

tag 标签: 农林废弃物


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zhpd55 2012-9-26 17:08
美国农业部林务局 John A. Youngquist 等人 1994 年曾经完成了一份关于非木植物纤维用于建筑材料的文献评述研究报告General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-80: “ Literature Review on Use of Nonwood Plant Fibers for Building Materials and Panels ” ,报告内容 A4版面 长达近 150 页,分55个标题进行分别论述,其中包括引言、专利附录和作者索引之外,有52种农林植物,每一种的综合利用研究文献一一列出。 对于 1913-1993 年之间的 1165 篇(部)文献进行了统计分析及评述,其中有半数文献是 1975 年之后发表的, 1951 年之前发表的文献不足总数的 10% 。其中也包括中国专利等中文文献,另外还有 20 个国家或者专利机构的专利文献,可以说是一篇非常全面的1994年之前的农林废弃物综合利用加工建筑材料的综述性文献。 详细内容请浏览: http://doc.sciencenet.cn/DocInfo.aspx?id=13977 The research studies included in this review focus on the use of nonwood plant fibers for building materials and panels. Studies address (1) methods for efficiently producing building materials and panels from nonwood plant fibers; (2) treatment of fibers prior to board production; (3) process variables, such as press time and temperature, press pressure, and type of equipment; (4) mechanical and physical properties of products made from nonwood plant materials; (5) methods used to store nonwood plant materials; (6) use of nonwood plant fibers as stiffening agents in cementitious materials and as refractory fillers; and (7) cost-effectiveness of using nonwood plant materials.
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