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Umbrella of German Palaeobotany-51: Ernst Louis Kalkowsky
livingfossil 2017-4-12 19:49
Umbrella of German Palaeobotany-51: Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938 ) 德国地质学家 Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 院士 (1851--1938 ) 德国地质学家 Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938 )于 1851 年出生在今属俄罗斯的 苏维埃茨克 ( Советск / Sovetsk) 。他在莱比锡大学 ( University of Leipzig) 师从地质学家 Ferdinand Zirkel 教授 (1838--1912) ,于 1874 年获得博士学位。 。 1886 年, Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 在 Jena 大学获得矿物学和地质学教授职位。 1894 年, Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 接替古生物学家 Hanns Bruno Geinitz (1814-- 1900) 在德累斯顿技术学院 ( Technische Hochschule Dresden) 的教授职位。 1898 年, Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 继任 Hanns Bruno Geinitz 的 德累斯顿矿物及地质博物馆 (The Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie Dresden) 的馆长职位。 Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 对叠层石 (Stromatolite) 开展了先驱性研究。他于 1888 年当选德国科学院地质古生物学科的院士。 --------------------------- Brief life chronology of German geologist Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938 ) --1851: Born in Tilsit, east Prussia; Tilsit, east Prussia before 1946 (Currently known as Sovetsk, a town of Russia ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovetsk,_Kaliningrad_Oblast --1870: Attended the University of Leipzig; --1874: Completed a dissertation under the guidance of German geologist Ferdinand Zirkel (1838--1912), and received a doctorate degree with the thesis entitled “ Mikroskopische Untersuchungen von Felsiten und Pechsteinen Sachsensz ”; --1878: Passed the habilitation at the University of Leipzig with the paper entitled “ Die gneissformation des Eulengebirges ”; --1886: Appointed as professor Mineralogy and Geology at the University of Jena ( Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena ); --1886: Published-- Elemente der Lithologie: Für Studirende bearbeitet --1888: Elected to a member of the section of “Geologie und Paläontologie” of the German Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina; --1894: Appointed as professor of mineralogy and geology at Technische Hochschule Dresden (TH Dresden—later renamed as “Technische Universität Dresden”) so as to take over German palaeontologist Hanns Bruno Geinitz’s (1814--1900) teaching position; --1898: Took over Hanns Bruno Geinitz’s directorship position of Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie Dresden; --1919: Got retired; --1938: Died in Dresden at age of 87. --------------------------- Qigao Sun ( 孙启高 ): 古植物学的故事 529 期 Story of Paleobotany Series(No.529) The Epic of Palaeobotany-529 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany(51) German geologist Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938 ) 德国地质学家 Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 院士 (1851--1938 ) Feb 2017 相关阅读 : Umbrella of German Palaeobotany--An overview catalogue 《德国古植物学之伞》:概览 目录 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1036764.html 2017-3-1 07:44 German geologist Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938 ) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Kalkowsky https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Kalkowsky Kalkowsky, E., 1908. O ö lithund Stromatolith im norddeutschen Buntsandstein. Zeitschrift der Deutschengeologischen Gesellschaft 60: 68–125, pls 4–11 Stromatolite https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stromatolite 叠层 石 (原核生物所建造的有机沉积结构 ) http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%8F%A0%E5%B1%82%E7%9F%B3/1988176 Robert Riding, 2011. The Nature of Stromatolites: 3,500 Million Years ofHistory and a Century of Research. In:J. Reitner et al., Advances inStromatolite Geobiology, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 131, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10415-2_3,# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 古植物学的故事 498 期 Story of Paleobotany Series(No.498) The Epic of Palaeobotany-498 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (23) German palaeontologist Hanns Bruno Geinitz(1814--1900) 杰出的德国古生物学家 Hanns Bruno Geinitz 院士 (1814--1900) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1006223.html 2016-10-1 22:46 ============ SPS-529-German Ernst Kalkowsky (1851--1938)-rev6.pdf
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Umbrella of American Paleobotany-141-Herbert L. Mason
livingfossil 2015-8-4 01:37
美国植物学家 Herbert Louis Mason (1896--1994)是著名古植物学家Ralph Works Chaney (钱耐,1890—1971)的学生。1932年,Herbert Louis Mason在加州大学伯克利分校(University of California at Berkeley; UC Berkeley)获得博士学位。之后,他一直供职于该大学植物标本馆(University Herbarium at Berkeley)。1941年,Herbert L . Mason晋升为植物学教授和植物标本馆馆长。1963年退休。 虽然 Herbert L . Mason在其职业生涯主要从事现代植物分类学、地理学和生态学研究,但他的研究工作受到Ralph Works Chaney学术思想的影响。 ∮ 1 教育背景 ( Education ) 1921:A.B., Stanford University; 1923: M.A., University of California at Berkeley; 1932:Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley . Herbert L. Mason 的博士学位论文基本信息 : Title: A Pleistocene flora from the Tomales Bay region and its bearing on the history of the coastal pine forests of California. Author: Mason, H. L. (Herbert Louis), 1896-1994. Published:1932 CallNo.: QE931 .M3 ; Location: Bioscience Natural Resources Description:4 p. ℓ., 282 numb. ℓ. plates, fold. tables. Note:Many plates preceded by guard sheets with descriptive letter press. Thesis:Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, Berkeley, Dec. 1932. Subject: Paleobotany --Pleistocene. ; Paleobotany -- California-- Tomales Bay. Direct Link http://oskicat.berkeley.edu/record=b14407910~S53 ∮ 2 研究兴趣 (Research interests) 植物分类学、植物地理学和植物生态学 ∮ 3 部分论著 (Publications)(见附录) ----------------- 孙启高 2015年7月30日整理 ==================== 参见: Herbert Louis Mason (1896--1994) http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/uchistory/archives_exhibits/in_memoriam/catalog/mason_herbert_louis.html Herbert Louis Mason , 1896-1994, Director of the Herbarium Professor ofBotany, UC Berkeley In Memoriam1994 http://people.wku.edu/charles.smith/chronob/MASO1896.htm 古植物学的故事 372期 Storyof Paleobotany Series (No.372) 尊重自然历史尊重学术历史 铁打的营盘 VS 流水的兵 : Paleobotanyvs Paleobotanist http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-903352.html 2015-7-6 22:06 古植物学的故事 228 期 Storyof Palaeobotany Series (No.228) Umbrella ofAmerican palaeobotany--1: An unfinished list of American palaeobotanists http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-826366.html 2014-9-1005:45 古植物学的故事 370期 Storyof Paleobotany Series (No.370) Umbrellaof American paleobotany-129- Open the Umbrella of Americanpaleobotany -- 撑开美国古植物学之伞 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-901814.html 2015-7-1 00:02 古植物学的故事 254 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.254) Umbrella of American palaeobotany—62: 我所知道的 UC Berkeley(加州大学伯克利分校) A historical perspective of the palaeobotany of theUniversity of California at Berkeley http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-849778.html 2014-12-10 01:52 =============================== 附录: Herbert L . Mason的部分论著 A Pleistocene flora from Santa Cruz Island,California RW Chaney, HL Mason - 1930 -Carnegie Institution A Pleistocene flora from the asphalt depositsat Carpinteria, California RW Chaney, HL Mason - Carnegie Inst.Wash. Pub, 1933 Pleistocene flora of the Tomales formation Herbert L .. Mason - 1934 - Carnegie Institution The principles of geographic distribution as applied tofloral analysis HL Mason - Madroo, 1936 - JSTOR A pleistocene flora from Fairbanks, Alaska RW Chaney, HL Mason , PC Kaisen -1936 - American Museum of Natural History The edaphic factor in narrow endemism. I. The nature ofenvironmental influences HL Mason - Madroo, 1946 - JSTOR The edaphic factor in narrow endemism. II. The geographicoccurrence of plants of highly restricted patterns of distribution HL Mason - Madrono, 1946 - JSTOR Evolution of certain floristic associations in westernNorth America HL Mason - Ecological monographs,1947 - JSTOR Taxonomy, systematic botany and biosystematics HL Mason - Madrono, 1950 - JSTOR A flora of the marshes of California HL Mason - 1957 - books.google.com Language analysis and the concept environment HL Mason ,JH Langenheim - Ecology, 1957 - JSTOR The concept of the flower and the theory of homology HL Mason - Madrono, 1957 - JSTOR Nautral Selection as an Ecological Concept HL Mason , JH Langenhem - Ecology,1961 - JSTOR
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|3224 次阅读|0 个评论
走进非洲系列--南非皇家学会院士(FRSSAf) Louis Scott (1946--)
livingfossil 2015-2-20 08:19
走进非洲系列 -- 南非皇家学会院士 Louis Scott (1946--) 非洲植被演替和环境变迁的研究面临诸多困难和挑战。孢粉学是一种非常有用的研究手段。 Fig.1. Southern Africa (UN subregion) (南部非洲) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Africa#mediaviewer/File:LocationSouthernAfrica.png Fig.2. An elephant passing by Mt.Kilimanjaro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanzania#mediaviewer/File:Elephant_and_Kilimanjaro.jpg 南非皇家学会院士 Louis Scott (1946--) 是一位孢粉学家,他退休前供职于南非自由省大学植物科学系( The Department of Plant Sciences, University of the Free State , Bloemfontein )。 Louis Scott 长期从事第四纪孢粉学和非洲环境变化的研究。 Fig.3. Location of the FreeState in South Africa ( 南非自由省的位置 ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_State_(province)#mediaviewer/File:Free_State_in_South_Africa.svg ( 1 )关于南非自由省大学 南非自由省大学是公立大学,创建于 1904 年。历史沿革如下: The University of the Free State is a multi campus public university in Bloemfontein ,the capital of the Free State and the judicial capital of South Africa . Grey College (1904-1906) Grey University College (1906-1940s) University College of the Orange Free State (1940s-1950) University of the Orange Free State / Universiteit van die Oranje Vrystaat (1950-2001) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_the_Free_State http://www.ufs.ac.za/ ( 2 ) Louis Scott 的教育背景 1946 年, Louis Scott 出生于南非自由省。 1967 年,从自由省大学获学士学位(植物学与动物学); 1971 年从该大学获硕士学位(植物学); 1979 年,获博士学位(植物学)。 ( 3 )研究兴趣 Pollen morphology. Stratigraphic palynology (pollen analysis). Pollen analyses of archaeological sites. Long Quaternary continental records of environmental change. Palaeoenvironments of arid areas. Research : Late Quaternary palynology and environmental change ; Coprolite pollen analysis and pollen taphnomy ; Digitizing pollen reference material ( 4 )学术成就 Louis Scott 教授的论著有: Neumann F.H.,Botha, G.A. and Scott,L. 2014. 18,000 years of grassland evolution in the summer rainfall region ofSouth Africa – evidence from Mahwaqa Mountain, KwaZulu-Natal. Vegetationhistory and Archaeobotany (in press). Chase, B.M., Scott, L. , Meadows,M.E., Gil-Romera, G., Boom, A., Carr A.S., Reimer, P.J., Britton, M.N., Quick,L.J. 2012. Rock hyrax middens: a novel palaeoenvironmental archive in southern African dry lands. Quaternary Science Reviews 56 : 107-125. Scott, L.,Neumann, F.H., Brook, G.A., Bousman, C.B., Norstrm, E., Metwally, A. 2012.Terrestrial fossil-pollen evidence of climate change during the last 26 thousand years in Southern Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 32: 100-118. Neumann, F., Scott, L. , and Bamford,M. (2011) Climate change and human disturbance of fynbos vegetation during thelate Holocene at Princess Vlei, Western Cape, South Africa. The Holocene 21(7):1137 – 1150. Rossouw, L.and Scott,L. 2011. Phytoliths and pollen, the microscopic plant remains in Pliocene volcanicsediments around Laetoli, Tanzania. In: T. Harrison (ed.), Paleontologyand Geology of Laetoli, Tanzania: Human Evolution in Context. Volume 1:Geology, Geochronology, Paleoecology and Paleoenvironment, VertebratePaleobiology and Paleoanthropology. Springer Science+Business Media. Pp201-215. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-9956-3_9. Brook, G.A., Scott, L . Railsback, BGoddard, E. A. 2010. A 35 ka pollen and isotope record of environmental changealong the southern margin of the Kalahari from a stalagmite in Wonderwerk Cave,South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 74(5): 870-884. Norstrm E., Scott, L. , Partridge,T.C., Risberg, J. and Holmgren, K. 2009 Reconstruction of environmental andclimate changes at Braamhoek wetland, eastern escarpment South Africa, duringthe last 16000 years with emphasis on the Pleistocene-Holocene transition.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 271: 240–258. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2008.10.018 Scott, L. , Holmgren,K., and Partridge, T.C. 2008. Reconciliation of vegetation and climaticinterpretations of pollen profiles and other regional records from the last 60thousand years in the Savanna Biome of Southern Africa. Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 257: 198-206. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2007.10.018 Scott, L. andWoodborne, S. 2007. Vegetation history inferred from pollen in Late Quaternaryfaecal deposits (hyraceum) in the Cape winter-rain region and its bearing onpast climates in South Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 26: 941–953. Doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.12.012. Scott, L. andWoodborne, S. 2007. Pollen analysis and dating of Late Quaternary faecaldeposits (hyraceum) in the Cederberg, Western Cape, South Africa. ReviewPalaeobotany and Palynology 144(3-4): 123-134. DOI: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2006.07.004. Scott, L. , Cadman A.,and McMillan, I., 2006. Early history of Cainozoic Asteraceae along theSouthern African west coast. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 142: 47-52. Scott, L. , Bousman,C.B., Nyakale, M. 2005. Holocene pollen from swamp, cave and hyrax dungdeposits at Blydefontein (Kikvorsberge), Karoo, South Africa. QuaternaryInternational 129: 49-59. Scott, L, . Marais, E.and Brook, G.A. 2004. Fossil hyrax dung and evidence of Late Pleistocene andHolocene vegetation types in the Namib Desert. Journal of Quaternary Science 19(8): 829 - 832. Scott L. and Lee-ThorpJ.A. 2004. Holocene climatic trends and rhythms in Southern Africa. In:Battarbee R.W., Gasse F., and Stickley C.E. (eds), Past Climate Variabilitythrough Europe and Africa. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp.69-91. Scott, L. , Holmgren,K., Talma, A.S., Woodborne, S., and Vogel, J.C. 2003. Age interpretation of theWonderkrater spring sediments and vegetation change in the savanna biome,Limpopo Province, South Africa. S.A.J. Sci.: 99, 484-488. Scott, L. and Nyakale,M. 2002. Pollen indications of Holocene palaeoenvironments at Florisbad in thecentral Free State. South Africa. The Holocene 12(4): 497-503. Scott, L. 2002.Grassland development under glacial and interglacial conditions in SouthernAfrica: review of pollen, phytolith and isotope evidence. Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 177(1-2): 47-57. Scott, L . 2002.Microscopic charcoal in sediments and Late Quaternary fire history of thegrassland and savanna regions in Africa. Journal of QuaternaryScience17(1): 77-86. Scott, L. and Vogel.J.C. 2000. Evidence for environmental conditions during the last 20 000 yearsin Southern Africa from 13C in fossil hyrax dung. Global and Planetary Change26(1-3): 207-215. Scott, L. 1999a.Palynological analysis of the Pretoria Saltpan (Tswaing Crater) sediments andvegetation history in the bushveld savanna biome, South Africa. In: TCPartridge (ed.) Tswaing - Investigations into the origin, age andpalaeoenvironments of the Pretoria Saltpan, Council for Geosciences, Pretoria,143-166. Scott, L. 1999b.Thevegetation history and climate in the Savanna Biome, South Africa, since 190000 KA: A comparison of pollen data from the Tswaing Crater (the PretoriaSaltpan) and Wonderkrater. Quaternary International 57-58: 215-223. Scott, L ., Anderson,H.M. and Anderson, J.M. 1997. Vegetation History. In R.M. Cowlingand D. M. Richardson and SM. Pierce, eds. The vegetation of SouthernAfrica. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 62-84. Scott, L. andSteenkamp, M. 1996. Environmental history and recent human disturbance atcoastal Lake Teza, Kwazulu/Natal. South African Journal of Science: 92:348-350. Scott, L . 1996.Palynology of hyrax middens: 2000 years of palaeo-environmental history inNamibia. Quaternary International 33: 73-79. Scott, L. , Steenkamp,M., and Beaumont, P.B. 1995. Palaeoenvironmental conditions in SouthAfrica at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. Quaternary Science Reviews(Global Younger Dryas Issue) 14 (9): 937-947. Scott, L . 1995. Pollen evidence for vegetational and climate change during the Neogene andQuaternary in Southern Africa. In Paleoclimate and Evolution withEmphasis on Human Origins. ed. E. Vrba , G. Denton, T.C. Partridge, L.H.Burckle, pp. 65-76. Yale: Yale University Press. Scott, L. 1994.Palynology of late Pleistocene hyrax middens, south-western Cape Province,South Africa: a preliminary report. Historical Biology, 9: 71-81. Partridge,T.C., Kerr, S. J., Metcalfe S.E., Scott L ., Talma A.S.and Vogel J.C.. 1993. The Pretoria Saltpan: a 200 000 year southern Africanlacustrine sequence. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol. 101: 317-337. Scott, L. 1993Palynological evidence for late Quaternary warming episodes in Southern Africa.Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol. 101: 229-235. Scott, L. and Brink,J.S. 1992. Quaternary palaeoenvironments of pans in central South Africa:palynological and palaeontological evidence. S. A. Geographer: 19: 22-34. Scott, L. and Vogel J.C. 1992 Short-term changes of climate and vegetation revealed by pollenanalysis of hyrax dung in South Africa. Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology 74: 283-291. Scott, L ., Cooremans,B., and Maud R. R. 1992 Preliminary palynological evaluation of the PortDurnford Formation at Port Durnford, Natal coast, South Africa. S. Afr J.of Sci.: 88: 470-474. Scott, L . 1992 Environmental implications and origin of microscopic PseudoschizaeaThiergart and Frantz ex R. Potonié emend. in sediments. Journal ofBiogeography: 19: 349-354. Scott, L. 1990. Hyrax (Procaviidae) and dassie rat (Petromuridae) middens in paleoenvironmentalstudies in Africa. In: J. Betancourt, T.R. van Devender and P.S. Martin(eds.), Packrat middens: the last 40 000 years of biotic change. Univ.Arizona Press. Tucson 398-407. Scott, L. 1989. Late Quaternary vegetation history and climatic change in the eastern O.F.S,South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 55(1): 107-116. Scott, L. 1989. Climatic conditions in Southern Africa since the Last Glacial Maximum, inferredfrom pollen analysis. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol 70:345-353. Scott, L . 1987b. Late Quaternary forest history in Venda, Southern Africa. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology 53: 1-10. Scott, L. 1987a. Pollen analysis of hyena coprolites and sediments from Equus Cave, Taung,Southern Kalahari (S. Africa). Quaternary Research 28: 144-156. Scott, L. andThackeray, J.F. 1987. Multivariate analysis of Late Pleistocene andHolocene pollen spectra from Wonderkrater, Transvaal, S. Africa. S.A.Journal of Science 83(2): 93-98. Scott, L . andBonnefille, R. 1986. A search for pollen from the hominid deposits ofKromdraai, Sterkfontein and Swartkrans: some problems and preliminaryresults. South African Journal of Science 82: 380-382. Scott, L. 1985. Palynological indications of the Quaternary vegetation history of Marion Island(sub-Antarctic). Journal of Biogeography 12: 413-431. Scott, L. and van Zinderen Bakker, E.M. 1985. Exotic pollenand long-distance wind dispersal at a sub-Antarctic island. Grana 24:45-54. Scott, L . 1984a. Palynological evidence for Quaternary paleoenvironments in southernAfrica. In: R.G. Klein (ed.) Southern African Paleoenvironments andPre-history. Balkema, Rotterdam: 65-80. Scott, L. and Vogel,J.C. 1983. Late Quaternary pollen profile from the Transvaal highveld,South Africa. South African Journal of Science 79: 266-272. Scott, L. and Hall,K.J. 1983. Palynological evidence for interglacial vegetation cover onMarion Island, sub-Antarctic. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology 41: 35-43. Scott, L. 1982d. A Late Quaternary pollen record from the Transvaal bushveld, SouthAfrica. Quaternary Research 17: 339-370. Scott, L. 1982c. Late Quaternary fossil pollen grains from the Transvaal, South Africa. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 36: 241-278. Scott, L. 1976. Palynology of Lower Cretaceous deposits from the Algoa Basin (Republic of SouthAfrica). Pollen et Spores XVIII(4): 563-609. Scott, L. 1976. Preliminary palynological results from the Alexandersfontein Basin nearKimberley. Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 71: 193-199. 2009 年, Louis Scott 当选为南非皇家学会院士 (FRSSAf) 。 相关阅读: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Africa Royal Society of SA http://www.royalsocietysa.org.za/ Fellow of RSSAf=FRSSAf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Society_of_South_Africa Palaeobotany Safari to Africa非洲埃塞俄比亚高原的古植物学 Palaeobotanical studies in Ethiopian Highlands http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-866213.html 2015-2-7 00:06 Palaeobotany Safari to Africa非洲撒哈拉大沙漠的古植物学 Palaeobotanical studies in the Sahara deserts http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-866441.html 2015-2-7 23:43 Palaeobotany Safari to Africa 非洲热带雨林及其古植物学未解之谜 :非洲热带雨林的起源和演变问题 The unsolved palaeobotanical riddle: origin and evolution of African tropical rainforests http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-867409.html 2015-2-11 23:06 古植物学的故事 307 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.307) Umbrella of American palaeobotany—78: 走进非洲 Bonnie F. Jacobs African palaeobotany http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-868771.html 2015-2-18 00:30 古植物学的故事 308 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.308) Edna Pauline Plumstead (1903--1989) :从家庭主妇到院士 南非皇家学会院士 (FRSSAf)-- Edna Pauline Plumstead(1903--1989) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-868796.html 2015-2-18 06:19 古植物学的故事 309期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.309) 南非皇家学会院士 (FRSSAf) Marion Bamford http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-869061.html 2015-2-20 01:10 http://www.palaeosystems.co.za/People/Louis-Scott/ http://lscott-tribute.co.za/node/10 http://natagri.ufs.ac.za http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_State_(province) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_the_Free_State http://www.ufs.ac.za/ ==========
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Saint Louis University招博士生(计算生物学,基因组学等)
热度 2 zls111 2014-10-29 09:44
好朋友在 Saint LouisUniversity新开实验室,招博士生。 要求和奖励:学生motivated,对科研有兴趣就行。 提供全奖。 每年的1月1日前提交材料。 具体信息见网页: http://www.slu.edu/department-of-biology-home/dr-zhenguo-lin http://www.slu.edu/~zhenguolin/ PS: 好朋友科研很不错,发了不少不错文章。在他那里几年相信你也能发不少,得到好的锻炼,不比名校导师差。
4023 次阅读|6 个评论
[转载]Louis Agassiz (1807--1873) :不相信进化论?!
livingfossil 2014-10-16 00:11
Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) The crust of our Earth is a vast cemetery where the rocks are tombstones on which the buried dead have written their own epitaphs. -- The Silurian Beach,1866, Louis Agassiz ======================= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Agassiz Louis Agassiz ( / ˈ ɡ ə s i / ,in English), May 28, 1807 – December 14, 1873, was a Swiss-born and European-trained biologist and geologist recognized as an innovative and prodigious scholar of Earth's natural history , with later American writings that have received scrutiny because of particular racial themes. Agassiz grew up in Switzerland, and studied and received Doctor of Philosophy and medical degrees at Erlangen and Munich, respectively. After further studies with Cuvier and von Humboldt in Paris, Agassiz proceeded with research leading to his appointment as professor of natural history at University of Neuchtel . After visiting Harvard University mid-career, he emigrated to the U.S.in 1847 and became a professor of zoology and geology at Harvard, and to head its Lawrence Scientific School and found its Museum of Comparative Zoology .Agassiz made extensive contributions to ichthyological classification (including of extinct species) and to the study of geological history (including to the founding of glaciology ),and has become broadly known through student descriptions a thorough regimen of observational data gathering and analysis. The impressiveness of his vast institutional and scientific contributions to zoology, geology, and related areas—including many multivolume research series running to thousands of pages—has been somewhat tarnished by the evidence of his resistance to theories of Darwinian evolution ,and his extensive later writings on polygenism . ============================== http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/agassiz.html I have devoted my whole life to the study of Nature, and yet a single sentence may express all that I have done. I have shown that there is a correspondence between the succession of Fishes in geological times and the different stages of their growth in the egg — that is all. It chanced to be a result that was found to apply to other groups and has led to other conclusions of a like nature. Louis Agassiz, 1869 One of the great scientists of his day, and one of the founding fathersof the modern American scientific tradition, Louis Agassiz remains something of a historical enigma. A great systematist and paleontologist, a renowned teacher and tireless promoter of science in America, he was also a lifelong opponent of Darwin's theory of evolution. Yet even his most critical attacks on evolution have provided evolutionary biologists with insights. Biography of Agassiz The son of a minister, Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz was born on May 28, 1807 in the village of Mtier, in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Agassiz was educated in the universities of Switzerland and Germany as a physician, like many naturalists of the time. He studied with prominent German biologists, including Oken and Dllinger. These men were followers of Naturphilosophie, a German Romantic philosophy that sought metaphysical correspondences andi nterconnections within the world of living things. Though Agassiz later renounced this philosophy, he was never quite able to free himself from its influence. Receiving his medical degree from the University of Erlangen in1830, he went to Paris on December 16, 1831 to study comparative anatomy under Cuvier , the most famous naturalist in Europe. Cuvier was so impressed with Agassiz's work on fossil fishes that he turned over to Agassiz his own notes and drawings for a planned work on fossil fishes. Cuvier died on May 13, 1832, yet although their relationship lasted only months, Agassiz always considered himself anintellectual heir of Cuvier. For the rest of his life, Agassiz promoted and defended Cuvier's geological views and his classification of the animals. With the publication of his vast work on the fossil record of fishes, Poissonsfossiles, Agassiz's reputation began to grow in the scientific community. After Cuvier's death, Agassiz took up a professorship at the Lyceum of Neuchatel in Switzerland, where for thirteen years he worked on many projects in paleontology, systematics, and glaciology. Agassiz took up the study of glaciers in 1836 and was guided by colleagues Ignatz Venetz and Jean de Charpentier to examine the geological features of his native Switzerland.Agassiz noticed the marks that glaciers left on the Earth: great valleys; large glacial erratic boulders carried long distances; scratches and smoothingof rocks; mounds of debris called moraines pushed up by glacial advances. He realized that in many places these signs of glaciation could be seen where no glaciers existed. Previous scientists had variously explained these features as made by ice bergs or floods, but following the lead of others, Agassiz became a powerful proponent of the theory that a great Ice Age had once gripped the Earth, and published his ideas in tude sur les glaciers in 1840. His later book, Système glaciare (1847), presented further evidence for this theory, gathered all over Europe. Agassiz later found even more evidence of glaciation in North America. In1846, Agassiz came to the United States on a lecture tour; he was a huge popular success and his expertise was widely recognized and celebrated. In 1848 he accepted a professorship at Harvard. He immediately set about organizing anda cquiring funding for a great museum of natural history. In 1859 his dream came true with the founding of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, which opened its doors in 1860. This was the first publicly funded science building in North America. Agassiz labored for support of science in his adopted homeland; he and his colleagues urged the creation of a National Academy of Sciences , and Agassiz became a founding member in 1863.Agassiz was also