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langqi1988 2013-3-2 17:24
今天speaking test 是一个蓝眼睛的考官,人很和蔼。不管你的英语水平如何,考官都不会让你有不舒服的地方。整体水平还是那样,木有任何起色啊。问了好多吃的问题,最喜欢的汤是什么,中国人喜欢在嘈杂的环境中吃饭,这是为什么?感觉这个老外的口音有点重,有些地方听不懂。 这次能否有点起色那,期待期待。
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热度 2 panghuanzhi 2013-2-6 00:12
Section1 Listening 第一位听力老师张涓一上来就是实战演习,训练各种场景: 场景名词: direction, job interview, film or play, news bulletin, lecture, conversation between friends, instructions, traffic report, public announcement. 听地点: London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Lees; 11 Forest Street/Avenue(number + name + Avenue/Street/Road)… 听名字: Family name, last name, surname( 姓 );given name, first name, Christian name( 名 ) 听日期: 26 th , March (读作 March the 26th ) Restaurant scene words Three courses: starters, main course, desserts Dishes/cuisine (e.g. chuan cuisine): raw/well done Steak; red meat(beef;lamb);white meat(pork;chicken;duck);fish Taste:spicy;sweet;salty;sour;bitter;numbing Cooking: keep the lid(cover) on the pan;steam;fattening Waiter related:coat; mill; check; order;drink;main course;wine;book/reserve seat/table;catch desert House Renting How much is the rent? When is the rent due? How much deposit is required? Will I get all my deposit back?/ Is the deposit refundable? Are/Is bills/utilities/insurance included/excluded? How long is the rental agreement? Will the rent go up?/The rent will go up after the lease expires. Can I sub-let?/You can be evicted if you break the terms of your tenancy agreement. How much notice must I give if I want to leave early?/You need to give two months’ notice. Who do I contact if there is a problem? Accommodation: single/private room; student house/hostel/dormitory;study( 书房 );hosting family/homestay;Bank up/down( 高低床的上下铺 )/hotel/motel(these two charge by room) Building: Landmark/ornament of their creation; arch shape;architect(person);architecture;firm;ceramics;inspiration;consist;spectators;magical Product: both in home and office;ink jet printer; postal code; combination; how to set up a business; save up to; survey scene; not interactive with customers; fall short of; Bank:saving/saver account; current count/checking; debt/credit card; check book; balance; bill; traveller’s check; overdraft; bank card; Posts:package;snail man;custom label;surface mail;international signed for; airsure;priority handling; online tracking Doctor:register; list of doctors; walk-in clinic; symptoms(cough;headache;cavity in my tooth/decayed;upset stomach;running nose/cry;high temperature;head dizzy;trouble;allergic; blisters in my mouth; sore throat) ; diagnosis(X-ray;prescription;pharmacy/drug store;medical care;) Sports:(holiday by seaside)relaxing on the beach,swimming, playing in the sea, making sand castles;(sight-seeing)looking around museum, going to cathedral, hopping on a city bus; (skiing)catching the cable car, top of the mountain, zoom down, fantastic scenery;out-door activities(mountain bike riding, canoeing horse riding,doing exciting things);camping(being out-doors, waking up in a tent, going fishing all day);cruise(sit on the deck and relax, look out to sea) Airport:booked out;check in luggage/boarding passs;security clearance(weapon;explosives;drugs);departure lounge;announcement;heading for;standby passage;next flight 第二位听力老师何梅蓉则是从最基本的字母发音开始训练: 字母: /i/,/i:/ 后面的元音前加 /j/,e.g. be able/bi:jebl/;/ou/,/u/,/o/,/u:/ 后面元音前加 /w/,e.g.no online/nou wonlain/;/o:/,/e:/,/e/ 后面元音前加 /r/, e.g. the evergreen/re:vegri:n/ 专项训练: 1. time:12:00pm/midday( 中午 12 点 );12am/midnight( 凌晨 12 点 ) ; 2. cardinals:billion,million,thousand,e.g. 100,002:one hundread thousand and two 3. Decimals:1.1-one point one;0.1-nought point one 4. Ordinal numbers:the 21 st ,the 22 nd ,the 23 rd ,the 24 th …twelfth, eightieth 5. Dates:Sun;Mon;Tue;Wed;Thur;Fri;Sat;Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;July;Aug;Sept;Oct;Nov;Dec 6. Fraction:2/3 two over three/two thirds;369/692 369 over 692;5/2 five over 2;what proportion/fluction/number? 