有哪些问题需要被回答才能决定文中的推荐是否能得到预期结果,并务请解释对这些问题的回答是如何帮助更好的评估文中的建议的。 Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted. 写一篇回应,在其中检视文章的论证中述及和 / 或未明确述及的假设,务请解释文章的论证是如何依赖于这些假设的,并指出如果这些假设不成立会对文章的论证带来何种影响。 Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation (Prediction/ Advice/ Conclusion) and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation (Prediction/ Advice/ Conclusion) . 写一篇回应,在其中讨论还有哪些问题需要被回答才能决定文中的建议以及得出这一建议 (预测 / 建议 / 结论) 的论证过程是合理的,并务请解释对这些问题的回答是如何帮助更好的评估文中的建议 (预测 / 建议 / 结论) 的。
个人分类: 英文写作|8757 次阅读|0 个评论
hlyxue 2010-6-8 16:44
08 年 6G Verbal64091% Quantitative80094% A/W4.037% 这篇文章本想趁着刚考完有新鲜记忆写,但当时觉得分都没出来不具有可信性。现在有了分,虽不高,但还是可以给广大 G 友提供一个参考吧。 简短导读 : 里面比较有用的可能是我复习日程和材料选择和使用,大家可以关注这两方面。 首先说最痛心的作文。 我作文从大年初一开始准备,总共约一个月,集中高强度复习的时间约 20 天左右。总体战略是先 A 后 I ,安排如下: 1-5 :背北美范文 Argument ,默写,仿写结构和句子,总结不同类型错误的写法 6-10 :开始自己写一些 Argument 文章,复习前几天背的北美范文,把自己写的文章和北美范文做比较,比较找错点,结构和句子 8-12 :开始找考过 GRE 的同学改 Argument ,写 Argument 提纲 13-14 :漫无目的地翻北美范文的 Issue 部分,毫无头绪 15-17 :下载 ETS 全部官方范文,狂看,约看了 90 篇 1-6 分的 Issue 文章 18-20 :开始初步写一些 issue 文章,过题库,写分类提纲 21-24 :写前 50 高频 25 之后,看自己的提纲,修改老文章,关注 taisha 上消息和高频 总结: 1 .一定要找考过 GRE 的同学帮你改作文,很有效,互相改也可以 2 . ETS 官方范文很启发人,有时间多看看, commentary 部分很重要 3 .北美范文 Argument 可以参考一下, Issue 写得太神乎了,我等凡人没那么牛 4 .分类提纲和高频提纲都要写,无他,写到一定程度就是无招胜有招,没看过的也很快有思路 5 .当月高频一定要看 6 .最后 10 天每天写两篇文章当模考,限时 作文大致这样,我自己觉得还是挺有效的,但是 ETS 给了个很无语的 4.0 。。。 数学: 就推荐些材料吧,数学还是比较简单的,见得多就好 95-99 的数学,总共有 10 套吧,当做模考,做完就差不多满分了 猴哥难题 112 :跟其他所谓 难题 材料比起来不算难,但比较接近近几年考试的水平,做做有好处 数学词汇:随便看看吧,保证那些 n 边形,等边三角形,菱形之类的单词认识就行了 太傻上某位 JJ 总结的 给懒人的礼物 ,提到了常见的陷阱,可以看看 总结: 1 .数学除去那 10 套模考题, 5 个小时用来背背单词和做做猴哥难题 112 就不错了 2 .得满分还是要小心,注意控制时间,真正考试的时候我 section4 还挺紧的,莫大意了 Verbal : 嗯,进入重点了。 重点的重点就是计划和单词了。 计划 凡是预则立,不预则费,这是大学里体会比较深的一句古话。 