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JC6: Sugar demand, auxin, apical dominance
ljxue 2014-4-9 20:08
Sugar demand, not auxin, is the initial regulator of apical dominance For almost a century the plant hormone auxin has been central to theories on apical dominance, whereby the growing shoot tip suppresses the growth of the axillary buds below. According to the classic model, the auxin indole-3-acetic acid is produced in the shoot tip and transported down the stem, where it inhibits bud growth. We report here that the initiation of bud growth after shoot tip loss cannot be dependent on apical auxin supply because we observe bud release up to 24 h before changes in auxin content in the adjacent stem. After the loss of the shoot tip, sugars are rapidly redistributed over large distances and accumulate in axillary buds within a timeframe that correlates with bud release. Moreover, artificially increasing sucrose levels in plants represses the expression of BRANCHED1 (BRC1), the key transcriptional regulator responsible for maintaining bud dormancy, and results in rapid bud release. An enhancement in sugar supply is both necessary and sufficient for suppressed buds to be released from apical dominance. Our data support a theory of apical dominance whereby the shoot tip’s strong demand for sugars inhibits axillary bud outgrowth by limiting the amount of sugar translocated to those buds. It is commonly accepted that the plant hormone auxin mediates apical dominance. However, we have discovered that apical dominance strongly correlates with sugar availability and not apically supplied auxin. We have revealed that apical dominance is predominantly controlled by the shoot tip’s intense demand for sugars, which limits sugar availability to the axillary buds. These findings overturn a long-standing hypothesis on apical dominance and encourage us to reevaluate the relationship between hormones and sugars in this and other aspects of plant development. Old topic, new story. Everything is possible.
个人分类: Journal Club|2505 次阅读|0 个评论
Sugar Man
热度 1 magictttt 2013-4-14 00:51
晚上看的部电影,《Sugar Man 》,今年的奥斯卡纪录片,记录了Rodrigeus 的传奇经历。挺感动的,以为自己会开心的哭呢,却没有眼泪,看来我还是不够弱智呢,得继续努力,走在弱智的路上才行,心中的杂念还是太多啊。 记得以前把英文名改成Magic 的时候,并不知道Magic 意味着什么,以为Magic 只是不一样。看了这部电影,这个人的故事,开始觉得,原来Magic 意思并不是单纯的不一样。而是,不一样中的一样啊,化矛盾为和谐,这才是Magic。 一直深受一个问题的困扰,很多年,很多年,这个问题是: “为什么,脑袋里面想的和心里想的,总是那么矛盾呢?“ ”为什么,知道却做不到? “”为什么,说一套做一套?” “为什么,今天想这样,明天想那样?” “为什么,知道要坚持,却坚持不了?” “ 为什么,执着想要得到,得不到会痛苦压力难受,得到了却无味压力,生活失去方向,陷入迷茫?“ “我是谁?“ 以上所有的问题,其实一个问题,而我,并不知道这个问题是什么,这就是我的困惑。这个问题的答案关系到我的未来,我知道,所以我折磨。我是多么想知道自己的未来啊,多么希望可以走的比自己应该走的快一点。Sigh, 活该绕那么大个圈圈。 以前以为,问题的答案可以由脑袋想出来。最后问题变得越来越多,那条路上,看到了矛盾欺骗狂暴抑郁压力疯狂战争,加速加速再加速,最后是世界末日,把自己搞死了,带着一大群人一起死,死于对欲望的恐惧。 现在看来,问题的答案不是由脑袋里出来,而是由心里出来的。这么一来,人平和很多,开始慢慢有一种叫做幸福和喜悦的东西在心里生长着,真好啊。 修心修心啊。 继续努力,继续修心。谢谢你,Sugar Man 。
3628 次阅读|1 个评论
Good-bye, Dr. P
zuojun 2012-11-14 04:17
Good-bye, Dr. P
Well, my old doctor left Kaiser, and I was assigned to a new comer, Dr. P. I haven't seen him, but I decided that I don't want him to be my primary care doctor. Why? I had a routine physical last week, and Dr. P called me about the blood test results, bad results to him. I was puzzled. I never had bad test results before, and less than two years later and I am DOWN HILL to hell? I don't believe it. Hey, I am a scientist, and I can think and web surf. I have a healthy life style. If I have to change my life style, I will go have steak for dinner every day from now on! Bye, Dr. P . I will try another doctor... Blood sugar during 24 hours. Wiki link on blood sugar is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_sugar#Units To unders tand n on-f ast ing test result: http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/test/hba1c/overview.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prediabetes How to Lower Blood Sugar Naturally http://www.lifescript.com/health/centers/diabetes/articles/10_tips_to_lower_blood_sugar_naturally.aspx Cholesterol: Top 5 foods to lower yournumbers http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/cholesterol/CL00002
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|2802 次阅读|1 个评论

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