7. Measurement:centimeter(s);meter(s);kilometer(s);inch(es);foot/feet;yard(s);mile(s);height;length;width;The table has a length/width/height of n cm/m/km/in/ft/yd/ml; 8. Food:firstly take order;secondly start with;then followed by sth/sth to follow;afterwards;starters;main course;vegetables;sweet/Dessert;Drinks;continental/American(Britain) breakfast(simpler/richer) 9. Money:Ame. Cent(s);dollar(s),e.g.ten cents;Bri. Penney/pence;pound(s);e.g.2.8dollars:two dollars eighty cents/two dollars eighty/two eighty 10. Check/Cheque:Pay sb, seven pounds eighty, signature; 11. Telephone: -Is that..?-Yes.-I’d like to speak to sb?;direct telephone;internal system;directory enquiries;operator;ext.(extension 分机号 ) 12. Note:Note for sb: A is coming to see you on Friday at 12:05 13. Accommodation:-Have you got a single room for one night,please?-Yes, Room 124 on the first floor.-How much is it?-12.5dollars, including breakfast.;double/single/standard room;booking room;renting a flat;landlord/landlady;lodger(Am)/tenant(Br);excluding/including the cost of sth;vacant;empty;available; 14. Describe something: People: straight/curly hair;big/small/pointed beard;moustache/bald;He is thin on the top;smile ear to ear;short-sighted;wearing glasses;mediate height/built; Bicycle:handle bars-the brakes,gears,bell,front lamp; Frame-crossbar,pump;Front wheel-forks,spokes,mudguard;Chain and peddles-chairguard/chain/pedals;Rear wheel-forks,spokes,mudguard,carrier,rear lamp; A block of flats:ground(1st) floor;the first floor(2nd) A street plan:what’s on your right?which road are you now in?what is the building on your left?what is the building on your right?on my way to the bank to cash a check, I had to call in the library to return some overdue books; A route map:north;west of;flew northeast to an airport near east coast of …;fly north; 总的来说,何老师所提到的 active listening 就是 listen to the gist/specifics/state, 在看懂题目和预测的基础上,听关键词。对于一般听力能力的提高,她给的策略是: Strategies:prediction/guess/induction;culture background(literature;religion;philosophy;anthropology);academic knowledge(common sense);language study;more time listening;more material(two times understood);find your own way; Section2 Speaking 口语一般分为三部分: self-introduction;research plan presentation;topic discussion; Self-introduction: your name;hometown;family members;hobbies; Research plan:what is your plan?what have others done?what have you done?How will you do your research? Topic discussion:your opinion;your supportive evidence; 这三部分老师都强调用具体的例子来支撑自己的观点。比如“ How to overcome the gap between city and village? ”只是提到政府应该多支持农村地区的发展是不够细节的,而应具体到增加对农村基础设施包括公路、电力、自来水等投资;为农民提供基本的养老、意外和健康保险;为农业生产提供必要的补贴等等。当然这些背景知识可以通过平时的用心观察来积累,比如坐公交车时听到的新闻,逛商场时看到的广告宣传等。 Section3 Writing-www.blcu.edu/ietls/26charts 图表题 Key: 抓住最突出的点,用变化的词语描述它;分几段可以根据项目分( intra ),也可根据年份分 (inter) 比较级:先写出原级,确定形容词或副词后再添加倍数进行改写。 前后比较对象必须是同一类。 E.g. The population of China is 9 times as big as that of Russia. Mobile phone is less expensive in the US than in China.( 同一件东西可省略 that) Mobile phone made in USA is less expensive in the US than that made in China.( 非同一件东西不可省略 that) Double 只表示同一指标的纵向(时间维)比较,要慎用。 