我 4.10 日左右从武汉回来开始复习 GRE 笔试,到 6.7 日复习时间约为 59 天,当时这么拟的计划: 平均每天 7.5 小时复习 GRE ,共计 450 小时,用 300 小时背单词, 100 小时单项练习, 45 小时模考,具体来说 4.10-5.05 背单词, 5.06-5.22 练单项, 5.23-6.6 模考和复习单词 最终真实的复习情况是, 总共约复习 370 小时左右,其中 4.10-5.10 都在背单词, 5.11-5.22 综合练习穿插单项强化, 5.23-6.6 模考和单词强化,之后会有详细解释。 总体来说,计划是执行得不错的,大概在 5.15 号以后做 Number 题就可以限时成功并且基本上模考在 600 分以上了(还没开始做数学),当 23 号做第一套模考的时候是 1590 分,当时觉得世界叫一个美好啊 ~~~ 扯远了,这里要说的是,大家一定要给自己定一个 timeline , verbal 的复习时一个长期的过程( 2-3 个月),如果对整体没有把握的话,一是复习没有效率,不知道自己学到哪个地方了,哪里是自己的弱点应该着重强化;二是复习没有压力,总觉得时间还长,把任务拖延的无限的将来。所以,请每一位考 G 的同学都定一个 detail 的计划,精确到天,下面一部分开始讲单词。 单词 我用了整整一个月只看单词,更不用说之后在做练习和模考的同时也在复习单词的时间了,说 80% 的时间用于单词一点不为过。 4.10-5.5 ,只拿一本书背,那就是红宝书,用约 21 天完成了杨鹏 17 天的进度,进入 51 假期后,第一天复习 20 个 list ,把不熟的单词画出来,第二天复习前一天画出来的,然后再复习 10 个 list ,第三天复习前 30 个 list 中画出来的,再复习 10 个 list ,第四天复习前 40 个 list 中画出来,再复习 10 个 list ,第五天把所有的 list 中画出来的单词都复习两遍。 至此,完成单词的初步之际识记,记忆率约为 80% ,当然这个计划的回忆肯定有误差,但大方向大致是这样,大家可以根据自己的条件修改。 51 假期过完以后,开始单项的复习,并且结合红宝书的复习。 在 5.06-5.22 期间,刚开始几天是复习红宝书,然后用 4 天左右过完了逆序,再用两天复习逆序和红宝中不熟悉的词汇,然后开始看杨鹏后面的混字表和新东方的常考意群巩固单词。 进入 5.23 号模考期间,做了个中期 review ,定了几个目标: Barron 词表,猴哥类反,黑狐类反新思维,巅峰词汇前 500 ,词频表,蓝宝。后来舍弃了词频表和蓝宝,黑狐比想象中的占时间少,最后实际的执行结果是 Barron 词表看了 1 周,巅峰词汇看了 4 天,猴哥类反就看了 3 天吧,但这三大块的记忆率也不错。 以上是单词部分的复习,以评价各单词书的形式做一个总结吧: 红宝书:核心中的核心,把红宝背熟了,单词就不是你通向 600+ 的障碍了(障碍可能是阅读)。注意最新词汇很重要,不要最后才背,就把它当核心词汇。预测词汇可看可不看,跟巅峰有很大一部分相重的。 逆序:很好地消除位置效应,也比较小巧,缺点是意思不全,要看,但不是重点, 混字表:好东西,帮你区分那些长得像的单词,杨鹏 17 天纸版后面有,约 40 页吧,一晚上就能看完 常考意群:感觉对我效果不大,因为开始看的时候红宝单词已经记得差不多了,可能对于看红宝很痛苦的人有用吧,因为它是按主题分的(交通工具,人物,餐具等等),比红宝看着有意思,但注意里面有很多非红宝词汇,那些就不用太勉强去背了。 Barron 词表:新东方送的那本什么《全真模考》里面有,英文释义,带例句,有利于你正确理解词义,而且有些释义跟红宝不同,历年也有考到的。看了肯定有用,但用不用得上就看你人品了,若只要求 600 分可不看。 巅峰:我只背了前 500 ,鬼谷子归纳的一个联想记忆法吧。因为到后来 反复多遍 的背词思想已经深入我心,所以背新词是又快又好, 00 年以后的考试考到了好几个,但 0806 这次没考,所以除非追求 700+ ,背它的性价比不高。 猴哥类反:好东西,我说的是 excel 版,可以挑出来自己不熟的单词,比你在书上画记号好多了,不多说,自己上论坛找到你就知道了。缺点是有小部分错误,不过无伤大雅,其实到后来你会发现自己抠的小细节意义不大,因为考到你正好想过但又想不明白的题的可能性比较小。 