appointed a regent of the Smithsonian Institution in 1863. He campaigned constantly for funds and resources for American science, and for his research projects in particular — and the funding grew and grew (although it never seemed quite enough for all that Agassiz wanted to do — and although Agassiz himself never quite finished most of his grand projects). Agassiz's scientific thought Agassiz stayed loyal to Cuvier's classification, which divided the animal kingdom into four embranchements (branches): Vertebrata, Insecta, Vermes(worms) and Radiata (radially symmetrical animals). Within each embranchement the classes could be ranked from lowest to highest; the orders in each class could be similarly ranked, and so on down to the species level, with Homos apiens sitting at the very top of the scale of life. The cornerstone of Agassiz's biological thought was his belief that the gradation from low to high forms, in any taxon, paralleled the order of appearance in the fossil record,the order of stages in the organisms' development, and the distribution and ecology of the taxon. The lowest forms were first found lowest in the rock record, their morphological features appeared earliest in embryonic development, and they are distributed today at the highest latitudes. Agassiz summed up his thought in his Essay on Classification , first published in1851: … the phenomena of animal life correspond to one another, whether we compare their rank as determined by structural complication with the phases of their growth, or with their succession in past geological ages; whether we compare this succession with their relative growth, or all these different relations with each other and with the geographical distribution of animals upon the earth. The same series everywhere! Darwin, and many others after him, accepted these parallelisms as providing evidence for evolution. Darwin wrote in The Origin of Species that this doctrine of Agassiz accords well with the theory of natural selection,although he was writing somewhat ironically because he did not agree with Agassiz's belief of a strict parallelism. Haeckel in particular invoked the recapitulation of phylogeny by ontogenyin support of evolution. But Agassiz was no evolutionist; in fact, he was probably the last reputable scientist to reject evolution outright for any length of time after the publication of The Origin of Species . Agassiz saw the Divine Plan of God everywhere in nature, and could not reconcile himself to a theory that did not invoke design. He defined a species as a thought of God. As he wrote in his Essay on Classification : The combination in time and space of all these thoughtful conceptions exhibits not only thought, it shows also premeditation, power, wisdom, greatness, prescience, omniscience, providence. In one word, all these facts in their natural connection proclaim aloud the One God, whom man may know, adore, and love; and Natural History must in good time become the analysis of the thoughts of the Creator of the Universe …. Agassiz was a staunch creationist; he taught that after every global extinction of life God created every species a new. This differed from the view of Cuvier, who recognized extensive and sometimes apparently quite abrupt changes in fossil faunas and their environments. Cuvier did not think that God re-created life;he thought that new species migrated in from elsewhere as climates and environments changed. Agassiz's works on living and fossil fishes and on glaciers have remained classics. His work on glaciers revolutionized geology, and drove another nail in the coffin of the Biblical Flood as a serious scientific hypothesis. He trained and influenced a generation of American zoologists and paleontologists, including Alpheus Hyatt, William Healey Dall, David Starr Jordan, Nathaniel Shaler, and Edward S. Morse. He left a mark on the development and the practice of American science,and brought science to the man in the street as no one else had before. People from all over the world read his books, sent him specimens, and asked his advice. By the time of his death, on December 14, 1873, he was the most famous scientist in America, and although he actually published few major scientific works after he emigrated, his popular books and public lectures made him extremely well-known and respected by the public. Scientifically, however,he was being left behind by his absolute rejection of evolution and his insistence on glaciers as a major force that shaped geology worldwide. Agassiz was also being left behind by his racist attitudes, which were extreme even for his day. In the early and mid-1800s there was considerable scientific debate about the origins of humans and of human races, and about just how different human groups were. This debate concerned all groups of plants and animals — how do you tell how much difference constitutes a species? — and was an important avenue of inquiry. Unlike Darwin and others, who thought that humans all belonged to one species and that their populations had differentiated through time as they spread geographically and adapted to new environments, Agassiz could not accept that all groups of humans belonged to the same species, and he argued vehemently for the inferiority of non-white human groups. He was not alone in this; several prominent scientists saw populational differences as major and discontinuous, and used various statistical and other arguments to support this. But Agassiz was also physically revulsed by the idea that all humans were equal. In this feeling he was not alone, but increasingly he was seen as the product of a bygone age himself. His philosophy of nature, aiming to understand the Divine Plan, is the last great expression of the old school of natural theology, started