时间段的表述: During the 2002-2012 period, Between 2002 and 2012, From 2002 to 2012 “占”的表述 account for VS account to : A account for 40% of B(A 构成了 B 的 40%) ,因此不能用它来表达, ”Interest Accounts for 10% of my income.” 是对的。而 ”Food accounts for 40% of my income.” 是错的。可改为 ”Food costs 40% of my total income.” Or “Food cost accounts to 40% my income.” “accounts to” 仅表示数字等于,不考虑两者关系。 类似的表示“比例大小”,而不考虑绝对数量大小时,我们可以用 ”percentage wise” or “proportionately”. E.g. Percentage wise, the US spends more than France in health care. Variation description : increase/go up/rise(by... to)/grow/jump/surge/soar/shoot up;decrease/go down/decline/fall(by…to)/be reduced/drop/dipped(to)/plunge/plummet(to);stabilize(at)/fluctuated(between)/leveled off(at);drastically;steeply;enormously;constantly;slightly;slowly;gradually;steadily;rapidly;moderately;significantly;sharply 其它: out- 超过: outstrip;outnumber;outperform;outweigh;outsmart;outgrow;outsize 话题作文( Topic composition ) : Discourse expression: 序数词: furthermore 一定表示“ =3rd ” 递进: Not only…, but also 的使用 :1. 递进; 2. 主语相同。 E.g. Not only do I have to get up early, but I also have to go to bed late. On the contrary/One hand…, on the other hand: 转折,一般不会出现在图表描述中,使用时,注意用 however 替换。 Except for vs in addition to(besides) 因果: as a result;therefor;due to;consequently;lead to; cause 条件: only if/when 从句倒装。 e.g. Only if you go to the station by the metro, are you likely to catch the 18:00 train. 总结: in summary/in short 其它: concern vt referred to ; vi 担心 .e.g. It concerns everyone. Parents are only concerned with kid’s scores. remain: 状态保持不变; keep :可表示状态的变化速度保持不变。 stable: 状态由变化趋于稳定,类似 level off ; steady: 描述变化的 ; Raise vs rise: vt vs vi -ant … 物。 E.g. contaminant;pollutant;coolant( 防冻剂 );repellant( 驱虫剂 ) 合成词的重音在前面: girlfriend/’gelfrend/ vs girl friend/gel’ frend/ Laundry:washing clothes;washing-up:washing bowls Benefit 作 vi e.g.” I have benefited a lot from the book. “ 作 vt e.g. The book has benefited me a lot. Section4 Reading Reading 更是专门训练如何根据关键词找答案,完全不需要读懂全文。其基本步骤是:看问题找出 keywords; 定位;细读 keywords 所在的几句;一般即得答案。只有概括每段主题句这种题型稍需要理解全段所讲意思,但也仅限一段而已。对于真正如何提高阅读能力,我觉得杨鹏的《 GRE 阅读》提到的意群读法值得尝试, 21 天坚持每天阅读一篇英文文献形成习惯,应该会有感觉。
个人分类: 英语|4902 次阅读|2 个评论
What's Gimbal Lock?
huangyanxin356 2012-10-16 10:48
What's Gimbal Lock? Gimbal lock is the phenomenon of two rotational axis of an object pointing in the same direction. Actually, if two axis of the object become aligned, then we say that there's a gimbal lock. In other words, a rotation in one axis could 'override' a rotation in another, making you lose a degree of freedom. 万向节锁是什么 万象节锁是指物体的两个旋转轴指向同一个方向。实际上,当两个旋转轴平行时,我们就说万向节锁现象发生了,换句话说,绕一个轴旋转可能会覆盖住另一个轴的旋转,从而失去一维自由度 How Gimbal Lock occurred? Generally speaking, it occurred when you rotate the object which only use Eular Angles to denote it. The reason for this is that Eular angles evaluate each axis independently in a set order. Let's see a certain scene. First the object travels down the X axis. When that operation is complete it then travels down the Y axis, and finally the Z axis. The problem with gimbal lock occurs when you rotate the object down the Y axis, say 90 degrees. Since the X component has already been evaluated it doesn't get carried along with the other two axis. What winds up happening is the X and Z axis get pointed down the same axis. 通常说来,万向节锁发生在使用Eular Angles(欧拉角)的旋转操作中,原因是Eular Angles按照一定的顺序依次独立地绕轴旋转。让我们想象一个具体的旋转场景,首先物体先绕转X轴旋转,然后再绕Y轴,最后绕Z轴选择,从而完成一个旋转操作(飘飘白云译注:实际是想绕某一个轴旋转,然而Eular Angle将这个旋转分成三个独立的步骤进行),当你绕Y轴旋转90度之后万向节锁的问题就出现了,因为X轴已经被求值了,它不再随同其他两个轴旋转,这样X轴与Z轴就指向同一个方向(它们相当于同一个轴了)。
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