词频表:我觉得没用。 蓝宝:没看。 黑狐类反新思维:是一个小 excel 文件,对做题思路有提升,推荐。 以上,单词部分完毕。 单项练习: 以复习材料为主线吧: 大白本 No 题系列:算是准模考吧,当时一天做两个 section 的 verbal 新东方黄皮系列:最开始我是做了 90-94 , No2-No3 部分的题,其余的题留了下来。在我把 No 题大白本做完以后,我再把黄皮剩下的 No 题做一遍,当我把 95-99 的模考完了以后,我再把黄皮的 95-99 的题做一遍,这样,所有的题都做了两遍。 陈圣元的填空我看了,不错,不过我觉得填空简单,闲这本书贵,也就没买。 类反我只用了黄皮和白皮,还有黑狐类反新思维。 阅读刚开始的时候我也一筹莫展,把 No 题做完以后开始模考,发现 95-99 的阅读比 No 题简单很多,然后阅读的状态慢慢上来了,控制在 2section 错 5 个以内吧。中间 frustrate 的时候去买了本阅读长难句,当时觉得很受启发,但是想来实际效果不大,主要是克服了自己对长难句的恐怖,做题的时候更从容。 阅读方法:刚开始的时候采取新东方所谓的结构化阅读,很看 rp ,有时候错很少,有时候惨不忍睹。后来还是把文章全部读一遍,当然这要求速度比较快,但我是可以做到的。阅读就注意两点: 1 。阅读是练出来的,多练吧, GRE 的练完了还有 GMAT 和 LSAT 的阅读文章可以练呢 2 。要有阅读敏感度,比如看到转折,最高级就知道可能会出题,这说得简单,但自发的有这种 sense 是建立在大量的练习之上的。 单项练习总的来说,就 2 个字:练和想。多练,练完之后多想多总结归纳。没有别的技巧。 模考策略: 限时 正式 心态 把这三点都模拟正式考试,你正式考试才能发挥好,后来我们考完发现,正式考试第一个 section 大家都非常不在状态,瞻前顾后,手发抖,头发晕,如果你能在模拟时就练好心态,绝对是很大的 advantage 。心态放好了,多拿 100 分是有可能的。 我模考的时候,复印了 ETS 发的册子后面的答题纸,每次都用铅笔涂卡,绝对根据时间来,尽量也在上午模考,大家可以参考一下。
个人分类: 科研笔记|2490 次阅读|0 个评论
edisonlou 2009-3-17 00:29
考完GRE一周了,总找不到复习的感觉~再加上这乱七八糟的事情,更是没有心思了~~ 现在我明白,干什么事情都是个耐性和勤奋的事情,看到那么多学弟学妹都在那拼命的学习杀鸡烤鸭,心里压力大大的有了 读硕博压力很大的,这点我能体会~我知道,和中科院和一级梯队的学校(没有贬低我们学校的意思,毕竟我们也是985,211)像中科院清华北大科大之类的院校相比,他们的学生更懂得竞争的含义,而我的同学,我知道,他们更希望得到一个经历,或者是一个证明,一遍能在日后找到相对较好的工作。 我活的挺累的,主要是想的太多了,我到是想读完这个博士,如果顺利的话能出国深造,我还是比较乐意回我的母校搞科研或者做教师的,因为有了这个狭隘的目标,呵呵,当然就比较累了研究生生活度过半年了,没什么感觉,除了复习我的GRE仿佛没有什么特别让人上心的东西~ 最近有件高兴的事情,就是基本上我的论文题目和范围定下来了~说实话,还没入门呢,老师让我自己定题目难度太大了,即便我自己定了,老师也会根据他的需求随时更改的,这下好了,老师既然决心要做了,我的课题基本上就定了~这也算是我进研究生这个门以来最开心的事情吧~~ 下周有门选修课竟然要考试,心里很是恼火,本来就是考察的课有必要考察吗?都研究生了,怎么还有这么多考试啊~自己感觉都有点考试强迫症状了~ 这周课开得差不多了,GRE笔试;Sandra的事情也不少,麻烦的很~还要弄那个生态的seminar~哎~真的很想每天不用上课,不用被强迫参加各种各样的不感兴趣的学术活动,好好的看文献,写文章~~真的很期望这天的到来一种奢望吧 努力吧~大学四年那么快就过去了,还没有尝到到底是酸的还是甜的~我不能让研究生生活就像人生果一样吞下去~朋友们,我们一起来慢慢品味吧~ 对了,有对同位素有研究的生态学界的朋友,和我联系吧~以后我要在利用稳定同位素研究植物水分方面进行研究了~呵呵,GOOD LUCK,everybody~