by men like John Ray almost two hundred years before. Natural theology had once inspired countless scientists, including Darwin and his forerunners, but by the time of publication of The Origin of Species it had largely run out of steam, unable to offer any real explanation for natural phenomena except God made it that way.Within Agassiz's lifetime, and much to his grief, most of his students —including his son Alexander, a well-known naturalist in his own right — became evolutionists, though not necessarily Darwinians. Agassiz's idea of the three-fold parallelism — that the order of appearanceof animals in the fossil record largely mirrors the order of appearance of their morphological features during the development of animals, and that this in turn mirrors the arrangement of their phylogenetic relationships — was not strictly accepted even in his day, although many facts are consistent with it. Like many biological generalizations, there are too many exceptions to its principles to use it as a strict guide. And we must remember that Agassiz did not accept evolution, so the explanation of why these patterns would make sense to modern biology would have been anathema to him. Still, the general concordance of patterns that he noticed and described stimulated much research in his day. It would not be correct to say that today's comparative biology and evolutionary developmental biology (orevo-devo) owe a great debt to Agassiz, but at least he saw the grand scheme of many of its patterns, despite his refusal to accept evolution. ---------------------------- The Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, founded by Agassiz, is still a leading natural history museum. The 1869 French translation of Agassiz's Essay on classification includes a chapter, not found in earlier editions, that clearly explains Agassiz's reasons for resisting Darwinism. This chapteris available on the Web thanks to its translator, Paul J. Morris . http://www.athro.com/general/atrans.html ------------------------------------------
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|2113 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 13 wsyokemos 2013-1-21 01:21
首先要说明的是:本文所谈的美国的两个华盛顿大学都不在美国首都华盛顿,一个是位于华盛顿州第一大城市同时也是美国西部沿海名城 — 西雅图,其英文校名为 University of Washington,  为区分另文一所华盛顿大学,以下简称 UW 。另外一所华盛顿大学则是位于密苏里州的第二大城市 —圣路易斯的 Washington University in St. Louis , 以下简称为 WUSTL , WUSTL 当初的官方校名为 Washington University ,显而易见,这个校名很容易和 University of Washington 混淆 , 因此,该校董事会在 1976 年决定将官方校名加上“ in St. Louis ”,以更好的区分 UW 。这两所大学中的 UW 显然是由于其位于华盛顿州才称为华盛顿大学的,而 WUSTL 则是为纪念美国伟大的总统乔治 . 华盛顿而命名的。事实上在美国的首都 华盛顿有一所完全以 乔治 . 华盛顿的名字命名的大学,即: G eorge Washington University (乔治 . 华盛顿大学) ,  大概由于位于首都的缘故,其政治学和法学排名突出。该校不在本文的主要讨论之列。 UW 和 WUSTL ,虽然前者是公立,后者是私立大学,但是两者有许多相似之处,我能想到的至少有如下几点: 两校的整体水平都是一流的,尤其是生物医学领域实力强大。两校虽然都算不上美国的顶级大学,但其声望和科研实力都不可小觑。 UW 由于是公立大学,本科排名相对靠后,但至少也在 40-50 之间,该校的医疗领域的专业研究生项目大多都很靠前,尤其是护理专业,自从《美国新闻与世界报道》有大学排名以来,一直都是第一名。值得一提的是,美国的护士(尤其是麻醉护士和有处方权的 Nurse Practitioner ) 绝对收入和相对收入都远非我国护士可比。另外, UW 的药学院和医学院也都是美国 Top10 。而 WUSTL 的本科排名则要好的多,美国第14。该校的医学院全美排名第6,理疗第2,社会学院、商学院和建筑学院都是 WUSTL 的优势专业,排名靠前。事实上,我此前的博文都曾提及两所华盛顿大学,比如蛋白质质谱与蛋白质组学领域的大牛 Ruedi Aebersold ,其最重要的标志性成果就是当年在 UW 做出来的 ( 参见 : 谁是蛋白质质谱与蛋白质组学领域世界第一牛人? ) 。 而 WUSTL 则出了一位知名度更大的牛人: Oliver Howe Lowry ,他就是 Lowry 蛋白定量法的发明人,该法的相关论文发表在生物化学最著名的期刊 JBC 上,该论文是迄今所有学科中被引次数最高的,在 2004 年就已高达 28 万次(参见: 全球史上被引用次数最多的论文—兼议诺贝儿奖 ), Lowry 曾在 WUSTL 长期工作,并曾担任该校的医学院院长。 WUSTL 还有一个亮点:当年的人类基因组计划( HGP ),我国仅承担了 1% 的测序任务, WUSTL 以一校之力就承担了 25% 。另外,全球最大的制药公司 —辉瑞 ( Pfizer ) , 在全球设立了为数很少的几个研发中心,其中之一就在 WUSTL 所在的圣路易斯,大概也是由于 辉瑞 看好 WUSTL 医学院超强的科研实力。最近 辉瑞由于研发经费缩减,在 圣路易斯的研发中心几年前已经裁员了几百人,几年后有可能永久关闭该中心,但是 辉瑞与 WUSTL 的合作确在不断加强,最近 辉瑞与 WUSTL 医学院就签订了一个几千万美元的合作合同。 两校建校都较早且时间接近: WU 建校于 1861 年, WUSTL 则 建校于 1853 年 ( 见文首两校校徽 ) ,都有超过 150 年的历史。 两校都位居名城:尤其是 UW 所在的西雅图及其附近的卫星城是不少业内世界顶级大公司的总部所在地,如地球人都知道的微软 ; 世界最大的网上零售商 — 亚马逊(近几年华丽转身,成功开发了 Kindle 系列 电子阅读器和平板电 脑 ) ; 飞机制造业老大 —波音 ( 最近波音 787 出事故,估计老总很郁闷 ) 。虽然波音于 2001 年将其全球总部从西雅图搬到了美国第三大城市—芝加哥,但在 2001 年前西雅图一直是其公司总部,即使是 2001 年后,波音的最大分部仍在西雅图。而 WUSTL 所在的圣路易斯都市区也是不少跨国大公司的世界总部,如全球最大的化学品供应商 Sigma-Aldrich, 估计科学网上从事实验科学的大多数博主都或多或少的用过该公司的产品。另外还有世界最大的农业生物工程公司 —孟山都。相信大多数中国人都是该公司直接或间接的用户,该公司几乎垄断了我国的大豆产业,我国大豆消费量的 80% 靠进口,而孟山都的转基因大豆则是主要进口来源。另外两所城市也都多次在影视作品中出现:如在西雅图拍摄的、著名影星汤姆 × 汉克斯主演的《 西雅图不眠 夜》(又译为“缘分的天空”)。在 圣路易斯拍的最为著名的中文电影大概要数《刮痧》了,该片由香港影星梁家辉和大陆影星蒋雯丽主演,这是我所知道的非常典型的展示中美文化冲突的电影,以刮痧为切入点,又涉及中美对孩子教育方式等诸多差异和冲突,拍的很精彩,两位影星演的也很到位,强烈推荐。值得一提的是,香港 人 梁家辉英语好,不稀奇,而来自中国大陆的蒋雯丽在影片中流利的英语对白让人印象深刻,她是我所知道的中国大陆影星英语说的最好的演员,很难得。 两校的著名华人校友:两校培养了包括不少诺贝尔奖得主在内的世界各国各界精英,其中 UW 的最著名的华人校友非李小龙莫属了,根据维基百科中文版介绍:李小龙“ 1940 年出生在美国旧金山, 1961 年以优异成绩考入华盛顿大学,于 1961 - 1964 年在华盛顿大学攻读哲学 (博主注:这一点我估计科学网绝大多数人都和我一样,以前并不知道) , …. 李小龙结合世界各流派武术和哲学理论创立了截拳道。李小龙位列世界七大武术家之一,是在全球范围最有影响力的华人,也是将中国功夫传播到全世界的第一人,打入好莱坞的首位华人, …. 。 ” WUSTL 最为著名的华人校友估计要数 香港 科技大学创校校长 吴家 玮 了,他在上世纪 50 年代在 WUSTL 留学,获该校物理学硕士和博士。另外一位来自中国大陆的名人是陈章良,他 1987 年获 WUSTL 博士学位。 估计科学网网友一般都知道他曾任中国农业大学校长,现任广西自治区副主席。 (王守业写于 2013 年 1 月 20 日,文首两校之校徽链接自网络,感谢作者。本文引文地址为:)
个人分类: 美国大学|36161 次阅读|35 个评论
热度 1 libseeker 2012-10-18 17:05
