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孙学军 2009-2-6 16:35
遇到障碍,回到脑缺血预防 第一篇文章完成后,我们投稿发生了问题,审稿专家认为我们的实验不够人道,我们是将多只动物放在低氧舱,观察致死时间,确实有点残忍,但这样的结果比较准确,实验组与对照组放在同样的条件下。这些结果我们反复多次进行研究。绝对可靠,效果十分好。遇到这样的问题,我们就暂时把文章放下,没有继续投稿,实际上这个决定是错误的,主要是当时的信心不足。 为了解决这个令人尴尬的问题,我们又回到经典的模型上,正好我在加拿大学习时掌握一种制备脑缺血的模型,这个模型的好处是稳定,几乎有100%成功,当然稳定性并不很好。这对我们的实验已经比较好。 进行预实验的研究,模型的成功率非常重要,因为失败的模型会影响实验结果的可靠性。不象治疗,我可以在模型结束后再分组。预实验的不能这样。 我把这个模型教会学生,就去做了,因为我们当时不知道采用什么样的暴露方案最有效,只能参考日本人的一个文章,采用5次10天的暴露方法,这个方案十分麻烦。给我们造成了不少困难。现在想想是当时不够大胆。先重复别人的也可以理解。因为我们已经发现了HIF这个分子很重要,我们就以这个分子为中心进行探讨。我们用这个模型确定了高压氧能诱导HIF,而且其活性是增加的。我们采用了DNA结合活性和PCR方法证明了这个观点。文章被美国应用生理学杂志接受,是目前我们发表的最好的文章。我一直很骄傲。 1: J Appl Physiol. 2008 Apr;104(4):1185-91. Epub 2008 Jan 3. Links Mechanism of ischemic tolerance induced by hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning involves upregulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha and erythropoietin in rats. Gu GJ , Li YP , Peng ZY , Xu JJ , Kang ZM , Xu WG , Tao HY , Ostrowski RP , Zhang JH , Sun XJ . Department of Diving Medicine, Faculty of Naval Medicine, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, People's Republic of China. We studied the effect of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) preconditioning on the molecular mechanisms of neuroprotection in a rat focal cerebral ischemic model. Seventy-two male Sprague-Dawley rats were pretreated with HBO (100% O(2), 2 atmospheres absolute, 1 h once every other day for 5 sessions) or with room air. In experiment 1, HBO-preconditioned rats and matched room air controls were subjected to focal cerebral ischemia or sham surgery. Postinjury motor parameters and infarction volumes of HBO-preconditioned rats were compared with those of controls. In experiment 2, HBO-preconditioned rats and matched room air controls were killed at different time points. Brain levels of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha (HIF-1alpha) and its downstream target gene erythropoietin (EPO) analyzed by Western blotting and RT-PCR as well as HIF-1alpha DNA-binding and transcriptional activities were determined in the ipsilateral hemisphere. HBO induced a marked increase in the protein expressions of HIF-1alpha and EPO and the activity of HIF-1alpha, as well as the expression of EPO mRNA. HBO preconditioning dramatically improved the neurobehavioral outcome at all time points (3.0 +/- 2.1 vs. 5.6 +/- 1.5 at 4 h, 5.0 +/- 1.8 vs. 8.8 +/- 1.4 at 8 h, 6.4 +/- 1.8 vs. 9.7 +/- 1.3 at 24 h; P 0.01, respectively) and reduced infarction volumes (20.7 +/- 4.5 vs. 12.5 +/- 3.6%, 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining) after cerebral ischemia. This observation indicates that the neuroprotection induced by HBO preconditioning may be mediated by an upregulation of HIF-1alpha and its target gene EPO. PMID: 18174394 全文
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