个人分类: 边走~~边看|3508 次阅读|0 个评论
dongping2009 2009-2-5 02:31
那一年夏季的北京仿佛格外平静,空气中弥漫着一种气味,在事隔一年多的现在,我还能依稀闻见。暑期远为结束,校园里行人寥落。只是在许多高等学府的外语楼附近,常常有三五成群的人。有时这些散装的人还能排成不短的队伍。这种情形在火车站或电影院倒也是司空见惯的。 在玉泉路口的西北角有两栋高楼,便构成了 CAS研究生院的落脚处。当时,紧挨着路口的那一栋尚未完工。老远便可见到大吊车的手臂不时地在空中转悠。7月中旬我到那儿时,竟也能碰着一些熟人。考TOEFL了吗?大家见面都是以这样的口头禅替代中国人常用的吃过了吗?我对出国本不热衷,半年以前便有几位同学动员过。在种种疑虑被驳斥掉以后,我似乎答应过试试看吧。他们走后不久,疑虑又扩散开来,承诺也就被挤到一边去了。现在既然这么多人如此热情,我也得敷衍一下,就象回答一下吃过了或一会儿就吃。 当然,光口头表示是不能过韶头的,不久便要排队报名了。现在想起这种排队也是十分有趣的,因为距正式报名还有一星期之遥便锣紧鼓密了。这在世界上尚不多见,如果大家都一个挨一个地排七八天,可能就更希罕了。不过多数人总算以为,没有必要如此。大概是人的精力总易捉襟见肘的缘故。 于是便有了拿号的捷径,每天在规定的时间内点名,每次以旧号易新号。不知是一会儿就吃在揶揄,还是潜意识里有一只看不见的手在摩挲,反正一开始我便也拿了一个号。当然,即便是拿了号,可考,也可不考,况且还可以助助热闹。 既然有了号,在下一个规定的时间便得去兑新号。否则,旧号作废,因而也便荼毒了以前的辛劳。况且,换号对近水楼台的人也未见得棘手。于是,我便一次又一次地履行了手续。临报名前的夜里,每隔三小时便要迭代一次,此时的我还经过一周的熏烤,士气确也高涨,加之同伴的撮合,终于轰轰烈烈的报了名。 既然报了 TOEFL,便也要考GRE,也要写信索取申请表,也要填表、打推荐信等。这些都是演绎的结果。有时,还得做一做论文,编一点程序,缴几只死耗子给导师。这样一来,颇有些迎风沐雨,戎马倥唿,却也改善了懒散的形象。 有很长一段时间,我竟有这样的感觉,若使不是诗人,我如何活下去?我或是稚气凌春,或是老气横秋,或是坠入金色的情网:如若丧失了这一切,我如何苟延残生?几个月后,在闲暇之余,我悠然觉得,现在竟也光景甚好。虽然我知道我已被剥夺了作为一个诗人所必备的纯洁状态和美妙感觉。不过这又何妨,再过半年我就可以收拾提包横渡大洋了。 从孩提时,我即嗜梦。这倒也没有什么坏处,说不准还因此获得了解决某些科学难题的禅机。自然,那时的梦总是与 TOEFL、GRE共喜怒的。可是,有一天夜里,我梦见了两个人同时来到一块草地上。草地碧绿,背景是些伟岸的树木,颇似封白露的春天。俩人分坐着两个对角。他们相距并不遥远,似乎彼此都能看清楚;然而俩人的面容又总是十分模糊,使我难以与现实中的任何人揉合起来。其中的一人突然朗诵了一首诗。我并没有听清他读的什么,不过那确是一首诗!仿佛一首曲子,它并不告诉你什么,然而它的每一个音符都在闪光,都散发着一种芳香,便是现在我还能体味到。朗诵完了,他便不见了,过了片刻,剩下的那人竟掩面痛哭起来。 于是我醒了。时值黎明,天穹深遂,偶而儿有几颗苍白的星星,并不焉语什么。我似乎若有所思。但一会儿便有一个哈欠将我领入了新的梦。仿佛是在暮色中邂逅一人,只交谈了几句,便告辞。或许我有所触动,当我回首时,他也不过走出十几步,然而却是足够的模糊。 北京的冬天下雪并不够。不过 1990年春节倒格外慷慨。伴随着漫天雪花的是纷纷扬扬的传闻:出国留学的政策要变!尽管如此,正月初六,我还是参加了GRE考试。过了若干天,文件便象悬剑一样坠下了。大伙儿见面常以一脸苦笑或绝望替代饭否。我则被泼了一盆凉水,不似以前那么酩酊了。 二月下旬的一个下午,我正闲躺在床上,一位久违了的老同学突然来访了。一见面,他就嚷嚷:不出国了!然而就是他,曾声称:要出国首先必须挤到门口,只要门开有缝隙,你便极有可能逸出;倘使待门大开时再行收拾,当你好不容易挤到门口,门多半又关上了。