抄录自:严文郁著.美国图书馆名人略传.文哲史出版社,1998.10:227-232 路易·威尔逊是芝加哥大学图书馆学研究所的掌门人和大师。有美国图书馆Dean的美誉。毕生事业一帆风顺,多福多寿。同辈及后生无不对他十二分尊敬,堪称图书馆顶尖人物。 威尔逊于1876年与美国图书馆学会同年生在北卡罗莱纳州的Lenoir乡村,居民只有300人。内战结束后,喘息于经济复苏,生活艰苦。他为兄姐中最小的,自幼受到父亲新教伦理观念的熏陶,循规蹈矩,还有母亲富有直觉性的遗传,有强烈的成功欲。因生活受到无形压迫,塑造成为一个参与者、作领袖和实践主义者。自12岁起即在教堂服务,管理主日学课堂的书籍。热心教会事业,成名后在本州创建一所教堂并充董事。他智体兼优,不沾烟酒,爱好运动,尤其网球。在北卡州立大学时,常与校长Edward Graham在球场讨论问题。弱冠后酷嗜阅读,体会到无知为社会带来灾害,读书可以解决问题。他们家庭重视教育,有一兄长Edwin在宾州Haverford College任教,为他请获奖学金,读了二年,不耐北地凛冽的风寒,回到家乡Chapel Hill进入北卡大学,二年毕业后。他嫌中学待遇微薄,不想作教员。大学教务长以年薪500元请他管理图书。虽没有图书馆经验,因为收入优厚而接受。他发现图书馆地方窄隘,须要扩建。三万册藏书用固定号码排列书架上,极不方便,遂改用杜威十进分类法,重新编目。校方代他向卡内基基金会申请到55000元建筑费,1907年新馆落成,那时他已三十岁,正是创业的年龄。1905年他以美国文学研究生主题完成论文,得到博士学位。二年后与Penelope B.Wright女士结婚。此时他有许多教书机会,但条件均不甚理想,故决定以图书馆为终身志业。正值北卡改为州立大学,以普及教育号召,他则认为推广教育,图书馆应扮演重要角色。 建筑问题解决,下一步为发展藏书。学校常年经费不能在购书方面有所突破,卡内基补助也无济于事,他必须另想办法筹措购书经费。1916年北卡毕业生Stephn B.Weeks收藏了3.1万册有关北卡州的书籍,愿以2.5万元出售。因为其中一部分为学校收藏,双方商议很久以2万元成交。校长也赞成购买这批书,故请董事会特别拨款买将下来。到1921年藏书量已达10万册,为南方六大藏书之一。他定下25万册的目标,于1930年完成。因此声誉日隆,1920年被聘为Kepan Professor。当他40岁时已发表论文30篇,大露头角,闻名全国。他在行政方面尤其干练,培植了很多有才干的部属,如Robert Downs(伊利诺大学馆长)、Donold Coney(加州大学伯克莱分校馆长)等。他曾说近代图书馆对馆员的资格要求较高,仅受一年专业训练得学士学位者,欲求其能在行政上成功,有足够的学养指导读书,参与制订大学政策是不可能的。今后大学图书馆人选必须有理想、有自发性,对大学图书馆的使命彻底了解,还须另有一专科之长,能运用图书馆设备与大学教育计划互相配合,才能担当重任。 威尔逊早想办一所图书馆学校,1919与1923年二次向校方作出建议,皆未成功。1926年他被选为美国图书馆学会教育委员会成员,学校委托他为南方黑人筹划一所图书馆学校。翌年卡内基基金会执行干事Keppel就如何改善南方图书馆事业,征询北卡校长Chase的意见,威氏怂恿校长以在北卡成立专门学校作答,并要求25万元的开办费。当初只要办一所大学程度的学校,后来学会教育委员会“认可”标准调查北卡状况时,将北卡列为研究院级。大学对这种意想不到的成果感到兴奋与鼓励,可是他们只从卡内基得到10万元的补助。威氏为学校制订蓝图,与社会学院合聘一研究教授,又为学生成立实验图书馆。1932年大学又重建一所新图书馆,收买二批私人藏书,组织“图书馆之友社”,为图书馆募捐。这一连串的措施令人瞩目。在新馆落成典礼时,州长亲临致词宣称“这不只是一座钢石的建筑物,而是一个梦想的实现,与牺牲和热忱的结晶品。此人就是威尔逊博士。在百般困难与挣扎之际,我们能为本州贫寒子弟与富足地区的青年得到受同等教育的机会,然后将本卡州造成优美健全的社会,可以安居乐业。” 威尔逊得到鼓励,计划接二连三地出笼:成立一所全国性的图书馆,收藏南方文化学术发展的文献。1920年他从Hanes基金会获得三万元,作为研究书史的经费,买了几本15世纪出版的摇篮本古籍,又办出版部,自兼主任。北卡的特藏图书馆即以Wilson命名。 1929年图书馆之友社募到捐款,他增购目录工具书,因为在南方从Kansas到华盛顿,除国会图书馆外,没有图书馆注意目录资料的搜集。只可惜他预定25万册目标没有达成,到1932年只有23.5万册。但他不气馁,锲而不舍地继续努力完成其计划。 1920年芝加哥大学会请威尔逊到图书馆学研究所作过调查,因而所作改革建议颇中时弊,于是请他出任所长之职。时值北卡发展走入高峰,他何忍挂冠而去,乃婉言谢却。那时芝大图书馆学研究所办得不如人意,亟待整顿。1927年校长Robert M.Hutchins趁赴Chapel Hill开会之便,再邀威氏恳谈。Hutchins对造就图书馆员颇具诚意,威氏为之感动,但仍犹豫不决,一方面北卡计划方兴未艾急待完成,另一方面芝大情况十分糟烂,收拾不易,到芝大还须教课,从头准备。经过数年商榷,终于在1932年接受芝大的聘约,走马上任。时年55岁,离退休只有十年岁月,可谓已接近黄昏。他首肯的理由为:(1)薪金与北卡相同,(2)学年四季有一季休假,(3)他认真造就英才。北卡虽以校长职位为饵,他仍然没有留下的意思。 就职之处,威氏草拟发展计划书,名为“Things to begin to do about Chicago:a Chicago Idea”先将能得到图书馆学书籍及期刊统统浏览一遍,俾对图书馆古往今来的历史彻底了解以作施政方针。他召集院内全体教师开会讨论前途。当时的教授有Douglas Waples,Willian Randall,Pierce Butler等人,皆为大名鼎鼎的权威人士,而且有永久合同,应付不易。在讨论很久之后,大家以为他会将讨论结果付诸表决,据知他说声“谢谢”就闭会了。威氏对人言,主持一个学院与办理一个图书馆迥然不同;教授的意见不能不理会,反映馆员的要求则不费脑筋。不过他以大无畏精神,大权独揽,计划定出义无反顾地按步推行。十年之间未遇障碍。Robert C.Cook曾作过一次民意调查,征询一万名教授将各院院长作一评鉴,图书馆学教授一致认为威尔逊是成功的院长。 到任不久,威氏向卡内基基金会提出报告,建议三点:(1)恢复学院自信心,(2)办理“认可”问题,(3)招收各种不同背景的学生。对于第二点他忧心忡忡,因芝加哥只有硕士班。幸好评鉴委员三人将芝大列入一等学校,与哥伦比亚,加大伯克莱,伊利诺和密西根同等级。这样结果使卡内基大为高兴,窃喜芝大研究所已成气候。为第三点他访问其他学校作他山之助。在录取学生中,人才辈出,多跻身大学高位,贡献良多。博士班有1500元助学金,更能吸收人才。其中佼佼者有:F.W.MeDiarmid(1931-32),J.P.Danton(1933-35.按:此人生长在北京清华学校),Robert A.Miller(1934-1936),Maurice F.Tauber,(1938-39)等。这些优秀人才都当上著名大学图书馆馆长或名教授。后来威氏将训练重点放在行政才干方面,校长Hutchins及ALA执行干事Carl H.Milam皆鼓励他向这方面发展。十年之间产生博士17人,泰半在学府担任馆长,即推行此政策的绩效。 1930年Waples教授从卡内基获得经费,创刊Library Quarterly杂志,将学生研究成果在该刊发表,Waples且欲出版单行本业书,卡内基未同意,威尔逊决定由研究所自己出版。本着在北卡出版部的经验,与芝大出版部协议双方能接受条件发行业书。其中包括很多力作,如:Bulter的Introduction to Library Science(1933),William Randall and Francis C.D.Goodrich的Principles of College Library Adminstration(1936),等一共27册。因他是所长,扉页上标明他为编辑,他不仅挂名,而且是实际做着编辑工作。他以此业书自傲,视与哥伦毕业师范学院出版的Contributions to Education及哈佛商学院的Economic Studies等量齐观。 威尔逊在芝大的成绩,将他带到校外活动的空间。他为17个大学图书馆作过访问调查,包括哥伦比亚、斯坦福、康奈尔、乔治亚、南卡罗莱纳。其中以乔治亚最为成功,该校对他的建议全部接纳。但南卡则完全失败,他建议增加经费,校方反而削减,认为他的药不对症。他建议大学图书馆的基本原则应为:大学图书馆须聘用优秀人次啊,与教授群合作将学校宗旨和目标实现出来;图书馆的组织、管理、经费皆须健全,俾能为学校作出有效的服务;图书馆是学校组合体一部分,应扮演重要角色。 威尔逊的著作以他和门人Maurice F.Tauber合著的The University Library最有影响力,光芒闪耀,图书馆界奉为圭臬。直到1971年Rutherford Rogers和David Weber合著的University Library Administration问世后才遇到对手。 芝加哥学院派在威氏的领导之下,用科学方法从事研究,在他们的著作中蕴蓄着图书馆科学的阐释,尤其Pierce Butler的图书馆哲学。威氏赞同Butler的说教,认为以图书馆界墨守成规,以当时一般领袖马首是瞻,没有前瞻性的改进。芝大派的人则提出问题,加以分析,以科学方法作出改进。Waples在其Investigating Library Problem一书中,认为科技是挽救图书馆的灵丹,引用科技可以获得经济与效率。机械的运用,如自动化和电脑都是不可缺少的工具,用以促进革新服务的方式。这是威尔逊极力提倡的。 威尔逊写过自传,但未完篇。他炫耀在芝加哥的成就,少提在北卡的往事。他重视他的历史地位。当Taubert在1957年为他写传时,他说著者在书中留存许多人对他的批评与偏见,可能令读者产生误解。这种想法是他自我中心的性格所致。 威尔逊的人生与宗教思想有关,他将罪恶、愚蠢、错误连在一起;善良、和谐、正确合为一体。他一向被人视为宗教领袖,行业的龙头,富有想象力及远见、判断清晰准确,勤奋忍耐等特质。精力充沛,外表谦和。开始在南方建立声威,继在芝加哥表现突出,在大学图书馆界有特殊地位。芝大同人称他为Dean,Bedford誉他为The Dean of Library Surveyers,Tauber拜他为Dean of the American University Librarianship,Baker更奉他为Dean of American Librarianship,他的地位与日俱增。 终其一生,威氏的行政能力始于北卡(1905-1932),终于芝大(1932-1942)。他的著作广被全国,超越时空。他的调查报告至今为人借镜。最后绝笔Louis Round Wilson Sketches(Durham,N.C.Moore Publishing Co.1976)作了许多回忆,在他100岁生日完成。他于1979年12月10日以103岁超龄永息,堪称人瑞。 延伸阅读: 路易.罗德.威尔逊 Louis Round Wilson(1876-1979) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Round_Wilson Louis Round Wilson (27 December 1876 – 10 December 1979) was an important figure to the field of library science, and is listed in “100 of the most important leaders we had in the 20th century,” an article in the December 1999 issue of American Libraries. The article lists what he did for the field of library science, including founding the library school at the University of Chicago, directing the library at the University of North Carolina/Chapel Hill, and as one of the “internationally oriented library leaders in the U.S. who contributed much of the early history of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.” 读秀链接. http://book.duxiu.com/bookDetail.jsp?dxNumber=000002124452d=E3C621B8781E69C0934588542A3A5AB1fenlei=11090407sw=%CD%BC%CA%E9%B9%DD+%C3%FB%C8%CB 关于严文郁先生: 珍奇:图林寿星兄弟百岁有余.http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-213646-248005.html 严文郁(1904.9.1-2005.9.25)是著名的图书馆学家和图书馆人,民国时期曾担任北大图书馆主任和西南联大图书馆主任之职,经历了北大图书馆民国时期最为辉煌的发展阶段和最为艰辛的苦撑阶段 。
个人分类: 学海拾贝|4558 次阅读|2 个评论
67位美国最著名的肩关节专家 之6 纽约 Louis Bigliani, MD
GaoXurenKnee 2012-10-12 23:44
67位美国最著名的肩关节专家 之6 纽约  Louis Bigliani, MD
Louis Bigliani, MD (Columbia Orthopaedics, New York City.). Louis Bigliani医生(纽约市 哥伦比亚骨科) Louis Bigliani医生纽约市哥伦比亚骨科的一名医生。Louis Bigliani医生在美国伊里诺斯州梅伍德美罗耀拉大学斯特里奇医学院获得医学学位,在纽约市哥伦比亚大学医学中心纽约骨科医院完成骨科住院医师培训。Louis Bigliani医生还在纽约骨科医院接受了肩关节外科训练及植入假体训练。目前Louis Bigliani医生目前是哥伦比亚大学骨科教授、骨科主任、肩肘运动医学中心主任、纽约长老会医院哥伦比亚医学中心骨科主任。Louis Bigliani医生曾任美国骨科医师学会主席,是美国肩肘关节医师学会创始人之一。 美国 哥伦比亚大学医学中心 肩、肘、运动医学中心 网站 Louis Bigliani医生的介绍链接: http://cses.cumc.columbia.edu/doctors-bigliani-about.html 江苏省徐州医学院附属医院骨科  关节镜、膝肩肘关节外科、骨科运动创伤方向 高绪仁 高绪仁:每天以解决膝、肩、肘关节问题为乐:) 每天努力提高自己的技术和服务水平 不仅仅是解决其膝、肩、肘关节问题,更是给其带来希望、未来和新生!
个人分类: 膝关节外出学习与交流|3297 次阅读|0 个评论

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