他也真挤到了门槛, TOEFL、GRE都不赖,加之学历优越,来有资助的通知应无问题。我的折腾至少有三分之一也是由他的格言驱使的。而眼下他竟变了卦!于是,我严词规劝。至于侨属问题,我说,车到山前自会有路的,其他问题你再斟酌一下,不出几年你定会反悔的。在游说的同时,不出国了这几个字却老是盘恒着。我知道,这是半年来我听到的最有想象力的一句话,它的金光由耳庭射入了我的胸腔。然而,我只能默默地品尝,无法将此告诉释放金光的人。 他离开以后,我仍旧闲躺着。太阳业已西斜,光线射进黯淡的陋室,构成一条隧道,无数的微尘攘来攘去以其中。我注视着这些忙碌的生灵,一种感觉复苏了!我沉醉与这种感官享受,全身的骨架都已散脱。起床时天空已呈铁青。猛然间,传来几声呀!呀!呀!的喊声。我抬头望去,大批的乌鸦正从窗前飞过。多少时,我没有听到这种晚祷声了?它们曾是许多文学作品中的伴唱,也曾激发过我的想象,显然,也曾经常这样飞越我的面前。 泪水夺眶而出。我成了铸成大错的孩子,又仿佛浪迹天涯的游子怀旧故里,或者,象一位饱受苦难的人终获解脱。我长久地伫立,听任泪水缓缓流下,缓缓穿过往事的针孔。天空低垂,大块大块的乌云宛若悬岩,随时都会崩塌,却又始终纹丝不动。倏地,我发现,前面建筑工地上的吊车竟是一座顶天立地的十字架。什么时候,工人们就已经下班了,而把寂静遗落在工地上什么时候,这座吊车就超过了吊车的本身,白天,它的手臂不停地旋转,把建筑材料艰难地吊上去。随着楼房一层一层地长高,它也循序渐进,且总高过楼顶。天色微暗的时候,手臂也就停止旋转,象钟表的指针,在精疲力竭的时刻,随便在天空的刻度盘上找个了钟点,便懒洋洋地打住了。 这便是隐嗫在诗集背后的一些布景。顺便提一下,北京市 2月份的GRE成绩因漏题而遭取消,不过这于我已是蛇足了。其实,感情的私事,是不可不必如此铺张的;况且,绝大多数诗篇与此外遇无干。南辕北辙,可想而知。 诗歌究竟是什么,似乎茹毛饮血的人尚不知求助于理论家,如希腊人之<荷马史诗>,希伯莱人之<圣咏集>,巴比伦人之<亡灵书>,印度人之<罗摩衍那>及中国人之<诗经>。他们只是用诗歌证明诗歌本身。自柏拉图把诗人撵出他的理想国后,亚里斯多德撰写了<诗什么?>。此后,随着王朝之兴衰更迭,诗山代有才人,独领风骚者也为数不少。 至二十世纪,据说是科学技术日新月异,海森堡在哥本哈根掷了毂子,爱因斯坦时儿坐在佳人旁,时儿坐在火炉边,诗歌理论便也斑斓起来。有时竟至一犬啥影,百犬啥声什么的。待门户重开后,中国便有了"朦胧诗"的称谓。如现代艺术许多流派的称谓(印象派,野兽派等)一样,朦胧诗也是极不贴切的。批评家糊一顶纸帽,以示讥讽,不料竟赢得了广泛的掌声,于是纸帽成了皇冠,继而便有少许的崛起,而且许是艺术的耻辱:它诉说着中国的诗坛在此之前的数十年间是何等的荒芜啊! 再此后便是主义蜂起,乱言纷争,南拳北腿,九流三教。而今东方白了,鸡也唱了,于是我也只得忘却了。只记得一句面有饥色的口头禅:诗就是诗。这话说者似乎是偷了闲,现在细嚼起来,倒也有些把凯撒的还给凯撒的奇崛。这又使我想起说不清来。者何为,说不清大抵是一句极有用的话。正如少时学画时我问父亲:画何最易?对曰:画鬼最易。我问如何,父亲说:鬼者,谁也未曾见过,说不清。既是说不清,引车卖浆之流便也可以拌拌舌。如同在堂屋中看见柱子上挂着一个那什么啥子,底下又坠着一个秤砣似的,却不住的乱晃这是什么东西?有煞用处呢? (后记:近二十年的时光,悠悠而去,回想当初,一帮 T友与G友,做题之余,趁兴涂鸦,此文即我一大学同系的Z学弟为主要贡献者,闲暇之余,一干众人七嘴八舌,都有程度不等的乱评,Z学弟于是今儿一段,明儿一段,渐成规模。现博文出来,也算是对哪一个年代的温馨回忆,与同道分享,又作寻我这位Z学弟的启事) (再记:我原来准备在我的博客上摘编一些Z学弟当初的激情创作。经知情人告知,Z已将他的这些涂鸦编辑成书,书名为《没有穹窿的教堂》,本篇是为序。与我当初保留的没有穹窿的教室,虽差一字,但显然功力高低,一字立见。不过我更喜欢原始的教室二字,也许与我是一个教员有关吧,这里向Z致歉。2009年2月6日)
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